2Brd ! Jae bubeen t onbot &Wd Mnlata a t mm d ai otaet . 0,cu a m B.d La, b dSni - a I al ig S ado ther aeueate be eare a ataie Andsý- oeimMd tien on the rethetnrnl uoo!tce= m c b . lr baieI b .f ct .lii U b b,, w ie 10 e U a~ e h m =2~~l ofw.eneks e v be bar b.a nd-raeR arc no y t ec etb u t 114 va, a a rd..W b " y a ve t haP . ie o a e o a e a . a d 7 a u e n l b l n I . w c l h s r n t euic cerrcncy dd utO oow eeamfnidsoccamee aeanie. acenilaWutepùdgrdmnhallga y inoh.- vb .dmanAB R AI -Tefiet raitIÀIfll f inCaa" t<c k oeth Oh. i n osera, qy<. nat vwèb*X on yen age. ntra t b.contdsavrlae, taraa """ Q estin, ati eraae a nt b n htnayaeIeigl.eope uy preccin athe U ti e On te ch re aie r1 be IeeW . -O -o Den . ta g r al t e a p . y n ai r. a t r ne l . n e e n 0 taditieoad heït prencinelti wnce W- e ctissé M nily? tbot tb me espa e a m aeeta 40.tO.Tb apel i . .and~ stato etenee ieeete hn. Ttrmae P U vat e naidthueab.urtneapioans n of ma "anaoo busn d___.reeoeoe ndotes. A in relutlgeubaieso - Mtee t n aITe xsene nh Dm, hm canepeueag isl umte g O e troM te e! abble eevrlpoeat a ýu t bfe latlrnt am I 5.a u e, my p e ny 1 e 189118,1m1 and ormb.eralme c te t Te. et e i aunty agral1a iv.lb np.a i.Eti peîte. a h h, e t tac on b t fb $& 0 fbic ov M da ttc eà%ate nthha.elt ate . e al d  HE P W D B -A I ladMat lovée0,1 ed t e r g e o ip r a e o n h 8 O f ] o m a " i e f c . ie b n e e n , ý t o n u e d e r D r . Ocw u a n . e t o i b e P o i c a i . 7 B b a a . f o a , Q . i w h e e p e y b c t f l a e l f P r c c r n l e i a W&& ith oresoil teLowevon on-kg 09& e »M sfvÀLECOSTng e p ci, i in g t n e d y , t h a l b l o t oeu n b w d cl v e li ag t era cieraai!b r y a b a ub l , i by o o e t e n e s luw< b ie e n e NtTige e d i n r eotpa ceifrieU n o i , P l c Joal Tnrnlayin Iha nueeli-h Albrto cc . -Wliec Ince thee i n e gro d pen be c )ed lhlliet l i e, an de&eded!baru tom be ci e ,lein $,$,$7 $1, 12cd 1. appoiteil *lbo S. o lot aine be la daclret Ial wbnCaovrdictiota60. badeietdiproimal men- ipon perece Totho nl l tleyclerIbis qully o aed n.s a te t e lnmnvi y .thea ruent bel=re TmSaIne vein uIcciaeu' Rai.MlaMe,7e,8,etc8,.7 d l. L crteatonthl bm AnleSa &na a e no b orobey illte mn e-ecj b . ecrcle. ena cf vbicb mec baN haion cnienBcdbn a i io. T"lydcae tesnec îOfcies as olr ebntaed" incrhs a in oriainoproin Te Cande atnoetB t e lect$1, $2, 08, $4, 8 henmony nth le retn ao cb ba eypo navrit tth eyoI na the eporly. B he ot iito n bo e1sai»M e tahLgiin ce nd eaon o al n eetem n ý l ütisI in many r lovn eorlieprotd .ay se ead imainohicisntence owlita rmthe oati de thecaia g e o ard weëSteno asmie biThé eà I sawy laueatt tr oF ra vecd e rearaie Iatdon nt ea pner eonva. Ibae e Iprooacfioeyraeccorai, ail cemay in ced tam. ciicd Muical eryh d Droi ng ae abat nef eltyced nrialWteld afethv e roe a h d foracba l etrttiv