Adoph- .%peneorf thle ort c SPECULAl Er Th.y W. Pý-roovaI t'l. ~l, Pl. ntl. .. Ino 1f. 100 hy wl 00,0 It P, of Mars% 50.t the tor. clae Ipporeot tf i.the iho tuh aio no. Ase t.. ,d s .Id. bt oth"a cýI,.or, ou,I, -c l- th it 1 t'i thythtnî irojsit( tth th, .o. tille oto deda p-' .11Sali ooht.g 1 V,".Itli H,1*- oh ,-eh. i-tin Kdd 15st J-JEEFR PLOOCb .PEARS-MSD PaFRSi-. NMONS FaON THiE Mil<ADO'S LAND. A 0Par5sB.adkeKulas1 Imm 6ýg.4 Q - and Chapeau- semttai ooJ'in Wsde mStsistO se NiabisLc. a.for an ftKdKt aW iss.4 WBMB Les KsN 450500 in OSdi5 Ki tasle trouifou" jus iebO The Depats t Agloatii5 iaa awtgIl toS ur aire itt CbleSs, reentjy oCqulred B C<ilCtlOn ce JBP- mtabsri. BUT sI ottymiOSli, ansefruit%-couSftretgl0tisaI Ml f0tabl tr iessss al talgllgresdo SUy. ecscted mosi lartletillaJIy ay thé sUs bSpsseilalair* Profoeor corIortlitaee s intes Ual- Siby a dm055 tuOMF saas ttriasada rcsi O 1llo Oi0CtSB l. IDth. e hbmbflis sait, a- I bave-.11111 letoe a sMiio.TamaaiB ad- net the. Msia eidS 0dI coîdlam tiMcoastr_. Ths siode. fond, i bave rismoiveStea ie.InO dOs m uctdemo 0llsrt 1. chEiV aitisy firieUida e il t t bewbgai is tsrveho illsaet rtailprodoIn-bat ogsPshosevar. I duSis t Oat thes mr- bias toSa pos gosdEriDOthe Mat f00 vicsSKBy ha distiboftd sa arse st W yeas betotoea1the United Sates and dtots." ThomUfollogre atli ai fthe a the Esire of the Mikado friede 5amortir lias lie wMhed the Il appeaes cantilsla Àa Aeieaa dIfferent partiaofteservies l a DeM fruitt a re hisg utliated lMrgelyin 5dit!. l ithe fand othtil Riailg Suc. For a- C ample, JiOaS, iba no appies chat ares T '-*yset Fm... on pied for pythisi; bt apple front Tile other day t Brmea. tise Capital B îNew Englatd rs ting rot0O In sililili Mravioa B ouraaFs.aabaker and bM Itsatititeen01thé10Isand oC Tesot- lit5s seetileet detersed ta<comil1 eartherncot of thes tapasose groli- sicide togetites by drowaing hm- 1mi ts Oc havec leasas imaportant cOS- seves la the ovassa. The Pount tQ meiaBiarticle. menK5 out 1.1oC 0050. and sage no &i Thecigtna tes f Jan and tfilsUnted; prospcte oC bigaille t elecmarried. so States are Eluch ilBics. and aty plant Thle coopte arried ouftilheir ftatl Te- g55 ateteocne contry "orneteothirlnîmiveand teir odies wer fadila la intecoe a OtliitKy rcaoethe river. Tile pocketa of te 0110pOiien ponticf viry lest nov lhat for A- maBn eere sarched and In thota acrete ltir ,,rrhipeage, litthle mest pralitIic ioud a IlornEaad a iottery ticket. A m soreof proitable ccv type cf fru10s. Ma' das sfterward the drawnMg forci as werttascf harSy lottery fook plae, adtha verY IIt iraooJapawe bae otaled oasticket tured oulote thelftinnerof Ieot arties of plumes. and lthe-are 2,0tt ootas. or abot 51.00. m panord Il ceer til estern part of M te Unitaad States, fr0in Cnneocticut Sieids st-. es t.sil st. Ta te Pîcrida. The JapaosOhave a ilogs oedeaiStsiB hst wtet dclngtone pearif. onilril.thougil atd In scetifo îrirces. faysthef11 l lt doe ntlootet aii iknanyooOeur CdaCtroictr's Parisooreepoed- I vrcis, aextrerneiy dottelous. Theyot.ily te dorosure chat Professer PO eot tlfroto Chinaho,0ever. This 10 Beillio,the 000.0001 Frechoil otactat. 