Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 1895, p. 4

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solu in MI1I6I. soifeverywhere by ï Lvig . itsethd. à - . 1de h. - - era.and »»u oher people, inol eo* ny% boae in Amove, boitWth tth .dueeeeda impudence off lb.E isb led, Eep land Ila obrmpg as te biter ine te sommer minu. If1 e oed9 itewevr tu mywha la o» f!ads inotions, I should ta. risYta1 il in a place wh.te sa ravle euse t j hi. bouts blaàd. 1 do et men dsubed over wtlh a tiy compound. and ueleaeed aed leingahu buto perranelly plilu nuaep iale sud mot oo.ot.th- ry lue in Beg. touding litens oagi i oudt prere ieo dtîtonoeto Efr andovilit bot o pu10bed, bigbl Poli . bi ma OMO Z erY low sud couimutla t er emetion.f It Ila,,howeyet, a cote ut igodeserylue, and une of the haésobeti91 of ut het igit iviation ut car rilh tsde sasmuet nou sethoir habit oftravelling i &bout wit Itre.s Ipo' hir bouts. Il moens a dtermlsuatstle o oumterl-C ahie and uell ated foriebtroughotu.1 The vitole o aeieiy ic boult ùouts bi ide,; the servanee&#a servante Io, ahe1 ait. ut malzleg oc.elycoumtueable; aed 1 am onulsure bt Tell breuhed1 lotite Imd poliibed bouts are ase muh a part outhe glteebh metilellue se th fiveuo'eloch cep ut tsa. Nbode huovovital lite osiution ie; but Htr. Baltour, uhon h rissa inoeliiUZO ut Communs anil ap taI cnobeuit a sucit a pruruei iese i, le et airhe lie rigit thun , the mbleul nebjclie uhe ite appelu10ies mal ter et ie iuýdvidà&ae ruttr. The1 idesutflite ayetsge EBrilinber lu lu gel te Most saistaction pumsible out ut hie daiy Illi itille Ihiege sa evliase ie larg,audho willlpt utlOPelepuit laukeorvice, amusg uter sueuysetoe; und thu servante., viteare je lere urv- ed by uter servantle e litesasme way. Tiis meses, 1 laite il, sobordit>- sîjue sud uor. er, ýin uCher vurds,i iviluation. And a seenetai nmu leiumro pue vit t titieujoYmeel tite1 emal ltinge. I have ïeuver huard te ut akofsrdiuiem utofdisposition te have teir oewe way, beltlituy cue-i lajely itave tume lu te idra taIt lite iltovalumbituelu 0rillerd awayine Iperpeleal seoaeinee. Aed Ismpleae ed 10 itear my teseimuny t0uone tibjue1 aI lest smueg te lanesvitetravel ftut itusines urplaerqp, sudnomuvitu ravel rarly.tat llsey heuv eeuugh go lie abd iente mrinu. Wu guti te raw ides frum »te Englia t litI "uearly tsited andeaelyborisemalinsa mone happy, b a nsd ise"; but tuey Bunnm tubaTe i en ep Iis nutione pell verall s~itheiuyare vise,1 aed0uviesly itelly, and uleraly b tgtePlee tgfîee in te muet liciaus ime foral ep. Titetu in an- titer rue fer te uoriers in taeloriee sud mines; ad Inoticed inethegreat rlietaiDarimoor. eourlee itendred cet abovo the es, usete deslale and cloud-covered eseur, tai lite convicts were reiirod 1 to sle ot t Ûlye ' lokite temortfing. Beltteose1 exemples du net intertere wit my geeeralconclseon, !r I taucy taI rier,re nulthe hualîirsl anditnp Anutoer versionsout*s adagueiltai England in te clametaI gels ep firet in eh oung n pesitiug nili ut aivilluud vay ut liviug, oee eaeeul bu. cin epts ufthlie deutoralictait lidte labor saitatinus sud te puver. andete lihral 0 eo pirits, taIt atirrd-sait rrelyineirred uter- wise-y a gnera elorîtue. One mrsagrrldispoition 10 mied Oue'sowu usines, u v ail je a conervtiv sot o ý ay ortuime 10 Î. rghtexitieg itrdahiip.