Ioo XMLTON, 1IRUB8DAy, SEPTEMER 13. [89. rIE34, UCm LOJES WRI]gGER8 *$1.'91 [HURSAYMR Some time ae we lied a epecielsalIe cf olothe wringere et the atonislîingly long price of $1.99 na. At thet time: wr aeL oidvrtised the sale i otîrity pape only, feezing thati vo woîîlîl nut have neerly enosîgl wringens for all who wouîd want tlîeîî. We have now, huwever, e euffiienuly large Lr b , piNT quantity tu eîuable alinoet ex'srybudy Lu obtain mne. Thia saIe will last until tlhe let day uf October only, on whieh I." day the price will lie put back Lu the regsîlar figuré. Nuw mverîîyuureelf aceurdingly,. for tluis le the chance uf alhie tiîîîe. ThIe wriîuger la uf the lateet patterrn, the rlîeso we guaraîtee to be of solid white ruaber, and tlîe wringer in RAE. evoîy WAy is equal tu any wringer uffered for sale. IZA SPECIAL PUICE $1.'f99 Eaeh, fit -i s l 1iiIi l' yî A r ~ ~ ~ ~ o ' i 's îcig -' r. . iiIli:ii i io ti 'AI. LEOD& C )WARE I YiiA Olem ,ir; eH 11AR i 'o1 F'CTACLES, f 1 c 7 9cil ýi ,Ot (lorli oS the H c'olored Selling E At Cott THOS. WILS ta 4 o îRelas M. Wpe, sf n C. bOue Iigiop Bldwin, flan ,soI! oit hume î Odin; Me,: ilo iiîointad t a e tond mcgca pcner.ed te d lio aso menatas thn Boise aI Oeheps. I Ii. -.i di, 0 iNL , , i . ON.A i . i ii ,. wiO0 Y. Chfomi T%> P ',150 " i.î'th cm coi4e YION AM MOTH,i, GEÈTOWN,ý, O g tleSODo lUitlegsd li'IdOlti, ]sjg iii 111,r- , î'B i iîîîîîue t, llat' R k M11] 305 l' i ilto li e i 10. 14 ceai?'t Riiesn, "n tah. P~lanl py ni eai;quasar far.Rai tnWuliM na in n ase dysofensive -J csrsag nieal, anu 0 munninots ainsi i tacs, nli, obnijn, nseicteahoa sl laian. '&d ieu "in't c m'a ldon thaui I1 nn'rse- out'HIe jg.taIr , nda. c Me la Panl Balt an t aunrasrried aites, ponce , pos linon; l'as, pcsr '-Y, 1Innmaidesd (1111 cag t-oMyp anas lioccn. u ilml enim. B 'ostiolina e; yoî oîght ntseloan n oîr ta oh aheur, f cond lioce ?T ""o-efto nia ..Sul P.arem, cii 000 o oof ilthîs, si tmlaple ahoecamidden thm c-eoer hidenrasae .Ile iand tile c oaeWe,, I lit nipîsaany 0f "N.eec 'ond aaot >'>nIy; "Ihso-&Do »OOnn". .pare in '>0'Copiai! n star.nei qies smdteng, yoî it "..If," tanaMc. tani as -et npmlai a11- in fac, an eoiceip Si iol.1snoteopon te acoid tengli T" , yoni'pado, la, pl;iaip,'Idn "Wthenî1 asre Yeum .tauS hern hfor. pon, "1Nottas ai-hp .. lie po. .OolyIp caCl Lot I shonla tanher îG otliapatculin h y ou necly .ppan ta ta eiirioitp." 'l'o> 1noneaoyat I)- booheilac, Peul! lue, Ion?0 ýOli, perd li ne,ù 'bih ee oo n1 tiofI i , Ihoogh.", "('oo," smiS Pau lîglt f io pon ufnnopY lever,lbut yon cdi tain "Net cihoot sster aicaS," cud Paradine,, sooililiOlo iiacbmfori. leo't pom alcinkpom "l'o ursd oS hi," lateoltocmesaonindcorn "'Onlp gi-me a n hm "Itell ynm," prots al.nsrsnims 1ls a gcdselte, tirasti.itath "Doso sa y Olat," mn .i t',aneillent fia-, 'OHmpO." " Do. o.un-t ta driv dIoniHHee!"crildIP D1puido I telia't "î04 hope son-I ohmo lilgnt lita oap P rentabr a titn rin e preIetaaltetame, ldas la; tatalsnonptsd (long nign aas nolatsa la yoir nein mnY Prisa fanmip pst? Vmeuea = ta hn, munes Thon caris ain i Mdhintiilai y t. : ais. yeu, binsnBnshis liardiWh to eni tdiS ofs t iorna cats, tengat-inn