811 to-lier the eadtag marktlpeacil Of00110 as soppotrd te havecdted frocs.0t rIoOrOt. taturti careee. omi-sItud suicide. M. ou ý,o1oe orars aco Dr. S. H. Hos.pi of allon, 110eSerneca. bled hitassif te l Morshaliiole Itachat siate, ptsntedd eathIn10a tat.Ther fredt of the &J ~abottothcotondOf the et0ne@, fros. deeraodsavant sreadvoSd ntcte ne wttotho egl as s.aty sesding treca. pntttth thetctuoocf the case, se01as0net Fr000 fhe ict he chosetochtiat bore ,de lteailloochrcig the fInest fruit. evnttlaliy utsardingtedlyherlgosb"ut. & ote of tolll. The Ciler vas the parent eC.ti.q: D- o.110aitst cf the Etteroa varietr. vth tan sinco W od ocotaieficec h tecs.efas.ous. Hooded ofoarlcads trot 0rode. hol Ohoy 'ae o thepRo d cf hs rot wll bea shipped o00 f cbiod 0101 butleos Te r oolypoa Gleorgie, th1s eaueBon. 'at choc the grade troae. astI " Atothoor Japonese peeh. am5e rg- uId al chocrs, steri,, or ceesoi.t- se Inatty fr000 China,.1th 1e Peenio It i wSl ati rottvated t a considorerhtent in d c ac Ilîroo,'MitOso Fiorîda. hbutîlossto crîr for aernt,,. At ..citt. Othreolo thiog highr laitud. -c outI do 00e ta tror for the frst&a Spgerlnof pum, hed.a. ehep of snd or hlc0i, of hckrerrynil Opeciencf hco. Oe JpOc l htrht havetoon o olht, ccd mailit t grre' cerltinvarietici for te loîss lwt u ysau ih n dC atone. Ttrr are fonid f W o cPrtng llcmrt. and fetval. are hold '1h00 or proreerîdd000cr xro-s anulyit oerrate thehtcosemîlg ,tIcry way'.onddoot notchtthe cf the potc00 and thoeterry. The rui00t d 00s0eoutoioghedcr cf hes hcsrs.drand oO nttPues 11 . 11 , , , ooft he Pro-î1 ntoortdIndJapanam etoni. Pfortroser.aprorel. 000100 afier every a retiig froe; the.y are ptotrd greorocharge00005. more atdcorde lot ceaaIly and plrhied. moredi Wheo clltio c oc c tcor] Ttc primmon Mle emotO Import- qdrîioi o r W o lhrrîsa0.,l0eofaOur c ant fruittIn atonrcrrSoodI destiatihonor cceoil. gabc.smteti the appîr In the Unolied S0a10s. dr Cciii- n Orcntabu eweeb Cut v o n00te hofot th01 ,ordrleded ncol O valoofttt an beer.s.rredtca oOy OI o ty te toptheel. go doccne h00h polot. Terr arcabotthItir a ferfot raie, W00. oetîthe M orli-recgntsed oaretie.mto f rnd ofoatlog crrro roco. hradI tc vttrt are namo00 000ete toraitieso h ire 110i1100 1000for-hors o ncni to-iehthtty are produeed. Otors totot bjea0r f00 ceie hirht hey tacoro 000110 rapt otller, ,Nritoer tker names 0foos0or u d c ca ord, bti 00,0 nd off Ocr are surposed teresemtir. Fo000000- che-cc ol d ecro000iedtroogO h 00 pile, oecvBririrlattown as5 te bobs owctheit.yf.ogrcrmiet leourno.00t0.or eroteseggn.Ilr,0ha o,rct, d thrcch hetrr t tooute roarkahlyIlite a large plot gg, 1001eecp001ti io.M01 Eharpl oîr roelat one end. betebc),wr ulngMo.s Thon Ichers ntee a-sr, 'The ioprofe' o rcavec00therehibn O]t 'rild oto tîrati. amae ons et ad00 aogwti nrasig '*muntln"litraly, nimistd teAo- 00000u00, ccii l it atop. sokîrand1 i elocotaîn tritg -gorolly ild' An 0,00and afaerrocoiico00rmauu l ds- t. clhr roler te oatrd e00'rremon. opecrd overteodgr. and 001'm0,'cl nitto htiifes n hldidlo droîrrhe.00 1no0more. Thr orofoeeor hi..clO 00as te &roud bdge rTh - e 0iOoh all0. icood. 