Drain etc ,New Saw iS 1c I F.., M l S. ohInlaq JOel Î [i" MI0 ki.~ t'. A T c c~ COPYRIGHTS.' iIV OBTirs A 1.Ti h 'O0.j.' j10 jOo «d .110 E l' 11 O . îto. so t O OO0~ 00 j'jO , h.. %00 Jo, A 17. J r' moi. ~,JAPMl,' jrEAS- 0* rw &cd I- M IIE 35. 1yvia t0"InM Ce kilo emism lriet ffi _____ *Ut& heu IM b$ UM he~ el" lm li- _1P frI h .I7 a s medOMtdUlat 'flC M e ,,,le ey elitdd hede ve the fth W5 w.=. 51155 ' q ilmk n Pei"ai 'Hkv&.Met wb cel th ~ nLewe ae ifbe O eUn i UbhaI ~4 5o ti b=d OpFma . fl -Md* lm l' 1101@o i'emûeIiI a11,0à.Umom -bh P KDU1 P M~5d H%1r , are inoetheWU.esl e n in le Wbsvl& "TÎ1ilut'sm." su gh. 1 od ong t, si t e I on tonte, seehp gVOM Up» 1y e lie " kh . »».b.d1rk wav - n e t* s ,eh otl ~ ln g it a v elyh o tlv eI lorb-1 11 " rli t ic ' o l e o e rO e 1 1 1 e o t il t e th l Ua~ l et t w u e So m m ie e ter b in g o t %sb e d i M s 1 1 . Â g o u m I b s u sà t 6 l s d a u e te cofidoot hat il~OU oin eue e 111e msîltehhMe .ksmsteis*0e osaono betes OUtout gWUt,*0itd, Dodolah siioyedWunosglusitu*4 1ttogrl A breo ooe 1 ny Wrth hitemu0P Otttes é ? be ton * I M e t ld, 2wsvit.hmspitith cqt a vem a 'n ci0 oBe id ohve ci w~ O O nS T O Ver E Sr avil"tDie Uflk7 . b.- 'o'griatthnusilit51 = u 01* b etovetys o u sudgin expable aores- afeo n iea gelaI 81104 'atOOl seB a%,, 'nidtee- s oo .rvudlai, e.isL e rs e ' ta 70puebtuhthetWatonO1o! tho pmlnueepiOl "-itsatsItuie111pririe. ano~ te ennts? ttiýNk lu r.-làae S .1 pn n uO n thel on aoe i'. t h e n s' it soio o and e 5 ]U8NI-Ologsont-alaev ate Wo u aiahist .lvo. ', a~ ttldctha eîbt 'alovs Bs ad t llslma a itttt oml forL tied teeSegOl So m.Oh e La * onA inlaonknorlntite tele estn tos sadac..aîa.S l et1a CoSlie. Thelrebooolco î dilSOtehtll pe-e-In _-a.ete-bosg*etIl is b do ,tois b.11' 9 dso rmawo , eheDot su a " on? awDllen Am IOU tton 15101, e,,m»d5thehtepffieUi00Ol telestegs;ormgaz Il-it 4ood îa -oycay theo ag e wpri nshe ientvos btoei lU ati is fctb n ud sgotyW oond n o altl un y d c o ='=No;s t % u b Wb n 7t e t h e gnfa of th kng d.toveooffetroills ond onMdrasaloo.=mgthetic ow e Ibag nouootuut ey hlthe ta nIIii , P9'llhidtetbaethnte test t f ouwatcueofthldstrt.alenovwue a e Ist700 hae boff .l501 n' ee 1e 1 ou 0 . is Ob 8y àwbt Mdvo 5i7 snbd o u boypT.Sott 10plngt1,01 alh oto U le d oe It ct t I ie O tNa o n uha 1~ î e eh Uld 1 e o by db o ie, iguP , ikB 811 login th e n t , utti 0 m &t utO maU . bSoit tttu ho toit - n nd otoawl h o licl pag ti dl jaudtl.e0. tonyu iii oeoouaStaneya nd 7. JewelhC. Awd-at3l I a nt pet tue sttuatxononand liseudeie7 oubccaesers _ idprv'ne-'iot es abahoen4rs 'lissude r es os ie a!do r um ias tWie Ol jCo k tnove as : iThel tie el Stiee a Btt y OrOMdn ao ed do. Th ,prla ti , ouve v .yant" e t u: lzb. 10 <104ofhetiP- S0 011th0n011 Iripouaha b1, ost hnifounded, up-toi1 up,--on Ir bl ancdmodth-18 os ey'ee t nOtrpehoO 058810lenmIOUO 8ontgv'-usn tto nio f M