r~ J:~ T&c jê I -1 W 9 'use Ghs lsaee P is.iO75L fhm Oppsitondaihm'oshoma- tohv ooJ IPodoa o,,W coOW w thon 'o neaqaoltatco aftf as<sa a 5 JI. Ptit s m.W Mr.aIseraedit am ayh sd atogv oho Ple. oty1d5 5,WlromsB a pocetoosl ' ualrin eoner toeetino cccsc-Bs, e, $Brd*~AIS<aps te st h h a n o e a p t d ho I g o, J P ot h a r o t s o ; wbec , t t i, J ~ O 5 r o mil bsmrl oé etio yul bavne bts oc ~sty eJW b,w î; c c 'xcbluwr>lgaarsà srbil c faeapulic maro toc bpa r-a'. 104 e FohooooSBabro. PMcCcLSeeg, W ro oI4 T h a r a m iii i S l b o r d e r e p a c h i sn e e B rT o o d ,s w. - B a c q r d , i i i e , r a n o M d r eo h . W E s o o o me aib a sen cf aw rbio d apocchg l W A b t l o o r 4 eheeciS e mach um oIe . W BrO r s, l ss H l bis h chilit e' ib ab l t eau a o en as . i r d e , Pe n h ; o lm e d b a t D an18 l9 4 m r; a e m o Ine, O s = si o ,W H amnegnt bemslvor W'1 SpcrSper C alrs. nireW JBrelaco, Hiàda al T5»om FAitc ilM. il bsj Athrn ece WBuee. Pen, omett P MccelleP'cge. - - brFstcb& 8cr Tt'ntbde;Se en; DercccmBe-Pe merkqrigttM 1 rTwhe fmeathers tnad glnn. y . 1894e, Jmdl bssated, SJ FccteeterPelM ire F Soitanscor, nE >cfs g Iby is se db Stebard te gondlacelry ee D rnSigc, Mehrne; J cng, rge e-j, MiPJM nJcsdrgly; siB pat pihelofrcm n i g e Mutrote he bcWed, 'T is;e r1dg 4 T Melceni mcr u ittmlonMis e Bndo, ImmorBMl bi biltimpftossHalets dosugricJtterc;.t BgdA lcD(ngll ell; crteriebn, l . BalmerBIs SWey. HvHo teatedae fiecnn--oabw , S4, Sa ii$,Tc ,.Wlimsn irn 'Evn rc abecgbs hfet slareci mes meW H ee elcs Ce;ebeec n i onCali J W c itro,AWrJso ckensd pensawce ve>' ccdIbe er T H(e.,S mibhrt t Betty, ilb- shard Vc lria ac;lgehsqft bai sccitscresimdrgl n. b îe, HFtrnk& <Sc, Jgni i lts.ou ; D, ETi.tlMgiebw l, M E is a hebir bier particricri> ir dIs ot , eicenain, neePaHJrece eieoe.e l] Mcgies Boit ntertesMis E E Mu thmatningyestrdayineringand rank& So; bor, tlren ÇedJt.fBeereil Mon Gittien, MnJ W BroselI; thseoricd cli eerre a r tadi' eb connire, T noe ce ; ennar e rwn iesJMOrigy kpth Aexii tio efthdidde a n renlne pnnîuinPtci.ndcce' aEBcrbr;fcrl bocbt y Mo e. H o theli c i,'e . n c on e, ' 1L Ey - rd, i iie Sdlc i'n i& laT>m . Me ; cD hittie , M n J H H ar le y;BpB i s ebonge ! ne ts lree sinte Pic-c ormt er,,îî icr ,cH erer , JC rc i k ns r uict .e 'bia rJ Cm pell) udi ien, htnJ W ien- y e nenCeiw e e ic, eeî'act o ccan g tee r eîC .,lBr St h,;Eiîiebcec i c;Fee knit, Mon F Sca eia nrBe r E Bla eut. jasiolfr; ickns MsaD, Gitoin; nîra;nlici n EBics- taler eits ntteeti '. 'l't, subi he " iriy,u len &to.,inneee bine' Lî'eiMcececun, nine cîn prodecbions,.acdlyieecal. 