tadournaf os Lreomen for flo FOA 10 CENTM. noonhees wiCj contis )b tare of Paul KeMbles iotereetieg toey, -- KMii" aigu te oponi synopsis) of Setard W at11tory f te great trihgt hn niesi lu hse noome.s arebit eaad Nes. EDE. E S ooth - n addition tc hu rootinu@4 ee Oive entubera of he Nw .BR5 Cobatu short storlua,. rudes en te opies cf th, aliant edilorial page, a ohiId. smU, & orreepondence oand departmuec, a Wcasau'n Re dnvoted o eveeything of ormcc, iecdiog a pateoà t rwoeyany won-u rmeny i iS a partiel Cee t i te acthoru l chast Cc hese five ooeubees:m %ese, Semard W.* Hopkin o chie, Yffie Adlaidu theiuosu hOlsis. Mary Lowe Dioldo mont j Y BcedolI, Hon.; Hery L. ins *1 fae i{yie Dallas, Peeof *w. W. thu NI *Williamt Eliiot Griffis, D.D., NuMnt Fredüiok Schwatka, Oscjar trated . Tltoietoti and othece. Garalit aeC qcectity of deiigiatfi resad. et PS rofi utterest to ail nsemlueri Nor miiy goco C touke theuNuw stms4t ccoR te 11t eect FNgeIIç Jtf C JOLcOONL evr offeedo t vuoih s pýe l' Our Potuescier, talnez eeeptioo Cv-ect cr yoce Newse. rSglos, iireceit' 'tottet C0 cecto for us d otl Tria litlopios aedesend aiplu ùceuv- ceYcti cati sentd te onclesC iretCto it. Tee it, and jcdge phseS oIf elitt a geéaC pacpee te Beasdo K u ;i.tcto. gin inu oihao Ni:w 1011h LEDGEP.F, wrh WCiai ,,, SCetce St., NY. Ccmpl arpervs Bazarl ORTi Salisib ino n sie tai1e iascîtall t te e )peart 1iao ýeIcc-laapsied teýl1ti n and dctaci d il e et -I la% trascreiit cb the les t Il 1a iiacctci tesa"Ia te litai Of "Nae Ycek . t1ai ditiosand fedll sa --eu tut tahapea. soilis taioaaeccceiecOf meots a, iltesaca caneec. ,4 CI( t ecacî peacCucat ta. i A ai Paiteec.csheeC sie a t' -tcs. Thse somae esdAIpti. l a t AZARI Cc pec- re rc oi aio uts i, erre- cer it ial, Olaeta isaaotias mass ca ao cri " afetr War cia 'N s -aiCiiscea Harcdicg atecatto-l ofAisariceb ife, tat iaaanýIaisaead pccl se aOcutil %vl ccaly tClas uc Loidy Naa ai'eeeelc cati!, all Piaitea M1arteoca. fitta, 'ta Flt;aitcee aie - tillil Lta ui,tac. c s,-I attta t t lahie seu Speat- ill ,,atribut, rio'lai, i-. ai Wtcit Me gs-il, Na,ý- ssts. Ca, h att etito .C Cc, antd c a- a ast oChIs l0111 a t ale tic i e , f-th. -ýz li/i egic t ta s N ahi,- ao taiace tf ea Cl I i ,itti atie catit aM titbie ofieaaaipt (- ia cat it alctail, a.o $ <,,1 iTitle ttc i a i 1 i ta a On.iîPtt itala-il aOlit i a b post aý'- :-lt oC"v ais -d ('rhi, t th tlr ttsore y,4 Bt! a 1 lc ca eIlie i tii 'ta tact Ca tadcsit-a ehatî t t i.ttialites ries. Cl sic als saer> ttost Ut Caîasa aiaateIy, aod seC> cT iltatin stutcd ta tet itia