b-d, and ,d-em. 1s eed as o . arhe . thi11 washing1 , nd1 for at. 1s-me > a t P.. -errie and eed1I- a 1ptch o quree, hl heohr tene et oa o en-aet eeebat or emUe dIon.- ta w -ae e- aei s8 1a pr opn ohagy .T e otue at saes se wukoe e 'che-wa, hd mn vry ,enbo it - stead of the a. theehip-"What ,ur to eco e n a man rm deco . Ti -same 1comP - canot, h w , m de f nn o am .,ar n e om snas ed w it s mo t ea n st y e _.- PJ t so th a . E e he h M a n ck ae1rm j'c fw weeexoe t heatck f ot o akni h n b nadp i a ing pan, Eat- & . hewegh f heboy arosseie, Ils ; n d a t1 r-et d a w.n o -,t h e- - -n o a w y s h p p , T a ,m e a i , nh t e , n d w e n a u iÏt 1.e s that 2 itwsntwtotraota h h miiu ovc o te vne hrw h i oTae, 1, 1 - be god l*.& . me a f aeu. kabo ýI , md r n e' 1an._s b MbyfH.Mcoom C N IN A T O e int fdi t1 d or t g ri ofto Brnd, ad fomgrpe, gs1&;,th1,e risd ro1te rond-sandMr R.Stckonbrng t14 Th cntnnalofWHiaICle upn. 0 n ey h o r sos nSuh e to aa nea notn o m F - rh no pbe ore hdte.aep at nt e aefombreVndjnprÉihi adpie r s n ep1 O il prd9h rIel nl, e cnetoa a wlk -Gn aefo alyadtre-es nd sl-ossint a TeM ne n lc. M s nhslf s fti lc -O epin thilosreyftlmlinn s h.'wso areuntn,1nEgad ougmnadwoa h oldte.Mlo's wt oiia sge rat rt eqoaby"o,"HeeZ N tol tue rbyaihin at. f teretee.f t. Gldasr'md.rm alyad ieb.bsf anwwr._itefoTe ont fte uun an"edlihe obeilhtmeoal fodM tmybigi cioswihmte swe pet l ns sdi atiPol salydhh nteryia ThsAtm' evtCas, il er"Tudl om fhsamrrO.o prouceman uiot, o stMach roul a r o eru fhrpge ute irhasr aefo hrybr oinadi ti o obndwt eigtalwmn n Ohr vr.asmbigadmeigtgte d oree yhi eeradcoea o o h tg ihlvlysedte-res wteln.ltehusi7ostemntAgbtweewilb;lae ih isHo matmlauniesr et uces -a Tin. 1 dishes . Éor la he ts of tin are ing furbelosditiu lieada Lnmd rmrce nSa. god rsvlabesg toson' col hesii fote prcaiv epe --- Ad N most convenientfor this ue, Butd are wn, w hie bod s-lokn itl aachnmd fo hrr e.SrlsOtt serile ntis wowih ee e ntrswit.n-_¯¯_ ¯ ¯ - -lag ,sr a, Il o mprtaWiageebl.vr..iag -ta 1wul Olyh ral h fal risi nZrThronta'acohi sueaeMs cvi' PyialOl edwthhsvnrbl gr o hers-o d anisk wtmEr lood pu bur w s es of lm SIon om prah rca ae rmoagsDimet Ibliy on mn huddese-r f n a hm.-_ea o m .--AT ,asaom ob e ca t s p ac t em th t he ov n If on 's fa e so e ad-u b.la te m defr m ac us in M e ic . È" "" o m ta W e lt ge he t i S pt mb r ss e. wihbous"he st im or an A er ca S is or1 be c ! k i dotr f te ae s eeismad b1 he mnipla p tbár D a kai taa md .ro. wet.o ha ec w 1 d a y spe u be n""Taatpi-"wswrte.1G EO T O ea Porcelain.l - LInEd iin ng-pans k lept formanads eacd be -theam &pIi. rsi Kmcak.1m e ha anXr u oe- - Bo oHR MN-n btl f- -- _. thý1 ispoe ol.ceach lspered aege a portra in generllyeits on Scowco,1adefromric,1i- Chna Oun ma.Ex HAR D1As RLE;D N10Eglsh8avniinntcmpetl ¯ ,n:ot inth uchuat wayi aftor .Th -aaturacress oue ts Te . .:I an A rica.omdoftmd m maig d - ..nt.u w rMede nth wrdmnts-n uckycrd, yD.