Ilst.H. oue ta oO D.tve Dt e s S.d .jaito ulat e d MotttaW Eoeilt l'o eth e ippl on.h egre vito ho oltcrl'e. t Weil- ford o out,"'e , bicherhave OUt a s e trkOb rri«ann t1 i t wo is t71 teo î h enanî made atIl Mil r m nu b e u ds m Ilglt me t onjii ow a e: B st S ee to e o h ul d h ao n bS ei eedhl10 . , H attp Tos an u @adb e I nho a lm t , mit e t , lit e w rdaWy'sm r wà d uP nwhi kyyk OSpoitf t 'ie R ',t he Oa ranch t O ko tell8.iana e-b. a lauktt7nU50c. Onr anios Ger onPBOnk(a hal stopaitweeu ove isbt obgbly.0h1105104 o idouosus vr g eu la?"L We atot cachP lit HAM cioraveOU 1105111 a rdoh bi s nemprer1eson avetk yuIninttonsodu b*eIttc 9 w a n o t e e t o o rtf a b L a e 2 0 . C a fa i p u l u m ] l s u .l a sa g t 5 1 0 e G o d b ib l m e ai f s e n o 1 bl e t o t e d I O 0 11" l g e 1 0 0 1 1 usmed 10 taasimeatl 11*1 et411 "Nove Ilaleairnld . la atol il 0cwi0, sienp o' oîl'o 5'oe5r51l15'sd invite pou ait ta clo s aod tepect 5101 hs gvo nt 1518kscIt De u aka isl al1etoe oha-l1 nubu taio th re et one .ka In ss101 omnt onon <thr abelOnS PtaIcois. he at haIbeeo oniec-adthevie-fbionl oolte 700la o do. clown plendum in veba til g the facto of thaé005do8 pet ebeo! t W o r. il01 bavue fog OtoiI lia eit w ul bv0e givon Der t w ai tîeishatf ai hoW m kwece aufo D $0-- a'(lýl boe eosae t h ita tm'thnseatehavec late a Il a 1and 111te lattes "ovet - i uetl t owaico hlm nd we Tht e-oanrstse4ton minte an gume i t.D e Oh, halAH a ut t oeahb ilita i lfýJ gtoe STooNLEV et LL & O.1 - o nm n isfae wi-cas t utahef Bsiles , l Pan ' . h e 1h11otoapue tmin l ieit anJ5l 04 gbium51fran jise is !ath ere otloft he anda O, ~1î1tb O Lteumbey Co tisid lman, th ho 0hleuelBoe .b leM làa .lm fIn-islOsb 01b' 0 id O bonintear ' 90 baic I gcUlaandibton bold Upil ndf td aa oornglm bi.delualsett14 ago n dotlbn boi s 51e Inna1O5i7borneomoshat 11e 0 ilioffc ouIottiosar 0 ltet hi ajo tm sud ? pn hef is aeo hes ir:bbadsovemrbomnlohfed ienranc, fo acb suwoth ooolienves !s i ha ly c tMa i sYUBabtbiI T honton bonshot e ýhsof er îl'g o l heu .lehsd l tsai nd ini yot pol.If was ba ly dootainiO i facewm mhie' cotient I00sensuel. agot a o "fculwtot ýta gw ehn hth Ja lanaise t idosp bc AseYen-o n li 1 , 'r5100atl coold lely , e ude InosulinahoDoa!d toteeiancb-ton tom oe hlnA o aii 50e-Ohlcames hlm. otheocirl. oioowte vuesle4R55looke51U w comet ibool 1514 hope IlDmsybAeILanmeY, tteon Upgeof ho i 10000toitl e.,onte r et rmn etieban - m 00, hes SMiii __t; S sl , e o d O O e n l h t 0 0 t i t . JI e a rlh o ap fe d n f u ip 5 1 f ? 