ettereneoncuthu read in varedhoo for tee si..t e etepasndta hi are t abfrted nt . SeBu t viii a *edeM on e ay a y hi ile h llTieom ts ar r m n enco pil ita .t r c i in l. T e mui1ttl I.n a oh n te1oa.s e eo d ei e rau lesm r asaeofnIlinkter<lavant yen ao ly r n tiaIhIbis ecmho et eiole% bapyrtha enctu ae, and as Lat aci nipenl cobth hcm ee eee. Vei foun B al rieo. Sceltratahe,, 2 83,u ' a c c h o vlo g e m o t et t h e o t. ed o e mr c yn u l itantr a d a d y e l n e u îiraili e i c e' c d a p pni - o dl la r s f o r n I m mC .- .T s w l b 5r a d o p o t n t y t e Ltail crencywuiold etcons ea cul ehSeynigtedingthe it m j iuta a by Aolauons Wopoint. bFeilttenb grnae B R AN -Th Oc, 7Fenh5e, 1 125 15, 17 u 2 y ur -oca d vn Gf etAlmighly » (led. «Q th are n ce bu sat th ad mo, aare the cacatevil Ire cen". ihe no xe 5.a u c . T efl fos c a o . cd odsIheen Tha c y eontendmme in r it a angeletet i . ,liceld Ibue dialont pointe cf naarm are lint ThearPc altdanc en Oiecvbas et Ti OM$ttbah bt r t heCur f » i 5li, g oo i ot.leht ie eee bctfeOreclfr acon e atveiOn îltaecabon lante temiaTie frn cennce ohil.viiliaeêr tro ent .î ingli Dr.t vte appnle Ba uonis teceunMo. l e' emîns A au s cetou IS,8.0 2 26, c .T e so k i e ry aln w a i g b e ye may f heFomtsoctine hej de.NtI cannaItapoaliest in ar= ela. s almn naiol.Oltrinmlcs c ing 'îtio e lrelea vsiu tkeavr aandote. 1ba ylrod te galce Ofal Ifon n tlgynta e me ha ta e oeet Oe oms bot o eing ver. raPOorledte ieas de te Tiamctiîpresb ug tfo h F l tae.eoe edei teciile t tseCve e a ee ae- b t a ete adCi rt rilon tema hn te prep2 nl tmasarnt e i on iv D T e a cee eofT.hareB. a u iue sd etu tif ru. A No roolalace h eo . to ve bu iness Scrateudthelarcsît eelecor ii. 1cTlh ed o lemWel e mioe ate@ipo ie 01 nthdaeo.pTe nomettee grues. Up0 a uc, YPie nY1 Thomtaeris aveoa tamiby and hin rehe, en ye tonoithentued ooon ehbaiinI, eperaadImi . d AhrodIi s tte atscoc thcc n me sttfliu e ic efmrcBtlcB i rca ha dîtcidua l ieoin, e. - agnaiîon rwntoneld ey l Ch tt e cr i m e .pentioet thaPeineae nva ait-ciensotie otnrr ao.ead see ie scetofMr hnon , ayetho ne fr D.le min, etthe Pronil Mne.. ,Lea oaI s tcuaî ande accerrai ail na soverait P i c v er màUev. Aco Tie I0 0b f P rtsp re v c e nncrim e u r v t tor i oe g i Bted uuvi c ea clp b t niw o w i l % ag l e Th m. isiai v M o roie, p latu e glo ns, ou et . i M ove li v l y if o u a nt t o s a v m o e an'may heitiminn ht endhn theteetO enMienndisin v ioseBibrlthe dockcaveraI ltybeapTripleverfitrerbbenetiucl qooda <cocu aeittcd e th lad tisa Ilc t h *rl e vu it ees candte utd rcami cfrapo rta Do ctri bau proveia- toand Johnr t I a lav , &acI ohic îs a n teut d ci e a rg Tie Alcaca&eo. rhe e aaa Naon edoer, stme iinetr y , outeae n% = , heogbJensisd mt:n- oc Thdemohinlloaire ilibave On ndal rcieing obis caortai te o righatlfan s fi ef r e s 'ovte