0ut on' rought 1,10 te al 10 orocl haco.Ttc Tedo-lpt" 01.conc on 1. t 00, eond n one0fet ole h01 have a topoeeot'htPal a couplec r.c chrotc, dosigctcotO, theteremeacing 'rît t oieofdtenoer atv oedht-aoi-- cf Yeddo." ThisInSone of thefoOOIi ho al'rd et '.,o.. cf the ortle tte h haveienopon010- prrrtîd Il. 'prrtty fair f r0.. .. > 010'î, o doroIncto Unt ed Stat01e. for Auccît.' Att orrcultivt'00d oersim00000 rome f0000 .Opa. iOcootly hrticliristS I Msnccri. IlliOi. and Iodianah ot Aeot.'lr Lto ,cs. INr botre rriog Ocdo omethtoc oltO tno- A ebortaIototol h. ,If trur-os 10t te AmontPoil carroies. btom, oof te 00ght0 t0 c-woold ehown thut L.rd latter oprcares I0nie th of tC he Roeehrr oeooartrioe acurtie. Orln., and 0as rOO they euti-Oigu0e00. 00ail0e,0te loft Christ Cilr1' -0.0 r00000r1cI. O lieinte trorlhbortuud oC hOjodso, it For som cime pont the lrphrtmoot Castie, ho mrt the Quoro, oct hrPl of Aricultturoe as be ooc.loe to pop- Moietyr rognioog ithoeryo7olard. ulaizro eI00ioool 1nthe United acrotedhbl, and madeoa ar,on 0001m.. bt thry 5000 Oter o, ardcqirrd the .-ir00rcprof thc crpttr. uc-. taneohrr. andithe dO000dCfor theohS19dame." sl the Otc cirlr, "il laO00 Ortîre. Extensive0plantatonsof ocfine wh100oeoou are." tact' hcen net out Inte G01f States Thoelttle 001005 oCflretOrrentT and Califorota. Fiorîda 100101 tonter Lord Hcecher.AttOOgh net1 Oncol.C Prouction0. teapart.cular about everythinccaout d Nr1to in mportance afior te rer- hlm-c'eo aboult tcepoitittoon In hi1'tlt 10 anInJapon 000es the reor Jop- a 1thle000h ho riOred. Hr a olo- OC ator erc o oct rr0000ahip lite ap- letro f ior atticsohtoh ell 0 Och plirc.anda'0000ft them m tO0Oin hdld adookdoOtchcasoold() ie. Thrr arc nctett a 101O tonsit'r and china adcll sorts ofkc Pl goccOIntheoUtedStateI. Accro' kotrke.TeoreiteCofireat men ap- p pofitblerunehaheofccd fur them pelotoo ihs facr. Thre are ony .1 In ihis rctutrhrn 000epiYi0 te rethoa 0 f Ncpoioo i arnooglr Cas-j pant atstcks pon whioh te moi0teie. I may be remered that the a oofts. Orftthonal0deOar otu0î IhefCofCa nuff-boxfot0, he oble R Iohe inaItOtOreprof aOOoo.t the lordme 0In theForeignoOfficeo0'o fooguorodiieoso, ratîrd *"tilhts.' risc ta the rrpct h00t e 1.00 socif. Ttc Jaconemmr usnesbre fr00. Chica. Ths ta prt oC the stage mcrhloory ofC1 Theracrg0e01Of Joao o re f the "0000.te ir10loaist. aod orelooce r-w bario" trpe. nch as0Eare fr001 cl onshbeleeocdhat Lrd Roeery csod fi ovrEaternoAnna Thor cr000 o sof In htioierviews oih 0amb00 t doaf irecs. The trocs arc docfd dor. A amattor of fat.he in arol- i y mailigthe graftsoendciîcous totor f occf-hoes. Ho poîlcEca st-o-1. ..plants et theor00n0crkiol. chose oC Napoiron and Pitise one00 orhlarapCor heir 10.001 in Actc000. etcncitOcHogrth, and engroo-cd or The trcro. hog dormant 1In0010100. the artitt hmotf. ohirh ho coi a.os l 0ar eoterr ablet10rfit rol. Aother gfi. For rare aod odd booksleioooE oaglate 10"incetred ornco." 