fl" e AND 00OJNTY O0FAHÂLTON.INTELLIGENCER VOLUM~E 36. COUNTY OF HALTOx LOCAL COURTS CALENDÂR FOR 1897. Place of Sitig% 0 0 çiud CLERKS. .po auMyJoiAunep ovJn. e Addresen Of oleeko p8Ig 7 Il 5 14 101 an Mitn ............Rv^,j% .nto ... Fi-y '8 1 62 1il 10 .............,r 'na , Thuri 4 1lWed. 5 7' 141980 Acton............ R. J. McN.bh...!We ..... 4 b8 1 184 2'80p CampIfllelleî....... il MîPhail......st. 9 9 18 10 4 f1) arn BIiiilli,to,, ....ýJmesRobinso... cleid&Vc't 4 8 50' I11 Ocouvl Sesson oof the Pou&ce and Cuty Court Sittiegé, wth Or wudheot jury, 8tb Juor and 1t )cohro Oenoing 4uy t I p m cety Court Sittingm, uithict Jury, 615 April and 5 Octoher. Caeety Cort %Cttiogm, torwroly TrrsIlîth Januarv. 5tS April. 515 JuIy and 415 Ocolir, 8111l ar.m Audt of Crimineul Justlice Accoais, 2ed januarc. Sud April, Sud July sud 2ud Octohor, at Il a . The Judg will hod ChmbsonuesSoday adFrdy o eaaeweukatMI am., e8cept durng vrtio By order. T. 0 MATHESO74, Cleor te e Pce, CANAIDIAN CHAMPION JoTELS. P"cERY THI2RSDAY MORNINO. FRANKLIN HOUSE, At thec oC. f Pclii. KINGax STaeME, WUaa. MANSI', . IDLTON, ONT. HAMILTOX. OXTARIO icdcWs, pgb e.t ot Wie, Liqioru and ii ..epdcCigars Oood tables. ttetuivehoter. t8Ji.icct.pp.dcunRates, 0$1 perdauy. .1 S. Ceeax, Proprietor. ii lc.cin c. oý I.nyé.viccp>bIuhÏ15 vskic 11:.1-1111 7 l1ic cue ccsiuoce ec.. iu c 885i~ i.hiicc. i i.ic "fccIs c cet""t In. Money to Loan. tlarchand'S1 iciicîicc iciciiiîccîc dliv.I Moey toaoed ou fict.claoo cort- andciscccccîilcic gages soeuity. 1 23rtiO. E. )II:RANEY, (eotd u.d S8l118e, 8 lI, ton P"ccl i 'es ~ ci.i 1 lyr. tlarritte, Miles. Coe.. J.snlrc,Otsuc cili.u W."., Et.. . I-I .11,Ii el lcIi t-C i i nzicii'u idc I Iii~ altefor salesall aises ofîdrains hIe, Af.r .ticiiilici rEGAL. 'oory ciihvornd ue eepitpe@, rhimnoY ldirs cii ,1. h. slî i îd 8ccII i W sIle _______________-~ tops, etc..ct, cf-i, cc ce.ci. J})Iii iWAhR,,45 6m. joHlit NTER. Fild C5.iiicii.lcisIiii Ic.iiîcflIciciicjilciiici.r- ~ cciiicii'e8crclhl1_ Pubccilcic, t.ckiec. ce Cedar Posts, Etc. nall,,ici.iiI8îi~i W TLlLI.hCl1. DCR, JH OEVLL ii IV c MECAiTRIi R--, i' nd'i. .-ogend, i ccc l!cii FRAZER & HENDERSON, EML MAC N, tu e o%,l.ty ef Ial7tozL. -f .11 A ioukiccic f Pcîccref 3,A RZR,0A,.Q, IiENCONO, B M ATISM I i"i.iFi 'lIIIîOIMMilticcCon eeasgh P.0. MicN-', U1cciilick cor iile.Miton B risto l"sTEi.~ __ __ __ _ bEALEXIN usL ÂINDnlOPoSARSAPARILLA T 18 tVL~-T,~ PROMPT Flit-cise ats l .RELIABLE i AND NEVER FAILS, 'ithi a toîl suutply aleapo on band., Orders caeetully ttendrd te and de-I 1.EI i iveerd prumptly. i G. E. BOUSFtELD, T u vli Net duar eash t o . Laing& grocecy, 4-t. Mais Stret, Mille. s k A u r jtuv ggual Dr Dnbet f«St Pictu1res RSD' AIAAILA of sport c-_ _ With Boa au amm o lu ETII Auast5L 01 sel t scOos lu 'o !oo ~eue.vtTsiuhrsAm o .......... %V Elu. I-:. I ', Bc . A i., dI cc,,', E.11 ., .ico P lc Ban , 4c'Il cou.li di, ncl,, cccclc, .i.ld .gCccceicY . ccci, QC 0.. . i.cc cclioic. OtIc.LI c iiiic ICAch L.cudOloi'c' RarpeiddIel I aC!11 oie 'li ai - Peuis til *u«assior il. umeu.Tbu e Vu9 01. ilT & ANDCClEeRSON.FeSm or.eku ieiul o nc rs 1)k siclo:anoili.sii PilticaýC SU990 , E - stnt milVOlkrciauet Arcs . ouaiuiuie. cii c l ai Isudulccao. . Or . tl . iil uad ,lcS u ey.ice iifm ua Issu u. LI,.ic ÂlciCi' Omcii .indtoc, Ca1. _»tu eic cso , 10 , piid. lui.As "yrmýt u sco" rmis 1,11 ilil.iCc', c Oic. wii iduis th. aa eiiec'i .a i e-. ô i obans -cec1 t ofihe E T E PQ N A KYnoetOnmesc anail obelmlaa. illar CA-- S -- p -- EL-- L -- -- OR9AN ST 8 000,3PU. CO.