Your Schoo M 39tTA 3NBOTHAI of big Wn va. .rng hm ai ai 01 smu effacées 4 t..bouWa.. Dr. ut m l ma" letona b.d @aime thfilliag 10 M hm Ivwubrt" laie, in whist lMr. adlr.ONar L.OmMokl,, lats o Keion . On., w un k a fiaaaid. Dr. Stevsnso nidM lattita .Reval~ vinonOaoficial yetu of the. empire tain w eul* _1&e rsponibi, for t.. pereetion o mie- bant.te aime .J folir etnarins. lf e t . "R'ai tb a diai iIm PEle puleu-f Se.Cbaen wee Mb5epble = t B*MtI netesbl a&OUd.cpcaid iciardste.n'Ph..Thamare- vtoeroy othIis province May bc regard- xz na a flypboal specnen o hie a LLVola a 111.1. worai if anyt.. Aoiyiina escrItt ILB.I...........1- 02 I Bayly2a nominal.sala.'....m..ead2 1 4 1 1 qarteh made edoeliu Me en. .- .. ... 001100 fron th poketsof he P=b W. Blscklodb, 11.. ...i. i i1 1 I ssch good rmalta ite e T. Blsbleekof ....r. . O O O O O bcaooaseed no leu t.anSOf OOlHeDck tf. 1.1 ....t. i 1 5 0 Om He allowcd hin rapast>' ta oethe Hovmn, 8b. » 1*5.... 5a61 IO betterofhbisdisrtiol, antdboiaTed seBIbu, iip: ko.s5.... 2 0 8 2t tyrannically that bis owa rcant.ymen Jolicatooe. lb.......i1 a5 0 O O grewdi.guited. La"t yen h.e ero>' Bai., t f.............. i e o 0O vao diigraeed, bt ho aiald nt bo re.--- movednuntl acsaueMMowu aRcj od, il 1027 8 6 a prcIn.Vodlz.g COOnadrazzIe d r.y 2f. l . . i. hn.eong himel on t.e brtt.b Daton,.p...........2 4. 1 2 Of politiral ant.ilation, lhe tbOngOt t Davdson, .a .........]J, 5 O regain fayo and moibe ai enviable Atn.,O.f ........1 2 '1 0 O roputation b>' tnfing lhe missioearieseMitchell, ,.f ........ 0 0 -i0t) 41 fr,, tbo coutry. il .aai ettewards Laiton, r.f .............0 O O0 Icone4, mofeovcr, hbc d nuit Turnboll, lb ....... 0 0 O 2 2 intruction t t.âaffect. AU kindiso.tu ah b.,..... . ...t1 2 2 58 I of otrageon Moricn about t.s mia- Jar, ., ... 2 8 8 1 4 aionarlee ire . irclated &Meng thec <tri, 1. .... (I0f0 2 0 0 peope for the prposc of n.crtng their Ifoiell, o......... 1 2 ô 2 1 ,ooeao.The o.,.,tonarie. lied----- Moili 0, îow de. 8 17 a24io0i0 troycd, ai consdtabl oust. and Dr. nuir XCH 0110000,. itevensin va oae of the douteraesm 04008220*I ployed. on th 251h o! May a placardiCmblvle.( 4OOI ..i wa posteiddeclaring that fotsignersSt n......8 10 0 0 8 0 0 1 frtod obtîdren for the oul in thom. A Earned run, St. Anosa 6, Campbell. reot wa.mode tit thoe placard, ville 5 Ivto-base bit, Dalton, David- nolie. toto dowm, and a few wecre non.,Stuar; sacrifice i, liorniol. turo dowa thoagh scveral peroa stolon baise. Daton, Jarvin 2, Garrett Objeted. 2, Ras, Robineon 4, W. Blaolooo. He. IDr. Kilboti,' lhe doclor ontlnuod, sni, Bnsh 2; etruoh ot, by Dalton. 2 vwu just filhinf lirs. Jaekwtaine tetb by Robinon 1, by Garrtt 6; baen on and 1 wua do.