'lAiOn , asmin, tile i i ce lcck:covanet , anr laMneJMoPlaorrcr 1 A asccecrsuted ciieccan cii dun ex-S iiebcnJaPltcte, Ji; Frd;cnk t' m cnî,clnciIcDGMm iJ ,MHsHM1 L'n renie;eieae rdley, ecina'in& ccnagen'-c Mi ananaebir m pd irMs eiitieîce'eMc. tMaxwelleite n,],uie , i(ebne; gnt bil br St'EIhDIS'G ti TIlt 111V, c e i LSe JCeeFcorl, T et eîî e rdeFHag i Be. bode E W' Getep ier dCd, 815 k, " a tt eeeni n i tiekenera le;ciekn ci' 1 ; Foirdcî een et arm iarJbM gi Ib it s l o yeeg. rgh ua u a J A li er, .ne Line tie e l'Set en cnet sh d, Mcc J e Pe r nen ; îJM Pei r geata tiFak i ernt andb l u e;; ik e beJcA I ci he ec eiir,( -J l ies' ':e"" leu eiitcM r n D ciliicaM ar nJM e- Jieatm reH e.y 'ikc 4 c 1 e e hite e.. h-icl e Aits li c Pnen;en t' pairtind i n centae ,M mitîn ThArm trea'clibced ~ ,fe~r, C T 'e.i'l-ece; t Ji M cnJ9tet'i;eentMec hiet and B woya l trotBorne;' B t 4 mcf , i tea lat bi?" A lile. eeec t";.pi i r cî'k en Mc T Mebcrn e cn dinided, , 815, I , abce arte c h ice , le, 'e e' cîolier flupm cc'Siee rcîca od e cher ingd.ttcrin. cce, " ccie' cîccîen, .1 'ic e llpe, NrM J c PI B fie rn Gpir etsa S Mulet c' eC ,lceii . i. ti.. . l 1l 1 C I c hie iei,' c Tci i'ec"îcc . gnnîc b m âesnete i Deenet lie , M inss CoM e.i -Tee Mrtîy'n Har ies ...... c..1 ý l m euhc, i ei . belle, A t'nd r e.mcn a irMea'ienewoe, cc J W' Be icnt tce o 'nl i cca d A- ..... I d ' gn ,". 1Iti 'cc, l e io. e. .ce l i JMcc Ne e n , Mc PEter Pedad ; .illce3cgnoedttloy cIii!e,î30 l i'&.COle , 'le . ' scith i8teicnciigc,)icE-Bl n eiard agmt. 1 tIc cli 'nBiiiy5,tt., .-. ; tcbee', i tîccle I 'c le i Loe CF sF i.leece, M sn aneet ceiccy, WrI'nd ter inagc . . 4 i i I. c Pîî f ne ;ec cet,- 'Dn t ' it sGB alie ; e Dîn' lca e s fühn Ayce Jant i'hcMi....iuai,;îe kus D ul: ale . î...hie-mell , iceide C elp e, Mis Mek F r n:'s rac ; u zs'r cdiieý, e 11 ccchi,' cccr i ' N ,,, nie Ton ed e tbon ,, itW Milla; ecnel $10, tierce tim es arourni thc "I' ; c"ucn, t", j M N B lM s eiiN,-ue P ;W' Gelln1 ulule y G Fr, ,it: lrei, J P bler;tte ee sLindneys; J lDugîeliee- ceieas', c lICue1leulC2 i "e"ccee" l i'iie, ile.isEet.sar; w Clarecen l ciieartilt incB. le.....e: .i'i tec,'ee haros I V u.e.cee Sî e nc Wenai o' Justdicgeriuiily Ilee...e... ecb..î2c1 î1 i l,iticîjî iieyc, il'e ueLaibe Cl , tege.Pienrad lilcid; 1 erPtly ce cn ec . c......... ..4 ne .1ii l l ece'" l'ucc'yucc gler, Pedi ,l'eetrn ie iii incMg gie F: yee, 2d im o Lic .e' .....e.i7 cil 'c ,ii, 'itiC î tin iebli miae' , ")t e.ctl Dcit rocii-, tne St oni, , ;5 'f;il gl e ie . cialc l """; J (Ciec e ddii, Cicarene ruitt, J'iE eccci', eSfaute. e.aMrc ...iMilleillicie Beceent W u e en-'c o i t i i if'i i ,i l g - e a e i N îl e , c Wlie ' tei- l e n t e, a c e s ,tr tycn eeilcee iN Cci i i iîic i cn-,'i l,-U n ,ee' , "cii ilchMn'eie G'iitaing o a rtber;y been iet gedue eeci; l'e. )î. au eei w,' c,; Cc il ,aii lc i i' e nt S iene EnIcre, o cetp duclS Senti, 'line, pain.ie i ieee'i11,,fssepC 1i11ec,î,;eîiiAnnii Lindsay DeCet c, leiiceeecci. -o i e ac ,olI> end cl - ,Ird ,Plee, cA LPet. C mp eHa ritJa i;, te'J4 , t' Il liebe. 