the ai a hundred 9btit , uh at 50 cu o ffleeveis and=BeTeeu wth Fuitlkl Thisn IfSn sthe gO4W ýwilI al be 90l(i stp onPia ien. as the Mantde are sure nI a c o u p le o f d a y s . R e a d t h o l a a Iqel$y ,,wmed -Brid and Beav eïloti w Si 55 EseSe,. Ur. Bmn7or My Oium see,, eodS l ee iE1 ieOPrnidbigmeanea dein.vseîel t Sey are. aeu ibis e . a n~sd equel« t.,SiS1 t e" â- tigeS tan Son, vi ,s*ssP=n. vbatever il- à" ee liptSe iay«~i~ saMvti ~ ausay propoes pewLs Me t.e 58 *UI thir ovu seesnt, sen sPd . asome l inn asid trsdaglm h. tundaeIai ens- L: cnetSte l .lg ani, e. stiie tSeDominios se fer -sud a s e th" ning Seu 30 o aSeeiete vtili estitene eorthSe t = t, examvenu~edet Cathean ententce. Il v.. regardait ase .ut- n,, ete 1ne i te Ietimpoliicin Sehave impridtesouMd re t ooe yu àeàvi u e ey on-Wiau of 187,1larely ,tbraughte vild hartu theepe thes eu jtete dis- gues niibis jUrio 11090de M nt esomeil aste S. r 0.itn em. If Llteral-COneervatiie prie. --151_.Oarl sîpiseare e ruie te ibis Dominion. 'Heavy toigh e load vas 'ti M. Iassee,=ulansd rndaithSe ,by unet roimain eteadlautly upo te oservaie part OfLondon buad fth epor ite #Mdeg omt Iten etfte broadest religions tlers. teasrnvinsh a candidatete bordeson fins eeneie tien.,' vau blbreeeed lien t o tieri Mn. . n"eetmove, woosasdby Mr. marie, te pe ; iiou «,adeintete MuaS, titait e iftutrepeor t fte IN 1871, whente redit Valley iiePeign. The tenet etfreligios inte. c tesioan5finane lte adspted.- Itailwa Cos. vas @sengs1a bonne fraie, Serne hI.d tenu hsld aotS ty te osnied iteeseienet teCnsty t Hltecandidate aud bis leader appearedl Dr. aobertson preseei nud rend the on o theConay OfHalt n quaUy villing te amieStis teepisg ithe 515h repert an te etanding cein. vbieb aiervardegaYe i sue, iS gave blanjn. The iva speeches lte made mitiee onsraiiways. a baud te the Cosety ef Haltes.uds, in London vers the errietaiatinal Dr. Robterson moed. esesdnd by vticb it uderiset te bild and mais. deliveranees thai ever isoeied tram the Dr.Webster, tai Ste repert ette tain a statian at amptellville aud mouoSt ef a meite, aifte lelainre, nailway eaenenitntee oadapted.- aseaeret andmantanetorosner titmsehleme tram ose vta, ferte tisse carrieti. village a varebesse fo tan ins8 grain beins aS any rate, poses maa tlitical Mr. Mcdonald movsd, uenanded tp or ater terre produre, free ot charge, leader. t vanS te veriest twaddle Mn. Hutceen, tat te Wae yaeate uaid wanebasse e lte oft cadiieni sysr beard ouside te inceet a tectair aud tiret Dr. Rtobertson tales cnpaity fan Ste trade aifte vciiîy. coutry detatiag cub, and ne vauder it.