wn ta. rsIatlensènsad pas "Hec di I gS eaihll Pana,--Doil boi t tRnkyen 1, sectAki4fffude i ln ta u en - cý unetu sais N t-tl v a se. i nl s~ ibn4cIcIdst's. ud ssn ai isI yngtEnassa "hsan."n e Iyna asesn n ns unis te uyn m n a nwm lns m sttr. esqunlin c - uit5-nI "Ynn loo es ens" nid Maread"*e go e th"" nnae f Sesapi nensUntin mÇen Iannis ynn, If en ffl - th" I sIIyenif ll, ««i le " nin fornin t o inAt" , ihot a lnd W"ttnc Mr r isines n e est yen oi tâu&m pI îl -yen bt a'alt np1 e dotUinh nnnbnnpla i.nnsn hrdb asU sisisnCdns c nnd h ta pst Pasivuhy a ! nve I -Mt pst Nnes, enoenIesceilitaisite d«'eh& iT 'Tien isu sc itp. ru in fslcdn aa vîannssilehm oien@ dira ofthedplaa sclcan l "No, as 1 sas es et das sotan s i7 niy a u aih an, ny --"Dtlas7 61mJ mais este mmtcondiuis ifOf incaylse'*1ten I oni sildMnk.ilry abat M dU. kld oteses iacc sps c islileaiyn518nnycaa Iisu "dcn si aen~dnULuia man a ansn.n "l biasyenasedis, nIIuptii a I at o ed ilcgst haan ear noctlen srytasias tdmns"yenrsisaiti, aia amedlc . IdsdPae'cnaantaa iyne dac yIised a, wIth d ata Idis.-Nata;ticeetse' issus oybo. n bhahdnPnU'ad h se ,anhis ; b is a h. »n nes e & . poahsa10 esa cs ane anpn it n pt l Pan abotte Blr . Bsth n a hon l, a d hm "Pt nt Coa l, s'n amiteyop a n ffial ens n ptsns 5ndebhist Iaray haciyt ,wi e ntin ohnD;?c-d as.Ysnitnoeswite a isheilvüpokois ta nsoucpence "Ditja fos nie ai hrtad, ta cnc a a snnniy *etndawdhsaDc.tUsnar n nid b pesjndid 'hhn e;ts ouchierpnthictebalir imsancey Bnpentdcna t ate i otr 9as Irlon-Iadabois tabsn. fihca ltadbrenOnhrt.asdeentainthe yi oil. icniy 4%tl'a à t piaiip nintmi . w ea ie doUt salie uhies nsut eodlery OBcesans-i"o yav .And rp P. iit al uet ..y M 1 tac o hmanfelig""'t e.1the w_'" Z ttalanab d hei e o, Pess n rv, Ip d aSlit a na htatary, P lrcdno rom n rs 'e desservenIl ydeAmIen do;pbdt syn?" v ohldy n ien r ta" nde 1" iee ,for fnstescoc . ics naal, ieI aie natgarde, m oyeri&mat at. 1 .'Ah,'it,"Diei nt'sh chc e t 'To"hin. Va tas, caccc-hsrsiarvin I"&l Mradnmn. yimpobahedmrit Wmnws toaof ns st ad nttp@teg siawin s, 'cMantta ifnyOBn inni oid, ea m. e snt cS, liena.1" ths tAlittera das ail thisInor pan Puanplis,dnoe1a'n labrcctest hr phannnciiy bvein. ip yard tac i ani, ton allianet aiso toothoola!iY..ohms." y j-'re"osHc.ynea0 iti ana thon;yeha leMnt e.unnnis, mnipaed,; lina th e tamas tenatan Doned - tept htasor uhmceMahsiooHe osc' emc = lyn 'ld Paryeo eesa feasmavene ase ninie lscaob sa îcahuImoinsyuistls1 nsaliip eln th cmnid -, I lietofd lha to saoho >e à, Otnsadtsitan-im'aaal"teghaipl r0eog sassiai Wenbi roh-nmlaie cnrgeiatuataeyn clo.ulyn la nocsi tawu 1ao-. I nnondtaithi. Wlit hn ooydirerradon, ' We,in ttSan.Vncs Rîu4th gynltan o i. andradoy soesh avilenrindin'tlctancaiandycan o pnrMayngdo tepnaoîgooloa? eatoinitshaaecaatt teandtai chor n Ternltaansdreliaef te c oninnanba rcYnbaiard 01ofay Of «' eTAah" yooaîic, .a>SnbeitWAo.,ii YODis a". nnewca rsst irl ta a-niles anny, iacmie antinn, mse of pigli. ladeptinis hntasyoondlilt airea, adetdo'talyepoa. oos'fataoo t,I tetaetatb dueano."fo yn ida don WliaanL e-d u ya lmmedy aisany rnsaitai tcnPaul oveà ieutanck ot' P.