ÏTE _STOM E M- J EqUoW ,o tHE CHAMPIONj' UAAYUSSULFOINAD -Laasne, étioby-lau N.-,& pps .u1 -1.-- D.tAVE UTaraSaUs. ot Psvaaaul a. selu&"Ito l thunengmoasar. ,b.s n.ar en 1 lab»gvin lu. 5...,. j»i.et wascaota wrde o HatintatToi1s"esecond and tblt insi UM sud .esd U purde esdme5.Tonn..The Oaoa WoI'ke of 9mor In vu lees! asn t lmies a an d that th.e81.2 bsub b. filleSuà biedfWvr ai gtn s.mh.ua m 15a8 15PmBlown Up. ay'. meetig ise thl.e aaty esssdL abs usas aiLaimuCatsdUh .5 EOs.uae. Mr. Hutcbeatab bo a!abot tuat! bgeuanz saesb. 12.-Les 0.sSa peasas 5.posrscsa municipal malles'i,, raos@ sved& secosded by Foins tbr.. VelaSsus as meb« f bs twnsip uwgMr.Lawmas , b Mri. DD. Citis Anyoee«"sg tbs ashust bdsasth UDIJIJRD UUFVdîe-lo:FERB Gm? M. aéitjgD .S. qu tLO.8 sud la tbat of the ceesaly, sud taé, " abs utma silJer . sta irmnussg Mr. A.. Oiklsalsé tersouid Dt ave haed5a better abutas Dr. Bb at.nmo.d eSedd b nees businessduneàg bis abs....ita ofa sprseidisg ofiir.liMa.&bnse abat JohBsea Haras s sta.d. us.ld b.essoud.aby gS, marmone, Saessor nom u u4 e b.âasd ta bsaeby appssnlad anditea of lImmat lis uly tou x psNsMas Vagr Umm lisss a" alvs asmtal justceampesfor abs pase. 9use.aconfirmer] ,nvaid and notas g~ablemo .etssM Tas Prisuters Aid Assota.tiiufl ai sent yeaat.«Ilud Abathabs sasio e bscor.te valk wtbsat ite &id of csasese.__ t Cana"dafi.tatîufora bshe tablisis pt.ata lss aiiuwd bsael.-C5ffta& Batusith abs a. nd hemrlsgof bist oma lem - a setfa et. ptus. or a.basas ofins' iSgd.) D. EstacaoNa, Wardsu. nominaatscure fIpeathéabs cs lati n umau lt lu dostrnay u ry cma.ty. offiet aasiU [L.S.J Wu. PàroNtwCierk. 5NoDy of ta"s.s.t&tuy rmabamsby; lirf .oa ji ýbL- A I t J i atua. etfpinaueas in st .a.utp Imita, Mr. -insont..assed, .ecous!e! by the unesf De. MWlit.a.Pink File,.a oVus«the oiS.asiseofabs sous ver. ta asnDa. Robersona,Labt D. Andrsoa bu 1.9a5555ntativ5eft he Waisbmsu coeildMarrie!by ts act sa plouBtuiSsu-o isduistr.iA e.upit.y.Bst.t frpio ,asd ta bereby appotat diitsurgeon oenfsm b inra es,aspmrtaulai. tMa. & Y bs Basfinausias. 6sud yrp ld witb i!afodsPi.A b, ba t.t.uty in. Pace of Dr. Start. rsigut.d-Càr' ilDDOa ax umsf.Dd ut.abiua athéteaaabsrnalt"ac gl wv ta, a.fo sdicg !incbaaaed erisuueas «. hame ausbsncb, sau sil sud acAive s.absuu r. bt b 0 e liwntt b e Lbd navryO BA ..ua>.. assuasa abar. la uBts iubstyestbijasu [r. Robera~ttson ...0,.ieat.ts!s!by »Y Youngagnsuin abse anutr, sud is vC75 uIeabî . 1ousd 1j i ad! i tîct ea.rvices sveey Sssiday. Ma. RsbiBsonatiritIDa. Luit au! Hanry aepiy teas questaanaboutsa bueaa -dlastise asu a he &abo«moa fl rite av r rs.t.snsatit.ss bars bss ay,.. .ulit tbs Psblieahuai Insecster,"Yn, mins vac quie a reaaable Ldodra M e ari»..iàa.sm am..sL .ubrailittdta tsé aOutY Osss.t.,Ath"be buappointesd a board uf tchiaseamin- cases. Tuo eyasa.âeslttsprtaa. wublis« theus.a.ves iai er bsfui busn wssit ianssemorase la t hétits a' er forabseCuunîy of Haitunfortahabstaahomn i tgitan, 1IWUsa ddeaiy -jeu.., aa ua r.a.5tudai uàc 0Uil- citon he rewrtyofc audr-crrect year.