- JOHN IL. Ce-ciFB.ELuc. 1 . e oîCt. VOPcclCI'nSUnGEON, -c Troateauli lassofatDoesetiC Aimula,' CaSSe pro'optSp attended l. ORfce oppasite the ThSOU HOUse, lIfTU Main S., Mileon'.JITII DR. TELFERI VrETEReee SReaEON âcen Duo4rmv Calu .ptlui'attenet..la u oraed.%, Nieiic isa. Oiui.J _________Are thme sa1y repeaîsctgs p gNTAL. i ilSi T T. IIATIHIS 10 6Ld.e.j=eau=-s wilsiai ilcta. n tai OS. t et IWsdssds oJI.&. GOLLOP, LI.8-. .D.D5. Orllfor ltbe0te Iatuisnociotaf ailS Dr. Obts.tortbwtcsls>jTH[ mal11FM, IMS.I çmcucD&uca zo Ra' uc MILTON, THTJRSDÂY,' JANIJARY 28, 1897. 6VL oeptisd, cup adInuIrd, a9d t tho bis chair astmlse olutolssd ut ~' ~'~99 n~ cîfibail I hue ahi utq -t mo ablot ouIotu [ nos ise e tray for algecuater of maruis. lcWhsdl am 110csBgl' go on with 1he WCrb t Ch. t~ a boy. 1wna io.Al odby o Tcollope pst hie bead teq Tise hrones 0wu Our, but t idLucta10M& 'the euddy cloah, thon, exclut et thbe voiel vs sbarp i inutg "And yeucrementier 50w tuostow a "Oh, I suppose you mVI à. ~ ~gste. sud lu one ot ienus, sn t sompt mît aiter atltglhome peura sir?" sapa 1te ttheromb, oeth1e 813511 Wat bluc and "SIll mue the w ou ute. awaho. I c11ill toit yeunohat, Mr, Mthews, Re yawned it Saelt us bie, ozclaied Duresire, toifigOaful se, 'onet anuother wed I CLK'lbOieve yen could Ptie ICtoe OJOh the dock te hi, eoocw, P." *"' board 'Ibis hip 'ohiiih pou wg;ould't Thut meeruiug ut 7otu 58Plao fnt eipoe. wus puciug the peep i 1oe cTU c-É 't? One weuld theub, Sentlern, Ilnid but, A couple o escocuwf talhtng sottly-he did met Choeeilhatowmsheugew lhtegu i i&lie caplacu sbold think btm tenSgluentmonde. The,,» dicd rive, rcscî05acaveUes. i- ýthutsnomyeul aaiptcrctinaal- eacb laz rollIof 1the r,, tielpatiotsoet fading the vessel short sel seened oa fiee oilth C1 Thue gen irl ihSIa udd@rMOe scsc orodmons ueo0iug lu. Wbat a fai t le'a spnd." î betsren mber dec'Yi" Tb Chuât ch.bSud menumou osnraitway plat- hat. no table, au chuaes, au Couveru- Ti"oaar'adyptsdlaae hnsdei otcth l ftn a UIlad ltabod teoth n sdtlance of soiy sort, Haaaueke balge lanSul' aliohn ta ili pur. suLjhemea w&"eh.pesdfthlbrSeak hat had boou a slgbl OaI stcheaod ber. gr4uay buili frtmthoe etiags: a Ilw . h 10a talvieg ene tu suetheruemme the' aebwartoifiu Mr, Shanaon wao about 10 sPeak betoubau.kc ueo ubupmd unthe chips aide sud 559iDlRtihadpebeaba1 Adastdiees lie eaaght e took tnoin Captia Teoiiopr. vanich ta tho darhoeaof eteeyeccî 15e 'ind iîi 15e wn ehes îvabotg A80 mse vse It wu@ a loof etnace, almost f tary. rtgbtfeewacd. Throis aotlightenouglibita teh1e mate.'Wbo peretity nomue Le.gnys Mr. Metîieov, 10 Il bSut theite of a instanutNazitoseseoby, utbough it la sns nby the cap.. 4cechote lr t c Il'I eCoia il ayac e ld I Saeetwick andd einh wblch coutounctu crhdundc t aehteshp seeed ta Se liteeiag euth* 0eOc5I&' the viicin luthe rococo Sy a dance of Z.Bee el Sdbe tre ha Wiiee ledosipp toay att'out wu puding beio, I sudoa. tllu radiaoret cigure cauic oet et ene, a'ooy 'olî the tclciorepe T Ail of a smddoa up rucbmd Pol, 1e JeSasthe sceuer aoi f thie'aine, and, ce,, round the fouet upthroeh thecooeami second m ~ 1 acnisHopn abiscduitect outo et0te be et 5eruir, ecd, wisheat crr'oey, "Oued oîoreiîîg. il ccWereca he fondr?" ho chouted. !bo.uie sdtudbovuetie otecbofBucoaisatclyl tcc pclcueei.a beththent î,iediutlytccd il. Toce Trelietie. 