Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Feb 1895, p. 2

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te btte th souietse t dsi . liOUS L utaeetQAî~ ,~etwheiuata~g etlc9 I î; take teegraesd t a eonnuThte as. 8 gesed hulea te buto e te c wu etiiih f get.eumomdcii l; fCes 011'p- h Wi l 1 h geftevoesesti d inP4dtBai p in i esais i. d MU ua th.t Wv oe-i aie.Tssdt 11 t i A Dî. Zreadaiosimteiguhce.ioli ..-O 1e uo t.iad ttii Saljo. ek ' h b W.y . A CHEDur. .May of tho:ti.Oele c ter bo s C austOer l ic e ll a hChs Bathvtg s *gt htatscca tH e.te s te pli,2 sita travrltaofues thai 1(1 orelkysOt I th.Ceo i i aa a .3 vof isd8. t'i a e e -ittsodaen he Uiý SeSSi oredt fijet teecasse T heê fteelà1M8,8.9 . hlcgwtheeofîDa-îîîw.M jeAas,1 aaéaawce ereid tarmnodereqetei f. do itn. - T ii., are2 oc e ciity Tttidsise Miiditu Lg e.1ht5~i.htlllyt. Et li pilne oe thejete mccii sriitreetidectiifeitnod dIte ag 1gb é ~ dt j Ccaa -Glob dtie. e csc cî eaiyvi site th evcte oici eLm . EL&".otovo, *ela fody wteheyntariui paepesrn ~ 3~ tts el~eto eelculiec h Pewtrha O esoB'oss-TGsl ii»ims,_ the Maciteha aOrganisasintattract a sesdt., 121h FebrugmonD__ imioect ion e y ccd vate e t f her e eicr mee. , ul rad iaei ons f., ui- à B. Ma u jisiS 3yeams us- utr0 Ttrîirdiy, ( ec.eeintbtecodetry- sedH e afrs isieails suwl peld in--.uthf~e r au dle *Tw» «asrs i uc lec sfcen e auieecahe .Of sthon s 1689 elou te te nion eue Whdtrequdest ice e siTeal <cdTere le, cuntry i c Teuc Massion ofLtheslaicet eg Ms *- T ht isseios httie W "Y". ni aerd; peeece t efe il ocmynte The certine talii. e te UeStat e sci a iltAiee-e.a itsds e t bic e il jeadaeecibt iat d t e s i le eceiicilstof iRue. AeThis ew - t ii = ce he qu estc t W ini eg t . i s t et= e t e fiii G sai, 5 0s l . li et. f'w be i t l dtonee t oei etbfic e i femes ro t nt ete t tii u ccthe escnteop f ii. p eeteotet B. Caaabu nreto er &oh îoe e i at ti ehesvespres eeet Ti eviiei:e ia isio ;à f my ec iec i s r h ieo m e pon eing tepow e t c e c. M.. Hes w ulri i o ia.o'b et t e Be h ou b lic L e.a gle. ag ie ts s e ar s o:fci sisNiiU il tu c Sc ce b r ie e c Tt e tfu t ur e e. le e t ii e ai e sitobal gnoibe t e cceoO i, hcii via epwplàd Y - U t .- ted A a r eis . e S is lis S s e 8 Tircul, be Gi.cee vi e e e. d eid b i e el ete tef. îe th aeilee . dct tt u ii as cllty c d tigal etti J. ?" c e. ee". Os: essi iele.e ss bivssan sie of t. T te r a rtB e m e oaerdroet liesi mit citas seig Adphieaeîlelesjt ePle *~ nc ~ ie ce lly i ec ye lai heces i s ipa t he Prn t c ols te ,; " u m .. . liac vi is it eTretisgoete bs (1 1.S« w. nthtcsee .T . acds I me c cse i sstt lt he Manitobaeagiai. 