~AT ay. Down ci reduced., dtîcCd. eri1)tioII reduced. Is rediîccd.v Hlets les.s thian cost. 1l reduîcd. - .11 redtîced. andl llll(C. reMaîîîles, regular pric,> tID.ress Goods, Flan. ent l)lling Stoek-takinK9, MURRAY &C ni l<0 oo so jin Ill utc 1110 1. n>1e \\ ho lias once 'itil îý.. woî-th $L-:35 2.oo 2.75 4.00 - MTUFY Hat'nuil ton. VIale ta a-close, COATSý GOODSl s QES. d into money. thce.e lînts aif l)icC atnd will selU. 10 P. 0 o. S Iileronu sare o8ly0. pitc. hsme0 53 u Btomogthh5 pua oer o. ie. 8d Ck Tn. Zu faor o utne esahe OM CAKN INS oru Wr av aou fo oly 1 es. Ep7. aA ,etTd Boreeiosa, e ~ wts 1,ofio c ud S ia ot- t[tio 1h.Qovu950.l is urteeedD .Wi d* w I..Go s.1 la aTes. . rf.1Uêl detgtrog bthecn oo5ajnlapda ytinkceroth u e rosotateesa etie, onhu. be hrama h.W hm un p a rh $.l inatCueToion 2e o rbe.t w u...a1l o Id Ce ics, oes Miltoa. WAppI, t 'la 'hav er ot iof of O. <Jaèeseea. ae hOtm ou rtcroh ar ut1,aI iite etPele eh, grds t» tce, n ycc uber ointe hsiourdewtlt l.G -t trOl50e. pRogPoreeaAE.* y.eet su hro pg aeu wntedan l. psenstc ah Ch pes.ol hes n A ei theev tiltjefa;randisteadKiangngal. tnetie ent ise. e lar e s .1Cubo Fcreynee. ueimoellite y H.4 bcJ=m or cii c gvr. e Ce aAJ. 21. meOImaP t~~~~~~~~~~~~u for01m d.Srnv veo.Te aet~ t rou at e r " e-flanletiravontlaine. aset crY 241, 10. m ccc rl vincorta oto el. c. p .tae glte0l pet elv til ckcccg, c t t e nnteCei ele 2,.5,bl Oh.e o, oaito C to., I Non t t'ho ivsone l.0 .tiDc. i o Thuar ruo tt. lli h Hmiltn, v . te hBavmmentt ec,1 t od et rsngenputonvllle pre acte tern Sndp 4 aevurrd tu Dnald îl.Wattereebout rea cte jette . cd orr cord for drinp o. ls29eser-«,~leAhm em vieiilton.l JWty de tod 21.9 fo .pie . Rco IL].,tlhis Mjor Art roil eetin Reof-Othe amitn er linP, Oblav eg et r.tep oh&ad ac heodi teeRotycli.the evea igOTt. Mr. Guihet dihet an otic utar py 4le I. Maeeeweod Pudlie d tbke egle.thro tet Mitt soe. 4.4e AItsth e Milles vtte t ehsoOe l- tulu ctudoc rsriet-eentro" te motWb th erB. rd LicirReuy,'adeTi Ducgee'aspani àwas brigerbc- .ueAxo o.e reCecret d a wu eeea s Mes 1 leo tae bouertedoteunr. i he uve n ie tee muc s t 01e t O r a focuanminutestusanA elgldeesud1*0e.. v enth80 nto 80dbe. tb to flugeras enba-thmessinshwirt. and dcawe d 1er heS o acodethieben eitu,cut i da nsltudeftswin eog Banen a r etcee he ed n a.msy ,onw ritea oft ory cs -BHAnvn t n l etc.. tte t ligginot- MAmT».