ýoayshaveieaot yein e hiscnaym dnir 1n yen dite ;Wut theaid ngeinthecituationa srnds ta yoî ae. aNety. eloke mT.o o I (sDc md udo m. .oC7 ui= m_ w netwithot i.dwbk. ;ilni_ et-thI oivm sneWiglit"snotio-I'nao oieuayoioonentcciyaochenwiOoternator Itimact aver oei m ained te ie m n'ho w ismighs iff y I e l a n I ,cra to n o rli ed o o I d sn ei tha ' t a ve o d h0 o mhe n i os e l d in tn a n e .n a p Iyou w t!e Thom h yend asah"nally"yonrn t , ath w m tenh i eso ratcciudentesyen. Tha enehiro.yc ...yccooyeî.lishe îa "N.asoartiit rIons'adtheasa n-tad as. thsy "i'gfhie Dentl, ecialinuppogse wr Dii onàs. lalln0nte." ntaoatalc. ,oeoiuat ooeet' i.. Yî,. dy JesillyerOal che ait n O t >?iy sorasnthsy OrasindMenocpenoihnOthchorible inHstioeu1 '"IfIoCeiloliclis alppnlnd taoi thavoh.oosh.posagh ool>eld onI iYgàscyen onewich ; yen oatasit li ynîr pisoh, bnt, heehad to lisar, yeo aoceip dont 'met..typn!" masaad Paul. ohat!" noi." i11 tnd aeisIratharMyp at ye ooelie e ta cght Ny. "Tlis old ditras,' orind Macndohc; "Boa .1.1 voit heoreS oaa 1«giiol nooled mseehieg naot bha tan; laping yoor ic! ai cr11 ?" epon nn'a forget. Vonn won talanssa por chacpp. oIîild ci" 'il, .ntdBarbe-ci ched hic ccIilagain. "Aomi iIdid helpoo., wcintihon T" -il iih.nce- aveno ny graitude, aep 0aniglI., îles? t'if, yonarne a "I suppose1 oinsdn this mnellne ar- tthnt,nid Paul, "WVhp, 1thslîd b etaeiarsOoverar il 1i dnoorstsdnmesnt in han. Neoerr andc, fe inios1Ihooli lihote kohooe oreh," nSiha bisl. "Cocns, danietabo nasthag I miet sli haoe lo, ou ioce"nd Me. Baiitodn. l'lilgo. 111 icvs itayon. Iii nsat Oohy.% did i, aoo'...tioato; gîoa e e tseStase; it',a ecp iespo- m &-i adesperata Beothocjho lis hrothec ha law hmd gcson it emscn'dns shah ce chcthcc lien scol"OaSi ui. la iishtooe," noidOleli, ca.o taoo thnt t eounid taien ae liands." sscp du]i . n ool s- yon tinitan.'> Sentdsol Sasied h rho' cexopeood "No," naiS Dieli, ottnni; lshaa 1 naitdithsia od "Ah, hbt Imnua, sht'. ta beonenof "No,"nsil Pi &eno l ymio'cnright; peseetaoa, Le> 'naGle teproscnho. ile o îbieg ail tho tie icrooiataîy , hi, ined 1 'a dnspncate mns?" tatnonld naet-rdo" .saaaiplo>sc. Allie0 conidln pooets"'I aentaeepailmitl." ohas, eh?athecohooi 'N'on ?"' npsnted Paol (lis had noa 'Ia .nidnldiarcp.Ssdantmg., I thi,"Noeone holp.cI "o. btit aLoor, niLd "Verycell, toin,1ihlin odnc ithpoen. iti tusheoih? Ion>t,igtof Sthat). "Wall, hom,ImmHchat n"ad ah. Ciar;"liai ye ad tatter toie fr me, wanaL »cTo.naoocconcingi1aoi stap np ta now,, Io iooe aShat poînlinos that Ihnnc amecwhielIam tah. "Bad! it woocitioced Mncoadue, Moon ncn le, nad thrn ta poar father'. yan'1=iti!I,' abieoutnOr pastlitspou altemnpssstaetnpportunoop nay neser occagnin. Conscs;nso.itc,co 't anaa selielio isor. I iheoffaices ain Bedford litode tangratnm. enocoirsPyn tNcnin she" aaoI teahoeppyneoreotVYenrnol"r ' genona. And so>pylodi sooc lisoe o e, huoacaa i i ndotat aa oar a eatliralias t i"No,' saiS Unoin Haccadolin."Of IIInmaetcapt,"nMiatPaul,.cieoianniy. nil ihbisfocrc ce Sond, likehcl n abianhno hihe'a plool. Aftar that poaemail, lbtsiaa cst oue ne ot; ve riglit adpcre." Ie ou'aSein cch iimhai eNîgho, LpJc>ci Bp theis Lyenpcc (cii pocilsoonveca eyshnrtati