& au. becl ear their sumý. Iprice, andi ry depart. Cost. ST. VrESci ING- Qualities. 11 95c. a lit\ -v e aie 4ANTJF'Y 'ail Se yGoc the besti & GOa,- ck ne*t t Eo 5C.sCe îo cýais e"cd k 0ico çicentlu 1,IROFs ioO hel ile jeýcccod p dccco,'f ci Eeg .l cIccric li. 1 100 uc vWC i O ccc l'"" vi acIic" cec Ir 'e'cî~.c. fco swe !,al c 4 scimI dili . Uc", ici cal ~W Mh i cdiQ# f , 1", iiA cai CIl, iel.C Icci, 1p,"c lit mill le 'c 1h.cc ccc Hc, "c c' . df f-I c 'c ci .O c' t o i, cO "c cl'ecj'el, -t the Vcoc,5 thecccclc'lcdcc c cdtherain , 'coco cIl i tcCchicO c. i' "lie . c Ci nl- 'ccc, c loec i 'ccc 'c cI. c choc iIt 'Ificl S an . ' '.thics litl ai'c 'ccci MeC ILcIIIi 'Il c c i n ci c1tIi eiT. U, 'y flidc i c iff Il ci andeciichfine' ccc etcc, 1 '1 i c ci, ec cc i~lieu ILcc a ecccica i t ut h1coto cm l5 isoibl c Cbom te he ao bel heeh s of clAe f1'oiic iiccmea codN one of te oi l5lct c olcuai às9 e LFWLE £1ÉN oo~cf rstoeiic ieco i i us, i yb.H Loai, sIMRaHN AIO* f0ttUuaBLindsaybu ie Hay o e . ; tte.ocic IBapo iMoa s pFi. ";, B hoGthochMo eeer g'tocdî o 'oooooat1gRe .Mc ~ b Çc.torpck c tichlkl cl b ac ks PcoBu."Aeadcsi hYg A~' RPOrWLULIfD teN edirno )Ncj 1eNrhit, zi oI cp R.1oc .. .;Ham.ho;"oe ieFcucoCca.h~ L leice N'ieid, BboS Md c Oci hrg fIeFriiicocif CPKGAATÉ N RCSRGT fCoo,coe Pihedrt ilonhehoie nithTme afIlcoc B TI S lIa, chrmaa cf dt or.AIMcOalri, o Trso, - e. i' frotc r syetngins..ifrOPN. orhr aTihei oi roi Bcicoatic;LccTeoî bee rl. Oof id mc igiarî m Io 1 cal in thrsailesi, iIebttee oePlce cssMic. occp cc clfrorc itog. r laeu Ng.mi00 ~i 8etcohclr cc c Clgaoiys coc o cci'cGhco' csd Oalle il ccd c*à ceeroec]aL is' Bc s ther os acreat bio ae mocl Sc dclcyd e foc 0tc cocie olccexenir d ccac e nihoiod 161-4 50 donc. Oo Mdaby oee graocc i Tec L'ctcd 'cy cicbo ch m B* cnaneo senisei coceico bot ilfhie thethublicthace.eA.uG. Eiao, D.D. cf large f o c tabhakfoiche ul," » . iR hepampont asd reacicf aI l a so o tOkOf01tls aiab u Ciclicioco St. A ssH , chsp a ;ie M oay cinc flcc- Id bioco. io adJaesS he,511.17 o iotioe tcariccaande J H T M oR E, Hoocheocuve. terpock rlt.cei o 18aigicbood MesesGAct h e Walsporo f Chmriat Chsroh, duc oA do n ce . . in eay adRt ». C M Bo Roc.W .igio fS.Pso eac syeco A, cf cc'ieahs 0Nos Frinciy h i zpccg lot oc a 0mou8. ecros - aycePciit Idlom "cii l Suho d"arinJh . ae, . ch agec och itod a dcoooncuIc t LChioos rm Uacdocals r dioo T'Dclig-aoyeetod Ap 10 lceeao 0h acolsbe dsMi to- hacdie i teoci ,11ioed ile.tic s on rlcgiocet D .Ce.c., r, A ii b ccai c'oecits c 50fct,1 a eic i a o licsocdeao,1of leocccn tho mmcr fth ok rh 1i.o ityie peopooed a rcet bcbis meIL e D. ifirocko ofaoofth0 eope oedtcmuc eINm ckJl Dreccc oi s Tice eppîycf c