Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 1897, p. 3

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t . t.. d e c O 0 t, ~ it HA ITON, LOCALS. ~ u 31OOl r. Lotliset - itos. 005 Bt tuN oidtW ,~,toor.visisdbt ring, MUsud Bd a ollerad oesam W~ f M t " fl l ü i s M i e L w l i P e ns b t & I a m ! O us8 t a s ai w ,te re.b mitsthsss Us. Puis Bats, 0"' til coumbua Brute. ", impdquà 'R e trosi oassetro doue permeus 061515Msud usiatub55 wosllgs eé burui&- a oltS bs ossudbmasuitsgd icos btsb Pdd1us amiUurdamue h i ile pâat two ebo. tB. .û jsuu oI P.. ;Lmm ",ma Mie Bradt. Lowville. I*F. %A Pueuao cussstter. etOsm. l et 1L. fTraagar. carne tu Jarvia. Paiseaus, D.B.; ES. . 5 b all ima di d ly bis Uu5«id O -o.day last, and pet a uaty Clake. Qmalb, D. Cilt Mr. Wluo, gmmofu thlupe lu V I lt . wag no50badty brt un taeriusdan, rus oSbus au 6 uu sa i m.sz ,-dc'ira îeestmst.-'Star. Horab Il DC.; .h iE ... ¶êlaanit:~4<~sd iiila b lc k lut v j iT ,speetisg the intendet ut Yug P1r*iaWk. ite., LssUMUv jr. Wbuhm m làu t flt 2ilLoros Riflsu this 4 ps osttuas adflrtancu u hl*u bsiilsau m lesu i tttbobhere tamorrow. 0us!Uoimprurud tarsa. Aiesuouelibsbdausa &Dýmuncipl dlxter padbm .Au iai upeormed lm ?burs iil 's ttobv Cluof utWluni' sud munip ta dnlm.o e iuuts on sus*asd. D. aserl. Wddeto eautitotsmonumesnt Wiemti aui euuadg5 mioaTsuto, uualsld 41 Dr. LIodaa. -ut etibisectaS t IL usNLDS, Sossus aà<C.. 14-Vuur -.ft.tttcttro . t ectuaue :tr:5., Tornte.o . yr Gdpb. suld Dr.SeradciCeu 1,ýwieajstigbRese0ses uz5euoCoeusT.-Tbe loaicommunetfor lis botter .ua-L5us<5mflOu. t Pit .t tejiettlOstet usr ttbstILT. ut T. lue te esuogaaulaisd Ao5Vm I1 , t ID Tosraday aec atr uth ucs fthï nmrd c occ'tident tae of eutso bauoe utblecusltib t,. eeigt band.-Bramptonu lîrt t soHoptltotueSiok b . re, Toronto. ist Tbresd y @ u»ts t '.' t Tbs pertorme,sss mth tbheoaoslet u « e Ibgfte Dominion Gessgs Mie VassiketofutPatelesseomuc teo aclose or Friday t jet, eru att toat, aud tbsugb nol~ a Mo t s t itrestiflt Ras' priosd i cip prouiesa&lu 511ssd su e tW. Fiobur, Burtssgtoul, W" Programmes, lmua a mou oue. Thessolpe wseabout t,,.~~,r.arisyoiOu~o'setbtheepsssswoss vryt1 s, t, .,,da pairoftcocker oilans1u prsmsters mlllie babe ta vomth" re e Isckeueorste s Detroi sWetab uniofm2taitePromoe 125 Tbsy ers abippeilu b upil t' ,,eeray.Tusseslu iBgain% st ut haut e trytiingpmontlie sod bd;& f ',teels our oiieuwost tsl ~t ed 55t in ast nsd Fur at 'Di lite.Câ ble el P,,oMateate Malt C gaiandPsluMilOSs 1,1.,on bis tpromises. 5 .sa adProla: isisb. Ere tbîsg Ss.rclos.-Trbm u.Ku l11 iDout trget the enBter- James St., Hamilton. "tith St DOueds Cisrrhetattbssio fth aitro DuT t l anadaie'. leaseaca use. urt, sas natonbrougt hl u5 Ame~ Crads cgvret etSrnaa tDaniltG<iiser. s as a iii oppes. boerot Aytsu. ta eSuOer Muo T' t'"'lt mîibsic't b rorl iras- tOÔ . Tbe dstsce u em tbsl $16 Ilttteir mod ti Yorla the a0mosetostd w&4tfr a puko e.R Io5tbi& me recerd deit, and suusqutyoal tb l' it. tee mood tweetY Plurecaleradi b yl au loSsrveutiSsS ut the, r ý%kda fermer te tbs cour". intttamu l mi icithetb telt obr day.