b.urmaaMW IF rL& bao -ai ai"s thesag. aniys I yPO ys@slo k o.t Oh. o sozh.t si beMr i Migttho acc epAira>. aofo holm vit, berrosro wamaa wha bn u be rose=r anomad, a star>' aprapos for evr aneettiau aarcsa so, ngi t aittag reoat, cosapea s. bo.for a atopit raa, but it tolif, whoo ho goeo a a, hi scooioosthat ho -m madea sp ta bar sonatt>', sotittale toeral cht ha dea& net foot w, hptao.ad vwitb himoltuta wtth bar. A brWtllio va yot a grest daah at a dinSpari 1 iftla net tmpnoihlo that ah.ai ora erm na isr hm httio< a.nt itaon bottar foerinti than if obo batl hoon a ittta do A wbo ramo for a tinnrr party, gc rocbjeta wtthail theoiiroratia liedba so es andaeaotea opod, sot then fasetheocn tien ta thora nt rata thora ail( flueooeu eojie, mabsaagtra;m , an foraso if io on attampi arity, evee if bar ito rmation1 anotter ranis have ail theair staoity; ranch et bar efforttîo ltlorntbiog; obe weett reas botta. te boit bersi noît esroa iy te ii the gaposotndte bro lt A iH. dnZea rcinai ýýpaabinpi of Ennibeerne tbe ethi J tbe itotracser ofet o tr age (thaelIen. Dr. tirenten) oié bing tram an acpnrieneaci thiri, yaarens co obnmatr,tecnnsa tecnnentieiy tht I bliece t lumnen of al nly gace n ti surl ife et c cheni con hnrdiy1 rtiieîted. Otoeinil hgemi emuenttonbcacertain lamenti gar. Bei in ebeni e een esaorecornfciy ngniced ith a te the pbyeicnl trengt and ci îtie ni eneheoytenthe chec danger isrensle reced te n mit 1And cter l, aoean i.nh ver>e lita e uecqeence comae baohrn haehreetrr. lieneont oan aihie ae artoieiy na ntil mimen ni beybnooe to teil rid ioner, I mention thie hi a0 t the bginiegntofeh ftnth Inamaimpiy iaectnted wic ei trer a prents oebîcg thot thai aemnyhale eeaied foethall. ts ing eginet aeeh requerete cha boparce physcciy unantie te pl&i gomes. Bunitheaa arc tanng ne thbys hcyebneld lha heen pie: buttare net alnerd te te parti game hnen ni o n enggeeetî aete itedaner. Wolf,Ihop renenîhaofimine ny tedite r the nembar nifee.r een.pinyie alteron thcnentftaliiennce eaof the cencijnt endethetreng boys ni the neheel ehen tiey fte eatenesaccreamengt theccentes Mnt dlinete." St dIclegoine ne p-'llniu7trnite vimch tcBaonene Beedeti tt. ehhonacnthe ga nIA2 t, heaoc iftaejeiheet nemen ij sot. hotecijtad sanme ni il, et tone je London cii, Dinten l an a reccit ni heHe 'visiteabc nhe tl Nocvahetin geedenam in rai-Sqeore, weilhi ta medel tene t boues. Dering ttecehlers amie seaempinynt ight trained , ten enitney inepeelee, ni diiniacteet agent ntecrude, ra-Oter jeinhe cet ed. Slic lm dadtihe bhtehnprinn ni Adeleide ebColitaned Ca'pnTn, eta etfcheoetd25,000 epicce. 5he t $500,000 in hilding ch. Cheeci t. Stephen ni Weclmieiaiee. Si,, tithe Whteanede Training Cel. ,odje the chiai prnmnieeeof he HaSctcy tee ihe Prncentionnof elfy en Ihildeen. Stie iî precident a Detitete tinerSoeiety oniLI. wei e ery yen. giyea 300,000 tontini dinnrcntteaehargecofieee fpenny teac penny cent. 0 *as edby gre tnspeae rsen a ctors0 tr the cmtiee b etnecccet .*tif te centonittc rider Bontl bc te rnngli,îtenon te tie eyen ni a on epen oeoasinonehy tteccen 2 teie ueedthe oeniegceerde Pocher,"niftne Lrde Penye.' teid, il icsaiS, ceeUce tetet .Mmepotemin ne te seatei,, na ie tenen. -Atey ie tidnof acci.A4 tittedhl een made binein, ttee uen ni Cemmeen. iOCeunecil mronse epiy, ie lette esbcketc'it iednendteIl npliited ce il te cte. Then kingtimnaif te ad: '"uete men3 ta lienloes Ireeied." Oring hisintonetete ippting mue et the nemmer bheoktlha enntineed. lva ne merda et itierna r ne. tl fee nny manone ln reland. 