-Ceied. laitsn dsua viab abss.satj.su nu fera tien. B0st"useP"dnyiti>' am eas." &lit.. b uys etb y ai c Dr obrto miaiscond y ofidsa-elig o t oudtatr.senes . ~ BsuiSat. Wubsa à@ ailt. bp its asnttt', Dr.HebsSesonusrd, sat.ned ~ andsabis sutius nu bat ms? setIseptes., laeseausutIr ummtaagir - Ma. Psslit, ~~~~~abatisa euamss .. tns rahs.t . ladinsbot naue. wbtu. albisWears otus 00. Wt. are i-appy Wtastaablte ta&annoes of thlie ubole un 8p.lau Mo. -.ta op. fttra rois Wuseits uds, ts até s fth u tose mode tae ve.p 5 1abts e- point sudilas.-C&aesd. douter, sud bsd ta sase caulabut.s ratory, AssumE sesaredi tbt I Obee5 tat Miton. i..tta aesanew nulY Te acceil svant tl t.ttaittsai long ime atertbrat. Tbh el s pie 4inte biiniB uai e la usdissermO j, t.patiasnuititiu aa sitt t.ms. tsite bole t M. Lares..inthabschair. tht enssallanu m came bacb sas, evenWerv. un tr fstin e e 5etu Milton Wire &rit Rouit Cct. Lad., te Thte uiseu aned. eu ne iere, stasois aiyl ytadi. ftsr,. tut eaplo,5eueapet t!t The uaadss in thb.chair e"h, but prisaclpsily ny asSise. bipe, tar th., itoiv tt.body ut Wtlm itS 5t. nâetuaa not.a t.tf stocit aing bus lMr. Lawson repotea Li-stheabl. fransue.., sl »dmnsiste. Tbêdaulaa ridre.. osrsmun. wusais bus bsud. ert nobaibe!, ssd an applitioade t ~tau bt boss rsnd thé seconsdtimoNau gave nr m va"laiséencoruagement, sud' sud aaliina Amasfranuoff 10 bAA. si-s (tuermýeestaorIncotrporaton. umnitat.t li1tse w-oie. aatlhe fuma 5"id hbu us.afasid ofet lagslsg t a y eolbmanA by h ameisOutWernai-t. Thr,, Pi t in i.Ontarit. more. itas-bâha!btas.. Oed With lb. tansas of hegaa-sd klltlsg me I boiaud a an mly e ok Wpd favrtrbly ittslor tamasuattrirs DameanDsuwaad tat thea-. mu.u rent aaIdealmi bstOD. William'. Pinkbutita t t hosegu...Dotfeltir. atitu. a! a,. en iteaiS5 h!pet day t.Pills, and tabrs ttby botl uroseba, Tbein tltd wursatt4er . .ser!a sbn i-a ton. Lund.! ceasoA d as!te ,,I, suditte. as! i detiermnuis!laelay abs,..At Basant te Josala. lew. Aastg t.c 15aty a!ps.tagt as Thota renappoiter] C. t.'. Fiatt, t did sot aoticemuma chabsge, u it. ha JO t s5ube h ta salir-bau the se. ls auBrt.tieut.t é It.W ttargosa ciliat . D., asuthe. setcondautditt.. tore I botitli-on a hsllduseboxes 1 puesin., t.esd. A rermt Ala it in he rovnc, is ecelen ralwy te runs tâBt Aldritta, lnini tsi-t lit parisa, ls t.tttet .it.y M, Aa!rew mt.ret, suttado! lay Me. masamnt.itimpruve! lbatIhsg.r.annpui oftheine sl ththe 5,.&id ae tAu racilition aud! te treigbt a ,tes, iltn int- ltil, tat ie itylais apltiutiDVag ay uy caute, au!bave et.er rte. ot.er, au!d. In oew*y ..nd eh ls uttar.ut.kata dB! lreçtprotetion.sudtoas ta resda tri tiu net posa,. ?qure! tteirtac siatt.. I ,tiii Looki a uthe elos. Anhaher ery. aud at.nt syslem, u ith modernits tire ussurasosetl. -Carie!. tisitPilla for sor0tiet.toager as! 11tuhtit hibrd Ou ta ethecoaraets ratés, letep laad, lbu etBt, itu laxt.s, 'Tht. by.tau areau! ahi,! ia,. Itare Oe bt.i a teaci t.tri-ematisaonet1,th5.t osao u entelsn d a!a ligt sa! thesexcet.t.ttttBeaisttbipesft.haie B eprmission, aathe t.re ot!rssuc., aBd i haine 1I Berma. d etgat, stititdruppa! l Int.arne o ,Oe'i-'-,Manfatrea lauhgfr ei l ecui eadi.y&iPint itta ea sm.y ni91 b i t 151k. taaty.........eae os.i ,atl couî.uçi t.t!metb!tOp. Aldt'tdg sbor enn e mptt.p