-Atot Free mua eotrated.Gilbtesvldstliy eul t ,., isobe. beesu e b srrusad 65 tr St ""' Goe-Evrvetlady Strud ext moriuOeta ts blmhom. t 'el n eîiirakroasdeetsoJudgetSoider upteuid thu conteution a~il at oot Noaes anod sesaputbshedetsuce tbt a gsmbiî lsldeé u l,t,lato Ne- d eOs.LtO -5.,ot reOuerabliyto t1sof 'ts'Ooeit, Bots astd Sboes, oy ogm0.u5todstae e [ttOIbeis adrstemst iu oy 5. aBuare rnde tAmtorauusud-as t.tttttorgat soui etOsut'ja.soCRIil I Storay à Fesemau tl, lages stckof ent- Hardmaes ortus etisa soiiseld ,,,,Il cplaced KoonithebseMsCbiu5.ThistulonS r ri..AtedTrebîesu rt 1ebbiil 0't. Kng a James Stu.bo tbo «rt ,uie 2a al ubtsa t touuat reis ud gald moda t thle t trs . bits OtBBOri, s., ut World. Fair. c.te ebratod tbrir golden Tu.utti.-Tis5 Young Pepe'$ s * , eeu,. A largesCopany ociatiom utfKRuzCburclh avlu mad" üt".. cienrsomrs Provient1 sno cuseueoft thee taaux àtloi bospitality and extesd 1 eebo ugo, rrtssted thoa, sitb ue. varia the i io testhal Ou Prds %'t t. reeP uProus.. s "o. Tbe osutme. batavia ro ACCIttOSS .Lstwebinea sera dssirssd primcipatly by Msve. T. t ofFt0eeAete etdi14,mwbuueG. latbeoo, and tise pousse super. r obut Roeotmu &go. bad'stenldaby J. A. Cokbusu. aud the gaino mbie costinit. Tbesreliait aartistie sud etautititi. The ' .IJames Dent, Of Zimunere musicat pars uf tbo programme mas ta scole tellebrobsu mbilu e sposj dinaiY Rond-. Busl oae us. l "ceibe sosrerestioO. by Mme Liotu Sse,&1 t. A. Mas- IDtmutIbse' iAtedbuy and M. D son. MiousLW. a . t eirai ot tereus and Bnnet Pil& apiano due 't i s sa 0 - ieni t 9slei,W.. t .,,a.Tie%. ibirsu.Coles$, Dewar a s.udoe ruet o, a tIl -9"esud Fus Caps -Treisisa, thte orboti l ad al rOfhes tslue -at, 'c L tejsoio .. Hamiltone. tious. Tsho I se ola nd dtb t t t Otet, e Mitetprsub.reciptastus t be e large.o iaug Mtbedist Cistc, T UX 8eb.IRtri uiie t la tct Suuduy 1moruiug Su.ad Tmi srtsu osiuiea * Ptt c ooerealor Ropyst:-Ho Erery aetiulOmluat heotlaontisy Jeu - , tt0005. ops1 eOp-s.cary fSet.BlOgFlst b-siusslavr ff« ., t itllg ie bstbouobts inchoie suda Uudrm saO T is &Ou, fhit. ota * pcklint itb mCofu Han s .a t d atsis, s u utae metupas s td , bDg bptius1 et1l2 s àt5o5 Il[ si't esu. ste h litio .ttisiabmut.-...rubl's. Cor Klng i, IF IGOT.&fer avng itJ. .,Se.tHamilton, 't .Sdt' u1 scor1e i Tut-Ou.-Tbe MltOoCu .et armes Chusc eieui seeoodutoottae ,,osdree.Intb. mas r.sazdfrteOmn "n s119adeeig t a meetgbeld ou Mutdsy eeroiS * -tm soures of tise RBbcHal ss . ,idgeo Hamilto; Prsa..E. If t. Ooeg Sîu'uî0clî, W' 501j Vice prrWYPcten;Fi tttcteiomssead thepretru C tiL-Camptel - Soly.Tet5s..W. the lelossOs FoitFielt d Mffu55ittCum Fre Au. Hitol'"on OtMetday CsstaSharp, s Lt: t iretiriOfttraitibusinuiess -ittrs, H. H. Fro Js. ode an bug ti ,s- 16 W " IO ot ,t bcoueed otoy st ReodieW.se1 bouae beyailtiS, musrgealu' itt.Biggest ittsinr 5505A. DoS: J DlieOamsnicktedls h lerrlu'iburokail, tlreoett:tiuOoTreble". booory ut stoutir* Six .mtsutorhof Hamiton.the lubboa PTa1i.