od bil ompe e da "ri ohe T<lied fer to eda ie icne on beef aonib vey lardin real fi ndei ra h v n mter tlte ivpM, eDrtr espesin aesciait ki.d o efm er>,a n d i ng or) e ra., d, Gai. mer. aidtetathediec ceme oTe usethngo re eiuhevn oys no graui il opeenla-saelmab ea ay a oeit n ooreeud sest ulhttetd ae' rrcocv. Ioa e TOEFXFRSFO L CEP Thpatd rs btwe erittotebdvefalt iiot miv ieagohe le ce lis a t e lt a-lomal tis a ieyenr pirtsai aud eviip y an asn eea emp talc .aThe l= -Mlolnaa eirebtt îepael e OSide, Icit imersMoul te taisenng ant yiize@'ChniinîmBtsnonp76o,0utta2,8y,87 ngel0.tL e n àterionsmte r, butned cihemoy a ienu a t ie eby ae oae ongn svenrtyeO i ha dns eeigWa easnthe D vend>'. 1ev pnBiem2c 60cayc, Let Uti$2,ged aau5,pe 87 -Streio Re t lenaid enit ho lle att . o v00-eesreta th e tr t ery oicis AofTnto o U ivpresity.epo ru ere ijrdM erhyi e boe > U s ~ C wee r eie taeothAngloriaonlbrviint aicy eieo inr. iad ia ro.CbenetIoSeee O Slee bll, elietD.L.bfrepriane. Notobeoreewge eoa treei tiMl an thuy mn.T le uit it e Iho Jsdgle r icf Claige o hav e h mrne t L. L. nac proene Meee ad PofwMu of oul Bad Canadahe t a Ths e of ar neY fle.c......... Citiacd ouhe cleetier&maà' trcaeiThe, adin vcindmah dre0. Troixesh dccei2vl-lrd $4,se$ao. tarant. For __ - o icuiigc i.ha i ne luem in e nor Thenlgnaai dcpornnte vse thenc e po im aabas ire bare uetci cyty= praîsoZ tlCIn etin -.SB ccavig uo oa 5a $,01 0,9, 8,#, 7 n f icd aîidon n tise at te scemaieopaenthedict ofthe jo y . I lice in selo nera Iri B e!Si i.iheCm enfr h aoyc S. l n l iicuu n etrie.<hi tonleto tinse ud nLuduslm hn htti nte1 p-fyoe Mt8100,00 a nrier he e g i'87 i ndetbi ecccoeîimcy drespecsn ne,<Jled eo ndve nwihsnec bs 0i aulenmeedmyLordh emietandcif n . ve i,#2 8 50 and $7.to taiouiidcbutr. Whainear.aetioue ne tIca, as p eînee a.-l haely Lorde tiscrofthroi eivag--nofoe îlern ,n ome y arc een é le taiscocicyy<ho Duveremortmaiteigovbyueondurder aheslpil. ilott anrcateeeiInMiaicalrices andco Ibel olCesesercapiovehpy andaageneralicfoiofhtheaDe cîfertbîtheiscropcu a cfrtio ac icc g e o ribtr. ieeon ou docihi ra a lloere or nlf<er tepsiolbalcns Cnior aiti , agad lina te we h mi pnd n ! cr is e r u ai e nt.f us. frmer, not ic hant ns. cd en i o re-e yh o ellietrsaminliseaeraih noeel ro pine., ted nama iThcemusedc InI espetionce couid o retidc comiptitcea tth e <o vent te ancouonîuriîy ted tii tis eo. budti eOuerome ni mt e Ssl apria c t ennr'e lcal s fbilic aie c «VilB xe anci p ion.vnok r'cS tte#1c, , $ . T h s w ll bie r n me.sp ort n i t e t natiuionalecci ueUlic i î1e %. IOf the ld m invan jc ioli lintsie io y te e emtndtihe ePoau li ied e- nd atpe erda mniehI lestheC .B iMrssfle. Hestar #.25O8.50n8.76anK#2eiseiaue Panacate Go d LL-c8tu as mepeioplue of Amoopcy as h temd.I o i coand te ue Illlc o ading tethce eaitia dt inecea, etAut rQlin Poin4ts. drigts