PIA . ~RY CH~Â? onlIY 10c. eaclh. [111 SIOI ls' esorwitheut. il ~1I)t Sleve, ony "Oca suit. l- t) est 'aine inl the trade. St si . ýURRAY & Co. ila ir> t et~~> 11 arf 1or a 1-nu l l )> 1> i 1> 1 . 01, l- r- ]te" si i-h>'.) i; Id )> i i ) tha ( I* ow il Aii -I l> r . oket> and> iii-> h.i-ts. rANY - t (lis P CLOTHING~..>e.~ GOODS. (lî I cdora il 11i ..ell thcmn at fronî' d. andîl a .lot of WOOL i us 3rî timie to get a dh- storec ini either DrY suain hIaif pric7eild rnc y oq offer u.," *GOGOS ba Bseds.ak s kR ELAISTr-U F W cST C-Pure w and pick. YM 11 eli,- lcLATiC-Fan*flifiR écls ic in .11 the deiah abades. WAX-Large esould uofboit LESI-Tweut five gods. [sfr e X, salthe but bn !teg eOdles oay 30P« P aw oid IJASES-Fa5cy folding li4 ;aiMg tour packages god ew Toitea es, aorteli aises, tape seedle, beswl. ssci sud Cotton giovenSeeie, AUlthe.»»"W ring ccloe eand black hesded and Jami compote OtiIy 5C. Tus 1.81Mo i Sy PINS-Beet sasity pins, peaksb eg ouly 3C j'r doses. SANDI EYES-.Bidck aMdrandaWu-e 9w largiopisud bW,4srety, majiaut goedwe 0"?er hows îui Gmt \ ExeiteIllflnt O.&the SÀcDcURtÂX. l Tro7te f -AND CU- &>NS. er terecenfre. AJnd the. saine exciternent prevails in GEORGETOJWN ov.er the Lager stock, more beantiful goodsansd beler B l GH S value than ever. BG P R H S MILLIINERYof McLEOD & COIS, Large Stock of Dr Gooda by Our uew Sillhllsry goodé and arriving dailyIIEI C~Âq& 0~ iand we wM beh.prepared in afew days to open 0F TORONTO. à, - ~a imifiadl..s ,l,,. wi eb 4..e l in laemctau aqsu riaz, -aev" IWbýi ag n il ispaowln te iâ eli u cyls. andceu.iquereeosiuepiM. 1 ..- - -.--- ----- PI CDIET-Fee Ibue Butors sudble ou -Dow Tais-. o I * g- **- .a..made tais a rtme t or ag al eecuHai Pie, paieuheeofus .e.I hli..~ ~boiiness/nch a orowning 8000889. k1 Thie Large Stock ta melting away. IL imust al ho aold. NeiGsail, oin a abigdicout oo >1 bcptaely Mloujureil aolhsy esooi ix. gl . « . New 4piilob. are auS et Apeil. laiefastise guabageediscounta.oo. PIS c lek -bt sd cu.tilyro eel spo.oi l 'tnabl .le 8.ae- *t . SoasTURA YBle RGs AIN DAY-t. WTe '.iiI ofe ac grpete i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ne the.c sucyervdisnsonr ofubMina ll. m ny lnea thatareeool,îîneoîîbto matioeinor10thec y bld te 5 8 o it i na ,dicn SH IoH= ' SO U E, of r esIW o OI U Mi - Mt 6 usem o u uo ui lio e'el w l cue st ao r. t Ba t wic on e ua e ot r id e T n T etoir '.