tnw.R e alrcand stec asloccisiie o rapiie9 c a 'eie ftc rccad D an Tls icigs. t c er ilh ie, u neéy O 'c icolci eaoed t ol i n eics gcuda i e ectpo. Filcoe plo antcue er. at Ag 0 cc cio aeya 1) teciy ccthocfcoTfoicsfometocoicccdry eeco.Stocir ad ob P WitoracimoIfatcccsocroi drB OKEo TLS.Te nfl et .oiASFiec 2,0aymn gaespafroW.CsocricMdatscgi fosa00ON INF 1- i ou oc the pIcordntamer cje lie pasipeosainorGructhe li T. oisily, ore dsic htcetntsaydelrdMi aicljed e o n S cf o e ipcrThontPaein ield Tiepiluf i s eta te licroyrcisc0rao v i i c a ii;ei .ccgch ani itnbtteeMse atousra lo n.Atlslr c1wy thmee rain w , s thai 194and t e Nodits ea i tebA ssta eo a,,. le cohiccg oset ie Aterthtie r n ie aonol d ie lie wplextilc , KcdIC=1 RE M 0 Mis lcod lie Cocconelercii i He.l p arl er iTo otlrcs M oLL R nescoc-Tilcoo. ci Thocr sa eoigataeh frcida enos foc 1de thsbrde aenliceiPoper toid e bthiciextei vdy So prgrme u iii icashec o t 0lcdoccco le donc. On Monda eveniu reAn close TdEUnitin ;e2 eloeeyC 'si'itic* ft ofai c andocon'c nor l]aoh day ta d ienisg RridgCc, Moca , i cuueroe ecc r oscryonlsN D onrn' ecoec iiseei' theo nuti ihîo e"occ.iec oo ons'llTuemnto 59. ve Teice ýIct oetted'ept,1eic ppy1 boy"t e . nwa lowee E. mHard bt18e y sg. lal f lie PReleriA.rG' Bidge' CcD.0 c iemc ooa lc o lou eeawd o ooliciiudireperme ra 8949a . ETî elaoddcinog col0C .c ca .A RZR its n as Giî'c'. poc reicc lou s1e, oe a d ei 2d9.Lce d Oc Growic a cei on cet- - oeW. S. OSALL,',SH7rCENT . cfl'e c'i cocoiee trwHiodt h 1eapdooctholce e odeNemifo iceaio AcsocheCîcsNnîn 1 Trod 's c ar.Kccg nidlice1 e11 S. ,Dio. appt.c17.cFrasfurrproc tic1ul99 i erTiciFrie iayen ed Hlon ic. c1cc'c py i ic aeostfeer sa Jetd orlc rn m1eSn iaOHN T OSORLet le A'occdcRci jcccformacreeaerlice eond i E LciioN8e end e 81. W NETheW S O O N AL Ite oig 1 iotood er prom.ien. Walicopas b c 90feeChritCc ridg l Mccc socie.lRcIincd Thesu d s C e-ah oo metd byino t .ic Ochehor.-eaeg'ABihHoe ccc iCecll c licevciii dacotdy cc lacoseaid. Hne. Cnih y tp A tentw al e o h eib it of iecre fFse s cacnoa lices aicndta ri ciecead of the on Rocc.tbsinss ai tyT issd A deiHum. Appihaghavgys10a il dcMcr.ccocoegl nigfiit W i arishWininoc, ga disush o n, wtos m ie poean'W d fcard icl, T oDvelnsdaey eitd ieo u xii c le t H Jmeh n at ,he a on. t etc rs. n e pe a e f r Top t e i is yfor il oioc ofl e P Yt ittnte ra taciiadh neit the o gan d e ars aleC.P. . ai cc prepTh"'K Thînir iiy eteiler1 4 D. W F MELL. nicltomand tahecabu t y 5r ude Ted ilc of thelarco ,thbarde 10 mcv"e i.ic- e m 19 m d f 20. Agent.Aeti fall tcccl bc icoic ar c f 1 te st he. mnaedi isca i cee dio igfo e e ddi i coîan i eft e ort e d ' 'ea o a e pia- lico"sccccopoe tTis e idglcrf l irced pecc e ftc gn eeaoad HtoGo aa, olig Soccncclis hslo e i itpiq s pnicogtc ,clcace, U ad aned d os rci fthteaGrei.n Go Lot DraCn. 