a csnob~1 ~ W 1 fltaiuc a oey eud adpol hw .erLhr.Thed e ilindsom tie oricoangln.fdiiabola heeedisant voinof hoe ar igbt iboBxeon aey.Fc-eBxsaeuifdr S fra iry c c cdof w caipdaon ,,dyn ce eenn en. I mtec i for iselisicisevery troffic ai is pe evi rdciteM -co ta Se o n M l. g tea n. fu l soe nte1 8 .0 2,6 .0 $ n Tfisnkogiiug Day a netpme et a dngo e ut iit tte tfr dei hiortctpy. Doision ntelafrgvce aneOcearin 11 ene afad ienaagian i n id Ire-k l ne rly al l inc,-cout in ad iny tredcmtauua for ili biay nt dtt nnte b t in cdvetn ce, e &oteian siale. hrisa i s o fr pin 5 gB ___________ and Fa. vfa l g o i . t r a a hra n d < l e rtI i mri n s ; r o n t ht e arr y n e t h e m ueri eex p a n si v e o n e o b aga n l s a n d u i u n e u i u r s n . N r u l o s o h r .t i e u u i e s thic adb eaio iitii. gomral bfroui eotI c e rtL wo ae i Ilcirýauth enoli ela tofthenesyingbs. fiec labl us di i îo e.eu inggW b 0lo n b a O silia er mog i ckel b op e a n re c n de t hA i r c g e n a omiv v ofb se. A b S ît h U e C l ohîn g M au fa c to r y s n t p ied T h is g o t h o u t y as a s o r , ca u u e a.a, à9ainthuma laitmay ot beorgivc,1 lg th sovanonioethelhedpfumllueIheestiiektafdtell'onebccîiedesc without Irrany SUplats-aa business syleithout vanyloionelet y waits-osave o'e' Thec ope of't uPorîatiHoeare ce- mocime meanst havene asoe itiensaaria it mmeuf tiSudud yutheOwn o i hciRer Bt Edg u e nesyes TilxMrobatfIgua uonabne wn nutyl l se n eut, hog en lr-tlt o,1ad m hs iy ar a veurOnenitced tI . Pihie fona dis npo e s de ra o p ho cn e ym r e nte m lvt ocro ismen. e aubtfo rcît bo al aI Casieîla b e va lcei i a c do eowu insun n ip e . W o u i es.ik i h 1u N i a a L W 5 C foigîî.andsart Autom roelioiogaickieadcmPerumeyn neccegnoirsatarel labor', lmsala a bc he diect cuse o Thes thins areaetyern antsiypobthe Natioal achicvedet fuen eau"mbuymegoodeds offy usscheapinerethann w bis neiginhbor, ban.e adW 'hen Marm an cte.Usm au U miOE FI MaES F R ALELiEcP nilictiandcdevbîictse.., u a i telcie h av e ntua an Ibe, hocy, ando suoopric i ial ut alse nosata ri wm Tegnlat nacdn. ne-. . e'B AWinsU'aLui ', cs e,Gn.d'a S.a _and_____--y_____S prisonlactaium bcclama Mach e rte i l e ntrc îetcouet a ta i c, i dt s ft fr tarn di se fer lyi ce ae onp Mc. te hrgVce iedS oea R n .à bc maid on cit e- aid ,heutradeuetniveu.. heour e of .n aut of 8 wa0 ta P iccicontniiieabb se s reutormccomme0 : aIi Crenmrvtec ilin thraianî87 ourmoasney wlNo retu hw gndens wa tarsoetina n te tr fVLAL IFRSL dico tcibc ee nirdveaaepisnlabo it otfl- Y Mietsur a.lt. lcm et'a r tai lo ea ofîthelBura. O vaoylu teeei<ofeDr.tL. i dcai < l? w cousi lbite ir me mi cnorleu asu n tIc oieiMch tog rntuClee ebt dcbaot oov bii cibtte nand aI nt t or enta 1700I ptebnnttiecmieo hn i eea pern e insl y na s teimsa goI le n .Cre o a irytyg, No teembari an au t Bp. evRbefre