> li tol cpt p oir. Bar tpnticr esyus lalea i a uedit c4t ee dessâee Seoetct r ok- o y i Chd o n &U, . mbld by >'"la ain he6mdc e woii e 2 Usoon ofrLadofils' SaSatilfandiOnxford Shees. whî le- ccl U' gl beahdOiea, os . H.nones.Kc -i-d1odqaé~SR U CM N $2,e~npîe7e cc .lcccthu brobe , th e LPow eal Expe.cu but- hmifegg . . .8. . .1 . . .lH.EdM m SAF E.1.i. lree usM IerM _ ,IIm a lb. telloueta d PINK n slcke itSand ol-.ullyuecoind a.»aii e wi erBe-A. araT EEe 3RTT airiiIoa; 1 C.,aie and ariea epsi. sudny8ldcli.tb.at areitto niinerou.s to mentiony in oke cotton rgbt .4fo r F 511 ,8 ao r f i egnd .fin rcIa tise b UREgtae ubi C o use dTàt I5fiie.iao5Toisé ioisi5 he je u om n e oll f t e n T ) ol w and__Croup__Cam,_in__iniirmelot i«SuS. euar sulln f otoh i sg bIel inSu s cen ai e t pyer ibo uuî5 u.T e 5 ~Td e 1ci wýtr y & a 7 ft Tl i ennu i lnn e t wee 15 fe. n c, ardcu.n brshsutthb os. ol 25.uidre u ise. i. ateepla isu Yrams. su. ced ci l ,l J.H.is tolloin . Jehuesso elethes du- re.yU m 9su.u2uases ofiL dics'tueakeuand Oxord S Day for Se.e utruiubandeuse bdly ijusituLo18, 1Cousie s , Trotali e uiilhdo ertrae ieceoem iarc sieceticS ud scets, hirt B Eeot.useMAS s ..-Bsetrgiyars J ALEX. H, IormErTo -- iea nd BesunueTumbueet e. I oevro ndeoc hneue apan D yfo e ad icot-. ricsu hecu pag otise - es.ue rusieJosehJjhsmnl f Mton, l g erotsndoli~ o : u m P I G A N U C M aep i re d S.25, $1a Bargainpri ce e. w rhsdaube ir e c or. t t he m u at a go usil l t abo n d ra n11e» W e ha e lays be n ro r ss ve L C ottosleiaegint a blie r agerfor G .- iila juicicc ce , 10.lt or etlsa d irdges 8d " -l u.eaae.eabîm News ar,et A ltecla.1 .ayadtt1e.ayad o,' h ou oasu H aliegi. S ili' ga s urta sgord.- k isei 015 ârd e i sde c )pce 1,Mhi 6 cand. The ipgyea rottebeys r ail iersoed lroi tisaboedu I bve er sle iloire etdrai Sio. sesa ad iad tcmieic5.r iültc.- a i ng feuwiiio tyaerpoil o o derweeda uee Ful r S l pie. eii Uti M M eraa,. m m eee ote iht ionesr J .. . iW S & 3i 'Ta 1 ors, . i1ton T ennIisN G Dn E Psla TMwEre1 cn dT 0 . a îc ~ ~ ~ t o flcbhc s f 1 0 . a side bira e n.uste e xlos i onTh.Land6.pof JO H N H U N TEB .M, si ca item, I b hr cst ig, i s e î e p i t o t $ 9 P î t wbich folowed M. Johnso's clotes formti on tàSo esl idâlulu g.Thr ca 0'. ,3 iclcu$ - r . o r uhretl blo noSe ure i A E O RNiatof ud mbohi of m gls-p yon = ae.O A daye uSer = su t, uai-riliig l c,15c n 0 .,S t r a on tbshbnswsbdyijrd 8 ocsin7 fla e = arlm5e duabritait iflaexcelltîsesia. O U Rlliucs-laelyefTio p .ES OO S - cc-- -- ------ ecac--- or Bai thee p eet s M h a v ià b re n b u rg l s ,A L E Xing O B T O Ny, n u it e U m " i n i t rotue s e i t . v i s e a o e a i e n d c oi e t b n e v r bris otedTgnssor fr o.atm oho ilise ..el us esffa godi-I.W C neu.clrdSl s$ ,B r anp ie2 c fi tlocs adbcsI . '-' oruac. su OI ad pctiet,îsto !c ryoýc s a rbes o atrsBoo, ca r -ye te n si ruîsof t is o p l eS l te s . M id ee S à..cou nd5 at piu . -e B b eî. eta Cl tî o e %M minii.LACESu5tsraces are gcuoiei>gcii.,iei..ciiefrageaiforar forSal ruteTain- smernstteeamil.on. iutsr.geeianeiaer.,ayMeethsaoute-rain ile. *9 .eand ci,> e ihave al ays i eep p ogressive i 8150or $20 woët of back ad coAild eaîa ho iîad atoi veutbc lt c e, I aondWsuh os n ou s es l.l an , trte.