'pthos je the iregmentaey eutear ! ofte let ccndheneggtîteceeîee epnet Ofmnny celenne nfthe 8Christian cienItinieof n inhe "'t.. btoe petitioed the s itel te excese their ntildren frm ding on the phymiegy clnase. tition ecaecthot theren o ne ilbedy and objenta te bovin0 ou tongttthot thmea cjent oh a tetecor ne er ne teg or ra tl ha miettyhord tee the chrici. tantiti te prevo te the hengry thot thara tano neoaeehting an a acb, ce te o thieatY man choc theae Coh tteng ni o tbrent. Aftfthe tima tbhavayaareaty cenincee ftm-yiepeia hat tho hody et orage Christiao Sciantfioft a ioe. ane matarial thiog oandt hat cor i nerai Wta's. ce * da,tSept. 6.Tho Uit.Adri b i WODalàW O ~ garrl ts> 0h o> as. aoapathl ta otloot paris os sotestr .. ti r Faosle sassu. va tu offisoai M'a oiss= andds" br aSaragasot - laMHorn yto ssto aidsaI. ora rs aet omavrt seneai. fat ha aorvsd Br- bis country'taoraiaslong poe wtt tag ootrtog cargy, osmWs aabtlity aa uqaasioed sot oqottoahla hon i anty, sot rtfb 0700 hlit sacras ,oein Isoavfronlysandtclysnbknavîatgad Mar qitaa--Delàhy pnlltiealaapeoeoteiS hly hytfriaoto oct suppaorr. Hicnone rl wua aave o saacatstot vttb tee veret lie rhiaparets ajoli, Atheaid.nthf o grattopaottag dtarcasont nithe Cie' ry oramenor ferariy a gahveratonent 39coit a y mhoo ho teappot hisceharge L& o Thano honte ara cns,"ad ont ne 'oao 1 liise"ovr qeatnnd the îUl. tr oth e olastian. geandai, ho ta hatt. ont rigbiiy, that fer onecje bi in positio te toabche ta poacd peroa te peitytin teetonscaof oatnntted mal an. veroatien et public fotds hy neterdis- off atai or eentraofru rnrracteracms ta-. nonaeciae batavar. Hn cee ha te. fer iavet ebere ho asoifr the cor> pur. ta pnse ni eing te ifthîlit ttc Stae et of ntteridneno g tu? ram tis igneeace. os ncnmpeteeey ne deipahie teceiflnen,. ly Heaimlivettoif wn netfennegieo 'va bonner te ho pesnoly bhestIf if tia ecit tehreaticat whther freet igeeoraee oreright h a bd conned there tn steel, ho asinoleyn 'clteiD tenstop deminnet, a necteonce clpaeacndt ineempetet. lir Aid yt this anec, uetomute re dthtety mo, if o mit O nint,n id reananieg bigots a td bt ehee cc t wneid have tsh em eînctedLI it oy ie ont decred uenftite erne is hc ontryrnvenasia ouretncrieroraipcriai] ha constable. Ifteptonec lnent le bh hoc tic peof hinate tfnProjestnt ,ei nheentelaposieee ndietmtjmea ho top, rae mcnquerneoig cepatrinie, an eliteaeon cha lmpieonsof ni erte' taI yct eacty te ndept ail fitc peeeaeetie< ead ietnlrreni piniplen and peceojeo. ni chetttallege'.andcno dettthoa tei gnddliltaletfrenene. tece euchar. -d interjete nifthe Chret Officime deee< co alittîhîatney. ETche eyglyeofPo fr tesatoianeoely tntnellmnrecrieptural ]y' prîneopleceîd foiotneaoe ncelln De- my. The"1raccl mnh"noftlntrce alt and Quenten,ndertflicgueofeligion, tl n ceteoiopetencci olftulleitand y tîrci Froeet Ceeeoi, Protestntsate ona Sueerpecter end colporeurse.bht cyl filaittnny esnn'te Prtetntst adin Onterioe nolueegn and (le liteejer, c.whtrtte y ledgennone te bd d,,leee en ehiming loco'e td Suely net. W',leanîjnotynoflio'c on te Oe,mecneteîniynogloîtetbcabete 7cehldeeeron nylhnorablecandnîcjight le fremrd meene, andt ifPetatn, e. eud cetdttcbetyneethonejnînuened g end deoeedd ely loy tnotîng sce .a eenesCloesoel'ih nicy hennée ce t praioer tnetjc. nore',neleeeadt<. ceî8ng ail tîinean Cthlnic becali Positioen fpioinle celltruet,ton Proesntioee nn,,'c sle'elg,ndei many firlyhlsetoînneifibtofn ine Iletalind hoecytingbuteyocnnucel te iaieelece,noequeeedeg i ot t ter pet'cnstln, ieeeoeed, cond 3, lnec ege cent noffellohe. in NOn den t sccpfiiotteoenino ndo c "Pnoulee its fllee, <ntentre cuWie ŽNay, %cle nt aed, 'tntnlen t- lned le dry"; for tivla no. iuttit te iroeinetniioeje ie aend hiteanl e nen,io.