0.'tch ho rummagccs 1n sîtope. Hie tne Cr la mor prportraoctrfon- Itibasîmooroaniais lortd- o f000010for bcl-M locgo Occr-ohcred rrotabhrt00P0 ex- cors. cvocrotf0010of 1th-o .-tceF 000,1100 fr000 If.Thoetîrti riodl a cfclly itri-, icl tDatoroyWoods maderinto so. e00s bytImmeo Int -The Weman alciHomc. dc Theo comi" cf 1p00 l drird or prr- '" '"b srero.d. Il tla aobrror. r ltel 10 ihe Renst Weddhag lqasO. i 'tcffa,îto trri" cf 001' WeliorO plans. -s-i The hoffato hrry lta 01tm byIndttcî Wedding invitations are conaignae lai andl ahitrs. and reotli thas hemn ho p foiiotwo toticeovoeire.E roltivtt, 10 010 ctent. -'The terCe.esen. g ihe date ofthle aeddlag, mitas a" 1on 1 10 e at On o tbut are .Mrs. HBmilaon Moto in the 5aptes.iac very a tlatotOttO otrl ed or coicd Ladies' Homie JounalB. Thome seattelai wt acccr. Anottor Japaneorui rot fsieods aad relative, airoad ares tared el late 00.000-000:" it lchs mroeht' (M l ir oreigai orncy îotsres E lite a 01000 and Ee premerd whotr. o i Tet aectr 1.tehie "loqat" related ek eoe toe trmrdtOr f Europe10 t.ngeooo A SpesDtBtive invitationSleana lu Fiortît and Califorots. tOtng pried 'toloas: A fcTh grpofehatg loare f I ie. Mr. ad Mra: Caece Folia Brkeley s lTbt fine vet aies re rtheyUlofer- ecquent tie bonditoh of orpre5na t Mo. at ce vriolo. f000thr elie eaItihe masciage oh tîeît daites. States amrelng Itintrodtirrd thoro. AlLBataa Japan betute c oed In the staneof AieBrrm lier OSetutorne s.cof oht are au te5 big a.Iwoof te lrgso borefcliet. M. Edwarod Pe otHisonat si mute. Tileuse have hcoî. Itrogldocd aWedaSsday, JIhns, tie twsDty.flcSt, Lotoh United Sttes oand cre roa'o et tlgreve o'loei, in bore f0 molltetoenE: tut hodo nt The CbSstief th aveuiyttsh. coata~aEî SvosalEI osr îltc va- he s sgmsa& .a rounsd and seipt i 'stotte. TIrer atilIt e raasted or te:l- ailioni flouisli andS at i liStle ti Ioachro be palafaî. ntabletnday avnttsad e i Neo lI eoos.reli i.patat. iata*j elmetasinlaaine. Thissaon the Japneos point ef vier are 0,,lelts. ~ cseSgie.aiaa s Sceltig f thosue havc tran tecaghi seagai top alln b non.f îUtala S s.«seIS - a-es aqhd, ry asaqUi li. laI isoisa auhI~a sebapsnin iîtvT'rho-ft xus Ii ia s tpads adb rsldw.bithe xi Il In tlta ea thealg» Us. letitheanS la orlils beamit Da- cars of BSthuwty Of Usa MissioUs; et nty en, b bSth" ayhfor aotsiti îatahoidtissiasives suiao nativea .as and undesr posetcetln f baenso- ,cise, tiatby aItberrBoiag tleafta* wisla of Polities tadeS. A Vassde. man fios. Cilia tbcongb lia ty tli aseksd iM an laterviea .jasionsrla tbdraaS 1.051 011M. as, inbs opinion, tbsy are doisp iBtse itiqrtha Biond,0 Tisatadzi ofhei tritish equadron in Chinois, vatata M Iseost vilient in bisexesipaatoh ohqb itas opiniosn. Wris i thle seclB pariwbo prot5S8 a noaledsa of Sthe lu ,a iy aintetn tnU iiaaaîbo et beau convertad1 oise Bder