tou tu tara is,aeninte ta Dr. Wbster pasents! an!dasad tit. ue o ut aitsunslsudan!I obsetsiiy o ea and u! tetrleWa o n, foSr oe Milieu fini repot of te stading ommi ec oames! &lirote, It aiera suffeeiag asa en Yrt.u.aed wus 1tedts! ner, an a hlist, Hst ope~toS iteîtn!l.t. anumlt1. did. tituougitîr etquait.Sdrî ihAbis wrt.. ny Dr. Wetate ea ty.!scossde! by Ma. Dr.Wiiaia.s, PiskillaaPifta sait a uet&etritWho, uarît toudAt. utde-ai FBILI~Ot. Anaou, abat at.e it reaport usfte tht. rosatofthlie !isest.t, !rieieg ilttrontprIeet.5fa,.sad ud bad. t fiance ct.mmittei e ta aotp .-Cae ités ysltt ad rsstatiug tse patent- rietl. ta heaité au! st.eeagtt. 112 caneon 5 of D Y5 D.100 ta!îu anendtî Or tttlp; It.efamni. jts. 'ttijt [Duvt.!, mt.t.s!s!by t,. paralysie opisai robte.,losuasutoa - panhu er, uuud attOiag titae 0timatetRobinltson,, taat t.é priBliBa t.amitas .Mas, sastic,aaaiesmatim, .,ysipoI- ire 15 5=lw &Bd U.rusrL k 1rsin u.sawi 1, tiiptest authotatit.t., tlieaes. t u ,ins!arct i-eoby instruatailt ire ,..tgrOSiaolo troubes, etc., taieapte are con s 555.a em e mlua. ft tt illions..outpeoptle 5farlutin .ctanr-s cure. iy tndeuo t!tti of the liteett. Pertuta &l et!i5treoameBA. Titsy gHebh en, OBt., Jant. 215-T! mou P ttittimtttpoputiontatlt.Vtisa tbt o ttttl.,ltlth repots uand attatttlat.flares!.,, a pett.fit. rttt éi-strt.ubles ihSRAtrauss httais ountha» eerIt til Canada.tt..t.l ttre ltt.ytaiutand thiti, .t.tttipaiily for, h. yet.r ItrItOsiitî maite. the it.s t.t g0 Bt5By bal ottt..sd esirytht. isantBg. TA. t, tuir ( ttct.r.ttt.tt.îarae i.tit.g iraIt.e witît t.,ittît !ttsy ausytsilei. îaller t.t. s ahbrtdée, an! syat.diy ssotoire à ti.ae.,Y Smat.atn! BletSkarst.d sud pst.lp .mtlte d t O. il. t4un l amt blofiti 0 .te yet.ht,.teaaerte. fr ite t.tateu4' I&nan ,d ttalleritt t. lotit eeho. Men broi-rt. !wo b> over. Blokathastee to lreyna ga, tt.al- tsppt.stltolttimittly gtaraity. Thta iagast.lesyibt.eqits!!dueint.ctyttr, %surir, eoary ot., set.s. uiiflindis.4au! owsr! byEB. Berrîls1& Ct.,li tople ofIt,îtain-hvtarali,,ttliopteiing ai-e rate pe uasrt.ar.italt.t.d Pit.k Plt, ncertaint.urt.. St.i! iy ail Ceill'5 lmercht.hea"au!graielu es, tu cris of relief. and ti-rreemapltebc. utie miréee.-Caaaît . 'ttalu,,ro , etlbv maiiptpai! itare, ulah thii..enir, contnte,a 'Si.i oee! t,.aili-er lat.de. Eve..tt.e Mr. As!sw jrèsett.!amin!dthé 60c. a i-ax, or six boxestfor 8.50,'i-b aoutde"tt ainofet ulusa la signa l Msi eAbout 8.tS tht. utuntng Mr. Ohm, vIra ucisin rc ua.dinu maat..y a,! Sodt.! itreportioaItheti-o nding mnt.t.n ilea!!,eeassit.eDr. Wiliams'sM!e,,e&pt.ee.o ia aîO!s t t..- in connutturnedea cta o. eduation. Ca. Bat.tipie, Ont., o Shenectad!y, ltBpat.lsBlutc-k. a duellîngbAuges. ...,n!at.tnat.ttoO ~ M. As!,er mt.r!!, seaan!dd-y D. tNY. BttwSttof tmitations tub ch Uuart....!By ah, surit of stockBe au! 'tliecp tSofter tetîtteBritisht naijets Wbster,.a-t te H at repot oft. litintutesn age! tta bc juieusgna!." at.ttpup.agis fastlY, <a! put' d 0the fet.r. Eut,t.stdt ite t.tantof setin* sîtaigcot.t.tuaee ot., catonb' .sglbost. Bin asuieplatelb, ',uands 11-9t.ttfcttt.Iistant.uobatt.Do en opted -..Carrtt!. I haala ofotire. In afiui moments. b ttie S bricga appsi,!,b bcst 1 idt.d. A teiefîttl Fttt.tinit te I 4 M. Etoiiset.spre tea!an! resai-ohe Lue.! Optiousu aet. raPieuaxe155 uucirbut!! A.i itrtarlttdintaCnada-htsat.,onepene! frt rtepo ite standing aamttlei - fa,,ru.