Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1894, p. 2

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1; :2 * ePÂrucheaitmumuh o led mi vhu a nomher ci (the ofut of tb mhe tmior dimeonai .fnreoneltÂiTmhe "o vrlous P" çf Ontrio . !I11y M m s halon tecrmnu p00. rwa.Thn.ad ~ez 0. H. ardy. Tho strettein thisCohn, Moiiuan, (3ý Mmii, Grand Ridn n "aIL G .H . oeldj-- hoen(ohui(le eedni vei~lle. MajimmieSi. ,John Sevenson, ay' tb4rMmiiei. ib e ion,emud David Wbeeiibon. David wiWoo md PuFfy m-bmavemauo Mf b oi ei mim. Sdney Yonne ig*wmNcibo t.r=iuet ue md moueof thefc (o-am- r Michael: Daiiehme vrliien anuw pm #-Mf nef160111-(a -,rm i th ur~ adistricts, in in vhicli ho baid mlind erimiim ltere advieing Tionm iy th join (tne-. m piai mi - 1 ery nieegee lam~,denonrind Wite hla nhis ndes, onrau- Pamnliem. Olfereâeme Î oth iil on tbm lipit calodar, anoid caPp riholi lbme mrivmd i Qujene. Je&me.EL. laeM " Im(~, Il a (ho daim omtee of ibm p n teyblaexm nen e,,artler,,iemg th, Atlantic4oehbweholidfr iémdJh e7 - ~ cum .Le 27ý tiencs,(lnodm OldimibYW te tr0 (oLocal Houdne Jauand limd fonndi pnrfnctly cie ue M ammii o.mual.Beaiy(obmieved th bave paok@Wd ~ ~ imle.aeMe ls angiven 1he admand for the and f gond ma condition. Tboy Frln freaarmia-oeranmitnhim emm, bholm Mei b I afmci Ommeolrus fo (lie llegd 27 marchera.ruhli naibrun bll ainet Jaes o mff'rgm oe n f-M , mandg oie Ilthe pr«Idenadvied theMcEeczie, nlirged wili asomit. mn mlnaoo BeAgem n Batthossoamnioithm ada=hoO e ai iga iof~ tg li or r leeantaHu o.C ner flu~ destruction l intm. Bnieb ie n(leh ind iniial efh - F (ha peror tle GandAlin o um a.einL umiif(non j Auryideau). n sej ju meio eproeoded. Sèverû mitiet Pmih, N.Y".. h in he5rm , tl î f he rad ctin'gaidi ahrif(lieony pla A lidiale Efea Dclmgnd ol smbvebeuldctclinon 1-0tlinon o '1e. i iiee tE St.~ * . Lonis. nvallovef e fly (et ;Zv e . o mid hae lmoïimllnd aime .i m de adh emia hibmnie fo mheipepedtjofie nd thaten ueo. Joaegd enel hve elnd idiieoro.The came vlho vmutiilamidih Court ea hme eim a ainrlth es ur- leshudjithParnofmn gn redereed. Datn EELYrNov inWmTsi av ot i resinth. ilr f tu hom dunov eCe . alm ory lu a body, but il as meouor MoC<aelliy. Q.C.,and T. G.Maîlicinended the d ii h Weaneeitu avS.he (bau i eu" PSc th Thei atl s of thenI Ibm ion foc piff.; Win. Lidlaw, Q. C., and J. qoonclind llioforoni tie. SonieUnivoroiion, ivnoongvnlu ProvincilExhbition ai Qonlino os calme Ibe "ye opeoner' veode. W. Ellijotfor doft. Tlireltoions bhoivonu tmhe o ou v livo rmene adnld ser of offle l. c W" h cgiain& iet»lon te balve bean traitera te(lin McKooinyvuv. Heo. - Tisoecae ot Egypi and ithe Somma ni Toby arn Tliey a"e Mise Marione Gicimsin vilivm o n alaofhinn Fromt(lime mattero (lie dits. comingoon for hlinqehe0, i li ngrni. eid th hoegnontllvsraed. Bilrli ndWss ,icLliLois, a gimulormiMie Enmmllehny spolie in un drilied th finance, sud nery ion o! thle lrned tia( de, a coler. It was ohied eai-Ibm (hor coeèreu Cnmmig. of Gasgow. TlieUniversiy b hUe Megliel sd Frnmbandlada e rs eoand coninroliargno onon was bldlinetun coooemi in t(linjeNorvinli, Eug., (bai Ibero are 56000onIGlagow graud Ib eir degce m oilmaetromou.Lmontmeant rly and forciliy made. Ih wne proonnonof (lie Jndge. and il erno id.