tonnîraint oh corne assiS. [ esisidssationsSnob atas BmoDSbIy liovaae, fhts lodging orc ertni nh seiotiig, aid tfiatheliS itsicsiFl las in tisse oaece aile bealstta accong, Tiat tie preoDeaOf ohmis- osaries embarraIis eintte"s of =pi1nay stande w iii proiaiip ia &nieS a mond. That tiaispta. ces aresesdiaasy Offensive tM le nalives sid blastiea adegres, ln a. îtad. Tie aimenti naimous denia. tio oh tie Esiglisb.apeakiDl trodas- men living iD Cbina liaI tie maintan- &nos of hei missions l aiubUpooli upan lis Christian aoeid, nionidserse tbning abot asuinvestigation. A commission ossepossd of iapoien, mcn hf buninsess. men oh woei and coi- seqehce.SballieMsent oct tM report open. the voti. Il siould lMeorganiseit. managed aad monsyed iy layaien, Cor la men taaneially sopport lie ahoia fa rie at boule aLd airoad aid sionid eamine Bl soresoh vitose, noti tmlsonares oaiy; tho> nboold visa- th field epeniy,noct tiroogi peep. hoies to wbici tioy mighioth eiaduet- Sd biidhoidod. The charguesmadsaintthe beiiete misniSons b ythe Brtish admirai and ôters aie lent a semblames oh colos ip theuoneemiy nraglo in the Metiedist' aneemsion, Ia the dinscinil tI mBde s ty plain fiat lieue toori. erin lie lorsign Seld iived ih a loatey tetth:,, ouEid .carcciy hope ta enIoy inCaoada, and ver, litte .oi-aBviOg seeimd .totr itothle routine of tii iivct. Oot cf thilsovo metit thsy proed thomiplves ieideen of old. business aitoations--eaei, sBiry, voei.' the bordenstfîei dtons. Oie vas iberged vith too cllooe anattlention Mo .remoaeeative otedicai practieteMdc ony minniostetr ooti taid tus Ose tade cootsercharges qniis a. on- oxpectod and ot of eiymt aiti ths tintionasy ie etrtaioed et tliend ifieh sYai. Wah ie taBîmttr Void il oct heac.IltM exntheti elioet of tbai epaions toinnel ist hbici ne maci mono>' ie being posired 7 AU.Snrtr Antasl aatt 'Ootopuiaion in CuiS Training" in the %oijos i bthle ev. Charles.H P.kbreD.D., diacseue" ciyaid weil i he lieplember Ladies' Home Hoc i.Msataticle ita a7 Snppis- touentb y Edaard W. Boi's sassent diejia n"GOsrBeicois aid Our Teaebers." "Tic Vomen Who Painsa Cais" la the sniiing tille oh a Colt Page devoîti to 005005e Benrictis Bonace, th ceiebrated caltpaltae;*s»Ferai optes et bar mce sieated pletoses ,eing givîi. 'Tie Mos Who Vila tot CoteoOpras" arce epreeontad b>' poetraits aid îstches oh 'The Coia- poe oh'Wang,'""Tht Composrof ,Robin Hbol"' anS 1The Compoer oh' ýPeinosaBonie."' Grteeulinla heme and .odiott inhconstrnction la Mt. tobeet Coveriey's sens Lceen Ma Icofiona," wttllanexeiuivciy fhrr fia isuothe Journal. Grec Greenood coites oh "Tlic Maa Who Meut In- flened me," Amelia E. Barr oh "Cen- 'ertatici aItiaheDinner-Tabis.' aid FrakM. sîcoton 'Love Behose lreglint'B"come M a bappy sconoctu- sion. kies. daiion's "~The Eaei tela Bonncts" sadSi5h11sadVMuico e- en' are dainthiy iiixstratd-b y Au>' E. tnderveud, a. are "Part y Desses for Cidren," by O. rauvZe Smth, s "-The Eseiy Autosen Ceal1" iy Frank O. Bmaii. Voaesi abo iova laibt yneedhtvotk iliiiie