-Oarried. lu u tieis a emali sattion vas tat tase whs Sasteaad e it marvnlled Dr. Robertson teakthSe chair. erected aud aime a arebouse,and anstiretsobaasu ld pose asualeader îtr. Moesamved, secosdeeiby Mr. agent wasept je charge. In 1887, atter af auylbing taons prtestions Iban a Mrati, tbat îles tansuoette sassnt the trauster ai the O.V. S e the tea. Party. are bsrety tendnrnd te the Wardss, Cos., a brauab srm tnilt to Guelph. the--- Jobs Warren, Esq., tonrte able sud jonction wit thSe main liae biug about ,The large iaajoeilv gained ty M. oteios manuer in whist les bas pre. a sileaud.a.talt yenStotCasspballiiie. ManIer in North Toronto na dosaS in. idnd aven the dlibaratiansu oftis A station vas enecteti at tte jonction, Sneucoed outsiders tate opiaian tat cnil dorng the current yar.- at wtiab ail trains top and vbict bas ho vas an abie paf itiia ;the maoasi ed iýbyatadu Se vitoally oame the C soîpballviile trathis tat tcessa n opposet e i tse Dr. ltbar stau p ntng Se iau statin, su Ste oaepsy tasvanit pasible a biee canS tanetSe cci ePterdse ,v e mvd it agent ra Ste id tatiasnate iîelf, andi te eletora chos e btaiuone Pparae it. No ickets arsoldatteold stationteycoonidsredat te tisse tabate The Wreu assed Se eair andaunly eue train eaaatwayestops leunar eil aifte So. litut ave Dr. Bucksssvsd,urecondclty Mr. ters dilv. ressainled avay tramLandonu t sightt bcDougall.taiStte Wardes tisetie Tbe ypeope ai Cantpbilivilleansd bava teespssie tor te Conserva.choque asnte Tressorer far #100)0 in viionity are diseatistîed siththtis, sud tivenop Steacîirestiat aunable tavorof te townshipcof Tratalgar, te tirr presntatives taviug brooghtSmaa tad boe e ected tSa ill Mr. Mer. id in te construction et at the Hlalli.9 p te maSSer sarne tiss a ao aS a ses. edittus ponition, but it wmsnoS possible day bridge in te townsheip of Tratal. a'on aofte coast'y coeail, tbat bodiy ta matke titnm believre anY s saabeSrv gar-Let. appointed a aosssittee Sa get s legal aller tbay lied listane tef bis essaI Mn. Marfatt ssavnd, ucosded ty Mr. opinion on te C.V.R. boad and whetrer tait . The daaaent tram William Italpi. Macdonald, taS a grant ai 1750 Sie te CP. Co. vasnent tound by it. Mtlerditb ta Martor a i ta nfantOme ard Ie the niaipalit-v ot Trafalgar Tha aommittee 1aonnlited Laidiaw, able for the osscoammun ja,) Saurappleirnaaccot of ate klliday bridge, sud Kappale & Biotnell, barristers, aS To. vitb, andt Soan nectar, of London ,att te Trnvnnîîer le terby atsrisad te rota, and rmild aS Tnrsdnys tard bia spaesan lavon of Me- ieonbiacotqeefor te sase.-Lost meetiîng ofttheaoountyaoaei, produc. Eanery musit base tva, ParalYord Mr.Macodnaldssaved Seenddtb iag a meiteon Opiniona otirate alotsmttl atonîassrnt -ai Auchlianmac Me. Huiabees, ta tie unil a. namet iSrsstSathe rOsattat thr CV. tIlt atocra uceor tu Hoooota O ajourn.