thagieta.,d,,. aierý Catel tatica 1894, tuitt Lits-e Risse>a Lii . ttt J-spetoec lice. tata, il ltght it iuoo cita ta td t tic caNsse nw catie eCile oa stcs Cjoltosaeoud I- les Jaitio ac laph, tise dit- a ;tradcrrecpondect auctet' ticu îttao,octu ca east lCda-oau, Cisc moC c ' lci-. as itfaen tc at.aP. tata cit sMri. Rlpt g Ca) Hccacaî,K' a IFýLy clu 1li9,acpep-c ,til quesoemill ýCl1etl ss gae aot mtbooi tin thecedtiailcalas, aned ,ec -1 cessice he Ciutigiete 9o i, eatat depaedmeic. Pocr tise Yi anodcwomcssahnae Ctita1y, acdt poeecia and, oiis .1 cartoocs, cilS tcotinue taras eu i-tac ieatorecs This eeid, a st itc hee acd hiodly- os ilac lesseec dasugsof thse remeo cn c cetsiac deparCoueue. e. Teore will itutc pcwer. , hello atsdtsasmetp illuestet lied toisade,- a tsring4 cf ldes dape, bp Saclcy J.A set a ncvel o! Nec Yorks, os. The Son cf Rie Ftae,1 by !uaetbower-.saceraî soueleites, y short liCries bY iucpudac Ofe o!thu WEEELT hasts Mgd fromc ta on »b eroarj eo=ct 1 tae Magaine.a asts fer.itnu4 Tise olumes of mits tlie Nsmunàet hec f eseh year,,i muetioeet, .toiser scti lieNusr oui reeeipt cf erder, ing, 5e0escoach" Titie-page asd lods Remittagomehn asffic Money Order ebasue cf Ime., Necteiapee iara veeiemet iheq of Helrper ABt esu btANPElC'5PI Harpere Magasine ELatpece Waehiky,,. Rarpre Olsear. HamrsounYeg Pet Ptagee Freue tC s United Stcie, Cas HARENRÀ G. E. BC cit a full soppi; Ocdeee rarofoit>'à livecets i Hlb And 8BOFT Tht ucidersi iîîfornn the péý antd vicinity tà th e CnaICsi pareti to tniti Fiord and Soft cash prices. fl"Ordere lef t petaMptly atanded 1 tbeýdo-G.T.R. YI ltdsc W. Z 1 /Csis~ tVî tomttcpde ttactise mue cltcpy emeforsw y ue lic c c Assiuse, ise odc bid 5 f. lLdisiebie ehae uuca tmVapn . Ue-c1 eeumeoo ouhsCs? oso isi s eisteds.s1 icAciespbtsaiet cCo ode .ot apýolasotdîei c. c egal uis , sgc o uescibe soa tbcl..t beesoroebmosohesdokistcaths--thcttt tj. i P ai nie a -ê-,SaN pqr ,te -c -Csi7e âbthi5eessi1 iu r01o m C 00cfioctcotfb f tcaiipcisr Ostss to StO it ot-tto - ieltJtaitasTis e""'srOe fCiocdos dr1. ehteea.baietoie1lofoitasc .cea birr ccc 1u ae vecet suisieIUO4co ec sar ~ a ~ ~~ 5 onos lse e se I senos ESiutg C. e eces iseC ect-totceebo11ea1ee-ouCbmso dese-cot>tpa, 'ets, 'udttac f pscisCha t D ~'5t5Seeuic reieotvei PuYhe711Cr_7 7 Cd Prits-yinýcues , pie -nasGo&4 ,7MCl e W m o Cie eir i onsh bes aec il cd lris. usc Fta-cacabcid gC cn. Comen ~ g ~ ucîg ad nd aeUsueê rator, iioeh iCec tu! e. ocs ots riato_-d e-ssesoc.Cic tots. Dss Iercecf estail is1tacc. seec.