-forelgn saalors on Briihelipe. Ibmtheestgrnduationornmony. EoIb Govornor Onipiman allsomade a speecli. de bel leorder lied nt linn iiedliyilie piaieif (tlibe did net1'Sir A. P. Cartnel(mle TlieLondlonof thons Yongavome liaveestudiedie Theoml5hoeid caeemo the Q'on to Mir. Mereditli, and (lis cenond cliarge (liai(the déendentibrirolien i Oroniceo Iai Canada ie favorable th Qoon Margarni Colage, nov ItheLarbn oely &o. Mceau n-n val of tho eriminoondeiaond Io ino i Io lodng tenhood abougne eny niin niotheerunsdeermoî IIb UivrsiymzmimentionnaoTmmay elio ' oe(dlyseoa iiiepro and (lin dotendent ednitting (liai lin fh ule M lia (lie butcos nf mou hrs ornflynird loloo n . Twelnve persona worm kluted sud 60 oGlasgow. Tlim -no m re espdia d e mioit M'SR.O -JusicenBur- lnavog linorgninlioni0 b. cv (l e pla h bousde(oandilie- moreo oe n(i niei( lein Ibm anie and four isn mediite, their lildgs, onusMmele ha imon(, by md~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r"u. Ronn lirPoniniloon eoe lonlude te (o (lin Cologne oxpross io France on Smnday. rlinioai worli lavin linon laltin (otIe vlichljudgenme(vanon rdered for (lie n.Tlie qoesion of whlat action feont lino of Main Stretand îlie Meeclianîn ilicogliot Grat Btn HRoyal l . sud ielityCl itnoCrietsi ,000nbaidfr mibm efnd lb oion dning thn Dominion plainiff rorecndeic0al iliiiand litlo areo 0h11 nomplioiog otlage pr o. cp eiet. An (lie Uioety wof aie suh ie nd140te0aory(l&rowncnts.dim bas give'rion le a snemv anen'a eue ofth(l omi e, ncdHienp ortio o îoîep iters îrom C an u i Cillm pn( oemniSdn ar hoeone ivranf le somei, bt e 1lishLrpromugstn arinc ferlio onerpidMisnGilclilo okli n arts te (le nrai The Domnion coonie fortheliescai on oi ennltn, aol teuh Lo2.0damaOogsb nigtilvred ici fulor a rsandoogeprs a orificaie ot QoennMargreot Collînço. Jur.1898-94, vliirb esdeone Joe os lid nhln a lid.000 oentliaeloed ili ou bnPaiamd olgn rneou anSloe nv appears on tho Univeriy Sllidiaot, bave nv linen made op, and a prene nlo paale llct Of tIbscourt of snitehlie paid vrecliod nt Apilly, Francen, ltSnnday graduationuie as (lin (bird in ranli nf Ibe ramnushiow@a defiei ni 1,156,620, i ""~ n oa". Sînco (lie fothwitli and (lie parte coneenting, evening, lilling 10 and iejneing2.0 lper. the ixcaondidates woo obk(liedegrenoth(linueo avieg linon 886,280,753 igo cotocrod te(lin divisionosliavoît van oreed ancd ndjodged accord. s00s0 of MB., CM., Iwitlibigli commonvd- and the mpendthrm on urenn(anonn( eo a more alarming rolont iogly. W. Lidîner, Q. CI, and J. W.' A despainli rou Si. Cloud, Minen., alion.' br ooenyon rd.,Bed (i.