îg saime vorb about the ball, off Rtobinson 1, off <Garrett i. off disponcar>' vbon me board aime Dalton 5; bit by ptober, Robinon; bidron yellng and thtoving atones. psud balle, MoYnna il, Howll 4; Thi ac abot 4.8. Tbe crovtl Won Caft on base., St. An.'a 6(, Campbllvills attao1.od the Cenadian mission and 5. Umpice, Mr.'Fraoer. brobo ti the door. Dr. Eilborn b.ail a bu10peleadlbamaao dooblo.bartelled qun and 1 boa a focethe agrionltoral grounds on Frt Martini rite. Wbcu en s ppoared on day eyeoleg te aee the ch ebbtwnî tbe acti ontecoid diaperacd in a theold.imers, and thé., wai ai>' litr ry 1frein1the gte and lotthle op. amoonît ot iun. Oly thretanigs i poit o mi] ailcleared. We wco lye. oon atmpedl ttreo obota low down tnt. thorm and wbnepayfou Noe atolarl .11h ta, right ot i'to the treet. We hld errors, but bolovw nlieb tsnnd the1 tho crowd at bey totil,the magtrat ame oft h player 'odlbrn OffifdWbhromaidtsudp 1hmaclene ni ,treeto 10ftddngIat tbe 0fflais woo1ld oou appoar. Boint hey soo uuNNET'u 00INE. . illowed tho people le 00.2s ttght int W. Pnton, r.! ........ 1 gale. Agin wvclared tiie nreet. In J. Bnnett, 8b IL p.. ... ....O a little .hilc Our moyen vaîle tle aie Nicolo,2b ........... 2 ni, T11oy bhidpicbed np tbo hable. in. D. D. 8S01t . ......... 2 t1itir tight lobes and tan to ht W. Amstronig, JriX.o. .. 2 hospital hrogb thc dividing UOII. and J. ttheppard, r.! . O........ we 0000 boad crowdo beatiig t the J..W. Elliott, p.8 b ...... hospital gts oun1the baoh etrcet. Dr. W. Clementînf. I ........l Kllîorn bow a big bol, Orongh the W. Armstrong, Sr., Ilb.....1 top paneol of the gt and frght.îed the criiwd bat. W, 2.0v et itto 9 oit. dispnary buildings aid tried tb eTcooLLS 14100 a. loch ourelvei, bu htwe wooiheard the C: Hoffp .............2 roar and crash of glus sud panel On CJones, ah ...........1 the dwlliîg sido. We made seeVetl M. E.Mtchell,11)o....._ van tt.Otpts te escape ioto au ad. W. Alexauder, 2b . O....... jacent lot. W, flly cxpectod death, J. Atkie.oo, e.s ......... btina ihor ime ai tu ound e and J. Ha, .s...... t.ld et we muet leave aIoc. Helied sW. Pearoch, .fî....«*:.-. O foud a hole in h, hocpital gale. On a. W. Brentpe.! . i..... . of .ny twio abe. wat tahcu by n J. ea, rf .....t...i toa eryait of Dr. Eilboru, 4the 01110f hy 1theopum patientt. Myoit bol ontute ibo 111e baby and 11î 4 uerrrl tat1, am oud o the rife. W. .11 ri le 1.1e gâtes. hInforeteoatth e gio oough nt o Tliere was jot roqum for oe bteOi ituehll' Js id At. Pecoehtforj tbroogb tbf ble. Ita. ones of thoeBittl's n lsoi o lat ttget ot,asud pitod my, ritleeaithne. s neithbr battcd, and a maitvho wm ylling 1Taxi ,., . wor to shortsops en eacBi (.1.111e desd). Ho sht OP at once. 1 ie wi. furced.10 retort 1e this xpudient ,everal tîiec. Wie wovere ruuniîg Colng tFoite Die. out in the parade gounds a brutal. Teett .,0. soldien icked Mrs. Stveson., I , 1eOTR taiteilmu levej1lk oaainoo thon wretcb, aud bad We h ...tanfontews ho trie. te followi il p there aight plled itû th Union Stato ysolerday have beeî another tory t10tll. sBut ,dleraoonto mon.cdescended from'oie Ib..