8 8 '- B ' '-ee l s a M i n ta i n e ! n c l a 0 5ev r Y 1 0 ( f bh a ' u d n » w a o o v dl fme twul en truetee Il t ie ableta 9 goa tu frhr. one gethuh, lIltat e t a t e ntmoll m bs a oOS ,, Thnh u e om 7 0 "ob dmmnIbO bl a myso0 vou lhToOtY ote 1 00 bote iswa. aer ad vumotuds s e ow so5But s 0 ahe -edl ehlasse.oofl girl 11 o'wodgo o havio A uet aRosanotichaIeIlgmaehoonatltagtia vbic dintiiO meth'11eIotil.eg beulie Iom 05, ndsguuthacucthpd"oo.l, iamato o fa g la t h esn da tpl ahn se han d- o t s b o l o b . !oau »m -o e- --t 1- _pth e o _ ril -' n e s s m d n i s l m t a l a s U P . ne u tid r c h o is i a d b o p ti o snubrI isMI laiee ri hilsd if rl îW îgh tond nicoineso"Mon 'en' WS amubaok ingaialtr aildarl Fri n t. aé oxskp i WIOL SA. NIfET ILmELtR,9 ewed5a Ca nlb lkbon'ne.bflO yOim boOlaoptechuretoot gntlemen000O Wb yes1,mot8' ue_ vtasu the1angt1*m an FOTrao. I tb. t a oû~t offain a sh0.ny M li P t L tt n S i gl ic lh. ot ei oo ntt 0715 t, l oi se ta. in ap nourentl menled ta us I 'hat i itre, ak einsordntmon-o' bte us q he oli nd rerett . Ibteos Se oe ~8hKo5'nve isOPitmjgthutw M cIi0000 00brt î Jil'gInsutelb sry tond Dot it51f7. "eldlutes wa ongO rouscil n m, et th entaill , elle c ied as a gla f lig e im ,crlepand rouI by he h addOwtheh B m Deyorlî'ean IN.tIoýU ,ýilc. .Il oficirs w a ar genlemephaseI lmous; suetbakoiepsewon oe thklogr em ei lir 0 - -,«:., B liT'iae tsco v e s a dvo tO of th eui- ssp in s o. o r j , db u vis T h e f or e.iti mhavi'a 10cen ooe l net .laIs o b of inter-l on EVER THU SDAVMOR ING on at aout t anthertiglle.Butoh nd ds rution d vitl leu god utseOh. mallebthik oflie O F osn ytoriON T . sav'sits. T h ee asah alta wO 1 cam p er- R it. kneb every falotnf Ille1000n nthaA stetpis th e p o lice p a ayot 700 tuth or vWo"ae dmlo oin h-e'iP-s " alAtIOnIsta I t taol b tt er Byt li o u idP"04goothaidne, drvntewgn muâ aehlathîn. oeMst MorprsntafeoteDdmeteoul 'lW hr, h sletplc 1 , T1Rj & t i t a teN , eaea sc ag o f r eeo or a in, B eet yc"n d1 h 0 1i o ra s d t h e p r ie r . B n t m i t a f i a n f o.b ô t 001 ual 1ath.rboteiaMarIS. oiialdohaov le. d di lttat r of ov rk am pla s aTdaplielcrt'ose t10 he maIe 70U rul de i o ta o iP , d ' Il ickfi"But panun <wahrnk o! j o g Ohm. th e r't anvd ai 001 ivhe- 11e iyoles;atelt ci l'yedttath tnt;8Iseoaa ausp prari i wite ten laf oni teswil nmy sl"Bt o1 tmehese 1 nt-1 w n 5157 1me- ITh ve dowbat t 99girs1te ooWfacucoco'l whah0ik 0.-~ l.oiaiD' a polIcehe muthia Be Andsliberlaashor test, bol bis pltmere t Oh eodO n l ngliedol lw;tadtm t oe ep esal .~ uorldlitre lgeort 11,e0le ss bave r hr Ymcg oTeeite .iwayloig ho vuiid @lieetlisIbnteg.betthsr. netta e-ita hav to.' htoo leat oiol cf lgbt. T!andt. e csungl h Okni ' oo se a fte uian t hal ' n mo p o ta1, ot tteps1toFro ent OUîle-OtaUee R* D. OtERTSOorindess hat fIn oon I BU i .D RS io it su p;eD o , s ud t1em s eaf godesstheo aBnes or the 11eprontleO e su tn? d orâlbaB Ob S W ln cP -But, Mare,7 ou pour o alo nsiau' eiogtreat tlom Z , ti.Bt thP ile. mon thon n foi rmilU ttom 1 1 Ta .oU i ' bi t t e w g L su ie po e uI t bsvo ho o ssi e1tirPnt-th n 1..d thbie othlP bas h 11Il - é oty w and ]oum is lu the ne ai w a.d<r ve gtd havca ctsIohscihea lO lthedWîAM u t Hievt e g r. y c le .td e r