> gnsu 81. J. A.bFBAZE , MileS, tesuAu lot.sisgi »'.r lit 2c.' OR yNardlte 0. a ym aro d. re.egtvas. T ele ea&tod Wcsic a il m vdfott eb ad aefrslee saliBsudeiroSiterain bil e, d au 55051 tai . e t >tr0, O e.>.eais s>ua'. is .ld e ou, ici-eslastyrc rp f ali ntc r ondaiceriiecru, rolet. toit.eds ec-t>colvrt an fluepillsessîseY .Timils'o pu ,it.cptase thehme o We EWs & S N S , all ,rc s.t5 TNL OReN gsueyME, cotti.dde- wil utc o 1.00n hepragons. reTh oaS sa e oe tpse tc . Iapn t berapeîth ia>tlnsîi'.is S an th b a ai c It b n 0 da , u iet « lS u e,.r « S u t e F eltu r t of 1900 . ai e. E te s Won, a e - h h 5 6 n O H U T R ut c n o b .l e sd esi.su iies saieu .1>l avsceu 5s'.i iii I î balpcairbofed f ad .O-W)p eP ain t ails pPOWLEiO 5. twihtu Md 1stecetsVALHamult Ree. 5 ic Ouest Si ct.ga sC tc35() Yuront c Mess f teaa l cksandh i- -setr os useqstiy O al4 u able f épar chb.aaal sds i> t cicie ci n mr>,sîasestcyaiiuhiteouicoi,! haktlJyeer i î-dy withis ins. ucihsgod e.melu t he clbd uatirseti nd er FOR SALEbORT> n». e=02oil hroi e>edlai.iais ote-ith.i>,> t.. orer s o shateso ties by H oa s iaeceiy a erSe e sue. T th- mecnl e antlit ittslt.thet ef. ilTuwo5isuicse>uîitciet>is . -. SHORREftED, p R SS G O .10,11 g b ao d s ir. ai oril., Mii- ' rooiedissihae a se u la rie. ieuue r c.B r cet.JamisCîov, ilecs1. ltlimr -= t r.te vuesra, =cs. fo Su al> 5 eic. > t 93 uaesl - id Tocri .-T oii E 2I, ne ad'SCOîuo to h ic c oss y, os a tosnpe wiîei2le. ow dSfiie su I rie s, ue~IlÂoi;. d. uW.APBL.>Op4i7a, c , pee3o Bk aren it a tin p iD aydpo osl ck oelsti cefabosparibablslsesi emb ro 5f M onris ll3. '05 . A îtabo iin tet OW Lort.ornjsite.Tuei toeyit.001 mccci BltondOrc Csccs cihs as .îbouropl exiohee lot.rd - eea, p.u n asha atUD A, li 9 1 - E>59.00> u>5 th, cr.t AUCTION SALEnm-h leslc acrîl bcerc i e lieti r cl. B y vob l cftise mall g ts a AR i 88 Ite 'Ie i ie yctt .suiSi ..i. ruE .. bci Grads1 usOr uuaung sctvesd f ie q ieue si-eew(Nuà. fl Sai ,l. t . 8 oiieî g St-hie eail i ie 9lt7ltci, ai rt)UDd -ý.,Ce f rcal loe rs bas bora lot toPe.. eaicer saahTll. 25cile.,ads1yJ.A. -RAERMilon, eoinpscenanigiii ce. uhtny roti,,.,- » AlHoresaun Catie,- ATS O N id Cesrccu n eo p t , r n Tu derh mors i s omstif oa buoetc s batse -- --- n permîmes,10 acrts m re oriese. 