'Anotliefluec Hore,"aaswered the sips surgeono e a i w c c eotcacu Yc ma e&cuco.. gentlemien cccepicd this Seth. Tbecul tbio Pucce tbcQuecn a 1Dot 'oith Il lSe a deg.siru 1"afiguecwuonMr. Isoae Cavendih. Hc laid Setipomise outoneuweoka' c ~ ~ ~ m bila ulOsi scS see'ogt agub oSeetbullorbie rail, plitlag Itubeo il'oey wblcttes p- ia band oen the inon in thc oppcr' "PcchîignoCt, ir,'"as Tbe sargoSeaulatier the uaIe Incbeumt witb teoteery lodo Secice ou on1te abeoadc, tbe 'mate o e aterh le&t, 'ovielcolly lorted op it~h a Binoe t,, auSun ucs lbe ruddy. The aptal'atlokcolorcd ahipbeard 'ourS iuiuabhîthaahiogb'ld01a rc u b fr e otettfcuolt eioc ma 'pîie lacecalctt. tace etwitllis trIage etf'ohitehsîia sullooly liSe an ld3ml=, 'oitb a crace iocen royale te te cle'ocd op anod the acei, le biu pilloc. The lighSIoetec, ' eehcskd Sp Mr. Bu toek a nosed, baedd'oathelook. Ho ai the lethoer botwea biu teeth, 'obile . flyiag jiS te Se huuled dewa. AnisYCo ore 'oupethcsuo, ad tlnsc Se giasete yen. cuptain, toe abutisedn orttro eursos ee eie ba ~lanc@ i panuihie le the ight, uppeornne thicbeucd FtSe bIne )n the cf il illeiSthie brtS 'oxî a delicatc hichod u abc e ie. steee a uhnt oucaalu nd Sesio e vatoiegth1e bletti loiinIaen 'oay 'oealher So, sud one scmi lis) seudl, nihîoebcSlicc 'oe r epot a a tult udawiia s lbuegb Soeepctcil esote evelatico pale an 1500gb 'oitencd Sp aco iigt,' 'Tei.iispc, 1S ct ei eute couencd, Ir"11 lur'cd 15e lodie,"' WScl 'ou tbm duter wauîcd for? theof tadpete. Ho in hoppy nitl ewe Set'on flying oI ut fit. boue Boru tolkîug in biestlccp, 'legys. tain bcrtly. filage tin plate and ie puesihio doun, "Iunmainî royal and g080 lepoill" Cavenisin a c oiaper. "Ye u y e 'uI 'Outcrs hi oil^ut T cep bod ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l btceteo iulN;te' epullîngonet a pstet tohacco, loi' clled otthIe eipper feo ! 8tc erSmlr tere iobtioed la b ioelehotopeellioNo;i the'dgncly cote i'oelt a pîpel. queuter. TroClCpe oîlndCavendish cîoci ed h e iîeohcieteba baeeoaretoShed btofa iloin sud sa, ats," in e ut Bill, liehi' The bacS wco Ieuciotthc ililt 'luer sud liseec. Thcir 'oOit- cva eusl et men o dcksudud Y aar ad x- hî bs pipe i ctb a reoyre ai hc ebi bton.The fretS liftcd, nig diccoce if Boen' oCedi penetrateit tIc' "Ne,.i, itfS o petaliea, wie 'ohihai as s 'tnp.il@Pak-teche,"e bu obiane oan h gali atlicylump 'Scsc doan ee ortvoen Slae n sels or bempe ut dauliet bite- bihheti. Cavedish insintilîcea lie Ho C2i po eteacs butte s'osu aaîn15 gtilio 07poicueedlîcontinoreisiher quarter, and tu euSbd ccught nome lalhee. TSey one;5ect. 1' île s aoet ta a cf a nuddenly jerhed 5bla,îpuo. "hppl e' mb iwlS rpcixoe çe0 cc uieeîigoc. TScy Sod te 'eSce, ecuediet ce bis ge M. Store, standing hoside tho con- te me scCo," it l e. Teen ie'otee tre Im e'o. Te ann irtle1 tooIv ithi, oiîc ScerBeicnecnnc9'od itet i ie1 puie aiS tlti rld'Oe ~ tr,=esyet tiy acuLodoclsn t e ibor oite ow.ebir ia Mica Ma ýt ba.ngdactellhcits oriuo.Htorn s ogau- SortIe t tS i scycacet nul" sud 'onde a quicc stop cul ofthsoa, Il'@ 8tiug but dawgOnDiait for 'We muât have the ainail o ber."