aaaseponc lifotsprspcnsfomn 'Ila,"naid K1a, ciing 'Ota ni. I oîrs te all maisohic ndi ghtel ot & hat 1iisaani.1r11happalm ohaltascouthanao, deo o1lf in, ene,naleheats fic t.e li InpoaPO cmahieo.oessioss."1nspihgîI Cindo trustatapoorcor. Wht scliCIaT soad naete leaoohaet noet II.'o'"No, doIt Isaceeaie; leanme&lotta far n tay.nopioutrpeew otkochsps.n-"îo? Otaap mnti;hescmn n P noi tomblod cwith aooip y.Woul 1 At thosoadaten suspicion of ils 'nid bishcothsr.t.pnpsneott - ohpO or eas oe s inn;h'cohteg cn iensinite artth i if i rtat-a.tivfer, iiShingt thinhlIqnite "tell nd ncoo-I hnuldtassrey rnoy .o1do.rpey ha h cAad nocya," idtoemac.odso aiih ioatelnorbasintocs" ina assd. Bot Ooh ioeked eta' ilî'cogat aheiStoanetahitecnhband eeancie nnc, semln,a. oel on e t_' rpvd.Inoit 111 uttaiehrschilepoen arinagontareled banoS, anat sggod bhs hadnaClPaul's prudence. Iflie anav. ithnit lac nos ohesn owntcnrech npen. SBmait- g c oiPaul. caaholpsp oooog. nyn deoleai,;1,, nagltlhenia h fon1l isondscaaed y,e naid Piel, "pon.cilnot Oodme ..dus .Nghlnhlsotd Pacoidins angcily. ed'IIyocolh aS Ltohae ito asaocltlH Iais ino ihýeie' Citite deslcoh.11 T id , l'mcsots&ho grenoasIloliat. liei'aileticanidcaia ne ongaerbuthars Immonita Io imas, qute c."In' audneilgpropositoo." -rsachd taIiyon itnWinspoil ait, onicpon-chonýttatnaoaneeotofiMyhnndef oayeoo.0 bled th.n.ocnn -id nshedncii tocee OcnsIqaat.Paraemdioo l'uhvesc m lur ht obi p-tan lttanon dt'h it Wy ýt t oke tf a pa ir. esalinsanm ify>r ogc foiptooogho.. Butthe faet einlnI? Rshisd that sersiniouic--Soi'î ovr ente or two,'nid Moornadueea"ri "Goacli1" m aradine. 'Van ket nwi en, sCf c, lfhilItelyn e yCner. Ininns.Id tb, i- o t"infernal Cd doltyuv inder- by, chat ataer hbocy .cdp eiase 'oIsrn mhiby focot '1' iIpa1o a on ol.ot eocclei'dot o'sraadssp Vonl cgmn y inn, hoghoopoosanp nsa ,yn r. Hltitîde lad no ohoice ; thece nwu "oncoidgl Lne, "Pni, h nn 11lmyu nap ýofeioi';), reaiiy nis., n- they cy IOha tim teetQp n old fliug aceoo y. 'juot am pan pîoaso, 0 Secno'e mter ; aheliv n pso. l'il liSe no longsr. l.iîol I-Fn~~~~~~ ~~ poehnappo tenio.nS odetisintn aonerscom the i'coin noS ioleh, cheuoet o calh things oveceI loohad myeta trusntahea nmm." Ve onS'ntalaee oecaeoluth eîîî ona' fi 'hpthio itabfoie the ducrop-oed. aniittlo,yonpei oiot).neouilhdisenboi a h nd laoufntp tla ,H dliooLeo yen porsai coud hnvea rU Itnmightntta othe hagl i. idom e, m ors thon tht. açataca the osinbt sor .C, iOiqit h mcnral rs-ssyhn ehM e ilp Il " h'l'do posenoma "anîîlDleh, mun-mlhsre lhectositacaag .tspidip as lin mn .mt iclnaa heýp>Cliiy I haie(eto sioh li.nasoanc.%titchIZeincoonid he Si. sieoptonalc. aoiortunasteamth.r ciah Oixdand vacanna ýfuitg at fn, b ;n. tnd lip in focaed inaoiiip shehe h «i'hIi r oîlo ~malslco ps 'gmyomn."Se oeIc nid Paul ; "oary mmd;. e ,aenttoou.dîuelca tain0 fooglit ot!? Mp lx, isyanh nitis c is ho natetr 'ýBndiy " ponre iroceMnisc, idonolce mhtaI,"an "Jo,so Se oc, cithont pononadirable Jnst then, nOtc&I easa.iesawnonaothrotiomot,' i'c on exeiolleotthiog mter sappc> ,' trust yoonalias hatnhfty, plmanlle liin poal bitr i'an r sc caselioecit y adetariay lmonseers- iheres, poî'rs lBer aoc, seent peeT ther.. dmstooliaa e,Dlak,'cdlisnna Soot ehin r fC -ce.pynoiaioo,ifyoa'lsn. o No, l'se findpoyio, oaspense;hu ifoyen aInettitisncractp gean. If pan Mnthtrliiosympneog o,namorseopen, godlan c CBAPTEB xVIIL olplecansc I hew ona cH.h>Og efthelinsw n Pye'rnuffsred cns Ilins.ban lr tneamoeooniro and oonhingfaohaeincorofihastaone of yo.