Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1896, p. 3

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00550 Ttlx iooILWAY (y.N-Nv. OOg.tiee,8.27p.28. T ii :-:Milton sud George, Éol r aebeas piseed on the yIl), 14 ciues Sorné~ .5 .1 ad 7 7; Dodona50lnd tâterrd rotMss. ma neillt ~ p a r' a' id McIeiei, of Hanail. Oakvll. îcaÎ_ t- ,:Steartîrme, lrrt5 Samuel Ni 1! t) B. Iifii, Chierril.-Heradd. Nou, RAGËRaud oeid el I sgert Cottan, mose= iea o IWed.üdtae' frets their Mns. dervea, tait.Un 1bring;;,, îlt ten 10 Ibo. Ringau. j elîand sleîî,te as the resit af 1 t esi e lion 'iliera more T[- .vr-Tho 1111111on, nl> -p ltiescil) te fiDellecto-wl aeatd " -ag* 'a Bsee. clletio1-.recent aot A. D sie.odili e naeui moraof 9ont et 16 bisetï I telit Illeoaite one one barrel. '1 idlàboy. I, hâe ethe DaniapIR ei 1.6aoL]i 5. Thoeaare li.he A G lT a tnorieste elaesp. Treble as. eho'3= 0i~Tje~f .tesulck. Cor. Kng sud James 5011 b. blint Uvard Ôye 'a &hi lauiltos . lie, T plag.r.nTeedaY. ni 1h. fVfSetter'L'eiir lie aspices heprtsua~ft ý[tltodilteîlî mh, ill bha ldOiARLBE Wuaeari filitan, soleil tem ,runds (?.J. f ieeh1,ur%, la luHaldlmmdan TQ"0dyove ta Ha. Friday g,îreitI ,Jota 01hMlton asoli iertb .. aui theadrove *îIlbetrnise1thle j teionlo iam,jligbrlam ovlte t td, iladdittiot, ae xcllenl m,. Waldla i m 0freee. ae reilaiss RixeH aFoaa.-Teeierday morasn iisait.Adeeeesiosile. planuçld rfigvWuiound laithe îiasiz II t t N a aIoie as mli as bhua eg. ammitte. zooml., oveoabave I Si ima-r btte erage-WViiaon'e ecae au pravtag aworshl aad payiag!i r; lQc, lle robelis 5 galois. ftis loaal. lligginleIîleote Co. R..MHt. Vatename, ai Texse, mi la Cirtster Ituce-MiM viaiiatg relatives iu "ale nogib.riaod, ialttetSpadisaaaiepreasied au excelleat 5oreo5in ta lS was -e îrealy îtjured ou Obrci au Ssaday eveulag aonltae1.81 t atelreero eetîeir Barber itro.'« Be pauanutiere barden.. jile, (drg,1oii.Aproahý GAR-ON PAesy-Watoh laist we.k's d ,ige oNert-therCrrdteriver in papora tes pasticlersare eciigithe. îl1 eep l'ill. its Hasiltous îbeal gardon p i thlesemuon, mh" t t te ao tl fie.lier arisber srll bc old or 0eeaudaa Iann 1 amoi. Setruckte rieb er bta&dforasDuos, u Fsl" y vels, a i . bstret i-eleteSilet. Saoe in lOti. fliîloeetci iî bris eis BE. Wzra, ai Trop, NY.. muboe.nan ofte Haiub an odap ta aùllthnl1e tuneraloaibils maiber. Ms. Welr lian emaetofi elle lui ele. oa t aillta cor ai the T v~Uîin a 1,Our PieutraElIaI at 750., Tray- He leasuilh b ueineunl 1e t 1.50 ranli. Cool hac boss. Omasesas ffice. lira late olOasel75e.oa i ', co. ,yjeean,] James Ses.: Joux Drague, ai Cobourg, orme boes e. vte for Ms. Waldie. and epest a 0 A titýraF iit' oend lama social neg or. H îlt n i voteo altà lihl a h e eeidroce et George nsfuitasthelsîintrai.n n stegetinu S . trie liner, Tlrofalgar, on asoîbas Libésal vote ai home. t et' eIy et t" Jlîîr251h. Pro-. coitesluelof eflice telioxisg - Mev. D. W. Sourins