55 Kten moessi .1t by liC rae. er esis t m lie p he b n ms os t h e Cai ebîde t e c and. i- at A gict, ttey ve a ls b si heldse. sdThe Rue" ie ev of Finm nehave te F.M, 25. ie. htiy.an e T i i possrigb.e fiet t a t i n se llinHui. . AsTo u cie e ci l ue stion, a tare es Ing ceth e . Teiniyt se 0ca a ette , ilsTô t ie ed drp e e cd eiieed ickA teet y i Yonnses ci e ilef tas tee t iiui th e t i e t a ie s g . i ngrassied .5 ,98 tu s eiatecéiy i eueîd es de iret better look oife ors Cig ellue teeiseieeed nill, ovee cem te inte ii a it e Uccit Same of t r etexcees e T eid luiire Me Nerbey ia, y ti cesîr pelesMeaniteobas. M syecm, alteo iBg grteedMai- odnie onh p tie st.cars iisva Biievu eg-- sif- i .- je subdec ecs aîis' edîll.CA A I NI E MS cii ric 4w 1a sd toire ese te cf 52. a etaad deere$sWBLest etitsli ieciîu u t.,îîeee e . Ro eeed The Coueiei tive eecof K ig e lsto cil .ari b nd e telts. E id te m v u. rrtsh e a osher ted 884. osa aic t te, ks p ilbccrer e us f e domer . Tbe r c din . O i ebM Caineer r c îî i ce o y r i icha erd cis dy es o d etes 1 8 i s ac a y, 164 sd 1 .7ute a - RVos eTud" îe f H p es iteesd~~~~~~~~~~~~ tu'Rue t h bei, iisiic eut.iîcciei sieci e1besseUllh JtSru. tanlees811 his r ie adiier oison, d sel et t th s eeineof se. M. r d eete lihe icdccy, vhs veetheat a lie lse= tCI ste eti DepJ!0ut Asiie Mta nes ah hIe Theîstffrofiteditci.ilecifd ijeomtt c b ysemt ea e s y i epetie n d l»la r' ah. otls w eeiiis sd base tceu thei îe rs ' iset teebasrbes yBecu lul T.. odeetec. e cvceubwuSm tcy ie m ehic ftitee.au*àPM ». ubadbtfi dies wil cc.etier supolcel e Deidpraeie fy ireses. laîthe aIslauic ch is t ee ieic exseinetPclic Ht ýIS. .A M P I CM im leý fis secend iseeind i csimest asjee of citesîieeybive ontof hBIeiltcent.TRac ide nt O etge, andtp 4 te se c a m t ie, it O N. udi. b,60Ku trttWg y 30 sieriî Foetsli sinie ecel lieny.oui 1inaeld twshpî a lt-y. mcco, c wu.e bio eae fire. e i tae on hoee hvrlsitHUn Ot ý, enin il-bealh, ad et imes ug sven nw cass inthe pst eyMahearaterman.elCand JeC.tCaaciak Siaeta vzeme eteated fr th aily ire Biuiiiatr. N es ere yts (euete a Ultsc. e i e i e vTedtsb e lb. Aecla rgoe.majeeîhim. aoteml ai ecissdcianiolgseeA. ar),of guuity uissceestwc beiicfWeigiaionaen. t Pon y aried oBi 1cua itt ei n gteesCaiOtyCE Oaro il .4 ite w en ab ut ier week fr in alg ry ave b ee fo ad i e l c mi e r t iale e ne le f e a ia , im i iieat ion r t e cG idulyiîuee. Nls eilili.cib u er . s dcithe undoie cein acsl isry . 