Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Aug 1894, p. 3

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. will, tii er, clear cLir sum- -ice, andi st, s ~-suits, he best quai k next to Postý 52-À ild snboll ie. .jawi1 Fji. Pi fale pulieI doî les fae ti' la d COillialO O t igait. 15 e à i"sge oi t 1o 1.5 ' i' lisi t fil, 't i i m att.' ils , a 1 t-î t1ttttN lita 'r itt. . t, il tttt u ai. t- . t. l âli 't ia l it tl 'ait tpro "' 5 t l W t'ttttt ai Siai,. I att. " aul' laisna tIesa larga.e Ul ~t i l te i o an usaa ti. ena os eau51,,, susie lu he ielde.t nul J . it da Orulng ails e1sain, Sal th I i IlnRi ATRM jusîî awooat t and i Y a0g>1in b 80 p1 V id loet pe.nù guaahIhs B amtonu iello i jc tu iog ie Miy hpsiru the bapp iy teiid asilytt pros upuondtiotndtg. eIIà ~ i istIsa fvoi, OOiaiyeesattst ai was logetaiaoff e a rianesm Georg ttec . eemiaieia t e 1ot Do ' ote t tO i nsati, n hî or, 0es i tek ouha i cî e n d 5r Haios op iIhrmeitimt "I othpryor ut ti eeiueh:t ho asî hocoado iusbyerau ulyoai îdbie a DZ -G Toulth' seonmerde idSol Pl y h Sauoe Shirtaido, mhite.piof Ca Mlon, asd mbdreioaITrebitosor c. Euing thd Jaeî S in teRîm to t tiser aeiaine 10eteiiemeg Ollee i.g ualiete ia ui eig meeie .piof ira beigregian feety t eldel ua Maheeie, uf hipaUva, nfarm ,,t s-rs' ad atieneandA pregreionai -d sssthe tiesofheeiositoA. H.dbat the oervin8rtAeteaBondar. Teode oblicpohug C epceoluto, led th rsglstofthausertioa tht eurciuui lie mad seseuy bajuefuagn esbied. le ats 'uidStm oe isau Lado, ,PSomeSir a, S,. elaeer hi,Gpaquae 7,ai deibooCar e s eosWaterpoog Coat siaudvy f 1eorllee md imcor. M-KnaJaimuest, altonur.oi s. haist. he ewYorkîomrcialApsser. sud sr ot wil h ue id t iuo i.oiceaofagu."sin ne piehc e. ba.LL booued Rbl e ael soupofv tai ofMlon:--,wAhle te euh yoanad widel.baidmaBible aI a ium pe, bavi i.iausi ou th orthFinît cameFSnti sTlaie.-RliigCompanC. H a s, 71,Da'aeut Rtbernope.mihernmOu ogh intylesseioth hur o gnul" su arebîieoly usidaanessaet rai. Mr. "Mboyseneasd Iecoleu naierji froufeUniteSaesaconsulsir on onh CorkuMl balre aunlse euieg. Ai Je satly e lo efgee d foal isu us e a -ee"ha e abir sas o thiexirteyavindimort.i er1 lis tiv outrosy, aîg Ibu r afaf iiiuen ailytse sie. oibecbleepmtea eaud maresdetis tretai sube te tory sud gaitesimact tieseuud ith a stosi.si i lie uleajdpolib e chias. os-. i tlngses,"b uta 1entmt bteae ooase o oilid ofai ond d ,i lion. ibleitiauio offe itbce aah Le- olee.aetalslessanaaid o ihble IB Catsls sresoe. iau tthmnhuingt y ssssie.issinbm ai &yiao.t uie ýala Mt'ee',Ls-s lise petriercnir tisa ieli se roue aihetise detih. 