î cel net htc inytgliieg in. ntnlnocnceec'ej, teleoace as e',ucen di illtehncedraîdeccud oeratrai, td ende n'eld tcye i. Theagrandcld or lwisnî u tc heas i"W'tteee yc cceeoldÉtteneaboulaido de 0îneId ocryea e etetem."'IJy eh,i, .o e1 c stand, and ifttee len Ot ite 1e0nc- te te maeelne stand, ten c',t,eLjcet len i al. lThe PotetanteofCenadaeî,eee le eeelylyeincnrateetela a pa.stl t.haine0 eegti therCherch of ltin c et ee bachlaitons tey tcve brense inle If cen nc'cy citt tiee cltte. 1tiong Wc evoe 'eirteeghi to, 'it ofile 0îoian tha onte nd shet mnc e '. 1'.o o Freae net fer Legislaciercenil ie thee0P. P.A. coe cntythteg iiennýE tont cenlL jectoty aclithe oiuleiecne ofepeon aced ail te dengenlin(In..et Frenorilerthe je jnloe. i tocuocii.in ohcht, corret te oif,on a nd legijnele cencaqeenen.ce ennrdleeflicone ndcndrecfi lie -Canda Penchy eici. s Ttere le e pnplcr impreno.. o. tiontt f ctbegrems era cent hy hcnri, ne non neernme, cond teatihocy carenneiel jsigtmct>ncnis tEeflash n cUa rea. Snch nerd Ote tIih oiltof t hoche transomjssjon, Iiths 1ofaisnec' heen enpe'seodrd hy a e in terr Iltcveftned imprcnnlet r tonne' mit peontnd cheacetere. ThoolinecI vericor neerle"verti'cal l tone tt te n cr M coutil net te cent <)Ili teoI horiontailiifiloeh en-ei oud bc- and, feneil,fite.markste hetnoratm 'Ceento erton ccnd Otb enendeofhe ilipsancd evocl rgccc aren lollteii rbteney.'hte horizntalcifines cr ocst ce apprepriate fee thae U eire_ri senend ty fict itrrneti, teteer oehtttc alpthb e a meor nenrly peendonlte 1 non. esd thoy cnseamthae upnsee uth cs e cli che ali bne ebtit in tend et. t n evaning praeticcl iegnc fer the lttera tee systoesa enre mata. oaa et thnsea ytema s nae e hrnugheef ail Amarina and Canada, and the ther aytam thrnnrtnet the remainderor et the mentd. The U.niitedStatesansot Canaticnnoten harefoeastand sporta frer ail ache. linos in fhewmed n th a 1motter oetc talegropb aphabot, E 5 The titaerena botwennthor.alshas habtsaj iu ctlp tathe empienaothet 1 laons boimeen parti, cf oend ottho fanme lette.. Fer exemplea the isttac . . taje.... Thema are teer poitear Bdtta, he ore epaeatet h a peineo Thaftje the Ameano y.lirws ra- jeceatpfha Eerapeao n the grd t tea itvnidbttai0te coafidtu vif b conrte Of prraodtag c. f ollorta ittr,sd ...-,-put in ttasplS.l AS& amatis. cf p L _tebaa __5c -rj bor 540 pounds t ovor>'de>'. 12»O poitol oeve.>'y-s, 4,?O0,0pucda ot verp l1tiyoaao,4t8,040.000 ponids ie Vanly a gant o.gac, sot BU pertarmo e lIer, th barl boa tae varm neo O, andraaateeontanilhfaaoghb.r ta 'l vran agaa bat,camaI>', te, Le toacsr a dronhord, a glttea, a trec e pssearand o e erttng clos ae "0 at. Vil ttigbt ta o erailed ib cf' andt'baconatta eongrounds. il' Theataranh liesra dimmiifip nt.lb n-heont, wmtcb oiy tha diapbrsgraliha as fans, and vhan t fOllemifh gaaft e'lihe aias11 half en, sot lfttao pftilti ,interferesra tctty mtfbtaeanet's ce action. The teraohnovr gooaralai ga, hut mhas flat mitb midigrtad food farasentattionf abusaplace, sotdgas De js ganratet sot the toteefaranas e ipoids open ta aecal otgac tnte in cfnmonb. Te avercoeathicobstert. ýdite e arnibac toeeat it4eeffinpro- 'gporton te the intanfecance, moea hfcc es c sonfteuthe bhecto aot the Iclumwial cympoms aae te realct oA tizzy bad, a n ientcdftuer, an tes et agbt, sotnsnor blr hie ore the nyma, flashes cf lghf, zigzag linai an