1 iycesi ese ileceess gre. , eî i h ita he ptestyacs avle sexcitaI T I essc otes in a est te îbu r s îeau tic ule L c i lti ie Ye st lfNiB., $acea e aedet hy ti ci i dee sef$2hi .e adcc ymî e dc chess e s t prsp e te a O s J i e a l e t i e ii ccW,,ii ieste ethslei iis ad Te ni tie bassdidse, mtias s se vile(et lb.asbeeit e ie ce wpe is eelte seierh te 84, os aieivee- ilae i aile s ledr . cIabaT iltcd M eeDsy te s',iebe ep ieied ielve i.achBud, sci heaer 88 nsary 8tic b ndiit ,7vtis icc Je u- pi il eg tcrme fpas8 iec fi c bv. Tiieof ithe eb iuilte ea iu i ptc s ielic e t loftehe e e ls;R b.J t ri te ra h ein o 19.e e ea asein atSipe si net tiigi fli (Sp , suisgleu ceOttwaiu, jesetee6. e t t e vridscy, ehe we ta vit eeie t h ee tmicac ihiecani eceatheii tl e rlie ac ue ttd ef-ediscepii, îiin a Lseeiicse yr, ci Beîc, s isebe l ec astemicbas he i ner ieiciif lugc eyitFr en aier f e s t itec i, eciu ecicu iii, irus ba e s eult r t e ic i rilie n pte UIicyby lu e errece ter ttc oneperi et ttch eeoiecscforQters u cr c crac eii tui ciauisd ~ ~ ~ ~ ece hu eshuapsuu i essîteut île uis ciii e ls Hebecehie reigteovitoin earst e o el fein ecteliifer te yefePuTliey yefrPcts er. rù tuithfeur eis, is tiuie 51sui s li e ed icestis iiec ices fcoreecsesyt =see ca efore te erteo.teof Hot w fire c e ier. ewlitr emanlPrines.apps mee T lile t. cc sirema.Cc andpv a te et * eo et i Pîcc edsa irhbeee, ue bsth sse d ter iie MTbe culy Cesejsflic amilct ., a.. le.sBobiet e t a ise theu c ae lae oi ti uAtbe ,ir a lttehsel sie icima es sît git oessi letede e r, elalf fpeicy ji ude ayien BAsCmn r ck evnimpatfetrees Beet. auOFFIC E. cee suiow de tegirliureda e ited i Lei Ge sercellet t gr es se cyîetei. Ti itets e rtsei uea i rha id cy e sls Nease u w t . c d pesx tise s s uin eny. tr. . e e stviie Armut ce i ee ei cj e perat st f nu îe ia cad s iThe retil îieiusiteaiied mli c tu ceserdtic Mye Stccs sment ina ije ce e l ctinte c a se c.ievei eeaclefadhhefete. Tue a ee r vealul base hees lier. e r es tus Y c rse , amanegegecmetciacie eeiy te lb. hig menis ttene oeni, te e atarc ehn ane plte e lcci brete b clnopition crd te dlibe ivev s o h clbai fterBtsum-i OreJo s G R tEAti're ~ Sci tlu lalees eceeb se e ofhbneioa isne micey ivmt e es c egisc anet li rie mjree ut bI t hue Mepute i a eo se Sec ds maTde ettie dcic ItenHadýmaci eiec. ofniese tt elciceunt, A pry li alagMssr to l n ý Ii s e' s . iTe tic N e Pîty t lie w eidcep ile omnati on i~t t is iril re trii yeete ea y aI nOc.ornemintaPaftisseinttypetiornviiitt ,il liclip emeddng tsef 0 "0ý fnsgued al et eme w it. C thiait iler a ortee eideehs t ecicieus. of h voen lbres addsg asial o tetiu rî ue.uip, Ceest asi uti illru iam b . Glmee tofuBarriMe, Mr. Jtacedtce Mar aind ec. C nen iaite, 119)rcalyPar lie a e hrot asembîci rdlaje c c u e r iach. acrsie cf selu isîiuuieiy aicuutere te btsciiusg ce eas sî ijes in iy te pCiert e tslii. Hee, t e hes. . ePOtef heeos exervts"hofce genVl. Cagsc tascfniigotetie closd fic oor filn pa ei e t e rýad ie s i e ithotu e. e e ue .frntt if e eal asyte e l.rs uWosbl o h er Te yefrPse o HeLecud iuelte eta r"o.aprioee e w n cicta e m cfd up ees if$6c,00 t in Pr ti M featc agana lisu s.