Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jan 1896, p. 4

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se Mr mUd@ of 0 or* iort 0e OnLEam:a Tr uliè5 ho sys, und 5teim "Asetsa fNtes' abOuift ou maous»o. oeflcco udl ahefeenie - h. erTor Tegasu, . f te silarstloiite e. Thoe btlieyfareuleta i fdo Tr b belltie.,h p tu n rosfs set dater b h seoumiytestr Cothna let todfy if re rly masib; nas,,ep forte. vower jt tii. bimtte Thle ont efatmB(pnbav es e Ma É" ofet beruotifielspteedtantaf heboer Net intprssll, cf c oul-h obu idyores fery sow permtcaltracismeo Io o Acn; thanlddt fSiuut ror as regard ect fer eworkdv mithlcdi satuse sud<ILv es ui hacr n tel s. hip cf teepaverp orgP ound theClllgtccd couldofvee n Unied rSvetaten tfur o Prantc tes Le g Brisc; sd tree frte-la 9 Barthcld t a yu . b dlvn sClnmbisd s Pittaberg r-erany. tbetasee, asd blute sy estaider intie bell Thsy nigt invet. Tbey mighi loy vtetecir cutiesud retire biausd, for tbey cm %chelt entirely cn thir prc. duceMeatime, inào te a ed thee enty way it ecsld se teaged Wbauon.s nraputene poteur, ttalrr ost ritietsusd deOak yardsu ol et asebee. Tbel rente oentrnot ibir savy tnlasd, if they libed, but yen eeld neyer btong a obhip int.tbulwaterteays sou they stand They cruek st, tith sn rdinary tester patrot, dccpstch one regtteent of moeesiex tilensaurent the *sese. Thome wetd te o&betfilvo millioens excessive- [y osgrynmacint ptithis Atnrtcas lu me.T on me vud reqeire sipe to get tbemsctven aflot. 1lbrienntry basnlie snb nip, and Outilitbenbipv werre bilit Nete oYocet sototttlote. ed asiengle wetcd carniage uitin ber limita. BObetld cot thc glerteen reuditien et ibis ttsyetio. ohiub boa se tcar. Tberc in rassund let pat the ccutntg er mon en ber enhoard atose-plender, thst teenld ssricb a nation-aed @sbe ha.s eliber a navy ner bslf'a doene flrnt-otans porte te scard the tehute. PitY it ilts'ta ee oi.ueretee btod,, touing ai thec mttar freints Piadarris. point cd vieur. Dug ranst,st deg. Uetriesoaty te, thcEng~h,vtt noyr liea pcoplte tsu er thïOce an'tip lp ttthe esrtb, be"u sepW i, a uhârtared libertitnc lloued teuoyý and do snythieg @oe ihes, freintde- mntadiqg the bead ut the Empee as editarja wt.auabasket teabcyyisg, Casadien arbouners ep snd dewteb Atasha Ses. Itiji perfet, itepossible te go tp tear vith these people, tebat. ývrttsy mey do. Tbey are toc tnic luethctfrst place, and in thecseond t teeld ibrete ent att tbe pfbeenger trefflcOf ef cAtantic, snd spart the ttnasuial arrangem.ents ut the Ewlleh cyndiee, teb bave invesied tbclr teouy in brevericu, raîtesys asd tbe lbe. sud le the third ihlenost te ho dore. Everyhudy kosevn hat, sud so oise boter iban the Amerirnso. The 'Jauary nembcr ef The Deijn.