1 eccec , e ec ý[teuiu 'eîite itng, Wan) gelinde l ytctllPeu. , lcîcCilceer , il tiii',ifcc , 'tu i argboet, lio Carter, DL Semd gile, MHarrii ieso cnc ,ii cl'ee c Cletino 1 edB titi', tteee ;coe, J i . E J WîiiePolrcnaict ica' Cir, M lgie M tir-erid, lisn;oric 'dc c',. iin 'lei ci ' i t Milseco ;eco e dreeia, eap einc 1 oneyetc lc, g e ,l ie 1iiii tie,'cni icc ee'i~; ;î cii -bni Me yo e a et e teH ar i n ia l e i icie A i c c ci il, oi id et oetein 1, M ag M it ch M ellF c' 5i ce'cie, ,tti m cc ilitei, Ctg i W tt mac JuNvc ceo,\cNSot.M Il.. Ih ;r - Seg.aîccnc, Cl C; ' cainW ti' en les, a tier t ie îcîPost cc; e cctcic iingo fily t '-'c , 5e' eUbe, Il tli i ui ci '5iag'tiie W ti , i Cutt ; n CViNcetSic, TiieCc1. .ccici ,ced-W'Occc ii i ciii eibjerMrnDat, IrsD Podds ;eei cengorC ill e l g.W cit HltctlcceingicoJee Jaiewc.1'îl e' i - e.d, t 5 Gîîcc. bei;tadsepeintieeurr titi' nc ycccJicit n cee t'I e. lî:cec l il, ce , h icci e C .î fV in Jcl , M s Ca n , pren g nep. nceciiliae'tiei, CCe ti,,,(ci lc lc iC,macliggoc enl; ' in Icli'acacu ti, e e1, .cm co lt er Pl;- 189te .1t , i i c ' i li J e i e e P l c e cee ' ' ' c c i e , e r en Conot ii , tl be ;' liii npu e ;e li ctanti , A h iiiei l c c iast e u e ,,; ci l ra ctc, acm i Tînicccicue.ic ic ed ici lii ce.,tceaice <cei, 1, n i th r IIjt 7i. sC artii e r.i,cLne i, Oea; l eit t' il ee icece t's niî,J e IÀtc b lond>' 15, CL'W spdinc,' .acîicccCarte,coasne Ccecîclcdiei l;eitisru;ecekeeNla (cuie.', II Nelacc;icilleic lle. îîcî .;.cra ce.cncie,cnenc,,ie Rnokl.ds ; etc l; gl Cciior l]N - , -Ie tIiieeic-, t4-' VOeoisataîe ý j cel Miscaece 'c i, t oas t-pe acter gldig jiar oede ,îe.11.1'2 a(;e, G t hcccccis l 1i, at, n;st l b rs and ecnc, ne, A Daoîltne, t e, -o ' eaciW eI 'no cG1 acax ell,'i cALyn foc eeeit e. Oece, edeice ic 8 ci m e, Mniss icenece.lare -lseI Corio ly nPiliten,lu, ilk, stin, cvii- elrkioe ,lttL ccilec eee cl NVlcec, 'aie' Il l;ecd -aecccc, aiss ice,,,ess cei en; i, melytr;-teeitcar, i eee. i1 i, e,(2ic' J t'ci1l ;l cinic ie. ti-g,, CeiucaeîciueemaDent,,.ciene. il cceeîoa; ei'oin\Veee.ucccbcicec lieu îe.cin Ca'eGeioepsc BeentýI necgieibec e-Cccc el. iil ie . M teîCîce ile ue.icuc(;"e,"ceii Jcaer i',icicee i A l i i lce', F5'Iiete>I " ,. tBelcld, ,,eci., tac,, i,'Cci ; coaiecen eo Jsa niiccîu;ucî E ler.Bceinicoeacce Ciy l Mic ie, chellee.isse;nce ec, l Gn i'd PeC cs FlC uee eeile 0 -Jac Beic, GA Beoai b C-c .. , Jigo iFl e ii rciiciieiie, , cin cot orse, lyTben l Cnoealgcl' ci e 'eler1) Bga , Isaa l e r; -cce, eclsne. , ,c Ci;ecee:ic:e, MCns c"meC;ecCptc,,A On, CuMi .M. Troo C Af (ns Li,.dUnr, 1) Pailioe; cd ottage Iin, .1 I là I ca n i n n ncerinuaWi Campeeelr; naank& nono;bcn,,t idailiclas an;ggccclideltmiiiccii;,,oec M, .i..M Dicoicu el, J yeCampelle .,Iic u l iCeac Pa ier ,; (1'nuici .Ccenr I-u., merOi' u, Si,.. So eJe.Co t ecoyr