85uo use ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b 211 t rshsC..c tr ee n es sale in tbe preptrelH.le NdoWail hindi et ooaulig esmpeeeiseaaiintasoeltair seofecomseiruL¶ ý ou a cf w tloir e aii> utissJ bolaide rbs. o pioro.isdsed strandahe Jauimes .,fmth ba nci mit. J.la. EOntheastI is roui bac t e ouLr '$ la s aty te es ou mi t îo cr oeTIe s i ins e uriansse ,,Ôet i 5clP onii toTisesosareetaî Ccîruty> icislc u ticu aI c t oun e se lit. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j Tyeueaoeoia ntc c iie nese .bsss duai1re i na OsassE 0. -AU m euir Lautandpues Alit. se117 y4 lc dcies s dbusuteboia OUNGd se IsERby is nrin e irstclmSedPoPopd the Towuenhipofmel uson. - Iuilo t7.P'Pt.gTond bar , dCaot o! ûa'.o, ~F i a n a u d y 2 d & 2 ý ntesots oieb .ws lar esli te ade sTheden aed nSuso bsThsdele «uimantse ftebtthe lot'insr oe ___ i c leoSu HORk tutîa n P, îtM,iic.P.T.mke Minuot.isvi s oiiîy prteprty lu ses las.- - H. James ObueTtrduéeoseuei wiosn emi adruisvefertieourt TU5Tb-5dlit5.5 A d9e D 3 t M R H ed siclîe tru Ri E uccello ucy g t esam ec utry 84-Sf. Milvlle sles. un th5e.ale m u t t he is.u5. Ojm.ne biecasir s etan Idetr A toloishe.lieflBoe> _____________ lE Ccecten ley oi ant e f ortaionH artssu sdde rsemugrrt- semun8u9teof dOW I-LLB ai e T owneet esi tM ag iîcs u u rdoo u ocs-tgeiicer1 ysasod inoai oetue old S.a .,aa cuîo ursoiassooreoodNelsonon SyUi D Y h 0hR-.-. .I 1 otsi conro hec u. ro n. B a vt fth etn t eM R H O i >896aet c tlcaiS Sa0Cl8 le ubin thAutisCOL.tCAMBELL' ug O VAiUio eoieO es O in orertemas: o fhî ois Cth arri id eal ho qiulsetinsie - poAdx stam.eic àedyi BsMite.en tIMlT., s crag .suoa0*lsau oy - -AElS AT-7 - 0 în 2 gi ilbc 1e o ot tnda.hii-&Wl oile..siam dio aa6 W DN SD Yke7hdPcy ...hiîu tet.l.u heispP., m r utcofSretvle adbdbsdgC' i siÇfted -4mP esEMdi[, sMEdbS m' Bî>tteI R Ai> E &l'..iîi ever .>cioiecd ky.5.H. cilo . T e ulte i te Sasud anolo. W ait e.on M.A.EO ns preeet.e-s edieitrsi Pese, ilo,1 O TAitEcetsioSA aisE is bnI 1 yu l eeuc usb aseueiiu rfe hot eatse So.ideues.r suueiu lutatteuee e vac e s ld.?t. Thini Ousei M-e --seiesmlsMoL.R Icuse oignaofiflic lSiamd suttaiergayst ors.bos" Tcemhipet TAlbsigar, if mearchent*ut0 ot ise lestiaile.ha1Pe peccioce,.uuoofitrafalgsrsincthe.Citintt publiCu ludoronOetceot0e12 eonc7iTra- wil a"flc ok lusbd y WCar nw oloin Or sultibe prelsel bMhordy asd OliverOn . .-Aitd.aaa ii .IO iefagrTwaiCutfiaýn JF i a n a u d y 2 d & 2 s.e cos nertsha te e dayîc st isestsrsailoutm ei n dics o tentl>s de ed.rueded s end bains nan f W ersdSt Nm eeOm, iaiieeee'nyStto o ..,o fy, Ii o ssi ed aboui thveass th feldNe esta-mrec u îa b i ue oii.s Hor i. 1555 , -isM Luyp -irtn. r W . . 11-alii Smieso tr S s-dLeaesehag-,itts Sutk .