ý ester lu oalted the vîstas hliday sntm ber. The fanhies ariiolsé fer the reeibh are imi suad compets, crecrinq the etire. field ut stylos for ladino, mimes asnd objtdros. Milisury. lingerie, drees ,;oesasd trimnmiuen. The riohbholiday dispay in the abeplis eitereingly desritad. Mr». Roer A. Pryor's- -article O e "cielCi do"relates te' uoety, batle sd partie. for obîtdrcs.' hboa e doed te "Wema'. Wri' sd Advuormct" iscledes o tboeght. Welconverstion btteren Edith M 4mipcansd Dr. S. [R. Etioti ce' "Wepas1 in Itusiuem," an interestins.j paper hy Milm Margaret MrNangbtei dtsssnjs"Architecurecasea Professioe for Wentss," a graphie description by Lecla Il. lthbtnsetf"Womsn's Werb* ai teie Alata Expositien," Herrott Keitte Frben i"Directions fr Sernt Decratousnnpn Cardboard,' u e reniloptionecf Para Milter Rirby Kisdergrtcn Articles. The firet c bni nasef "iaprseonihe Carmof, tee Tooth" by a teetibsetes Nete York j duextùd isi lie fbutnd ecptaenstly valuabju. Mes. A. il. Lenigtreet dc scethuihe "Garving of Meat," sud ic, "Seusepabte Coebry" ImPrempte Les. ohees Mmeenromiveatention. 1t. Mes. Witeerspoe's TeaoTabte t3s-s 4 arnecd setenat fmetiade li d 0 féel. The reviete cf Holiday' Pub1ilie iIncldes mestisu uDEntany partie ,.1«1 itesded for yoosl'oo Tihe , ovovelu in stts Tattlcg, Croeb*lg sd Labe'NM sars luse treuid sud deseribsd. Pneorpje 88 R mplâie.sBt. West, Tds 44* sa mess, usey vustté, = , - te te eeae DÉ.iete tu he esDo he fl os et udsp onseou . et Bte aw. Tb@ser-e emet oad op thuir sind lbethtey1 toutaf tét ot sl u daut. Bet eau. Uble. *"rtes 1undertes0 Voter heo fta ail thee shq vit irae. thes l af the. meste theeire esssed for the e înueig hip sd oidiffl Wve aIt bornadin h. battie vus lii.thes suaient Ired->votf Ire'bat" s. tt ntadlstly @Tory freetg nation foiced Gan. Lin se nosdomsa tiger. Oste tesand 9th cf thec mcste GééîiLlsn buâves teck taniloua battloships.O,O or 40ttt aberigiea, 1OOt.ud Blrk i suag ad atéaoked Japon. They tnt.i an.&taty ceptered Changohuhen Tai., pets, Nabenania, nd in.aot« j places.. Tbey star eaptered ejapomma ars t t numbur. Tii. Japanese pecpe uofm&l inds teeoblUsOansud teeunded lu immensenubers. Prom suth a chastiseemnl Japas cnnaibu etr ponce in a day. Pont frent Tien- Tain, Keasg.Han, ivosty-liret y ea,j second fith mente, tsnesiy.ighte day." Oerbser'a UOs«ise. Penibner's Magasine enter scnle tate ysarvite neyeraI sete deperi. monte and a met promiaing cnteah fer interesttag fouturea. Wltat met ruedrs' teitifinit mmt ta the long onTjfiction aime@theppulcaton cf "bLiite Minste," leur yes &go. A readisg et this firt long instamment of "SentimentalTommy" (25 pegee et srbiob are givon) viilcinse very oee ibai Mr. Barrie bha&pouned a usterptace, A sete porteait et Barric wrttb severol fu. paoe plinues, by fUHaioetit aSoetpssîe the et*ky. Thc nedoparimenstebt teiU ittrari matty resders abe oalled The Feld ef Art' and "Abot the Wrtd," esrb cfftehiob tU busa rebiota for addiiipsl ilta. trations. -'Tbo Field cf Art" titi hrep the rendors o e cmafln ttroegbiy infermcd in regard la mas sud tbcir mrk. XItili bu e rtien by the test asiheritico in UPS. and oteer countres IAbet the Wrld"Iltell i utarise sud comentsuneuoetemoyomoste ta osrent bistery, nisuses, isdnstry, etc.. cite marginalillunstrations. Preident Andretes tlsteny iiicontinue tarues ibesni«h eOntfotuar nsmbers eoflt4 Yi"ar TjlepFrant tastaintent dosis aibCivtnd'n firsta