-AeaseseOHge On ste et e oe Oh seer-sume e blut ies» rpilteOl il.T t1etiam fhenBtonttee aerog et ttly «MAi 7Dr5 T urSmivltt e ldetit.T e qs ure fote Huseives a r th lon im ,i ser a y tady, bllltye t their me nb th ni me cf sycye in e& Co,- nde J.sins n . A a Oies, ma30 lmeA hep.. t hS 4Tuute M ' m lIte at. amen12bâthes*m @ n- anten ,.do-inre, hesA iat i e vse r 2thê 18 .mo tod tleeineetels CmssR.riei e#, c. etywlw sl tie,,colcemed itep o hre.. ivson utte a lwifto.-Fascy emebingàiPloi veruýd ferendmecsfr een teeoigGTg ri.g u cith 1 lcedofgeen:asdf temdeu areethchHeceiten. cu»h i tieiwner pa rslvay Pla Oon» rji uteee-t& t aaderlingDonald 8.ohc ey orsdryte Sg, utth . ..m OM612 smtwam and Yccgeteerga- tee-,c cR üh btia u cpaey be Ohenetecetshow up W USr "ig bna en rter pultre le l editn h-tri soctud t 50db, the ameeytttee 'SV&d 3sd'-O,'h .trctrRaIlwaY <O.,ue anA tuc tn atu L iu he sen s a o-oet e O the 's vila t urp b enuan let lit i t aeee rngotou hte 0d tuet ier uewbay Siaed m oe amtefr7C. 16 urs )a euh or itet, sdawo 1T 5. Wrh5 d6 btte oir oth Il n wethn'aait DadaSM.fr6c: Wol breys laid e t abl e o. 1frýM mgâlulG ue accient 111 eauait$12- NWl tOMete'Y' on1 Baîd I. Paachtoc ttoegnsan aeMn l o,,6.10. awoeter BS e0821 A. WBeéell on ad eue Ml i~gaA* .. a ll em.. ea. 09e Uses msno Coaes xosees- W u eb.eJvedh yiASa5li tlesn 3toco anaaeelgetl.(li le Mfadeet1 h.1»3 . levvs e01 metm n ireetsee MIs4 4nexlpesv. .d tr ue a pl remenete ln lesgesd ran Oh. heldl Auetlheati lie ne me tee ah. lterne M-*ie DyWotveLd hae and uluIt Oaf tethe tin eredh. M to hollOenbeY Mb.ode M - Imt npeiecledtsr tu. teIr s".te le. t tnpre .h e tep e. a l ar eut Dbeau eetillotSlte ietroillhe nomtet a gy teni sine t te. B e" lIp.Ta.Lv. ICepl he e ln Sbnpp aile onsy s- atlfee o eUoub ltnge ain eOt teqor thteyo met elIend gie ti te rM th 94sporiemit meel he 4y #À obl d lte omatelheeCti Teagem. eCrauuave-Tvn nike .1 rO. Mlle crih et le <.5ien~t iàdate a lette.n tee se lor A.y Tteveeà" lal pL.eaeV.L. : 0 Bwili., S'yom nlolp.St Êlp-ns ho. limayo . tl e Slee, J.LHaevaz. I ilase, . houe, Ttal -8J. ggse..5 . pliesa et 1).e W.Ule thelubi o. l. Reasav 0Sleêyllv: eRt Baird, DA. 010 0a est aree, 3.14 .d Mer, i-L W Ae. IIPICn n.eu ela. of " et te w st Be . pare shie I. 7the,.M Auibetài tW, of WeteJ tiefl. e Mna.s-I Brmtla a of]15- mm 15 10 'I.netOe "s. OVERCOATrS WILL GOOAS UNDER: I Fouer Price - $5 50 $7É5* $8 75 $925 $11,75 $12 00 $12 75 Rodued Pce- 400 60 0 50 7 00 8 00 9 50 1000 A Large Stock of Mens Twe& Pente, férmeî-ly 2.50 tu 83.75, going at 02.00 à pair. M A Large Stncb of Men'a Peak'd (Japg seelileg at from 26c. Io 75c. eacb. - 1WA Large Stock cof Men'. Beaver Caps of goad quality, ail rcduced. a Bw.