t IrE I A.G.M. WATON tlase isp tae:'zsiiua ol Lmaiobn!sa4n~no oniu MILTONBRN CH. ;ts;dt:u3n r lie Me f J c'o' i j; k 'i -n A geeceal hctkingtUetnOeU irses - racefldemUn deSrttiege, chic eclod. Fare' con tesentcoctd sud uben lot domsticte te teg ie oftht 8ecial attentcon given te theo lection phyntecal tccome a- monder sud deligi of Commoecilppe ant Fermona' 5goail osanateiral semae. Thce Sigle Scie Notes. Blooming Crom hby iun elljoet rad Drofle inseulpaycble nI aIl the teeco glorifies tho dartenuofeune er principal pota inoCcnada and ilUeitsd nth,cand to thon citbtranu.ftbciv State. cafle ou rot Bitate booglt on cfait alicntmomcnteey tdes of tbe acd soel, mhee rbath note-ei, euoircr ber nither bote il enteted boite thheie of ete tconceivo chef Dodbah epo SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. pri o s htloue bco. Detoetîs of 91.00 ced upoueds e .- guicg opuen thin mytiuteou. 'cloche, uceed a eestulnioed freindute a whaebo5mie," areceeg lisecaue of deouit lu dateoufowicideccI. ouet oieadry geoond," IL w4ce'. n SpocilDopoife so oeciuud et nmoto oucle the oulIicg fhue': coceaesro.'Tieftheoumieioaorneocouî pii 06E0. W. BIlENT, Thblbaoacopou th ito ogh Fionethecdrycondciteeed cactlus AGENT, CMILTON. Voueue o vsionofuldelijbt. Tby ptale gîuoamieg chileucccibathc Aadjineeet of erae, -Andul uI fy clueioueofachiocicug Eveey ciliteliy lcuuee pitueo, wch oe 'Aiewehrubath Chudlcie iti,. ]iruenste eiciby aeociug umauhidTbyoocuscourioc.iy iuogliu oheueIfliuuand csocua al bheu No pretioehaudhbathemade, sance, icllee flicemoracl iuagination, Tuo pore for gceieic Cght of bu isushlue iemi'ou o cu )cje i A ci.utcr, oiiuc I El 0« n goto tuuibC,crecueucossbl,ueeyoreiluebc hy ucîuineîtcoecoctd. qluaîboel. Agetiueogouccc.undied orue eeuool houe hei gueocLoe pcoblcee u flifc, plilicol suedisociale ov' geoc je coupelocclibc eouh cf biluet, licol, etnccl lae iot eCfiabereamliceohpcubli sb,.cîToucaue- couceie,-ceeeri, 'itaccucdedons cclt.ecoeu-,e ea ,u jceteounlcraeh,o,- oultiplie c utuee booicle- eccueest O)neeofficureusuuc flet edem ICoibiccteil,huch.e licc ,il catiespiritfoici iustelyceosiucbcieeth, e'iht e'c1olil> of igliiui' cect' cujulu Su A d passesc , cl, flic, lu, ignoreeorerosetfileinc ioccalicce-c t lfuuuceeseobl.citr-ln bv taluetad ceelche'h dufieence Whico,ioocco,.fadelo uc-o uebcu foluguemafn. ucecuucAnd c oooulva '"l 1,î ccciil e 1 âlio ope diuenof e c.o ielaic i . cc-coi cucul. c L. tcc Id.ii >, l i.auoeeeclicg uled-jocdc. losie ulo h o o lv flcoalc-utC.sco eaeIlcl'o heL oecialc < N-<cccucoc' hoocvit], bott e sciocleciucu'ic-icoicTuuj, Clubcocu 0'leticuthe alic? olcIl u, 0ic .- iot cr eof ui ce lice cico ooldberueoIas eeltucc ogie anedcc eoueFec rr flc-cndividueol ocrt. Ii s c, o loîe, incthauelao luoue,<ucc, . 