odnistrt- and ile ralleid "A Dsenecrat et' b Hott." The rouant passage b), the Sate pi Ne York os s peplar vote et a tecsueote e«Fond aine. nillu delig aIde.posiag and tapreviet tke can@tendo peoeiartforoe tote batiot. "uIlWatar.teayn fron thte Orean lu the Loe." by theo oinet'rngluer Thomaso Crtie Clarke. A suvet artilut la the decription hy se expert et"- A Ne Spert,"*tehich refera te the reccel dovetepeet cf tcbogUag eRt Pt. Moritzin& te ltalsd, fulsil îttentted wutk.dkernissmadefront ieatsuteneou photegraphe. A rMst ympathetir articleone FredorrikLoker, the Eng ieh poolt sud boeclotver, in teeslnbea by tie s suin-tae, fAuguneoBirreil Anteer article fer lever#of etok&uil .theerv gr 1ol1ldoeripties ot the B3ýtustes l'oLbrary, witb a spledai, Borien cfitsOsanobvn t oondertet lterier; Artitiratly the i anttr iale loditinction bY a ropre ductieofetthe grost derative peint isg hy tRobert i3hunt recontty Ptaced l the hall Ofthie Meudslseehn Dcoj Le le àlet Yrk Cty. An artice de srihing h vitenosussal frre and 01.1rn28e arconîpsnics thes ilusetraions. The trot etf a Boresa etfulpago illns tetions by Wogeelii te acoempsoy Plisabtben Sogeapperare in Ibiu uumhnr. Ibore are tir tta short in. eus a dratutir ratlresd stcry b y tbe leiohn JBo fard, re os s asuiteu civil cogaeersa e.ntsi&se atntrDn distinction- Bile.Ferry contribte, " Madamie Assial," tee ster ofetas usera ingorr Woebrs blus.kilo No P~g dteon. Asdrov Longn puent. Ne eso over. tbuagh i ftt1dog se ozponive a teagnaresa Htupll 'cor rcrbtaute.day.ths1 'ud i magasines mmld er 0 s'p4 5 U ges copy. Bat tints change, i hna t i dtu T=00-= tejt Wedt osduarayae aihcM lss la thes otyiied verte teamub elusIta vivs IosanetÙ&heut- coahees 11 Mom@Osftdeeortisa, te f»114Praoit aly. ail NeriIOnd Indisen rsontn atils adose in b"adin ta -pio pullt, or ina atk mabreldary. mawrk se of seseeaoi btreuenotintroduetion. omainsefeei rely ta "holfbsss u d ahstirateer mil xosel e luseif'ctva. Ttse.rmsh&hsf.hesd ar ialy respussbie for tee besd enthulfi . vbch ta theeVogueSU ve tee norttkerni'parP of tels oosteY. 0" mue ntpcsslu. âns. le agngsu ai in thee haded lover patteras, tatas front nsua nde, . eore racoethat seieuogo1y, but Dot ssary se stiklagl fs te M preIndien deigne oftee are seuteeit tribus. The percoplae.qnill verb is tykndtasi, sud, eailUs hast, eaeodiepy preity, butih tadesgsosud cWorisgibhosgh ssly the mont@i fs osa de i oeoptohiy, formach ilny qill la stewcon paraieiy, adlee eavor's misety or laebof ?tliteovesIed instbe deigi. 1Tise butiepmtmonsncf teta veM r@e mess thue vensmbutta, theugh itla pt on mocsinsc, sbltt, nbrte, dgnncost6 sa vel se eu the bircbhpb baskets aecd rmgso, osd med fo.vypr pu . Sftet" tinas wtth 'tod, a nltetiar boungh moe coesy apus matent, ibheiHudson Bay Company isirodeced asd chritecod Doffei Wtedottr nmoka, and stroede for loggings, and lath ara ntoofaor. ad expréesey fer the trtide in ibis cons. iry.Te flic sagata jbis dOfelhy thee yard. &D#tehes ba haseont lb istn etriPS abhunt six inchcet iee hy egtorn icohes long his soeo re ccmpieted. Theto