(enldb avr, and nome of (lie country Ellioli for piff.; Daltcn McCnelisy, Q. onyn (liai imber pirates net (lie bob aie, otfvom Ivo inoli lonore, mBîxhhnli as ueed iy $4,488,948. Ihiniunov nia onailnbave flint csllnd te C., and T. Gl. Malison for dofit. on lire in order to ooverop t(bic &esta. coumendalion, riglil commendation *4,oooi.The groons debi onnoodo np s topsfo complorervorane CLENcOnoVe. Huio.. - Action on cngq. and forly-(vopaen. Qonon Margareti *w,oooi<oo. th oganination and (lin toron. mortgagemrouîihyneîignmeof Denoon Ton etn boMCel ieColiego vue foundod in 18M by (lie J uM lv fGeoy n oi ni peenly local ilidependool ma(uo clr u o 0, oTm las exneplnt(le ofieof Jouin MuGlngov Aoeciaeiorfor anoHiJlin tae ete oto or y ot .. asacpe d ofc fal Brady, of Koupiviiie. Ont., bave bonu ai paiion payi omc of cirie,,$80, and oaci Counossiooer ofthe( Board of Edoca. Edocation cf Wommn. in 1890 tibis tOdnbr? .Yb pnnlv pa ig io n co Cni. W. Lnil. tien. oleeaddod t he (lin yof artsnindes ai OdooeIlN .,b Cc,-,,1.ith ni .. l law,, Q.C., and .J. W. Ellioti for p0 aleg foo(y are Broeliviioffinr,clargedwitIbassoitî. -- oue MCally, . .,nIdT.ô'A New Yors Herald deopatclirecumol ofonodicineoforvwooso, organînnd ing Jolin Ovords, aged i5, vbom hlioy va.ltenemlioa(1-Ty GoQerC.alinoc to.doI..Panama sayn ilie morlion (lie canai onniiversity lioes, andvithlise viewrtye yhligabrigtht 12 of proparing for Univeresiy dogroe.bis ermedlyinl ediualir eumalol i mwSpebr1-h oea-Mteo o eÉ il1 Po iively commence again in (vo lie fontt(e an'Yodngvor h maise liiu hian dmidod (o malle cerana Wo.o..Il c,. oio..oic-Aç(o tc ers.8 Tui egei (vo yoong vongralisediamlou werne bie uoneyvas li(dden. 08ein (lie M.niery, mhinli, im in damagen for (tn n ocaon ovit ha ibiortyofteUntd tt s do ge veioaly cortoa Theolnd munse, fmiviili ave th lie boa, erll srn(cnc(leu Ii dir Positioni linonen. Verdict for df.ý Ii.. OTho Ooneebas f c (lide cied haseod isy n lucge asomisîy. ecur (erro Ontario. it sein(ended, in .i.polb elhe c .; . Bru ece, Q.\C , l easc in aydedd(laCn...apied. Tiaodre rd et . p ,teglrdoHo.JJ.df.radieuntomber sallthadmiod free o! CANADIAN'ITFMS. $10. Tliey vore identifiaeditsy vorde à, pos(etneino!h o. .dt.\domy. aud are nov injoje. mey hon, a source cf wa Qn,,Vri.c usn.J.aAei.t..fon'iiinsas ha CletMeciree rgrssn.laer Aneuatoscopse(o tre bn ale aldtdolytiosenr o. (etrdiPrncnBsmrc gutniilty jO al, .edRoman Cto lc eiS. y b s etîlndra( od éoa uspond l'csentecan bsvo(uo d ise. alI o ?no ll.Mary'e cborcli, Winnipeg, on Tuesday, (liai l lsi ecu uie dces for $500 te kna lthe ouc ole a th015 :Varicm eye bimr a onibasdocnc n pherorentis ainr ~ ~ ~~~do irnb SoUsl i pingon tne htT .Matlîî ,C r ohepucefor e ecoecing. Boaci Hmhnqonlr oelSo and marnbod th île Gnvornmenî lioild. piabapnonlise rligin ' ;v iCo Ich ocfcNew Hrnwicki. inge, erlere a pétition vae preniodeu f then Premier liavé Rivecause Co , E . Boyd toc dotonne. Tise AllaLise steamer Asoyren ie A lnrge bîlac hoe a wschut nerou ibeir ieheif sy Mc. N. Havit, de tic le eClaris Wallace ving of! - -----hoaid uI efinothe lee oem lierSeafotoeisyeneduy. larieg (bat hebScooniAct of 18900van vor amani.ase lra((m l.cRivds Ohavelnifer.,c,, 5ifutile.West Yorh Patrons ut hndosiey