f81t. Catbarines,a terelu;Nelsoetri(o. ce. made ala short viila u M .ib is veela. t 1 llere. re, lits05 asd Ho iii retascu vitl Mss. Solder and Ao ei îlott, Mr. aîed Mils daughilasoasille lad July aud prsa ICroate dul. Mej. and Misas liraIums aonpuo te 0eMollie Nele te; eloceeioisa, Mr. adiet Clissai bore as Saliballi, 80fie -il otith erlirel laoan. Tas tOx. H I 7teettH30e . îin. Admission Ms.eAD Mis. Dzàcsme teaadlng et thoe closing exorcse ai Ontario Ladiese' h ifregel ltheecorsios to the Collage, Whiiby, mliere Ibels dInghies M Iaim trot&iteeiîî., ous&Salrdîv, Florance receivan lie degree of M.L.A. 1 i otîtie i tei sauspicas of Hal. mîihlie Oea. A. Coai old Medal tas tu ,s r I îîeiîtîte.Ticetse tlowI thé10eligiasî standing i. the Unives.itynt ýi aril rtet jet inteecossîy. orse, as rs. 1.2ô1 Osas vsO ao.nar.-J. F. Fre.mtas, ya tWtEIýTIet , a r olig Wmaman sod sas af i lse lie Dr. C. Freea.. le iierly r-ielied Ir a Mr. Hem. ltasorCaliaornsastml eek vtlbbis su aio Borltetgîoe, wsc rresled on amily. Heinu beagit aifrait farimnt cli r,, t t lly IgaItltheSalvatia. 9smona. lie lokaith sib im b. eeql del :,rsoe litetere, Wuitih s miawloes aoaf ila i isto reade. James o teg oltteteiy. isestre',Home ment mith blas aud i efi ndu et ngo f iýauty.ThemaIson t i cotetsltitt. Thte prisonierlise country la bits liinf molydéctdetélu tiîatosdd etell Tltrsasy il eellisg Iere Isa. t îe elo ui tteroîoî~sma. ANNivEBSAMY SERVICES Of i e tt 5-Knox Church, Milton, will ha teste Ito an et olaas ?held next Sabbath. Rev. Dr. vitl % fi v u n ie eod sî Hla? f tee ail lier ltesi Shapes sud Pareone, of Knox Churoh, tal tilee. trelpsy yrn e casl Toronto, wiIIcu ahsricso i trasat F uecor. King sdand ueteavie tg., laietltott. morning and evening. amî U s .u ,ltiiMitttay 29tit Joua, We. MAaTNs, ai Huffalo, N. Y., and Ba tteral iit i .No 1-1 lsp. biu bvslies.in-law Wm. Moa, oaitlia ts teL. it iii.agautict ie; Ns. Unis. paelfia Railvay, Sa. Francisco, the I. e-,ract;No. 3-1 mile, Cal.. speal a couple af day here mfas t tart. ititreitl, tgotool lima l meeh na the guseloaiex-Mayas Dice. oe i î-ys titi etetit17 yeaeo; Ns. Mr. Mati. vas bora i ltonîtanniloftiita race. G - iv. Torey, 3inhaealinluthe 60'%,anil Mr. MKsY vas1a v Ne. ef;îîorrîeereîîoly race. leasies in ant pubietasoot for severalt 10 tel teeIt ttt7club erpessa) at Yeats. the A Dresace ORANTED..-Au abslla ason adivorce ram lies uaaad, Dr. Lucius. bae Asid, mis some peau ega rsigde] et1h c e retire , but yeneugrasty ~the village ai Geargetowna. bai beau lis h ichee tei re always laep gcstad iv the Sapsame Caur?, Este st 1frontandl rlial - Wiison'a, C nli viNwiio0,cta ie f.Mm&qmaadlb l milleiy pallieTangleisot litersm br aoBu-xl 1, lcc d ieura insseat owrigh arem o al.am.e I,(Ie us areell-Higpihotoam & lrs. Asld mn srmerlp MMirgaret e M.iatievu. ai Grgtaa3-Head. As i[ teettt cl:iF.eereliclaoflte latie it urz BinHakTifesidkala a ir