ntoica, etc., nteueol- e ecet by the ranci cnvec beadeche. eh' hnacenympteminare ascîally eiacai e tchteget neitfe h t >ie,nhcctheeopwca pessueeepen i utehe enomeessivenmeredcn- )fgernni cymptena auprvenie. c fcngn qectitynofhblondte ent te theheoain. ownme mmcciiruptuesnaantahblnd cil in tnhe ban tethue eaebi.oand the p ctienttdieefnapcpbcp, ne, ifSte licen, i n cipple fInn hIe. C S'ien a in perom, o nond onie, 9onen wiotu irehia tigesinm, leepe, ti- grationa t neacelp neqeite scsende(],d butfermientttngecsoneandthe gne et igenerted n al era aitet. t Amanmni entadeo inedcnd the -mdta attnetendn rnnncscAithe e suettof henni maimuer, canb iathe neetiente ef heici gicen. lIen the dOmne nieont, partneteoftclargrensppee, 'tnnd&te eneel heef, terec bteen, ,S eiueinmer, mince pie, pbem puddting, mce -crecnm, ente, an ercoge,unete ant entames, tre ri ie ne pef eer.etc., etteome ac idtnighi, retires,,anet i diesof etac beaaîre ntnen'bnt tcenet mentng. Wbttidtebtacot tnl tOnde> D Agaite, cman teitic thut Opioit 1 lreveerpneenea, ne nîceci cnn etee done8e, and idor, t iouni,men hennI fiitee butt nhnt tns hic die tecntetngdentngbiaiceee? Aipre- sentit bt eenctcepyfabioeale t con.m menceet once citin etatmighfnet *tr estird the cieffieg preoce-iced 1 elikt.cin Bo acent nntgonteîebte the patient, frentren pis teonne callon dtenu0 te dc>cand niglin. Set Cf elee te mete a Suggectien, I eneit Sey chie in pleceofnit, clan ehewer, thicknent nit grae]e, -t0e.e cgc, teci tee, wntîntceenm ane a h e tloetregent thiegete pene patietnebc induecteccccllen. Cent icen eeiglite 444 pnendn te ttc oill Suoccin c cetght ni1bi.500 peenda< tronze, ccighe 52r, ceente, tenctp. :1.000,;cceeeghe mrn. eeughtf480, ton- neicy 50,000; hardtrcirenteelr, weogbot 490, tenncip, 78,000; lemnee, wegini b68, tenncnuy, 26,000. Wr are neeeamemd otnjeof metalccasheing enronege thcn ced ntcd cntheycae, gececnliy pecingif ncbp piecee nf the cne ime be tetet. M'bo eqecl1 weegtsteto mmateejinrecen.1 prd, il mc thon feendt tctenerai va.1 ieteIeenod ae rîege tcetdnjn soynseel. Ahbareoipinr jncccasbavy1 as n tee cf steeltu necht aeme illi hnoldeup b25,000 poucte: ;tthe et ont 175,000 peecte, and ceme bralent 2()0.000 peende. Wood ie betty. If n-eP10coe12 ime theîspaceeofî eicol. Th tc tatcinegs mode fer thc Uitnoed Staesy ~,.haveca nanimynof n65.00eoi75,000 pcentc te theesqeare nonl. 1BYcnlttifyjng scntgremat inog enter Rnerofpreseure, n ircaile treeneth ofet80,000 peecte mcy ha ch- tcied. tkilccp beiete. ohn hThempcec ban a panfeef ogttte hem cf ebotaen siatar lte îlesern. If hae pefera.l the Cathalte te te cetiet Chereh, lha bat an eindeettet ngt tfe leave fhe aont usi te cit thttc than. Ha bas noerigbt,1 loneec, te iebata ch. tan of tha land h5 tcttng a pieasare excurson tera Toronto te Niagara Fatls on Scbbafh. Iic effeer ta agmravafte hp che fuef tat hae is Miniter cf Justtte nuaali, and hneft therefore hava BU the moe respetartha fa'm. IHthebcn. gentle- mnthicto hoieac datp pchie optnion n chia 'mestrancontry, lb.mabao a linge rislabo. A RaOni vaHaooooMn.