- Presoan appeas.',, aaen«ta. tîtulsai t.n tîtt'pup. nua riiwuys as! léisilation. Masai-vilie. Ont., Jan. 25.-Tb Towun. ta an artut dat,. hy t.ha lrce.sasle t. t.; liter a eao hfoOrhal vrus .ai he ime!,, ssa, ganu lu ,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' 'atciiaitt .pdt ieisrP' Mr. Robinsot.nmiaro!. settttt.t.! iy siip of, Wsicic,.trtit.it aies "dry" ae tminu.testhe Imperin.! BlatwsneAu a.lidt it a dtiotot.ft rea-ttb u 0 D.-Roaterat, ltthtStrprettrlepaIt.er, att a!y5 6. ata!.ta larestocki 't.t d.iiss. 5trî.a'sLutttt. -a. tntuitta a aairy, ,! t5uatt..vtte! on tht. bylsu epsaliac the Ot e tam utrrninesin St e ilar. taeltt. ti t.,Stara lht t t, ittthie btc aisttptad.-.-larr eit.htruat. eoft he Locul Optihn Actin In liese ee blockra tovA n t t.. haty elt,r.lt t ti eitt tplitobrtsontuprete and ri ct.! i-ettuashipand a ity.Iuute tepeai bot i- d W. J. gBrî etas 11111- lita adh rnrbue bn. tie rtreportt Of tltc lttanitngtttei- wa rrie! b amaaith as! se bY W. . BSnwrSand t.. t~~Jweey oh teqtdttbtty!-_ v. Gait.. t! t_% B jit.tattmori iaýgt.tti iy aitte r.oertitttsnm.yed, seoct.itl iy 'y. Frontth, tserru.istdlp soir lo I',let.nt lerrpettt, o otcea!fias.MrI.-Iaws2a, tiuaite Areapotet ofthett, tANADIAN ITEMS. tltuasaves! . Bet. Ju.ti, a a'osn t.rtt"ti-'ttttt rtt.att.irgunt bilin@ amiîît.itc ot. - thi - mttBBak. hm! a roent.t salte bu. 1 raud potoftreRlite f tA..tIid ag, a!yîttst. u', trt.et ultih aulil.g wru uîtt ntîtîai lttittl!'arit. , 1 tTheaC. P.IR.i-as s st.ie-d $1,005 se!. Tht BaritkAuet as D ,d î...ettculMa.Pelit muaptl, eat.!PtADi-yt, ta the ,ludia taine tliefo tnd. strtY uailiti h. tapterai, sud usth Lvtry Nb. rio i r te tti*oWebte, hi-t wr-ntu iis tttttii atd.- WiiamutoTisduit, wr ita t,!fouttn fItou.SBthe chaintslnd busnes ahr e Bksa j .t.t.el'tond, gret 0, ttt t!tBiltiii-t. jaaann .5 stand a!jt.stned otiîl ltnistb uluuhtud Marstaug 0t-- h loc itrs,.., u! tfe.rtb i-a,!. uttet.,ittgti. iti! Tadr i MSCb.Cui,. rotznlhta t lntareh HnSaai.i-paa. couie la lOsoutttteOse wus.mai ta Dra. tobotstn eora, seoaud!iPlis<uLdhtu ap r às.u Mr,. Lauso,,, ai-thai- udîto,,.bci-oun. tieutreîil soib for bi-tebody. tè th t.e Ates aing witi.Wh t.tstrh tt.t'ttC5L nruted!ta!prépareaeporstotheit A pianst.o n fthieretiesî epas. tg ua ttthu' ssa i-rthe a@it.ns Crs lie.cdtt..vermettit t .t.. ilia Ietd aîgtc r thlItmintu ttis ýeas-!.ro itota upuîn .nes testîpul it aun Al 4 ue: s ta..t.,.MniialAc. .tail. i.nuppt ote ieLibéral puiiay ten té nfr ,. htt.tts neaitte Brwick tht, tittei. t te ti-air. By Permission, Mr. ..o'Eii.tJaai ti.. ' bi n, a rec a nd sut.!ua ca sau J'i-tf. tii....te ..ttbu,.ciot, i-ayis.c udaet. it tuth LICir sîotî< t1n FastIsaick itzlpltitk, o uitiini-b witttaises he.! ta ke hua litlut ri deta tttt . attnrv dpcI..,tuttof at .5 hit tatite. 1stlemplsed 1ai-an ghimnait teoa a therlse égaiteaporton outhtuot,. m .-tt.