31si asfreeserfomancei ronitedfthe te Bentnes ttt osine i istuahaiAibl 0. fail largetsi clas sssais l iee te smîihdon performie Os s a sse. RDo elefomafor To as Mfruiatirt-t. wnwi af te Bennett Hacse,UA., Smieoo t'. lie liesttit isie stin Oseusthei im sittstiis se nnygod."Priese ., tas. Saisi by J. R. MîCalloas, l1its as ti... bia.M. Thoaî,mboBe s eaaesi and mbosî braimai %v oosssssivsi as Tisrsdmy byiapitchtorb i aalass oisoîgbt ai 20 test aid trll is its-jasiaI Mns. Mcoundy'î th ali,, s-',insu. su eesvering fait, Laitj ,,, -la'lars-uto Worîd nipnoduied li [ts1ts-uiuii'IaOs-'S acceut if thi n at tc iattý,t isus tise fatlering headig- .. * 1t-1e sttioLion," .The brilliait -tatiS-rS s-altr of lisu Worid îppareniiy tttaatgitt i-at sscais otînd as Thoma' 11,1t t-s sts-aiy houe bhou ftal and ao,, t Ofsesl at1e al Ithîl there ire 9c aîuc.4 onrecod i hich rcoeay ,ai tt IIatsis,-is moneso înaccamidents ta tIilcassi. C.Freeman,wbodreaied 1s ,is,,,,d, furniohedte IbMasE ai sacs-ki, -s41 itsayilisat 0e lsnhdbe h I, I1vlle til andinato t0e brain aid tOit ' auG tlssHAMPIaNrelotIant icoreclt i î',r aalsesstor. The Werld'a sissue a -It y itil sîji tuSilbard tle heitve DIA , it hi Os ulul t iga-YerY LisaL, s ticb tIsaI no ptssbtonk tali s"Ilas,, oig fti ileily fasl moud larce il. If t coldbe itmr&daaisr. ast l'sassiai Isohve a dtfflmiuin mlemaimig -atut brn tter b masmnof&aProe- '*le ujPitlsel "Ion" cma nes mi ba ad va gracefolsu lise nem=sa"otia us )0I as a si cu ait ab lory niflise ,in Sssudieg of alai t anmnriýiCaiadia la isaislons sy a asylbolal j gleaSmmai haamed Auie Herben, mb.-aegdntg su le lise World, mdbar b.sdilqianlere s, ere sd reaeijederi ofqui1 tbrnab Il lise poulaffice, geihiat igitor n lot 1. lm ors aday. postii#A"almb arerita ar Ra Outttarty fanrms1aig Ibid Ibe WsrldBa 'te I noiaeeuivsstm. H anop vosreeived er deilved ay ilm The st Uaýirisi muid be te rab Ibo lxdasty wtch beiaeigltait a, 'booey Fre~ XiBiiYb o-5 S. Brmd t , Wni. Mcenzie -*5MERCHIANT TAILORtn- Bege to inforin the pub lic tilat he bas juat raeeved a large 'and welI selected stock Of clothsi suitable for SPring and Summer Suits- AL ORK GUARANTEED PANI) PRICES RIGH'r7. BOOTH'S BLOCK, MILTON. ON OO ES F ON AL fe R R zs i s b e n elf r -- I fl F ,1 1 1 DnMu Fuias suthe aensumateli anea O e îapsnsfaii Frrim, obi ou baday slid,140e.ngoatuduebeeu coasuittussifor tial b)r John Bar. il hi eve lud, 40.ris, Eoq.. J.P., more irraigaed here GOMONDasutbo tobbte in a fied su Jsdge Saidur, charged mitO an a al the taraseaifliobert Stewart casgbt ire aOcuiiiusg actuei hadily haras ta Censiderablo ieuaieg sas ubrut hafare Tbomaîs t'Wio, ai Neloni.At tOi the tiameo veree îbdaed. peeliminaey hariug butore the J. P., BAMNieslsuiasbaa suc ocerulal tva. Wl'son oae thai au July 1810 the de. ai rtig etn, d sîyse edants asbe u e lsta bave&a drinb, dLa enuueMa1a îsas y .i. l1 iesd lbey blad evîrnl drinks day blnnieMav ow ed by . Wl tgoîber, It a aibeir raqent ee oeni liamiai, Slaeotss-ile, wosatlite 2 28 eace le Corliiolo uud got a beg of lagor, Ibît n 2.84, 2.29, susd 2.2tt. tisey toob it t Shelooksba hîbaid Riva. A. J. Bae. siO St. Jo meiSadraîub il, Ibat lie, Wilon, felI aleep, Cisursis, Guelph,, and Rcev, G..B. Usake, mou îmîbeîsad by the inoghter oetIhe of Actai. miii e'toboage pulîisîs îlt dfeudauleanad fud tht hie uioibeî Soude%.. Me. Bota'ilasonu aveut mare an ire, ai armanadaileghaing home servicesu il Aulsu brnuing, tisatibe miii aaloep