&ottie yf. Horse Blankete redoîced ! White Blankete reduced 1 Menes Shirts Iz Dratrere reàuced! & O(Druggi8ts3 & Staticuaere). Men'ei and Women'i Ovcrshoes Iteduced! Ail Wintcr Gode nu.t.be eold! mebJehn W- Lord buasutes emmited Stugars and Groceries cheap ase aîual. Remne mbor that Grand Tes ~ aged5fote trial on a oeharfeemaelifonte IbmeVllagetfLandoeerost; hitele 5HgusarI2 Set o. tbs leof tce ss ir »W« =tV beleLIN SY' -NOTED- STORE -MIuTONI baeDrain Tle. _____________________________ rat IrLa1eaisenseofdrainee, T Rnt ecWer, colvert and, de. pipu eselimney R nt * etiCOfteceItig 80sea 45a~ ,Two DWelioe.-lately refitted. tp. .heee e ervs sret. o-JOHIN HUNTER. ply to mlgh lsdleebd spl pelesD. W. Ccurnsoa.. ara FO SAL ORTO RNT.FOR SALE OR TO RENT. A aelense dWelinqt 2 sterey, titte fumeED tnsc, eoMil tregt. A stable on A Brick Hoosee eIte Binle raeodno ilcniuC h aeo DyG wtl PahmOiJ.110h, ytea.loi. Applyhnsae-oMilton.Atoradrh4rtwIlCni hCrSeofDy oostl DaVid A. Nom, . T. L., at J. A, FRAZER. o, Milto . REEpîTlu ent the ItFCbrua-y, when they will take Idtheisi Psrenage, Johe ur W . S.OfALL, lorehy.stk.Pie t-CtCtoICr et0apes1eMe Sumao 2 tc.Prcsatatiet l ____2e__NOTICE. - ns.eti ta = P'.. b. _._Tronto________- WB. Jaeeten. asth, New Saw Miil tcooe.r ygo- bt. »'-.e'utooalpsiCbyttdtC t elle. DsydA. Mir, . 5.-l t t .tt h.O Puar= oOof 0az.1cc _ _ _ _il_ __ _ _ Iteumn oferes.ethows- RauHiogplaced awMilml meiey.oeoOceO.. o.c fm I sa o ftA large lot of Remnants to bc disposed of talt -ron f h on . l".inS.Yuung's premises, Milton, g1 th~ e.e cr cf 0C.tto01b,:e- am ruppred le de al bindofetsawirg -rt.t7oe c.. ' My reccei tonakCrooi frsriggos rO=-n seay, Jan.ut pirneor orbardwood t rcemale rin u. d o .. t h. il-eore o t,,.oefr pîn oo 05 àt te. e ofe.ettheIp iom. Ail, bleds ot merchantabîs' men"2t ,md Ohemlitr e fr oot n t fo ,0,,o A e aétr Hlm oellE. y combat purohaeed il uhhoetdelivered. and oeaOcfOti t.. te W.O.r an foriOa DIMi A. Molr, .U L. lr. Cesteru aork dons teo rer. cowe i u aler ro t sotepnlue,00000e.'co Great B r a n goeoe- Large Blankets ac lem Willleen, jewellert e HCooete. ofWo r W.111,eicr8to. . tre a-ais ~ ~ î e ~ a Mgaria s.cl otos0. HfHOLMES, t.eocctere ofceotor.. aedCforeeoe,.e ný $3.00 pair, worth $4.àO. isAs etre, bth oaI -tf.Miltoe. CÂOSCALLOcO. CIHIL à.RSSeo, gais.~~Bict --____ lc.Oeor Appttrsee.. 9LbyHu-za eptÀ nWler Occcc. 00000 8" 2-i-Single ilorse Blanketts 50c. each. Heavy Nd, tydhyle v. Wraruor PLANJNG MILL .AUAL lined Horse Blankets $1.50, cheap at $2. geldi, I bseete Tacoma, - _ _ _ _ _ ____ W, Wteeal.ni Dasaeo. Lumber, Lath, Shiougles, am for Sale. _____ 'esalan Hale eos Pitckete, Cedar Posts. __ Feit Overshoes, ladies', aud gentlemen's,- DIXO. JOHN SOMMERVILLE. 