îe eue adth heCt Cuei fChtam n . r cnie anteutc luienm edthat salai t e ec tCm.scTe-nysir'dccegae neef e mg rbc wlsi len aucivu eicbuc At e c fel mael-ig t lesi tnive Ce les.b e ateeliacyis e aa e te thje 890 entralyNews B este PflimeeBou t r. lu ieî ietiuct l u pes. TNe. <V. ad.Bssei e ubreteeSeeitiec iflure c. hirieb a ien c qeeuy it tla thef:lArerions eteidse bast LA N EP R I T tiîîa ie t cle pese tteere bf i e o plo se d Spssbt cî c t icr ate ie e i s.je v c lT h. di.nn ev rk no tinM sat eArb nm a U ti ilR leceîigu ber liedes Leicteteasdea ei s pesstPs tWiiiu"acicoc et d Y ae i st rue. ne ianeren t e e qeetu ea. Te apebeci ict radeae ef ili hie -th t afleta it, i- riing' s oe f he ubl icesofba eeni epm fthe ftu es iia n C s- ...e Fn ln ln olcil uts 5itehoetcd a]Ir st. j ceayr twat n lnge c i ietity te ignale, e ithiee toliwPny. CGneR.E AcT Thîîe tourirr s u eldihae e Hiendti e s e jlic e Is euested ciMr.Neetmoree 5sieeciecmectrpetl-h . 2-ci cv no i ,1t nbîtat esslec sliessd lisi dta atise di sin e s, o r agdli bue i ne eeiatucan le hie evoscc i nes. Oc Tanbe.pic eeaie e aln c et 5.fr1 ie Al mrtlseias e wusuure caf Per ultotedjc ekis te eresiret asejg etbarisg te escc e1teApentsc 111 eme10,9in1jou1878te 12,ga nd e olFsic e 71t.ynt, n.I, uu elciyh fticrr aorteijasermet Feescunda ne clThe eeitiocp in rse Hl tuadeet e sl teiledthe idreec lent e i ofend a im s .bticîiuilîe ortee pceit sc li e.îîed s erîbtnenictrssalicrge, Ib coce ecneiei M. Sea.tiseit tash etmet .1 ciesttal!eteels eteo Ilne sapii uf i sooicguiesec. iind uanpudellaGres tCof ri. oele ll ebe natheaChaner an i tie de lpsettaceietemiLA N L T lîî. . cd lues simer e iilea cehue~ir ateyiprea fi ouit riicitscs ecci te tt tc e ti t imuher . O r eerh ecwncmpet.icn s. u sieset iccsiecui sus, usiegbeie er -onts7. oin elidM . ti ce Miii cciotfr t. Eol . ak, A25za t ri ten t ite et aima efac ter inesclela in l b u.i teOs et of is ,nlî l suip y ue y eesgeet cesa, Q.l C.,lbe cppccale t e l rk of th ueei sufer otit E - on. te a i s cea in ce a r w h a e u t m r l c n u et Aoutcuttiueri, abos ui0 e Necbiey JustiCmhieyJu te Be erlyiecbeee.t se r. W ss.Liisnt Q C.etr e. es eAaraad lecltcrinit -e Il is .5(,ltacre fr, se nduaeie,.c Tii.s uting t ie r neri lst ise. Sun, is. sspeettt,,eee fnc rtain f the viii t se tid jL csdcpart in-te tc. of4miBiai s a seigid i n itevcrr sintbc o isyA asing oftai mî çts i es. oi.esse Phe eeas5tetthc ei viiphably sen thyea.Ouse f tueteaseon vint.luee e ree el e gra1 d e, meshii 