-From te -dtrsSleeiy," ity Citrles Dudley Warner, je Harpet'e Magazine, for Noyemenis. A lmpmet r rtemu. Watit. f t ~~~~~~Care F. Brovue, vitoee drlleryusldtepoegm usste e Englisit speech coulai carry laugtte, usa eaWttsrned Xantre. Ho atidet an Ohio hait cfit01t*inglt th aine hait ftil u in oai.pt e go ecame a literaty peodtofel et tatsdtlranger sorIttaonOur liieraiter tas otitervîse - Hie toa igo"" tro ~Ceveland le Lou- don, vilhitlettalof etweuYoritaund the lecture pleltoroj, tour or tlve yes ieoreî aWtimleinHoule, eiotely afttr I veulthbece.We bta imtin J4 tIOhio, anti ite batpereoeally explsineti le me tl icettucalepuell-meanîng of Vsnty Fair su _e Yor;,tut mauy men boaad"sitb as ge ury ibandi u Aemus Word tut I grasped itone day n rouS t liseTrumoul Temple. lie dsol rcmge, tubtle gsYe tmn et1mines s rellg if gruau imprmenai eordiiity, ils h-Iose do yen d? Wteestii yeu oumeo " anti oter ques- tions t& atd suoccourau ite.. tli I bagoutlti dave n iimtroegb e 4loed u1 oter talt. em1rsd fae. Teu ite seindyiaisd sud wung il &ii=ergst,an&Wtepeatet i s friandi- r ydesdswit gno ualion taI va. nov "l Wiy, b~are yo-buu cre. Yes"Utor me ae*. -Il useà btof .a mey, wviitit itafit Ipu"tie ru- lif outLimpendibg dunen t uile use alteady sianped epinu lie uteli la. "a b is gray .yee e.d lise a"tlest. mas large, iffueemsei as drava, toi aui te lscghter aetbet hc ullie t ovued; i tire w hlctit brlesqet as eagie'e, uns S i w d eage;itshrie ul t) gvap ui hlm vwhwe un rle. ' IOit item th M o tt vhs.e tddslsf Ste u sel issu la i i a acuavituleri tle t veulcalteAser=as tiY, rsOmýp gresal Wor's aleatFonatiafm. #Wd tesa lame.t oue a ikgae *o hare giv e d .Ieuto A uesart, inla Wiia a. LOw. A4fise porttufth. b aePfessor svu lmiolla, ltmàon en h.dyet ie sl;appeussle iteb leubreroona, iamog tellstratiosb acemp»W lsbariefssseubr etf hie leadln otriutionsle.b aea As.11 drew Lacf e . 1TcOma'slrleudeL et Berto idg.e ribles tor a muet-e ing othbie Omar KiaymCub, wvas noes eerdblt ii i Ihorel bited hlm un a sigitl spela t Bt,' LT&r H. C. Becser's fie poa: "Titey1 Alec Serve'" readbueratise Army oet he lloomaueJoue, aise sppearle l Iis sembor. A valsahie cuntributiona tte literature etfte mind sud lie mnueale, es deaiiy l intue.days t uf làpnoaem lieahy, etc., le "Titol Logcon.tslTa.iepby," hy Prof.9 Joeph justrcof litlUiversity et Wisconsis. Thte sorleof te Lumbr6 iclede "lThte LaIe War je Europe" itsh Blarry P. Rbuinson, s Dew vrler lente0 magazine, viticit ljenmt lealraut ai.0 bsetu fr the bolds» outfinluote;t "-The Coloelsa Tea.parly"- hy Beoie1 Chtandler; sud a long msaienb t o "lThe Amazing Marriage " tlit arriou i tfic reader wvoîl buardte deonemonl et tiis perheps grealet ut Mereditn novule. An isebretieg utsk etteh engraver Florian in aorompalied by ao nember et illustrations, made by bls-m solt. "IThe Pint ut Vesse" deals ulit "SPort;," "Every