-Carnied. to IL. and te CP. Ca'yn, linving arnai. prsdseeon. iThe roacail adjnnrasd. gassateti. tbe latter aompanîy mostS carry ontte provisiona of the bond "Ttre oditor oifît it aitor i nw ginsu y te former btete oaaaty ot an;a saoanatConsratitotatt oaor Cao Th. Wsrdrn'e lase. htalSan, taite C.P.R. C. wvanîtent, ada, bt lia aosiars it cause for gra --ost es usaysssio fc icase ai an action, Sa ardare teSaoral congratulaton ainta av f irecit revont ou lest aden s esn a mate teChicago Enprese, eavng bigoted apprats rmateinotboi ai balf l isse ceinvtaosatci Warde rss Toronto aS 7.50 a.s., or teEasteruntepariy candidate -ssno ouiy d.t a inreintations Sais fmeas, sud Expreus, lesviug Chicago aS 8 p.nt., lantet intaLondon. bt d taaeti ia"eei S lageonofb te t roien- ucop t asspbalvills, bu o vaaid t SrangS taeinfluence oaireaConsera.s. idiugsao sse atte eta iniesS testopteater trains andtitie sunpport giverato bis appooant 5Mrr. h ae e otu ceeit as diacnsfer ai aise Sa pravide botter tation accommo. Marier ssay in te rengt of bia ov te alleursne Saft Saleseplace Tter dation. conteil imagine imnoil a sondar Pro. tadjonumet otStlae setisg.andtheà Ounte recomassndation o ite ctant.tstant tatsnIonseta oprocaiss tere atijaardsisgul S meatpsasr ite W miliete mater taa teen laid raven fintîtin ls&u pblie places tbnn in teeiatrdten di gei outeingal0 anti te Jannary session otte aoanîy marktsequareseandotheiteuoulpe, led lus, Stadiutg.80 m . ThS e l aouaail. letemeutimn an effort bolt tesevere rabota admiaiaîerad te a r Wosaexc leabout ne,)p.the n will tie made ta induces terailvay tiss ty tis Londona rinotion ougltteSa'dnnnyna rleSeutemu aampany Se rareryanStteprovisionu oft ouainas tim Stir tse-intnlligaea etfSeing as fllovu t- the bond and Se deal jastly wiuhthIaSe Canadinsel raicoadrssns aul (-lil iS¶ou, peopleofaiNanagaweya, ssirb ii ntSa uaatîappeain a. tie induiged in. Agaîn, Po ltv, ,r f fe topsd villie auoaessfci. Il ilt aielsisi delaralion on tie orotibilion R,to«,(Coto,, nih.Apple .el,,tZ Ib any iii te libety ta baye an- question wsuen a otnbigaîrd anc Ibat ,atTukyirhCanenie. I ater raîvay sit in te courtsoraneii-mintietipeople relentoteid it le s ~ Tie1 oSC~so', ,,t long. i8 anseofthettc Staîtraaa.ty.Act-ai. Pttrotonn, Cauifite, Tue seira Wn. PaliassenS advooaien, osho Saieve i in pple pie, Tb ..t W assina snot legisîntian viitoua aentul Inc ie,s ,- Lenîlnu, Nov. 27t.-Tt5 Standard ni cempeneatiou Sa the men engaged]in, ies, poblistens adepaiet tram Tabie say. te esiBtsmaarnaan lmieelaoninteJS ing teJapansse vili usaSl; aud toet baemive7 ltbts te Ma Maera WIA" Je5r, i SSte esaustard et Wei Hmi Wei, ata bv eyltl s.M.Mrei ieJly ing talplace tram terenar,,anti alter. persesal apinions on any publiea qan sve SeoreApple, ope. vards marh tae en tieuarenDotof any mament, but vtat Clr n hee Thesminster Gazette pntlistes te uays ia ie Officiai aapattty as leader ao, m îen a depait t ram Shanghai aaying tat ai ttce Cosernatîve partyintahSe On- To,, Cffee. Viceay L Hnn Otag ta tes detarin Leginiatora attracio seoins putlie Asang tasee o saS davnoe, n pied y LS t EmChang asIlbisntee' attentien, anti serana r oe expres ste membent cf te essty cenuil are. H e ie permitted, ltavever So e intene satisfaction Ibatte elan suce p5 fleve Pettil et Neiss, vWhovse retate hies putliefeuclions. 