> tS hs coches for ai string. <Oue et hoe î.m me andStipped. Aller ti Ibyte.t was Depty Sheriff Watafoorth, rite wao ateded no torîher, aid il Uai of Lodon. The other wn W... B. stoln oext day, Net day tb, party Cbtnbolm, aged--tI, ibo tor E0 yearB moade thuir way leatthe China iulaud ha, tollo.rfd tb, profession et a horse t.ission bouse, fro,, vbicb tii.y atch.thctadb lrdyiveîaryE ed the dstrctio fthe11,two Cid beuses tycfand u hc Plra iter> d a 8 of 1e CanainaMetlîodit miuio.. aes,.in',th1e horis.t..'hleoandb as Tho pople on the itreet promtsed te roter100Kî,gse e(,r"elinothe 011e..protecttion, tut a mobc o11.tled. e ot eKnsarnesefrve.ain orne The party, howrver, gel aoay. The sudrugget re Iti ntthu place was bo.ricnded, but the mob at ,g IOed.II o buh broke i, und »r. aid Mrm.Klbroî, hbrvill livetoeomoplets i. tot..He Mr. aiS Mrs. HartweIl, the cildrou, V O0hf ht1,col ad> aodMueil1cbsllidFodescpe >tho car .leps sudb.d t andMises eckel su Fod ecapillean on aerutecb by the ladderî over the, baob wall. Wbon arrîigned for hi latnt thoftt Tby et.reda small boimeasudbribod t London, e laimedt.oea vietim the otyett ter tirt>' tal toooucal o them iniîde t1e bedl crtanî,.For o circumtancet aid made a legt.y 111,r boru bey aito 10 address. Jedgc EillottI nid it wàn dis. t rb ufs trucwateinterrorUbile agrcrahle 10 him te ame ai sldmai lbewvrkoffestr0ctiontbson, tng o about hem. .At cighi lbey sumaoded t n oti the gravecnvicted of in gttiot away. flic mme, condiio bose.etaliag. Noinig renain.d bt o alai, peailid at the Epimopî1 Kingston. Peuilenîisr>', aud there be îd omnCbeemios.SaIl OP" wld have te go. Tii, tere. Un îbree eleyoo ples vere looted aid the luhry earo eo eaes . ncoc habitants barely eape withitheir rnI' l,',o. The Romai Cabolie bi.hop wai cta 10, iext 10 tb, vieoy't y.mon, aid could eaily hvboy e.e, saivcjdbut on appeil fo beli ho mat rsfioeed il. That ni .gbî A ver>' iîtercttîg games o baenhal aw tirty-. oe tignef, men, women wus payed t lMr. Thomas Alîhcn's aud cblidret,, French and Britis,, n ctdn party ou Wrdpnsday tees tho yaoccn, bomelco., thiiir hbueof e t eek. The e.ntendg 6ý leveled or bornaidtwit. ufarcol>' a ver, the IISlppety Elma frco lis 1wbole dic bef . A ire vas soit off t View,' sud the Seotch Block nias. Chiing-Kiang consul. When the vireroy Togmsbia bonà t v Ovo'l mi bei ef il ho irdercd 11e perato. s t.e ig te drbne lb.e soupire calladl ftch toIbok, but wUn toc lae, and tiie the gaiee bn bal!fethIeoegt. îes. oltbrougb t. Pokin. Tb@ di. ioniign wns over. Au tii. vistttg-taam trift magistatsa bel.aeteof lthe usît tebat fret tii.>'âtihidcgt tauinga, tel agees aod, reatcd thrm ai s a ile the home ln ouly baasi so, be could. timilar asomisî ve.nactcd but lic gssd battmq and leureanta et a iurnber ofier point, misiloîse> o thtii boys mideA1 for ptoperty btale! ljurt more or leu. te t ly l.otiier iniingo, th. score thon ataudi3 2 te 16 in favtaid i.thelb home tea. The crv ItSté - frie Cae.pbelrllle did net bsoe« Milon-Junior leavlas-F. RH . sboys aiMUn .xPlaed; "nI the *"tY- Gorgetown - Juiotr- leavn - C. i. n aua"e mailet. This helsel Ca otIX MFiher, L FPe, M. Fors. rt Iras fot the Bloeb laons »« t.. .