Man Bia Ove Net. dau,""AVanliieg Qusliiy," "Tu.day'n Bookseijeeroruepee." As Admîrutte Thaket,5515 naei "-The Holiday Danoeet aI orenfquo yaota"in te ithleut Mrm. Bulton HT la nouens latent andlbulat ortl ury-a1 lu..parl evelele-vish oontuai dëlghlteily in tue'ovemberLadie' HomeJouornal. Il ais vithheuw Yont t&ahiioesue-'ytsitathfeuHorser Show snd seisequcntly in Virgini, te. persouages and cnviroemoel sippe îeg.b te setitoru itappledl forn Tit story is eonluded in thte Decema btr Journal sud in arlislîeally illusratl cd hy W, L. Taylor. Dr. Parthnrel'e pape, on "Tise Ftbehr'a DomeleRHead1 ehitp" Inidly. and viit fine isoimin1 alion, aniliees afteretd~ius and e reupumsiilitie iuinte home.1An ile teresieg description out "0101 Lite ine Modern Jernsalete" in giyus by Unitedj Slleconsul E. S. Wallacq, and illosc lbehy Eric Pape. ThomaoseWeel' worlt H igginson selorie for IA Young1 Girls Liirsry" une itsndrsd itooks hy1 Ameicen u stuoru, heut adapled b itec instructon ufgirls ot fiteen. resmen-e tl anuddecoralive ene ut Cop. Paper1 are detsillpd iy Emma H. Heat,sudE pieltued: anuter psrlicularly osetut parer tre t ite "Polats ,ee s Daily1 Dm1.," tsu intrepints ut 'vMvashou iug taI lite tuber la unleeltay sud( Inobisgg je nutition. Edvat'd W. Boit1 uditraly diseeuse lte brutalanud de. mrallzing aide et up l-dséfouI hall garou, sud munnule vmes b retrain flrom vitseoieg te exhibitious ol ruogitene sed tlueeitse. ie aise directe aurions attsntione butr national1 vil-etravagenue. To bitoferapiie artilesu prseut Oseransd intispale vioe et Gongrai Siteridânas vduu and1 ocueral seim Houesto'daogtsr. ter familes and htomeie. Needlevortere vili inSd delîghinleHelen Her Adamuts " Colonial Embroidery Deuglges." illue- tntsd ity te autor. -Alao in jel Novetuier Journal inlte co»ulenOf o Mru. Bellamv's aisrbseg $oty."'Tite Luei utfte Pendenulugul"; Mr. Baug' fiuaI repor t "«Tite Paradise Clubs" teelingu.; Mr. Brdoett "The Relief ut te Slamreei"; sud s,deiigitl negidal numbr. "The Constellatio iMarei," urillen for te magazine by Thomas Clrk. 0f epeolal imliner are achtlonorganiuieig sid iouduot r »g a lilerary club. by Lentos StoritIcu; ut Ahmute's "Mistremesof te SmaiI House" 'OMrs. Lyman Abitole "Social Lite ot a Chutoit" ;Mts, Malins ",Fseinabiu Visiing Cuetume",and Mie Hopers "Aeeecuriea fr DainlY Houes." Tite Hovembor Journal in eeeiiyegg'in le illustration@r sudr &'gitlleevrylsatliy adapl cd ~ ~ ~ ~ wa& luétTaieivn ufm iver. glon te Il membersofuthebitiueseitoid. By Thte Curtis Peiliebilg Cmpany, Philadephitea;une dolar pet ear; tee cents petcoupy. Titis muebly msgaise, ublit uone enrie itshrsetsrizeeaste 11 idieg, 1itrtry. prugrou ua Sreformalive revphise l inte. Engpitsp. Ving world," prooies u ee motq vortby 1 o surit s description duing lite coisgt Byear tIbsevser. Atuong i11e ounlibebore s. ili bete leading Ihiebe.et Amertea ennd Europe, ictledisg U. S. Sssalcur IJohn T. hMorgan, Alabtamta:' ev. Nient C. Savage, ut Unsbt<CisrohiButonu* Rev. Lyman Ah IlU, u, Plyiti ICiturcit, Brookltyn, NY.; tleu. Everéét aHale.. Buton ; Rele E.iGaaeus, iBu lio