1 c e d privtioncucu ,id 11 o,jiý- . - ', the dooco ofoceltc, iu,cetI,cc <uef '01,c17- - i c cc, oeil,Ie 'eing il e '<;1j 'lic e jcccucuecc iou-iocial<tc1ic' I, ,' iu', -cut'le Ic fie l'occII-o ro cu.o flie1l,1 Icc aîlt<c u, i , théccc ,ccc ic ,ei ..'cc c, u- iculooetcoee ul ci, ,lc"f~or dccL cclI theceiubcetheîciceo,' uc e, , <oc . ic ichoccil,' c ocbcuggeemioo ituu fil,, cccIcl -cclarge ocicc ouch,-, c cicoc c ehnloue e'b ceeco cI c o bardonscof iedotriacjc,cetc,,< ,c '-,c.Ico -lefi clicuuoeici.1inc flueetoayo tecciecccyc <ce ad o - ru thocn hilue c tioen,'uloic'ii, cisaeaocou fle icepeuelr og;tceiiiai. occ <ccccc h occde 'o ou O' ccc ofltheîcu-opuuuoio'îucv ecqlohh',i 'occlýool I c c -c ,ceuueV cnti ccu cutr ioe cele s u l 1c ci,00 lai, b ccc',,,- bceraocc.lee.lueu0e. ',eu'<huy cccer rai oco,c e Ouuitas o rii-c cI'c beli tcoseaiaues.sec)o 0,,îiccoccocicuo:ceuu,îuu ticuc ocu lecI ecO ui--ed,,ni c iocicu 't'~~1, "I' d'li o f uaccc i i0.t r, 'c voct u c 0 1fie' oc c,'th P ecid i.e, ci eucoobie thott eh., l(1< vild oucu c-I cuelcueejicd. Incfileo>,cueoii ofteuecoeoulucle,nliwecuo'cfh,.cce - ud"ie l-a .as'flceicieclînd io',.c-,uaYe'Co<-sicciccIciieccs'ecc,.,,-,,1 Ieoîo c e e eu c ccc1o', ux lct)Io<f < c -b t c ie el c,,E I i flicedlordce docaed io cl, , , 0 iool We,ii,"c c Iiocga lccd < i e îcoccooceta,,Ill, hou 1, citl. ie I 'b, 21eileigou tro, 1-c.lcjec<j1 1 ooc 4oc1uc-95lie~c, MI c.et rui, 1<<.c ,eocu 1-1iu-c-cu1;( acO c te o i e 10<, < , oci e lu...... .4,J HOloi' ,eId iccihe lie o.d.uc.cc94 Nilo f tcu l ice b t1hr ndil<0 . ,',e, ioci- .....c ,1f Hucucu-lo ecc o ccfic,u'c,,.hcee] cl 4c t'luficlceot clt oco ci1Me"<cule_.. , :;- hoecc',Iuuichi....e.c......,1c* loch, ,ve ehey xu'.eeicceoould ntci,,,,u,-\c icce--'1 rcu oeheceloq , lîhoodo If il bobsri '4 tf ls-, eboy-ocheoeeoi hri, yar <cc uOccîeIueiy- îc la"co 11-uocc,î,a1000 eeu a lic beolI 01 cccil,fienm trat'ictel',c cOl olc cIL, < 4rlcco'i.cc,eulcuîî,,î,,eeeocc giiac l i loc . l'oiihec e licu dcacgruIc , yeeo nIuoLoftleIiceuee,ýceociuciiy ,vents. I c o<ccceu eeced liou11s i icuhit ooIcece- \Cetccu'v,e',ioL chueoebcActainf ou celic con, 10 ý ,ofet heieleecu-a,', goî< coc-e ol Ipoin cu; and ochucc c', lu- 'vasLI eat fertheu ne a-a ftic otcuec oftuicîdi cleceolcs eeloficele cuCe.dio A i( i Iotid c'iiiio cociic 00<000. This sone o c act ' e onu'.O c,incce',ce bu eccucuelatedue elcue il iua soictce1- tee, ce theet lieoea.et iol eu _IeoCcc.jo ut thol coeuambitions fof, u i ct. ýiimi n ocua tocchiceb auc.îeduee cao .- lveuteaillioe liangerIfuaeio bue Betrcccuc, ec 'eDo.