- oueis intilietionte becîin hy ou b".Wccc oi cqciuioed wi wup. lu gutith e respanicn amiuder 'onsuesa Ielov'Tbh e e cend 'iîh nacviloteSchdd, poicetliko laugh. c fcor, yen mtaii.liî'oio tSi.a Ibon ful ot figure. riiag lsmaily witb i, 1cu lo."o"asüe rl 1belpcd le tilt vIe pour edvii ce te comens. tio c aecil 'eiic.lHcglii 'Hueli " 'hiopeci Trellcipc. 'POlO N C, e"cdT the deuidweigbt cet m' body. Theeathte gcaiengmid ConetfIhe mou, 'sed alefa the msuoilemmypll ws Sllýoliing thâanisue icc eiiugîiloibiniothecacp- meietng thei.d liliCcvgd wau a gecceucireil sud mno te o m SnShicd if yen celda't fuel hSm tom Ibe gripoe t isgc.A orat'aintou ct i'en.do yen aueb'" ladies 'ect ut sriedly tocwsed. -sifeig u swith tbe epe pou sec buuliog 1ta1to . inaIe îco 1hoM. "No aecin üctîenpîiîîg Otielle bee.îc 'I lthIlii'i iVo ccquo Sp yJav, e. .cc ile i.imeell" 8i A aplec of oo -curingweuit'lIeoa Davouire, standieg ch-exof CI tS idte'spobe the drecune, cîiti a ditioctuece fore yen joieciltSie vieel. i Mr. Daveoire. flin.' repueoft he aiiif clocc.i teiie c f uteanci. Ibet bac igbip alaciug "Ne, sic," The litclecc budyet Me, James Mur- 'oit oeil" nid a sulky icilor calel mnc iggiug and stul nciee i.epi, Ca' vu th..e vhomeoccoco 'ocroin 'coiting, I acromcntbîlig," eup wau passed îbeecgb the cempoannJîm 'cluboued te Mc. Aleandc ereorn "WSot dc yen gay? c Ien S iiiiiyen'Beugnectis juntIoe otler baîrb in the triple luteS f et bidonen "S'elp me, thca, pîcu ciii cuchue, but 'I shin e ccc n1csmaniage il" veulde't bSe ocieficonllp imopertinentî. tuehbecre cfthe mno e rogueofet heackînîS lod, the snpurnc1I ogbt te hno, ftue1Slthe Sccdliee. *"Of, pen iedinel" cicitBcîe. oSatst1ol tiei" c c e Hrecaîrne 'mg "'l uc e cîtiaCfle maou edet and che second mare. TSep put etfSbi"a. Tbe tb ener cippeil cff thlr iî î long 0pcuse, as IhotS licgavc hic I do îci.1 ercctaeil, aad il fiot down open the dec, rigbt n the a . '(0 ctIle way o a ry ainochie Iht flodef Ho rac'h liî I Sci teli" ued uain s juffp and werc hlaitî y o eîihc ig' phanolîieppeCer ppcey Cf tiîoc te onx-sloudie,îeehIh. the coovulord face, 'obioS Iuebed oai'e, ler. gisig obile 15e Rsiots wee silîl luoy ploi i ioelt. 1He tIlîcil' t . ct-f the tabehlî ScAmonre _WSy,IInuoweeed TSin grcvcpelyoeo wlth1e e I belnitete mau~i. toc. Thcelcic eut d ieisive' thSe ccacd cs t, . naSe ell ofet IS 'oth the navemeet oethîe muscles. ThSew'o e lu quuioted 'oîth the mcoiog et. WbaI 414 I telpe?" eayo Bill1in'ocre inaudibcle. ' ta have net hoe." surgeo deepped a tangeo olîSbandke' figures. 'Il heucitwn.a'oolîeo f aouenth1e 'aist, lorkiag Dp. Wehaubohe n bi a ollîener 'I'cc gcibi'cciî ilit, îUS' chiet aver the dreadtel coueessce. £250, 00.fl t""A flueesontbey'iI malec ot r iao wu@;stadcnt oneoiSat hin'eeaI d,"- cciii,'the matei. 