en. Walter Ciad, L LD., 09 t ru » ne B SoofI é=,MD U. . Seutsrrle IeUs8 à Ot folt .Crolles, sud J. Hèbot S it, m>.. IButn. ret. Qee D a. ,*4 t Io -Cliege, viiiOoutslbete mares0c papereuie. The Es on II j..tl Souiai Paositteo f PrOs a.q mac1bne may be lrigbt;butl novle brcbe 1he. bailformte ledittfeu e, hlaisl' lte tem as v aeu..fl. 1 itad~ ~ ~ ~~~Yi aaaagc IeIt.8yt ': .atèle, as ose uae, vibhit ýt.l- s lhrt ooppen n Ycneke bi la cheos Souvt sako oi!'sendf cs a p 0 b tI h k ti M upr iteZbi pales ruged ulit ueod. I vorb"baSfi op airly and doe late, clesrin' upland s hl degréese,s' diggin' a livl' cub0'g tb ile hy main stogt.au' ne faveO"'e excepl th iul' acthe AlmIgbtr,. b The Lord'à butages boe. fBae.Oro T me boeugon s' b B e'e gin me t iterses as' osîle; He's gin me ebeep il sud suing, s' fstepd fouI ' mas y kitida. An' now, stranger, ater al taI lbcteeveasbâàiey drned if l'Il A tue omenue eglo stt Hm pup vsler tut 'em.' t "And tite," ooubleeed tiese eoty-ei teiler, "teoirogitlhlesbaud doun on l hiei tnece vit a thac t bit atirlyéco- a adi trougit the itouge. 0f courue 1 id cool t urge hlm le pretaue aller bc tait epresion o hie geniment@, and 6t 1 loft tlm. fudepandent, usaamt te ?" I Thien te vindnlill man cheoitleti, se if bu eujoyed te meutory outhIeemno I te htaljuI decriboýd ; and hieia eareru I enjuyed ihie eltoy no u mcit lat vues il bl, litthoteause oer b, Ibre or four odot.-Ftom te Edîr a Dravur," in Hntper's Magazineeton Novembut. l Cerloely temee lu idom for ivo o yoong people uto have senenutblutep eot olitur, suo mallervitelter tere i poverly or voslt, nu maller wvitblere te tiys are irigitl or dart, lu tave a tome fthem ouen ritse Ruth Asit- mots diucusiug "Tite Hisînsci tetetit lensîl Homs," lu Hovumber Ladies', Hume Journal. Boardingitoue Illte le itll forvwomen. setd I dcolotbeieve0 tat any ma tas ruer ruaiiy enjoyeda il, Oodcreeled ucmee tamallethomesu -le nite homes fer te mesute ya boye and for te etiltrun vitom Hoda vili seud t leute. And athome muetl bc âtaisd aitte bguelef cf thiis usu Htf. Doolvsitfor aleig ibous nd. msuy servants, tnit matle tappine. cult it a littie touges vilS ont maid an t telp. Itrcauteodonc. I tnou Ir aus Doecotuitrng y outeeidodro, aodoay I you do eol lite hoseuont. Worit leE oely ditogreaitînuten it je itsdly doune, anti (rom useiig te silven a=dÏ glaau lu duiog te bri-a-tran anti iesîluf np a rate, eveytiefma te.E daitity doue eud util doue if youago .botit iuntottrgitl uyan sd ilhthelie rigitlspirit. Yevihibataob cou sidemaelentd ytte vii baye tabepabi eu. Yeo tilt mertainty mutle mielaite, bt eacit mistke je onestolp tvandu auuooos. hurdou yourout il it patience. coosideaio adtenderces; youwil tee ta10mait celleupen tem oflen lu andi oflen. Ibun yoo vili gain noemuci t You vilI bceashappy toosBeuife, the faiy oftheihtooe wvice tse te ritltdie pente tcepîlalily anti gtud vili theib misîtrs. et onîp utfte bouse, but of thein art f yourbuetsnd. boncesefer bte pc-i bayeu realetis homne. Anti taI jea avomanIy vont--s botter monumunt ta peu. my dean. tan lice paintigef uts ouderfut piolore, tre miiog