ýshot t 10 bit ebot8,tri aahMa*(rwo l-,isudJams Ste.» tt ru.te uebon bu d ayes Thebac soeoe ogei, as O UPIa ciMdey,'stl lo.AsYTO~INGlnTasie-A i.tmrls B B. Sorrdsy 7. BIsOetsll 7 j ..rtOruT.Oboyhallis I t dîal r .05teeu H Fecmuui.~Beurmveci$oay. liel;cylb t luo eciration ltri Ba pto W.F. Iies5. -A. rtisgitiatbam IliU ap "Idsudwe sa bce m era. T tfoil 01 suttsotiO sbuotiug Off tties ....di mem dty sa ba, bîmuet hso 01d ft' rEsoteskCotiPosstT 'sru esstisnbuuiodgi lbsriog btau heo, ilart p lu Yintbut tes3 te lb el i g i o eBuriESOitet1etbt stplsisrod tbst b.ba persMs' almach wprutep-ettheGeoreto. tct outin of turolil it iut a S.turdui te sisoot s asstbn ib lbog . ie(sa soe5 u e m t t epîttylte. soie 800 bands in lub ti t btvilîle- ooc l it r 0 W ,,I"mne- otut0 Wooi. Pt Tbeuub tithe sots ' ss1 u a t atiii0sltb tstP ra ,,ýerireedHmii'e stadcom bykistabu dot t u.. s a hirae il-el , frbdd b7 t&P ovn toglfor iisu sud 1eutf tre setterltn frg'Ptridte. ia . t bei t r.Ho u t iste humus o te ~t sitb, esbust ssriuiO uaî aut s- e tiuott oibise .. r ut tbe o ..m ai birthl, d0thfi and nmrrlagauecelrgainsisuýoty er Ho mot eno 1 kdenatropos Otatu. GCe eu' so triet boutera o sbhor helt-uesand 5tdlte c 1',ortl o uiuee e ustest masilung Iboir liing m&buta uaIrkdhlhtd y hietcrdr s- 'iilb aytotY« lue and »oI .iton.us ,sud 1la Rad liques. eulot htledm1 0 the osllset'esauat.nudsensjo e l,%sudhebu ;lgsdifuuea 1 registratiotuu5 t Rmeae t.lbur ud edlhor. boea u Nones&jadlet toilhtheMllb aetoto' r uteoP s esu nD0-Pasn's rcild oi u tht tgi tbomats mu bae rupsytbe lgb iopno I&s t"kting e Dtthtboauko & iltis TbiOADd ail e t in -sOre 0osaîM.Asu the beys. tu clionsa abeul..d iss tisuess cododTIlPt buts-Péte h.I p coa go e e g ranpti.sd e i l rpee dtatecut'm agisA ulue3 1 tmsoes du frottomus &'baTise tai utte &ll« o nt.t ss riceVIuuf elte aie n hv* TeRalebrs asexceollent ubarftor, os lvalayjet reill je ostiru Hm, tetboarus sd ma~otes Oo naousede ssoteffl* . âing & Jmes Sti tes uabould oaedd" Rb ls tcc.iocri<in&JSrea ste.,Haut.ees utofla*- AIIIU Flnd- lîltos -hn. Icgakt. Tise preis%0 the Mgeu inthotlîstos sud Wt. H.. CheaOuttes andgsui abouold buste, ite anfRauaRil au mell ou proviouly acknowhat55d'W M., .,rl%,,d hainelTesd ' itImDualotalte lie lhast t a .git. TsSaY svl e th ts e m sds .- ivestUme oss sthole Mec F.Misour. B. - Idr ledOR i.. syse otl tuetel ..aMri.tM Kar. l ofetiiltonanad theis o toas- by sellut grTOOI &MC"c a au~ . uooiet do1 suand -et sijteritoe li ta Psllue aul aiseM s.C.film S" This boult&kaMr.sP B.ou C. 14BeiuS ttII,ýIc .. that rigi tesmi smiu ertsi atseoduu.tb gIsliisisof tract bMe. J H.Bradey. t iu1 O Tbbi adrs@ s bsa b tar tehitt slsoiips seau'Misa Mtt-tWop soe,.tsf smltwot, mthsà cd trus let a sixa 'tuateosMs' .-E. f9ia 'U»dgi ildctit. isieismuto ravelling Gtlob -Daij<~5rwai'@ bRMs* WJ. sbridn. tigalg iadr,ltett oimeYhaobds ras th a..SurieOflà asil 50j1dnt 5 j.