10 am itsii%ý ug emespar lte. mlclu onLa ure ccifely deLeielee Mrshep i botea nd hece cle a i t e n av atsts veivtna ta 1pte 1218. Pli90anltA ee. ci oiftueeji cett iiuc c s fts raes elus sie. ecî jet, et sisecrtri. ctaY Sdesa uslicg , aisosetay e le .2 , et 1ehi 0 wr5 fi aifurietsseuîy se s afurmiereSuth e lice -Hi pigato sbeqet Seceys mcorpte Clon i fi aii.g ttcDEP RT EN vas stl irs ersotêareît t c test prle aPis seei SIeatksedofte t lc ic iTEMw s lopi. ta hste e Acsls a il cng ae iilaLN icrsi(u ssd (fu vi e un est deentir ci ei suicmiedomi P s d Re --idniyth inaueo .dpbmentasient e Unoiei aily lelau. tiu ,-Neared escancîcen 90 diptuto eCse sgcissl by ti shege nr. elaiket e i s esintitec. O h rfO ouain o nln o aeurituc dIcesilie.i ls Pa tadi Wsilcec roe, ci d tje IalSýie he i i the eviecltt c ti-s it avacdfele ro n t es, iii et878 et , e8 in lBeg siiengel cffe. o a ve ay sfacs e conrey delrrsiedn . Adsipiue esie rte ata i i ghit MpcSisc i s ie er adMeeeti eter- B5r hs55 Bt arlejte te lei e5 ieofofes FW. Osu .Y 1ýlas oe llecic e ith ie teccdre e iesofech Caes ies. oticyamidsteessie ente ot pe. ptredte n lisse soiedeffin .e or e seanere, ua vungCîcm lesusiieiuuuor. etep ei R ivde etje fanNrheMci ga.hrgs'tecortusetOa Sn i a e tabj ls etaf 1894 W t V os.s. 4u rpiinesudbiiHure ete toh il),iî lsere l ie9,50 seli a coi. tenWl a Aaluej.,G eeed rofCef.n tFiee Ajî scotth e atte emteof a nd t e mies ilopmen fsttmm ied v uals 1, i. ni i dlvspi t0 mss ia s Sy sccfe . rcua a si tacclciniE a la s or ontolie, hnMicgostty itat e fo hetuamo . on patoi ia escha, i tOurtmaiod Value. comploteever. - Oct.,14 o ngw m n eere a , hahilge a uc ip 1:te 7.sr epi jea esse, et erdiie demtsaifreote .A E , Fn*Bu* Fttiie tatal cfte 5 Wothis lis n, vO, Decbil. yeetand eelsyt Aiexenitgfu edr tcelae.80< i on ftles t. baseau.1. C E EA L AD CO i - viiitiNwur orsvea e naiest en fritheleit lejei ou, QaC.nat e te rter cf ucpa O F ln. BBDiG Yodu iend tEND.2 AbtiuetsreyLas sie, e i thJust i e i on ertleoin eeseon. t e e ssages caileiaw a.hC.fr or@maTdie te avida r l i o tiiae IH Y t. T E TL B cal ~~ ~n ecSete ueAgic useuda.Rntd tet oppasesthmje pcevilc m sd iiHungareremeebu elin ondon t WFOthE1EC.GRdandlac Far, nec cfte tile pe cratiasce dic Te meeg e oteh estac The r hh t he. prbaby ex eectOc e ft he espurglllerea tua rd dte712,Wot Cm onde fli weaher uce nd d y nglit at w ich ou. essr. t e pt ct in th aae c apa ble 12 u c. Plin F 6000 es ivingsc 3 e leelry if etrfieLduriead uJoi l e i» iere siegh Ocm etoce antet i.tsfogi rep bacd 1vie tiin beroley attereceieite s alioeofte anas pLcet cedi acer. neccion iseaaese lnst s .ma "avs.mttu tma00&r& dnWaetss s orh10, ot lii ~ ~ ~ ~ ee ler s e s tescsp