of a groa bout, Ônrtecoumpos. i tg utsa fine pieoe ut muiu. Froue out s tome &Il vitoci antidal great vuritn may route. Ho man ever modpe a home. Ho deles ne beau litou. Thte vomansa brie, iteanl sudlitendu are nueeeary. and a home e sut na beaulifell tie. lu mesns e rsI, lmeaee rasce anti Il mueseellovt. Mallo une or vour lus band nud let tien lsd titese tre great1 joys ilu 1s four vaîhe.1 Simameethat caIlle bave teen bred pure j inte Csntos utSimmes. Suileer. laud, for over lu tuutiundd yesa. Titey are celeittated for tittir ootwue pro dutios ut milit antihutler on lilir elsu, tbsu psture insmmer asti tay ie ululer. Tites nimslesarelthe petseof Swisfanoture, anti ondert lielesyelem ut lentiing gien l sar' 9,000 t2,000 pountis ut mutk, C.m viicbtfia matie 450 tb 5W ponts ot delieloue btutter. Thte otys et thiiereed sre very quiet aud genlîs, and te bull. are exoortiisgiy good-slure. selt ruen suy isut ot virile power, btl rom te iu..lteta. lily outh. britt. Tite dis tingiihig cbaraoleetiice o e bite mentaierea. t SmaH. lgtl iead, ulit gete, ively exreseasns btornes, pinled ueil or ard nd ep vsrde nee.ataer short. vIita alogtelap ; body veU ruended at te hoIe aod lceled sItbise jonsTh@ biedqesrlere ore htoad and long, vilit peominent caudal bons. Tise fondé. ment je tery loy and retartaly réguer; te epper partistre ttongly pttded u ostmelees.adlits perts uder te ou. atu. Tis Ue dlr are ueil faie, fies u gelu Ssa*s01 end.bbe "s ft t ie nUmerla lunae solq 1glS-ut a peUsarli igutl, eIfy tep' 0m. T e il midetsnsaim.ever Sue asudsesder, lalO uery bàss and lyelov. Thecolorie rsenOvhlie. -Frme Parmtsg for Noember. A a"peseisies .10 ý ui. tn%.empe- e vig umY e Bd hie 1 presece poïme sue-eVbitwold ifl h*ý bouleg bu.*'v . hl.se*bwwS sujes"linthaI I slseusgo MeOI4e. bomne race " ae Hdose. pur lsigituoes" "Telilte prince ltai$ 1 bcaso s0." repu idlte raier e01bo theful., .. wiy eheuld 1va5I tugo ? Alteeec vite are tots buov itsoinos torme. aneevîtter titan eeera." Auala tfHyglene :Whsb the Man oftb day nuede Mosel nol atbitio in a gymiasim. bol lentycf tresit air le hie Jungs. Iesbed et aà quirutlly cf eloicat exerce.stIlesves hlm ve for gaverai itouresteaormd. ihe eeda tb canob leatite rWht, tb stand rigit and ailttrglit. Tite yoîîeg man urthlie yoeug vouenWhvito nIa n sa caruer of trmining. aud herenil op peuai te year, juel at lte limdtlithlie body btu agrestldes[lfete eue vr t o do. and vents te do il. imay Moite op hie ur ber minci tIbeoend àa .prle.al de veiupment ut moscle sud strngtl.ail thie training. le afler lhie, in gosef le oucelageis lte. jý OeW.. ei[afUi .,.l0I.... SOUVENIRS.a fiee, w~ .jnl r adhec gram importei s teekme th lits. bdosvnss-.s p en sd ft, ibiséhbusness. etqa - t.hwqaàt âfl lsi sseee itee 0 eses thlais oueWormsefeed pt tielr bitelitli theelaitar caelcd rie aIraI no longer and Mrthutlsdift. About Ihis lime thes lehdemeen are resay leav saeparlant insecte19 i e sueommos bhlsg letu d spes aalmats or tsbsoo la0 . -ut1bare green toe iin lfect bile. plants, yul adoses or ns asll, vslhitç brss ,&iisint lastebide. Tite. are lte Irbd