ÏOi.Situr, 4lisias.... e.t Tetioweeufabe te 1ujthe abrOnqan MCA. Sith, 10 tes1 8foty-OO' ieealydi a' eattttto boud otisr sthe u0mrl uxe gtabta aud fi"oM,* : W. <ateltu, 4 dqon ig ise uilktmk& dtslu grnsd M i& A.Fard.9 isi dy.- vLcil e 0.taigoes u "mMsa aiie patim . 14 sa..I Pit e iu' à TsW.B.Woluy thuorb' %0evry Pr." ui:stttel vie Juas C Mub . u isu idits. a"Plan tsaj ter able 5 a5ho alier...Su ise 'igno 01M. T. I eny t eo bO îa umhae uiare ssa. Hueecaelm 0" 0 n dea lata pit 1«I d'e 00. Z Octc rutausItishDtma sotmtte d tsa torditeus - storTbheulu 1Ç.lO -otueel, th. 0Ttlt t uteo" 00Il aopPt uaeI.-a.eraaibe .t ,Ot gla <d~i.a teesiein.tee T.e.--a in eiaebWtI toi ami dis.or nMt.. and ltatin., We want to have a short talk with yen this we It is nearing spring time again and already Old Sa iiking hie warm rayea kit. Ice and snow will ts have to go. Aun the warmer days corne your wantei cree-your sprmng aud summer wants. Wonld: helieve it whçn we tell yen that we are in a bel position to serve yen this season. Why shonld we be? Bach revolvintg seasllu finds the up-to-date sl siirpassng the former season in effort and endes This in the age of progressive store keeping. We te keep abresst of the times. We try constant1, anticipate your wants. White Goode will be needed by yeu now, as we * generai Spring Goods. Wc have them ready for y Wh.at do yon think of uearly 100 pieces Of 1 brold.r-2,5o0 yards of Emnbroidery? mat Switzerland and imported especlàUy to our order. We have it et 2c. a yd. and upw ard. No other store in this couuty can show you a stock. We donbt if ail the stores lu Milton te1, cen show yon snch an immense variety. * LACES, VALENCIENNES, LACE TORCHON, sud ail other kinde, brand uer, juat inaported Paris and Europe; sweet lu pattern, beautifuli sign. Sue Holinrakes Embroidery and Laces! The perfection that has been reached in thi ductien of Dress materials for spriug sud suisimer la snrprising. Sncb pretty effecte, one almeast wc if there la any lirait te the ingenuity of in. yen have choice wearables ? Buy Hollinrakes Material. Milinery season will soou open again. Hc seasen does crowd another out ; but ws are ret yen. Weil known by the ladies le Hollinrake& illI À new range of Ladies' Boots and Lace Shc lu te mueet your spriug requiremneiStsud et pri. beatable. Ladies, yen cannot afford te pasaounr ster buying yonr Sprieg snd Summer Gouda. Ever yonrs, IIOLLINRAKE & -501 A Avt5 icsmoAmuioSais. BIF 'ZOU W N~ MaLTON etFalit2,1897, Tise taem atock-. mptleotsetc..et joeoTiekisietin. e. 5 Tui te dtis Or 'tfth$iseCieunPses n smiibu et hyposle..a.o n AN O ou Sia,-ttegardb u a lottee in peur lu'zwb;u "htele con ,tti i et e *<ywoSesl uau p.teemuot n TepeCiaIS hoA SUIT OF CLOTHES usic bco&«t ýj u sot g.eo e F_,staOOk i sa s»M. .i ,rtyleuto t io e et Wma prost tîFtel ucliiaisTbhlt1otttilt edi et.o .,< A PAIR OF PANTS ~e siba is a duddimue sleoe Feittay,'tlteOlt 5 noms joie .il -Iledleoloob. 