again aid CoNsC os ATBua.sute.Tiee mo lie hrlvnbp op Gnd that i mai ativia ise to bai re ugi ln. 5 Thu defrudanii pleaded net a cncr e te tiin 'a" un4' a gc iîty anid iii haetried here uR eTusuay eei nai o S. Las , aSsidrto-morramoJdg Obursb. Soueral Rasiltoniaus ts ciau Moday Objet Costabe Sumner, pari. Eucoreeimiremisueros anduithe Of Gabaille, broagbit MaryBilui. ercaltlesuav lare. 5e a coasaitledl by Poliioe Magie. CeonLus Biavo, accostait oaiflicu teute Younag on a chage o t ieaijîg Mrcatsut Bank, Taooto, bas benes ireus Louis T. Deicomyn, by mhtcb ai apuoding part oai isivaainmitO bieswuseîîsployed aohouinebeeper. bacon, broîbar, 50. W. Bral iagentoaithe0esIciseseloI0, hanihorohjeia, sijver BabkofRHamilton hse, and returaod epaosasud otisar hooehold gouda. She te Toronto lisoueiog. uilhieareaigued beore JodguSîuider Rîîuî,auu tbe uiteetaiousealtate-t,,rr aigt in the Royal reuspta'îshali, A- gondi progeammeteis S he r caeedi. a-ACionie Rafreuhis ussereas. itoîrcetls0s, t dose. Tise ladses oi lhi W. C. T. U. At Brauspoino Salurday thei Ex. vili issu the mesubees of 1he Rayai eelioro defuited Torouto Joction by Teaspiars io preuuausug a6l ddcessla 4 la t. Th0e match îettled the ditrict Bra. ansi Sis. Camuser ai the oeuoaieiampioîbip, mbicb gou eo aBramsp. tOise deparlare froaouar lava. Ail lau. samu mOsoa. OnFridayeveoiog tieremaas aah, Stytilis Sîiff Fait Halo and Fedori usarriudyî; sngle, ptayid by momeasn ls.Oufs' Sîrasu Halo, Boys'ad oaihe 10eOiapic lacromu ehe O Cilsrrîs Strasa Halo, ciîeop aI agriesslourmi graursd. Sevirilalis te Treel's,cor. K{ig andi James Ste., Osiodialu miro old limera mho had ant Ramaltîu. piayed for nome yoaro. Thse botter FîivuuENS CCucais.-Thu caassiîteo 'coditiion ai the Ochuiors gaie Ihenea sn chnuarg fficOi Fbueso ncsset t ret&avantlage and theymwonby 2te 0. hoe givea in theu Tome Hait, Mltai, on Firiday ceeusu, SopI. liii, bave as- (Gabraith & Ca., hmsiery minua a- ruody aeuresi Mise Gaylori, soaprane, ltrrn, Guelph, mho made a caaspro- ai Tarants, nid Mr. Al. D. Sisesck, umie wîit Ilînir cridiiore a short lime harstasse, ai thi name place,bOsthof aiicifor iamuthtng in f1ie nîtghborhocid mhiarenielut adfayoribly knsmiita ofl50centseonthe dollar, baviisiigned Millon audisucus. This aoncert ilîlibe la C. L. Dunbnr ai tOit city. frst-claosu auuvry reaiseot. Fsrtben _______________ partias ext ei. I. TsisooaBaoy stRT.-George Seed W heat for Sale. C. Tlîoasa, oaihe tO i Oine, juili-- tam Georgetowo, mac ver y badty hart Ona Loi 5, Coi. t, Nasaigamiyn. the atOur day. Ru mai driviag damangiamon'a oeldenaCuafetî60c. parhbsh. a bill on a magn ons suicb he lied 'l'le abovi variety bade the liai of a vocmi horrelu mGO mOhials laguet aten. îber of htoda of mheat teiied aid The Ooroea gît iriglitened aid Mr.no Tboaisoa sa, Iremnouasnid vmy reported ain by the OitansrioEpei-i iertsuBty eut aid broined about the meatal farci. tampai ai Hîmes Feed heasi aid foce. AlIiîaagO îhonaromiY Store, Milton. eîoîped iilî hi lie, we are glisi ta 1221. JAMES MOFFAT. lear