Vitsa ylsv temta -dw curemet rapuat mw smbs conel w4 usuntaler esaaa II MI. COaIuIcIed1l".I1iVIvaI. theproetet pralastira Asoiatioa aclusia. Iàthalssratt "lNa,' rapbsd M. Mas2bealmlread- iiy. 'I a. sant rcamr. Iwvas bai tasiarai my raslgasllar onbui Marris lent, ami a eav têoU7 mse. blsrhosaid: 'Il erd tu hotaaa ot my du" issteMarrislutaitis a sss. lirve isbsi a. tromileeaintelorn retlu atrlahe Otario lcttsatsJae, and,, Saly itatieg,-say csalgsatiae wua roptsd la July test, 1S proueaYD ira iDostosesystu syMc. MaRBbari, raflatisa povar Ibbt caslmaaoo"ud tisareporter. l iii rat"' dalarai Mr. MacRBaisit emphatioaly. IlThiaemslaoe idi sut crameeuitthamasipasLu m." "lYue dffrai s e lareof pallcytret" Ilpamses laeraporter. "Wll ,Slasgis thlas objectesouthtb amstâellorvaes arransoi1 couni sut -anep t the plaliarsa laidiea* by Madili at Strstiri or Argrst LSla. Ater roaaiig abat speechst damided S rani usevsr agatn ehlcug tuthlasoaor. atiea. t rutaiaad àsapril t su&iron- ity agalaut car Roman Caalic tller. cioss hat S carid aot endorma. S saver ralisuriseraise tesuagh doctrinas. Fertisarmara, aI tbo meetingsinuBamil. tluot Jsnuryaction vawtaLekeranm. pallqer Ibasrsaofuttisa riai ta volte rtnr l aielssofatisa ivisioral cucila, by vhieb "otontarr trasiva mas araîral the voe ai bras or ftuer tbaesuud. Tbat wvasaetitg that, au sn irdepardort mun, t roula not au. dare." "lTissa tisaplattarruo et asar mnt havaebasa getllug nareransd morerecnal inlesyouca ama a mur. ber Ofit ?I" "Eractli,," raplii Mr. MacBoisat. "Wnh1a;Sierrit t aecnuerrou tisa rapaliva doctrines cf ta-day rt1 ucvaar onld havs issaume a mambar. Ludrsirai ta ba puraly a patticri acgaulzaliau, bat it bas lurnemi ut ta boaasaeoiatiau tarmud.totamtrncisa esd hyatt ail mac vba ara Roman Cthia,prrsyad simplyoaamoneî et tbh rseigioe. That i.e smthisg sia tceuduot airascritb, sud tiers arr a tiosaesaimore visa thleisas t do. Tbess offensive dactrirra bave brau iatcodrcsi by aclique, aifvisicis Ma. MadilIlantise bond." " Tissu tisaralea Whility et dis- senelua biug raatr " qari tisa reporter. "lThar. le." cptieMr. MacRabart. "Metterasara hy noseassharsaorium, aidase hnilrg tavards disruption or- Iesr a big change le madeisteada. ministration." "lier ara the tarde ai tise anar, M. MeeRcleat ?2' " Wcil, the acier arr sase 290, sud I bave lite rf thala mgasy." said Mr. MaeRobart, Iaoghiug. St. Petersburg, Nov. 11.-Tha sa-n temimeut ai thc roairseoftheba lee Czar AlexanderI. t risplace in thr hCathedcal oetlSt. Peter sud St. Pari. A thicistageavslapsi tisa city, bat the papulace ras atir t tisa sar. iet passible huer. and et laes sama tisas tisatreope istailiaita talespart te tisafuccral cremaniassmaursid mrvirg toarrs the positiones aigrai le thora. Tis a at>isral vas packai vils ditiegatseaiepreous, m nte .rcpreoralativasleoft LàaIasSrl anda Rylaillo ornEr'aa.Th ralî service ras cueductaiby lasMette- politae ot St. Ptrrbegsoiby aba tisa MtrapdltauoetMasaw. Tisa farmer roadacti lasheCanna ta bar placea uar tbe caffte, viicis rapssdinia tete iîe isenrtrsetfthe ratiseiral.