-Ons ittîl.et Eogftsh Spavin Limînoont cempt afy enmved aairbmarmpbhos.I pleasuen ta oammaadtg taram Y, ma il acta wttmaystao ro mrpta ta lb. raravral fmrahoraa0thrle i un raifaieset lampabictsp sptiota, rba, sarraap, atto opeafos, Oe. lebh, f omr, haksa Ont. itntahsa& C, otJ.HB. Crogarers " Toaae. -A for peara &go aa ncheoaifarine, Pataos et Intusr>, lBring aar Bos Rive., toitsd t th Ii Wo us Pas totn machbforer ta Ibasalo at ta ora a orapsa' o la» n o=o ondt brosaer. Aboutl fifisosreinta the dosi. Aoaremenia lmyt dr5 iave fasian>'ads i islUh -= oO Goades»P. FA, ot ihouL o et rt if, sontsara airhearti>' sabsa s t améer hoing batl aapebig ta cc ie vith it. la itas i i x n Ou ea-Distreata in Ktdoeyand rat lcisdtm a raersve ta ix haireshy theo-'Nom BJUaer oaa teAsmccaN ExaNav Cran." This ais' raraadpmia gaaaf surprice adteigi ai te phpieaican n&ontot cf@t xaoed it Ing pm es@tin relieving paie in t hiea, bndnaya, bon ont avry art noe the. umtnaaepassages ta maie oc td tomai.. It retacesra rtantino a ir la aatpainoin paaiag ifalmaat immiotf . il p enutant qi e lifandacou ae thiai eir rrmaip. Socîtbp igia t.at.ham, & Ce., teaggiofa. 8051>' d !A, cary important teefate ion ar 9 ntaffypgivea hy StipanatyM agitaa Honcard, cf uCbarlottetown, F. E. I Theett At bing in fanrayeeral f'membana et the Charlotetofwm cil ma wre eharget mttb iltegaif p hii octandceinltî qeem. Tbcy ditnt dec: fbte imapeachment, bei cained that Oh. cproiionsaofthm Acf dit nef appi>y The Stipacdtomy qnnftedai Engliai leotemeit cn an nimnuf imilar race. and tecidedtha tho eiblubfeh s a rlegcilY ceottuteaonie, tthetfDann were ventemi ai er1l on pachasermi anetfinttheaslnne meety a teanifn ni thenoo geetehimeoara te aini ntr. ASn aminnldnotseateim- serl,lionen nuf opinuonthat thersas ne scie nI inoicntieg tîqen ernfrcmy te ttc provminseaonittc e.nandhbc tta.reîere ducanonet theagmenecetien. s fit Objetpage ni the Torontnocual> Mai] inte r -'Wicit "admartine- menti. If>ne mccint asiteation, s m uc hebuicees, mcchiiary, intg- tee, ifiYehetleat or eendcanptine if yce mcnittnideouefeaemey oe cs, oderiiseribmtheToronîteoDity Mail : ndet fcdltt cdveonfisenafone the tbmd Page ni tlint pnpar. Theare istcînenmnt t wrdenchcinrtiona,li jifeucetc w om irnjixiuertin. Ad .trece the Minl, Toronto, Cancada. if. ThercncîfTh. Fer-Sole Tecfb, emnphatitally oeofci trt lMecnoe ousiegectoentefbr Youn gngle,7 pehue fdinntc tinepere, heinii Alask,.- flinctnearnetiierc arab ondf romenc ndtcnspenat-anetere" as tecte au ntrchr&cceimetncif;adina recnniypntliehedletcte hncairefraSd moinicent neas flleo no"n itîhbva ctice te teicer thrnnginbegicnl cequene the inr-reacnting reenite ofîaeemmcgiy triiandt neimpertntei, te ii- tete n faie ceouiicen bhteien hoye et eqeni alneesceant treegt eof cher- neter, btt heeglit ep entee diverse conditions, te ceeeey ttic iact inier- mctiinncenerencg mentirsnofpara- menniiineeat teinaurgreci Ice-aay Pierttmecc mt, ucoen&ili, te pretera an nerestne stom sDe-Snt Ameetce lIbemctie Cue, fer Hhee- ranitcmandtNerbgi,adicanbbcre ie b te il teys. bie acienopen tbm nYefem in remnraethn cd mycierinea. Ifrmeeccinone teceaeandctbe tiscne immediniely ticappenna. The Si doergeociybyenetite. 75cents. Snbd hy Higgueb-httm &Co.,tecuggicte. Itfiy prdece cine iunftente. Tte cnijaloduton is oere900,000g,000 gallone. Te tc nef ie prRa here mare etihneeehnnand hniseenngh tebnitd if andecterns en nmampttadnofmntee te heidthibmeice. tcbp te the barat Pretecerîlutee rit, thnegb Spain andtFraceeaief in exportation,oas ihep mate botter oct moe regcfam grades. The nenterînt pnothiilitheo te the cltinteon et the meope ara te bo serecic the ine preduteetftStbmn Europe. Feannec, Spain andt tfafy, te- gethar, pmdueabouet 2,400e,000,000 gallone ci pace, oct lit fi ere terne nef aont 'tt,tsO,0h, in atdtinate ecieing aout n0,lls,; peents et grapai ferraienoa e nota caanta. bteb oni inman oct beeses and al animala cuemein 30 minutehpyWci- fends SacicarpLotion. Thisner failo. -Set t hp Higgiobofbcm A Ce., tmeggîato. Ulb. The Town Ceeceil et