-si cs ihmstrosprmtes .ns .Wepn aran ou ee .n e Sd byo p th ingoiny asmal oo of t hepsil gs ohee lvrs o ot n adihIlands, rell a 1 e p el-rssdyun-a tme, 84 Pie $ ea 1 o - -sldf- 1 ,wo ent fru rq i adienth te m pe . ha i gngea Mk .u sou l e ffetor a Rhin. .-t1ithwear the hgh-prWceduclthes Toronto: William Brig s- menntforloremanEonIajarmnin Ham - ed M illiDery for h aAf pri e U__t. 1 î, ature butevenvario s srts fothegivePfac. Yngt adi foerc,,n h Esienn vryaes syeswt s ut nths ube heedtrhecrbe hie Egln, eenly oudou ta 2c• sul 50l -ame fru t; aoo da léendnupon o ne y og irls e ewsmt . be1ur Indies. efier MMsuer asM p oss et b wl atie i cohe it nalya creofegrvng' ewa epctd oovreeal1he , rce , . ho gua d foyind.iAs aru bovephece udefrol rurodistance andataur.ds and hoe.a.bwealtP.ideentn in i e high Arh eetkee h atemas to ceve_ ua menéSpfendrdneuts to order for_-10.0 fashion ex is a ites.# *aoTh sool. te intoendembleofanfaetimst be of raiaswasoppe d yom e m saga. i Ti the wealtOthie denomnaton i e aie on M3-4f"The R ev.D.R esn- ekor oW o ro es W M The . " 1lagi- àcetn mitue ihorgofnthde etherf a cetinswoinb xoe oa vrta Gratepoector n ther ithgiesefomd(utch) i scoursît ey H.J."o, Pe'enJf. caic usnM aciey. d.B an es Tw0s t thoug al mose t k it allp na r s rmoac nc o th frst os at aesamuch ant he furt hePoesatEp01heW seynCnfrneaddeeae nifM yhv oto odanyting I r arAT Id Copaaivlfe1rt a ou ivaibl ak p n a r riblme fossibility ail n eve n t e pa.the average vnluen o the t oourMon Geneal Cneece. fyuwn o idotwee n n h i W aigq ai good 1 for ri" Th pub doftersiarea, cous romte for rirorsthttrilo a e-u Sexteino tebvn ac.Te hrcho e or e d ews a"b e Wdis 3883.it lue Tatwic lsAnterM sî isavrtsîn h oonoDil al FieSOeaNh jucies:t 1 sor t s e thr e no eawd tesit andis. psand trueatnd w riit ft ari slanr wad,. n hti llsros ftheUnit aine,725 ; ofthe r e.' i aand Mh atnhich s urown," is giveun' and r e te aetsm ns nth N'safetrewilg e ess. B t thre f is a tn I wor T he s id w trmmdcados.rnubtbl hveth ffctofspea-Prtetattpicpa, 1618. Thepoahfgleerlnonernc) iZaaytocetsa-oraec isetinmo gteigfrayohrproe save idm ipl atr ieom fs rm timetor . angthe apeso h ue. r ieydsriue hnayofAege t ppruiisadPeis, rs heMiTrno Cndi. seia agi a wt p ic k n g w ic h b s pr e fr a c t r del o ca t ch t e of t P . p o e s , g w ,y C ma n y = - -t h 'frs .t . e ot e rod e s n a ed T e e w s p a e r8ta t s h uld b e re dy llt h when dried tand ate o rthe eeof n ihm a seen eythroghcostrct a.linei . ermanbSobeen re almoentieuhyfin terityirnd imem Br lelethGlod ihrhb Afoegnsietiiejuna gvs.h old-fhondocad ti n eormesoldnvra arouiec, fuda- uiuspoesDrmgh mm heRfrmdJesasoaelaglysth e. lrd obuk .DFR..reut o oe een xermns b odt e an bcuete r e tnigbtafo n cw e c n.T i ou et elrst a o mathe larg cities, but lae re- Im po e xqh em g isketcheson i te retn t "ig rs" ' aitn h , Ntr o pn prol 1fic, ad c on t fr e -I ves kotl w i er ot a ll oxwith n ay ro a Giatr aeli ont ehi le d a n d by p r esenated n a tfo h eTat en ge io s. ission w ork i n d ew YA mr e . w ri d t e o e a