bave mont opproosiveandDontaitrth Roman 91 fo ah mo tn canf ituPPnî Hmito, ep. 1.... iraran he nu tac eoved foale. o o docided (s oppose Hon. N. Clurke W'l. Calbolie. and nuing -remédiailolgie. il orIb conlnc u (h PP.. îsiilso Set.10-Tse ieaeou Theoven Mne bcseéuteiorulace. laiioe.Premer Greneay repl(ed usai lieus tiereore gcultloto. me. IOot Flnsiloco' oono le bh îavy nndh15dnuîisn trom lise iaseinîthe i., bou, ta aginni Curcan noe oiths snndsl Ihos das u hie police lOcosan Empire duri ( ho veeli tron, l In oidt(bot 25 peoplo buse een (lin Pétitioe voeld lie tolly nonsiderQd, hi Crran iridge scandal iuc(ortd.coudt (s.dsy a chargeofutciminlîsl ,. Sopeane8 hoSePtemiser 10. horfianyriv n h Cnin ier.ancd am.wrinwiiggi (a ieisler of Eailvay e i lnse "Il wnsofened agsiisn( Elîjati FiveeChinamen vere eseletuOg. L acnrveonr duy -Obamdanis s8Of iaviag Dr. Montagne pro-tiîdd, f (liai nighhorood, hy Ctis. denoisurg, NY., yeo(erduy ioraing, tue 8 os n audy:iarok H for. Tise docchccand lho arecrono'Murrany, n marrîod cetsan oithe ttnspting ho enter uthe St tes trom8' Tocuti 1 ; Capitale 5, i.icoreal 8; Sii;LOR IALZR lrndn. csneplnce. Thencouiplitont ic (lin Pnenoott inviolation cf .(lieCsnea e. Brampton 5, Feruso 2. Mc.TS. HawkiinsChattanooga, Tenu., s eo befuo, ovticis lave vitn f George Mrray, naistoher, andcîtOuion sn. Tise (tol gui, coiplo collocled ai Baya:"Sb . 's oleVialien"r'Sone oMY nieaou are, (liai Mc. Curunis tise etle, cf focr ctildrot. The It on ceporeod lisul lie Czac io sec. (lie Torosto exhiition yesterday Lien,.' f considnr iîle linol omedy tiic tclie Sopenior COort déendennt, Kdd, lc aisec nplitiffnlu aionsly nfecîrd vus hBrigitsndisease, amouo(od (ceoec $19,000.for a doililaiod oyeiem I oserued." ie Quéeoc, usd (balJohn F. riis. c.cocoe gint Oo. Simpson, .d aime .itis a Pulonary afoclio Tiseliconsenof REn. 0. W. i"ve, rec. For Dyspepse, Liver or Kidiioy trouble Cotolrn nInn eeu>b lion enen, (lie Murayn, and owns, hicis remained from the naîacis cf in. (or cf Ahrturbsilecein. Prire 7h nie. Sld hy J. H. boa Sliilor.Goul n îin hshel'iOnse in cois e hey v. Theo hueno tn seping. druova hy tise Biisop uf Huron. ________________ voit in (he onu,. con. casecous lied a The memiesee tHulrDu l i. HispCoegLeovleviîn lonlague vili ni (lic puition cf focs dnys uIc, and charges Sipson fBteyDa h. 0 lgLrovle il easeCon(ro er of nlnd ie. itli iaisnig impeopor reltions w,,to0cag aegroving onciiosushéconeso future cO= erlndcgree ocf D.D.S., he. D hE D. (i viii lie rennmlicd usaI (line idd's vile. Wisol Kidd toîod (o show they have nul ccceived(i, irpuy frcm ing tise (cii nlloge in Qooli o l lé ieMsNE...t St I. Louis, Mo., ce Soodny. las initle rce forliso Con. ai thn Police courtIoda7 cous Vint t tiesenttocf Illinois Ion ervice dring Ibis soep. 2nd Sept., Johin Milne, fcrmorly of h tiserailway steilie. Tiyci hc ydci c elccplleobn Acin, agod 48 ymaro. hip ofCuelcmn, loit(linOrange. poeoent l.roocîco foc lleged ccriinl 3oh (sai aonutaa.snicameofBrvinshoSucapiltasCeao-t20 ilmn i nl ced