Niagara Falls, Oaf., bascctet 8b00 te the Minreta Oiea aeffes. The pocng hons, Roet J., o Tburadap meneet naraite ta .ttj. the tontent timieconmrecmrd. The Netheast Aoemhblpba ta- itant ctail echeela shah, apen ifb the simple mnoiag nI the Lerdag praper. The NawnSoath Walac LegiafIature bue agnat te mate mampctearp the ah- rarvanOe Ofeigbt heure a odopimamb f®r mineans, Thme Canota Ctton COraPay-rinl in Hailtonramet'mrk an tuf i tlra an Macto>', bot rpraag«sraduaet10 Th r O Lah o meo.. ba ~ ottagatoci 1h . =epcl ta1: oLa. nIaoelpoatoof politiçaf ishor Part>' b>'a tata if 2Iota 5. Thoe ift 11 lame.bhopea icaed hy s s esci Baitomoos rapiishiok adrinI..ab b rfl t ttrtff uaitheue Ostacimwif 1b0oy t John Minais sot tamae Rf vot, ra raIlser aÇa arnt, ar hrlg.s h>'rblo cfdock chotifg. fie Bd"é oracoamt bas ,M tsetdgcabeaee ta the aoutb of ra Bania oive., Wost A, trl eioum. 9011 Oes, rboasisfb., V la sa bgis a 5tonMcCos sa tis*emwOassooaas eu id MYvv sa Ébonis te h. fettav11k h Ibs 'sB9 - Oe Oa a., ttlbleu. -I vet te bld.ea.rsspnso,.a oun Autaode-ielsIh. i osdltsste Bd.Vin a autaeeO5 serofSISIa tte i vH hârr, carsrasjt tAch. ula&e",u ra bsrbook. "vbhaf i iw cary urahsaasslseteh batof sailv. Acia*iil raa p ltitîwuvau aarrmPouatht tmnrWeil - eObléca sthse Atlanict,c . osdohad ftastimhlly tsos taefatsl i- Dent btesrasm en euao e d ietme in t h. hallmet Bslar pre- rMy ooot" epriog tnaeadsit chs.ttr. .Doeostracs aivays mran oa -DIn' sposthe tsar 1" ho arsesmoetIIesupposeotttdu. Ifpno i or .Krap htr ait, jeu cas et acbin. Isbtaigas ibyn ve bie Young cotar. asrunaitab aappose bhoa,'doela nparotoent i O. M n eno dednt ne em ne passr areornt?" . *oe neesceaigbt;as'bs a o tTan minutes i;ter uh a mon tbese 1eefstip bret arau.s bc, if thy br te bt chanedita open ch. liner fa a ghaut cm a slltuno ut msrolp bioqaira, «'Wbat <».r osa me, i pen piann?' o »l PSOO- 11 muet pioaid sali pair par, Moter que*ageont zunii a.n I Dhthro tmtaate'eiccp stsie his a.passa e ral'igeas. IwI en ccpnettI eg. . at, S 1rosp.imi so tg cpsi.oately. arsanforma 'y Paullentcno time ta tloivg cis scg-sarnas kegtiearho bat ci naimes,tave cm thme stareo c.&e aintima, atnchtbog at serptlît,1 aI oarrans as.' h a ,hîdonces ighneorae eitha cocsoin -aW" ejnvsibleh.tengtahtndowuang tuntipcup .Bgjbendifln. fZtb- ahi. are lscmsmsaI A" Air rasabettp nlpont th e csernateey, RUmosav~bitoreavm5my.oa o whihva litaop by Cierorlantnea, and Maais eaide Rsiiabt àsis md C vith "itte Ente (e b-vy Oa..Asdgtlrsii Wssoapheo muidsaa..eviatwitb factiheb-rtar bofaa5 eit anii laeot herrachers, sodc erartig praentn0 mcasPreia nloadira isu Wib boy-toers; lhecpset papoccngmoonre miiai. le, aon ce. Si;oz,5au cih glasasionttrap..ant annoirred te' nm5aaa atOio5'a. ra etraa ssit yeblteen .ittig aos th- mcin, a.shaieended The Wood Cam la jehi. shteaa esfîigbi, lmetagerhea eh ceraI taan gino. tehiat bien. Seit hy cli drnggiete. Hs halnooniar idsofrhthle mentit c. t-;e, hathe g hc cf borntrntion hbie]finIlhic i t-ecnront..itlog te t es h du.roho WANTED SALESMEVto ahdaaeprmt otonesot ac .teni n ;'1 0.Gi -- i] *hnmnntphp moicnu s toae t e, dlilempiete linoeofNcnonnmgSTCn skytighe obore ths ncraery ing;oInl)iIlOTATOES, or heth. Feemni poitehernwuaslcrt ha wecdi-Lthc-_ payîcpemîen tngndmDeu. teea atrXgi'ayeeime teeiterytif Neertbefretinihiicea.innpacc en lnccthly .