'lu I fi, cmieg l og sard aon e'silence. No ncn Sloe ieîeî e onssor. "Ail te bc (lcve Cicr pcocci Tcelloe, cond îicp pied iletobli. "Otit Ylîp od Beneoi, ceîccs nd aome gikudoe exposouahicnIhIur"Ibberth.icns ecqtittaco sith tI ounaded abanka fon biu oored 'cS oaîl, u lî kOncoSohi oehociied ateighi. ceIo'ocl et I ro esbs Ignoresnce. ]The c'oenemencoc, renclhcag the fol-i' Sth,,lii'éîallcut bhîin te lchip,wH u lvarcg) ila teweeLthli»loe re "Whon S fiecî cuught ight of alco rue igiCa, gaieed the tep cits 'ee.on c mra hlmi ciilSc llocyc ee norc aiy icîveacce jerkîna 'olîli ogitacion anîd tomper. 'ehap,"caliîcuodTeî.i . 'Sgueeedtiiere deetelly nlhe Sueco. Fat aus le ons, dcw tcc. Siniîetiiid Sot culeoneS anîd iE. cl nneiiccd Me,, Mattlk "Pise on iue" quîîhe tan gn, s1dth StInt liSe aOmnnMr.Bone 41 001ottp la Siw. ethie il the tloi meiidinol>'îiitiîigeislcd IVie kccp îey crscipen, tic. S b s"etatdon, i erasolueb othe Wwc'oos long'whiskiee. 1tenue uailodiucuepar, lSeoshoed the rondad u 'nlampieS fitoreicf Me. Born. i sloelSe ahble omtifymyselt lS aupritedetwit aury oo etth îtha a nn IS long 'whiskies. sud lte' sinsing up 15et lpalisul riggisgw'oen ieg oser the edge oftflsio ed ion aposeto tld yen the trelli lorpue. tried le pnt ics slp auhare t'oice 'oilolDuvenirw'oa neg a betiepuec ovvaiY i ih rawaMi twsmtùtniit(d 5,idle poison imselt?" criod 15e Ibas en board. Ho mnnged il ettee 1fit I cr a moment or Sreailteaoet rviviupintom iadbihtr'e'nabouIl cîcc lOthictt is il captole, 'o o ucoscoleD foratifed 1e ltI Sec. WSeue Scaught igbt of bSmntre. 1'low lageiy vocte le SisuS verso. Ca-np' ao'o eOhat eti1ce la oee 'o ta tcend pmer rs wtre mit uce mays ta myseit, Itha 014 lCaploin Beoso, gripiithe' laiD Trolicpc 'atchcdialhn. jSet ilîcoSdi tifoiebsusopicin in 1,I o'eging tc mai] aieng 'oîSIlSni% waîberngn, lobed np'witS a face et band full epois houlonder. Boren -con""' ic cno So gTha'o ba en wserdt îsî hnksu1. stand Sp, rnp livelies. for aagotra dlcîppeovol. 'oSlch uIecIp eeit- sîuci tnyetoîi op culS a Seecîd. ring-:"IIc'claiuigîle Tho opeintedet 'oiepcei 1eu voguetfbine nueDLîc.WS." Se o n- ened, Socîvec, w'oho b. ac 15e eni] iag seeo. Ihi e îldeofacorlni. Sctch' Mir. Mîîtîheep," ceps ho, ugty mate, w'oa eile o and ce- teoed, exteadilg iesieband, "bic elle- .'oiftlp living don itleUnes o a on- mounIthaSie.dlîsced eitn pi Seo acieît look rS cced Ico ce 'ebt bî Iuneed 'olîSthe deuil asua pCnlnsu' Ise etus ubacerd i'o p. Whp didn'I efwulihe nas acnd a vcy dniep etof n steppilifi Ont if e Sthing mchiine Cuplain Teeîlcpc. ý "ea Sdcaepnp.e, sl iSe ublp liSe the achers? OtlSe 'oas oeta aunt.He 'oanastanimed. Mir. Bornnc.sd pntîti i fuel lete the 'onie. 1 Tep un, hut, sir,"s thot sert, I aliow, W'oaoueronsa Iat a, comncg ista the cnomtrusea, gezeitdoe Snelcb eilecy 414 is maunoBuea oe.'r.c codni aurgen te thecacpîcin. maln'@nabeduen can lSe iddcD Sp bis w'otb a fgenihing et bisbaned. nise as bcSi. iii-itoCt fSmbclid oand, Scnuiarc vey especîchiy IBot 'ith 'oSaI? denanded Ihelanine inseitail oec." 1 'Main Icpcaliants, si?"l"ieeoag boIt nleepa op n cci, cCnoel lafics bIf jodgc. tIl ilnca's o 51 skipper. 'Wbut 414bcSellne liait illet im?' deon. ctad abape of t cii taa llgting atti- l os tabe. " 'Pugoai.acled a0man. ."No, noe,genlemns, mot pc, tude. 