ntiteiotfdanger and pro. greaming tavorblp-R-erald. ~ ,ss 7 I Whsn yon want nsw lactice in oun hoôsogo la R, FOWLER'S Ripe M Oadeate et smed in thefuient kid boîte.Bait..i J. M. DOYES, Rayai Cen. put onamith wire. Hihher goedî pri- sarvatery, Leipeis, Garmaay. Lemase 'ino tiaolel y- piano, Orgas, Vtîlitn uaymng ma r<WLER, bhot al ser, Miint., il.ti. , Fai m ausat a tdiiLeip- The6thannveraryof heinductiion Every passible amrsgin le pepile, oftRov. J. W, R. Milon, B, A.,lini ai d li. el meIt dertiaid appnoved patrai charge ai Boston Ohergh, Ei- mt. mf .oaii efc eb C euing, ma ulebratmd ai gabhal tes ai d iiteopclali. Fn ai em Is. Servies mire eeiduaîbed by Ib M.mili ammenrein ilton11, Thuraday. Rev' J. C. Smithb, BD., n i pis, Stpa. Wll b et * Bmflsit mi hwbe ia iitereeiig dieurise tir intie r o 1in tel8. w ranch ejoyd bynge meaitiegs- Addiels-Ne. 287 Malin heS Eas4 the asisgrouuide oni omeibevseS "«M. _________ Milles brm sb adaid m md ob. frohod8"NOTICE. BORN. BO0&DL.-OD the 24th imît.,i Miltion, the wfe ofet SînonBradley of ason D ItED. M&CKKOzin.-At No. 1 Bedford road, Toreilo, the residence of her brother. i.lam, the Rev. W. S. Rail, in ber Suft year, Jane Lyon bMackenzie, idom of George Mackenie. ofNew York, and eldoil aliter ofthebahâte Hou. George Brown and J. Gordon Broun. BuRNoaîo.-At Georgetown, on Mon. deyi131b it., Rose, infant ion of Geo. Baroside. aged 14 asenthe and 25 days. MaHEi.-.sbt Narval, on Soaday, loth il., Bertha, doghter of John Hughes, agesi2 yoar and 3menthe. WEBSTER-At Ballinfad, Ontario, on Mouday, Aog. 27, Margavut Webster, ,iife of the lote Henry Botioi Webste, iahe, 791h yenr. HAY WANTED In ouchaugo for a nez Raymsond Sewing Machine. Appiy R. S. PORTER, 12-3t.Millton. C11A55 JARS ~UAND 5115 CARPETS AÀn emas&bout (larpeis are uaslresliasg about aoeeemlesu- iig lima. W. oly wigh le las- tmnm jeou (for meae owyoe r bMu) I"at e ha. redeied a niaaifimtrangsof Newv su muew BII*N m ibor Tae. Ne ii, ne, NBrilléAxiaple- bile, i l-miel Oaprpaai tUlo.m la im e ,e jlSiMW 109 dÎwî Iapt a eldl*. ebsteeside dg» opàea wiulbje.iive. Pints, Quarts, Imp.&à Haif Gals. $Lo i1.10 1.20 1-35 CHEAP SUGARS __________AT BASTEDO'S. To Rent. Drain Tile. ply to D W. CAMPBEL. 1 bave ion sale ailt8îiîeso aina le, FOR SALE ÔR TO RENT. iemer, cutaert and flue pipes, chiasney - tapas, tt.A itou dmelling ; 2 eabris., ith Conway's 1 ICE CREAM K Sto ener upied br OD.iiaehara. Temoil papolnr place an toma for Ice Creamas Tropical Fruits aimava oa baud,. AuI.the BuSt Cigare. Central Exhibition Tueoday, Wedneoday and Thoîreday, Septeinher 18 19 and 20, Gneat Additionsanid iasprevemeîta tecie Gonds and Buidings during the paît Vian. FiunePnignasae ai Spîcial Attractions uscO dmy. Th.eEîiS-tso p'tiioadta. a as Tseedv .nd Wi4eeli l.iig Mase1, 5e.0. f th. L by tithl. ulemaotýd ai f5th Quai. oie, imasf uaiad, erTeneii, aid t -dltl,,o s-h.isesm en ia.Uo. B aii dtee. Rondfro ntm lto 55. eosdandeaomila n. L aacnos11M-. . f-al,%. a- sa POH,,.WU.iL eIrrLe,. EN/LE MARCHAND, Preeao" WA!TXAIE au nti