$ The Czar sud the tGrad Daes andti thi ascbars aithe Rayai tasailisapins.1 seunteookrp positionseone asagit oft tisa coffin sud tlas:sAmy miilary E offiears luattaudaura vara gropast baiai the isa. Ou tisa laitmrsashlasr toreigr Ambassadlors adMiaters and t thei alletaf, viila greupsi arrrndinlu diffcact parts aiflise cathodaial v eerstleass islsgeliansetram Reasai ritias andi Sîrabara, ineleig thea ramer idlagatiaus tram Fîsura. t Tisa iuralriceyorbagan t tt.5aa.. i sud lastri autil &bout 4 o'alseis, Mreat thonr airty masabars et las Rayai a heriia utEreaa.attraici hi glittar. ug r s ptev repanat. Afltralas long servce, tisa Cutina. tisa Cuar, sud oalar preanat Looks a let tararar ai the romane ut Alexander it. Tisa t Czar thsa laid the tsaporiaî ma»ula avrrtlasbody, ard thea ruffwr iad by the Cea aidertain ai las t Princa es uita tamis. TIlle M.afris.. t London, Nme. 1.-Aisampatris ta The à Dsily Bavasthm St. Petersurg mya-. EmpaerrNBlsoansd a" âese..Aile viii tanplasaron Bov. 26. hassm4. 1i vet a:r Mt 2PMI. on thstdal. Tb*as utid ba u àsS Saia ta abs leinstatha dov51seV.e4- ofand DelrtP .a Be sIm o " a- I Wcss. in al as sleta l s' Se bis Lasira ap"anisasSatard« abs am. Mr. Hady tala peple Basy rBos, air sitylvIt sti orontse arassiraJuttas fothaal Goasmlrmt. Tisa G loea M~aid la saathtag. The positt ionlas se o Iaia iipa rg a h apand th reùbt go tatiesaosrt et app*ajl ltal' madeIsl yFar i M telro seg l p eps tlasédartal F thaas perple rthe MarmePlme E . ing Johna Bariss vatle Qageal le bries bîif liisma. Tbiratuma ama, lima ite sani. M:U -r"i ntérad tha barra. Bar heauaCt ~rtihiea aay,tfounaahbasa sac tise. Forcingitu-a panel h, asdaararad ta usiastar laa dent, aba ho va sillet inlashaa by amsussil las hous.Tisaccanst@ utheas r at tsalims rars, bridas, Mrs. Brenne Baris'falasr sud bis malra-ir-lai aowStusrzoauaiPrtrArtiser. Part Arabar, Nîr. It-rs a tuar vas liritarsioff thes Kamaiitliqais Cu lust aighl. Tisis origases bradds acraelasth s= cland tvh Empira vas agraead for Bseahoun taytag le poeu. A bsavy matrrly gai, acaumpariai by a bliedteg seovricra ragsd ail ruier. At nuer la rasihar la isepravirg soe. Wh-ra-artsas u-er vrdaruY Alez.lfcDoaaiibas returraitrcmà hurtiag aaprdisiar ir Brîboha asu brcagbt withbhitetwo ail.,onermeosi andua drar, rbîhbsho aims goebari Bilct hisaraît. It sasatclaaably certein abat To. routa viii ba trissajire the Eastern Rasehail Lragao rcrt yaar. Ifscc. sathet Cbaalie iiadiach, the Guelphs itaple Lai raterea, or J. C. Chapauror manager of tbe Brfataeulr, ril managaeat tftisa Qcasr