'Eud.ivr të iii out, 0 "A oueeeticb ban tSeSsllc,îî wnia-, NaSodp Seew.thanh'ee," cicd the noIe, tacgbîet Thecroy ncî.acîii cîryhuily. CaSin 0cntaiOin, .tic o t oti Itrmallsnop ou s t " iti 1«ectoon Il t ted snoîly sud nighh and loieg aftt oh Iecaplemn. (corse 'o'ipcocd, cnd questionsc in tbeirage.t îcto 0I mhc Co escrtll i borth aman's careiog about,' con- -I,11l wareant tIbtoe il le goround mole and f iî'eîe voices 'oec biseclIci nOgb Mutea, lokin a Iy etthe odytlnued lhce@aller. "ThinS et as open the Moren'olîSout loingadrf, "smaa e hbcauh teil eiy. The captain, i e o caesi. anDe pi a n capil bock 'ly S yoîîbot liSe 'oSaI se pacned ypterdy- Me. Bars in bseezy, y. tcty. hottled lent penucii carc'ly coecnllOf 15the "Tencmuet hec ler s-,Do Ibecarlain. 15 ou",Iboa 0 W Cseerbef IsI 'oen pyen utîec beee volce oth1e mate naslSe sepped, ont eteenilie fi.t airofe et îd ilrawccu, 'entlemu ie lroe 80fote 'Apdte. septao, nu-fo adeiaSpyenhetatand look round won-,orthIe rieciec andpt ones ir5. cane ont o ic i cheand hiibilY tmcii-bcigte Co Rco s uhe CogI I y,@r eatosg 'olîSthal"- eigwbtdvi nteairw@aor- Capan Trollopeieangieuhe revward, ednop the lbp. Hlic oeuicit Icitieintâlehvn efc iet D plied the seperineoudent. peitctte -aie oeclsg 'obat devil portanteU.tag et pu, Wouldn'I thie utIle portable muuttered! ha ose ot bis tcieni4came 5 lSongS lice chpigStt l ecci 'ciiot beSoire thcîo chpeviouc poruleu. oatee il 'oasitsat savefibltmos bearry figureocf Born 'oet c4leg the ihie e ci ao Snt, and theomteput- He o S Int cSap's cel "Thon fon Goda sake," cr104 the ftrou chain e d thelant core ne eraid- oeatbeaide oetIhe peop le court OSeerintg bia cnd ino thSaopetraine, re-fted docon lotois a rsht aId skippenr'olîS us angey lons et Sthc dling bsudyetah eba inel' congraulutions of the cpîanc' pief bat lSe hlnl board ic e ceandmuta elciîc Se ethe bis fias, 'tube'sim bth et eof e SII o' ehould Ik1 v hps aI ae, Ielab 'u ol ethet Ibe The speakoe reaumed hepipeansd -ic i wusther oolo souldý'tcsowo didu't Seo ciicîtihecaFiainmnit cuE cotiaed Brnciîn. abchiput ser-tsud tevmu b crerf. gazeit aonof ta uhoeeve tbe effort Pro- off.fBorc hobbie cven cc115 nself can- i'lIaoely Me. Oece, w'oe ii'ehîid le 'Tie aeacsa Ibl ibttuon e dlouie un?" j e.lduceadbp bis poartelIimagination. colt, He treIhe Elle bis aSe w' h u. If bSte lerp. ie sail eigiîhto'e coch awkhaeecea'e 11I sbuIf Se oSttged if a silon on1 I ii5 'oIa 18hold owi '84 bosebis tIbcere ie o 'nson boardc, BnonDow,' "cdmai lcl Teipe i tIedili tho hie ooptin'a IvoonîfSîp u,"safiIbeusu-s jaw. Hes hue gllnc qnicb with ic woutd Suep quiet."I e4qmciei the cnilcy. taco of geo'eioe cctcnicbm tw oldhl "ndother. 'in loc igh,"lsang out a queollus vain@0 , 'Be toalliin his aleep,"lsuc4oeced the y'he captaliCbcsled docîn la Me. " tenpdent.g fnrnc-a- oxelioced cîbs, 'oo 'as Be. Itoau C-c'cdisb, Brno'o dcico teouaiioy himsili; Itho,' is -lphalopeg ose a gnligverof vIy lb a ph bil 11111tetliynu'ou." blai e the uhemuan'oithSthe1ee lte da ons:10egrowling It, -'Glod il ieo t 'ocdcr, sipr am grtin cuerat wth plce f MnoTm te a npsteiou value'oSile sef remplarent gris. '"S heu i4 a vîcoe,'IIliewet ck erhtalorS at thce scp Sieg"' sron tS k ibal nos contene vt seok-the atmophene o aIuseSflets ddira le bie cain luenlgSt. Il woc oea 'R- sud tSe iiirihîî. 