-Sooth Coch banl df aofcelu iecetcou. uuciceRbeuueotje Coco, ollhou. a eaed soleauorroeumiue- ueaicuend Nucalgie adîcapy cures oemadea olioe, uculon holdauioaa je bu3 dapu. ILS' action open the bfal ter eu cuc ticol ocbh lhuc opBteo eouemakbh oudmyetnloou. eba clei bbc poplo Eear e aCree proe lit euOeue-uoafeone tho eaee astndthee cuCoucnoea aîbtbufocueo a ca-Ojieone iueueeljeely tiecpp4a Th opucb, uopccatol ifreite publcie Ite o cianyitnota. f5 oThe. tOOI'e PcTdeu eeoboôaloobeeceiaee etlybeelt-75cns ouI ejth oboceco btuerppeed , SolO ley Hitccabubbam b Ce., rtan chute of titr peuepie cituctheeyeo..8 ecblelp epretont. Ab Abany aodw'ueit cugtooe mie inte eaec eioeuph ob th, A Ce11.o. ueoeeeeetrea- sa. Sogce Truet) a miuocib f ebleu ocantail toether bite ePoeeit etf iOc.uocee, oue I 1deecoctce...tolC b 9L'I"WY, llbaye", Sit Id Jact, tack leo e de#m" mferf te tho tontetotlieoegh h o Scilonte rn --otthe laofet hie cahbo. 'Havent ea 3. la s' OCOCfalnt - ait oriena ctimo Id bagne n'atnral itery, sud addce eemples -cemui e, su'a',te etets, chio ette omcwift Pae, have tooncetute boatan n soesu n thesatificiai cite. ta aopte' e tramai ut eemettteee; ttep tiait te esrolt',e i Vyel tes roterte cannemerseemaneanseili busnes.iti thoest t chers te ltseoQIotcompoStionban ieNaphpluee s&é9 eeinte S detasrsey ch"iotne.su-patase - aten e@ . poonett . InWsehgtee ac tc tr, n atios01 e"es y«.porWueIlt..mo.enthct ittje a 5 dem ut Coup- onst imeneopt yomgo' esiaatn - Smleil oasa steet r-culi. as' *oýgýùr lUals4 Sehe mi'fl Se- ho e b lt ýt ot ,et rd, <rt e. Dot 1, on ose ' been~ts.~s tbemwhieonieaieo tue e, tMILee, etheryestu aoS B thons, sud su don't taobu INem Hampoeee' meed - hcj mini NomwMampe ere abomeshaSou the et hy=htPanife eioasounts eerhbyB nsBay ou" thtaeth by Labo Ontecior, su' un tee ensi b"~ -hy--I Ibinl thoy caltai it thie tod. tcanoan Ses. ' eeourse il tby've «une an' ehsugoditeround I1apmaa rnne, but cbal'n tc useo' stedyte' jogrsphy if thep'ro «utc' te maks Ail thons uhcDeon'Éttlettin people tnom? Ii'emiulted. Wepeds %mesu'moe; gttie' eddiuated, ce' thée tbey go as' epsl itcAi maie' chaeso.' Andthee old eMcu mlhed amay, gromlieg. 'Tint thine e me ha," ho roare! haut, Ibupî'lgel eut ccem 'itlemotie, tellie' u'nt lmclvo-limon'teyon's ninobeon- deed ced iutp. I halo thie mentepte' cilh fauts. Nu sec for tee White Mounetainelise ep eut of, alter me havie' bren there 1 A BOOu TouHuRSEcEea-Oe batileOe Eeglieh Spaccu Liueeeonl compfetely ceoeueacocbfeuueeyleecse. Itahe plueoru e nucorueeudiug thec rmeody, as ifls ute cll uytoioue prumptacon in fie ueuol froue boume of bard, soit or couoed Cupe, bluod epavie, spluolu, cuebe, seeuy, tite cnd îsccieu. Duo. Ilubb, fureeo, Merkhem, Ont. lig0uuibulbeee&- o V., and J. H. The Lononuewevpupore couluje lelleoucueoute ofthe ueo bellot.prouf