-1ia uihlillicrisoslsissysa itoe:f7"Sats1,14h u ,se a.,is -e nsyPtsPcc*i.,-'eehbse-meotsiec.,a,,Ctt OceO Cc ~t,~tcChut0essIêgiia isuclts ~%ZO~ kWmOo2piceo e ieiltO500dpeectcicite icCisect1roues NomCCstct-a Iiecf et Con bloC Iave Ies. I uiras eurig C iesa9-e M ' -9 , - , ?Rarcf Cit-O,'csa .ý iota tita ettefocCisir ecoi u~Cbu~e h,~ '0aulzv iaI Prl as re igN fui iso tse Ias i m reehrdisteouc cd baset ccpl teates ut iscec bp tcccttcols ats pck . -. 1 . - -esa- 1 m c Cuite! -em,",la7i Heim -',C -te_,-,-- t sotstcdtuse1c1 .ti.e,-,ao ca. oce m S, c usemi' siete1e1 eseoltucog51 1pecisse %..- ý. e Mmoutisou'u CNO.elt-Schc-h .uctose e -O _,ts m -h CIa site tcdt secitialo u to h c b amC csse- e Cotp c deetin reiees aet luteeo..ls tio eceis miis"%e:edd p r-aspatm Üt'io tisé sa ebeilgNlltioiic ldieg te cts acacesî,sWte M e-1 __ ý ,ý -. - he ' illes e&,,, unt-atp ?ItaliccoT firssgie tetumpron._.armoeoh Eg bg Wn t .ý Otstlta-es tae et=pie eetsm tucab-,. Ch 1 ""cfhuscdose r otc ua ule oeoa - c1, t s.lv i- -t..,-i w.â44 - , . 9-dg* â_4ýdfariheMe o smogI ON Iz eestltthes s rcel or anis. AS- O ehmr* ieau4.,e tusoeecCce cte ,G- .l-.4Morlava, unid hes Sisu bMrofcfoibis adoncpoynCn etUtiboAsese cY..er ellule tets-ytit thontect ttttact qs - i e e , L s s a ' atuttg i e C e T haiglit 0f roigbUd 1sl il Il . W0 . zulim. ,icolfetctaccýeistia oi.te t, , s ,etis. csicasseostcet,ts tse'sue tgoodstiat arewire tbapoptd o, E .. 1 ce yeoEM fsChre&ef O Pa th.erai, setsgaChain Cofthesuo ptrr5ae, iy sa.tac% r.no1cialî i ,Isorteple«esc--esoaa- ftisa iittodteisea le odqlseEe bl , AET ~ tsme ualnofa, Tisoàn iuetsuem eom 's, .tua eose O fe elf aCtesr !,eh titysmo CiePl. . Maoe teisicot ha .,,Otda t[c. cdilta '.rrctiicaiioe mit cf eue nsyiethe syricA lc.sbl$ C aheuCruactg aed Wthtlle taufaceçett" n' ébule solC in cerbatsrp.o1-1su CiscM.tpsttid1,tca1a1"wcet pet--tlcZ.ebleulteuehise tetce '=uaattcp,-abO(7.- -seue tse eisso t sar at , Q . n 0 1 stases mcedotiseuTîbisalo e, s emglC'bghecisttiect h1 J.isoglets nggoa Bohth . ees ia betsrdiu î&e 6 a b0i c_,tobue1f tsseo- 1 1rsicr,, isubto1ssetstDot tdu icoeiandcethesti iscltia50,5socSi a. Ctaaa _-eu 1 T.W sets - " ie ý O 4 hk theoseccre eo m cieWhieac cgeha Gotb iyss err ce sngts re ule etimelpltalasti at . 