(eoeirD ainas, . K.-. aitely beapeek fi th iboa preqesa. îcdy, E. ithwsool.J: Mo&drov, L. B asmier.tý-L 1 MoIjol, L. E. ioClI, 1. Nortona A. Antte lb o5ea&Il eîJOe4eSa*er lysai, Latin; . Wauren, p t OOB Aa aa éW Senior leaing-F. D , , I Rai e mo$& U b .q Matrlallo-li. irkws.d, Brt ila b atbtrae, Ptile*0 p ;~ Eql' i,mmat b, r ImbIer a serce. the«" a4k5w aMd i second tan 'stot, aid scjopiAai v- al_ u - :__ a m Ban. atLli oe, j .local tat"" Ph.. ea a Sitnclair, pbyoen. IttIten baS OâkviW4-Jinlr lsaing-A. Blsa. ~ 4~O Iqo Mq.l.bOWaIN4, Xii Hwe,E. Nichais. H shSa 'niI HT ai.frStee1,b e 1C. Snnnaar, , ta U l~I Wilhrsn. Ntiuatc .Devis A J. i qqe; 0. ou ie V&irUesssSlli e qeirS It ~Ut .~0~ ai'7 jaiv l fai~ sinod R~Se 5wu ta vtiihetpl'ud 5wa. = ,d. "alt.-le eetfl.d la soffl ouearategai h. a athe mm s ci tit. Mr. aacl = watl u M . Tb@ s~e' S -w u Mr. Maaehç wu th tebl,"Pr eUm. taUt s i da. Bu. *a«. thde m. aiwuaiep i Ilae a fflrut - il enu. eeefr i andtro t .OaEr.0 IMUO f adte bx isfrad e t 150bis 41,Wanb. andttnatbag imfmel i ieu h4 cf riSaea i po e.<sB t 59.50 P ba l. aPltalb. atsSix mn we drowed in555a Bufflt Mu. l,«idBesi un teld nte par. lotasie rtng el.Se anitr t.o Rusie>' rai dgS opeaite t a ager tNhil ieme benafoth aae !ta GI made tbox idd ta ,560 glse liesnlple ..fepp~ ebi m ons, atb o! Sit1.5fo. Un abosatd wiad a >'Seo lady Sari caver. drowned in taeBThunes RnvexleLoon in batra a Tala jin antfa bst 0 ens tt ad r.Nibsaabl GrO er 1h. cottage* unsey oica ainonnee ent ha aeide S eld aM arySlodWOl n jYPrsiiteit teb. mmate ode.. ci o h fligol>'u alegd onît. Tii&n. M rhe aca t o ti yeotlte0, eon S ibeO rid tain c rsii. o e itedrafto ria Ld. Warjcbavere rowudu te Thm on Hiver aI LaenoJo UJsnd>, sovn otablc Oree sohol aiuerdang. heu nootide Ont.. en F Id. l blîf nig bleI ary an ideoilili theban. ciw oa a epn sTeqsotblaio f he Omaorugatao mineaidn rtiesrntlumiaqnrar t ti yoat eily 10.6 portonl is prob00 arith& r evrlig a nv'sit theo r ri nthfe d t.,Unhile luthe Hqite of OMtO dveMrptuCham muiin es c riSai Cforamth e aOIeseent tat teîgmah attentiondeab" bdau eifiaicla lue, aid St isrob able" proviene Ien ttésunt. fsao thouat itee taind pnd bdbe exTîc elire 8000Idistrin td a N jsvfltonn, saidtb.i oantenif thead pttend12 06 hO-O Utile Sam,. 247.000 Indian, 1iS.Ot 3arc self snpperlleg, 85,000 pay taxes, sid 80,000 arec rlurch membor. The eeoOn Saturda>' ataricc nleppd tho oricetelmatch staI aia tbe.the Resedale -adTacte Jiotion leama. Wbile lte plavM wcre watting for lie raie te rns ligbtning e. li te grona nnar thora. The .hock wusvcrY gr-tsad»v"rtff them vers stenned 1cr the imoment- Aie>' DanaedFreddie ABat. Wu s. ircoted ai Maîoticl., Carleton e.otu os a charge of inceaidiariuti. Tbo lae. Uho ile 2ycartahi, lut Friday'ut fi" tueabarion the farmeou wblcl.hhewu Uethtig, aid Ivelve tees Of ha'beyre dc.t'red. Heosys aime boys in Carlele Plce taeght fin ho u e bUt