t n r s c e dJ y e r e o n u y 2 O. th ei v irt u e T is t a r s t e d o nl y ,t at el e i l t e s lon e y e n st e tr e M o ot ves sh o ld b e roh bi ed n t e es. T hi f ct d d to th e si nif ca n e rat d s or of "S p nd es nd ar "- t k æ g co rs of i nh l a ion , b gi ni n0's Bl ck. M ai-s E to fri-e wofwiiineefte om inepse ewen i te rsa o pblc eathDScha ofthe ing aveaelreprtedan Or ie intarsonaet O he COM orn or ih ein , o i raton wfine sanmnwaed a theuseof uga indry ng. I aboutamac. SflpyO aMbmiror n oi spitd ucno t hrhsmIsmnses ietoa sotsktho "rhecoaara sshorfra de ni g wit,"O h rao erB P."u r ta l po onful ofar an td *. sugw.o ar go cnis io ,An tois t al a tuce G in a e fth ass e ners the m en. OR ES Pr de -os eri nchu ch, are we --nd ah efM pape s Fr R ev. H "Ugh n .e w iet e vi e wa e p n d b sn sp m ldoe ac ur fte ri æ dJpa o n w a eiimfri.cdfr tmake o n o s rt eu rn -Huhesons " fbe O nly Succin -es Mign@ Bola ted orw-eian tab"or. r .'M THE oN andh allowedn t o su y ta pon im oan -u .thum . E v fi e ng sh oud th p ss nge s or mn er a sald ari s - u m . Io ar y e h d " m k p a g o h, oieor obefore bin pn rice . ewoL r"rman o fercan n th e Gm sela e f o rn tst er u be.R LIFI i eoUs-i g t mBara e, Poven, asrichlsyrllpt indtre ayre"greatest event thatveevertsoccurredyble-brisk, itdise neeerthelesa, atheard. L"tte forad.h •.-- --us ----tKidneyuandandladderediseasese r) . E which , tepamay igbe c wied hen t t n h f apnwsere olu. verl anemd nt's dta opoette TeOt yuwnt o o sl afrmad i sx h nou y ot e oEW GR A r ers¯ ose ,tn doete.hudb imdaeypc.becle hMhtyeride ih v r h the mardnle rmore hfrstoofnber a rper' wil co nin ve tisde in thloenor ont eoe y . smÎlgail MRC nKde tinURE. goThsew , .&Ad ' i ghtl y n ost onejastoad sea le e foc agna Cha b r pg ta e a te A rie in s oit vl y d gero us. W k'a e papldoe hr a yEd in LorbTht paer eahes100000f . rmedv is ge a t u an rr sean d ieligh T f E uT FE s otews4 hyatacohat n eaie bibdadsoMh retlt ar lacW ,ae stata ocmter tettroy ia ie n r. ebmseery wt. ee ayortadle s t hys o iia n uacco nterof witexeed ,--c.-NotarP-_ e are t b ee ao r ti sbags arpe t n no cot ryea, r sta g etinth h e yn Inad e trh etue oto p s dv t ofth rite e t ar p ysea ne d f r i use. em le fi vo . hri gla ofth e o r it ent a ameth at erlent 41 po erit saIl as , b wi h orteenh p Yo u reng ravl e fro m . ord efo r e 'isert o r i ve Cets a n a C l ro in in pass vng it a l os t dorater - .- AE E A Aa A n I H L '# thgkguayar w rb itncs aaebr oith pliv fa u yi o iad fon t ator ang n u wesppWeksar ce- é torentf hent a nd fo efieinser. u m.,betr y ofbisfinie and cuEtr..NoAubli 1ryofawo aee d r v . o t rheofcnsmpiar e po houndh isen hid f h D , hliev ng ause aouin aa d a. -Tb rs hfe Mail, r o yso,"botam&o, drug &Bgnai .n E A : D EA V L R , cook e u nti uit erbefrett aans.fhremaienoo ndteolth o heirnhosemy nnoD.Gbsn; ppr n Glfi te l Tee ret t Bndo emitnoM noaon f okn il aeay ano nPstnbtaltiaitnc -W smntem r o azet inMex strateiro a i ngeas aondophot.en gland