aE4i~ Wl.'. le me, -d Eho gani ht. I ae-ci il d B of c tco d sinIa iedliheti. 0n.Iaccatia b.mayl go. nlen, 1 amd t * 0 me itpl ,rlie g i. 0ii0b edtase lccewliu lie ad ae a Tum alete, st cf an bldtag foxDue. higi ao « iv tn aord. Iva lycpl lb tbigfcoe istcdeglgaedmi &OP ecie goy je O itc Ore n payaTus.bayea cnow My odle lieudo etmy il ovher olbe cre y, eniie, sum Tom, Dthe ada toilb.d.reda rtIclg ée, aeg tpeligiei o llsudottie ourt lei d ern dvîaysmele. local e uy p reuleci e ln ta b ap.f P.ow, wCOOlae$coelalcf gioed 7"-8 avoiers Ie utydlru roIfu Lor a d rr orta'es iedatile veTinlauerisp iciWincbtheleocdl 1 lcav.popsenod amthog hieaey goola.r a 0 l ia clrlbm ml le lîos bii bo clheseis maile ta b.av her lerpssss a g birasyc1 gon lb. boDe bolda eaorlgedmaor -beauaetfial to ce eimcay. T.9.e1I boel dqwe il glveo me pal. piitioe ot litbeefr," aid Lard Brau- eti;- and it wopld Oltb. epeclfel f nifealaiellor ieed wmille yooî lrd. Ob.= prayieg.' Bibop Tiorold. P!apeuorigalmolia ch alcool th aowi cc yai ddLord Brammllucowsli, anwerod le meaaer- rdtonca:e. "Praycdo eol mellion il. Lord jaimwll 1i1lam noie yonî lard. nsiqi oeaubai eqoally devoultcobolier ýOe are standincg, hcolieg or Sitig- 1-wllnool ay lyog " Tbo playtul old jedîe alloîwaîd inÏquircd wbo badl .îead prayri lbalo5atroîe, and, on beiccg bold, reuarl4od. witb a epaklle iig eyen: "ena Sharp tllow V" A S«- iteUci ro-Ca Ohi. Bae A k oe, et Frodericberg, Va. vrtl h e eWahngton Poil*: I îead le lhe Poil ot December rd Ihal a citizeofet 'inoblehilo e a viaIt te i soe icý Virgineas waa eiol deali bVya bnsle inIbisroal ailer .v.iy efartlwai made ta remoe ee eamns, bol wilcol Ccoesi. Weeeveî 1Iroad oftsobcaïes, le aey pape?, 1 alwaysenede'avoî leuîeccd lIce aine papel a oeip Sdcertoain rlif for ch obleg, lhql boacneveî plItalitled. Tho iîuedy ile dlleply Silo: To lu uedialelyrre.eîm lb.he igil position eftIhe bOdýF - ilbh ead awand wllb bodypauppoiledbaîle. banda and test elealed, lestpoant relief vill b. nbeined ad.the, obtuionee ilI isîl trou tbe uoýclb. A oild can le eeleod by lIce lege, and head leîeed dow, and relet wll bô ieileeaaueee. Severa liven bave beon aved le 1h10 commen ily by thie ltealuet aud t have îe- ouivued eve4al gialtel l.lleîsfo tou ote t ee, advieg mce telIn necoo wben dealhi eemet leevilable. Telina cBat Wihnai Tnmeie. Maey people ml b.i. soiprimd le heàn haI a peal comubartotfperteeson. ai atilelee lebli uena àcolt bah villi out the aid ont lemle, ai lieu priecipal id le bealîba Theuolhod le te labo a9 cold epeelo bath eoery uoreing ilu. modalely epPc îlieg and thoe, wile tiippic e molabdravi oe eee'c diannel -sleglel aed %patIn. The ballier then "tarte walklclg n and dean ie bcd romut a carl ,Paoe..He le coo bathed le a dlicîices perrataion, &ee le aleetldive minei