6 Nnaacya S. ciied ancc o C he er V est qtrprofthohok. hrca io e gaioi t - Damo28,Gohdve Cai et iMcaporicost 0ol. o mirlaia rece, o. Acoýtlcec an] SC SiadneymadN.WB. matrill toth vin ofth fri e gccn dsi hiedb s. aodc t hisasd e P atra mi grc a. h o mer cf iciscad fieaipe ed noS T ccc ilc. oo Mon Dbc co ec o.- iro a itn teisaceifch Ttiinco e w o rk d oecn Tcesccccscc toieetdc. ciylc iae Epc a m i ceoc,00 cntcdam a pe andWin Cumberland,.maampceat Bsme'tFamd et Icgccc loklce P isc caSd ir ainL Fla. S e irmp soapefa rocsin hicino s.Il 15for ige tscnc cdsascecoc et coc', sto ie lcr 11.at.HnpoeciIa aIo iso tehah, Csc c pcc loc O cil e d i. le is 12. J M l OF T caccco' co seth cent tronc lhgcrycoimblcnvaing ndcc fremt1e cisteaeci Bond cocO, ____________ofth r. pmut ccc f1c cicelvim aid . hie m ife t f'slic e . hend l aico us nide a ii vrity r e s nc n s, A W N E r. ccO ie lHiaobooe S cd et 2ka egire nu mc f cedaohmd25 es1e cand m ebu0a- at~,ii ar e ina. boce haiccg cni :h h edmac ocs a e d p eth r , Alwecander sIn. scaaescignocoradale sia Raymoned )f icc ooi, a ls ac he n pihed 8e cy an,] h eaes ed oscccsserclrs1 e eders î a chneusgl t v ten licoh,19h,20s 194 A isshom ae. r tCo alomplce id s oîîR.e sccnOsS.mme cscsccPORTg::e~ i E RllnM, cccccccd, ccclfocod h l c re t ere hokntif id a esi50 od e 1socnp 2 s l at i Mso ad i toen SI if thadGelph ent fr a l x h iti e ha d a stter] amnhome on h iit.oolS rm Lsaac hicceso o Ss00 e ase e cca g clei lt cc l iccn thIe fomerialohe aiglice Tfeem Ae,], I LLdee 1eBRID Ek-esro, ____________ .BNAT id iiaiturolcanS deiLi snd thyt lice trchfrcteirom b ilogs e aitgte strr O r O A E ORT E ta Od tacoirha dfetreogrss m e ho.laa. AI bot cta thleDonionse ]Pa P 1 C5cccc copici..o, .d ma4e teaceloscalleeclaiedtbal 1e2boycoui recoyen hioftA rcio, fory e chd aa nd eo e ni Bridg51 e iCaso. d mondte ri pîse ig e -1Sl pe yMil sre. A sal le chc cwwd ero ots t a-t hadIeTn oek t aii89a1. The ogl 8loest nders wmgu F, boy"hr.keoasE. $240 fi nth fion daherhleioapeasisltytislshta_ iccm 00 cf thm. Morn baifot hbif i e dy rtee onBge ho., for hns- ____ ul placeine cf 'tesoac her fet hiaeli ies 1e -' $4. s e plsn J.EI et o ol re . AB FRAE , Milton- es o li o mac in sIl t ih rec adskl $. 