er.ieriieolier hben Mi[ i n, ws iî nt ami v11' ie ses Saîuretit, aller liremae' fml nts on tFiYsln cad t rslushewssoneofiit 1i.la au t sdpvo tel triit;t et îtiseriibo ng. Theihose gaibi.siaverthe lit- l ýiiid w- re ecteld by ail mho s*adstoe Bonerre ai a 1h.stoP e iSr ie5iI Lt' rteral ois place on Idadlfetsevet.ijee iii beo ue lrdy ss lie louie tise borneeinved sud" hlpStek i 1iramcnitheebody aisethemma Wienlrabelvesulb.th e .i d the Jar ow'sL ltirliwhee beemu M ot 10. ng. EHiie lg vas inh tai deati etasee elebraled by Ha v. t icu ldohises riaas eat we. .Job it BOeli,. The intrnent look tvapiassiadt tit te ie ttetürr o the f1h nos... A Jasez Fillui"O FrtdayV.Oi. C is à!,rv. Site efi four ss ad tvbiras voefved liy exp>vef e to Hamitotn a splendid alse vghiag B i Osliretre. Tiafor Plama,' 16 lm bi s fd en.r.uayw-, ilo8 t (tai Ices sasfslaebyby'aeHamilton la tbhe jiib iclisbtt 1mCeo. Batford. Rives. The jufigaeot9Win i. idite rock 1ot beforcash aI Slave, Mr. gtiih.., .ihom"Ii. inotv ve.ha." L s" l; eseY-Tîte Yong eople'e o,,in Aarreetote of il. Davide t ecCnoiellrulie. ii gise a 1i îity autue reience oWm.G0. ri teeas Cattipbeiieiila, osnl5stday c Joue 6tlt. The prsgraasme 1t et trnsed bit Owen A. Smiiey, te faniutons eeeirlieer, of aGu 1,.in ici.,ee a irhittMiss E. laulin btt-eu ase juerl eomplta a day t ul ottouteofteiti ues ortib. it il IStates. lia. SooiIe)y g.9 tetalerîaainetslcssiaiam e i Iiirs cliaadc ter imepernei- Ue etone. veitltoqtim, esdma 1t ciecce.bute ic ii hafmib» teie Cilaton as baud. T% ceoi 7 to10 lue . Adtissiaite' eecl Cors Coitlealos, the M (Corn Binder. lFlery Fîos msd Shaes for the Wtiinsuonl.a Pair,Sasffiers ot di flen CronlaiutiJooler Gang l"os Ont Spade HarromeafS là, Haeeilton Haeisnesy, Chathaut gons, IlormickinBdes.. tiaouoosrear col), Wndmhlleý 54 dMacins asio s large Coulas Ponts. Tbe Wetr Chtneafor bina at $100Per di secsof bealo" a 'ap Mm la U0CK , Battles Misi,' .î: ag epiembl a sorttbai4t.yth a ecuglit aaasliikë'it' ll«MOaU the fob averffagei2lIh. moenade C(400?df ing of Jl$te 1h. &nd Bron*.tmis Ba 1h.d pgolilt 4rl tAtr he ai 2Lbe ebac la hav.ibsm1 deielrm mamies.t lia eg egalles an ia ia m II.do bii nee roysepit sl l t hs le u h eveIs: Ait..mesoa estbere m-i-and lubopsud tvibaieras. ordis meit iui lie psintalte îa.dM PIl vil boirdit bes ei i ravi comeu o ithe.i.b 110tant sosn taa,.:iSdt tbul*tlspi rcsson laI Sl -by ùL3 suerlaper *, Si, 80, 81. A? sud wai llharp, te fu, tem b nd baudt nmt10»te lava biu rnd pr maa, a 0 mie il cot mee sac.b Lowivmi.aulp a.i, oy.nudor 16 Baeb mlli(csiy leain , tla sane. 16an gaeca1.60,at1.80.At on 'oi.ses mouaclubTsudWella. it h.d 88. ban sud 10.Ose rctaih «mondide. t01.80,,cyclea agsie imle 2ile Wini lbarrai. H es sud halui"'a.d tydclrubs ansae. A gloe ilha hll sia0ie. .A uies Bn egalmains tBicyle raceo-CMâte sIra. co; ica e caet1.80.erA&eib 0'asa saos-4ta nlor 8Tserl; fluseaara, $1p. a.5 toore. maes 0 se (fo. c.oeta hoer eigibo l 0p (for caries sta gves a Ho.. . al. 100tnbeakonligad lIaie rail ouaiual om e oi en. bok sd adder ras-orn 200 irs. lasch dera wlgsonaa ttrend- =il] onetal ini hedey1. eeles tn lieagrlultius:lhaBicycliemoile s;d ront.tbr8 banoutren cI sas pragmmenth e.8 ouaad outr Ianc m,5p ofpudes inu la lore 6a-ailexda; orsiesiile lut Mldce i. uest oer.Hs aptos and M tilt picyed Ioel et. gaehereoud alsrrdsyRi 2 yars, stic Ihi elas I.Arad ulue . ie cn edt wlo resui n ahglas. isa inte-side t . alhaeling.teAu oc sud Brampl bas e.bopatin an appoas- ,longprram ili bast, ipeitrasd lpas ond rwougit ludlics siontiel e htsealmareyli. e salaiay1ede blrearo l eiin am.lii ai sapbois andsvetonmlaye esir cs arisi.fielrslon Sbut n assue tee aoree lunflia at.g er isaa- ong aad he v ela lt B.dlm eai a liest and ctai rs, ls a ae thc an-d as bi bortuing . Ame noI Coebaarefteloaslit lelyfo aiemto mandh brughnaiet plapofthis tnt.. Hauis.I ly jinlaa a twages aI mbasad 0e allbiTlcle mi ai ser sto, teigarn.ieeb sudil poa ing oe boue. The la. seondbc lecesmiite a nrias. mt a Molaun iead vesitr bail o um., Ms hores a is.ampesSc bbtl aernd as aI hi requ.ane ofdbvse batent aad ato reltireaass t a i 0ly e.. wnd ran-htoa. igtvs.epamil. â iliLtea.gayte be n 0iet and sous .0 Osa eshbk. ......... 8 1 7 iiackonk, .f. .......O.. 48 00l ljioé, b. o ....... . l u.r..8 J. 0, sa.tor.f.&l ..i5 ô0 100 oaoea, 2. . ....... 4 t&0> rsiio . fl.b.............. 5 V 0 0 O rusht,.......... .......i 4 q: X- ...kt4 koonedp ....... ..5.. 8 0 'M e1 fla Ma.daemaso. CaeTvJetée.A sp nad d.faalsthe Màashoi.as lb Mal"aniriver, eaylurh*a lengasn. lau~~~~~~~0 aithemietl.Kaya b vlhflty volis .hm. atart.wra mbah oviesi, aa ledbmtis TIbaillasVer urebybis osas. man&. w ass MCUlilof.é1bua.e sddsuly beor dyi*,t yesiery maralag, ii on e tstp o à ain pl4ia rdes nonm Cammodr. k.00 Bsndng lbà) aipCordelladlr.sibeh.,ta psaassd taWhie Bay, wvberoublehi is sria.nb t ..Bsltmha Preaab debesmau alanmte b. ebraffd Frmea sbare. The.French dagsbtp La Oic. alieterte and lb. Britsh dagsblpCoas. della met et Basi. Bay laut w.ek and Pound vlthass i sltlug. Sfids.fria. tiona la teaWreddasthe l.amlag manthe, becansa soveral tbas.asd Ne*couad. land aad Frencuai eema. are mlxlg logellier aa lb. soasi. Ovar OOAeo lisd.. Washingtan, Jaae 8-S-8metary 01. uap la.day reeeived te follavlag de. spalel tram 8Mr. Hrad, Sueseas1a lb. Uii.d Status Legatiln asta"OL: "Doubs aaue bytildol vaye estimai. .d ai oves 80,000.-In raports ta dat. (219t). na mastalities amanfi Ameni. Caso.', ITEMS. The asalhe"athle Emperor aiof aai dled or Fstday. The enetian in lgaz m vonat b. beld bill J.,. 