ajmetini aeqsaliy simple. for it isostIy t ei ttees cind the place ihr oetuta telesgib about tefort ot. h r eed later bis d*Ifcfhde vbre itinaOh ansd '.etedtaieto rndeseck, sud If h ite Ibinhe Nseoi cf hlm, sud is levor. sho l wsiytam etisnisie (sa tus or te pare otcrn At a timc iss(de tise mecssasd tanry-tth the-ne cutoed para. 1 tied*tso* abuI«leOf sucb, and prcter tee IsOlons tmPlcr kled , it[ je more qutobiy thaved est and r le ai siti; if oeened v-o-s c hurm% yen ec a rangcoit nocihatsa gund pait evors the tac sud has-ter mut important te hcop front frecing; asd youn con fit Ih moeo nsgly, vbtcb s,I teluls, tlie grestesi dvast ab cusne. iyode coi, hapestu baye i vifo tarot, or hng un.ne, do not .tend bigh in ber estim.atio, yost roche ii ta et the sontce ", and &al ou large. Cesseqootiy ye ,ur fot vil' îip aboit, vbiob tn meut tiresemuint1 ung antd bard vatbing,, sund the soka Weil frese oista trsbles mdbpattet wiil eut your teee asd isatap, sud verý libely avcanally eipple yen shen yenr snpvuite strings have sebu conte frzes-' OnsnPow.Phom ta tet Barsntleouns," by CasierW. Whit nsv, ina]Iterpeen Magsstse for Janary Lic.ydis Commeraial Gside givée tee tllevisg advn c e laresdses: it;,sud taie r Tdou duvnteoa ud dit, bave itlteregby us. pialoed liser. yutsa sn te i. i bet laRot $asne.iipeUs Whboa utl a teiirssteditthe. mailaetm ai, te m)plin thesntion org id teta out iiles, or poit butouiveds te".I nty e b e iidai .ost . tata for mossy or sol ag e sneosdsnt book end pst do"teslté Üdotesvluee dalu t paymc ain suus. W essve itspe n a 'T' te rss h. tetit he.eau »'*ddse iiiut.uttonêwtsenttin *.-Logiv. con aceuhu lie *nronu "Mvwntt ma d ec.~M el ssth Pi.v W L. Tapiil Chartes ce;bo ilo bt n yalcgenolo oet ra Jésm jj ivre~4s ftuaon tnla.rk :0r, sghl Abby 9.Usdoru e a oa hecSoseons 11 splitaPsmlmul~ du to MAM ictrouir &rd"atta etoesothe jalmay lustbe esai brotb M&nt ots. ys juasosi hif e enqtlUaly briabli Tepelilenud bae ecoanu us _ tatte".tt p% j efstsud vMdwihlc arres ite it the dlae sota ftabsislod. aitiPar luatse B yTh Cn* ititsbsg unpsyVIOTINOPATMRU*LEOOmpLAINT lem&,o Piilaetpta ca dllrsyoe. l fmpmhsau Tse urplusn te s ctnllIude Buttai lieu Lm.b»,i 1 IMIeit aithsé Md cf thse ceron noeya Dss' 0.5050.Van. EUetitifmepo 'A~5O àwbeta v. milteon Panade, aafthe - esoUsfum OsuulOs~50~Ccei Laaidcspape"savct teepni Tbe oay tbey ors taiisofetbi'dipg ltonesusnumWwesesss4 trsn o f te einoviy.obuson h bridge@a aidifférsntpeinte alenthie Ni. Justn lise, et irOmamofuthn, s frontior betve.o tinseUntted Statueandsi lairguer et garees tasent si 06aada vute sot tend en@ tbuhenniae490. 