cc eol ,eJlioe Al"e,.r t)ce. eec an.t.J.c enGicHaardy, mcceecese. l i..C1it. Sa Campbelle;Scoltaorce.conecncccccc'sno Ilepeeroicr,,ecnie4u Jrank &, Sned;'cuiJr ceu - Oecei,' ceil tbeCcat,, I acc, ,C Alee B'eana; c 1mi-ii eneu,r cl o .;cm CambelA F an. Ut& ou; .uqr "" t",. tiensnci o5 , clci' m C- esyl, MSm IeNyoe, C tndy oePnc, cBJdalm der,.LiAnniaicrni&'ceca e,.cCc ,..Moasi, Unel, -FIl nt ;eo'Jal Geilop; ciSng le tincc, FMWissue8Inrcis h Celotehumestaaae ),uner, er, EW c t - noac, n.. CeCcon,, M.si, Frcnn;41ncrig oss \ I ses, n E W c, linseiMr., Mis P-dill, -111 iriunes5ltIInWMo.,opBar i o,1 s Mi.. na, arma. lyres, J atcn', anner ' eneI50Io, e ramcen,tnm l'h ,oee ic-y C) cni10,1 ag l all aaam. esmnosý - ' 1 - icnne , Jrmaeemm, - m ni.. Jca Feeee-BParnso nsei, W' H idita e, A Frc Cueet Oîb a o ; asecre Ome cr ueo issoBrn l Sebrti, ce, ) lmner, H tii'ld' nintentlaensyaupianmo n I, CrNI,. 'o--1ck. . Ceenooo hre io ira W l";IurisIl' "lë 1-41' , ise M iictes atte'n,.'ne1- eOWU m M., e r, fmise be Ivco, JagMeCean, ij bnr, BnP; BIar enc&eMncm creooraor.e. d ,ilt-h, iiiic tie a t, J barît J M Bcalm rSte csb b ecS Itît , IsaaW b, MustW iren .1;i, nl.er-mie.Dcoesrem, Hrrinecr-Bnt et PBiat, alSter;, Etaileflonshs_ý a rrisAnPo mtr , Er Cneiti; _k.tm Mmse nmo, Mse Wcima;ce, B Bint WaSi - rneo,18 be M iarine Mss M e os ; escon, &i,,,ý iss 'ringlyM i"r boifr, ,Iyea , W tIn'bIIIlIo DIacgaler Pu MBain r tcTAsucteionrndlea nMI B1:Mi.. A WISi. C rre WÂsearIToriso, sottge& en et 0 0 e s ~~ tr ~ ocos <lemno-C*, am ecsECea& BrcaTbouse ssainteW h e-loi . -,.-k, miOs Mr Bi...h., &erGJîtB pS; eemi yean ;co, DCas pt ies , JHarionemoilt isI mn* rcooB,hl H.1 ari baD sEd Ce&osem , j Bs nmilE; olos, g lfob , SmrIl Blmet r ut ,;ei o lJT t.14 -r m' 1111MÂsI.I,;z ..I yooCo mie.wasBae JM'ere.c Hl> h Y'r~ rtmMiskWId.Lo e -YnM iss ilHardy ;oit, t yc JaE Crowna, < e 5,nad el&HiieilyII isBý GDosnsJB;BieerS; bel n ECosooJ&.1""JTnco; -K.-O Msrfsoomoaeaso JSpGoard, Sb ree, W "r-cg M$LilÂ, rWel- -bi J1 & G Hardy osie cti A3dilmakfor W H ringe hreW 1,W Glo;M-9-W" " II;n',00 e om. I[LTacm50m rI aff, as a Hshro:am, wZEsu r hars,éh ' - . lied. O__3 cogal ibotCWmi. Ie I T tossa.tetem ot , & youq mas&prom pulï .t Wos thoSme ebatheors maalpps. Bach CapS- mafean il, e Teçîto, *006-te St. w o Jehea otentand LisniM-sut g ,10I nem « it nes.Csmigt l Ledea,"0ete TnOf tet st adjnl es t e irt, elfc nlbeu t,1 Jebes, aise on te dToronto ueslatu Cth 'djnne t ituJbeLgo et Flot tee, seS lsSm asg t rot et tee , goeLedse- oono o ti thels casos tretnto ;i>'. Te tonlmaicp. toIem>'ccdoas eng.oe ton gthe . LPondoc snti. miIns> lhe eaepotimbmrfte einene te charge tltengbt te mene in the disr- tin et the lice. Jeet ther tenusr tbse mer rteppsd o n eregine cr5 mmcc premptIs' and bcrqnrtp ecdesed oef. Onre of the srsegeos, c mer about 45, appealed I n che