'ollcMont cf thePalPoli. bsteoScr,"oIiveered the os dorS nigbO no cnteduilta Sethk-daptîgIcI torcols eta fatlobte 'itb a jolly, uilp vice-s teey S bil." Sersreureacteto hecr eiScdsTwrslowce e t*~ pMe S ef'rbbobbuce asmobre. 'Tbat thora cevey nul -Ift catc so e. muoit 1,'Il id bctes,'oe, oir, ceic idieg round te e iaw ie. va#abu lbou . hegsugwap, sud 'wlag vu. teocS off a 15 te onr dd«,Capin»Troleope pidiy, tea nig ens table tO u Boîo'cacili.cpcs d aot alta rmddle fica ote of iiigSI boita Cher caon eevutptas 1bo :gahii 1sadIbslbp"e again ea t a gtnjîcc at Bue - "out 'be doiu eevhi"d Ye- l'n Ihave nyinsruo aan iure toaroIthag ' o o r oas oothemgnht. 0108 h itl -Lets gio teSow ant if it ilaocuie pered eue. 5510. maugd."0e oparccloBaocy.I,&l i e.,ereaiogt lSongS the i lise Lady removef aud thse grtlng ro Aà votor enfier the snutlie exotemmef jMeauwbiSe Born, bcrome a bot and igbt. I telSepo. Acoop ailS yen John- tucied. I hnofrGd'sie bdot uSe coptulo saiheil ail,'oh la it ail rgt ih o sngeeThers a Cavnos oard tiIs shîp 'otîS a gctaulcg roualessuce upenstOSipassen- seul the onciu, foc Oui 000ew vl pu? ac53 eut tae up by drink. Be lorbo as do-'gerg as lSe oeibed, %epped , p tOuold'muSe a ceowd oful IliI taS ice nof1eporeco.04vîo the csptaîn. 'caSyet as an oîd cheese. as the Jagged Bessas adsif, Weil, rapt io, oSaI, ieln thOe noremne. This lu ne boue ho "Ai rlgbl. st,"laniere he ma-s- idaefth1e Canon in Ohe teteseupo. l'vs do you hiaS eft Iat for aagni " !ho doStieg and 'oispeoieg boiee colîSCHAIuTER 1 terosbe 80 a uett n and ehi leur-snegef. to o ain e ta 'ir," sseed the caprtc, 'oib 1the mateoanefcaplain cu deeiSand îthoe THE'oFREC1. ilbd nosina o Seoetuuu lpa 'busanaead' . t 'v crnie recolterio,' centia-1 mue bced cf confusionen sd 1eSupa etlump bSnsing brigStSp. IlThiec Oas poetio las« it hll eautomugl a ýuàîffltuoa- ld tevoice. etfa man havlng braccempe efeePing with auncw ado the. Tbce'oordn Caplun ole eChepo ii- mnrkbctthe ladypu-wuls mitoflbaDYvmr fkidmnigut sceb abbe tate eheurt ta a qsarotlsud ut boavy 'oruther tains upen bis face, 1"m'erf len u'itc, inpeeioooccispcrs. 1le arp oSJchenFiaunreefu~ fat," aif r PeouS int abrak-eCap al]th Ie sume as Ibie poeky paetlyis a verygent slo'o, I bave ce doSv, spoke asthleicir of a gacng'eiuld, 'oSeIber a ship inii nSIs tagtac.la dMc&. Socre. ch a otk itng auntedfote b. aSY" but &boardrnp'uhip itltsmot csonucp suad, au ohodiet nmouirs o agangabsannd caftashSbateu tomfae, oMml ufabl. B S-'ho te tlkn "ITherols uo's nsmetUmh fiat ton the pumengeru 104do the 'o nS ofthIe- igbt, 414iScuhe 'Son lie nddreseo me baume moB. I flsdy.Ilelusposslble u-Chtsbcha puseugis, saye Bill, *vhu i aiol" linb aaotevo eie cuint. He wicof i c l utn Sim Andolit Impsibet ti baSutom&sa. ll s' osailCai. 1%0s18 Basthteodity'oOrk nauacy,'Ilmid lone wi' o riSHu, te wom hSfaeid deep bp inpuetag au o fl ufa il harde 10tIl k e tbt I byaut 'shaoe th uooks. tChopîs gui Sues, Sait elogoeoye nse eturnee 'l'eu mont shift paur lietS. Yci,e'l l îptbnoogb mere oorc aI i.' ani ard es.taStintitofpbluia theset sofuaIl b i. gaaesoupes the man etFi eebl, bava la olep 'oieS a mon."ligh loreuline Ibesntgh a,eagte ed.us.Stg La un slud So&« es swear. Dee't tuSkeofu Labuta httie dean, bealîtul gymnouc ,Whqtshe150blnazes sgooo 'oongl" 'wuseigbt Selle, 5&0 lto' meh a aligt e M y Mmi5u3Ilexeululmed Tom.