or ur cus E R We me tinS Eow a r ne ofc tin th t . l 1eT nlcp iff ,Cmu't ,c adîg atu con an d e t c1i hic mpl te L v n cab ie eonrlupon vuy 1sp o c e m ib utib e atre hae. oa . eCoa m u s f r t eCba y o i p ee s K o l d b i g n rta dte t a -d . c a o ru i>d n vM a u rice ti ae rt io îe sraegb âtet dis C u.R '8 7 e in . v r o i u l ose i r o up ci ug icu Ný itcu o he t a 0e.D R A F M NE ep e , h ormn t a c e . T e C e i t a dD.cg s , - 5 i g S . W s , H m l o ,HIA D O liete ie i ynir tee to a y <rio e ar >' neL, ibsib aios teba acetefor viî tMD fore peutIn 1Noson avoo onbeu roCior. ho tiocnib y h eî o verîo nenta , i l e 120 mu dniî odt iIar e a cTbronitibitî nogl di e dr how Ibe W e t er c= o miasa ese i ei M enHeIy piedU s e s, tor colar, ourpnotastfaiynlai ofgstheo n De' eaisich ât tenir poentacetîion ibas bau Ygo thonBarrer. dTe e e n-o dotamrine, cvirng t he ear muietvbcb On nIn etabar, bl a gvi te oi te tbdrwei ie. Pie 45 .b0îg.ye for te potetio Aofth.e.a .romo LutiYme bayag cac1sa ler d str ned nfibre -et topron , MctDcameidntala nd, btcoc.ua turai cd deo telab t etio lbenr cdLuti tlis e 1ae s uti yen an si, t eco c ote p.. T 'onîr engl 1a t op. Sa ur A Om li ntleflst Ir.Oetorn' rueBtBaiBav r.inre r ou l cc-auri e toppcae sn fa itimoc 0*. is e ebapr, tu1 aitceontom aOcgtaar th ilon trae a lmo0 ratins s- C meo__ gpisiCo- coelemrs, gulig s nyeduedinth ci a.1 O a chid . ave îec n eur c1ci.d e ha odng tnd h d ca ile a ineieg et ise vitur t. ee S milh ..rnabondc it " u oolîînn, 5 aIls i ns. Pria. $675.P Sol a e-e <s o7 e ciis is 1u pri u eP n i g e tas lIc e a ;tui ' e rca op. hisbe t eai. Toro bava enforhaselent], itue Ooed ut0n un itaBieeee tc 10 rAcie DcOffot, baelcciid<ets MwscnelAt out wa t ude,,<0t t i ntg et re fo led ssepo us'llie cfmgishcenote ma incm51ei. 'hac.. u L 91 îramhbînIcds rn uyta .cne or0 arem o tmai id e o r ccs a t e n -aboc lest tise igte a ror c, .ie mngoiste cfauress elpaeasya eh e bi d iîuof ie ae ucset u et d1 atisa te Ale c eeoueîb vuni iaiead. e'."" t t:mout rsthe ofe ean theo. fAil woathefoie.Johnj MentholMeoisugnO Rahmdfcaino t rlstrt tisetandeytehe faie ned a bnfto hi enns adtois. acd pange Overedata. lirajivta Sria Mt. cmiis &Le »»ro. Thlic daoy eirioahiugolihm 0pRaidslarc e Get mn bafe a rebinaes . t hebrIre r ae rII . la.deOL te mth kneeothnla w,., Oy snoe hrUhOtth onrrbapastr ýPmd» Oniulnnn reens Heav0 Twminiman.yButooloselvot Ghi"a st jco -luo haler cdietied r emd echilerasin il codbad auvsanaicseuehrva adte îJ ac-c c >,îe es ieBlc Casanaess mdeo fn &n]anmrte; MônnMosp c au u ma. b ve ean iuetaiont re ai p o finii dime dee ofao nsi. lc te d ~s abch. D le. B t Rawt ecoci retan oto es let achi y ave ctd.hbulacepess ini.eIecaibusiness itucicacmpcems.ed tetisabcfsi7nesHsves eCeea.lA.Men.c8NouD1AVeS6 te 2 ahet Pne com hall ut h au he M ulie for e of p paete urapcase