ie in thmedit. Tetelon. ftrA20tia, a's.weseH" faste. prev2l1.2sIc, e t.ssi fi ispr bilbinsa neale Icerpei» tul el neîfJacaanad cis s c t ales 5 ts gth elsîru iisn greei embige ccc117pepleciro ed ivthe 189 irc- aias To cESsen. Bs. hi t iy tue iesndHugaycit l l lorsa.,aIgodtliingantcrmatesTesMal adaEmirtuefeOu Sr estited lais t tsciityl 81 [)-cae a ewe 5Aoes Caro et itth yese DF oles , hi8thet Osieuos0 . th s sie sqtdhs eai. P0 ,i»croaed ai ,8tedcetirintuec poclio. T lebupe Mt e cis tue F.ndeii,s Ocir Thesbil eu r e.vie tanüses <>5la M ikifld5god ichief of tneees ii e lh.W u c~~~~~~~~~~~~ BureauemicelteWashingeetone the l.filic, G net tes Fesis a lb NohTars 5ttaA.ambylirtcmesehe, a eeeci tia Sua. Ose Ose e lmn.AdAeeaver braeisglIv.Imet e wilvifpe ite 1. voa v ibsuste palieshvons. 5 am u r in. t ui. tend181at Fat teie onsi .4eus t mie hessa eke c e or . y 1 At e e ht frontvae sithomKeebetotdeandspariblese, fFv 'lc pd.iat Hciec. eem i ebem V vliM tLbraetLvicyQeionasan-tadeaPomYoandhou yiuea ega useseurLakesulsai0.-sitge ciln a aian nee w rai 0 e r t$10,0e0.itentario in Otien xituenB1s80r:verMe psc4t-dNi Eaalssll'les tua aasu. rieeus8t.iea Wsll e crie t itu u it m Au sd e miemi.a i asa k i vewt ess o etec mmssontfal - t ;htps.5 ae182:l.es t .,a a &l tl we re If ss . o ea deatftg e i O s ist jtse iu n e tea ar iasa , et M o h esi y h t e aw hem n BW1; ft m te v lu . hA er 18111.Meeaire nCa ., whileos te satiagte tacup e.rsmesofaule ." miecuithesAr et- A. M o eaci i.gLeisose M.Tc. is%1-lDemi.01 poulainlt isias usisoseaj Anlia etl LcidntEcs.Ar a, deeufamneproo, np af os esie cf ynaste e uw»Redatai beintuer f h i le 1.f-the cREiO GlTIrUP :en e m IerionU, nue linotcf ot 0 teecate, Runeliinpth icivigpur 5v ti sivp t i.mon~ii uuei~tai prSiein o thai Ni. zwo eh auj rth l ut Dan ice- tvosturng uts tek ber pay a i gt bl o uig atu ntâat.ny , . 4W t7 777-roideies - Ott i S M I ~Jo Laoes Reduced 2<1 per cent. .4 ýabe Embroiderles Reducedý 20 per cent. Ftruit otbq. ,oom Cotton, Only 10Oer ardl. .DwtWhitý iÀilehor lQotton, offly I Oe.'pCr xard. Lo~dsI~O pi~i ,,.]5c. per yard. Pride o~~IýWàtCa-mb1rie, only Ise. peky>d Berkley (Jazbriie best quatity, only 25v. pryaj A.IYXRRAY &OC 21, 23 and 25,King Street East, Haniton. LBRKE LNES BROKEN PRICESI Melk 's Tweed Pants 65c. These are what are left of our $1.00 and SI .L IiJ Men's AI1-wool Pants 95c. These are ends of uines titat wNere s«Id ai S 1 51. 