Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jun 1896, p. 3

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bugy at thmk~ 110 clerk shlibw 4tO -Yaalu. ij,~ l un achauge L ding t0 laW. 1fi 5sLE .-There wI ;Lee agriuleursl I eniug, 25th fi. v ut eo! week. I hfux», photograp'he ,Win',.s t. #1O.1Rllyhbere on the JnIlal E. CWO .- H Mr- Dymoed. III Y. Attonny.« Generala ose., .BI t'ttcljg.Toronito, i~- ",IfOopltuhave made thirlo ..l=1t u l leini alnro.ingly large numhbeft oewiih yé ' Ix'utlry round the Brook s i tulreland is ufforingsareum. iUtofrseses Il i oulver ara an maoy poa.elée ~ »u,- A tlho nondose of our Paris à* âil uMlii. . I.'t.XrMunaleq Ibe at unce,. Tq 51119Yer;*1od II htO»ihtl.a& Co. .*lie 1 F. INU&, priocipal of the publie O*= don ee Vl a i01 selo'>Io ber'>, 1183 beau &a.- lu. .iont iean jtdab aoo.tiatoe\aminer in con- dey, J 21du.'ah -1 -Ajol .Wicb high citool and University lc ouewà. ations. t toneP>tcjead fat. Talateainstyle eft a theSlisa tit i,llit1 Chorcii, Trafalgar circuit, &ae 54.50m - bs DurelsII il oItdat Edwrd CyesOth a»wlat *2OOedI ha r afaJar, Coyoe'e utssAmnerusau hpm Treble bas 1aagronToondoy, îily 711 a Sastock.lo. nsoiJa.é t, Partiparlielrs Inter. 5.,Hanaton. -. tTien and Sors. Aliih ROAI Acorniuuy-.Ou Tueeday nus tShirts, Coloarosud Cla, ut the rear ellae or I tudernof a iodla ttMerlanoand Natoral Wool Un- onuthe Guelphibrano of, tbe C. P. I. Iý_tlImsand focke ai Treblias. Crner bon om-di ttn teenis.n t., Homilton. a paseuger car weré ibrotru off thse IIIOKL'N a Stodont Of the tr.ck. A mlisie. ftrouseur Cam. t tle Art Stthoci1, han hele. caro- adllie wu th uul Thccaprntni S 4t winuintheîb modal for model.ca.adhwa uut Thca * t. .ty hlisexhibit from .l the conenderably daousgnd. h ii laOnfario hsl io Toronto- XBonI ultvatorn, Jolutsa PIows, Sud tMr..o W 1 oCou io Ganb. l munfacturdhb Ibl, r ot.r. Cohr Cof Mritnsh CcsutPoW ,Co., B..tful Priles rock bottoun for cash aS Storey -A atitot'Iicycle. in perfect à Fremea Hardware. Machine 091 tt ei runIoto onued a 25c. per gallon. t1 .o for sale t a sacrifice- 1;. & Co. 52.2t A GAloansPAMan sd lawm secw nl hlieheld at the residenoescd etorge t, forget liie excursion to th Codmorb, tcwu lIn, Traagar, onu St t t o'ra, Guelpht, on Satorday. Thouday evening, JoU O th. Pro. J-2tii, under te anpmceenefHal. grammle Oesiafine of thse folloning t- t t, o'loioe Ticketu afin, Appleby orcesetra; Nelesu trio. cou. rt t1te in&l stations io ttic conty. iting cf Msa. Kerrt, Wasonsud t o.1.2t Gnby ; noie sud duet, Mr. and Mies Sas,. Broute; duelt, Mr. sud Mia on g na a onic an nell a an bic 500by, Nelu.iu; elocutionuit, Mr. t, nmîttor latveraee-Wilson'a Smith, aud ethel excelent talent. Tes Ir; 10'. itottie inakes 5gallons. mrvedfreun7 to 8 p.m. Admaission t. Hggibbooîbom & Co. '25c. 11 l AiiTY,' of IHamilton, le ereefieg --tank baro for Wm. Shernomi, JIoman A large crowd of neigh. tt. ýnedcl le robsing. ,which took ,tTune St.Everytklng worked try, poting Mr. lHogarty tb he rav er. "ty