îe,ood gnrsmdacnnlgahtimnfrnalhep, ue soid puty osi hitteoP husfow aHnHanoS roohec.iinnca, ts m eithhecUtIt denm'mam.fdIowahtohrmc.,ye onanidaid.Iflyandme'n onlmly. "A ccaor seer oirs.DielIi orst n h. douoft.nilOahlilrd people, cho mmnenthing no ail i, c sa a ne th seagilin, i il cdl ldime.YVn .m 1sî nrsc csi Teoaipohmet ta."n-id Pal,.hooýicomnhrOdel.ndhoioded ifyon'reNmore carfl aboauet youiouhnmnaeeuaslidaht itin wm or.ame ili etosy cclinotheg lassi hac hesrolpodn.c .. II sg on tothehbaie andnnmiig doscun eaocis htiaro aolens, nosea,.pooooothn ener tcold bfor pn. Von cana ni"PM"yl e .,oiePaual (10 d-c sen Soocod odtha, celatisein a happp 'cd affetonate bumi iclen "'cd loi o Le pased oenningip. rnalslpify poarsillisbéanss otaalsnght- midnPal ýaY ntosahtaig tn alotie shriop lita ooyen cilL es ste oc 'cnn. ntooo loch ilDic, uspi iancreuah ofcmine, poen thut ths rasa MH.0 osaS oocprecti, Idmsr. 1yl.Iatoer ing fer poasoarpehers.C Whn'c good i f SinS otciInp1 o lse wulocn-aoel ifsiaan foc Ild Pauni snntlp, npccIflnonmam fthe conSd. Werrsohoioing'self inohem? Contd play nVîcmSNarlloraiSDiohil osIioetasonh.dn~tal cmuth-F'n netoahay; donhigaith ooe nnoahecnoa, ne the lac-gnnsah. No? Coni.andhavenahmpper. Way aitLZ hu 3 wt o aypIn iai.. aeihonta t arsolength. dn i'ohdu r"VntWy liIheaoth crc ib.O saeihcn boy; 'm a iddle bae lspitalasmon; tallohem, eetotiîoeyec; thep non,'cndî1smoryn cilerrrgsi. .i-this hnasCinaing ponrseli n in o Ipla(ou'oe r Elrub "SeoIpeoriee," observai UoneMer- cooid'nt taiec>' I ong teicoeîhop foandi Diokliipsnmord; talis rosip ca mine arasOhohs'good tiagpyonoaseCan othn or t acdilis andatheafmtsounneroainip ohsioi, oi ohaso.naahing cas cog. Andt iain'thang lik, paip cd rspsntantsa ashi. faon, 'escedth one Plae..yoiahnO.)LooJeetstheahaoinntco s.o h l.caIdS"ggtdtsneoionsor tcOosfouc fsther'c frimasoinctid l.d'cnd dallatta. 1 nprc- ny poomigI s-m in. ien . Aoidsnaaliy Sdmpptg e1y htIdd igldteWth odo hdam, pougar onc i, ii tac 5H1sien nehp hic ceatot d12eigasbu, etnsuor ofienste ne staelim(if )a dla Diai. nYonlinonIes, svr diat get chai conose;nri pohant m coilsî1do.' lis nid eethisg. ivecmemail iohponuxn...Ilimn eon1 ioa cnay onsî1 ohimie- I cln u legond hbeot-.ninapnmnne «But".emnrais.S Ihol enom conita no ,rstpae atanne bp lcee au.iCO, n eoit ns. indte onooohPrm imn, I dnacmif, onstanhl'adtnc ogli' ' tai oeS ilde alioi e m,;OhNlik h tlm serad Pncidine. "Ifpyendohanlie iO nat C1 ie ns ordia teno Mta p.srcs, coed nlthfeuoioSpee. Sto ioîgi tiesIînoldav aee .notoos h aeioc.wtyo.. csotretowishihe pirofynliain. -foc tlwaino ine it I ton icagiasat te lhayomc armas ...Onian 011-till fait titrat, neat I-lin "Th.a'mas, op Semur Loy, Se oaand then, hinoei&gatn en on0tascohanthe -frteMeo hors thanthat, I cas isniat hors or 'c lic-c-I gni dona 'mrsaapi e lih sd esirsi> apen the dec yp otseof o ia, haghiigstoi nSofsýrptdy, pon 'sliy id UncHarcn-dni, idaCita titrn, mil my iitasmnricîsies heipsat aspnef. BaS Oirsti an. NO Oeta ais question toihme,lasa n mof hoîoc yonngomb!" poeofrsrpartsn cnnnnticoed, onoonist. 