Ciiy. Ottawa Collaeadateatrd Qcoeii'i et Kingston, luet letaaday in tise finue maitccortbe Canadien foctbsall ehemý pionabip, Rugby gsea.The screa 7-s' Frlday cigist' ehFitzriairicarknock. ai art bis partrar, oa icda, g sffarbaally tisas ha ravra me tc time againrasud uite a ca e or. Bcisla art au bail. Be may ravar getraehance ta ort Carbatt. Tarot are erra pered tisearcon en Masday avariar. Vhay bail gend je sud a livrly gamne.i Ths Milieu Curling ririsie rader. goiug rpairesuad rcill hise cppliaj brs.gorrthti i carporationr cr huom a pipreatug eatwbaiog pau n Miltoneuernhofr a lea a tae scc', spart. tise. MBrlieanud Dar.McLarenao Nelson. and Archir Metiiisie.of Kef. se, get bomeaIst laravecvouirg tronm Oablsy township, MuBarbbhiag. iegvwithla thoaorfise dor. Lt sta rogbt Iihîy gthat the gamas lare wilhrard ita iser hrotiag vit beameadd drs e cs minesscaian, sithar hy the prohibition et the billing cf dorr tac a tersa of yearr or thut at tie sa a.f doga. Ths latter changs abSld ba uiceaa. t reldisarais out a lot ut allsged boutera ris coan ssvarssa r if thy hbll te hoat thcm- op fac thamasivra, and athe culd ratiabat as thsy rerli hc &froid ot ieiug luet lathabarh iftlheY lait tha modaisd thal,. Lt raid praensd to themutofberbehet, wrb, es s îuly hy deffaru rba carit bit a deux wilharifleand is ruae rrlutsiethe waeediag ut mary dear gthat gst avay @top lasehilirg et duar instelarrr frasa canser, hiris je ragiakdi y rsuy siparlamans a steig asu rah &avsutageaoaithlanimale, Gse. Caapastarfuthlie plus tr:k tripl BltesNigaa Fa, B. Y., t s esb: bou Willi,sud visila streaMO& eau ce th. eteinbWaote a vacy socaialsuad boum* « Ma~r 0a s. . Iaa h i~~~~~~~à sasa is h ezm ha SiIa dl2>ail s r rasr .5a-asot ayda m bettq * arrveiaant te eaentyt abs st-Bias.ihas. s W.busa vri h rush= t atti ai vedSO aM. sia sah9 .a14 a21 s as m rrtuert6.ashyY car a saajta bsla rih ai a, *t .t bar,au§,draiystpsts rpdatimm a eailI h aso uas et tasyra gmsulthedar oiv, sl mibu fr Fa lice with tm a c 0 n; àlrsa v ý w a iur tia1 atla' s frc atsdarararwas fortafvrble - Thl~ aasfEnoma. *Tafer s O tibaavd lassort friloeni &"@z tîsmd4 ,ân aly it potbo xpllen dP ra . A sl s em lai tsl a aai sf grrea.thaeugamartatelaru, "sc bs 555t1g,*b aslthora lelbas sp atcviera theitaiy reotare Wo un iil lÊi4wnc on lar-tamicr i a heas o alit the pen iarthsa ags at ie sralle. Wbstadlybae ratfrea herIaia-aaaa am. rlata » fron dTisa-Taésthe havaoodsawar- rnhia e rr visithevasevbait bia he baste . aad Moa , escot au futhé n ert tde abs r wuldms vust b. sarrat ri Freignaeylilar& yeteom Icisilabl ra saI tay'ttragu e rathasaiseIri tis tonsula Tari ,î hlm, anbirulsea utrpsabrmae v at ralau sa tast aftheby .r bi artaiartae ataaisat tia.rABra als atoétasdogetartis e ab s. Beane o itia vr'sued " Y crieaitaAcara St lu tiprtetisa, prsap