SelilaSe sifi Lelsa Mac Adamlh' (IcikEs.. braidtsy Dssiga" and Mis. Baras, Brues là"ABridai Table Bei." This outumna brides wiliitd tachie. tical adoice in Mt@. Hameilton Mots p-la-dateartliicon "Tiis Anlami.a S'eddiSK Eliqinatie." J. Harsy Adamas wcilas oh "S0oe Astiatie i>Iotvays" iud seveaa brigit voman give mmez cbacming Bdeaatoi «"Beantihytng the Hom.e." Eben E. BoxforCI arits oh 'Coitiraiag lie Lily" and Emma M. ioopas oh "D)reaulg the Yonng Gitl.' lilagetar Bis attractivs issue, viii os o i rti a snoer epeeinhht de tge yMr. C. D. Gibs, ji voeli sa le pieseh MB t nint. The Ladies' Home Journal in pnihhised iy Tie OCuria PublUaing Com.pany, oh Phiadelhiea.hortosaenats pas nns.ias snd One dolltar Pa ser. rer uve Flfty Yssra Non. WOtsnîS. 5 a l8-- aud il doesesa.OsIs es Oi î *?il. etA dl- Ise, 01bu = 1d sUsa giai mo a nobad bes posgess abUs ta- ioa.s.ovlsg lia auront.Usa adti ehli te es., tBi sa maes aBa .4 Iboaida.anSBhits gava tasa hali front iawof bes faes. 1Itourbes Mt Whou athe Wous atUsîs Benty-live at oh tas-Nuea an bost I iaptg"bibig théaues.B slt ibe Minte abese aod aenid acruet ai sabtI1 Whobaroived in tic issînrebhait UsaI eyeuaSg sois. one sald tlCorne luia Bhe walbng scese 1 Ibese a ricnd of yenirs tiare wbo aanla Masne yen. Youanase uitlottues-yos ars tedo Bis eaeoiitag aiflosI ielilIf yu 1I@Mdtdel sysii IlsinMs B.;I sba'B' bave aiy troobie." -' Tiers aoee petiapa Mon ladies pre. sent, It cad. In tic miditohfhao waS Mrs. B., sa. I baS expented. Bic waa dresse eaoiy sa.$un oue ves I baS musa bseM is Beiatenian. I oent orvard and ainsi bonds *ili ber and asileS basr by naetalaiS: ..Iisev you lie smomnt youa ppeat- sd allihe sas.mption fil a Btann.' Bie ioolifsd urprsed, and sid: "Bullaai netB ab the resption. 1 bave jasl arrivaid hota Qae.Bi ad bave nt baca in isan an base." It oas my trtebula Msrde o. 1 taid: 'II oa'l bellpii. Igireyon s.i vont oh bonneorit lBin as 1imy.I a Ven at thc repticit, aod yoo trea dresssd pesisti> as yen aoc neo. Who tey tltd mc a moment age tiat 1 abula i dnta riand in tbia roota, L onr Image rosc behoemse, draeoand aI, 1 boaS menopou at tic sooep- lion.", Tiose areshtictsai. 5bî oaa sot et tic racepiion aB att, or anyiere oe ii ;bt I a ber tIlere neveelie- loua, asudsmont ciaariy and enmitai- aiip. To tilt; I eound moas ati. Hea in oaeatM explain tBis ? I oas 001 Oiniing of!lber at the ime bal acf ibongit oh ber for ycars. Bstthe bad benu iiîoimg ohftae, Do donit dd ber liougii Rit tr b i5gesi eh Bir to tasd a i sMag 1viii i i larsuad Vealsaai vision oh beenait? I thiio no. bal vas aSdromains my smia expet. lanceain 1the maile etappariticEn@- 1 mooappaition@ liai conc vian ont la (ostannibi>') avait. I cold have bea miospifet a moment;1 lis appari. tion conid bava beauntlia estnreae! a dseaie. Stiii, tit is nooiing tu 10e point; hiheMature oh inlasestis 5tic happening of he hie bitojoat aiet .Bieeinstad ofhetaunearlilerorlar lima, woib is argumenot tiat ilis origin hay in tiangil.-trBuueane.