i l i o i v t o . e c u o h f a 1 1 1 8 1Min u t e . n s t O l 11 0 M - OThm s o d a n g e t1s e g5 5 , v ranh"itîhefr er l= lo" nhe cnY el tet as s Ilo t o fth l a1 1 MIB tgI or P si ohio Hc OI o h .'O p irI' cacom loî00 r -I ntanl I l s eliii i <4Wn-"to h or tan speec. ocooiesm ee700 ta IteOfî i- .m'nTl.0 10touh.frlSa A D V E LM oneoveAT E .,atee Igrhabi, IIof R id. Y o'bpolice pi e w ,0t ot bc to 'nr yot ln os 1 li e o d n du t P 1hm~on G~' 100E T L e ihte ogdie utaIrn.Nw on o as 1 ha"rtol et g cptaldo 15 00 hrm gh alon h bad out lft behnd upu the rairi- au p in "0at toi &.cih $hal bc ade forsny o!k.ber lr' 500t te rb es avl d h n he ibyto Metsoit,. Victoriaee poomioo ......... 25_0_onave the haem itced p s d n Ur ater61 ~. .. .. 10 00li p oftn h e tonIt as a a U aber o n b u s n ess o t aim a B u t . oh 11 i n hi . m a ss n s m ry t e ed Bto k h a i kl s l e k o g s A nd oi e e l 18fo rtw no!uA 15 00 held wt dtheoecooaX.Bt hem poi sba e-m etutse;. or & tt doith e th e o u pl e Ofano 100,co let hSY' te tîeign188cemp ar e Mûrieouv-eueo t 10 .t tone e-0othorne-onthe £VERY T URS __ ______ __ ~d=aapwagon a o w seidnm, Canadieno e goOO of t-tIl.. 1 00 T .114 NS Lo .mrtOo n uiv i iea.tne m aol n doo gae mip mor u e ousionte* a t. Dvens M Tebietoftrnr ietsud ou, wbel tne goveihc l e rto ra bolis i oh tnding ShOnto ,-d l'y'" 1or idu et.N11la. cgcaildg ttepail oae oé-dIutons e dhae ' no ltorsi Ao alop auothe I and lt arotsm lu sve nidlvoured ffar er I ia' o pt rat'e* ahr n 1'.apet ont.t guly ardnldheaoth menitiun ithah Itho acloapem utg a011eir fcehLeîma lotedolei wil istMita l h.fet M IthrdW dn - 1 rigsc lg nn tse ts0m e. ta, vae oote poice, 0 te qo ea i l unm ag tth n - a d 0 om n, ,tJ o r r i 05r ,yor -l W,lOeut l a ~bm mse 0h0taient ae 0lSblonOouie PrOmu1'fgt n ;o, br bebote it r wtenjlû o nds- nud aalo op. As fr th i httfaelt a rl i b.aione mi lle limge sta ail I ho Wand l 700aeoMmetmmo fat .8 tantelp mi dilceveePuaI. ' U00 kccO.l ole . suy o'n00OottO1.caeit 700 fo m oenta endtien dm " talooiota OhbohoIfrbo.. he hall'fIl bld.ia a1oe ucl wyM fel eefu ngdt. a 511""held p -Thon offewl acedd hel t uied <gwoih th gce bo 1 e ovlIlagh e -pst lt e i eté g rl w ta n""su , P ty = r pc PoS tloI o n n oî o p o j j o "-,ioîd n nS The e ore ia the 100451sl'yonbtagOhosghltaitn fbrfte u t1fry d -d tatborm Dr a à0w g(nun' e b e o es tho r a and tgo e w A d te i m t )adt iener w t roS she pt re r lanton W m th utte mot mid Unrebot ha ide jofmt l inbthonilalr ilus i lekit 10 ba ade- hit't p s8le, vS'no o rint110 uta0 l ee5 ot11oe-li . .hd eovrtn .1 ciOT~ .hlctd sud omin gl ' h h.l ngea e a eh o wagoi.T enleru -0 rcin otnulle fo Bt M teo.mP ta cen 010 îloOkprem a i t h y0 d td au (JtiyM 1advih tredou t ietl..5e- sud . 