fda Iimeltde. llcoi'cly treei and ai dry ancthe pe verbial bne. Bie codoroehiec la peilectly dy-, a well. and he oaa Iini dmua et aIbie leiora ('inqicovalli, the jnggloî, Lequilibriletand alilele, aucribee ic yeap et evaîylDg beallh aed hie m"u of.. etalisle ehod et balhceg vrlîbepl lewele Ege are nvepalored idto lEnglaod ro usoua ebellpd, latn ep aud pie. Bucin e heoilaly ccled tincctoom whieto tlhoy are drawe off llepegh a a.Eeggc i h10 ccdtien an ple.ý cilall'ced)y b.beu anthle eduant agea claued fr toi lb. eyede ufree' 1dem m am le'intaneport m"A tit in~ea~ a modea cae, bvoloir au Oontc r w-a abiel'epiayer fo lecatlc of gemalbecaetu r4yIar tOd An aemonlele Agylehl miclelec, celto toc lie lmap M the-lb evtuat h0oiel. mpii. eee ado turigica ya : pLitd, bal me *ra ni eelg lA. paceal et suit eclee Gruelao, a upmaa Monlaus o' pues, m4e O , and nmocl0eyk WOOD 11 thlelteVll."1 Waver ma bas euIe ther deffoleecie. a ciner Juiel'ai t11c Cnombiaee (momere 3 co i clante han.bene F rieloc le)I(emaielem.g ban ma bmOe lon' onele ritimt Suneay prayer wllb.thelb.llewnl peillen: Il"0Lord, havèeieyTty sevnse, bdeeleens t ieland Litle lJCabrao,as ase lb. tohabilanle et Isajaellands et Gieal Billai aÀ witan." anxdh»mii4 efthle old aihocl, reohly deetaled warn li cec"1sillua 1tea»Y iucpiioc et pleglaoilec ta ihobenevrralloired hlm. eoltal mie the iliglesI qeelaliee, colhool givet ble anllloily. Meomai accsoeess mble hic bnueeold e*eey meîning foc tamly oublp. and on oneooeicoeoumeneed ic de. velions lbuoc:.-0,Loird me bearily lbanb Tins gile h ave bava bean awaeed rou Ithe 000p ioh a riller ce the Ediebhg ffviem bus oaled lie image o e th."l-.' We wllloonde wi btle tollemlie slory ielaled bp a mlbtua lpe D.D.: The dooler, le "mpay w 1tca brnlber clergyman, ea Boeelga yeaioniemCebeed.,, and on the rieltSnnday ontIbeir dy lbeyatted ed divine ervicein leai1111e Sco.lelbrh le the viiily. loiez lb.pieiloe l nil le a remoeeoier.4 se thah lie ofI.- iaiog micclte a onq l o oieme. 1Bel the ocde eps ofeib.minicler de. sCoudtbonu a e l. eeonrp prapoer ani e ep reecthlmettac8lt manile eu oteni id rou ltim. Thie acd a c w e m.u lbe Leîd ave mu pc'by ulinler. ieg mîvanlew« bveloed ic eopon neEoe neexpegodlyt a(eaetf hmeu lî pr.aobin le iat*groel, ed the elbor in the eveecng." A coup1.etf ?ays aoin poicaled ont e p irobablli' ty lce Coîuîîvalivn pacly being I"jo1lîeaIl bp ic leaders inle a jingo polioy. ! te Thueuda'cde"alon lbe Addreci lbe amne maller mie alluedalte, aed Mr. Laurier vaiy prlcpecly tmi lte grooed tina t iel Millila and de. tenues ulgil ver ovmeliblocied atle and added le, b. dpieaed peliezc lic adaliene an aî=1o e hl lb veiy mol b. alleeu tolewhee .11l an Parmi.. e ýt wtou n 111 letote 1. ielhlre int Iany sme lloe eofmaada ileune*wlholg le le laeed