erginer. obotiag Ibat tie aine mas dr ergirmes. This massuf- ficieet, se hte me irricette seetaebis poseition.deancrdîr tauensommwao aine arted te te the lener, ebînb tie diet, nîceinoetc dthethrcttc. The pesty mere montoncm Ieirfliigtt te tte tire, inthe meortime thee tonages mon beicg tloerin b>' tce creneImagie ttcic eueprise an the geeuof nithe eat- tîglît reneind te thes ttche attmesnI rbeLIoeneernei eto Carada. le alcm amomentctstcic desticatien mcc neactiee. Ail bandn, inetundie>' Lord Aterdeen, enjoecd ttc nifair. Hamigteonenili deeido tOedav aqen- tien wciuieî,jodgieg b>' tie leeal prss. lia weerth cimectp r>'te n lcncc et ecitccieat. In ine'terthToman, Hamidtenaaud BcffaoereileaymshlP e 'gicena brsoftee$et2dd,000.Tnnice- fere tacste qoeetint bouc neied oper, butathte lantt;bvlu toc trprrd it in aeceaeyte raalm iL ifrthe rdry im te beaidcd, Sciee iatcratirg cou dttionennîll b tcdteeteet te tue bonus cteiild t ecei5e ttceaedereatiea oftte catepopeme. Peloe t ic poidem-c tcc Pae runt bc but treue Wuteterd troogtPerantfrdee te Hacidtoe, anet <coin Hameilton te W'elland. Te eteece n te tea idea etfthe preinere P;oOu mact te depteiet tettc Poa Hiltonute, wectsuall, if then be-m,, earry,bc poidcoutcci>' nith itefine tien of the cm>' teamancer innthe laor et hirseitenian me cîlc;'eui n building the eoad. Ttc compan>' iiudo itsclt te betd aienchianctral naation in Hilton, If ceet in notacaey bc gea bytthefiett ofNoembr tten tbe eompcnpehaPtefrfit thebonus. Tbere are a gset muny moe conCditiors, bot thee ae the tcading unes. Frese ttîn iteeeildecccit trnifthebonuscineced te the T ., H., and P. railwa> Hamilton eutl ntitllbancerairing onil. TtceLOttawa Evcatcg Jeournau, eicl tînsCbiai Jentice %Ieedth'c re.. eetier te thebnctc erey preiie. arn te hie re-e r>'icie pehitices anthe Fedecci arecs, maya; "1Tue genral eecamaction in, \t'at el beceme ef the Provincial Ceasecndtinnti' MIc. ,Meredittmccelnîgti p earottenuls' etreeg mcr ttc>'limd anthe Lagielolocee. Lat yens Mn, Mamies ncme oencenS and madena bettes 'imprnsmion oeatbe publtiaiany supporcer Ms. Meeditt liasbdd for tati o deeodc. Bueen Mr. Mastoc ic tac icnthe bncecityetf sean rame. petitieteas onempascd mîtn 7Ms. Meredith, and weteolce c tcre >? 7Ms Wbitney ci Duedea, ete ban beec ne long in tbe Legiclticc, milt in aIt prebabiltil>'liane te besmademthebeadero, andble basretpyet steme an>'cep- tierni lccdnr'r qomificatieo. Tbe net>' etlier mombher ni tbc Lefirtatue rnisecSis Mr.,liverRowland, ceneun tried.yong ma, seppned, artil mitt tnrapoeasage, ate e aLibesal lite cil therfoteowend fenil>'. Te. rentemia>'maniHRowland, but tbeoeet ef the Proeince mitI tanet et thet," Dr. Beatty Nebitt cf Teronto, ete leh au anive part intheiest Previn. cial eampcigr, ir bore and smevfitt Mr. J. P. Whitey, M. P. P. of Dcedaa, io the beot ancitable mas te seed