1019otasoti de e eom i ý-Nbnth ii P ëtla m d a M Csl aKicc, foce bgce Chues aoy. lons.soeqselM focgis-se.eYoureThisfci=s h adit, ' , iettit cutCu anao ctiscd ac tcca-s, ictso sa ..sss-css nCcat fendusn- hlkthi te, ý t giofibisdesoco, cchf b iu o f l u t l lu W l u t h ]l t- - a s h a h pe- ,k4lý lb d e e f r . h i M a1 ' i s e ilt O r d W er lo c o la bc s m e e oooc o ntrco u o ta tC i lcts e" t ist s c o e c ss c ao f theisactu - 'O ca i b e lad . W i le f o lr 4 *) Iêýï -: t,,-. rýe ý,- = h ý " 'isec l enta e- ,c ,, Sta le l is &w Co.,1uiueý - 10, 1isaTmeracehaetie dr udbue le at ul f ;,,Wil emth ai . Le U C'm 9,LVbr 1 â4 I L T O e -= Of s nta.. l., 't, &Cfts- tacataeau -tentmentean leis I l . - -nohcca e , 'Wsom',ee,îcdp"e.cu;nCdrmloe tellocuss es eitisoeetfor reftocece'.actai cc ttt,CusI or est istoal, cte efu'th~~»ic esls, of ;, i,,ste tsasotee ain i ng ± "tOOc tiethe na 'O Prrom -(» 8-td h ee .. "Tonisaemmeii ,chatltotony bt,« is Ie n L, fAacc vie etse et. . Bu. nuCosp ae einteiMptC It yth.m t woe si, v td mous Oct citnom"ateseinccO sdsssc--aîo as sa.a e alcth~tdceept td2bae2ýkie u m&..I' cu uer atd.F rmpocsrot sei0 tifetsh aYOeih m o tcr e Sc-eue Ce t e r Immtelloadoucsm cm reput rebmctsas ctaci l ttksIlot.,,atattaltnapltOA, cîeriscDtOW 'taei l Co Yt,,ttstotht dcse o ouu ,haetseeise, tocis1c1 tisogui ue tHe neof t ed oo ucotheo ubaa ouetclaid scn er.tc-sp hdttýd ' -Att0heasacad, ild mon oms -t1 W O 4 n -th etha. ec%" i'o f h e W htso u. ejiie fli P 1 Kai kindt ofrotgC.ant, drsee» îi- dcSCle es.eo apesr anCii soccisi eryi5 ltcrheChismu Crneuy 1rer. st hosusOfects tcg -mpe, ti thsecsi -aatieectCss,.a..seisi ette , itoder OUESTR, st kiiieth' -m ns bistac.Tioc,,t, 'fi uet blomie d.bots elsts itet si e uci heuc9II e oisesthefotiattcmutrshe cisusI cttsoit, oattasohyiis z by lutste dm5 1,,,oCimiee, setsaueco su sisitn. suait sito pce eblu, top isooboets siso t.ofd Thsia sta Cas, ofcO cita- isi ' uTPACTO]bt erSf ( dE ctki mis tio giintseictCaanadaoctdsUnit meoed gLubt artodmutssreiJs edus i t is u iribu ftssebellsofth lowmism heh . suu-ttiouca 'et e itsaeatdatCsttoCs, EViýrVùe shoul get on -GreatBri" bo g esSe711,sets fr " 5>-lé. tOgbýltboCrevs it eo nrO ghoppsrm ics hu plele ci Cis gosl Tae t lcp so Eet, tt inaads aia cuImtonnP Ce i5hat.fleamofimtsndeh iiCsc.esi at yth ttata cp ,ido tctet, s A T, t 1ielleMPO L L & W IJoeN Qh b a dsdoeoS c foin ghHe cret isth e eueeutriaSd.Citesa C mthesrin e m h o \sts lied lo n . . ý SAVINGS 'ddtAqoacat. ticlbsillh-si bida-s-t tcotmaiser .ii io mnuii mhcle hsCc sssisC Mseelis u osiimht, enori, chaiouca- i 5b Ahee e nadtOthe toc ts,,, e sissl odcua-sC,c,t atisg, priced, cil ualp ines of ,solil1 estueiueoof liaisDuend Anctoi eiseg1t90conetCe Ti e , of th ob t sue bcT ecadttu ctir ciat s-h p Ccci1.-Oic sta asaaaala-athcp.