ý aemi. t1ttithctiioît .tok irSiia tst.. Dt. Rlobstson moiaie,tt, odtd i-y tamarsu ltsoci-ut desit., as! aliter. wsui.d haver. t.sn nats.. tMrt. At!rw, tiutaite Crue. Attlorney, tar!.. aya au oseastamaist thétIres A Tralgrai s peil mye; tAt.4 tw tliv. Nu. i tCtt!îuttt i. ltitit. Mr.. Mt.i-t.tn. i-t athtd to. pt'tlit, us. sel bigla, esaugit. u'tlothetu utttro t.spopuatos urre (.i.N.2- heruAttie v andoinion a it e vtnity ftl 'ti' a Act.rdiug ta officisel .,srlta rhongetO r! y aalearaofs.4 tetlBra Oi daiona et pig ila n u.Cnudaeo aso t,é ptacoe tsr st'theLme n doube-.A .. P 'ttiWci-.tt,. MtU, stat.ble ftire lut ,ttv and !et. 0lit i-,.,doutble. !aaiugte ai-t iscalStt a,,qulet aimea.M 1)- N.'t1y' .ttttct pt.ut a t, ,ae.iatclilt, Cgattittat dOnstitsr1ing thepes pauduos. WreiAt caa.cAreanuhrut-1, t vusue, tlnttng r,.,.usinss'os obra itA lit.ît., teli ts ti ,yiMrp Mi.eeaîitnt.t.autthe aitatA, coin rles ee hitnz , M t wo., t.,îi,îtticouati Dow paatttd mitttueittaedlo...ing tttti-la fT.u ront,. lloaîta cuy tihiugai-eon au! ttut t . msv.utt, a r "Irp tit t.ttip, liaI .ati tîtttit. S lit. Bll .etlig lxittlamti cithg.ds grrtacbh as 155 suie tAi-cr t Act irew-dutha nuh cectouat he ustmeein flain fes o itug ti tshtate ail atriipass!athe t.-agade , g frtur bauparadsp te ar t i-p ballot,.su!itaiattht clecit aa! namisaliug oaiers un! defin,!ttct-ir i-t.!,t.of linhieha.Te nu!,r-ittaulI. a frla,dwgtAintntu, mardrayther.bot] t1 au.ari-bu ctints.-t!5,,iedl. t.tie.-Curt.!. bo eS nte od bc eut htmalauet.ast i tes arwa, -fe liti.alttletaattino at.ass!anl. By peamisias, Mra.Jarvsatitre,.tctl etiit deati- tnas!y seuisg. it,.ut.t au! a ny poumilsargus. de 'caitdi-ttIr ~li-iuas tisa aci hie tt.nil a iistiti cttpa îr Ayttucmasnritu cars bis âgr as 17 RBon, s uictis iay uaas &froid ah. tre13011 tco bcit'tt - tl,cted wreden ftit. pubicîtchae . ~ytas, an! sai! i- ada!bes attendisg masth ...Ahast' .susunentandau! rt.LotDr. Wbse oet.tt. tecoritdd b . sainaiant Boits, pasee! that..h <aIt cause sa orfaia, ne volt ansarec.!abt ()u tir i-t.btaidi tt.ttetn. itRobertuon, titat lit eout.sttt ourn toneday lsdebis hme uah.out.the rredissssrud .T er xPect d, --flustby di! pseSatheA sexloseas! rit. Thte a-udttsclatIlisting laton.te Thtettt.t.it jttttnt!. a ni se uonder,,as bu meured fe t, a .,.pts. aosursvd ttl.ate! tean ct.aur drlu,îtu o tatei-ttt , t hachoies in beigitl a,! ipp.! ai-e moles etudera su! sbaise r sud vidae, <a! Ju tep. tîtdecia,, iotf.Ofic . lto it. SrhTANI N;CMIT O!19. 2t b. snt aira s eaitmtt.ass e!t xlsaIand Col s.rte. 155.t Sos SIsaAr.ued tisa suor the itut.kitg tht tttttl forI. tae Fnance-Weteir, Asdattt, Ftisher. iLoab!-eri'nidaet& ssug B'ai! sa.tAi i. etoraueatLit m . 1 ordont, bin i-y ltttitt. Ioradi anu! Bridgs -L.wsttt, Roaini.. tianat tt.nd!ortes l ief of ssfieriasta siesttered.bat! uf tiegsainthe1 Ht tir. Wtrpc etdt.atot.!edtI iy tMr. snatt..Pit. 1Intdia ia bisoasniwuitt vry gratpace,. ,au! the r'it!uut.&croisetAem uS ttitr. tittlt tit. ttt..il aiit.taoaa' ciut ttldtt-li-eot ttt lavert.. Thte Lieatesatit-Gouraors ofet rrsrt. St" boun ta 5tas.. The Aat tttili.oft.,.