JVLI c-I aouit' ,mug wiIb e syed eTSem ainsi. Pnm snoms lot. Apply ta, J. A. FRAZER, Millon, or WV. S. HALL, Hony. [apanose Vous have oeea theas itisit lOîy are lavely goada, yen miii nuadity agace usd10 ue. Fortise bouefit oai bsue miss bave ast used thesa me iii eny il iî the aemeut goado for drapiag. Co'd Collai Crepe, sitb liîoal affect, Oc---We hanve ruceived iaîtsip- meut ut thcie direct tram Voko- hsama, aad are pleas e a ay tbmy eurpaaa inylbjng yîl im- pirted. PHICES-26, 80 85, 88, 4o, 5e, e0, g6 aid 75c. Tboee tineîs we are sowing aI 25 and 85c. are marte 40 aid S0c. WINOOW SHADES Tise nestst ylei ils triage, aid laceu s oje. Cli and se-. cure qietatsano for any size or aumber ai ohaises. CURTAINS Froas Nottingham, Switzer- laid andi Germany, me bave las- porlied tee very îemeel and pret' tiesî designsin suae (urtaisi, Smtm Certains, Tambour Cie- lains, Bruisil HmLCurtiii, &g. Speet i ne, 10 LU Ciitaine il $1, $i e5 aid $1 50 par pain. PORTIERES August Sale HOJLIiIAU &SON wiii give solîle Specia.l Bat'gintiis roitglthte unontt of Atîgiit in order to nsiak-g prîces ively anîd iaitereatiasg tsi tiagir CllStoutîrs and teci cear ouIt sîlîole asaofigoods. Be- low arc a feus- of tiesepectal priea s %c offea'- Remnatîts of Dress GOOes, elîcai>. Prints, fast colors, 5c. 2 Pairs Hose for 25e. Ladies' Sumimer Vests 10c.- 3 for 25e. Ladies' Silk Tics 25c. Mosquito Netting 6e. yard. Flowers 10e. a buîneh. Men's Top Shirts 50e. ea. Men's Sox 10c. pair. Gents' Shirts and Drawers 25c. ea. Faetory Cotton speeially eheap. Flannetettes Me. a yard. Table Oileloth 5-4 'for 25c. yard. 6-4 "35c. Gr le C c =:m : m a i Granulated Stigstr 20 14is. for $1.00. '22 lbs. Coffée Sugar for $1.011, 26 Ibs, Light Broiwn Sugar for $1.00-~ 28 Ibo. Itaw Sîîgor for $1.00. 3 Bans Tomatogo or-Corn for .25c- 2 cane Salîmon for 25c. Choie new Pickles, 2 botties for 25c. 10 Bure Electrie Soap for 25c. Sîîperior Japan Tea 25c lb., worth,35e. BOOTS~ & SHOES A few sizes in Prîînella Boots for 35o pr. Children'e Leather and Carpet Slippers 25c pair. Boys' Lace Shcies 50e paira wortls $1.00. Girl,' and Misses' Shoes 60c, worth $1. A lot of (Jhildren'i emaîl Boots for 25c. pr. in Cashmeres from 25c. up ; also Serges,- Tweeds and Rail- way Corda (&Il wide widths), Mantlings, Ladies' Coats, Dol- mans and Waterproof Gossamers, Woollen and Fingering Ysxns, Gente' and Ladies' Underwear. Special price for this month :n Ladies' Black and Colored Kid Gloves-Jose- phine, Alexander, Eugene and Victoria makes $1.10, regular price $1.25. 'White and- Colored Hemmed Stitched Handk'fs, 6 for 25c. JEM JARS-Pints for $1 do,. Quarts for $1.10 doz. jgai. for $1.25 dozn. HULLjIRIEE 4,8OAf'8»The Leadîng 8tore. ToSeùrL, f Farmers. a i~ s.~~s~ ~'sflgus.IIs5hm ~' 5< a' 4~HIHES PRCESPÂIDe This store is stocked full of 'New Fail Goods. ~LINDSAY's«~- "a' i J i/QI r et e asi- &y .4 An tmmesse range of New -- &P." eâalne $t00pai. S11meLarge Stock New Fal Dress Goods Ji ,con,ý r-..r M6.6 [.Xd

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