'e4Sera et Loudon adominiâteretiS te ite usable te tepreeuS, Judne guider, D. Osnte bIgbthe Ctinsse seSt tvo ucela uaatbing etute. uTeparise Hesdesn,M.e, JonWidis,z.IiP. aolussus island. The Japausse llred a PeliSone o MuStota, la mitS saliool tie Jets White, exu.P,, Win. Lalav, îem utolilsandt Sty rstinnd. te rosi vas sdnaated, vouS dolen the treader QOC., Toronto, Lieut,.Cl 1l.M,&,émM SaSSIe lated tram uoon an te 2t t ianus ai provincial leisltion, aud vs Sheriff lemente. Cessiy Attonsey r te oinibothSeîleSt. The thiuese macht trnMn. Marier vasaS acaughtiMatasrn, Steve, R Haddov aed G. A t made a SaSer deteuce tan ce anypire. yaug enaugi tel mate tint a hroad Mitell, J.W. EllueSI, antissen, W.9 viensoccasion. The troups e rs mootty ud L hors'"minded citizen." A. Lawreesce, lent etfCsuuiyOme, tram te Anuia Prevince, a tsv Seing . .LieuS.Col. Casmptell. Renor*il . W. i Saiued in weateru tatieg. The leaders A rasai Fihe. Campbell, Ces.eiy Tneeesee Majora mBtly tlloved teaid mte ofsat- PauSes, ceunsy Clat, J. S. Dsicsu, camtisaties, tat vers detective. Public Soboul S51 etu, aySenM. Senen tinde et breeet.leadere woe Guelph, Nov. îa.-Coasideratîesae-.Clsm, U .Mulesgi r eof tbiSta atienvarde collected .n t'ho tattleieId. ctorrent, ssiutiei$vit a feeling et AcSesFréea Pisie.Waneue IS la reperted SirtS 5.OttfJ&aeme and bornr. ,prenailed ters laut sightS. vsu HeneidmaiWhitea uSelfn 8,000 Ottneme vene esgaed, The Jap. a ruimer veut lying Se ail parie .ftheSt8a<srd Maniatt, 1T. T. Nanti, Ttes, auras fcesd greastdifficulty-i clitiu y vtire~ta man, tad lte0su tllted et EeyuentdeLiseus eesissd0 th ille, vbose eide lepe ai angî ne t oahs lm riaSlesoteS. t @_" ate eS.e.y-ma 8e e 45 dgee.Ttsy dlivered a groad e 1Sujton . Tt. w ;" m lmè» a steady atinet et arsenal poiute. Then a ' %0 ksJieeaam SvnteUea Otinese ver e Ziee diserganizest, bout inee, mi and vQne alîcw en rentire vltbteir Lessg man esnofu. ma Iltm% se m*-v à armu a. m oree Sd esiverd Se eamupans Mees P1), four olsWli tI *4I and mtai,,t mceîly re,e. out. d bte s te tay et iLe* . h .ar, AWevjoiessSunge@ terce sudan, reqseethSe à" Immt. Talien Wau, hit e rnscred iasteu ised reter ftel nm5f. 11111g1111 te battse200 Cline«e vPne muoed n ent to seteaSl'ir, IL S> in reveegetanrte Japenees ta gaadri%*, tees msSilated. Tbis ramer eesas n.JohnCase, eof ul ins lu t., frsatios. Mets au t:da a evrere iS W visloeoe vetses, Tentai Ksug =m eisnajuale. ' Ctimu o se pSepeve . .en te J4a*"e onsate mené Freush Japauee bavu5re ar i Thse Japaseeelet 50taud St. Atu n. e h Bïméa M evMO. 5-4 hm e te eeslvtd tees"Sa adeài5#d 11e, Sp Stenm*Se lsi~e fnderfaiettoude5f Thérvge cie luedea tepuletbave ta me:'deP-ewl diesde, p"a. hmb