oe iete r e l bp'? caOLlts baobelsu vrie susu otspilay , utielt oru t.n le visal M le.sl yitinuu it.' eel l. ý fil . g Tue Nuvember nombor of te Do. letlet for Horeouter ilie Ulte ithanitqivieg Numler, and iliesîratue a bouildrlg veaitt faueu suad winlor lfaiies ; lte collection ut ltylittitand itecoming gatennlbEhinn partteolarly complets. A novel de parture le milliner le soied, and te colora and coit nations llite se.eoe't items gonds and ste glîitsud glîlter of M a"oge Irimminga arc alr dsfld.Mrs. Boger a Pryor î.inises ea uapy and crrumaloulint lcSeoul ut "Dineet Hioing in Society," and Jndiol Coruon urtes inrtingie mn "Dumebtir Srrvice aseau REmpioy ment." Tite beel itind of a Titauhu- îiving Dinnor lu deeotjited, ujili ru alpes for &ai asdites; sud a.iimriy arfici on"Cavin tllejeut hito graceallydiain b lte noblte bted thai eeselte plsce out tonoOuilte meugive. Heiee Marsitall Northe lelsils the varjcd induestrei inelrcon to be itd aI Pratt Instituts, Brooklyn ath citdren sud adulte veli tec de- ligited tbiesrn juet hou the, C'epa Papar Browuies are ma(te. vitithlie Wjotures o et»a seing lutIle fiiees. ilatrirett Friess hos iou Borul Fot Deorabiece mny bu appiiedleo Frirses, Ptirroosud Fereilure, and Sarait Miller Kirby deectibes sud de- fends Prouhels Ove Manel ut Kindor- tartes Werit. J. Bell Lsedfusr gives iluetrsled inatrution for a beaulitut Iret Pantomime Dril. Titere ie thr tesal entertaining Ton Tablie Chat, se eil s Papers ou Orieutl ase Somo Arieblo Serees, Florsl Worh for lte ucetit, a Nusel Eutsrlainmen, andi thte ]&aest ide. in Kuittiof, Ttttieg. Lam.Hsiting, ete. Addteseall coin nunieatioee le the Dolicealor Pubitisi log Ce. u of onle. Liioitsd. O8 Ricit moud SI. Wet, Tlrose.Ont. Sut- ,rriplioe priretolte Delitecar I1 par peur. or l5o. par aingle copy. Afller meoi t aldp sud iootieg sbout ete dutsrmined epas s reglucru. Oit jusaleelygave eafger je les érceffue. and militat auy llms. For tue monltùs site 100h for ibreafsitu, luecleen, aud diner norly ibeefteakt sudtost9, sud nsou ad tes eplueb andlestos; &a1uapa orange-uranges je pliqsly- Site drant viitltis alter cellueor lus. Semelîimes sit Iolalarel. Sito ljsot od lte saeupl ut .atsr laitesthrougit lte dey le une guart.oet aImuet titre.. ptal. Sonie cf tissie drankt t e- fore or alter mone"Olten site squeeze, lte juics ut a leon in il. Wieth-lb tue meebte vwere oveurad lte Seul, itat ballon tb diminisitabsite eolhee taelabluesud fruit, corn, poacten. celery, but neyer &ayvegoetibe tue ges nndetgroend-paoee, colons pae tpbreipe, etrhlas.Site nevri at;e-nltie vas iber meut imporlant rode-site neyer ste suytiting forment ssg lu brctaor, aey pesrs, plume. grtaps, or sucets. Bwuse e rod ia afermenllg qnaliy la il, aite alvave tseoted lb dry. Pudding@si e soe toncited, saouma uor cae.e If asy food led dii'Iauleery le any for. saie es Iéluesmmil use à a tu lbe avoded Il.asd.hpe, &Notet Ifeu monts site afloved iterseit nov sud thon se occasouisaleuetet aniebut Dserr as a babil, vagted nuusbar. It wUllIculais lte usmnits thauten rs taa ne enol tv Lieul, Co. itucu lise retirei