%iitlplt tatiktho tat.nd- a5o5.teprvice. uuci fmesettASthe S nk s fanenso aus us g't obtttt sfrtr er it r 'itn-ett.ttlt.t 1ciLhsan, hRo t.ipson , and n sircaarilh haim, abs promiss o,.upd lSt'BenetA, t h. lit. sucri- M. tai.ltg-Pttt. iatar iti-ist. ta.. te boules thrba,.,0 the le Iegtb Ca. SusasoinE saSbotsud sbos aors, veni t tittit ittirecair. Educatiot.-At.dre,. loerto,Wt-. un! bea!lh oS theu Dominion uilile.au.hsanrduarssture au! tro jsuery rare Thi-rt ttcit tl i4tot ttmtitt ootart. c. eire sai-nriptians. smouras.The Oft.e of Th, Fers Pau m t t., whloi, M.ttcIîilainteltutir. SpéctialCommunicationua - Paiter,, E!. fee, aa salbayaioite tare rwha i: de9tosd.sud mat' Perans..aise ocAu ie.tdtt! msalunne s satd b The touutttl reset.ît,!t a uu,,tn t.Wtbster, Audau. tuame oaHvcriesins sthe Daudy s.tisg sisor. 15te n.. Sairly enae]. utheut. t hoe ai-air, Riarstas! Legititiae.IRoiniaon, eontent iel! in Risgtr't stars. Ainlis usss rssve& au. tMr. ttiit pet!tt.t!an! rethaie Lausat.ARobertson. ,seel. on Ssîua!ay sighî, He dispase!Thé are le St' .551ai t tebare I ret fthIie ttamilltte iteéritte. Thes uar!rs te i- aun sr.tfficitt mera. ut tsa Poud!f ou atetoss a iebatt os.ni. am ovt' bu tae se ', t.is SteI. A'ttilt,.seuuddi-y Dr. berofailS 1 tonmites. principal ingrédiesn t f bloit vWU pop. aIbis Mauryt&VA tmasehe 05bSas a e milebutoftai whlbc.yaloept e u -.----- pa, tit 11 intss.The i! a t. .1111ttiscases, TAs, Pott Cuait1us 'w mtt.t, KltNOi teattt.-a. atX caRton. IMILTON., alie-Osi teformesr. us.édmY tIseBatard -u! .uer.t5alh, tie!. tO upftotal sSIaillaepasutassu. Tiret folo,.iit tommunicaations eeDrt.- Willam (GubrgetJohns, iopt.Hnssasu'y somseoa aut aamOrsin tisseus*on 4La rend:t frontDe. '.- Stusart isig îité Tis assuailnuoting utibiscotagea. Univrasily, Batimnore, bu Mrlte . Mass.. On uabat oo.es lIse suit je position of jaituagoat., and!francmD. ait.. uu but! o.. We!senday. théite tttGags., Ta,,utliofthe Honuefor Con. -asan1atasS! -pta the neILn! assq hi And!ersot., aytiyit.g ftua sea, tauC. isal. Albhosgb abserente a un .. smptivese. Muasitaau fiuiva t-ýI ldo mut lnadselre these! otevla- o ltpan, reaigicthe tposition of taultes favorabesons eout iteecstomam, esclose my chek tor $2, sud tontins TAax cnenaud WaalOs 55 ts raC%~ ai te Gerglvttow i-uttoit igm te metingc uuWeil tt11 all n da!putame Idons auaseaniasl.at an tber tarder sndlit in iCugist tlie,5 uns tis Jaita Beattie, ctsyterk, lligio,, barmoit,. irougitons. frs&iat signant, as I ts.l thsl asthing atl i thtapests Ct t!rsta i . rit ioan.ry int.; J. R. Cettwriul The aeporten a.!by theuofficeasste. taI bua béers ataIs!isn da uWnlaiot .U toiu lb. e sstt eos M= nos" te 1«u es. asprîsoes. Il soib]31 .taty attrney -g,.eaati, t'. poitia alor reting tite dferenst deparimeassoutdu mors pa.is.l ene!." uns besssase hsas an £le&. sud 5 ad invtstgations taot e litnsaces.outhlithbsea.geeaionel uuit veau igittp O.s tasay noring s dissderly tbs Nlase 5baIdesutate! W tise as C, Ct.uty of Hatn ; S. B. Olus.ssas. catityist. svry menuher utftsebnmr ianbos, asîsaea!about anuite fr ancNt-. uaus elu o al ta!usise taay board of e!ucaii, Dakiriîr , aing s.osedissly uolf satlag.ed vit asge l1q Prairie, wax dmtro~u y l as, therpesalune i uso Co,"~ t'opauytsg reporittstr18%eof(takilite tht. ssstulttuoftlb. poitesara. i..! t. cdthéabstâtes, ssmod Kltty nar e asine $lui", 0e6 igit arettl; ft A. M.ihbad.psiis. At io se in e h-t isory or te con. bMereditih an! Forces,, usas brmnstu os.Oyst. an!s= te * t.tpat Gorgetouu bigltsa ac,.i, aroas. gagatiun bs théruolet Zm-ebp deat. The m.,srsaSetu iae. aamelubOs,, vs dsI pasisgareprtst fr 89sfids,!eoosl; allais.! ssuibigltaaba, r itàv! eBqèd.bieLb oa.su us g.nilises of MnicipatWasl! rsuh. Sahhaaitcoslitseiscaàfierca.O.ba intubqsale ! mle-.Y.