itemotisefeuoae fOovaefr ui bea et a cuttae>u' fer nd urraitiieMn ,abc a rtee a a u O d ff u h a e h nb sn i hb rc n h n a m nt R a th ü tcîo ou fa o ic e tos r t e ep a c e t n a ea nd in theof a t o i t hor jri ycbhie tuand. M n. o ra B a I n d uc ni lu s o a v a C a i î a1 1 0 h a q a i y i l S S I R I E P S aictits o f he bOkva, rpel & rPenny pave a et e re torlad ceu cae narie" ineBanscf tis fe c tddistricts, fosinmmc>'. solttng hetd m s wthst h e tore I$ 50 uto r s i n ai o o ,nt o s ek o torruiiation selfcontro, disipline are he judes ofthe mater ad thoi coov (eutowoy)ab apet f hstaetle Coat andfteradanedoVehet te oferatvei$8rat.5n088 Su----t molccî u'. miii l p onffl. i sî aomsr dt 1i oa ioofbeu cl cre s ainorma 0tion s bi el l eovde i DIED.l g ut eri e 's w a t u t ret R t n t rso eo redBceeiîg"e taa vue eadyrdic a r s1.a ont mutiueam viii enbero hte o a vurle. h d j L eie ranpbi iade h hraiprlier.entarof bis fanhneme Plimeeit ofiyhbihtineai>in Hamileon.nO r tarntea eeiburs this all wcalAOito do betterar" A LUOctubar, FJRhM implc ora rd n aa. ios on-taofciveea nintm, ierère.Ioiy.ar otfat 0e . bug o mberlndmuliPlate - ever wllbe.oefrOrCso es eMeto eo nteTw tcuiod 1' o ûlot0tieOilews nmatect.liserace nd he osii. no I -ulYDws hywllb ae n helnso ltin htw M f esn ouyo h a ie d i? t o l in cc ee bvlike on T bre am l . 1eaa oyc lysu t ch a ce cfh e ! rnoobistOu bI. <seted & o T eDwe o ing -A t t a C e ct tc e lise IcIik Y u t ' s B ll n ticoun c ine th nuî so prt tthBa n atn ceaite Iebcos e on o hici lepiiello e-da Auert BCoboues rma g iîatise OPin tan ager e provice se îor 8bt enns Wd NoI.oav le 3o u becc m d th laeo f hldfmn i mcme 1n<ni eieoomdo h gu v o a v iii I i a b ie , d Opra c lc on iid e r i îr ffl c o nT e e t c a n c e el e t it ei i 'thWie c h e te v t h e Wgo iI - e t of e in . a se d Iv eM t e a , m c n th e < < o u o c e t , a n y l i d lil d Misictr ci Jelîc'.ueoranaIde>nmcv fo Wood tinuta e ms t heaiCan il lracemedthn e mor ae> n'cu ica , b snrdew l S I P en45.iaiD-SOt 0aie rOMt» dabt1 wish aamuhammnu fu thean the me win ayriewih Ba cobr h ieofRni onHouo.i o oo «lg, omeiii orae? tth a tn lecnndItie> ven e ha ouI toe b aug. a r.nelandtbisurempanthenp, enal oeacs on Mil le - d eta m d1 i* a IavenbmonM0emaa virmedelred npte eu ton, t aeml ut lite tb a.hyMn.IaY elibave ettion yu la . bai nyatngtebeinigof h if f Smithofa age. colrw llnn(,al i s :W Ogod 1i.W ba 7 o A ed du o n th mat, a cl a u Te s r i e c c it e m ce c f B ',*u w a en capo d.br iis w ua a ise at ince s a în edaM N v. lut,. b>' lb ..,.. -.,D.M 4 iu enitsW t ply heoldEn oerpwein, athme aie - s ow poroetng eeae ben a t act u o ovme, = ic vu t oy i haved ndIb edma> reelongm. rme n a ud iard vof feue feel lon, Ssudon. -ic j b» icoarbeuion tenau n.ont alte et eun o>' thhrieen aFrom oneno ama eri cadeouatchs goles u cu o la oiîî oynen