-Prota 'Mntal Teiegapi Agai " iy Mari Twaia, in Hacpras MagazineorferBp- The antofesc a magaine smrial dea11*1 alth omnlamperasy Amesicato adaicnaia»bea indanlpdenntaBa sa iy lis vide aid parmaient inlaréai fiais bue bean by Président Andrewe'n "Historyofeh1e Lmst Qoar- tas Cetaey in lia United Stalts" nov tunias in Briioer's Magazina.. ,The aetomsn la tic avoes seneon for bnntinig, iuiing and lient rclu elî. iIt is, titrehora. very tis.oiy M bave in tbin nnmie er oi charticlensesMenry van Dyke's-eaperieis in lie Laie t. Joha 11le en- , titi 'An LBe" and Edvasd . Matins ostaprabUetire 'eviwo eh le reand gtsatih o oBr.and Hunt 1Cnbs." Dr. van Dykes artcle bas lie rsah entbeiatmeof Bilverofinatare at a eth a. a lovaetoffiing. . it ba tiat facination ai bIsaSs evesy mon vie 1teadsthe asticie tou tait tM fiai. A uaiqne sortostory is oie oh tic heu- Brcs of Ibis nnmat. Alexander Back, a otaI I noren joroslisi, smac ime og coneived teplan oft oaiig pio- ,Mgapiy aaddin-tiat is. ohfilse. lealins a sior>' aiti a tarien oh photo. ;i'rapile illutrations n i ob s i a0D ,pray, thscharaclars move abntoian't asi backiground anS iiist.isaTa i liciospineoftediaiegna iv actual Mr.Baci utr cassted 11& *solmoueis=atlahlicpoint oh lutte. .dncing Cbuneosy Depew a. one oh lia .ciaraclaru, and 1e itua laliy photo- grý aet aiit akiin lia interview Mifhin tl ily. Olies actoin f bta ceium ithte seddanSd csistad. ing part of AthioSy Mopa, Omay ,'.The ieesofhLova.,, nd Biasinliao Mita GoodIssla enIon.ehof ilsga tiEs SIias e ltied t-A PintegeapiialaB. MaitaS i lte oalintlhes ssis i ç< D. Gi. "-Tia. anîainMerIg ostaias in lhis lnatie.laslo fiat vanitimaetâtBsInstei tué,niau 1otdlnary novlat, oe n e brL7 mf eneounstes. ith a ai 554 ,Bait, aliberlthéside of lb. VWebb flyp aili the asiaties sU se *IIW 1B lo s 9 J29 IS. Ti@ M54ec mm W Oninl lulieaCMs.5' 180 bithfui iel SES e4fif fultea; Aïi , refer- pe. mg., CHICAGO, Dsaile lamA =- AU ~JOHN NEW N k Sr Amid sed. AVNSDEPARTEENT. OevdLdintefesi ahoaed Ou tic minimunmimonthy balnes. Speolal Deposaaila reccoretSAt. cOroant sates. - GE'O. W. BRENT, AGENT, MILTON. ' Drain Tile. I~ ~~~~ri itvcCr a i ms topll, etc. 45-6m. JOHNI BUNTEB. WESTERLN FAIR London,. Seo.f I2th to 218t,'1895 Opactil scîaiuOds oSit.11 tîtiti. Faa as aorieULie Stock iblhltlon Lica 00101. lsptames 1t. .011 0.~1essMOseiolafth. A.OfakIsali.IfI 1101. Pss .sa. 10 los iott othsO -Am1.n lista, pooaocr.scL la edTtoscfaht Cee. ouLi. i.101O rhrf. r.. W. PORTE, ma0. c. fleOrItu. InathieBeptnitor nomie e h le De- lincalce, vhiàin. ecd thie Atoma Aononsâemtact Numiar, lie dispia>' et FBiione or tia eeming eBn9e ne- esidsl age thSlaefylessaDes iaodtcm'o eaogi te tauit lie moit exaching tane. The isoe it&as notable for hie vaehety anS qnBity cf hîs reading matas. Mss. Bryor's art!oles On tiecahtCode Centtnnc, aSlita otalihliaDebtanla ils con- cidered ho a muet ntircaling way 1 Aoc> Bavuon, a fascens gradoata o! GirMon Collage. oeisooh a giria lia tbere BndS etiNelt,tle tae Mot inon Engliai ellefefor vomeo ;EdithiM. Thomas, in