rîCIîc.g 10 i-eUnbon1d Wear- iiiror fIt.pper butitons et an, t. t ,twoctî now and the lose of t..t iton i cla ly himnelf open tn sa a hiiilcot! dollr; or fhres lllimpris.tmont, or hofk, anseauh titdnemeaor oder the. Election (tttcFeoaoHat oO 75., -1 #1.50 eccu. Con'! ho hast.1 1; Vdoro liataI 50 and 75c.ercle. HAVE von sen fhe »estafEngifis ailes i Afiff FeIf analFedora Bats? We have Il the lafeat Shapesttsnd Neweat Colorm. Ié wiil psy you fu eall anal scs hoet Trahie's, aor. Ring sied Jamnes Ist., Hamillou. l)nvmmeNAL OoaT.-Before Mrediths, ClJ., Rose, J., ab Toronto. Tuesday. Hoîton v. Town cf Brsmptc.-Justin (Bramplon), for piaintflf, s ppealed from joalguent f Meredith, J. dis. migning wifhcuf Cosas sunter.alaim of defendante. sud dlreatlog ludreenitc bc entereal for plaIntiff nitscat -Casta for 0817 in action ha recev6r balance doe epon sa otrusct te pply th. Town of Bramptonî nith Certain eieafrie ligt,. Blain (Bramiplon), for delenal. antn,cantfra. Appeal diamisied itll '-'n. to, tian su .,onm 00..Caa unva e n aui a JI. rttlon, fors the eleeion. Evory article cf Fur. II(t .uri a AIlernoon a nonher of nitue in lu oe,,ilI , laesld et oust. 1-q itns.sed a troî.ge incident onu Parler and Bedronna Soifs. Sidehoardis, t,i,, tIrent. %r etcileal nomagel Ext. Tables, Oak oking sud Dinieg t ,..,. uner iooes sutd prayed Ileat a Choira, Fsncy Conaer Tables. Wire : tIn, City tall officiai and an onîido Spricgs, Maîtresses, Bamoho Essea, tq1ýe tf fliec iitcorporation woold Lansugea, Piafsrs Franea moade tuerder, i,. , r reacitheliti iy hall alive again. Cornice Foies sud- Wiudow Sisades. t 1,. ; bt! g iventetimooy aginal her Cailsud pet prlcest sud b. coevionaed ti tir aa i tit.-Hamnilton Timnes. tisai; yen l gef a bargain aS CHiAS.t JONEAIS. 4094t 1 i i oqt impossible te krep ies Bcecz Sznvc.-Last aoudaya&fier. (oit (fthe oltueot.buho!yoo eaungreatIy noon. ey. P. T. Elgpui preacied s rwithe nuisance b sn yo puest sermon te- niSsmen atSt fltc ,Iloti'ng, nhiia ne atne.ye kcep Stephen's Chorais. Mornby. SsvantTe- 1ltottt, froi, analrliohin t Wileo's, face oemesrofuthtie Mlien. Oskvill tiotLSotithtt ifaydpurds aet oot Gergetown anid Streeaville bicycle 'lut iy pîtc ad pre eeei pWclubs nent ta the aervice ce thelr (fer. ttiVe os a cal.-Higginotoham & nisesn sd tise steodauoeswue melarge Co.- that about unefhird of thons passentJ t., ttc 1ovsu ,ALc.sîoe.-In ne- anulal nt geloateolise cOurais. Mr.1 t rrc t th ii a report adopteal at the Farriuner, of tise banalofthtie Qeseun i JaL't ciniîofcthlion tîty eoneil me.Owtns,Toronto, acalafeal thescaganist1 J itcen o! atnorh flis neek akicg spd choir isy playing s cornetau cuon-. -tt;lt partition bf neen2 the jodge'a panymeul te the hymne.2 atti iarriulera roonas le the court bouse LAwNsPàaav.