Shiolds ijeuoel by e British ufflour (ut eucco oweparticooace haeoboeuc loeochoed by chu ccblo>, and the uoe lubu cno doubî chut the eoubrie-- one coueîluube alleit itîprofeses 10olue. le ce î.uly e îlatuuf epuoiully- uccpcood chroueseel, oieb aelutjin the tojp ou tbo uoldiuecerie. The ccoghe ce leoe tau e uehblf hat of e liI,..,",udýwuceue ,iueee, and the maococu.l ieubeoluely pofageictfile Britis eceocbllol pcoîollud by cor. dite ehuootili aLce-e.7utucl rifle et lloee< e'ar,,'distance. A0 bollol cbiuh 'vLd1ac ooeulelcly ticoo0h an euh 'laue hci,, y micIo-, cuob jerls cldomo ee oauh ak.liglet edeut. aoc oite platl. e, c,,oeiytllee. seoeluloofccuh tli. Anddel of île, Iikofei'euledgo Oured toce e,,botsltone plaueofroc, c Cee Mufclfrd rifeo, d t c eicuqoel oe thu Oohc î.laell.,d ouoscue cecly au possible utesailleopo,l, ououtlriloeleeg aoy.i illie î.eefoeelcoe. fEechbubllot1 stec-lcc ,h viel id e 1<more lbuo atfout.1 "Due .1-ecgu. Tie.duliec-preued ,Ii ,, uiiio aie eue, leof ite teste il. te oo cuqd<oeio oeoc,uod do. ý ie halld dc.-d tho e i.oetsorlueyeua1 [Ihie ,-eoyed aol ot. Tu wtee x. LII, Ifliteal, theshid cou bcuoecd ijE Il.'0c. il, eu,o na ý oiubu peoood, t- ., eil b.hcilees, and tei,l, lo, cu..ccr.."iciucce <e %1111Ceufroute t fle ccccicthe coîcccooloent ileDoo mat New o' k oul. Iluc 1i cI cett u hoy ore eh aoturuec.1. e oo Ic te Tocoeto W'uuhly mdail. Chut parer echcu 100000 Caruer' io-ecuco eeband yur uvoiee ocoechslocldecucet thuepo obcsaiseone ohlo vaut, tu peuchae. Alcuetitu -!Ieeiuuftli4 coless ceeieeeudjetb I--'ocotu WooC0 Ste11 be P,, ie-cCentcua uvoclforeuchuiertion. ioowu entucseaevord for ficcier icc..hAde',Tice SMail, Tocoebo, 11 ,ae a-'ood maooy ineooutiug t, cn theDeov'i3-cceeboeeecl ru- Iouitl he BitishB oardot Teadeeopen l'e ueiicuud acideece je the VeiCal Id dcoediig 1803- Il uppeoee that lice total cuilcuer fcidenuttoobubutraio. Ileas4G,.thuie eeuo.e cerl,caudeely looce uone-futh of blce eume a 'cOfl üoooe Ie-ceyy eece agecitau t1lf c'.bolutocs cure fte loleced. I\\lif utia luItiuethe atoeofeeps. -Dcg- traiescliasior ue ltce doobil. Flir cou ouc17 pecceegeco bilI edi Or 1, eino ol,000,000 jooreandca o44d eoe icîucel, or 1inle1,80,000i l OUces.Tluec tfiueso uloo estlll jrue owcorude. The bour principal s ccidents ceetee lu trainsolrcviog lIcermile. Ai.uel uuo-halt bieaSuett ceue cauoeeby thoeongligaeneor ms obtalec ut caicoat uffleror cservne, rcsd sevc-ouvcre due te deboctico ce- etnemuetof uigoalu. Ocipîwomwera theoeaelbof a teileeuienhae, It is reatcciuuteeyîucunoethatthenombarof ollisions Ceoue ohuatecaueiode- oliucog oteedily. Tchboghli causen and clasesaor accidenbe inte acanclut, the e eosop ws uuua Iatlyopeapaneengor ce baillot te 8,237,500pasoongeor ur. aaDYo, acd oulp oeint 715,0O etn. Ijocet. Tiselt the hbglemt sud monet estimais, ferintnrboueaccideetete tmmentpte vaatty grusater.