1Iu esa dpiy lilptatliagcl. Nogirtli ta haiher. Ilasu 1csp tail yon n omecîulcosneof "'Dont i sten taehies, Dioh orgeat Paul. y aadny; yennili na tascdd(io ,trckhme, I oonfon ait onesocas prime?! Whmohcsi aI gons OP honorihallibenuadwaSckeh alosliSta nOlo iotansmegfrinmn>n sc; if >1slot oeil Poi, nslnow "1 rime, aini poo net taiaoohsd toojbut 1I niinnyeni 'd m'Clgo itand hase shome tmggle agloct 11 nI piCetLeiaclt.nhaChav tbll mn n tamiansmaIL » s a ctn l. l2es adeohobtamnoiny oppoctonitann. 1 cors, ni?"'nii ta titis;,a it ,noeipîo oy .ý.itltol1But Dio tacenrd h. t ace tothil mhp in,'cndappele- cade hapyschise easoons." ."Voors a nodcl hoc," nid hi.cleoi. oo n u ,utaao hîs uopap -tmrmp rioni elamnist, and nid. gatag sha nocts mgb r vrmr-oynmm omk ensm om- Il -lb D isptetdmi opo e poi, a. n wt ifcli"aaP . gpar rl' ?"n niynnota aul I ientctaie n-"agcih hpe"iisnan untto lnge aco oooiihr nntiufai PpF or.l lied teantitaefpr?"i opsPmL oa lntslsehtaac.8 l½ somc 'of s'Dm' hsnicanpostnaes,anodrotoce isaancs. Biitt 5i.ctannl1rsip bonnumn teadisnesnesp ch cors. hîsg. Iaii assst togondmfor il55fnp ashppy hr.thnr _nlacmotehis proper cool ieit yen,nopen mycordîs'-hor eninc& pan for M.Hiel41banoobnhection. I find cnamalBiot'scia gond tatas I csnt i tars. pstion?'1Icomi . at. e-in ti,cn'tmscîaosi pano nanst donons msescasier ta dm1uil in heo th.p lins',Atar lid beinsa ta a itices I- I c . Ve Wcmli crccned,0 oioigît Piol, itia0,ten. l'sh ans ci ra m'ousn d mene nbt their taaspsr, Oiir bandansc .paeg-cnlic antis talla, sied cios Itri nlio h b n gisomeoortshe"ie ho isa frsdis Win Iboa creatte laone Olengo te. Btte rtîrs; a man ith it,cwnt d'ps tlitai1 fonna t? cw nau sdcla smifiuernlI!V' h eeWhnadolo mi nsetaig anm't qniaameunsC ff Ursoand hi.sfaircabesoflicits, lilc cp- fullltacidsofliryan-"hsry on osedantliaO...tentrikeopomm'mad-io? aVýoocchne auIsm es 'pcai soi, olpant. acapitalis lienncd nasth lis . Aililc onld do tasbtindIncW dr.ot- dad Prant'II.theaiscarsi tw'.Jaoiricg ha a millbonsical aa hisckel a anqîsc 1h ly iC nsta'tle ConditionCents ta taileaat "ut nhtrairs-cae as «f.1c-t," cid Dioi, Chata,,cisrnpart et thaealcap gilusfaston- nn5csndinaydfcainorid. I'nootliyasnismenscMyliritI nid.'T&sC tanap titsis t acLInlith rfrsig Cde,. Mngtilaung n;lho amea nleyailen, and 'vasliedrreves bttIns, loch drni;;lt'nhn aiaotaI l gbt r oIi>nothe langoage of oo biueoLt I No;nCUernoas1 doe't kiciada. ,yen shiSd uas ctisniy icta ciny gcnp, ic, in cp gcnsp t chlidronnIT'BRttlispnanlan'toileiiiaaoy;destepaetpon tosmeu n thmsuioiigi. dsd, hlclisci is hecair sandtarowlent!" cellishd teaiths ii aa. RoitpoYn It Idos't ich>Sonmnng teoyo, oher, theoPanlinasi anman cohaliri naseat- rh i.ictl0Paul gcenasd. Uns akay acwhoeatipaaks1" icia poor dsmalteochosm ooepanodmamie lichen groon. A cnncge is sd< Irta icaet"Hn "Nenyo-ie'cDot oer ftaii ,ias6"InuDitcrs pan diat yonc bout,n 'cd rspecabl oiinaloflicho1îlare mat hanesf -rpmaliaea c ccrs damsciowmor idnonaisitan ns utynn, asuasnurnrsdPaabor')hnrl'd gant considonations. Buco ia aninaelte ai lei ical"c st.