92,Laid Grham beug heorY, W.ie S. H(ALasL, aento, of doo eI. i c p il le i i t' he d ah o atos nesII fer'lilI theLI s te nd A Piecostockof c. Violfi pland 2c ai d ccopiy of Dr. heigbaaad MS. Ba.aix, apoc a rm$9t 29 h rpclFut laso a cnd hciotr,, acd tIsail edc haveieauph formyrs '" cepoh's V orEthe7 liiaibli the <feu Cigare. hiectodrmi etOcfor afo, dtIoenne, e ' th e s widlo ni r$0 het el rL t ,]enra Eexhibgtteoglthelcornerd te OmaidarfonaddSaiahats,] nys ccc Mcmi a imhüijdo% aerOpn a <g<, bo c yppi, ie rKan i5 ineham irt e b he di a tes, Chil es loin, Polin5 IabolrwS mv ne* *ed ed y n R FEx letrmesstndail abut 1 W;thghai ng Scr il aos e h .P .sio n rpr h rdy ettl 8 4 fAet jevt t, anonS.'at. l5$fiasiews~it ory alaigoeSihwe n ce theb cmlcars - tIs Lhar amy i t1cn 0 aple r id a o h un agetup9, Brothall berlei vic abre GetAdto&adiPO6nns S e h a o ae 7 Lipens 8<e isadScrs ntepwr fteganeeatr n eteGoud n ulig Fo mra hrilad k, wie iu a o n o, ibdu n el drn h u er nLo ,Cu ,Nsasea o. anlfn ahi eVse Warpro. bae h" 'wsuuaantDasnsGle hffe 0.pruh <Ar.LINC Borne Extraor4inary- Good Styles in Handlé>me, Double-fold Materials Worh 45c., Linldsay's Price 25c yd. TRIKKINTG3 0FP ML SOR~TS TO MATCHT. Lindsay is bound to Sel Dress Goods!1 Ii1ASS JAIS AND Pints, Quarts,- Imp. Haif Gais. $Lioo 1.10 120 1.35 CHEAP SUGARS AT BASTEDO'S. IIOLIJiIAK1 & SON Japanaso are now reeeiving consignmcnts of r p s eew Fali Goods Ioaeente i______ o i e. set e n l el ,y NEW DRESS GOODS A particsularly varied a~nd 'attractie selection. .. .. New Manties and Mülinery. NIEW MILLINERY Our F-all Operîîng wull take plaice about; the îniddle of Septemiber. New Yarns, Flannels, Flannelettes, and Cottonades SLAE RGE !eýOC 0F ... Mens and POYB' ReadY-rnad( COthiXWg azýd Overcoats.. on licol yoo ciii rocéciiiy gice cti cci, For lice iecit oh f Ihose cho icave ciot cieci îlccm ce ciii cay it is fi ccc'mc'vl godc for dcapdog. Coi',] ICcctiicicCreice, cith tlcocfi cierto, &c --wrhave ceccive,as ciip- mcccl cf licesedireet frcm Veoo cocn, sa,] are iciense,] lo.ssy liccy ccccpaoc osytiig yct ise- Pol ed. PRICES.-25, 80 '92, li8, 40, 50, 6di, 65 snd 75c. Thene line voc arce shocicg ch 25 and 85c. coco Wocrth 40 and 5OC, WINDOW SHADES Ti.e cneet style ici fringes sccd lcicesn som in. Coli and ce- ccreiqocticione for aoy sice or cccîcohccc cf eohailco CURTAINS k'rcm Nottingham, berilmer' Iftcd aod Ges'onay, me have im- l'otedilihe ey coes estad pool. lient designs ici Lace Cuchaine, Scies Cocteicco, Tambonr Ccsc- tincs, Bcnssel Net Cerains, Sic. Idiecial lises in Lace Cntaies et $1, $1 25 oand $1 50 per pair. An immenee roge of Nlec Porlieesto e cbolfrocs. Seostor eîmýciol lino col1$4 liiipair. CAPPETS "y r~yemiccha about apl art iotereetic.g abcout heme-éeece isig lime. W. ouly wieh te in- 'O Isoon yisis(forer w. huese u are busy) hat cee have ireke ]a - oiàa$nnOeoî caffeofNew Brssn sce, NecwIBr" kh Amicibors, Ne1, WiltOc, New Albcert Tapee- té«iJ. AwOol CarpelimaS in th llue very latçat de- àu M ofthe eseh it de. 1,889