th aagee eldeef sxIhioz.ant»# al98p1Uois The .eeiamSe. o Sed eaaeilen, 5an t ae s in Wdtiam Sbes. Te atldmnhns lend iste hile sud Se manlell l ASel woStaa. m, Iderlas 1*la a belissiostarmeus.The lsâe, ki by Undelaie, Miler. . CAvasse Sta.euvsIN 10 va 60 MIN- rse-Oa etSpeiffetfte Srestb thrcegh Ste Blove, eaplied ith «e rMise at aeCaebleifovder, diffusen tis Pevde, eve, Use emfac othte e"aipasa"e. eeesud teligtitu nu,.iS reltevres teesusaly. and pnnmsuentiy sente Catunth, Sey Ferer, Coas, Miaulant, SmreTtrowi. Tousilitisaud Daatses. 60cnl. A J.H. MoCollees Japa~s Yen bave eMns tesa; 't top are lovely geeda, yn w iii resdily aMMe it seo. Forthe bosefit aoftaosuvWho tav. not sed taem vs viii y itas 'ta nevestgouda for.nare . Colit &0.- We have reoeiveà aetip. ment of 'tes. dirent bu» om O. loars na, utare plesesit Se y tsy esee aa y*ti4 yet les. ported. PBICE8.-bo, 80.u88 8 40, 50, 80, 65 «dit75, The. lisses vs are ehavteg aS f Md 85e. aera teh 40 ea i80e. WINDOW SMADE$ Te neye ent i,.i tlgn sud lassenoi-rIn. CelRU mase. ir fl M -e Y d-s cUuTmN r -- il - i'-t il Il 15 Si - "o few.ChildroWas Sample Garments, in sizes 3 aiid 7, at hlîf regar plie A. MURRAY & Co. 21. 23 AND 25 KING ST. EAST. No. I CEDAR SHIINGLES Two Car..Loads for Sale! We will sell the wa~le lot or part. Price, accor-ding ,to quality, fromu $1 60 to $1 75 per square. Termns, net <,ishi. We are not in tbe alîinCle business, biit tiiese have iieti info our bauds and must lbe sold. OVERCOYATS. NQW. when sse start to wrnte abouit Overcûts Lt1 tIt more at home, we don' seil tbein by tIlWiiundiedosL the" square." Those great big storui lJiters, douible biieasted, hi gh collar, wool lining tbey're the kind ouest dealers get $9 00 for; qoute have the nerve to ak$1}00. Our price $7 00. $4.95 At $4 95 we have two grand lnes-of Overptý ot that looks like and wear lîke $8 00 coats and irak-e a mi feel that-he is dressed. You 'can save your raîie e'v fare twice over by dealing at our manufactory, and yoie van (le- pend on having your clothes au well made and trttttîtted as any merehant tailor in Hamilton cau make snd tritti theti for yon. .1 SMITH'S CLOTHING MANUJF'Y à King St. East, ilamiltory. ANNU-MýAL SALE! Fur. -Braid Serge Fur Beaveî Beaver Fur and Braid Seal Collar and kvîe énday ' th mnuEC ims aensudn I ýSe est Csstorn t I pretisle. lvaimed on IS Mes O, barganaj. moede with or-,r for 5yearq n -Extra large, sdMondayoffltyh _vers neveu toaSt, knseiey. a prevnti%( o r' f or carrytig 1I"t leworth 25c,.