11tirio . l e - be-vaton,1e w md a. h , li Ppat l i q u bitebs pe-oaeniil,;e 0h01 m ooolo! m go5111po 25 awagn fe Mt(M te p n. ilutbou e srti. In olet th Mtndg» eyL PB untheiosoolin bi tu p r Il... 1th.yifebave11etepasofol sature cul! Oh ri "Thonro a oid e te . - e v @ t a ni n w o 1 I v e »thehe al ig ýil Iv t ch og 01o'otit i CYOtr.lYc Mt ol0l. adblosl 11 04iodoll gnil hl e e wa iltei - aafnpcfariwy o or i-t. ez ma jlýàed bus ~~o!tat oieoo .ing esmtb mor eslo-ytitsee M ofl i juè sdcnltl veyeiiwie iePletn orttonE taryn hm m ad our eomat . d e nou he u dMtatexrsino aW Egn i e thethce tî n n 10n liehalbrigmmd. sed l10 NominoBolvee ahoRrîd»4_&,& beakfatgolt o . sl i o a thte lt b'Il00. ud sd oeltIbelond y"os 110 toMa b1~igt 10 p"be i vt-' anAllé otiZI-1 ietewrettu n oncelWte htae9 .1siwfe.:e I oi'teceteh ws O 11CaspSonTral. ig 4 aee t. a coueediOh S1h. lng DY:erimthou ity bting hoiBo n ts o ffns llrfodofMssn, a .1' """" ' "R , T. L NE D U s e pl o e the wa 1noM oo hm 'I odba obw WOo#opte cancer MdIssu no"m - atoedey m e oUM t hu. cm 11e=stao d cea 1 ptolngberopon teeba4kmotil bnie-dptocmre t t h0iewol b bel Ma s0t1, gt- 1588s oeu. o tlhomp -isacnthomst ot s le nt ivith oa pin t ahe n iBg T hou w on a r gir U s ý n vill tb w omfB ahm auiyheed lu - -tefoi nt- 018.t te tee 11rÀ enta oas à rc0 doori oain 88et h de d Maol" 88 t l 1 p s o aloethsl taeu 'o Mh. â bt e en B t DO - d tle . ý W 9 a c coltdwaAoeOoIo em -esnm- diittoepyvag e 15 n osolni ta 01e ltersûr0-Boura b&e, c t f«s.lre. l, set . 7de g0e=bll*D* l -y om. a betoit4 niatenu, Pthia Andtbo t ghMIrl "leont an 1 f1t0a 10hardWh"neonaIIhhorl5 ho011 G . M ý zt 4. bzmmrot.et 0 t1 nil5 O tg st e . oorthe> is a o.î. teto onn eBoucse isagain 01110,ot 10'Ores s-t I vedIelelt h tote1-eloin e-amjouet Deu.J1eandetdahavcmooi ",le dtebe o ut Se! 11ue lJi eSSe boise on n IoniotientI9 W. fo arosu h0 tele4Laooal xTemoakad bpOateym Etc.. bons' berwe-tth' tsl soo mtBl Tb"bo fasbt iIll ane, etrlw r, rstv Tef ,uas.-or~ ~01~j 1.5001. sco 10'. JenSIS r- rgiltuo 0H10H01 'I ie ]bel eh.e mti won' ber.! ch' fol- site, Ho Lk tal empty But Th.c litcr taire r gig lu Iyoath- lotalel rTorke 0e gct' ýy bero 'nura c ., totho riooand ltions. ,pois0 on oneO aga sah4. 100re. Il trainofo Ould bave iy grave rry Torbo isoveed 1entoile4 b.nthon10 in ishich 04d promi' s his l0Co capturing whiasky,1ho dpt Wagon. to beroi.f But oho re byWI tefore. th-o )Mplel 0-. d, tere R Mothor Evo in11ae cepiol Dlcb Town- at they son 'iWear 'nar- igsa fur conta ,breerbeswiiteh ae iscather i jareth 1e fat, qk ad tomel' iebîich C000 Sappaoel 11,00 raeterieno Ce - -bat wiIll éist bu. n ptnoiott vea poliemen les irrest. pri n f aste oplt. tbal ae- 'n 'n hy Inspecter a& The 11111e ,givo ovîdenre, bdoing s 111010 arne lime. tmacb tîheNewe York ,onl otfi'nme, re trem>oved bY veety )ycast of maptord. Ttîeit ,aiOhy NeYon11 confe'onlOaHe tais for lbe O' 1îiool'OOr. At teotoftheo(li- gbthoun &Ce- ~515MOZ~ li y ' 'l lie D-« Our hids, a,, 1 ge, Who hâve Imder, the Bon made =ýy wreel 0» of robbil