-Nocvore Oho titri page ofthacTocente Daily Maüi teneted fer -"Wsub" advertias- monte. If yen vnanS a eteattn,a emote aesiene, maehteoary, lndg- i.ng,.ifYenubve test se touds anyttisg, if pou Wesut teum out cetio ny Ose ns, ineets e aToroateo iIy lieU sud rosi te avertiosmb nisthe titotpau ie "paper.The cherfl in tm eaineWoudbhetInsertion, se Socnte a Word teforlai&esesea, . 4d-a theMlT«one-. Canaite. Toprohhtespafyb u bas tap '12=, et tahe go ris Hbssma ai I4 r The flaiait as u. e le4 Vafles a d thers ,i1h«* l ui Fthe Detroit River - d.uiegIoeln a- turai gaas conumam- ProidentMolvelatd bas p aooamd amsoosty tu aIl Murmons oevletd u tyam ho bave oumplied vmth the sud stbstained trum plurail mer. niages, in obmlionce tu the prolsis- tien ut Jan. 4tb, 1898. .1 Mns. A. M. Curtis, a moman ut culture sud teaety, ta teîng anal for ejeotment heom apartuents rete! on State teto,bhicago, hecaae it badlben taned by the lemmus tbat uho bau nopeo blond te ber veina. 1 f The primate et Spatnitasnbout te tau afrlaainul the lato con- nocattn e a retatat lisbep and chorale te Madrid, laimtag tient thos 3atetuan uinfriugomenofethleu rigletu t fthe Spaniub openeopule. MjorGoneral Sir Henry Green. et Lendoe, Eaganud, tatce that je bis opiaien tho umerd reootly peacbaeed by J. C. Pattonean, the Canadiean Miejutar ef Mililie, as beleegiagtote Doerai Welfe, je net geeioe. Buieoali, IEl., ban tieeopeealoens, and eu Labor Day, Ibouecl the police ocwre vcry yigilaal, Ibacu oece bol foer creseto. Mcot, o ueuc uiglibue,,hue fou ealuene, bel ou Lubue Doy thuro imore najutolueaceue-iejeu of thue for drooheaneu. Josephî Field, agod 102, dud aetlRed Ba,,N,., ou Sept. 27. Ho led beau o moduetu dejehur aIl hie Cile. 0f coure eddu'ta'ttrie huiegeeold cgr l tet afaut, bol bail lie bea lemeranoeunuadvouuulobiufciedou'uuld doobtleibuae o eoalt iud beoaouet able istaof fluic epowere ut coter. Tbe saemtule cmadeoi je uOde-. bee Nortb Aicuricu, one lu cloeity uftb bUV. S. Coeel.Dcneul icEgypt, Ibut li ibereigation ecoh cou bcng uueid otlouebe Ndle buflcuBritisb Goceucoet cildooble Egypte colli celablueoure. Tbice 'edfbeio flice aboute ljaif flic ua.îueitv geoeîai Jfohn L. Oolc'a, peicu fig4,lur and acube, inaemuuof boteteoutoe thoba b u " ab o u e n g e e a l l y e p p o s ad . T b o e b iliboemeey _o0uuinepocsoitc1 ooluro u Ie fco e r Ie l o Itucîcue lu l lce leuue ceoec, bu euid " oetTuelle theblcoueooe echoleut leded fBosonueCullugu e amohue juina- leties of ieoruie, and cae tulioe n1eulieg about Greckl, Loton and Algubcu." Ooly Ibthe luneeblueaccidets b echîcle