-abalit tmey? Paneliti ifsIimnaysssctue.teputsi nonnn msrngneliganch up &tairs-',0 csrrIîmthesOngiofdoyiedhfuner,aend:tosn Dic iehb ta alp .ngsd ta aIje il outa Wiy dego,,neti north pans nit'i n halats, sa nid IDih, it i s 1a ui."ThatIli' tamily aasolion, ail balki eta saloeq a taîclihie mes-enS sec C wunsunilt n aii tal? Yen-lidait, nilcautieonBt pane procuiste¶ Doil Hsrmhten's inr girlNotn@honreses arnticule r.od, i anisa poin t otCheng vane! Idlnngcnnahintta mlin n a rngnlana nnla tahae ai" mc1 DUtcec, taoogh. cciy didma tie ns i haca itmoniion - nnninalp 1 Ss' Para ts n ; lin, tes, bat lad lita ce pbap an ül.laetscad MYptail yeotns cn.a=ti.ogtha ta D.ici.?t I iateld tane tmisitenlais.cen teony that I nncnr baseye alii onsdraisin o'tina; nral hing natic - modes, nho May fnin lisaisrvnnînrcatol d mry pso- Han;',pan, lSt'shanjs'italetoff ficeworslook bai a, inauaad,inie itwns cadse tali a ftsslise WinajladDlitpn ilsun J.hin ynsi- talycmaiseY-nair ntand o n a-pan m anaapLainehinten "jnlp tlari !» wonneaiyhii,orohat 1n,'sresi. " nith a. Wisaitacrcasta ri acres. novcer islneas ndt tare toucahcd thorc. Anat nt "No sno, is na nls. "TYuanaln Inonda cwhas lias driing as conwirsat'.lanframd =y aast OIsa pra lsaian b, a ri ai inn' iar sme af n aan a n eyn ban m 4 f n&Yunsd ncut agrait toitP . tlinsboter, PnrlsDatanta.m dci tae ory filnid --I dan n y thon ta,"miend u, mnarneaIci e aearins;e tae y=« feniatc go't&an' oc aantdyadntp'd lomeno, gm'cat, ai ers@mt ,te h tWa1'c." o 't ae yo M m t ,,owd yï wwFsto l cfréilntisa," aid Di..'Hpy hnda simas.'la'. toiee migis inananins--inrisdin Loni" 8-à-t-esess sc»ilp n ilaitbann<cndcir.t. hsnalasai'ma/rsnig npntn. &my cdsipt Wlbl ri maitet cuolai ksnW* a "oi enYoden'IneenmashbuahtiisnitefI, e Pnn[outn lsy samm'n Thon esmaCati )on t îoneaibcnnye o,'mi Marmnedain ; i taitpan1ior, yen banni Tes engistao b is "Tiact in, cy dur boy, thant iricaeisach, lued tics «m thai-slibesci i M pa"Wbcn. 9' t cncnnpes ~ liijnpscin.fresca sn iccc ats oLAns r r nn5csiPioMtmwio Onemhnm? Tness siiscipvens nls sucesIb bd. ILeli i en I am' ile-eps ta baemna ltta aise camm, m bte ~yu e pssnntw pllai3'-erabotai Pai sl èsbifin? W1 aidenafomrner.Mine inleniwati la sd tatau, tinsb cair,caeriagin Oeil, pcachicn re cef hb, = cbnilsp n IBut, te icpnl li a t, Trll yen I deoina' ls taa pose sn.» ta 't'iii Onr peensi 8ttaessIsc'telabnDti. iah panFm ntr t ta à,iost, yent -s alliaysa e- nsilwnbcr Aad, il yen "yspmi W. iasngonniai" sn ttaé enca ins Mdnul hampes- - W niamnisye ailte, pmse i ilcioaa-Inlte, 'cal ye-smi 71 bni r esumtmnwclin enta.iaest' ig eith i jctpaliunandcip;te cout nii -'no8»tifrmu n. h asi __ O» dea egItiy ainen i d»I lii, llanly. "ae.,mesbha t tOeasbtu flic- nti0S1= pli - »dut1tii-tmt I - .,Cbm Oiab o4.s, tcr nS Me. ySeassez taind'!sbChinwin d nns samip fidoei ap' -mbtdtbs 1 uninc5nb@ni.cleniun t u mach, chers ce te crhm "t' si, de Cnsacicp, ment« mt" seoagta . .qng . thianscnla1i a P.s, j, mdtannonrunis e cnns I -u ni I mouenlb* Dtnb1tkm - bim yor.st5Lago m 1» F- twtrwl?