frein 1h. omnmand outh lt 5h, ut Hamllar, and te Milihlha Depselmeus, tesitow ap tecioe ut tis leeg servite, tee ,îuvdiu e tainte rusit dlieu. Ienantluelou thetu cive force. tarl to l'kick~ t1.JW~ fun." Shftb é éwe'o4Ok w et, to keep b4ft.y'0w have efîch aboie frein 740. ib Pr' We have tibe lorOeat 5. best assoted stock isl- -towil toý clioose frot. It wilI *psy everyonu to, look at tir long boots bufore biig. Wu havet)îutn from $,0 CASH SI<bE SURNE. ABOl Il vol puy yen sol Try ai S e.. Orders 1.11 aI aie pemi ILÀeddl r - A irak.. Stqp and Think DU15Lbise utlsuit o rte yu bhgtfWearsevuasicgt l itsve 4re. ouns@iderelsg &lite priegpsltdk? lut' d,705 ugbt se go tacktol th sýbe Clotiieretntse next sai Yen g4s pour mouey's vort,. He de oerimyfour palrnae. -Bôl Hf yoe dleln'lgel satiefactioti sud nUeev' vernt,1i lnise pou t buo of me . Vil ry sud doebtter ty ynt titan ïpy oliser lotien Wm. Bews, County of Halton Local' Courts Calendar ad CLIIIiI& J-u. ay. e. jy. f5e7t . -. Im or P. 04.. c-f cWrr. jOPmlsg. MiIe WilolaIu 1- 5 -17-12 27 -29 1-7 9-80 -.. Oshyjîlle ... RbrBslmbr. 9 ' 6 9 8 a 18 20 8 10a.m. Georgetown. eIaunelt i512 14 9 24 26 -14 f9»80*. .Jo ... .... . MN ait.. 1 14 16 Il 26 28 la le555 Campbeliville . eil TMulcil.14 1 is'8 2 8 25 la1810- llerliegbse ......... .I f 7 2 17 19 7 il 'eei5e0 f îtsars nWe .ty 0-irLtst ittlg, .119 m .-t 07jury, ttiJa- Medt104 rDefsub-.- M the pol19 day Ai 1p.. C-.sy C-ut Bi9ub- 719 5i17.tuay t 07.0 m ad iet0esut. Cuisty Cutet 19elso. f-mue ~Tu-14stbJ-m". 19 pel. 1,i J..Iy a-d 719 Oet~ àetIOse Audit fclmidsei 5.. Aveeeti.ft4J .s.m, t"d Ami, 419 .I.y eudt etiu.AI Il16. By oeler, IV.c>. Clerb or d u m. Cloe uyoir ikid lorou vitit napts., remqmh.riog tlitjies ery eplosive if euperd Inle n or lnoep liglitl. Prit Due gîtvee 0e. ip s pircescf cirso vihite fissnt i..a the sptanud ,rob oethet gicr4 uetitetrpots vrryibard. Tlisu tiîheryuitasecond plrrr ut flasori suri bang ite eir ou til te ud.e has uvapoeed-Novetol>er Ladies' Hume Jounael. ITEMS. Tiot iai of Ante eu Kroiiifor mirtier- aI Berljuituia eeoupouitponrd A wise e csytaper t« stitlte Pape is faling repidty. ad aejeot eu' pectsd le olivo tmroejfithelinte er. Tite Poepe han uitleonuonthor lotet bu theo peupleocf Engianud togardsg bleir roturu l to eCitumoitof Home. Win. Cueimies vau seteueed to 20 yanrs' tard laiton fer atteoptef 1te aisuacl ire. Drmer ni St. Catitarines. Tit one 0 btdredtb anniteeary ut thse lloi partiton et Pod eeu oit' served nas anp of nationl meunuinu bhrougitout Onair Ttche,,jitn aPatrons ci Iedesty haase J. Fomytt, tseely Patron ije cLe.giletumo. t reige ail offices in titeir mêdor ittoaouue a ia;socepbed railuuy paues. Mon. Ht. Gumetl.inuau intervew at Hoitroal. sid tical Parliament vouid meul ou Junury 2, and taIlte ru modinlleiglation vooldte rmstiay. lHe aise eid te vaonnt esatesud tisa vu-net portfolio wold ite filed by taI cte. AI Dicuens. Logan Coucuy, W. Va., lait veeit. nmac mamed Demeron vue a lscied vtwlec@inters humedHante, f bu vumon suoreeird in llov-gb-m doue, andt lc u rt bisth..boa,dealt reullîug je tenemnte. Tite cause of