80. Lord ilasebery 'atudenoy t. inaam. nata liu a"aetst trey dlapp.ared., Pstaaeas Hlen., tb. Dashees ai Spartasn baby, la Que..Vcialea2Ztd gseal.osandabutd. Thtrty dahlag malt wve.destrayed by a huia... liai evepi mer the Labradar aoet The Rov. Adam Burva. a Baptila minieer, dfeda Sanday aI Maslaad, On...ofaiaanstrake. The Han,. af Lardesha. paaed ithe secand redisg oaithlbglait arsng marsiage t ac deseuoed wtt e'. Mater. Te. n e l e on e.drows.d by ths resent tidal wv,.thai Ivept aver the naribm rpovlees i fJapen. The Britt.h croiser Douavenuae lest n aev.iay mon by suîtrali. ville anaàC vayage ftmoliombo ta Pandlrb.asy Greai t viby larp in thie Braaky. navy yard, .and iles bell.,ed preparatiana ame belsg made ta aund slsplaOa Cba. A oui"ea.drives drave loto a iberai palilisai meeting at Lavis, hillIne a man vaaued Jalluead iaially lajuslu tram ae ta six yeu. Aivi... reboivelfrntrmKarin ay 'il il(a abalem u tbeas bt *g~ - iI Z- z. VosRps t'at~* m"i Bei A laas ile. Aoeeam. es1h.isan B eflsca... T<> b Smatiy Pressed i .Doe.. fot mean ob hoxpensiîely-dreuad. A 11111e ýmoney1' godé a long way where good baste aind judgment ara used. Our store stands at al l imes ready to exemplify Cobns inaa eain .rstcko aCorei n xmieorsokc i Sprlng Suits at prices to suit : the times. .IWm MPVan7a,-:amýUTN NO W FOR BARGAINS 1 Wd Groceries, Croekery, Boots & Shoes Oarstnlok la nem and tresi. We boy foasCASH, ani lert be undersoid an F" lvsmle Gooda. .8...OINT FAIL TO SEE OUR CROCKERY DISPUAY... The ldnsaI erlshv n te to Beanlitol 0 BOOTS & MHES IN GREAT VARIETY o Oves 100 fines ai Childron's Snshoses tbo ram. 10.1 NIi Sollcfed. G. A. HEMSTREET. Special Prices0. Men's Tan Low Shoes for - - - $1.001 Boys', i i 1l 1l& - 90C.1 Youths' " "Il- -l 8ci Chlldren's White Canvas Oxfords for' 75c. (Siau.. 8, 8,10.) Girlfs' White Canvas Oxfords for - 80c. WILSON'S SHOE STORE. Ils. Baliaaa lias itidrava ithe eda. Britishpublia - .b.taapmusa la. salis. bill inth. British Hans aiOfs.. OMtret? I& Amerlos.poMs. 8fr Ohma. more, bai-'psesiim la r.lataedus. it Dilk., for fusionne, lis e.al Itr n'e. sr The aotian la leX ok ea. e.dlaint.. HIepull:e&pIa*or aasa.aMd M. Balfoug a ieadesshlp aapofn Tbureday s.tersl.g 0th. aileHus .evere srfilsis.d by Maaa.doctie. la respect ta th. Uaet. n volta oppluaeafr. tisf paa ir Ohm. Dilk,. s mea. ,A « q" ota hsSpaka ce. Wmb., .-Thé nattesthai a pretestve taxS 837à: A iulh iaion th.e(iseai ezoludés ourtlaide t. verp laeost. Nqrihrnmu radVasrI" efi her.I.maS? joble .tarif vs hav. dayaar aataap ai= h and. eves eea 010nmi redue. tii. Volume ai .118. Tvt " a.ve. am doy" tade n esoualy manlt.d,, _fqeràesb 611%is.. Iesa '2 =Un d-N *V- InATm aet ==. --RMTON ofta le a 51 1.Umm . MMM* oie lMr"i m f1cêfla~ W h sid.a rat te olartheD vo = s-ock and are a hM lllinosý of emb tmpi s ed goods, Berlin an4 other woolit, oolordo " W tns a il linos beonging 0o4he fancigo<dtr. 0..Li Hemstrr~ M RASTEDO'S Hat- ald ap argaill Lot No i Consistofa Men'g Bluff Rats and Mon', and Boys' Soft iFeit Rats, Tweed and loth Caps. Worth 50c., 75c. and $1.00; ail one prce- 25sC.iEach. Lot No. 2 Consists of Women's Girls'; Children's & Boys' Straw: Woith 40c, 50c, 75e and $1.00; ail one price- 2,5c. Each. Besidai, these job linos wo have a nico lUno of now both in Feit anid Straw -Hat8 at prices we know to BASTEDO &-.COI -di. - THE FAIR! EVERYOODY'S VOTINO Woesvesle eilectsd laul ai halltsn moat volas tas their hscd.earued dollars. Thoso vhs kn ssva ee s2eveat qeatisa everv bîme. Iare ,ns lrdaybargalas are a tam esamplo.