1. .I y rbi ICIe., %Ileitinateies it trrtlg.Is7.;ce .,BotWmu llcKenzie mentatud tuta ittrirgamsut ou , bT iss- d a mg'lm. iel l.'tta1delcoul to u tes. tio ta clt atr t ru is s msLiesy O R N . Wil s01 1 r c r tool c o soe'titl o Ig le d ges .tuiee him aud uued Sbtiepieeh! eiP e CAMPBELL.-On Fclt. 14. te Mer.sud thtc eie titodoeecuifue Milton bave beaudincardd ed 13Mpy W. oPst'.rclit theeeitcst dra m elOf ued b inteir place, T .. ________4_DjMonth ,* -SPECIAL VALUE 5IN COTTONSîDE GOODS. are d ru MDrmltettdosssctuforc, .5. M MoKENZIE, Morîhant TaulOriMîltor aa Turi truiet SuceuseMetu At Tetettp Cberois, ted Jour T. M OO E. N ueYo rh, ett Fois s 2 yth.O e S e M n s 90c and $ 1,00 Shirts ' Ared W,.eetffi" OeueeeeC ilso ud rawers for 70e 80c-2 , ~ iI e a ted,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ AOAT05s. AlsBicO'005t.(eerMens1$1 Liued Kd (iloves Bu setio tet oesutshest 20i9t000is hida tbter.o ofs iti. y 2c ud3er resDa)od Fr Utueb. otttIs;. teho e f for 75c. Tiseose e bosolfarou aruts Cstunes u W ILeerWi..eOON ttieieob. t . ctgtersPlay u t ,v .A.ýltlP BAfo20.ad 5. Is Caj on O bbua~1sur ropreoaoutat, Wilso, e oret:wu:tt e u-tdio'O .od 5.- % ." ilsi Milt o Su O ,.1 artilM liil,ad oes 1'le giet mOr', ebo tJ. MWlliasEeq . 0er'18-iuch Checkod Linon Tea Giltle It willucaicasetu .te.russbrTow'eline ~for SC. 000-ei eocd uae F ois. h ie seul ~ i Elrhm u Iut eisrtsti etes. f i1, . eeavy Factory Cotton 5C. ond. U:isýdsb5oVsTisaaraci J oIt AGWorthu dorsn'.r aPta atr i eraIlt ' oet î . w co, s'Ladies' Wo itwrh Tho Creaniery wtll istsrt on Moisday, Fei). lot. whe Fd as .11 et Obco i e fallterm us o . .BesoehPof etium' 3c., tur 20C. until the m idle of May, 60c.per hundred Ibe will bc pai gthe Fi otiesad rtu stores, ilîton. D ou s. jomepis siueretureed, or O0c.,skiun rots ned, peynoont matde axe lute % yt e oSuislbtisostbo issus Ahe ontFris. ieois. bYA FEW CHOICE PATTERNS ly by the Toronto compaty. cus iem- gire har ntrlua se i e, hSý bot. F til 1 es Hrrel in adv ittîg Re- JatFare Faelehi asbotma te L Y uecilu Ccbteu-o. beOb el ah o _______________ Cali, &as iliasta ecO-0BFisuti.iNew Pr OttisBue. De. Trace, at isieS lta--ni-T ee at lasd Ltd.. Torontao. rutec , WosiepJ. Bu Ioms Oeles F b teOho a ae asiu Numesoasbi.ta Mat tCe Youg, o St S i m pct . s so d n the vi E e a ,o e u . y ëe p a y M o r e fo r D a u r y B u tt e r s u d E g . 1î ~teh@ rhe o42oemtidaytoer - FuI.i.Wall Papers We give yen in exchauge botter valin ngoude. prr ;t 2.bem u tse IOfW I We.os.-luStewsrttess, u o,.21 las a mmaiste blMrs Jobs Wtilson.sjhaber tis puas We oel the beet goode tooney cao boy. tu g o qs atl ptse uly atut b Awtse iy-ta eil ue. . nMatep 15, AND We sel goodese ocheap that. ut will net psy te go te the 0t st md o d ei saeu mm au Oths au te e oftbt .E.be gil- e5ed 55re 8 us oeeate 'Rwielyt steV ei uoftb trela otu le os Fuis 2 rio uale, A"Moniuien Laute Mafia?,ttKuaaei 5 IUII --COME AND SEE I sus atte -Rad aZA SC", c Knzeae 10 nmue 'i Dtad Lauier bas uuaun te.clHou epsPeople ,will tell yen we are nu good ; but nover mind, g .I te2àiaW an quat shb e jbeuau steuWed-ipeople, we ssii jnst what we say. We don't make an 50 bimeuta lbaLud Blouin. amasl $3.25 44 pe. Tes Set for $2.50 overcharges. We bond teedsteFb.l. tise 50 it. e sel a ncyetm ai.