r hi e ptr"b erssu. tA tONtew G rt m pta nt me ri. DIUK, Pter l-etthn tharden hathe itvean lyf eseje t ha e re pu .buitf rph nd a revwiesw oermantic fild wih othcer, y MsW i .S ly , ineuaseaa cst n ince odrmyg sho Me.ld b e ntf a wa d a n just and uevr xp rnr ac t e eh dPrn ig3 ,,.. ok o b ril n e poig te a ru fM lRlo n a aiim o rr. il rl e td irn depermaner a r .ra d C nvyne co n a i e u h n s i e h o n h a a e e w t e u d i e s i o oons0 -a ml m a fot e b urld.) f r pe nth e e e m b a d is ianaHo J r. t e or d;u T e' r to adngrO hsr ugruntil rthe in c e rsanio a ylie , ieth e c must nt be in Dalaisecn rioofhela.nCalsDueyW r'nve, G ener az'inf" re caevad erywmn re Mgz nea we. o hnAPPteT H E.E a ný1 I KNLL re anas.ende as esied, nd tonorattniamng u tha theJapnese hg rgoodWhoses nto enerl.sores"TheGoldn HoseTandthehhortficded no-yBwenWiktrnsBworeacege..embanr , piairat 1 - tdd st ltle anmy b palatl.The w sj bl ha -e e r thein eeabo a lee.r e ryting iomaginabe.in kpt n t ries will include " w Th a-le in ol carr of G nral r o mpn tpi.he in na r the bogeasin a ewndSolcitr) ateouldbt reemberdin edtwc oul e 1 r ia is au fro es fe n f c os uh a r, àe rocessr ubt , a g sk netro oitialug a'life ifr o ouspa nme nd----- . ashee pre.er se o rt a " 0. Im-eG Ean, 3RwllngOn O NME lite Ced e a o of id h e r a iasbea den he ca i n to.He c n bs are ror n a lyhi la nd cytwr ea «on e llrp e a h u 5rC U L R , P C A C E Dria e ruts âàsho obfc atga t . uarornlified amo ertinyof alte plaofadozen sma sto satte ie W o ods," a nvr tal fiNrarle no w de '""n"edrw .e D 1 ý1ý icy washedefr cooin a d met rian.m Ant inance o ths pi fo rmy id annairy od al b. e. a rli a y CMsyB.iF. Mhew ; n d dmrl .D.Aerofthfew a -,A Be e a o&mpEN. ¯ atso ý ý ý -... a hi usen o ftefDIla h re nd itego ciorruastg ral inston ts oeoutmyingo rncot ralecin 'h e Old enleman fthaac e BlaYorstaRTliszangserI 0 tlilavceatBaffalo Thew ltermDe ars B oc MEDC.. ,' Sbe h o ayer inftherit. Pe issed th eivrcosulmeatinPortdOrt he city aon UE.-Te fteSok"acamn soy o l a r Ani aes o fealli f rsm e mwov ed ann , a in StMyeeoL"M I ]aitJO:H-N.D tOO&ldwtheravndinall epoe o a. Herit fi oce et iv as. i to ma o sallr e n west N elsn ag. Btmclrmeti ee r withi theaersin oars. gt W itndfr sl ex lx we -. ng resembhn its eriginl , questeWto conductyourselves , s boundto come, orraaher it AProblem. B Martin,,ofIndianapo- n. Thn pt intO% propor il aasaythashemaaandrthose whO aeoconcerned -----Ilasinuters of uckly reanlby. adateate othe-charles Street ý.... . _, ett le uo-tefre10 dbesrig aanlvigidnuriebjcsof sgh oacept te siuaton sgfna. Te CnadanTrae Rvie re gto ntheinerets s a Wah T T E-PLLO IN Sn k c a l d, a f e f h et m , b to a T h s e o nfou w h o r o mn si o n t tr Th e bwh o le a eo e i ntar e a ls pp i ea t t ey t y in gp r e m i n t h o r.la d . d e t a t C a bre o r h e r . T he i n f l e o v l f o t h o s Gfe s o i a e Of a - ----- - - __ . .. N D E SO...