à cordial invitation is exbe 4od alal, mialier bayera or une. SATURDAY Clothlng aWr pull dowvuprican SetOi maire te business ot ai ui eetetri p ta a gsealar bulaesihnr, feOrmwe've lad ont- poir pam nrted parsoMea'a elegduable TweesdPante, they vors Made la ratail aI 81.79, butl la indamue. e o psy use a viaotti lt lm1 0 espsaposly made and lsim. mail ia. Tveed Suite, ilismaoon'a pradaisioas, beaalte il dfasbiaaable pateas isfelartail t aI080,and g= nt salas butia. i e bld tas YOMrtadeanlgive yur piatatos88.18. ,a ke' BicWrnad Cosaaand Veste. " aveaeiisn finish, lalesl davetail aiple, honnît or tilaliai efigro, panstallas voalilcarage poa $18tfor uatpau'Il boypthor asr889. Drug i'l' 1J. boutles Flmriàl seCtiçIl- Walas. ~bcaturday. - * Pare Oeile Soap, te. 10c.Ib. orll. lb. Campiar. 2ia lias for 15o Hae4's Sereapafflla, raaW«rprias ,ti',q aosm flai Raraci, 00o Oas sý-Cuprissnt. n dùIO me, Ait tbeas,t ani vauld - be leapotitras YM 9tagsdsar. 1 Thial 0 e1 gra mhoFirea HO me*w L bi dFaaepDrm.. Ils, 9" 1ad2ogod Blaak H"oeglm% *egS yoles4Me Eiak Hendilta, . g.hv»Êe M. le, lie. I~m9 THE FAIR a E vesybody insa piattse'a,e0 lat bave, in lieue deyn ai pait! vcilameat. Hom l is tso aTinsevlio iaom an saderelen evrypankinlaitlia serouu dalla,;sudil Iat ItII, asn asla Bantes sala ail os atatameala. vtuikil a politicai ouanad,.thu a Vn resd sas moadesisl BAJ rSTORIES BELOW FOMR SA DAY: e BARGAINi eHosiery and Tanc Glove Section tiiae gaine on H0siery sud Qis-sce ahbeives are icaded milli barga: mhi lie prieis have me. seut a "apij or tva- CuildeaBlack Caaimere Han gsonds laiseas, ai l5c Ladies' Tan os Black Fnlt Caltans an2lc, aI 1(c. Ladies' Black Caimera Hui quailp for 20c. GIrocery Prompt serviceat Setin ivesy, everything actlaslice sft hic departmeai. 25o tas 14libs.'hast quaiity i Caiis aFruits,,8tii tins tas Buti Dried C"lifalu me a 0e Yoorjlsa Ta enta B MieiBakalTai BoIFmily ;lessoespre Coutt âd Ladiee' Blosaes, rand bUn e s Uoirurcollas cula 89e. 50ain 9equaliIy, 8c D. &A.,P. &N. aad 1.&0. s@, .1lmises, segalav 01.25 qu aillai 980. Our celobraicdIRIlCarnets, tlat.d,eWgular 50a fors85. Ladies' Pink as Bine Cia. Bloses. leekel foants lielit nd etff suils, $1t5 quliytt9M Ladies' Wite Caltas Chie"e Ladies' Wite Calta. Dsaw4ol Crooksfy 97-pie.niet Tiuw w andem rea BSA gi.eed~ Clyde maks, i SWaIMi qalliyfe. ai 8.7,9 Teà, Selle 44 tpies, prante& and bresea, modes Wim, sq 08.80 q e t mAâ4 M " s.6, 4 pes, Wlhf ais e, 8oi lme op;ueat e a evpm déouqu colI le ii i i L-- . 1 la 1-8

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