lires, 2<r. Jatteiceaubat ardered lte quaihing OS aeoOnvletce b. a1 llquor caen lu ilx 1h. deiendant pleaded net gelt>', aid wU neinodwllheOM sov "fanos ebng lakrea. IRis Lord. ahip boldo- 41151 snob pteeedtag ta 1irregilar »adlt"aà eomttw mado Be«tiat tihee.xsig cf slie0net eillaea.Sttaestbt!Utstlg aproper ouiefreal coavlitons ometo ,'The abonia ef th. électioninthet. lai British en)tmtltENeMY tauhb erd from-thoOrkueyand Sbatted Isad" -hav eem reeetaud, VAS shoot*Ut. ta eleotion cf Bit Lýwuad L>e tbàSuLih. oral membe.,Ph. »w Parllgas Win, tbaetaore, c--ws aicSd sane a tiese.78 Uianilt. FS17b7 ~ . lcou*rtm an.a S rtiPe mhe. tek. Inga total of 4U1 fer tà" .00"00»& or a. reojagi>' l095, . - - T" Po" eeq8oobjl;w e adauilS. Dopalt09.101.00 »iaSleu"cd snlatmaa"Ut0 »lla sie * mhpaSsi l8epaluamaelvd e GE.W. DRNT AGENT, IULTON., Iuelph Oura1 Tm.sdy, Wu i,d Tbrsdaj5i 170 sl o .U s-isci. isu a THE FAVoRirE EXUiBITION ON 'THE WEST AmsmpletMad oumprebensive Prias Lintaail departmentai. Spoclal Attractiv Progra. -br ft.,i05 20 r2u.g 9--.. Iwl. forlaa.Oaa U- t aidte e t,7 v..d.o~.a rut. J. e i(VAEPOLo AItGGfI5DO 7051 'iNQUIRE 0F TEK 10 ton Coal- o' ABOUT KRD. SOPT -AND LAaKMMIZ Il wOll psy yen now. Try iland we. Orders fleSt aIigginbotham ~Cose promplly attendidtot. Cos e iwar PMUn ,ana aqot. yiam otoic fur pamai- ad freilit , - - » t - ttpsoisi Train=Wt.e*. hc-oid to e.ioTrins p.t.t.. .3 2 yaipIC Orie rfiseListe ad .11 ltfoea.ttl oa ,05ut y0ddJ..- »tp. ifet ly si . f Cr tt ifr.o.d rote. ,bat W.. COUAN. Pr.W.. U.LAIDLAU. 5.0. a khn~. Oy I. ..ybod 20fr Bu. 470. Tlocr g.i fihe ttho. e .t Jies.. ?I.t.1y val upu... J.Inl, olttud andtduel n1t is ppul . .ad f.u mi . à e d t.. FOR SALE OR DENT. .. 4if.... i1. Mll0rtcf e". The. eat.bIt of lot namber 15, i. Brd« Blnditt.(a..I-' ,-y Cd the. dli concession, For Pecipll.tiu. 5, -11r.' sftf Y-IP R P= 6-4. A. S___Y Bo LMltn " . u .o-00I, Oio .f Box 55. MOo. A. U.v î o.ittpCm' 1. Servant atd'e -- PofSlti[ 4o 0; t>o: 75. K.D.C. 7M. Sage'. Gocd geneiral servait Wwtêd. eCeb"iFIiyt.l.-I. 4. PG0r. t.. . Aotdy ta. :LK IX dia ,0. ,otif. NT 0... 01 Ma.Wu. Pai.on, 75c ng UP.rladghi of Mlton. affop M i 4.0401 5.. t . b[i'. 40.. Y.7 r Ip .IoflOO.Ad-..,000Ro .f.r 2k O12ù.91iH- 000f fia,,2k.f. . 00. GI.- TO RENT. P1 ile,21. a 2c 44 "ceOt 51 Hinst F[0,87-,100. of A 1w torey brick dwelllca, contain-c.p.' Ii..T.ob.,y an..i00tf". J1ar. iag 9 roorea, wtt.stable attaob.d, cor. PoLîr..-M.k 27. rodi. 25,- CmL.~[i', nr ofutea Sarah di. reets. .erLt,1t1f00*.ra.Ci.I, Apply t.tOfteSflg.l' 2s Tom ,'.0e. Wrlih* 0c. 00,1.- -0 m B.0. 2ft0,0. BrOetail , 00. Wtt. V. MOnoLY, Eue., 200. 00.. 0. 0c. erne. 01..h-'-f%. Milon. "SOAPSO 0h.. o-,t.. 1004. 0. s1. eu j Io, Oiff 100-td ide . .t .I l. 0.t..l7. ft2,.4,idi12. Oeoii. Hy.ct '. 0.Uodb".. Facil esoirBk,.Pm. VÂLUBLE WiOseill, 0Wt 4qoiltgr,.le.. .. . ake So.ALE Lp f, P 5tt. b0 . 001.. A T11ot. ,Yarumifu fo-Ire tti,0.i«DL-.d udT.k C...O.b . . if, 0.15000. 0400, t.p bi, 5ad$. 