-A I fe o . os F i . seis, 50 . F arcy C hina . Jug s 33 . is0 e inJ » tosriiry u t f~utoril, le ber 6eta 25. Sait sud Pepper Shakers C o ck b u rn & C i a The T is Missou~ r - yssr. _ __for_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j. las »cua et avenues T.Ioctiu'onFoisa.11. test-25c. nyChies Pistes 20C. NiW usic VIcArthIl n'Min euetsu. aiusl e vuorni 2large Botties Pickles for h25ef __m ? payabar MA.G27c. n: J o h n f a t, M ILTO N V Atsun cmalblfrtrial On ___Corn, Peas, Temaftose anuisoet0..s 6,itt s~mste iSplendid Tes, blkO Grogreend250. bisIte, d a aie iisd t séaFzgi Gade Bled ofc ChuatWC VasL.eJbttu mm.iuuostr) Paper Han faa1*t Wse-kv -ý t aBlamt, 8ugrs, Seape,&o. ~ ~ . SISeus r aisata uftlebeleetnésaemselttelBiscuit Amolkta 17 tu '1ei baaMIl- euumo film Bd WII OpfiDuortliS j uroM memllei , 6 5ftl. MINS BubD5U4 alos st usof MatI erder>Fa mI lrite- a bo n i soc "U~ mt. .O u 2 2 -. .......... jet eek.SPR ING se 3 n cmi ng g re S-ewEiprîng Gooas, ana we bv o yen If!of OercatsBMautesFurs, and other winter POods lt 'tter which must be got fi pf witbin the next few weeks to make 0 not rom lp to the preaent we have been getting cost prce 1 store UgI for these good, but the eason is late and for wha ean ver ~iw earepreare toti~e ay reasonable offer rather than ttry 'moti carry over. Oiily bring us the cash and you wilI get such lOt te M value as you have nevyer had in your buying experience. ~ ellas 9 ur prigstc of Wall Papers is alreadyonb d ýou. and ready for inspection ; larger stock, cheaper and more E- beautiful than ever. We invite inspection. lus ,e in s' lu Ru L. Hemnstreet. ether TheHAVE YOU A-d Reason Troublesome Cough ? in de- IFI, R - - - McCollom"s Cough Syrup -- - ie pro- BINGE'S 'IYRLP 0F HORE. ýr west HOLPD lImpeorudi selle tettee t i s the beat I 'have ever used " is tie verdict of I omtisac vre - scores cf peuple who have uaed it. znders I Wcold I t înt nly etop$ the couegla .]PUT UP IN LARGE BOTTLES AND SOLS FOR 25c. BY Dess but wliat is more important T. .= - UT rugglst and Stationer, . Modical Hall, Miltoni. w uns REMOVES ~ - ady for TH-E Ilnery, CAUSE. Prepare for Another Cold Snap! tes jiiet T iu la a stesy impeta t poit ihoay ~ eaesm w a v rtc o ttW itrG u a o ýces un- W r oehtoesokd,î1 itrGos n bave bonght heavily for Spring, and lu order to moke when Bioea tyro etHorbotut Cros roem for New Gouda will uSfer ail winter stock at Net. re hen Bine' Syup f Hreoun Cue& Caâh Prices for the Next 15 Days. *Seius as, oothese uCoil s osis msttnd l tste early as possible as decided bargalus irilli hte orcler of thu day. It won't psy you te overlook this. Come Iis pieusot te taise. Tep it ase t on as you can aud yen won't be dîssppoîutedl N, tIGNOHM&C.~ ~ ~ IT

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