---.... l atuipiunsfotusaneasd s e!tsry oaing55condition. In spite ut the sou n sesl.-bses.lisbèvasUbadly frasgen. Bas ".babonta plagne bse on Pr.oincial Ignousetata' Asseciation ri.. Haticiai deprsto.ath e I>- as! 1h. therasamesi aegstrlsant8devenu 1 - a..tiu.sh-si-essss*5 - M, - t- t,. a, t) n0ook Out fois. ~VtiIIBI*Tl' f ~ CLEAIA( SALE. To Begin Saturday Morning AT. Lin di À YEIIY BAD 'NRECK' On1h ~:~~:.mîw~ The,*FIgli MELOCOIOTIVBROIE ÀA-RAILIO A" t»Cms Wst » a non sa sud. abshofixsao;I ou e, ime estemy A.!555sts, ues m u.. su0»oIra. suares,- bai- usare eout l1eta ons a i,.as-mas sr, B5..saus sIres rele! np ue are preper!! faM sssmseald-U.. s. asss. eau bucst..ged sgsistnîsin tSUa cil u Aas s ai baf- t - ti- tley oando thit otlling bu Wusa,, theabs Pa. uty on witl. tbe figit. Scse y » g. saiNui' hattem nd twue earu s go ve um'th Aeýute.., NB. Ja. 16.-Tse Itler- ltse ta Hamailton,. an! ue propoe colonial tusiruay metao o-daysy ta .st need te coins le aur store tanlte IoL aeriona disset,, -aina. Oh, disauOset ai bmrgsiss. Tiesois oare o aei IE. CbArtmz, eut Levi.. a eW rs ' atg n RBeR t aest. thes pisres ago. 'Abtttoutmi, fo,..aDochester, t'arrIsas eil StaîlllitaheIntct. 4 ouh' v ca lal a A.e s, harp t.urvt adsut .'ta.ts iveco' asg ahe edge el Palmer Ftnd, lthe enanitatnoastti. point.t eing 7d Titat oua tare ta lit gt.td site! 'oSt deep. TA, Cunadien arutat et.. madeof Melte,Beîaeatt!dNo' i Prs. West slud, due tta .rri'e &t $6.00an!$0650, hbet theft éu dp D®.rcteAaIr aSt12.8,'rau a t, intes tale patte $2.00. algÇ. Drivr Smuel Tetider rta in daarg, eftahe ttoanmtt.'.Edwin5 MU. 1Yut~SisWt 11941 us a',toducttr. Jeunes Linltsotksuu W or sud Charles Thumaos B'tPr te Tettr.rglr5 0 rs 'cnAeBe. Tuet israu a taelthtseaerplr$ ()bs at ssturnl soso!.an!,d . lroatt'1- , l lltn uepseab ed theca e tur., nogts surirpus,.-!3fihig ae neony ver a rail. ebhi t it.A,,.tin4paua. ". Imm.diatelt'tAremsa atlack.a!dthe t.uatt.tg AraS.fra, ahe pot..lucae, . ti T i Cou' thitis s'a. tt.tl tOhe tenuder. In- Yse k tatir lh is, oatas!teve a&s u200 Shirawt men ta *Wre,! asn tser hyto lap!, îte w1th clos the emaai.assst. TAay P.tth' I hod, sz lt id an tIsais -jtts in ces. t.',.ut lite i tlStt.. rt e auogrs. wr. a. s lap 14 B oluton tIenntrcoats in.- udt.tg toait t Dortcheter e. ea Xaithe 5S fona. ttlA atph&enat130 pars ion': Pontsl 1cmve dumar! t, s Am&p ut osane ! Hte Suegntdda Haa TA. dettce.! burastire rt a. veit ut.punI, Onu Ite ute, coss pou Dochester far help. In tleu r't nhesl gtiguiepiia mate tbassaitut..'ataant. it.!g rus trtse prttttttu200 Poks M00 on' sI> 1w TA, mens 5ofurreckage nu.anst ndstehaSIe, and th, t.ret .tght SAt Titis let rw' shuw i ta ou p.irt4r airo! tbthe trin uaDt bceae, ghtiug mais prica $1,00) a pute. sUd.