ý et' bo't ,,,1 .aeaottct100 fn tS i j &utrloy otSa- doll it jt o Ot -Pli.oand nt ..d ls t,tOtt"a 5 nd 7Cta.o stipmeealt Ooisantd tebost tri',O e mine titaut .'o, 1,- here. und S7attt of Httt rouer. ooop.stts te lot andS ottoott tear, Marre 1 Sts- t.1 tf t,, tii, r.n nd le Ss. us otof i«ï11 i,, tt te tioar.d o t, t diphthettt nday. pno ta good thiov'ttt.o tThosue .0pat, r cakos. toe aatoand iao. Terarmcsi . N aGifta Ptsy er and Persian atv i the bes James St,,1m o y a , w n - o , l . btban, 1 ~eClothinf 1 y , g a * t24y;suay 5 leate eil âbledeeeteueSestte se-1 Se BneshTvtle. usTtedyl~ lame. Qsl4M, &Wd -10 e.mUrSe jS Mise. flulseg,, egeit 16. A U lilorgilof sav esre eaéoc SarahTInte,, ci Brnutord, died bons al btSiu idging ein tresS.1 Rishardt Nornis, ef Morton, wviee 8Sin hsaetissg. taildev». is@ gem ep4eded., etnlg hiestnruugh Se hautni. e Wileathall aswu prg in ait City Hall. Guelphe, lest Trsredm**ysl tst a smte, et tunglanin e re osmlilelth aS te reeideneeeofteroe-ta.a The tired trnsport, Warist CieSIe, tes «.rvedaSt alitas, via Bermuda, th vt Sve dfattiese et artilléry sud i8 ete, relief irsepn fortast statieon, row4f Chata. Eglaeld. Chaine eBe, farmer,,oftRaleighleth SevnetipKent nuty, bt ee ees se. re.arged vot Stusting William a Ellrteeleo.v to c a. leg ovieg la àg voud isited te Sepinater les.: 0. H. Wood, af Mazville, OnS., yenS al Se liorriaberg on flday sudildrev 10 55,000 te pay patroseof iSe, rbeee tan. Saies, Ounte vay hame tec mes rotieelhies at te vtale asseunS. 10 The eteamsr Oite c f Geongia, tram i Moene"fer Leendon, arrived st NorthtPo Sydney, CB., is s damaged condition.s Over 1,000 of ter laad efataSesd5 ates e mestlSledand evepteoverboerd. .A Moneal desptet receivédda1.2 laietes, urlutnS igtt aasu-Sesater t Tasse te dyig S-ighi. Min'doenre b have nvwataudoeed a&H tope, sud hie i deasb may Sains place aSiuy umement. oe Mir. Eesery's saavmiii aS Meuticello d vas detoeyd lenS vent Sp ateiler eu espoin Robat MeQuaerie anddFi A2Dleoegt, ci Oraugeville, vüe Tc hilsd, aed several stevortusen vane J. injnred. BeSys eenvater sud ls uasa. ons Fiday, a yeesg mas fedaàmcharge ef etot iie O CPR.-passeager trais. The charge uaaueedteounh te car vinde and bteens Smo laien. bt- no onue vas urS, A Bradtord, Ont., deepalth, telleteon, a sport tram Toronle, os Thaaiksgiviaeg day misStokatblackten pforna black equirrel sud fired aS'od at rioS te senâtof a usan namad Benetet, vhs vas veng Sente vssde. et Stesting Frunit eWstvud. A large amessit et evidesce vas atan», teolud. ieg a taipesesi y Deleive Roture,I detaiteg a asfeeien etfte crime made bytta pese, ud t.eastia ihsreier, usrre.s mdis mlS t e r. ouS publisted iSe Ttobne. The prisouer vas euaitted for tint. A large anneuneS etgold km teau fsasd iu su Indien massd lin Union Oosuiy, Tensessee. Fre" laies fotr tee aetg o e! nIt hleSey Seeus¶,jsul. have tees, ei* Tte tatoneut Shâititse(Casard 4 liae ssld emes. nlisg ai Qes.1 tevnin cteredjiid. li leasiaiedtaite Japmase d. Inuit 80.Sl0,iMOindemeSSy au i expeum.otite var.1 Thecilasu» of Mséegee, Im uTer rit-ny, hav e dia4a rayant sf 91.5 tor te aret et Bil Cenk asd hie ï s lauudeeeied Mmi Edvibr ABlake,1 vil a"fthte t.see uBrmé ParSe. t ieesp1aeélimtLeux. r h ( NI ~ j