-yen tn mette ucef edenmoriteofeousuaneofteennteheesr Addrecc- e lder hennt ep higla e taîeeia t h' rottresstgassumier ; evnahestererdud I Tee Henen Nnaannm htindhMitte eatrageniey 4ln in. Rocetere And bel ea rt the boit n'tcging ad neeîpnty, son ch. d-rame iiice uQ ruetemnteoeoîat.a.ete ted-chAT TH FOLLOWtNO PRf f te miilnt epmpcthoaa mutin Me. Bii F nd achecaproschranth.eciinme fh.li U RNITUI t slnoa!ipYle.teai I en.otne f nn eme npart, nincu rotm -pta-tineeedascuteino a<ngu For Bargaîng y enpeatie n haemoi eja oe&oanmeAlpin. PIloîleParloî Sutittos ....$ coeiasayemnan h-tbierds fer hi,, 1nand I ininen toendmc d i cla, Oak BdronSie ont macltemina osait tes aonesi I ee-otsSie fmayvuiti ntacp. Il I CRAPTER xix. Sideboards .. .... Toit MKO.N.N(a.Sent (hiaire .... Penn Cdr. Seltinede, apingiafrtlyeg alce Rokr se et an i lt desm ctenneaonWiwdni P '< ockrs'.. ser, hallen.c.. aietreacdheitus1.iFnncy R<tt<ittRockers J'ts irb ine vantha e rse&ni mosh ura tile meedmn rte, selema un:Cornice Polen .. leeogg ieWh.mclvsche ePa i kuonhen teP»,vih mhmch hihad ho"a.oetw'mdow shade .... .. qenmnga h- oiathmie ntore mIn cmo mrieseter smie ant incccssie plac.a veentiung in stock llte Betrasighcspont on the astneanone cent. Cleetienncedisonoretb tain hior pe.thon aclied to ch ai terrenoTee îptCerttg Nu e. m, ueiâtery. tIbo. e ihe eeenfp. vos ont miechocnboall a oa n ep@ teen CHAS. JO chue top vbmn, te hi. cispahahie heerrelho "Wao.n otîn nawhite tch ennMI djieaI me meeccnnin u ftnrSUBSORI B mry, ontdtegrate drscend rlemly ont Mui18ýci othe Ltcnosesemihr an tepeaeait son Relantanso n he sawth.thetc.p.e.nanasd on .1Inn aîî Ciada's Sest Familg, lie..Iot ailaees ieteeeepoudo tha ehltnccitdpmboiy refue t e himlu' tren hin, ic wnen ie hoelar. te mahle ReCj nderad coh a lsncccte hein H m ito * Se hae teppot onathe ataiec,oghosac ati houstoie cmv naiafernene, oct felng hmuaIfelt n tel _detfat11his ecIaieRu.lpbkechi.msn onceanid taateto aeei eighnetlyop t ont devnoncthabs amies o. hia ltile tera h-.ce. "BRm Diehp"" bs cret, "teer heacr Dnnhyccm 'oet artny ! "It'. nit otheseDiehp," raid Pari moireohfp t"m'. &Ucli.autke." IGHT PAGFES SIXTEI y.u ImItk ba Rol f.ud?"PAGES a nor," moit Pae,trpicgie pou s hich, Twicg a Wtt/g wrr 1 sROI p paatIott in ng I jnpnely fi-en 55L ide te aut ofet he nareI tours, van ddtf eIn( o ; -"ync 1show aber ns ,nhee unri. I' mina helup, My teo V t'esgeMrapI .Waaly pagera are fmn rien cinînnt." 7sg. andtO te agop mththeibma "Itoipa get aeeaeteg botter dune itan' tha tiraaa fbe managemenf hi obseat rhebthit. craet the raceetfthaeppiies Me. fuatitues, tinpite cf bie termeirw apiersotdare Dow iracing eah tee ocnh airit of huriig heunhp hbrushing pprgil mu ,pant trIl t1aIl o thteg,r- ha EfrY erylDaaad astos-s f-I :0.-.rlll;,.loýrhot hbuP er siteon pa#aa nebly. Tho "NeO n, tatter thon a e"har-paodayo aditco cieoant to adaof eglar rrahlp cot gu nmit FIc ae.rm& dand air caboaibors ildindtchi I tot vint te LOIacu"a dVanf5ga. Amenthe ras "Wat,thea;" sit Ratp "tbsa." Aid ha tiras ara Taboagai aainona vq .lnwy raeIeoà afat lirais fa»t, Moct t e apcmontoeaenairl Falrmitoeulfice eftsrlagtst tu. bolrIporeten0t1agel emm ai hirattcep oct tinc.chs pricelns talisan treotsgovsote antommet itaesU, h idetaoi rdmsStacscecth pot fatuo as n e ar Ofth tbfrai guitring .5111 ctIe o trt i .cn tsismot 01 The fatnfintg. ldp-"afy gVvsa .aséra tal aterp h tm-iog Master Dtes prxreo ev Iotaa tae trartsfnaonaMd otly ralot boaaý ptcedttp an tae arp«autlybarîi bis. $1 to Ist January, 'lest a piti>' dtg? sit Rey,iat Tiq iursbs choc i trarsbondhitie hdatui,»e. ad no 5 bsavogir. U A vrypeaiy,&t" m=sitbis tOon 101ai18".,asot nUl ist j., hueoct poa5tiog .t isflt-asa, lI îlotfor 9q aler 1 nd tr idta: mat bot RIct1 n'r rlil Ploedhzfi aviri findCetact it; SPoSTAToa tu Agent hobsI. osasss'11 , ion.,o 18394 - ALL N ' e We -M rn15offerm dXOtoa ObB e >~ *<~ Soti<iaan or 1 eflmâi s&- ,SI z WOIMORTANT ANNOuNc: ocor BtrileF ofi Busill î tion a -*IN GEORGETWO8. I»fwl Jlmtvitsg heen iD business erfr3 sscideol 10 retire atd rettiroi- lîinertfoi 3 jl;t, o I"t ~ and gsim-rouo patronAge beotowed 10ohnaus ahc«a.O oclearing oale ofth(le stocsk.lF) ,dîscooîîil -4] j atzZ.c. off ite trace of the goooln or hîlli oelîen ii0 o i « ý& tum e cild for cash or prodtii.e, îîoî lîduîîg c. .