M. MWallaon upon Sic Johuisenusil hd hb nboguo at theinstg. Prmn enfrewt 400) aia eCAKO-t20Rcmn t et non fcr lisspoil. -Thee ilb io n of Simî,scn.nu o (oton, ee Offthe Io ccpsepr(ed Ihol (lic Nicoo. cocos niang prupeolieà io (ho COun(y Toronto, Monday, t(el(OIb Sept., chiange in Otario bhctce ise î. coun. action. Theor oi ld 5y guonse OePcepaiag an expéditio, cf Fronteaco. Aenie L. Wrighblevd vife et mral élection. In Quco , li.heccomplainane, lien. lMuroay cmteu oîmpooed of fonr hondred mene, vhîisa(ac Whitie, naislf.ieend on thl i . Tisomas Claclioce, Brandon, Man. iii yel bave tele hocvided fr, (ho oSnct (sut un Anuot litiJi idd coullliehsnt en(oBoras Deloou in order Hegie couroe, bacslbeun arceoed focrAB(D fr Liet-ouverno, Chopions cWois Dc otlivng wvîth is oue on (cdenand cf lise EepuhlicofetColumbhia (h murdor cf Mary Ann Lafrance, a EnRID 1 old (c consm ist te Thom1,soi nocooni of (heoteuble Witt, 'iupsous (h, nurcender o!f(lie rîng-loaders in lise squawo, un1(liheOlo ci. oEii.oLS.-On the ib inel., y (lie liadit kdhbreo0 mu ore ',lifor figisiOf J..lY S. Dr.Jame u aiton f Hm Env. Canon Woccoll, MA., leouge hilo. Sic hllsodnsented,sd i sNm .Sic Robert Hart, of use BritiisO'Fc.died Ysed mrig 'o- Hoad, of Trafalgur, tiuLucy Ellie, of i.., DiO,t icWl 1,,, mîonhi os'sa i ie ongo Officr, nlalen îlot Sir Jolion uf an overdose cf morpine, appaccnlly hKmtt.vi.Tcn..AilsCsulio nit(od (lie cfoence cnuIoîleocf. Paunceoointhe Hritiis Amisador te talion cilissuicidoi inlelt. EL-cAu.A h h ho OY.s, 00; Ahout tisonehe okateconode'silo toid Wshnt 2wil e ( hec iîin Canl T h (rau hanrsg or00eLady, Guelph, on Wodneday, lier hoohnnd cf il, t Eh idd, shotic no 'o, nd Tntee aarhisorciofemeoo ceeignd Aoguh28, liy Bey. Pallier OLosue, H. Coohkcff(lin Ontaroumo sid , bhnd (oruîced he te uoocons her nu quesinlic0ciSic 'Jnlian'n relicemeni failing boust, and Mgr. Bogie.o coiendndaitcoCioMTge ipany maid yeoherdoy hisolhe doingse. 0 Sisoandibrsecio..,ss cith or irueuter hbcor puni. adîicecoulaoone (is vrb. _____________________ ni (ho Uteld Stat ei[ qrs. Kidd, cocol don (o lotedantsojtr wl sue h o dvy R ive an ospeiot (e o usîîe, hut is dénimadt(ho ohole alait Si, Frederic Job.sone, vise on use TheiODntario Goveesment bis an un. me:iser rd, letile ois f cohinis and said il von a pcIýi q job. os thDerhy cous the 50 e channce, Commun ed an addi(ioa&l $1(000 In nid outhlie s0 io eed foc m utnya enc, cotooso hou M es. M ur ayt n,it(od in189 . coco (ho Si . Leger ve terday esilloru cf lise Rainy iv r Distc ti Pacyoucî ndudOto(er dis- havngouid, oncelutione otuhicrnm u s. thbTirseehe, asothr en 1ic siol, Wvobneiediy lereonnîirs. Il huom (his esoan. Musccos. nc(ion, t(sol 'M yh hiudd cooold und lnitisolir of Commnc. Lord *Smnev lliunderstorme ovopt iveor na Os UXivlIcoeeetbaovSims lon wSimpace.'llit denîd odne ic ' L adoe coae ord, and many parte nI Ontario cnrly on Salur. NO I E o ao tshe ilac ni',e orth A is atSimonue apuyicg îî,o cents t Hci eHccs Mliio bc. day mocoieg, and mccli damage vas voagols in oed Nuotig a ation,.orihet it vas hegon ni (lis Sir AlbertI Raye ROlil, addreesin odns (o pcoperîy liy liglhisg and rain.