coonechor oili D.BS.R. Ellioît, tailaehfwons sea wrilar, seS MBry Boenci Vacimas peacticail>' iscala oh Pliho Needietoor os u aoEm- pioymenh. Mes. Bara Mile Kiri>'ccen- tisues.lier vaisabie seriez on KisSat- garMI VWon ansd Bacriot Keil Foles gives hrituctiosi Bunt Decosatiens. The Hooaeiehd Daparh- menla arc vali reptesenlad ho lie C nohs aSPtepBoalien oh Mesaa BaealesCooey, lia Moossepe, anS Prervatisn aad Menctalion. In- istruction asd Enlartaiament are pro. vidaS in Arnond the Tsa Table, asd SoteaNoesiAmusnements anS lia nov- est book s aesoviewed . Ia Enifling, Ntting, Talisg anS Csosbetiig nev deign. are illusated, vithidesipt ions foremioinhg. Subserhplion prise eh fie Detinstor $1 per yoae os 16c. parsisgle copy. Addraaa ail communicatioss tu The Dlinotor Ptiiing C., ot Toronto, Lim itaS. 88 icmosd Bt. Veut, Te- route, Ont. Boaw ilMains ans4.ta i oltre. hAmunstard planer mBde ooediog tb faheleoing dicectionsviliimoct bistera the mont sensiiva siu: Tao euspoon. fi. motard, Ivo lecepoonfrefldoc, iwo e apeenflhî roond gisset. Do ot mialcoo dry. Pace Mîvween lwoo ÈC toold muelo11anS appi>'. 111 pli"eoh mulin etween it and lie s.n,1a, BeabbcaSeomas sSncusomeS ta thisait1taise thc extra placesoh s.uaaay...SpbemberLaSies'HMta Journai ait Diayaswbat by TNS AbOî ReduceUi Prices FURNACES, S1V/ES, TINWAREt Obhurnî, Wonlîîng Mafclîrnro3, Wringers, Etivetrooighîoig. &o., diirio)g hui tîrec. $1.00 Women's Tan Shoes are going fast. Not many pairs left.. Mtist be quick if you want a pr. Best value in town. JUST THIINK 0F If! BOY'S T AN LACE BOOT FOR $1 Everybody should see this barg Lîlti Every shoe in the store will he reduced. Speci.ýi i3ti'ainis ~-06.AT WILsoN'S CASH SIIOE STORIE. Wmi. McKenzie, MERCHANTr TAILOR, MILTON HAVING recently laid in My Spiing and Suioni Stock, 1 amn now placed in position to show ail the latest styles and goods at pricea to suit even the niost fastidious. Being ander lighit expeose, and sa erioteading the businesis perSooclli'. i co afford to gve you the benefif of my oerices at ilivo adlet ive' I guaranteinevery garetlet a corretit and fhrtclassrmoeiOhOO. solicitiiig an eaeiy cati, 1 am, youeo trtiiy, 111,3cE 7 =--SPRNG ANNOUNCEMENT W e are now ready for The Sprinig Trade .. . , OUR ASSORIMENT Io more varied and choice Lhan ever. /We have always- been progressive. HARDWARE W. B. CLEMENTS -AABIBS-A LASB A» FUI£ StmOcie- 'tjEirPEcTrACLE84c. Dur's~IocRMaen Stréet, Milton. éal ù4rs Clesar îe'. U. o ., T - - iet p t-t . .01 ricosew Yeu -ver Cl l. t. ,I i (c- E FTI W.C titîo oworl ,t irst' apolIeoil, se Says. olirît ,. ' ,it iiiof pcitoo i '-t' eor Biai it jo,:!.' isow compîsol I.., w -it-vesyey 1tt su te al te ld ~ - tvlh a ýav o t,I i -. hciHA:11, Il q o~i jNG MILL Lath sfjingec ~,Ce lar 4OHN SiltîîL ýw Saw Miii. pledoa,1 il m ý4-_ed . ~o e d.. ',,ol ihi. P d- V'EYLON, INIHSN, JAPAN, CHINA% oTEA5-~ 25cM8. pe Pound. Modecî irom 415cM. V.LOOOIAT ro & oa VOLUME 35. A.FEW Il -l.t'-o 1-1-t-i t--hît. f .r Î!,t ~7o -,l'hi t - -H Li - v - T',tV of