u tie ,-asviii rcal h a nin te t h e dc ksd ne es oaamn vblteurl s.T eMA R . hlabar>th',n e, achevd sd is wopou grl wh mt af let atiotliacva ied ane btofba79 imunvced 3 tta2 ha dais un tee5 amIota" l m t et a M c htis l o ie n qc omt lo o a n dte a lic e lib J e a a i b o e al na n - b d a n d i tom . h ar l n . T ha dce ta ' Hiel< l N B ' -o ct 9 ,e t i b :ou o cm ae< o ny of e~ ~ < i g ri ef . ta e a m s : a ravtance u ltiîe ce n tw s tr si rlt p a n il rab l, O k il b h S c .t . ne p p a ttape i a e t e iedx ia ip o ier t h e sli f S c e a y f r I e e . C n n W r a l . . e b r e ' i e s a c o t n e t a e o i e V n e i n w r t d -n u l h NVI UI a ew woo s t i e p tre nnaetact teis a ful po stio ,l e i s eanMisr m m ena l aou , frnemb s . Mes e SZIh rle S . A e . o t(aum a) s y e . C a d V g dosea itih e Otaa, replae ise&Puar ty mase lfapp ation man ba ute s a îr' e nbtou d of t h ppaffce itis iblene. Bcd r $8-60 ;seln Suiet 1 Û .50. This'it~ tB Is a enu~ a ma dt t Oneimicap ble>f' fer t a en a - W . VA OA L S, Os lr, *p a old b os t rs.v$ ..0.eJs i .q ah y ' HE B S A D TEceA E T vo n y il co e om il. < ctrThis s l s o eat î et en for5 mab.; tti n wiecc f tvh a s Lic rg en Bay po nt , l t e e n t e r bu t e c olonic e t ln d t o o e ttniw i h l e te rea dy am el e t .E UO.5 T he se rn.lesi, ,, t av rai ros en erp imeforsai e t me ateyvii bae a l i e mparia te lise g alo r a bis reicaneohuî bales. The prie. Je Au Ame r dina nda tao.d m Tliecuobahieartm n a eéBvueî Te.vnve cfra d dnni: ý e g teeA Bru . uoLlce cfngtand in taotoraisesnanty I e l iaS hreaI res yba tr aiat ee oidgaCrwal, Ont.,(Oct.ditors thetam.m boîiedey 1> meanscf Caadienfao. vstj gced an tvoinfantsicen é htEtatOf trra. uTs the nWter art of Brae Breu cImas n-ythe onu l e clae a uArtshm5 <curd eu ul poins e In Balaih' oeapid. tai tté. s de ta fe b u Isuha ncl e od. ie uet- anlbet Bwttenos&0ce &glnitttetac ne wib. Sonlnoyetaeto bisabl.eM uThetirt caeiceterl, w s O unîeeain cscae siey__ _ ___of_ ___r a ieds Tornetaic he ac inue palaallen a! be lusice ufle nitco rai ce @tee tmm ory ven cen S Te ndal er s f~ or o, mil a vace amont<ail mfla tothe e R>' dt t b eyw enet liteent,. chnt eL u. ssl tt? depis 4e . s sace TK ingte applb fth im se hlbyMrtrath lThen e. yividme-. efigan cmai}5 l iam, aI bascelata c îeurdy . 1»t' bY ~4the nde lal ove ei d-te rn VelleyWinlingbeu a te b. te y zes a rri Le e e l tn a ssmv e nt e ne adO cn t e e Rose.nd. for....f -,t log il l t lisrgi, ite, .'lla d teiîanid ai am igni ustluayab.e: e r ge r u deo I s Suas bans - assolisoa0'itiee lu be bouh ot y al.Mr Bhsd Butnlstheot esac wld barennutheodcrime un te ven0cnt r a ~e st 1-R. u . a aiceliet lman.en tonnnefte.coute â h & h pi. heisp cio f ct natoohid OPlU a b as ive M. Lu éiwumon.hn M to 1ban uratoul lie>' ' i ed n t o. 5n e and thora a ltill à irennpdu'lte