Mc, Memeditb. SereIns Cîeemm msa; tbe>' miliOhave tmt a gond msudr rm ecteidetbmheRues. At n lesgeie atterded Parnltitec' meeting batS in Dublir on Meeda>', Jehin iedmoed saiS the Paellitro mnniddoe terrmnmt te berce a disso. lutin etPacliement aet e nt ressin. The Colone LGazette oane ongeti- ratier. are pesdirg betme'mo LIrcat 1Boitais, liesmcsy, anS ethes pemero. be fr the adoptinof jeiot moaausrrb the Pretectinof their osbjscîs in china. jil-A. fMAUX. lli crW IiL t.1. onl Oygters -AT- S. CONWAYS I o Il> e tn> enc e h eU2 tit eadt>' agomeeuwt nes.Foc lhe beacietitftee citehane Dot orised tbenmc e iît say it iestte eeemi geede foc 4 eapin1g. Celet Cotton Csepe, winlitinse effeete - te -Wc bane ceceineet a oui>- aient ef Ibene dicect frein Ye- limam, ndeetmcpleneetotesay the>' conîace oythin>' yet inn- poctee. PtUCES,-25, 30 85,, 98, 405,0, 6lisand 75e. Ttiene linon cee one iiig et 55ad 35c.e co eeGu0 cnet',Oc, WINDOW SHADES Vie a' e. isio tcu b noi1ge' andimelacowin t aCilcandec- ce oqcatteansfor env ni7ce O nocibec cf eteilce, CURTAINS Feene Nottiagini, Swuvtzee- lnad aadLIemayer tonavini- poetedttc ve newcent andetct- hies deigas n tacoe Cueteicîn, Seios Ceetoinu, Tamtour Citer- toiem, Breneetl Ne.t Ceertaies, te, Spenia, tinesn tacne Ceennine nI $1, $1l25oand$150 erptit. PORTIE R S An imnse r ange cf Nem- Pnrittreso e ict fecoin. Sec eee epoiciot ttace t $4 Su pair. CARPETS Aay emoet oitelCorpein ore ietereetniig abtei onne-dlean- iag titntcWm et>' c iet te in- for eei for fe mnociyen ae tee>') iba t es'cvecrceineet o magriicter ange ef NewBrs- cela, Nec BerithAsmieictccn, Necwbittea, Neci Altect Tapes- tcien, Ail-ceot Curei nde Uiicns, in Unhe nec> latent de- i digen. Mie>' ef tMe eticeci de- sigans e ebeen ont>' t>ee. OILCLOTH If yen intend eenesicg yoac anese et orn ilciet nsLice- terre, nd fer enr pricen. BerI EcgisOicbQlJetheCork CIet and Lioestle select frene MCKAY BROS. hnesenn, 55 & 57 Log St. Fh t RINO Si T. WE DONT PAY F&ILWAY FARES55. We caîu't afford 10 (1(o thatïaal sî]] ilai sucb priceti. Some stores eau îiaily jiN railway fares on purchases of $5;a'I-rSI I :mîil stilli make larger profits Ilium w- Io. ( Jîî $10 Overcouits are weortlî ten doshillas e el-t. day luthie week and the sanie value les f ri ansi poor. They are not $7 or sS eiI marked to seli at $10.00, but tliv are Ilue -sane as many dleaiers seli aI $12 aîîd $'.ui No malter what v'ou ivant ln the ()ven'îtal hue Ibhis year w-e can fit you o(itt îiglît ami4 stake our reptîtation'on the value. Wirite for miîr catalogue. - ISMITH's CLOTHING MANUF5Y 5 KîgSt. Easct, HamiltoIn. Fail Rats ami Fail Si JtrST OPENED OUT! Drop ia and'sec the laîesî shiapes ln Hats anîd pi-lit away beilow. what is usually gS3t for thinî. Suis1 ~IdPants, 'ce Dry - adoflStest Cqi os, Ltt post Complète Stocks in Lt for the Fall Trade 21, 23 AN D 