&nreeasnias, bou'inynnr *mcWTlrrr..n 1l- I»w thât, hn is, m It h as n sr etec ascnscata~isstaaiasntak aIli n..ast ...nI_,. k asnn.1sns ni m m i t' sc.fl Aong withi the wingtere we wi offer a large qularaîty of wo )len? tube and waslî hoards at the fillnwing greatîy, redneed pries. Thiie sale ais alto listil the tat day Of 0kt.ob)er ouly. Fair size Tubs lor 45e. Ilegulsr price 60e. mediumi 550. 70c. Large 65e. 80e. Waelî boards, reguilar price 20c., epecial price Get one of our celebrated Butelier Knives at 25c eacb. Apple PareresOc. Lanternes 35e. 10 Ibo. 3 inach wire îîails for 25e. Stnly is & o. S3 & 388RING ST. WEST, Staney &Co., HAMILTON. Coieman Pianing Mill and Ltumber Co. (Ltd) -~WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ic- aire prepared co furnieli ail kinde of roîîgb ai-d dreseed Lurn ber, Cedar Poste, Latta and blîbugles, Sasta, Doors, Blinde, Etc. CONTRACTORSII Eetimates given onalal classes BU1ANDO of work and plans and specifica- BUILDERS. 1 1tione eupplied,... etr Fruit and tomato, boxes kept eonstantlyv on haîad. YE TEPIN ART, 12ank of Hlamilton JOHN il. CAMPBELL, VeTERIAaîanSUnGONs, IHEAD OFFIUS, .»lHAMlLTON, oNr. Treate ail clasof o Doxacitia Animais. CAP[ItAL (ail painsUp> *î,oeee Cails peollptly attoed t. ,REMERVE PUINI, -6e5,000 Office eîîpoilethe Thsmpon Hanse, Mai _t_ -- -!a _______JOHN STUART .........Prenident. RTELFF.R, A. O. RAMSAY.......Vie.Preaideat. D Gr ONACaI, JOHN PacTOan, VETEI ariosSUiausa ANaD DNrisT. A. T. WOOD, A. B. LEE <Toronto) O.h ao., i.a,y Coflg.) I Wu. GInsos, M.P. Ali ,,.o .... ,1.d.efass ,sis. j.TURNBULL ........Cashier. il.e V .,,,o, eleoe.y Uis H. S. STE yEN..Assistant Casher. .0.J.IouIghiar dsr. H. M. WATSON ......O. . nspeotor. T- ,,. n, b...O fi rth. 014 Kirk MILTON BRANCH. HOTELS. A general banking businesgratts- ___________________aeied. Facnore' ntes disasantad and COMM ERCIAL,» MOTEL, orCmurnalpe t u area HILTON, - ONT., Sale Notes. Chois Wisi. iqnon ai iîgrs rafte issedpayable astaii the Choie Wies, -qurs ad Mlarsprincipal pointa in Canada sud Utied T, .WLia .11 ssriy rfiiisi States. Drafts an Ornai Brisais hoaght -,dfaa.c.and nold. JOHN DEAN, PAOPRIETOU. fi 1 ...Tses 1 ip.rdÎÏy SnGa O.oo,.I ie T.iî, SAVIN6S DEPARTMENT. Pepoits f $100 n pwards re. FRA.NKLIN 11011E, neiveS0:nd interent allawed frac date af depasit ta date aS nilludeneal. KING STREET, WST Internat added te principal in May ISAMIIiîN. . .ONTARIO' and Novenhncsevery year. . SpeasiDspoits tlaH reaeived nt The hlicof sSWincs, iqnars ccdnrrent raton. Cigars. Oood stables' Attantirelinstlse. 060. W. BRIENT, Ctales, $1 por day. ii S. CODEn, prpreetar. AGENT, HILTON. fl N 0W 18 THE TIME 111to eueyu 0 FLOWER POTS We lie5 leaso to advins ont friands and i-BUTTEN CRGCKS- theinrai pnbhsn laI W@ bre ta;. s ool tis ffl Bowls and Jugs and at slit. e* W_ paut, psy *6 HIGHEST PRICE i posbefat &Umiicmnue t4a. - a OGCE I ES- JOH/N IEWTO# £& 8098, 'afrjyun1 g every week at G. E. LBEOUIELRÔ ERSI BQU 1~IE D uttarandEF g ifn ip SUASE I Alda UUB exoltsge for god9 eiti a fui, SPLENDID - M Dow meuwTraveluers', PorkSIsA rZIS, Ode.l qe Lt» 'w il km09 \ t ~ j li M fl U- y. la id 4 m 'c- u isgh a te c I.)