îs SYonMagCooeR eicled26,'95,e sdlu c.S e A cces hliuî od ..s.a.. ~o~itdis55t»* tpae ethe midcavrhne5m ma f i U uce e r emeoisise Nw ue of t ise mi r . sar rlig y LeeHick abu L SO ri 2i 9th 1 ANDLivc ith aRSa.îe sd1>e.gr ef lur bu ie u ciebav ReeteT..tuosbain q amtyelitrtoy t ied toe. lana a eiait m 1-i me id nd S es lot saisin 10cet5insII, t e oblo i D r au ciePiîe d. esl le îc f 8.taadMilton. mm a, le..iereeetttimlu ucatimisa" vd e t are e tî ro asHe leuicys ii tsetbot ee i s reCo. i eîo sA ttss imA esd us e th t. KMNetd l iLe tea a .. -est o f ad e iat eu e ps ued ars hs, 0 1 .il oS. 12 , at trs' ÉanSee , oa Uof.ke S. , Sn mnue. r uld ai e ss esa r e osa o~slei.5istte im ies tois tis Tsu u M tas iud css u S, 1 Dueisusu5heitr1eeîgidie lu t ~ tuir osdis- (Straateur boutin' soP.girr idise spcit o e i tes soCal ouv.oe-lI eeaaqsii ia i l se o O i ce usu a nc tro te.tav i ict.nd U acSnelloale s uTu»ra B. sdounuei th To n l IT r rsig bllloto le 8 se oy lt as sdy i ol mt ueccs t ulid teibedeisipgetds, e'chw tmàitsuu, faie'-'rENeidiathls7h solf 0 "etiaig igs, rculehSi pobed ae istluretiserescabe erus Oolp nis aesiseduuhinal Oss thA . eess -fnsi =.sa mSueily 51e11558prisuoWtram. dueiliug bossue sudue00 yrars olli l uit & w ud O e YgO- bckp agl isingrltedrroutsduleunb timtpmp i l - Mon. GoSdcie8tioneofB eautifulp.D ress G ood.s tuthn atiule api t i g od tisst fa e iies t e 8e, ctidslQi4=. t.se m u n sc ow gI L il. feit s ied 'aos r ees eth r .lin ouli on e oldwe, o se nebr rac.sit b . Hua . M Cll . 5 4 o u -a el pat e cldn. iiniteca,'i WI SON . NRBitta iiie mu ealy' ei naîi t pui of liais, .ad aouee en er t baletsud ose thons beeli SotolS, bot lse0lCentsnense We ecicise ber u m> deames. bi -Antt M d e= - lt i n i tilhem ideo ts al u 0pgenso ae _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lTi BSo, oTN CIEsuerîy eain p se ctin.are ready tueenlss aes a il nu.s>l ae ili.Tals-ost pOe U al b.i sr srorgse hei asnuie ha t p Re eumT u cst rnodeiso- lary lied ou Friday aStBesapoonicass and Odthe.t frit bat.. Cali;su ___ofMidtint_1______________ res hs =îs lvl B a uneof r eptoil s es ieaSOUpHo a I C-r.bt or. uscim . iii vothedeba esr Muniole sullett iees l ibut st e l 80 andyes gon tes ligbî nagtu, t tisenhnrei g a, lsap Hasy dous.bleg rp ln e c vrhe7 Coto sud Sbc lvsu 1c., uceth 8125c. n th acidenall Bho hi . mak lft o Moday n bs 1029 e Afth. T hiO nt SAdi l Ett- mt 4 psca o.l m siglo ier lUn1Id ajP-rm of T si ovafe a îla, idtepoe te es. ops ten arn; golsin es ovigh nobc aîe ., t lu eeteth12,-c.I Huo y %'soi lue isill5 c e . lto in one o bis tes about eu deys ourney t hie fuure homeinsaulinnesTho fio a eleliecelaYw leae. areshasutl"alugle pharems.