foi brcnging Ourn illàanpd detenoei, OPte a proper Ctada. Gritas well ai Tory deelcen piepce protection long the treeltier. -d. tlàed ory alibi cel dule lte alleafble hilimailer sa qulelly and affec ly uoscssble. Geulerais do e i o hpcllg for vieor. b ,eaver pairetcmevemeelo su igîegamav i plas le peblie epete.Thera e an14tse »ayi ntha lîdoieolpay t leic*c deo ih lh brase baud, sud if *c paragieph li, tbe Speech tum l.Threee casant 82dwarllke impntefa tartay glia may bc qu l miticle cer«it# 1 peeauliciCaby a Paa#oet paliolleun. TheOppoclitoniene1liamcalelp prona le ali allgolhei teq talorably aed ýorch boutabeel b.Ucccad Staeu, bui in lb. prsentunleace 9ch "e, eiclt in in.ltng intI oollld*eo0oe by te CanadIenpptt Ncaiye ofiroleilàa0e 1nelgbb.o GreatlBilaln efute 1 imaioece goy lie absaurdties cethlb. Yceee Jin. grave lie jpril of lvr~oleebcgIud 4aei Ialedoer mjlb a g bouthec liaI lie ec alhgî hac po1elhi al e a then or _ Il e tevl »»lMe 1- al .2.m." . beauinu, enmsnOefuete Daei»at Siele eceesemeuthe &IbC,e for m to ndrat yepce. ,It geev.00 C riraI 4by ciua-4ff0D Millaicjelie a iliatheImneclal louveroàmeel bat 1 tie. au lin ip Md i$C Gle. tbeumelaneDo e wi'ley chcolttde- clnea âimilaipOpettIPIeB.inst British cebjscte i15etO lear, aca or re Kent. W, bdc o t oallev la uureevtuleb.cefecebylthe t $bat thie pp lern rpstbui beec uabhly ccndb' anation of great racva, etihi m iciu laIle». portent le ce le iemaca on iriecdly 0 tern& W. IrocIIbe Cabinet aed lie M country vilî ta1mb. lebaieh lctiep vordc cilfiMr. levelant' essoage: 0 Tierele eci calamily vibici a greb natione au inite muiol equalC libai ehici Idome s.supine eobmimeioe le' f mrougandmelinjedhice aeta cenaiqeneea lue et nationai mit -respeol and bonor. honoall i binle nielded met deteadod e thc peoples satly metgrutnoe."' e The P'eiuuarynmheof ethle De lnealer le ullea tie cid-inlei nom- bec ant c:ivers the vole field ci cea' accable tmehicinc milhitIs aonoiled Ihureegbe. A ver' prelhy belcd. fur abeve lie oîdieacy magazine con.a aiunîsi, ibe li te number. Mus iger A. Piper ceeolces ieiadmirable uericeun «"Tie Soccal Code" ili a discinofet i aioeewaps oftgei. biog labo serloly. A oeIl hcnwcce Yerk decclie bec an arilesaIout 3clenliie anal popelai ou "lTir Car. et uIc. Teeli." Dr. Aime. Rapmoed Schiieci rieg e prenal prinCo te hear ln teltlng ct TIc. ttilltli sud OsacileiaueWomien mhe arc out te SlOdy and Peaclire Medicine.' Sara Miller Kirby explaico lie posai . ilitice of"Kineogailen WoîIc a: Houe." A lianidmemely jîlunlrel articlo iy M. C. Fîcîccrickisl devpled le "Mexican Slau1cot Lealber.".lA l eautItel sallbeubnoidoeetfan mllhc n rouanlie bleteri' datlis aoi lelin Fcéeei cevelnîcn lepiolurnt andade serilîrd. Ecema Mlapanea beglce ce 'Inscions loi Mcoeteeal,zm. bceldery." and &asexeplaiec bey tu noa te ,nmwant prelly embroidary traesfer phutographe. I"Hem a Hoe ayhi ArhlClboalty FeidCed1 to li eas Money." le ld by Edo& Weslboepoce. Mus. A. B. Lougtee alevolen cibicsattîletion tue"Aduteri alpd met Deberioialed Fooads," analthlin tarile on "'Seecinable Ceeiory"ICep plomenle bercclcusions mibtI*Mel ilIluaions aC le lb. urne etfnc gods.I"Hem a Brelier and Sisleà Organlzeetsnd Canote Out a Veleeier Party" le leld b' Heery C. Wciea,.sae Ihere are tliunutal s eil td le tie Nem Moche, Te.. Taile ChaIt, KlIt cieg, Taltieg. Crooiebog. oe. Sodb- Scoriplion peeofthlb.Osîeletr, #1 poc ycar, ori Ie,. per single cepy. Adtueee ail communications tu lie Detiealec Pnbllsbleg Cci., Lti., on ichmond SI West, Toronto, Cee. 4Ncim liaI 1he retligions and rem dis- e banes inleAnlatIe Teniey are at. 1saehilg tie attenion ciltle iCviliced mecîdtuetle Ottomau empire. Il le lu. léei tIeglenote lie tarI heovu le 1ce.nparaaivelly tea Amertumce, liaI frrieylenelithlu Ira nec uoolci tnghe pavers Wmilcibvem eboammedme sebîccle. Il spobbi Io ou eu litd. 1 Far je atomne of ani' oliai naion in lie aucber ocii tacee nder its t enOrQel& Bjriain. Ie lutta aluie t hora are ahol 0O,000 Mcbamthe. tanr, ncd liay cileumber aile li. l me ciofthe Batlantauore liae Iveime -Jna. Beeddss. Meglant caeea No"a 1:ocisic le her parts ofthle visam.u jrsi tonghamelea»Y ome place. The, n in 10 b. e gvetaIgci of macm ea o6more Icieteins liau OChe . China labe'ced tà,lboie ex eula 1 ontnryi' jhabileit . bys.50 toltow«su i of lia propiet. 1Tienumtierofre'1 bammcdaea inmthe Chne» me pire lae b etImated lilbau hethe 5P.0 sei 50,.W0,000, and b.seic t1ue s One taeieae!cbitemee ce Sem d~iAe lniOuad Iu.ic it tii and sipen ec mleaa ma enroio te# e nlrei'co maccOf the toc ab DoI o ice Doat-« tu d ai, Hlwgicmmoetaco & i. " oc. Mac t o leent die letmpoeapsoIDrnîl te ma=liiegA caenche cite4eliar l ideuoe. ocoaece et îl ecbloema, wh1e thb cil. îletia]. moeeyenciu'lý eMWmbéu me cKdhler mstdamd "Tr.ais ago ale uecii ;eer mec"dngrpçaed haa pil eamcesa boti apil piluen eh Ce aIle rne tebdeCooildre an ade it, le iae =nLodor. Ti fecr td :one leao Aed ponufored y Sod ay di d ret &Cioc. W E a ona.eLLIOTCABE. ~c . cet cearceagoI t .de ecit 1of ,le ireengand becil M. Geni. 1110 Cm gr" ec Pcii le. ofheal.meut Liea Mon.. lie en enretendpr*ilthero catedreicafthobea culpr. Aew'n hoe cie mnt ilaagonu-rs de auslle .at oeviet mteeltue c An Yea.u remetrecve., i slaulthe salo piessaaeollyc.,8C iCORG at rcaELa. - i -y.Lý. oetdby le eblice'ACo eu a, sieama ueee nIt ospi Mea,.one ai POmeeane beai îleIO mtoeal-bolte Bâon ofithé tcin» lsb se elcehaeqblee mtai bae.latroauiep cuit leacil ie cllne, fardeobans a seult le Cc.t i010 liIndepr led ist e Dume lc uebe" lieutais se lel 9uIne ttàtd nd.mmn t