25, A. MURRAY & CO., MA"RBID, al- Macn-Ât ibebsord, e. %'a. neda', fOeS. , 1804, aS the omBiSe of theebrtdo*s mothor. b> hem, 1D. lim"aha, Aeseei A. Smith, iramp. tes, te Aenie oretta, Sceghtmr Of Mss, E. Mqooe. D tE». Bcisvea-AS- 8]base, Wsh., on tho 8M teot. butehsGrant Huttu, yao sston of thes bat inWlham 17ste n ingtm.oe, s Il 4 Pitu~ 4 14t4 1 .Miflinery, Mantles, IDress GIoods, SiIks, T'iîîîruîiîugî Riblions, Gxloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Blaek Goî Goods, and nîany noveities of every'deseripîioîi fo and ehea1i&èst markets of Europe and Amerlea. The" Dressma king,- Mantle, and Millinery wOrirO now lu fuil operation for the ýseason, and laîllîs aIre in eaul and give -their oî'ders. ofth S spot and se' ucERci gcleraiii Ori, ce, - h J' Clccb.i Ile C 17g~sae. nil-iu- Inrs',hcii ci I on5L Sfic cccitile, ()VL.- out etBaqe te inDix Tooat; eugbIt ic'etes n -lse, t fycil hmiet n nen ce.fdoyidîad c ci 'cciral ptte cit $2. Lacgnr sate- icucteet il mal dilncs,dand b tiq erîceci -p te $10. nit,1 [P AMPS dtt S ecigbt fe int .. '(),î ins. S. i43 l grota leler t uucuc Lcmpe- bpct,, mîtb bors", 'ice, tothiig for presrn 4qart jnrorg --thesethis es eslt Woos'eFair iecdcc t glsa r Cns iet "~ ber jarslut isibe guararteote hcuSl JolI>' umbler, eîtlutii 661 and 4l iS iltete, Ont, C eRbaslnerappoint, Icc" S Leicester Ehee ard', o, ie hqcply te G. Anrou 'eî Trafalgar. 1h- mbe iinoo rear Heeliccilci iii S bonide the raîtec cet ' ay iea dyirg maStul eojsmpedcoffeamoeu iei caied ui OR Srmx,10 r-tP eeî, iil mnteor sel onr eeddec cei Ippi>' le iE. W. Po;cl ,' e 'i"e qI.:pf Regira, formcer aeacu rgtrlle, ic litels' te 1 b iclN .oaaf fthe Siepse- i cclcai rth tsetT ritoieoin Jnutice Meed. iIl ite tppbid fee, i, OnLtet anS it is boed ibat t 01lW I, te retunrteiicituae -euegz hÏ and mca epn, bildre e -u Ithai, me'capsîfr es u, eqoS, ceep, at -Tcctie 'sce ue N"s sttse Hcmilttcr. Zplî; c boss me gnten b;cent oill Ib, ooncacnec Teu os'Saolarspoir'stin tie ni Ilpraueienueul utin! theBiet> 3.l-Tbo libot auit noMes, eccuo tofibsoten, agameat Pditec o,,(' B 10 St, Tbn'mus Jnuraet 'te It Baîriter peesterda>', iutt h'BnbrgWafavralee ITtceon images. foc e ici rare>', U.S.A., Sen Dicgo, n, Deri ieeCatcrsbH emed>' tielet teal neol2%ave erleond dune lie Mo e>'OYgeed," Pence tcerc1r Lefaisons Tuedan' tirlit h hal t, McCMlIn * 0ieas messoliened nof 'beetsn1 ia ady bdbem uck n-ennrI pe etr cte r"t ticee Ecg eB ifioSrae feîue. c i 4'oS Tb leu et IlI t et i trom NUai] b ai baIl nadcc Se, =oafuoliarenLia, 1 , go Bto te Mcmale, nc1lic astreme, HaIndt neeet', rv 018 o! lirigterWhoeseeip O JOiges or blondý, ncr.n.r, C horoso at the em Cen. descceipi htêhdhýlaUddbobeorsec BieuuCet RYeOomda aterone, ee be; à & aViionosobick wal Milleq Ion eli ortherelcct, "e.1idil 50 tous ti ofie e,cam isrovuddltr aw,, tier, o wthejnudg- c nide