%*ausqusuaiilIllfa A feuasisprdeiesuinrbrouise asudnbicsreCar o» Nfl hesis os s feu ya reoa-ure- ud Jme nîre e ail t.3yon.m .lu e e- en o psi o h ATE-8Yug osf bcle oelng hc u tie c 7 Sout u liusl.lu eus .Be e Aca ie-M. aOu rsoBnt l ft. a 515t4 ut of. oie. 1s Umueey, o lb. ofLoi_ auc e t auh, ipte ou uocse.yvig by fne ageHcabc Twl sudeeaiy opcs by ailcausheew tseYolr t ecelieiit, iîlpssg bo m t . es e fileconcisionmNew Sueiniocftu ie s eei selydlr e ii a, iei'otSa» 1 ude Aicaulialus Kileuyard . 0Io ofas eoa to n s. i th je a i t c t bislaisses reclll bci a is e nsitll Ip. m ai, se m s o i.nn m am aieaceu e Se.,ueisanao ises u, ceaned sie 4 re is re u faedll c-wiiaTmoTwshpo rfla,-otainietes o fiale ,1ow5Vse br'e Drý chi. ho ol..l. iiuAbrahbeStark o tisehcoitl re- M for a ou Tktessd ade-seulsctA pyic.,letit,5c._-C._ o r csp etily letaninl i hrch nsir e fody ulanhî s dstn. adtt.1, f nes orA cu a esii au. seesmlSsti ae sree t e e ue acriei ep es u as D H B.,aet ute eeof H rne s.laie a.d tS lc., oe SOc. Mrs letSirsli5c. itge 35 cs .06 1,oubi yfntdTee aSu ue solet frelh illtc eepNa rees, Itit nul rsaie taos efa" e. o tue thti -subieaont. P an toums f This cisade , e BiaSpte bot u ive t50m a insueiseont 8-2.r0. dieuth aitli A ontiO ~a t he M f Sla.taey of oni malda ett be=sie01ns ones adseso-eaîliaitosl 'pBos Tr i 82 spu rds oofor a 2c. w a bout. Tiseil iea t 0 iseaboout.e reld it af lbu e u ato o s s m iatribrse a - Of mm, thetus y e..r ail. ti u 'e .. er e d, iseipeopeeSurissl u ev Lr gourseH tFn oeiPus ,e~ ls aciB usa oih uM uiy ab ep ecn e b oiith e ..d. -mm i5,d ia t cuAl irteIli. C1008 aetmoi o .aa P.ue B.,adcets >0 te naise 52.53. 88.25.terd, thatW l f hi lidsidaSer b.- _ntim;Cs P.mi M".s J.stbisaiM andbui s upiti ss t tis eba e li f o reil t bis e vi '» et Miesd a __ n,'Mpr mi beu - iesI M n0-P i dm tOl eihs .. T eeaeo h ýowti w i e o th tie hprR, i.t d.Uo rs " Ubni anb el5Yr i fise. '-. eS.a. . M eea E M -1,su ure i' _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ re etoTereale.aEll terme. Guelph wiue b astocitte , withWbearty .fait, iO ieypenasettwsOtenat 7tramatisil credemasu s itOO ls il l , eleaui . ees m in i gm Do w u e oiees efiies ofe ie . b t . . T e M d p o e l i iS5 me s eife MI t- luap pG . rovn d sin sol es. r sh r pa rtia e d b lig e ra . loc ub.s t= s b tn ee d u es tn. t s ~ sesde bo t elr cr es of a di ed -1 hoc leye . é G O S m - tTlily borhnM tu hso o me- Mnbrfl ihe tom c r e % Mi;M -ba, n but -e cesO a h loeais. re S uholsua& Cc. aeul teetis~ et pore f se annLeddulni iden aiui oUcit oi, fr fiei . bsP iON as .las, J . Nisauesa. J09- Mei Thesc m amcin .d te l nd ste pi t JeoH sale.Astsa -li lts reordbtsbWBse 3d ar ' ro elee spîi a v eet on Aioies oilrtrSIe.se ail ToiOer e 10 nte lirePor Yr- alcans xamzr& 2 & 23 ilN SudIN su e l se norparise a. eg t mse e 150béisee Mil tonauace14iofbtheeai Sebrwagoedame nd.s visse. Tb. pon.ifrwer, o o21use;1 og-hrenYarbwie Mea.. Coton c. orsuBc, tec l ffe inCeid'sld B ot the lae ts yed rSs o gi t es led ,A ai- ,th~ bis essf r *i m.