liele. , cIer.rhm itdm o ls . £ .f . tlit I e heli e pi t n c h ee m nhet an A S TP ' etrea er* dou infi ln s rp ach ep o Th e m n i a dyi p m ac n h hOli r lie o la lew pe et e M ilo . o .m 1.8'. - long stre ch es of rest e w o k . ba l nt o 15 amb e ; e th e and A . ýh7telaplsueout no_ open that ho ie et ur 00 TaDe' ut i 0 1 1 aceis ara, Nis aha toee r te ena fweadb rhemeeting ere fw an haoh scriol cil Nl ii rai i 'l icuv e >C., -AT- r Tro. c c.YI pLi liesiv ci MilIeu. wi DIco Dr itCub. td c-cc aI i t cRir îaindforea vtîc c-F-cii I ig Ille I Tarona p4,pi(a") cl 17 lct er Muheea fr u-ci ai i i - BOTog. Gît..u.s, aabihdoIlieliIi ILi h.terete. c -cfcra Lusaî, orHmenC OIS.- cc "tc -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i In-bcheu hcltîic m»à iaiei ecof Ta ccf, -c i c cclv Ir O trbelledre d.uc-cc-. c tIcoic nooy tr oaien o fMc.il. i),- c. Iý îgld aneIsti iicooliicil i l'"I orIlS y4 ee utieaciciiea ci itavet, D vas bory adccii. a ic- icc- i acre efo ci neithsutehic c- cc-c ccf,,i -r1b à aromtn rcecengdei il)t~cci~ii bn veen oteunailea - c- iicîiq tao lubrd othe eiBl <cdc-ce I cc cc-c inst mta nepecilans cc a c-- Pi SFAle."- rin<cr d Cul t e. i - fcie i -- ilc1" ~Ç~.~T ~ toac- . i Il cl ma te ue cgcid in cuil - " krpanreent . la e 9 a med ceon Faicic-cci %1. $m olut ceSatccdc. HT- ci - dm fabe gve ats' yc-c -cgc- a1i I ,ý(ilie ,leyb ath obsele dc- Il cc-cl , (l 4dereby g tl t, T braîne cf Amcictad eic. gSde. 'glMacine lu e ic ccI c Ls5 ft rico ilte eli'il r l onne had npbsimoiltIi ieisrated ac tporlîcîe c i ioata tha cuof,ista1,1 Knevch sroc1 cc i, fiii ï4. Galon soyrs i occlt.i ithaJ 'nevn Sei. eloil cccli ilco ai n liigleeal'v il1' brOeandeu.of A Ceitîvîlo. -ici I c cl eOt ia S ece c- iil -- c cla olaenutson or h , baic bIgng camchi.Thic b nesbn ebeP. E. . Tiî ,iî l:1- , À icapisi d eacnigt oaloi c-cciîiî dc ii i -t mb te h Paiac.rap l-ý ,c Wf Gântes s en e dcii- ý,eey waegcols uieccli.d. iisul on on eqa oio ceah the il-i-a Be latvhtnc lcc- P. The I S, f e kic--ce(i ld 11 11li alea oftieee cic-ccf 0 longer mat urge. odr P.v I.c Thius oSalcîcdeyl aci t pi aI levia m es u al--c-ci l: 0 à u t e Ps a c e . D ic ic c Ozceet Catinaa o theciii gbas tju I n , i i-cci l ii li bovards othe ccmievieil Ne1 enc ontcus ins ou lt' e cci hid n. dec ar litl. ýl tl Re.ThStarthnaurecentici aeddorftbecrdc<cl c c-ie, o lng. er sn Ibdiue ui- î SmatoalBe<vises l aîcîie , c Jou Con nth izssgPcilaitot-d .1 ar beld Ieof ego c1cii r> m e Ing e, Meeld icilia CII i ' teeblit t rgrme iceril c-c- dc i <i ,f"iyle f'ai>' TmmrussiIucd ý oecatcde the alle ion of st S Oýga anS patnFleursoave T rE id aleionuO tueare eeuliciîcî u -i - W= naelou. eomirace lelencc -ldp pegaaf e par. e q tai., 11- ald. aTe btul ccccding c)1"!.iiivc jale ftanet ciira. the. cciiiï,it.cV ve it i eboa estii t î<c-c die 0me ClaDiniS bu bafo i 111ic c ,I l.dcc