s." Woitw hoaa i Mlbosiadt lias lohrais isa - I t h caewthiieseStmurtieSt thsfreet ta ettravol sY I Nartbin dieertis, oorctisaeqUn-tiartai u nw laaOsr id TI.u..s. I lvsyavC*iy aasag sd t iTh aserrla brey.ails, in A.ayrtossfisst lat via te bv ho hs ane-mrtei sttemet siitisaon av. asimlstislia t as puMise ."Pre cdA ES . sar, asurna t otsac initheii eule tsBptl f ac lai. ilNorhsdaSo tan rasatasnram arr" as t sebrrlaia, vaa aiea r aI PislAftlislTom cbir ama C'a. Tooso arNora v.tta &5jr a6thfr94.teyaastBsvyas. ud barfactar. a fram se. Parytriads Lallr. Wa maie itheara tisauastinta slaa... drplyapprsiat abs rtarst vsin alo, ealvRniarmn tarJchtiai y rm usa o f t aeI ls i ar v esfo r a mpk C i D . A v a, s u d Mf ia n d C arats mA. l e sn art Isa k, se mcht sasetalaisonarselrdi me eta.i yu a es leai seemaaros it arit ta frait eahaiNla allagai le ara sa'e. fro norffs rsgcids WnhrMvlason. d mai erdate malonr . Hie îH.o wil ra tised yar, fir bh Bs al.dtals eeidcsdor. ete aa 1, ILaas muasu yabava dansiita to Thebagst fiiaquqrtr of a . cas of ther1Isst aiIbsar my braIsera, try at Nattinghsr as mdaaasyad s yhaed il are me" Ws bavr extensive blorikofiboaginr as IZa latvst h r er.r a ale sse yar tdihiat. el ebrais at grand donatiaa.;oaraf ai r c sa a r amenabaseonsop sd sy Brosn é; Ifbora buay mtuaoftlas maraiag packs. CmarY, viahbi trsarusigamanta ig it, sad teerd, t tbisis, orly oe rof lasady tur SM taaute saAm. *1en brIsh ava spabs en ti h seer ciarmarst, aau vwiisi as bers: nissapsranduavi iihbavr al vaurajarsmi. Tisa dmgJele slmatai i et 5,. be apaisal, and rbas amply. how .. Ht.B'so f vsasbava tsar vold it da o tasentai tisssata Mr. tbravraontaoftrksytlasam. J., D. Irwir, Cmaaiar ExpraesCo., Tis anusr t inis> dapuattola sud bava hiru frvard ta yaai Mil. tram Swaziland, visa rases le Englouti han? -Will yau isily les re barifsta asthe Britishs Givarasnt ta su. yac th i hat viliba the bort way 2s aerety bi aetatd eTa day rar havr 98 ich chidraninr "arr tgaaiyrummtave ea r TQie vard anda&boutl40nresa, d., svan rasiilassansiueynbel isaslas sas va bavs a vsry laga tamily le pra. a-tata u fstsrra i absMarqu vida far. Tisa horsehorpar ield ses0ut I, las rIsws th nurtah ta-day that it laies 10 quarta ot truit t railaata rssr0atmao serya the rhala harsahald for oeeaS, ArCa, taLtai aa-aIs.b oabaut aevee quarts for thr rhlirsa nga a, gat e it laythe d Mocns, thaera retisaglitt; ram Milles is rfthégrploty. nifie juat earaelly hat rr sari. Wr dao Dot e Ble isbis rlsh -yor rarld cecevricaur gaattfri aea oe nhe etr tITa thasa le ach ird iriv hoa serauloe arfrOosai iisatffor l lte rrou gaaeraarly gaavetacsa their vistar ma sig unisaa y of rroraiaseo ,fstoeaoaifrrit te the litila si nssd Wealisaa day ut raralp. BHeasYs vila siaaera thasb ~taamaslspr." .ltu favar Outbinthe asart saaatIy7fac