- ýpotorre bcmot ecf wn nt hMicisian blin oxuand swo te o. id oent nMs tetise Asocioed Chiamlinrs o! commerce A monument van onvnilod ai Sprieg. Noiceî inornliy give liai a Court >a he imie fr $25,00 ud-Muray ay (c iflia .eud econ Tonsday aI Huddersfield, congoatol. fbld, NS., on Tussday t(otheinmory Lisi li" élNpigann rie Jsdhe Vots lieceopértionfo 90.00 od uoryson 101efleidsaed SP 1slndthebe m snopen ile imprnved outhlie 12h minrer wo voro buled inse Ac," l iy oo heJ eo cmooce epecuh ins teviti. sonmlie suld 'have is,. Sur mlid cutlluciof (lie crld's (rotde, and nddedith eriile cOllier7 explooion onI b' îl on(y CeoruHef (li Csnniye tumt psheîl w intise cnlyale bod i pormiseothony nie tiut lise iiter epérience of lise offools 2119. O.o ln2iidye iue,(,a laitplise land Brillitie c Ofc t io crimtuinsult ctiton. o, f thenexclusioe laifi ie openingîthe Phibogcnouafodnoeeocoma shlmrade id ail (ho li é.districtse fndent, 10d,' nsthePtikonyv, h a on nOUte2t a fSetme,19, ai idaed od îiin il T is eede, idddrnod wavy (o freneor frmt (rde. aca nsdinCcvlo oedyiemn o'(lie uvea mptlhe n e. cbogi s eîing tn nd. Mgistoate il hdi orwl nTed i small imils, visece il don JetIe ccud ccl bidaeidosce ho coniet A pnpal decreen bas bInn isened îi.n-Iiglt it ba fraclnodouididy ndermiene in (erlincoline Lisietlise -tediec mll, Oin t techaed. . nd nua goEid.h cono du. lholîng an apeehîncfecture for irdaY. Ail lise eidonceon isainaishe Muniipaliy (le Vilage of Bsrling. lO10ePer cet, Ovitgelutin (icria. oManevol.is. tj eai . . Poietsetemurder. (on, for 1894, ituSheis ~~~political circlos a. a mak f rnulis John Rouler, a Spaniis tnmisermer.- I eou ivoglnim i(i Mitea uc eou-. tis lo heli Vâiecan andhItaly.dchant, nf Venonuela, ie (n Otawa for Court are roqsired t10attend at (lie uaid - Concienivils(b aneuce t i~ coiincpome o!fealiliieg a (rade in ((mn sud plans. Ostotîtoe. Tibury Centre, Snpt. 1.-Jolie W'n. dceKigHmer a i Ciiab s is 1098 b her enn (s oieun5. Dad(lnEgidyniSp,(8 -Dock, a veallsy furmer in Tibryoey .iol iiv i prvit eti r n eeul.DtdteEgt & fsp. 8 Joomnah : "Theeare evera oou h c, vslad hon bauncuud différnecnt ,iauns tfliooe, frnmevhirm tle TîhRv, j. W. Ansis, nfLondon, JAMES ALLEN, mS nd seConadaprincipuîîy E boetd, snd Tillinos laighî.Soosroyal appronalPan lonug In viIhbld. Ont., ie fcelymetioendangoIte se. Clnrk of (lie »Id Meniipal(y. ari n Can ada, isprinciall eid hc,landvils WioonnenI(le on.Dr _____Joseph____ msHanliieclinn,54 The conneitihs(ieonunndseaIAI Dovanserno(lihe- ____Dr._______inthe and ni thn pecmpting cfhisigiJack Rlillier, oaisismithoellater ceer han7ymhmteday Pauesdan article mal-odihroliip nf the Chistisian Geardien, n M proeomionni meu, s,10 e art wci(isa jorl-kibe about 11.3()ing iîle miedomsenor foc any publin Meibodisî ipublication. 41on0e viîi fochid Québec test niglî. Tise man liord about 20 offire ie ararla peoingorînn Ftbe.asvysfLuincn. non or levynre fron practin. minutes. -p onFarpra(s res l ankne F.R lin iesto. aned viceemsa.