O-e oggue uuu bjoul preouet thu 010r.e pojlclg uofIC lbodieetfecubue cooteicg u b.A intle uaep lbue yioldcd 2000 gge; asne eud 9.000.0m0; ao ale, 100,000; a reacheul, 500,000; a o tode,1,357.000, anda Pike, 160,000. Thu uggsouf uoe teoo webeeouled numebud ,567,00,ceu Ibucu e o ateadciienuf e gien u eeou froue obicb 110 poaode uf ruuemer lahe. Thout coeld judjctu 7,650<00o The tuilizoîice of tclei, Dowu ge meocbtulbod oabout, ije ctu ao. lfly yuoce agu uilh cou peaccielyteilie- rd ou tbct ieuightebcouareiudauulong sesuvoyage. Theaetldmwaateodce tbo eiih frou e beeumdirclly jelu uloa, dry bottie,; le ueeie the bufotle, and thcc gccdocally raiserlu toepe. eloco of the cilit op le filu boilieg poeulby plaueu the botîleeei,.auseoî Ofucold mtercad ccioatiag hue ua. Theumilh ma dioeuemitted tu cool ceaduly,eand weu ruade for ehipmene. ý Thonu trratud it hcet @«Waelfoc msev ' The Westmintetr Gazettr colle et- toutton lu the faset, u000e bathu rity cf Conu-eerai Ptckol eline, thse neuccoe ane doehing toe lngised je groat umeon. Thcoe toauehip cm Punies conterm Mr. Colinue sade Smene uad add thcc aearly cil the crclthy euturrd flCh are seedceg thetc aonsuo le edy 1cm, art, or seudicieinje Loudou. Moue ut thoeo pcople arc West lediau ecgcoe ced autAfro- Americens. The woalthy Afru Aueoci colinuendthciresous 10 booductedalt Harvard, Yale, ced Oboclie, ced oeCe ta inolated ce do thoy seod lhue lu Ronce Ie Sec Hoene.-Oitoeebng RbdneY cnd iiador disease raliovoe insixhbouyhe -NWRET OsUTHe Amnnce RKiDe uceCe.' This e remodytla a grat surprise and doliglel te phyueaean n onnnt ot it e oued. 'ng Pnm'piessuineceliovteg pain inte hladdor, tednoyn, heoh and ovry part et the nrensry paosges in msie or. tomaise. lit relievos cotostion et mater sudPainteu pssg ita&lmoeimme!iswe. i~ f yeunt asicueief souad cure, ta peur romeety. «nid by ]Hiagn. tuthans & Ce., druggtt. _il9.iy. The MainseOas sudaProteetive An.M sctattion W u rmsd mut DoSsuhr 0 tur tee poase ofintredneteg, prepa. gsttug suda tleoritug totoige bia l suea pneh h eo fthbie Wetn "teuda Ueo slersio seati gazoeci«modem u leMdy.lb eseeestatse t t T ind,t msehhem o-tosive tea«tise.nund, bhm uit WUse * grss$je tousni . Enasoas suetlu i noath as Ueo notais aa& -àhà.fesaiset pinasM rL ÎsIi taseM ms by ~ e.Tht mot4erocaca 'yen7.d olgle bhy elothOty zualefihonthie guid. Tho itesara nusais» chou meris thoy caan e trsthe tract, sud baye ra"estda aveloctty ut a Mlesa minute. A sepnrb setematie bloct syintet prevent ceolliin mll hoe introeoed, m btcabtseoff tbe power iteite nid ibioc hen ontirink the nov enos. A oorsupundant chu viitd "terosi tfoc Haoper'sYoung People mates su inter- eting cemparisnnsns htmeen tetu and tee larger rairoada