* flauaqurstIy ilu. lest'. ut me*ru.iaMisePitrttla Ct el.s.0ctd. Ktags COaunîp t atruanofa t t.-C-P- o.,tion tapeaau. wuit.. d nane Ir Otrflniaisasgt. Wban si-r ras e'Unadre mt P, ialeSttt.uts,î al) tizes, 1 vh las 1e au teat'etlng, hi atoe:wt aa 7 0toered rta.Ahie.! s.t.to De <a. orgest an dbest S loteuisaie. Dfactursys CanaIL rita un.Vls sittteg tut the .%estfcue tas,!tatetp Ashin! ahe rousg lady.,iutnuMsi ac ad tatklng ta Dr. C5OAtkn tofStakvil. Fgtn aei &a tita t hnea O a te ovacr th, t tbitutbc. Aan! Dr. CualnL - usr ahroua tiot.t.tp ttthe flns, ii uottIf t ndahitaon retietg theytt'tamThisthlst . nt for s dy, IL 1- tm Pt.t.rtqt.tn us.trIiatI butreen ouduce! prtoes sppby tu uvory garm 'a oais. TAit' Araiete ~ses1i Oerua. nd PrOar, Ses. At l551 t.hey O .ct, Ulfetru end Fine.Iruse taugAt sitr a-..aiv,. i-t ehfose etînoS every laind. ey put!Acdhron t.a alcettiter A-t lAis tustanti i aIlart ,sr,_____ le i a m ead n tnhlAipouta! cR"isl tIser, us e s neairusitln at dila. lM r.A.tdrru Mc. :me, Firusatier Out nuccitet rkt n a rlsdOu <! aad .! t oztal tai Cto: rthup.itr C. Edgcantt. 'use urswe atwoS otopa fenaas .rAs , its! u tataina ndutt ieK I Irnd tha!t Wa taie ..!acke , ras in bi',alns toenîlA hîte!I MA ah hu ses .h lut 5 Rs.tu as Oe hîa te îetsa.l Osnl ilh is is basandmar du . L eec rauM.b. es n ! As. r:a. Atur îo ts OT, wvr. Wite.. Aud eegOr i! benr. IH' tira it. Mt WndtherPOUtRaIr uissw«iin-s! ased Sas H-At D. (aea i e seuSy ub OfpssAtlbe rert tner e, Mer_ tr f Ijaus eu b lr! u.uiadIy00 etertencary veth " ,.e-.le ws Mp ..y r Gaman brWldm tas, t shreh.P5. ei teusaldiso ers d. lý uft ort.sit , 'SOut he BergainsbajyOu siiaAutt.isrr.e yG a = oe h o ýàe In _J.- PS etausÜet a»g,, .P tse e tt emvl £.haf th 1s . O wn q t bet Oabotnis A 1 - --77- BRUGGST Mp k s'. KA u.. y C 5 t 1b.4t.d kt P. .Wle i £tttast Ct,. X.t.t hhe tù.t P&lLLS-P btk, pjj ,!q3t1 ail the co petititn hat .u5.. Ihstsy btod.Yoaado t8,;..1.1g.. uiag ~ ~ ~ #b beo21--1h tiei,,, s at $2 Eachà. ch-. bosag 1 a 8 sa i.PastttttW. tbs, reglsr priaa 05.00 st.t.,t.t..t. 401.t,5, lit liguhr e. Fi laeing D ti. 011 Id .t.dT .t. P -, tt~,2 tos Pl., o "Il il 2v If suitinineneastore1, uts ap y-* .. ttttt, s, t tlù tltttd Boet II.pp t,.=. t h. t.p.t ld. 11t 01.- collerant-.tYeu 5 Cept..satt.tdtad 4~, lt,.ee a E .1, D. t40. S.q. l5a59 sàLh tte ôWh. 5 sud td«I,,,t,,t ent et8..on.., ets~ ud i. aiza 80ta 40 ~ a........ p' Is Pat $ a1.OGs-satt 1eaysr t e ae , ros ad by h e s sa.svuao ...-rd ... t,. ig ureta bore.b silnd ge ~ ~ t~.,tt . t.*. t. ". . it - ~ . t.... t.... :1 ds. t ta t.. s t t - t,~ in.ttat t. s.Nt.t., ., . t. t suitein Bizs 86,81 t.m sprts it",tt d -r OM att. .. ît.t........ aat..u id.2tt. .t.dIth1 Il ALF PRICE 1 'd âBIT5itt.Â.Iah.p4t..tl f', loc. es. . .t, .u! ....3, -' è i Pny.4Pat t oispp p ..~-ti.,t't , ~~grepht, Oit liBys' . et 58 cents. B -1.sdy pt arte s-, 0, tt ir,:à Ps., . has h . t rid tt.t ,t.t !! s sa tiens )ûLo. and Vin iizou 80 te 40 t mý % hItf ht h b fade. rulias ortie ki.' t t t y ., L a.s pOt2.... ,,I .Lebvy'drk teedcros 55555t.ftll -the. h h J- !ot.t 5 . 5t 5 0 .. ... nautl . t !pu! t.Ct