< M& Iwheîî prodîtce le trakeis, or n11S01oooo Ii l<, toesads oI od. Also oaIarge lîne o!' Wtoter Mail 1.I .9%' I haitiriese, buîtno dtscîountt off tiîernî. Ii ,, soo.tr- 10% off a before annotîîîced ;nlino a lit ,i hIlii rn ai ted dowo at ridictiloocly low rite-s. 10<1.yote i Sw-tii the other Lrean Goode, 10 I,ý ff. in< , u oasn. tr iew stock of Feul Goodg utiporti lmo i1 uottt of thero in the hoiîse before we deci le i î, antd 3-ou will get thme full benefit of 0)ot1«111. e oa a fol ne Drete Goodsantd Sîlks, New'MoJNo nains ont camor n t ry, New Hosiery, New Utsder'ceauNJr o neaf sot Neen Clothing, New Tweeds attdlSoîttto 1-ýN. 0< <ne au ne.tgeNew (Iarpete, New finîtatoîs-imofi Li< er termes. Oltlberoîîg to mention. Ceo. Our lillinery, Montie andolI)î cs-i, ii .1 j-il IN.Y. were oseer in botter thape to toibit oît i,<tjI Otîr Frali Millînery abeolDiess G ie o}î,i pl a y nili be lîeld on the 25shiî îd '2hoîloS, CES 0F Plie Eluqesing Eau Faur. lE 10% Disconînt Sale osll lîegtî l<o ii All parties lnavîng ace ouilts are0 10s) i il 2,5 00 to p<oy (hem me nerar lst Octobet i; sible.î1 25 00 This ic no Frake Sale inut o geosoine (t).,i l 9 50 diertot gale, ais wg liaveneacsed <u couihscm c 5 oo) tave got to take possesuion ot buntthtel' . 3200 WM. MCLEOD &cO 4 00 P. .S.-Mtcrket Dty in iGeorgetitJow ue. i <l tJ .25 - 50 e sanidof HARDWARE!1 ocgin. Suppl ies ~EW0 Bn Clemeai Pape- SIIELF: AND:IIEAýVY: Cils, ator a-Flass. EN CUTLERYJ, SPECTACLES, fo hs Dewar's Block, Main Street, Mîlto pirtlaet -ci! r aitp County.of Halton Local Coun'>C (ai dy. ron t. es- Pt a 0e. MA i r CieuS j " qcit Bilaon ........ Wifiam Pacte n 1 6 18 1 28 lî i'c -e mer. tte ..........Jas. Matthemo 18 , 1 , 7 12 '7 7 teonsi Gas amp ie n e t..cl o me aa irCen 1 o5n12 ,1vois , 4cool 2i 1 -CqCecBitnulu oues innetIh.tere. Cci dAprO i enieceole1 teuty0.nenennoonon., receene Tseun-ce, .d A 1-1',-1 ol oi,! ho bal Bp otde., Cleet chute ateîFix us in your mind when in want of. . e - E At Cost.I Y .. n'A>' Tits. WILSO dce c liatNee Q a oa n P ri Bsorrthe bIo adsmhe b imdi t 1.1 B..iinu.eu..I S- clr0t n i it . u sq5iea Publie . . M .. 4 OLB, Bk., Scia,-.Petie. mi. n f iltn. O55asNTo., DuCAL. otsin.c ta Va--Ilv o 1dm. o -no t rasama sot hlut.t.IOsi rnce. tOTAL. o-s . . H sansracaOm. c ÀWMPAIN E At A Y V r I N S w .a l n î me, - foro nes, cgo atone, bhanter' aactPuner eCarer' CANýTON TOe e irt auraieb. eeIi1mncuau( -~4ucem.narns'Hy0icphoeptib Toilot j (octdle cnt imureeme 100"15 0~gins nleececebenti6 -....... 7iGct Onu .0 00 ce' - noue.. 1 Esc er unne R ttem nent -os acàisactly tb w 4ru aaso mcnWva rese.uilc, aaupai>c ar an oBet ar neceru. aa ree utd scrsocle ara eec e ge si"[ toi dit-ait ce cre. r0 ce v.i hé aencshowgncu eiisenidaOn hscmens cre, RKc iiuesoi bdirgci on n Sassa sînli scitasis. nc are lîreprr B , U I 1i A ger' Fruit JOHN f. CÀ Trente Iclan Catie pramp office ppeat Main st., Mît e oic.,.5 en FNIl cegr. iuoen ai Tha oalevi the pon bp HIGHE n dtb nS ý -i 2dc poittfdl JO/tN LiI SPLENDID Park, Bu 4-Ai, ti jf di'