- Sross e f e t ot he b ar bavand v e p a re o re sely frve c n h f tene o w er rst er b t e d rnh, b ut E&6 n a t i z t oi r F R N T R L R K .. l c . a n S r t .: f r.eaos ete ri-tilte ave e. S enj bpctd c a h see ma d e r.a.noas.or and, htieetmt ed cowst L o n J ooo.Slns ubc s los m e o d . W wl , okadaYugm n0@neBol Aolics od ignbohexcha Mosd ump, bln sa iln ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯r¯¯¯¯¯ - --- --- ----- -- . Ton. aTh thfulisraint y aruseuanie purendra y eriuses e , n aife a aey s w e igr r rie o agwela inis Okaand P 9 1 18 1 %(l]1 r -, tr ihln oysthh e .l h yagndency h ich a laudoginnDue alcouin tir nh _ _ pani re I rider as df r crie w 12, alf f 1 f wa r a PrushoPaOM Suits....$2500 Ja _' ea Pecialy it a edoethoewhc t n rgt i yurdal er creul wo ale m e ihe raedinAre c t anitionslere on 12,122, bta il nwrthe y T-xO m SuitDI25 00AGAZINE f.....Sep l l I W rilc Phi.-. 5D2 14r1 1 Te ar tofarke. ven a d te wir t thest Ch - ine s y gnte c u from the mafrr, n o r a i t h oto b e cnu pino qurws7 Hete ike elt on E l l«-_mntn .... t.R,,n .. e a m os b t tt n o lel p rio ft pu i e t Z . t aen a h hall) A yi ess d n a n og br 89 . r g e mpt ; si da o r ds . c io s, s o co2 .)n:Iu -1ýI fritpers o m y s it ims w ath r ta.t e neerst o d citadich e n d LsofD r n the drink mpl 12, es ix Mnthoe: 20 rye ta tesrthat error -Se -ha rs 4- n y o urtsitf or 5 r0and T erk -t aur 0 ,2n ., l titl uitbro e quA ea fer tt e m l can es ad e a ho er. A y har a snh ol vrw er te hom k n tecif y hs othM m te e nt--o - - - -n - Prla inte wallare House M a . ll(t 1 ýý &~~~vngtur e, beu . eac harrons are. f the gret n s fac.be.n intro de Th ie u n t Fstor e u." th ey a u se.of je js Dti nme h d itn decr ea s i n sDIIL, etock au ot tFu us ; in yOur 0,m eai d $1 W -o --nefri;•il . ea dp edn • ane o f ar'seYo w muet a wIn dien. as' 'possiThe e tah e ll ftre ilom he irh e a There ofoheainspe ctd tuoera alt e nM in W an Oeý rw rai n*Jt e eteona e u hor in t he or"nonedTi i iel Dt mrise aenilUi p Hoertb¯ontyte onty. ex raaking Suppg |G Hd Ee'i ý()ý -tuyaryt v o w th idr ßi d li a it lor soi n teya rdinglytae On op atearly o on inthae s t ad wne n a a g.te Joro ltn o N,0 e sthonaenandlehit w,( k.. posi±' Han mao ," sm e y ungty aiete for s o thed , mdn --e••••---- - ou r diturbanc res ysbteue a dh mta d aie o t e m ntieesi g wath.r 6 c rf h m s n 00 t e g nti e an o vi c lg I) lgi1] ý. Plea ts he o ine t heri n je ta dy m et her gaud nt e n a oo Mrietes• A ro thersmnther ha e dre ss era m g wo ai e int e ord A oh rb au f ly Sb pt 8 t e m n u e l nt e l c eo gan inobtur wie." ob ai n O ods t mueanhren and raou 4hinsor mre con aever lowtewad - • •s --h JOHN NteMain a d )rýs-llthil a mitp eldves a inthes.12ti ontyte-rtcosrcin1 ,r areingeluLa., whigronnsnj 1 a n d t h e f u rt h h e P r t e st a t E p i . fli W e 'l y a n a ndG rth e o th erol g ate9 t e ,, y e niv e 1 thOghabict ilPhmsdr wil 1 8h,.ullruld .nvaialy Maleopina or trrbl Pssbiit tanavn heCoâl T e veag vlu o te a utow G nealCofeene n.ifyedwntlalincutereenand he co all laai,, nI!Il..