on mbieb stespe is ompluycd asutee motet. WAIVTED 8ALESMENIOtese"l cheico and aomplote lilcoef Nenacu ySeOCK Or SueD PoTcroce, or iolh. Peemanent cnd payeg positions teRoOd mene* Weucac rgeooulusive ertoeyeif Ou miele It tlpcy pou tometite u o te teem. Addsn- Toc Hoone NuEon CoVu 14 lu, -Rochoeter, N.Y. Wohbeg leacu tooadeise oucfciedcand the ggorol PublîietaI ou aec buitotg teol itis seekoe and cccli, as je the paut, puy blea HIGHEST PRICE Poesible for cli wccueobtilo JOHN NEWTON & SONS, LIiEHOU.'E. G. E. BOUSFIELD Pilist-class bleatS, cib a ofulcufply ilaoye on bued, SPLENDID - CDRNED - BEEF cocusllceg a 4c. ppu.d Pcwk, Butter and Eggs 1133H FISH EVERY zWEBE Ordure uarcfeull tuolded tb and elu- liceco- ol iurtii. O. E. BIiVOPIELO, 4-ef. Main Street, Milton. AT THE. FOLLOWING, PRIVES 0F FURNITURE For Bargaîns! Pinos Parloî .Siiteo...$2,5()0 Oak Bed-rorom Suites 250 EIm O 50 Sideboards------------..5 0 SSeat Chlairs .... 4 0 Fancy ~ ,,Rockers-...30 Fancy Rattan Rockers 4 0 Cornice Potes----------25 WRWlMÂN & Co., No.. 41 Baucemar, Mie Yen me. 17-8m. 'NO 15THE lIME to 'encore your FLOWER POTS -BUTTEN O ROCKS- Bowls and Jugs aoîîving every week ut ROPER'S. Butter and Egge taken in exchaîuge for goode. Wucekly: Free Pressi RotrilgFroff m l ->N. GEORGETOWN Raviîeg been in buiiiesui tcoi<- [OCr.01o cided to retire and retiror mî ýte -c l'for unlgenerotta patrAùage b l.hi.k, tî Jý aAearing sale of ttîe 411,> :;b2Z egj off the face of the tociol t U6,hif ;l ho soiS for cash 0F1tiicîdîîe, icciC1(iîicg Oo ci lien prodîîce (s taic', or iho (jc'hi, c01 solS. Also a largo l'île of' W'iî iu Off tîcf price, bit no îtoioii, .of 1 lel 10% off as before anuioîuîo-c3 <'4, îucarked down atrilcliiî cîiic", wvith the otlîer bress o (oc l, "'1(1 oiir new stock of l"eitl Cool ci hi tfulSW ProesGoo1ls ;t!' . i, ll ry, New Hosiery<'k5- I do , Now Clotlîing, Newxii'.l î, ~i luige, New Carpeto, Newîî 'taiii -1,î.lu -eNe- Our IMitlitîeî-v, Ni1î,ic , FARM',&ANIJj) H101E oere nover ini tetter otoei a î. , ') i ro~~ isoe. Our Fait Mitiiîery ; c,-i<. ,, iicy wilbe Iteld Ountce 2c i $10 t e$1,00th, 'Esqneeing Fait Fccîî-. 10% Dioc'otCnî tSide l ]'o lic. ci~.o En/arqed and Improued. ' . Att partiec tlaitCCg;u ci i A Hliqh-Glass Family Paper. tic psy tîiern, as î te t,, i '-c-')Ii Yý mccc otoMBIeCcWILL CONcAIs c This is îîue Foke S,S I-cc,"' lot. Or- 'liacea Sercoa lolîvar- <i-cotînt Osale, a5, w.' t-o l;.c'Iv ed the preeio'oeSuly. tavegot to takcjosýsýi Wahoociacce Wacoecango. AgiclurlMatr-lusrt' w M. MCLEOD &C Leleu' Peg-lie tetMscel ek ' . M r-t a i(,i) l AîSeeridl Tacetaut Mool onee motjM reth ý:SUI38CRIBE t4OW HARDWARE! Pi'cce. OneaDollar a eparne e ovane fe thce WEEcc.y Feec Prce ad Focs AcNc. ifoEe-ja ail Ct pages. Accogwtced ineoeyoereshî. et discte l ijeit cebueriptiena. Big FlOPE PRESS PRINTIND Co., SUBSORIBEj rmn1 Canada's Best Fouril11 Paper Wmndow Stoades .. ... 