1ST-That dZi.eic rcoerCoaths tNe" $1.25 pai r. inN rt-puedeccof lot 7. t.tro. oet O00ed.t.. Neue.aveya Soney, lI ~ 0. Oc O fb , tare.a h- er .8u b , eltha- a., bgvle etJame Mue. Laeeee,,agod..rsOwh. 0f etde.Lrge stock of Ladies'. and Gents' Bos k Lhnehess. su Tterdh ,r r il5 t wmedes th ce .nl.eau.etOh . Ana Glarvie. allaitd 55 yve.- Oheeno oc me arett . 0,veett 0 O t-l Hqn.ig, n onN. Wejrr. .I..cehlordO0eOl We will give 25c. off eaeh pair over $1. .Jm!esez.d, sed 27 31"aQat ...o ~:::.rorrr.e. Now is your tiine. Dete t teh st, atlberrosi.- thi eo anc one-bicee a f to h h . Teronte, Frano cs, Leobt of Cashmuterte and e.o,40.0.0 ,.nte. Lt " a in Ibeth yb.labe ite. m S. CON WAY'SIrTh eere thi[] b. -Ide . .«Ib,.eu1.-arcepat2e traaUst. - rth-do t.eeraheraai.g a- hie bb resieee, Lake opposite Clemeels Hardware, vO Oeec 19c pai, Ocrcc ce5c bEosem. Ouccuson aWATT. b",. ge.t et OsTille, ai 59______ n.tnOGel.aph. p.rn., Janay 5h. John Ciare u COL ~Ma ais m. tànthe am m Mrrleon Only the ]et Cg for Sale. Ladies'ra Untrimmed FeIt ilats 5Oc., worth Camlexprm la e.. CaeraLL,-AOteamtherà reedeuse Gare Vlla, Waerdsvs, Jas.n=Ia Mar7 Séntese. idov or sgolate loea <oIa Canhbel.M.D., of PselArt r »adnt ldmdanghit.rofthte la" John David.es.Eaq., cfG"t. Â&dpgu.'s Sale. WILLIAM C. BEATY, 0f the. Township nf Teafalga n etee cOenlyofetats, Fua.rInsavent. IJtdora»4dlspitue. ofan rtrnsadtueme by the mad Wg 1M»Usb ce% .1 o odl e f b istpmablsmoelsa is yT'cm 04 p, 5,1om Do Toui A&mire Yashinable Clothes?7 I bave a good variety of * TWEEDS.... ** WORSTEDS,. * OVERCOATINGS, suitable for FALL and WINTER. Fit and Workmanghip Guaranteed. Your patronage 'respeotfully solicited. WM. McKENZIE, Booth's Block, Milton, BASTEDO & CO. OUR-CLEARING SALE 18 .?(OW GOIJa O.t I.iIn order to reduce car large stock before?.stock.takiug, sr l m ae oilring Big Bargains in anl lins of F4umnbl.ttes, Unde«wear, ":,9 a& (Caps,<Ob"os, Cotton ShhingsP il~ ~ ~ ~~T MIPT8 LPMJl, 9mAI m F ox M8W 00005V Ladies' Jackets-a few left worth $6.00, to sell for 3.50. Your choice of a lot worth from 8 to 9 dol- lars for 5.00. CHEÂP GROCERIE8-.-& 24 lbs. Granulaited Sngar 26" Light Muscovado 30 "c Centrifugal Sugar 3 cana Salmon for 35c. $1.00. 1.00. 1.00). Get ail the Coal Oil ycu want at Ilollin- rake's'for 12.je. gai. ssGieat Bargaîns. HOLXJINRAKE & SON. i 4. 'J ~~Y.O$ ct k q Tf] as. naUL-.-W r~1 t; I j '0 I -'1 p c