te crime jesonutuove. Several arroes eare repomlod. Ttchenrd'ecord for ailusy laperd oyet a creal distance wuse itoieu ity s aps 1 truin ounte Laite Sitore andi Hwi tic ou tetrrn ilwsy, utîit tran frein Cicotiou ffalo, s distance et âmve itudreti sud tee miles,. in for itudedoansd eghtone ominultesanti ouve seconds, su sverage petd of -18.60 umie es ulecr. Theto Huetrel Minemve rempiaies ilial uiece lice daatitof Sit John Mao- donaldcertain Englinit urilers tare esloat'ored le telîlîle te menite of Sir Gergr Cartiert, jeorden t b npt tise rrpelotiee cf SieJolie vîit itir cesteits Iu poreole te thetene Mi- nette findu feul uitsanmtileie .I te ityCoi. Deinos, et Toronto, lente Ijaasijan Magasinem. Tite SvarPp etDet osnte seet concession dtBiesiteim, vitere Biruital nerdereti Seuveil, laetuili visiled by arge nomitere osudapu. The aee ut lte merder hue been cleargd ton.. uae ove or six rodaequare, and aI, mont 5u5'v avaîlahle estic hbutine usnied Off. Priareun cmmettry la a s--llIsplace ut intereuel, 5=0 »Denstumisrusnte tape tees defan. ieg te Moue by ptctlsg eut b lmeeIerS% ahieltarsok u tliemarbs. Premevety discror t trlecomes e ofeutda'ing ep cf utwl, loy levai ut la &Bsd river*atetarteseý ad Lpboid tevSer, Locelsbeehabh ".bIa hmlsno boughb or gany ameotly utvale am Dovwompelled tetu enalor lise quetmitn u of proed etppn«e. Cou tenspoossus viit "tise acty et w4er en i.tyiedfeueCam e ova ocuelWerble lue oesus i te nuîgr d lI e.veie- P55 ous 0 . t u 5 T .î l ue . on wç lvh6$~r mast am i &ltingeas aîeeieoi.% wlit. If peo hbave 'a( lte test tieg ro do il R. UM: andi echange il fors caries àafOse linerut AÉ Vbey ate alease se esllstaeli, asud yoîïg auery lmv§Kure. Ho§ ai uSe eocit ofCire Silsuovare, spee.$achoo geg e Vry cleo'ap. M. KAiq Jeuelry, no boîter Ic, la tise Dominion, AU charnua moderate. 'TOP, ALL WOJIK SUi*IPONrED. uE ;SI I~IS TR'ý>ALOlC SOLFD- S ed ulîlea u Our aeyteitul ougb emasplen. li h,of Sou *iacau t ai- ,Oc. Ailvol scuivi, Ko W4 r yaî a& 7f5. sfio UnSf of O's Grey W~ 0RM ER S' CI .j. 0Tensed Leatl.m Mti koi t (S atsed Mitt-. ,,u- ù [a tertgebavenevoer .iCf'. T0itn 'qeitiug auytllin-o ii ooe5. b* ( letiama ,ke ' f blu Sts.e able a,î f. P'FSSl-BOI>esc Cet.ý(I. q.. ,";miuuet.Spioneil oe, 1-r. Oer primo for Scle-.A i iz.! îe1 usperled by the ît t ,TANLEY MIL Coleran edlar Pu-r.li itc ÈONiTHACTORSI BU[LDERS. er *"'Fruit Hnd toîî,at,, lûxe e itadian C, i I VERYTHURS DAY MORNII - Coc,'cTYoroltP- 'f 'CAMPBELL & P.XNTI -tMS-9 .'Tusos ye~ie. t d. -, . r i r-.tth.stt f M bi ', - AfflWIGING RATES. e-t. I f I oe 'fe.tt- -, te.e i I j ifiu. Mdc -- e ttah.Aj.e nr.-. -I . Uitg natit i 0o,.euo" i S u»tt,.ue etn, ss s ,n~. \cspoealsahot Ot., go 2tasae tet- 'Tt. ",k a t iCIb-., Eeh G f us tA. -ta essL f essamiitén.Itmue1e AH.- :"~ [ ~f A-i PA ,..Ff1 lesand O x s T gi..., t ac, nd ou .c 011T. . 1 !- Ul pUnd For il Yiw hfil b Ithepe'! tootain agood.fit - angood wokuanshap. Yo ir ChoiCe of t) e. most Improved Stovesoê,-ý, Froîn Letîding MakP1'u. At'Less than Miy Prices. JOHIN T. XOOEP, 1 ýl il

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