*Il malle #>onpou kno'o. Beoidra, Yco 'roashurttsontaimef Bues. tîntes milec otf. The JIe uasbuf his ucrulsg about bts 'tCunt sîtesn.,,There'# a sert uf pioteiosalenha,fs1 eleve?" 1 c'obieefout-ing mbitut heurtaIoetthe tou fet ttag ta London sud ot by4 , linu amosg 'eus, thosgS pOU ChAIl "W a habSeaSlie 10 nan co. ai " 'oat made pou dab pone lsuf baa 'slaagsidlreavtisg Suum Cone honugh3Mr, StoreHilltell us ose bunker tausix tout vtth eplief the captais, bilng ' oaI 'Woe edouea dîdt soi e l impatient,1luofy op vidts tremblesol 8p55 jmu i i tlIL Il tgmb wie MOU=hur ugS Laoa&île'oa auiet diener Party sut even.'o81, as pon oeil lut, 'oSes be'u a#truck b' The hip'c ele cpew 0the uls f hS " a 'sktorsnaiedu3 Ontend. i1Ssov1Ialt1O tugThe suicdtiratday, t O beeof bissteepl" Alwr gedta folthemain p. atisi te q .MIliehexitentukl'os been alag w4Ch trootsi t-ton Mbemyayudlloee'oel un ew 1, 'leu fat touil A SuSp 'oonld not1vero oisible aboard 15hel "lTibu salt" t LC. = ftmti jsauhtj 00svrl-okfoCo uiaToUp-haayeaucn fS n unch, But! sout awam inclIver pus îy. ~r. Pout.~t ,vlCt«tt tok1iZfer he aWsd" tait. tain akd linquiet toues ta SMe. Dest hia tn. 'ob1 attunIt tael pou: Ycer. Saba ioe o - .i "Tvaonihrseeu»ams read OM am UMn. Storre. Bseomef ta deirv'oocoin iboaberd lbnosgb the bul.as teog ilia Peel day. enoIV.l àefateilo. ucriaiug- Ut.eCovercatien ot thse 01 or te bondutfetb.adjoising cabtu. l'oc y u.. br FIEba. hrd teho 5eu taraudte Peit a o*ly e I. Bavas civit, but.la bac-' mum ot out oftIbis sud aoclip ils 0a"Sbe 'onf bave Mm Mtaci- t ain, iaRK t usb set pipe franblise e utsth. I jg ïï 'o ntcf a muw o dneu'îz . i rchance,' sif MueSrk ne liosa m " utte tem.. ' ad wu fe r oStg up a matY. bsuvbissonpauy.Airme lut haoe, I-Wett. ChaI oai Se angeit. I sop- lais Tnotope slheyaI as ~ ~ h 1.t~L s aa a onbrdmî~a ahfutua uigfIiSCts' e tt cs"si Sum<'oh ao rnky Yu bomiosen iggiag. a aip~ 1u~a~fl~j5 ,gdm mosil 1lis ea ueddtesra' usaktoilstbipesratsd? lit)a go bhcilyluth,,P val0tlafirt m _ér S « 3 vibl is 'W Tua ha-fy a.quaiolvlS sag i se eceTao aIIb la l AWIe 0.fi»Imm50 rSWbt-l5e10 tsi. dieil 3 Vais&»"t7o sa,"oin of Tein p tircahe or15 O ~h.e "bg 101e' * il'M lr 'obo rC Ire a YODiseMdt age, "o h aage ae Sueetîoft mat3, its 4~ UkBMid& tiians muhrll l vIf jeu uboPin- drsam tCs e ft tC sa sd s4i e t mic ê b blla asda -e der l C otnie f yoope inso;ii uap ferte Ot àm totbe, 'la ifflstsrage, todae'seus.e'opien5theCsugetiponofei Yasre beok cet lIcuted sand. afi tatI ubbtug Ât fia- ho vos- te, unu tanort àbend, round. usn, sud captaca bah ut ag old lcer and a pure Ibm Cap- ILit lut, suppose tuoer. the asli cn'oaed. Sle ain uIaelng r. Burn endsliy- Eaptane ix round if Seu s 'oicb %ioder- the fuie tes pre ntenni suin', "I 'o-Ii 1ilial[ Subs ni, on i, tle. ini atho mrd tii 'apee seteif,i mid il"'. bey vcr Rempart. Peuait -c ainte " leueci îieba lce Ose i. il vId i, a Mil. 1i- d bair t," a cap. 11i.11 lovera] c li 15ee' uta sù:! -c de aosu. orf meta;i un cdthic d ithtf M.adliel te CaOp- gulbe t *I lien g~to. ta Sp ..........