1, 1. y, ...dp..d.fir at hé e.s4or~'04d0.i . 040.liC1.i..10.1b00. . 40. 0 . Ct. .mot.i, t.t lot.r . Ci t- .' -lu 111.ho,. f 5,35,540.0.7c. Poff.5,10,16.20.5t5; 1Pas mwbg 109mm. p tao au, t rick b .-0 o4iO1.0.f4.t.O.1111,c, of, t.alC.t.t.cig cd.r.40i.. 500 8,,lf , 1025i curlng T-.g. 10,5,2.2. ; Ai.du-.4.0.3 uari naa.ý : "" t tabl1.e àhIî i..ry 7 sud,1.C...... et styles. A.o facy =,Crien; .ulat Jda a-,.;,4-1 Th. raus82 unirt.,.t.; a0fi.. jhfin01, p0004 rel =et tu M-Ipdetan fif euib00efoi. 1, pOtal ff, is - W10I.e 1., -e.ý000 p. blo..... UedVMc. -th t fo 7 p8. - t. 71. 1M ht Uritot,, C..tArf.; l. J.atf, w01,4, o,-.and ee- af ..finof t11ehm.0e,d Plot. g.. is andcie0;4 0000 , ine Itt ft bfla ,. c.1f .t1.M f a. fi 0 .10. 5 9ItPf,00 fp. ý tacf Appif Oa 1 siena epea.. fIcect,. lufpt attent00,. saiie.evaEfkUsT¶ H. SPENtER CASE, f.g4ttce00ono.Poo sa 2 K t . Wa.t, Ham. 4b.-3O DAYSt-.* GREAT- CLEARIN G - SALE PtICýES eUltIN TWO »ls loue nbt 51f« of-therd lsaddsthé trenlendoae te. daeU il . OAPUS.OOTAM IILWILTYAND DRY OOW>I B tassie , O ., i lOS. .,o ut S i .7 .ic. .2li~ .ar<D28 NG Sr.i, ErAS1 Store cloSes evory Saturday tfternpLon duting Jny *00 >et-t I,4 1c t j -Ms R LARGE PLUS.- And TIe,yHMaugLOW for ur Custpbm tofIpu. The carpenters are now at work but ths.t t4es riobblaok fup the doorway..ý You are invited this week ta, attendur big alteration sale. If yon aie in need of huimmer or wititr Clothing of any kind, now is the tinie to-ýBtrike Ilarapa" at our store. Boy's Knee Pants 25 to 35o.-,worth 50 to 75c. Mens' Flannelette Shirts l2jo., sanie as other stores sell at 25 aria 350. ns kSatin Striped Worsted' Pants $1.75, regular V 2.f0O hue. ~vry gament . i the. hanse -reduoed for tiis great alter ~ in sale. * One spediat line'ot. Men's Tweed Suite, in hiiitt and dark tweeds, reg.nlar $10 00 and $116.0 line, reý duced ta 7,2Tfs this sale. Smith's Clthing IVfg 5 Kingý St, E., -Hamilton. à ON MON DAYP JULY 2H We wil Cniiece lads iIv'ctdîdtual i b.-,.ttt aioutîcd dl 'te biftl.ic a IIa~ oulo bit t e.weet Books, Latest Design -1Som INICqCREAM.I ,e ge,aly, -, bettee, . ,i ilit r-ot, a. on os f 1th- .40 iijjii Il "fyoweet foti. 1 .. Itds I e y thef.rtb loi.t clto P boIily o',ttb of114 t uiîly .o.t trt Y o selopuld7',etilr tl i Irl d r. lit,.00OsD.'t7 c Lo ,ro',o.. 010 th w 1 fi ort i et, dyrroe. fit jr 1 y t lut fr to lust eOfi lti I f1 g lce tbreau lit, i. [ i y lt a l ;1 tle,,. i i erot f l ite e0 antit in,, -t 1 I f t h i -1fi . e t h r t l t i jn t. - i i j t efe- 1. . t lit, p e , eiiu tj flavob t n ta ,.il: du'. ,P i d ou - i ;ilt t the M_ Pli, . li.a t woree kii!, a de th. ,.i e h I, i ii lai ffl e, l :, ei X i.i . Il 0 bol, i- itilu I i 1 çM te i it II fîtîl Ct i, i',t7ED Cil p'!i'f LijtO00 Pte îiilî Ie u i., t e o _t tin lie' I f Oîil !. ~ Il îItI t vel t . O ,:I i j i 0,1000',,tf.iu il tjhe d iit-lti 1,070 i l. l îit, iL0 I T h.0 , laaIc.i 17 p rIl,- "lut, yeli ti i 11,o - '1 I ctI; 0<n fo sfo r i fue ltrend .e,. a.nia à. VLnam et th*4.9c,. A