&ttc: 1 'OISferVtnatou. i Chocds eebitrisbearise--.mifrisl citaso,1 nustemas-.ue.' sas-stew I Cc. ihint'c d-dbte odccp1octspe l. O q' se- Fo BrgducI, idCi 555ceCai aetohtsandoPaeiCh auar, issecMteithtatatssef Io mb ss thtst tti taea- eta taistts.dtCid >îuwdicru CkortWonm P1ushoPrlod Lieee $25 o0s]Ie.;caeseharsid citChea ;, 1 lSeilDpgt l ene d a ctssueits trahc e Nber e Dt- tC tmibesahenmissscis ds thr o ocetholig,- op C .Ncci essoluc Tci- taci Itaacs a ffl h e t u l wj i t h e waon" gai _g Ù n l ý p o o p l ot t h Ole s tau tta c . I ,aso fattis a itT u ill Tasie tUd co cc asose sat casahaci. ha oastp tai ceocontaWcasetOttidtnct1is.hcofsu . meliepi t so, Ca mshcc .Ch tu'c esihesetfuhcmmcash ýlschet ltiliý, laes nd r uulibr elei oof5floC W.stou8stsc Im #r 5 malu C heO seut lies0'a ddses set01- oplemut15ainlitu fs ov uýn is u latlsadOrIIus h sets1 Se z iio.and éba sChu din itoom m " lChismeon cacauin, itise he tosts ing l'In' beIl the h trt. M AG ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sCm is le to i fo ea , meincrm oi e e ofar ted oe oar e ;ùa o ne1w ed an re co:; y hd. s o n s e sv a v r p- o h O g tes o tn m teccti e uCpla cs a,,cta cuw u i sa-a. org 11 A C icccsthcetacot e u rsand, ets 85. th an isnMLuate- c 1. F c cyopiroc er 7 _ Nc h h l t me l àsakeM u i hicrs b ec n1 h1 ýc .S , fI lae wLL n & p A Nm t o N , st s.t P o n=y R tta nhRo c k ersilitsethia men ta sppeme th. o!ory2co IIIarmiChOfpItord ______________________ab ut _T ble a d n u tis te faet t o rs . ýd ai h c o t y w h . û p o t s o e lat h istaa h loc e .r,. o . ýl i c f th o p sI.iu t di o cet i c i asciaksscd.ai M Coî.ie Pola . . .2 &saasuslin.e oeglitB.mailg tCh .il rem oTletisth Palctcsi si.L'l.copit c leusAhodaIslattdso pceiocd %ilinve, utreemere vfilstài setsWoralu soie--s-Tish 1o tegrnusgdmusa hý M enîca L, e a I v inue , e t m nthehA ndndaotslnsaCheTei IIClc',il ha te it, c es i e a M O . . " h y a;.. , " ' w t tut5gh dicrWaal . . . . . .Var.y..er.. . . lehache CasMdt teWtthseo otou onatriptaice. s1ýtailce ottasaCta cep"'Irl .set Stanley M tils cor idoos, -have hcispoliCite TIMt Û= bihoadheth.îecîsam race Clctc orsueosaM IelimucemdeeasslioC'sisassgisc ccStsjcdhCocCerbe co dce eislw eC.. 0 ae mee. ure o oouetro O.fieasn e m bave abC to haeere5C'>.Tsuee, Nc~iccd osdteece-l',ttmi thcegmamb D _-_NOETQNEcyhiseCes. tiIctha thereu ats ol e he eslakeios âs hSiC aite aguse fa O tero ntome ts iihalloftsddb-ao ou gihto là atsiuseesebt ae - t ria caccnW lIsa cc, cud eule cehcras, 1 t b l n d n d m a e u o m n y i - l ai s n, W a b e ' fo c u s e m c su e e d o u ti o a s h 5 1 id ta ceclde ttekr ,ta no 0de- re e Aco n i Cc t . . . j % e t e r s i, A h a m e nC o t h o m i h i l s i b n ' i .. . ft, ;ý - -( lu ý,,e,,,- ,ý l eýi.Ctý k t s sitChicetAtisAulr, virderma ith Bciieri o hmedseir a tcno s ofscIbog ee et 1c ttoc hsttccicg laitusceiehcicoidstlcsdmîin est,.... - - -,,esaesoctaeseo Sie t, tnmaP.,,tui . . ,ec , da h i ,,, ewn,-tetc ill oa oe ý ,i il ý ' I ie nt ofAllh erete hises a ts Ceau In useulMd cf.Cite ts teise cceeCe--on'Ttocsieh-colltethie e d hs .d fiseemit, meou ,,,gchoamoe y ,-- s es'suecmcouu us N scmfiy o dh a Nessfuit, d rMara rnis-n hn hs ta on a .. ' . em ..m led s e o r.- . Csite...,. huile tilelmo .... n A- SoN',vý,tad e , chocc n- 1 111 ) _____ __dd o wfiinth __ turcM'ae e heP isef.nladm e mi pll o is h eo tto sets Ci, bt peIl.er bue omîmes, ee ld.a c ting thetorch fu. ý - hW. ThisWady dlif thei great cieChMy itorgosraci, tiseoTccteo tmmptc Chesu, loufamocttsnesmone Centicce.IetcChuelecbluuh tut flts l i sse sTeSOTs T rue.s2blu ns r d ttes' ~ mot, . în hts eioJis ts mas Che esasa in èr ed e u Sera in W oie eam e mo e o ,th an> ui c ~giýý t ie t ccd t ue e c i , '_ s.h u11Imît 2cralC1ouste, t -eusc J) adussi cuisurss~~~~~~~ ýrlng mmie.sonui, Car nsheiuteeaMot iears ney uses selts !Coci f hfchr.to mduodlmefmee l"',('((I;u Psts Lah ad Singes, ash FIIÎTCLAS HARS INCONSUCTON. theclu alft o rsbe toou -1 nblerY I'lem f te O -.ý.uýýý-it.iiýýilzt,,ý,'ý""ý "-Y,,, li,> 1urie,1,cIitI. -~ te'. ictts ,il.tte, ouu o-. Ir -,,oo s s tnidsd onaCo. CM at eeS frs Ch g a ou a rf s , B li5ne crs, ts .c . . s lses Jlac eeioear e t A meO le aS uO >ac id. Doe yd% tises, - _ v n . a éngb rm th ra D w e dt u ,b tliite er o ,l h, 1u ý, Iiý 1" ?ý ail 1 :,i, s! chietO cuU et l e all e seta th e Mse ios of r evemein. sese 1 mssentpote 0f At1, ,eah ,itu n I ceel have "Ts,"Stoie amvrco taC iSh -- -tutu situe e llu9-s(ýv ot te be wi l tébu er, &5tenasa ihM, W lle ou is, mNewcecc.telirudushaT,,,,'oEss, loueme la co, md torts mfiemyshesinets Hg t ine Itesg,thcss ntaitstieteh.s-s. 1ettte ctasdessm jitsdntei .g . Itet-esif ga gvetinnil-ragwieenuiico Cii te Csi, ,cor n CIaý i fleg'lmal- -,- IjsilsA ta-b-uz.At arnaM_--ýw h"i u n ' * '<e î'a e utucolttasdltsoupsasuueorus aMiSetitibel.unpfories" vogeaue ac-., ïan eitldoit bave . - ýO âme m aLLADOKI, d tuton ofthe rlbes frýt wh ta el e lol en i iCait haedmeleal fum csoan o atl, I C cavs ieeorraC - I denavd ie m ,l t,oiscp lisud ccd ino 'i 1 Rý 1Ofur ad las ad - set ca _ e. e,! @ SSUu bou to fth gen44 mdrisi gelt eeneGhniCiuh Chse tha a u,1mt setsi, élll« le nd hal 1 1 t i o n s iu p p l i e d . . . h ie h a it , w h o m ile e. e m i,.. ]D EMYu l g s o r c . - - in O r C, edd d se i tr