50 EIGET PAGES SIXTEE-N Eeytbieg in stouhck iii bc olOct -PAGES Ceai. GCuomeuaoneld eurahoargaiteoTwice a WggI, Tita eioepaof Uneaiag Supplies WEEKLY le tite cOuay. CHAS. JONES. Waeipekpaerreu bo alec ter tei ngectdIoteep ep mth tespirit ot -the limes themaaeetav' easet lieaieofthe oent h y e PRINTING pcperadtea " tý lixecetotee e Bepre or da;tbttouffeo etkly, The Sais, .E'ecued n aSuprio da edtio wWcunth e aews rh Mcer at thu tasona et ofregul ela csly as sud eut eeitncr ii defat ttm 4t= tut epearoedTitecci c y M ,~ CHAM ION au adbagOv >'au mets aw.8 detstentnotara! nt n n su tiemo. abtfeY by lOfJu Der Jet Dupsetasoit to ropleteflt lsJae mtl a iage sortaent ut ptaiu sd $ s aUary1 -.96 -enetai fhes teetype0,,ornte Toma elbrmaddsg@iabccfo 0 o -8 'W. Bn Ciemei, Si1'IIJ LT \"\D II~ t I -las. CUTLERY, SPEOTACLESej Dewar's Blocx, Main Streot. Mli 1894 - FALL AND WINTER-; We arîuferîng uNceptioCj et e'i Scotch and C nidiaui >~ ~ ~ OvercoatCngls sud TroL * Great care bas been gixei i ilii lo cci for thc futIl aînd winter triocto, ail,, -'c.lii li (Doreuse the confidlence alureiityc\ii clc Cltltonîero and- to menit a ct; !l u iv tlTe iaready been deatiug is cli iuc. 'We have leaSing sjîcciccltio hiii YulNï>'I flQGSestpeciatty in Undcrecr, Siîru '-d cccij, Ouîr work att guareumeedîio.lsc WM. BEWS&7 1MR's & BOYS... roý lfrom '5Oc. a pair. ýs from $1.50 a pair. TrHOS. WIL 0,ONTARIO IOh.Winuint Liqueora ai . d 'esei«a.~c 1NDEot VOLUJME 34. TO' Ail herse o,ers mil thesporclae oef Heras taon. oe., eto. ln boy have the acnt article witlehuohieccnd etrap mayhb, bad, and acli lBlanihot. theohosu oi îmo t1irdo lbuad cille i et cebtboc me buavece mixture et cool and je aie bond ailaruuudl1 tatu le bou l -U ot fer drivibg hbuec, ch 1 wool, LAI' Ilili, Ai.ueueolOcn wOO flaelftiu 1 ., 1 SPLENI10 fi < Au u-,co}lclu y g W'hipe cf ac i hosvaoc cIilo'e Hue 'ce Dj AdiuOil, 1', ee ig l'o Clureol1 1,-) uc oci. DocteT b ibS, PURS. eOr Fer Depacîsel Thoe eeplieaîîY ce jet the atteniocf ai lR.beut 85, 97,408a widîle, Pico r ocu PLOW ANI) MIOIN i'îoiet Millet, colt Weil b ced cth o-Mc] coil liuod fclill luexo bOrc. Liuicd (dec Cape at 25. 10 jSo c.Oclioe (iciecocotc blea t a OIe ye ub, Stalcev Mill, Colenman la are prît <i.. i c.fi I -i 1(,Cliý VCON T P ACT( AN Ale Cunradwan EVERV THUITSDA o CAMPtIEL M, ÂDVERTISINC d. 1 t cluf ý, . J te . h.l _--ei'ee... le riwt 11- h-5 5oct-coco ,,t 131b c. , . O cPl eoececcce e ea ecco ede W 110-11iooeee, 1-h. Oeo ecec'eteC e". cO. A i cc.e,,ee.,,,,,.11, N c'ecc. '.co J- D -.Ec. leeecOiec.oL