- hut Tiey vere ail ondée (lin innfnenc f lAnoir rilsAnrc I oRelcylerodfo. toanoési latursh ai a ! iq. Wmcl i hlsearso! provide. Xai Prison talerlhall net rotosnh, u Teday. Hie imo v;&àO (olia ~ ~ ~ It Leiîir oacigao i as armsed ai 1.00, in bod conn mo hompétiiion viih free labor heure, t min, . 1 .5sne. 0on nuet ldomîcilvti i o aIhe eteCommorcial Hoiel, liy Cosabls mand Iitnohin l ali hb manufater. rvnia rilioDusuMIm mcn shooiRel un(bre ane Sîcan, Normandin showerasd Bedon. md (n iah eprisons exempitocor n ide auPovincd ilmediiamPrani !g A licenu ioneni01$25. As. î osae o u nimr fnr tilhe . Peneia 'sahom Feliana rodit&ë its Timon Baye. Are vaDonulMongo Stewrtc, formeri7 vntl'boovn eagihu rnh ,aFec top ou tce(o labon and Minluman Central Hugh J. Carroll, Of P uleI.1 ier onu Friday lant. Th otngi 7 Loe o thoniano. tor eber cars, 0 t haedbauoccdInal fo eailc nd atllmonne d" nencos!tIbnIrishi Natioaliste in Amenic, Seere, rai cntfemdaho vera victiio. celsomoe. Warok ey Ia NOto »dbthCooaouimnacre uiter &=ans msatchie oteoirions cliaracuor eroand tim part o Wnvti.ni«fl cv me 0 D .Gba e -Saseday, lepiemer BIb (lis emniry, sud bis m e npeilnm ufobn yv hno »neptOýnl amlvm itl, Z.Oll 1, 000;i Dr. Wliew 9w i8ci dfoaied (lie Toros . unocnhaobueo hoe bien. teibs . l7MOOMt, n LEenc,9,AM; Chut(eseJavieý nammeate Oneliediteuinstalilimel aigltin (sW.Wrgt, von idrfr ,hu Ibme Ciple 4sfem(od Mont. mthedmîl ewtiues onho rsho nm. delt&ieinha aM ponse ilirn. ?onngli Ilor The om vdiin Im aciti Whe T4oug th oi aterluom he sue =ls roe nd.r.&Z n ahm tpuus; apiiaiei ee0 ie o ai& Ibm Wraoth bisa ergs Obiner fmal. Mareaubutiii hemoc mah neFrg tihIb mouliva nI bhmipu h 7 a s s l a u O î r m ye S ai m S y nIin en IV a b e of m~the« tonam7 I - - -- ________________________________________ WE HAVE NOTHING NEW TO SAY But we bave somethmng uew to talk about in thse shape of ocîr Boys' Clothiug... The New Style$ 1 The New Prices, Thé New Qualities glyn un food for a greait topic whicli oîîght to juteron-t the keen buyers. Boys' 2-piece Blouse Suit, small sizes and liglît color; price 9,c Boys' 2-pce. (lai-k grey pleat- ed Tweed Suit, fit boy fromn 4 to 13: price - You can imagine' the quality w-e are offering at $1.75, $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.5t). But we would sooner you would sec themn. SMITHR'S OLOTHING MANUY 5Kiu- St. East, Hamnilton. -Fail IlIats'and Fali Si JJST OPENED OYT I Drop in and see the latest shapes in', Hats and prices1 away below, what is uýsuajjy got foir them. ~uits, OciciPa ts, Sumzniner -DryGoc ~andof bu8t qi IAmffuflray &'Co. wili, trni the làt of' Sept8ember, clea]r out the balance of their sum-. nier gtock at cost price, and many lines in every depart. ment much under cost. 21, 23 AN~UD 25 KING ST. WEST, Cu@ il ¶1 IN~ ap and will have reaý -ery 50'oods aDd Ma brugbt us BD îîscrea these branches to otîr .qanities thlhu ever be: ihe l5th, OUr, Millimers ble Milihuery. wgad aiein b ?