thea fassItrouble yaa bavaei9 b' aseruarsma sud aspublic tahar u-ta rabeaaî. Bliava sas carias oenasoasSeeday. Tiosrata muai, taof thlasContitsa Sau ab, Very trrly yacra, bat witela1 hais mas Paople tedeistas I(M.) JeAu, BaiamDaxrc.a. inamuements la Eurape aonSeadays on, ee' A..C Ishvai nasmssaissdrada ai thruaais ~ Ssc'y A.t.C f ai-lasraggta shuret ai S-aint las mercteg, a mateaai affaire aba Usernonsar- aOtslr. dmasnet LaIue " ta se Ieud S. h. Na. 7,TuràLGon. rPré :'licn lb. "aes" ain- V Cîsce--Malsa Trais. vii se o itishaliAbuatis, a ast IV Clam-John 0cr. maisei ent ala»sa sls b BrIr itClos-Bgar -Fsalasretri, bhorible tory, T-taopat*h Chatec Tocis, FanaI istebaar, traiailetaa bs alg Teck, Jorpar Bavas. etsnst= ttsbao aun laft Jr III-]&y, 0cr, May Fualaaraia, Lardas boý Ethls Bavs. e as-as M Ebfaé tês~te d isoa Jr I-Teaay Wsdiarbare, Ganrge yabsath.tasý i UwL a sa, 0r. Mat ly, BarsaisRaid. u oon fletw Oiol Sr Pt mmt-Es sitlaa0cr Dargail sa0anov, m&&s ont, 5515 *irfJ a e5 Rd PtHByMDjgalI, Wllia aa o b t-Wsim AlAiersGordasnFrathér. - ssse» tk T.Iracs= e 11OurOde fi tOas ~ * ed, either Éor- c.Oiur Cloth yeaes, and -aýe.;b 'rore IIOw desigus w NYr k, and gparantee"l ( hieh e chiefly ail of, the ci-rapidIy. We have thî.e. sýý Iyer bhQuld sec hefore niaki 5, Black and Br-owîî,SerRes frwNavy and Grecno -ions. Manufaceturers' sar f cent, under their acttual valu( lie# mq:3hldren s W aterp oofuscx crv *d Thel ký-eQ&should be seen il. ii Am"MURRAY & CO., 21, 23 AND 25 KING ST. E.l viSu.For tisa bamit eOlf wsaiA04ra usadtlsaru va vtlte-utyit iaib neavst grain fordljni Oe' &i.-Ws hava reaia a aip. ment oai hesadircI frer taise- hUUan d aseas u t»aY lasy ceepoa auytig yat as- PBSOEB-25, 80 55,885, 40, 5, 0,15 sud 75as. Tissa lierasva aeshebavtg cM25 soi 86c. ara verts 40>sud S0c. WINOOW SHASES Ths naset stylea in iingan ani lacsrner iu. Oeil soi se- cuea quetatianu feray aisesan numbar of i ais. CURTAINS Freca Bottingisam, Britzeas land ani Gemauy, vs isave ar- parlai las vary nvtnewwaipral tiant dasigas in Lacs Cuelainu, lImas Cuntaiu, Tamiser Oua tain@, Bressil eOrtains, &a. Sparlal linos ite c urtaiea ai $1, $125and $t 50 perpr. PORTIERS An immernsrus i P t.atadretfrs.d saclat linse t $4 0utpair. CARPEUS -n Âyremais a bot lCapta aeinteraatg aboultrs-olsan- teg lim. W. auli riis ta ie- tarir yoa (far va isoar yau aua -ny li hv ave rasaisi =agidst range ai Ber Brus- sale, Bar Britisht Amimeltra Newa Wileon, NBwAbrtssTapas-, trira, Ai-l-vai Ospta sui Uniqus, in tha vsay latast de- à",Mary 0tcf a iaesal de- igns aracharan ely by oaesas OILCLOTH la a olothing adv£rtisement. It tells about snits and ut er coats, about a man in the parade, and it aiso talks abolit morne, wonderful valuies, how a man had a fit, and w licre lie got it. The prine of the suite and overcoats $4.00. l'ho nuits are in good dark casîjînere, they are well made, have igood lininga, coats cut long, and tlîey'1l wear longw(thim jonu xpeot.) They're ini Al regular sizes. Tiie 0vreaa 4.00 are brown and a gray feul overcoat. They're pretty good g'ar- ments, made up by a man who expt.cted to get mîore thu;t four dollars for thein. at wholesale, but bu didn't, boutîlt a buyer who bad ioney to buy thern. The tirst iuain \ lu( bought one will be a in to-day's parade. Re bought it because bu said bu saîx one just 1k. it where lie used to trade, and thuy wantud six fifty for it. He imagined it would bu coad to-day, as l1e wears a sort of mothur or fathur hubbard, and bu wanted ant overcoat that would bu "lout of sight" undér. bis costumne, and stili bu out of siglit as an ovurcoat, and no house lunldte coula fihim up quite so wull as we coula. 1e pruttv ceai had a fit when be firat lusrned the prioé, and wben lie ftuttd bis size bubad aperfect one. Do you ued a fail oretroat? We've got a sÈ& and wool mixud one tbat'l fit yoiu. IV juat $6.50. Look at it. 8MITH'8 O(RHIG K&NUF'Y 5 King St.East, Hlaînlton. Il yau intend seeieg yar zooma vilhauanOiwstlaor LIna- lent, ofor B EngRis OillauOr-ts -ud Lcuoeaum taestrl e ruM. MCKAV -BfOS .I?11 Had Fail Sui 3tr'~rOPENP&D OUTT! D~P ii ud aeo tJh, atýt shapes in Ilats and pi'iee, à,a ~ is uButII otfoqICl "bar. for t. sauri, yo tIe s.Priasa0t sins in cl elaawiere imady asly 'Tin ]lai, Prir na150, year F haale. and jeu ouiy 8c. Leathr Manday eriy - iargain cdaya Tumbler are 4 Areatract ofC remerdy for 'B *ou Satorday P I l .a îbw i ' et o p gaond Chop- P, ~Onug JIppieii eC Cïo>ar 25C. ti go 68 IIKng stW News. bav a geed sptec1 i. ibainr a .,e ttad. Thev -Tse Ladies' Att bsu rade arrange tecart te be gic, taaore etChistmtas ndin Eertaiiemeet 0 tsa ili l,11 e te a wLati)acd luia 0 for aewisaerse, %:c.V i a l liggiabtha . & a bacaryee et the i or%, birwise and saveci t valpe je theeeeenrv Ce hea&u~artes for goedda ta, eap-eor. kinrg cc ailer. tc cnL-Te finl e i v Carreil fer tis îe t the Court Hoee0e Warde Vareu 1le. ,ý aa,,isch l 'L , aatiaq.- 1ele,,e a r.rteeeai fi a. \Vee1, uit*.1. t T-11, te o. e ingte&arai aill tloer au olN asarel. Ut Frue swlîre ieu, in rida itregrett ee lie g r a t i et e r c f , f e ta leand Vcesit ', li,aiI aiilelas ta ek 4r ti ios e',îepiîe e ciel and wise led Ëai hic rlua:ae. n cir A. 1'.ut ccjta an y R. utu. f,'e elcyva, R. t poR W>dreî t]ualai diala bu )I,. 1ut- e a. Thee e-i acat.ed. Adret-.îîeew m a1 y e rs 15e si havej t cenivS bairs, lirened ne.--- joyrrri, tien. i liber Shoeet ,,i Bout, paiand ra,; 7 Liieaeî su, leî$u83 50 sud Sateeday. aetar -tia- &Ç Il dry andi 5 ht- adSe met_ -P55gaav, da-, ma aslied by al U ýlh tsadafadart la bim îa jr fer a lise piai.-ý IL W. Bcyd ýst qua] to Post C t1 j 'I. L mq MIP