-Ths Tounug People'@ tt.l tttxligotitcr altarations. rnu interCoitian Association cf Sf. David& tt- ige nliaye o mocis more auna- Chioeh, Ca.nphsîlvilli. willl lve s litblceon i tanformerty. the bar lave paaly t these aues01ofWmo. G. witli tave tt thuse of the nid petit jury Weir, nea Coiphallillla, ou flaaye os'>"'.tlimptit jury nill use the olal eyeuiug, Jue 268h. The programma gratt.l' jury roooi aal .the grand Jury wll liefntissed iy Own A. Sniiisy. thc fctronmontvo the nleriff' offic. thiefamnes startainsa, e! Torono,C ,mtttcat Sîrlng-Tooth Clfivator w nhs ucomPsny usis MiesE. PalmeU att ,! .ru tittor, the MeCotonlis Joisuo isu joat complel a a ry Ctaiiinder0.l'ieury Flonn aud repaira. acusfol toua ufthOtise lss c ishe- Sitas for tue 5Wilkinson PIewnd ra-Ue s Sas. M. muIy 3e ptairs. teoifiors et difrereut maeunique entsrtifauntt. uuaOtfgutE Cock-i.toi olt inier, Gang plone, Diaecbiumeonesuobarsactr imperaasiEna. atmi s1tcfe ifarrows, a full lins of Peter recitations, nsnlffloquleua, au&ussimi H!ami!ltonMachinery. Chathamn Wag. sketceism. Mana ,liI h1 fclhd b gtog, Mccormick Blualero, Mowsmtise 'Milieunbossu bana. Ta .le froc! or rear eut), Windmhillg, Wesrn froont 7 te 8.80 pi.. A ld f oad Machines, sfis large quanity of Du. Waa. x nCoa.-Dr. Wila, tise Codar Pesta. The Western Rcad Ma. oaear tsor o! Bo"faoaù"etCoUgre- tine for hire of 810.00 per day. For gahlpnaisnachw , Toroele,vas demi- aev of Iltoabove appiy te WM. PEA sut ie a Couatv courtcsa @H;aeslis (CiICE, houer tinis, Hilton. ou Tieaay, 3csaaitfn.u,-wiseumm CatiV Ixuncoas absitarin at Bonutesutedg baJor BALYINURD T RPAosWN.-A WrI.as ialsiieofetuqes. fe Ilu scry serios occidlenf necurei l aitise uill4osoaltisa tissa wu a u taiteugnthe harnofet ery A.ERaid wltstshy hb.wuasto,90 àY yo.terday evrniog. When thestructureans blUe ot *sL was about hall coonlefeal, sud oue oS "ne ebot qesla" s*s~i the platesana eing placealinlopcstion, tmy enli mb4cbi Malcolmt McCai!em. ni liasMSilno,. ti« l v*M fois ' l,-sqeiUe. fell troon a baeste tiecnns bt$Pdo$t loor. s #istance etfshot Mftet. Ma 1to ep 0 huSIb5ifL~Si n io a iieaty omoan al came downu is O'Eeî vice en tisa» ~ , trenuis toroît.Dr. mion, vsoW55Tsti QAlîo A preeent etfGonce neni te ths Or t fren- die4 L etIe, ,asasistancessud rioenainni. atioa dijoovured t t stisa lobStgue yF Jaails" iooken-.ln 1550places, hise e aMnc lrokerisO ont t"sarint, thfis obecisk Àeès~ bonsencimbeal lu, sud fises vas "ais soere cs Sabovo tb. algisi oy. 15 nol qib kunu nisetisMW vuL sny ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ »u oreua nnis ru ly cli e îaay PnDu ~ a nas a iselty.nstroog, abte- mga. -Hetdl. wl LAiVt4-esdem tise luu aneliseMa. 4alum% seis aue- WMos toien Lnaitutim T lu et U is iI1.0b s serions~ jie ee am SEh - . le ;e B t s1 wn4odt cXttom NolasMartini, Geogetown Fo a'Mito(9 med)....... No. Ta. Georgetown....... M Oap.Mnea . 0 ~si -I ....... ..pir . 28 27 521-0 CapS. Grant.........26 24 " Matloumsellion: Pte. . Aueivli 22 #0 .Frauc"......24 ..Dongias......24 24 24- 28 18- 24 if- 21 17- Grand tofai ... ............... , No. 2, Buriingfon. 2W1 251 25-760 Hisheat ASore-Pte. L. Thoun», 81- 81-20--8s. No. 2 Teasu, Snider, Norvai. Pte. W.Vanees.......29 28 25 80 -D. Vence .....27 18 26 70 Mjindree......27 19 22 68l lolloe.........26 27 1à s. Garbutt...... 