1 essusly n ýt ti j Vaetisa F. C. aShoina n aitO.1ey tea vr tcaa paillty f te ni, d5rsO b- assadut m&b; tu a aud Bauharnca. The tfelad te medite fttre. It talatd a,î gcod « dm 1ý e sd sugobspiun, eMnta 'Lui ty tot inigiti mentetses artu snt" tâtaito~~r p~ePnssion rdg tNiaia rsé 1 blbntoau peser edty buarWin oc1 dby a sustantlal u os sestvse lits gas eeItt .1a s ir moders bridgeofot otireiy dlfferest - 1 t -d, ia iif etci-erb.e2myr i ebse constaucilas, l it tabuaysllable 1f i eu t'a 's t ehe114il ov« brshita aticegar trolleY 0oses8 ne eiau fer wteasuOnd Mrite des" ï ptes n to Mntte e,., uecgseers OMiIn omang te. tost pasessThe bridge is te bu 4" l. dntilr us ed.deOllienseo re peeed. ««es s patiof thee ruecoril. av', 1 *CIesou ff aboisis, amis oct co. _____________ nabiutement af a tsle i ani hp. 1110lsw. 1 M -rznit eg tgai Laiiton LL . ns Z Lu-W ei~rt tdepeecoedisgep Iea 1*g0haar=t Ninsgarsals, erosiso ovrer the nero SaldaI)y iggf.tnhtm à Ce. bridge asd goisg dowtteQscestes &lon the Crelioyraidyeaofthesri TheCoemmutation ofthte mneeuscf alcs te Caadin aie e Ut rIer.Betie Phorils in cançiag s gecd des&. A msch more expansive brtdge ae bietu n e etbncdo cesntptatad by thee 1IIO nei orofets atidnVtheyP.id. rantexof irsba ps heuertyr. sil-rboh. bes cei t enAer« The ltaiivay Agesasys ta &.ntratonbu-dom ir ceent toLoratAbaftyn psuy viliierect a m.gif oter ent.Oig - ttubeatesirrl.[i hctorc Dirit e~Wiss6. ing isisw tan tesMtrof Phat estiied maentf14,tttltt. Tte pas.' er=wa *ýé tâtb SOh sage cf11bisgreat lsterri'tsi as ter erot il hare bues ien h vay sit s heighitaésevfer.a ntmut n hir eubaillai. othe flir$sinill ta1ainspiriogexpr g là 1 1' ~ t us taeue fer the pasons«o, sud the s vesip PREiMIER îWiiuý'-CONFIDEN- lie 1 Of tine sud xpeune ti thte bridge T .oiti ard i is chsedtlsg e frsigbt *. 'LrV asntosrgcr traiSte vili io ret. A aisise et sI sdvntegc e 1the cempay.-Te mrtaimsuso u oesse reste Weld. c Ibo Dosisicofte0&»"Os1. . Meescy Esesese. otarnil tth itbtest cot etistt lahie mu1. en se i The initiailnmier nt msfcy'sliaga = lt* ys!n ees tonesecsis eiis ueem vas HIissneoluIt teeek. The see Ob e tiabs.ft periedical in ditinciively Cadiasg t"latw and la a rdite ths Domiione. t i der, w hiOas te" & Wt w4. reSu tub Ilhtsds'ntcly illstiraied, sud tait"tisi'lmes ier uro sez Mesm R.l bosn.sd, [ternt n a olrma t frositaspisce -"Losd trma ita rockb a"es tmte , ' uoens. te dsep.voliseigshermt t10mte u Ilio nmdts omea," Loealow; drates by J. T. P ote by Mlgetbtema& Ce. ____________ M. Esiside. '-Eegltah Cbo&qsdotle C)t. br, ph aedroi t hnsia hueh Afacmeýin ite vtctlyof Rayvlie. ECLE1CTIS IMZNU "A 00tofbea," r i <ok, D.O.Lereseîiidy illedoaseghbor'm dsggiise. t'A~ ~~~~~~~~0 Pgetsitll od50er sfitmad s pair ordtntie up«W ta -il- PttacoiG- A. Reid, P.CAI,,-IIT14 th« t tgtheIlmitha PSiagen cf Tastnamic" ar,- pde.itis Us t oivsa" ho g sbeep TusLissuusx ,/ vus a dut Jetissi;s, PeNewovsTerGrituoga Âol7tvoop. ,Tau ipllateed, vTon lie, r 'Phbcoeaa Taedes Anm i loit isethfede.*ulae beeTtrtentyre, fit ., . h~oemso 1 Asderess1cMactheihaiseh fr ctuota ~di"[so Iebvies iao, ' BLDM Ti 1sud lot- ~nhhot Hafrd, ~Tisu esshu Wlu 00"0,'alF.G. DoRbn Taiu t AUIuhi -Oéraio ~mfelt GQdtYouf Pi W . IMNs CUTLERY, '8PECTACLÉS Dewar's l Bock, Main Street,, Ujiton, i i tas" Pnbled es114 Kiog,àh. VOLI $9~ CkMPBELL& 7li le l te EAW il).I. 1, 1. 144 E. M 1)~4~,. l , m414 elo4M 4444 H4 . . 4, R44 O )I. 1,1-'tBli 0,,i4 ,4 t l,,,,,, PgasSI-I 4,',, 44,4.4444 te"" 11

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