îliiiitlii< th1.Cal and haoveil s un HE - ilu p LE iioousisn.ye The oos,ot inn' fb,5e.Iie m Slss A wmOtcO,lQ5O -~ l" ~ %on, iluwo., e Monled Note ciug on 'Satu bit se,ý Envelotiie ues, ýru, lies g, w' ali>' ceom Liuo , luu-s lu, - 7e. nd tise. Il"- tuususuiftic mach. 5, 7 11sut. TO-A ful ns- lits .. Tebiemnallfýiznn,uu.i.I . a] 0W.fm lain. frooi eu, .1Ji -ime.p ep oqoneOt 01, oulnly 5n. perebiot Firl, Part Sec- sw s . Tiîd liondr, ýif s-ui JiS luu.ciiteaden me' s cl li ofyls of n, 5 ma, goiiesu sansIussu Mar, dT mtlu su ,îî y g aiolsnrs ltosl,..uueuti ïsnl.aritîimetio sailt;.. j-t 1 arIlen4 ;encils. draeriiugpencilsn euu.u qu 'eai(tiascorteul tulV il e, priee Ic.esat). ii, roi end peeiold-so, n o9i us, pelîidesors 55 r ereo11loinco. (tout tss s com; ono ecmhied lo.u . uc e cribiblers, Ic.: 1-0 k b bo o .,onin hc. ; 100.Iuucs. wher. Yol ors, large mx , tc.,; Nu-sus lbl st n s,0 go enrs,'largoens., , nf l paliesrc, etne3oul. 1.55 l t -illaos, foosctl.li()u\llllluo tom 5e..; extra iene's. t.,i vies bnd nIntos, e aî.art and on e ls' P.1,' ilî to mefehihnnnurSItes. latG ninene, tle grootc-5 1, t du Sago. pge ad oi-n, ~ . ts lîulr aboudh] itlu uîsî.sssu WMand 68liSlng-i i l! lit u i l, a Ne'ws. 4409so\h.itt, il,' 'omm f Woodnhdbk, tinnisit is s b.guesi o! Mca, Jolien ,inoh's nof Watncdove. e, Ls s f-.. l s foritrial fornisn 111, Luus ,( i olimd a little ginl. su. uss roMmissoinmcollaoil . a 9 rdtOelose dowu ahtfie' Il, a Ob Machines in (bah cii, 't. Io Aos-i , u-u seo nrntegir'.Ap isPu - 1, 1 W.Camphell. euls u-u E WLLeS,eofotaisoille, 5u au . o s eccept onssecosuî l.Moon *dogs,itiiclin, nul orr n ronnichncliesc. [s. " R ORB, o! tise Noctlrik epOni Ssnday vitaii, osiso us iiod v Mihto, and faecncd CulunsSti a cali onun.d. . iulofli u,-Oabvile's tbec ituuuoeou ? ridgeovil(hbcopenod aOolisu'nr ap a nleliralie * do tus- lie n Ns tO ed in any efferof ut isuuot',.s ieni t pDaeup pnuiilihiest\inss, 'cm0 addcss Garolson lusl.lon oh> L .7,8 , 1N.Y. Waterproof (j OMS0 Innu niied tint i..uno, 15pu my enocloe in! 05 c ls, kgnievi(ing scri1.-eu FlIIIusio .f envslopee addrensed esoued oul isu >1licatiin. Slunooos lus 4*inday of tlahme.,h I 7055lier puIlifSobulIand E. Hig ihîrd tiiiis1 eC CoLPONesosffice. dihitanc -a eneny, U.S.A., Sas Diego, lomîssluuussilt Slileb'e9CatarisRenmedy ing lis cIli ed"IceIsohâvae enfriand cinguo ileî1 e me any ond.' Frigo OSoocl ile liyJY. M ognCoflcm ed usnlusiigii ,~-CharlneBrownocf Thue yoii, n boney ai the Inus ý-seneoal nuou.t naibsermanedhoil Sino.jI,,0 emmyrysoîtrvlise mode Iooc, a !44t, ilding a nilnnn TmesPri" tin 20 dOwaeu, Tis foc Ibe nov Pce.hy. ceasod gontie JAchbu bn aardl.long tsi u LaveOn and vocu s t ho msult sf d The brick vomis busionsli 4plueiig viii cot.bsine0s n-l -,POlpit, dan., $90;aileccos.aol'a - lips. lie Isis of fall feu hbats p \l.sMoullo - gihdkr3 tplon, li d & JmIIIIIStreet., alwolsscu, i Mennau ichIng int.eý barber for- an pret ai Utes à th ly ins t] Ing one t he 1 R..,e A th one -T in m

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