262411l 81 as îî......... a I i os M&tr.....22 il i4 57 Ilusmeu . 16 12 28 51 Mncre . 26 14 ô45 Srapf. Baadock .....Il 14 18t 48 286 t1786 11 Nn.:8 Tcaon. Match No. a. Scider. 51f. Sergt. Goodwille.28 26 82--W Mergt. J. Reddy .... 28 29 4-81 Ccrp. C. Shrtli ......22 19 1"7-S Pte. J. Noble .....24 15 28-.-82 11, Mathesnn...18 25 28-61 W. Reddy....21 28 1"-7 W. Stnll .....20 22 7-55 J. Shertili ..... 25 101 10-45 A. £icef.........18 14 2-84 J.Creoooan .... 4 ô 0-91 Grand total .................67 No. 5 Bnriington, Suider. 214 211 177--502 A mnatch waa piayed s Burluglon Safnrday hetwean tfiS. 80. E. ofetlmn. illon, sud Buriuglon. The Sonseo Englaod won by 28 in lb. fart lonina. Iu the necond moniS tbey made 89 rue, but Burlinglon didclt have fluas te piay'i6a funingu. Itisbro howled a wiakem for 7 runesud Stewart 7 niakete for5 rune. C. N. Sitewarf. a Godwin, b Cole... 0 'A. W. WAiker. a Godwin, h Godwin; O A. Baoh, b, Gcdwin ...............a E. Risebro, c Godwin, lb Godwine..25 Ml. lkealden, b Cole ............ 8 J. Gadsby, c Cols. b Cols ......... P. Haninaford, o Baneferd. b Youuig.. ô B. WhlSling, c Ninholo, b Godwin.i H. Railogs, b Cole.. ......0 8. Pook. rua nt........... .....O aluppl. net ouf .... ...... Spes ...................... 518 Niabolo, hb Stewart'. ... . -.......G. Godwin, b.Bmebv ...........O Young, h Rimebro............... O Colo. b stewart .........:. I .. J. Babstinn, hbSlsvarl.- *.......5 .Meltchàtun, noS euS..... . ....I Cois, i1bw, b Stewart. ........O xilaoSt, sStewnart........... ..0 Bâaitfodb hBimeear ..... .... O .. Englnh bhStewart .............O Stuart, jeStewar ............ By . ......... ......... Tise (Sabvili Sasesyea tee té«.. vile plnislWb" wc- klydm -- uas. ussmusMy innlcatwSrtii lulnn u i mewi lse Ni B. y. outlug."x AI Liho cub iai! s - - 5,76i2,m61i8nes - vu uAflu of theîDuk 1 IMons .n.. u,1 50.M,7 S ni',ai. i bqdq' îîM2,rn-i tirin diiidepeuieri i5i0 Ï go niieioi64 Tias e onAneie i oSi 1nt 1,1i.iJe ne .. ncen Orei rond . 0.9343 ' Aun~ut411,047d.rer r, BASTIeJXyS De es not Mess' to be expensvoly dressed. A littie moîgoy go*& a lpng way where good taswe and judgmient are used. 'Our store stands st ail times ready te exemplify this faot. Corne ln and examnine our stock of Sprlng Suits at prices to suit the Urnes. Five Uundred Suit$,. or to be exact, 509 Men's and Boys' Tweed Suits boqght at less than the manufacturing cost. Thisis the seassn's over production of H. Shorey & Ce., of Montreal. As 'advertised yeaterday this sale of clothing staarted to-day, and it started with briskness that gives ns renewed confid- ence in ourselves. We try te buy right and try te seil right. We are net satisfied with doing just as well as other stores. Wè try ha4to do better for our customners.; that's why our business. alwa'ys goes a head and neyer goes back. Oold _d OI 1Co 4,75o.Mic95 e,ýteeThis lot is i small meu's an'd yeuths' sizes only. Tht isoif., NewdCmk o . 