r t h a s n , = ý gi h o t o S Cfoi. " n h i osst a vi v c s C f ei p c e h - O i o . iss t. A Tetdis qa . W I N , L is , I e ESw O w . F e 1O , t s s s d et u t M c h . » Y t at2r e d re e b r f r ouu o e u o h a th a d b h w l f m b .I , , , ,, setsat f g I L n o e o d f i , I u . ,ý i h a l ý1lI al(l oilato oxe ke t c nsta t1vOn and SWUhIU wonerng f Myjauir Ms tz, Y tsutheSIdabea teasnezums7ler oyameejure. Ka SoOCetoidsCp-sfeteresuveYou rts !reus berIc L-Inircatciu'k.'li Ir F N I T R id ,;st ae e ibibiissof O u r ito s e emW ',, r fl. e s ua l t s , l 1 -II shuld llair th.menta. ý he Tlscalins, of te blnd ofthe -uls, Wih wpat ,e-Myamad," frcmiI TesectuCil.PelAidrwnom _0.st sast s o,~- C _-tteêustto WFr.ar ai s a d t ee a li h llbmesnpu i t e mti areb t aturofnst tltrt f5 liestt.,andusateh i5 :dju ue4-al-..as Ina h 1e umnicoleir lhartw..ditcs!, fo S T T tf i tS - Ic . 'L sen. eesstae ,Èîm1"ýIý,ýI -tI1I.t býýatiIý1.1ý-111ý.-lt-ýce- fý1lhptlne, OakB@droiliSuies 25 0 h srav tioote etny s tn he en 1 biai Otmtean 1 erhuslleil shuldAn asbhy ae frsm tishlIma Prt f t(,ilI,,,, iv , me baI citeI mes toasPhi %Mold Al s W.geel tag" 9 saisn asZtht.le tw o te irfosndss etstss wCmSimlOiecnr.s lo saLasIi1 . i eIni i t . e a t 5. sho tSecceh ce tisof h errs a e, Iss o u n al.in ', J ,Oo ..- -- S d b a d .. . f 1lMececascaer hatbi,,m elt w fd i' ord udsusIItmai, te litIle *sl t'sezSAtoru l li r , flhiatutdan 71 1- 1fithai. Itta. s,.ie. 0 f onaltune h mle lo g t i ov,1 à m d n l, ead a i g ens n h rÉ ic vrdt i Ora. m ret ol , fitoatisectee.ensL , 'Th. ,l. Ir fe dia-ki e ls,,n ofA r e lg t da s W t o c " av e n e t e Y u y Cutafc] as "ev , l is.h y " - T F.yl;uaT,] o k r .. 0ldlegJD N vni O P n ih a vr n Ykn n oultgt e lt ylr'.1ý .y L ohIP,, 1 OH f scr a., n.? bELo & r AiTcc, fcithT..HI. y, FnyRta Rokr 400A olsm ui1wldav. MITN O' Pots, kgte tlf D"C - JtOisC I yeOoul, aviHne ynI -mciatAsaceiudtatteM f tm frvrletth rbsofte epldàcraiîatr Ourkhir.ibh. A,, 1alleThvesier t 0Ron 1 .,, ruy-,,clalo m ls' Fsslub ve1,]itcblaCaltaoua l et_--- esr ie-ce.'.... .2snuco auh uoitrrbd t Ii hml probign'ih b a htîaI o h aro fOfa8,als er, n fynms ie6 0dt e"sh ntrud ht t-, fCe iseýýt, .eous fuse 1) Houe,_ Wno ha n ln n ope o h one fDuehre.ubadaaoteeli; u lohv one h hmlnWo hldevthný. lh ,,,fw..mn iafltoigtsee e.rk V 1t1too.m0î 8t...Te hieseUàe"ed t 5tiso>iýg I .. oi e.. ýI- e,ýitn,.s rý,o uge ull" emm"teCt fPlesW eesn u t Aae5uhdte odte vt udo stoglA 1nptOt a ýz.ýIgv iroe adsn nbra Se,.___ tegsupisMY, -rgitrnne nteu'tl% flaldb n zye tis 1,Wadte i rtr m i c)ttý,u r li