7 and 82.00. V. Men's Overcoats $2.95. These were our $450O, $5.00, $6.50 -and $7.50 lines. Yee, we mean ail we say and dont expect yeîî to believe thia util you see it. Men's Stornm Ulsters $4.9b. Thepe were our $6.50, $7.50, $9.00 and $ 10.0( Ulsterse made of heavy Canadian Frieze in all-wools 117iiiii heavy twill tweeds. You can save yonr fare to Hamilton tNNire, yeq, fou times over, by attending this great sale now. SmIth's Clothing Manuf'y -5 King Street East, Hamilton. YIESTERDÂy Brought Our Annual Sale to a close, but we have PiesofOVEIRCOATE YGOODSI QES. into money. and wiII sel1 th4 Tryv it. rAN tFeauiTesitid ssly 1 centeach. e.uat Scelîsu i tus, cal> ,de ersu-, Cake Tics, sais i CAKE TINS - Sesuile1 i' Thafur thi e ab cd I osfreciete te t<res - pride, 10 ced Vu.cpelut i Hcavy Flaurturul Tiu nalpper boturc, huisc *0 ooofrhse-abetît asA basseuc en Tee kia otisey t5c rc e TELS-Fine Coerede LD!rceht is,Ùiaest i BEUSHES-Sperial bare C Unistie ;7c reced teuHit 1 hope e7e, and 15e ràbese RE -iSeer SSci .eîpî.rsui ANDe-SAc SSci îue<usi-p- 1-d s th- mues-.ple-. v-th<firî, tus25,; eisc5icu est ..l 1s 1ist D5 PFAIR, OS and i~King, st. ee.De ase, of Teronto, ciii lul osciveesary cesaguwinsethle ne Cherni neet Seedes susseije miêtg. th oisJaace f Braecte Mnuirie, of Tercets, luie.r cf Muet Liezie Eli uiI<r nSi put veci.A h2ki, hasid ougt u t .use'SO u&t HMtgthatiiu&Cou-. due ~pAs.rem, rx-M.P., toe Halie). les tiche stacre Luuuea],ad w strsOntario, arriceul stutlu yTeN;erdmy, accpluuLeul <lu)' tl.WeIpeg Frre Pees megthý et $100lts-b se esvPesnu styles. Cor «15/ Ta a trvets, Hamilton. < APAcretes Dccc.-. tius sssc astai, aho ee reelîsidler os iisvieg dipiuiiesua. have Pr vu. Mee. Edesd u i.nS Ca tnod J.A. BradieveonWiui d sZ. ,iiey ere st bsîiul i iiare neing ees> ssailaet r tsieep.ett reci spsseîýtuuuuî xi 116litvYS htaceource et isulees'iue yl~eceie yecr eyec by select "a vair gloss.. I t ,, vo 'lat lsiayelh.m teetei,- Hu er oc. Dosnetdeier. -Brut ossVsu.srR&Ie.cAY. <A ssulsl CdiVaeRailaavuîsuu,i-!1 aptushei y tirhe u«luu.uuu ai laaetintetue srd. i e i RufA"oie se on uieuv. <cii Melvilla Parier as.et,,utel uuu .52 T. R. Bal and 1). M. Li IMM eleed ce tuseustus X Il of Directere. -1ui ,ge tisa a cels. Sbiet.1Lue asdScnia, aeTrcblu'. sur. su dI -J ee.treetae,uilton. (uta tcAeu.--Oe Musullies Issi u< fofetteevitie, sert ustuu à tviiteiril Caue sluuuB«ci & 5tgrut dret ofPiisesand s Wl~,'bitaebsusýig ahe c. the tan edsilstaius e-1 ftDtue.Hi.cs -ruusul cureca., Dr.-Bsi.-Cne.secer. 555 ccca.-5tou rasu - e h h Empire, Gtus 'ssss ii. e.Co'. Urausssuiirel aer Yeu ceci lie laesPee.euuii.,,,orm Vina î rs.pr Bais ýte twc.lcsh. cî' tisiani Ofiit, asi ec liai f etNorth Wrentou ujï -esgei mietesothuha, Wantvcrte, tho te. Cii vtue pellriilidpit ici nR Te RENT.-150 tl allaisttenof uti. Au o4caie f Oais ilte h eeecabl trcis. O tFriday. Tte v troon, andill l niud set hteM t van p te, Mahies wet et - -;-- .

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