0M 0 coats are net liued,bnt the rest of suit eau best ho desaErito onaonM do. nouons.1 as a $6.00 suit anxd we weil just charge yen $2.50 fer them, nie CUted Itg*mn... 219.718'n C .:=u ....n m ffSema 8 LacmmetC414 or kort l ,A.en s Suits $5o ersrtim ...717,520G00eO __-0eeUe isi ce Nem Oimueoi anid Admeces me mei ... .. . ........ ...... . 506 Nota iâ»mo& «euyt (es Thîs itas nies let ef Tweed Suits made up fer thîs'ses. S.t., ffl. ôiý'strade in light anaddark celora, worth frem $8.00 le Brl (o rtCNBmL sO. IN' uîj Thes.1s.the.linow1weld11.kete fitaboutc200omec5.ec. EnincnoG. e an.Ai liuo Bank .ormm-,In Trnto, on Jeulm. Srd. isyTBes.iT.tE. EmoryeCisarls bikeyen eau havetthe0 fer f6.87 HaletS Rilnstcufphe lalt an m st resy paters eIe e itobl Guom,&Toiete.tno lias8t ev . Ly ouneisr. Tt ists yam d n ý mdlk ree ltig ee tee, *eurv. Eluaeonsu Smrabt. uca-aet mfr$.7 Zmo4genu Wsd-n Jmsisy , n by4 nyuos u isW rtd udSoc westa Mlm%0. I uS cuteomnfatre i0yaudte eai"risinma ~~Iissrgai at $0$00 th tW a, y* tav . ýLn y5lu2l210O5 Fine5 lGoa sa and weesthssae verdd, onWod",J'M@.l, o ler. Wb. T. X A. ahehaedsa atê on the déllar the D. M. mdse mi ae addng ful lises ofebri edgoodq, Rprfin and other wqolo,,colored 0rt ai irtes beloining o the faxy .good trade. S Re Hemstreet Lot No i Consisto of Mensa Stiff Hats and Meu's and Beys' Soft Fi - FeIt Hats, Tweed and Cloth Caps. Worth 50c., 75e. and e$100; al ene price- 25c.IEaCh. Lot No. 2 Consiste of Women's, Girls', Childreu's & Boys' Straw,<Àat Woith 40c, 50c, 75c and $1.00; al ene price- Benides these job lines we have a nice line cf new good bob in FeIt and Straw Hats at pric6ts we know te be e tremely low. BASTEDO &0C THE FAIR! THE FAIR! TORONTO's NEWEST DEPARTrENTAL STORE. 136-138-140 King St. E., Opp. the Markl Eaeh eeeeeding Friday snd Satorday'a trads rmunlfi have onques, fionalp been oocooraging teu thon fhoir rdecceno. Ws are wax'ming op te orur work snd aaming st etill grester ahi, msofa and sf111 greater resulto--never copyiog, alwas originting, neye eomp.in, isys lsoding-our buaines nt6-dayst andsinI the pronu poition of Mig the GREATEST TBD ÉUPHî tgluhe hisfory of merohndisin t his goodiy eitfy. Sometlneynru tfiunk Ws'r a lit fie hosful, but nus! short of suerlative wo uleu fnnpsrlaftvo dong P Bead nec linso!fCOIN COAXEBi and PT.R EPR1t. SUADEES for Friday and Saturday OPEN TILL 10 O'OLCE UÂB ATYNIORT CC.O2NG t bhl» iton nord - B oiuto Mn n.A M» onir - .t inui 1.ssen «s lait MUth"nain th..elnr. itn1 89nprlfi lbert Coat ni.îd Vont.la eriior, Ii -nd vnavo.tmandio .U ai eo for @g76 t.ôl itie9Men fllieCstery cents mod Vns» me SiantMiasecoOo.-, aeii &,omi. gdndnb;;; a% qumsoiil n . sitrdnY 'ni, non UZO dCotii.iniasd.,ntc'.o oegm 1. 7n555 . on OS1.Mai ce oelp.prie.@Of" lo a" N'.i ,n Klid Qi Hom o an .00.arn mmm en Neluerni vues se, l urtsS ..mIlaMo . aoing ud do. eRera~iu nnm - go ror O for« . Tbond rini LsMd C. n summi 11.U~ pdas ed 0 alb aca sudp A 9 e

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