is lei SOUSibhl, Weatoeccy mieuCoe i e"u canml et un lmea.o, ulty Onesiaeget ie me i l san tau A HAitmntnlois XdùRiu 1uatà nx.cyr Pcluoeeuiu lia 'TON, slm la'a ce 1,1prei eî rne lts1it coea int lb. ltiled SlloeoalyVits, i amIir huom Cecidaa, ely 50 piceSn ]be amofý â cli" lpl, aicicrarbidCi heir bmaale - ieffl are IOnt5l erthle aochl ingsbenooer mienou t" pr tl..t~ have aoumlalthda cran amolaulref 1 '" money," astsmy lieAmicail werl it mon tomant a =ecice rouiCalep yu wl tp*lel eieap later. TbeotlovtniUhc tcemb.. n .i e n a reie. eldcu 2e I -- , Dames cof Bp m eul o ýh auliore W", p~aticttm Wili lb. openine efthle né*mYsearapp-eeeIn tli leellio have Coee ienes]aIgond rewio'ellesi 1 le eH lmasudte c irqear oicme .rll. e Boea iuefl The Cearlcdg cif preo estioir nelA"-g tlio.n almecl enatees vareleni Iebinl J. Nc forma, audt l e aeeralli' eeitleli téA a*.,O~~11 vllb enie cousba'eneelunlie abilty i neae' f 'letliit out." Eepeiatly le Ibis t1laAb osso miilihe uail army eofucitre ew tsa Oins. IT. P unda imunodtue'-diiuhois oft Wlilehey. it.dioa f811.'i l Thoy biacc penisedet lere, ana.Scu'psjelaids bel triect-mici battetlong beeno sadTve .Aencýy. 8L 0. -esetîy the.concioîln thi e lemi iri wco. b gond rnlliot esope n..iimg-lima o t 14, ii01 miben Nom ber roioes tuap ili qeu it lee!.eec K, tor gue-tfierr. Xqr Y ear le witt. Te sxnofte'E' qcacit aieàdy tli e mieaigpledgt ietruti e t BénCts are ýcieg brel(en a Buac day es nhol.siCIee affocieg irei inilantior thle abject commendsewelparicl ffrvlie honda g e le Irhc th. cbomiC tirs, "evlan; Lampero aile ef awil eoon.i eelr ia1int11eiets.ronde of Ide Creaor. jfr»vieemaitbrehu 0 heep o cor5ed ICfth lhelc Nea ysaa'e rwOipolo yet, but Pmg t the tpe. are ffghliep lb. deost r i ili e TER IS-Si1gt Cali mil, Power liaI is 4altp maaewslg »ôeu n e'oe vu yiL, 5.1 neilsewon yhldtd e lt dceeqerr- Clutu..t lieuementee#l, alcehl. 1 beegsbcilt ont lie seeggti-ne ami aey #4daginet lai goiug te Lalcebersh InstIlcile,-Oct *8. Vitlecim, ba ert .rain teféal COMO'B W1h tee. MdL ECTIC 1Dicreien 10inte bleé pai t aor Amerieap J(onply, lii 'tlieeiesnlle aremrli lirythomu'b lbc ofbisemleh lb.. and ucinsi' elpent. 1Tcroeha office, 288Bankhof Cmmerce.Buitdjeî. M ý. S. PMIl!OlîPu 'Pions 1168. 80.7 \ 14 IlpiciliSt. ltriErpe acundlithlb. 'uei j e ve flein ccledceais.tIroce irenlier pÇ!ante,' gendarmorie, anc @amaeritance elvs, ca p8iemale gi' abeout749.6W ,e,7,"lI,44 gens o eMobiliseation for va?,- e I intclp lb. local Commande and lie Oeumo mtila, lie o, umbersa alabis a cwa n d anlmota e ÔSMa 08,80OAcaa Its8,077. 894 tas.. 1Thes caeetas e LonT...don. ,New Yock. c cuver. clos? Fttly Tsars iu 'AS.p ceeoib, tlmech, 1.Im issee c c~d Ocelle Lth, ait bec venter. e,-' Prnbtsc NOlea. Ont. mVeam~ NOCe. velteecuen- h je m5cmL Muse. Ji