- mt el dt on wla ce fauoc ad ca a o , e ry e n h es7 cw rh$ .5 Pu .-se S onFridsyJse BrAmpdee, 'ausesufasit S.titeebas eiladteiorortorul tr iéa i;aou 0Yas&0,-t h agon, 1 on4~ T e -o seoieale i urm eydu ble Ar LO 2 Ctt o h M A C lse as ley s p e lie et M r e el t e s aes etp eti ssaco. ingîayof»àeo m i.u i mtt, aysgaee.f ce an pustrcs 1 eav an fne hiiss eOsd0atP1 id -gie usb es <pe.cama tsle mt tiiid ..eesuieestsos l..c pupr, e g oodsen fssublsbr- l a.,Woth ed ou l. fr ..îe dsiePcls slustn . sCto, uasoracsng ta and a m.esistemtroisamil prs tnantrada Ce-. csue t àb"eic. isn Su ise r ifeo'n e- SuaI 5ION SALE i5bà an04 5ié5bS aopkut oma»U4 f Theva l a nd Sc C a da y DeiseB inl broDays. Lîg f Iis, bunasnga b e f us ..bin e a - wChisi1,c25 aif ulr Va1u.00. u Imitteli te Sue lUnttedsud. millaetlh. Bau Sagar »dmîle. tes .l elTapica. thgu sud Spicsu ulirsos ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ld oMIldiîeam b rue oapeol. 'm ltePate < oS Sim tei 5nfS e 3 inawi3 3 dT y. th-.-OVI battiros s-u8 44 îmrcal G nsloe o s . . ot . ildte FseTa oc tu in a d asfo a nu be o y ar o e f bi t nn usro atf 0 i t e ow H ll E AiLto . Et@l p n eolpet ns. r nuel e = Ut 4iieda e MY i Me s t e ile o e h r a, wt h ' rs. & c .i tho aeu eissfr .. . acedm s udL oli. er B o ts $ .0,1 th libi g bus eerbelrel ofui heecoSui e- altesit o n ue da be pei rivte V I ih -dà odTiBraef ise 14Co. F, oh se25 C. M aosbeSTln th1,.tc10 -~~~ 'f"sa.e,= OOO meert p 9 Mde, an d Ote atlsocm. rls It ai or tri o .tb 8d2 s sliesi o0.0 mitaI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uU haigminai uThtelswhole wiire l bc s . i Sthr ys ' Tpwaeeid Suieed, ueo, frd ..tc 1 m i stsbo aW uoe . 0 du t -e-bad isosà on nsb* of 0" P«ih<m.« Piarliso for ...... ticbas 1 box À 6e air es fie use d oti s et 1c deanl delgt c teWorm fr l dena i mtrciot isaga . The intert. tbook place tom wSaIson tîl- eh.)IMtonltic ;obarsLargert HeisenseniSFpremTweed P- Asedreus nes .euelMmFmteaï*0 " 7 e . . bCsUWlatin.c - fear$.2g5,am.dt $8.. ,,tc dySa i.,4e-br et .- su n Mod ay. T e co m*tt e TIE. iS lb. 1 ofno lv as t'aO . tr$2.ea u h 00 l asr ndub b rs2 1 t c.a0as 8iton1bissMineitoe.hp ... -Ste F wiButte the rant pne, cione ondrd. dllar andone,-1 tepsotoee Ofude oninBargai»,n. Waya.m Ob C, il FI 4A I J