dO e i s marns ofPrsec aop Dma. Âg20 xtaSsss401».,Lib î ao. Iro. tiil. lu mitar- amaLam *10 -~ ~ ~~~i ittaeIi tadn atorcou nMoc (Soc a t».Of*@Lau"Mjrcou." cW as smts f d octor s. u r f r a d ng opouos a ha ri liu B i i l l l m i a d M j r F x m i la hmtomset.theFP*Nmt b R ano.ti nytr posbo. nti ho t r. sinMFrne r lie mpbaind no c oa l BniOhfr» Ro iont, 1 offaorFo vn sum pt ii fi to u sfer s a choo e arliosfe B tataLaraW eerd. W.hBetn gu.rtfo i n t a c on). trat, hm a ii ondi bpru rosin fa or Bly er- i.i tb B t.t e roetia h m as taii (f e m r i p p pe t ogr atict rst iofe loy mou. omi ni Ri le s .c i n m t h s s *~ ~~ ~lr Kofouthdarcoodui ThWlBuroa capcsu. Motm re sud tonla ba sdFat s y auhan mo9viug ioidaho rail r8ecodtfQeeuaocou ogproed: sudfaud a n-MsicerlyagJou 1, 11hvafrdtvetymie., i t @od cu tbatrnjiuiupbroom. troush sudmpvmpd aoug Cnd PWCopu Mti sDt. Cibrain, RIo ctotro b rndutaDxCouaFuis, ow OOpds ios oyu suhdad Hoi v fosid-Tiarold u. iat'. Ficohiio va 04aotpiepr,"1 di eiadedtabouhpfucs ntrloue .smmudoceBiîi apsbr dnonoanada:. boMr risrlcors. madical mision taib &n.tofimparicporam In- ti aaGme eoo alion us antdetb as «fornrnota FiOgiha asériag on 200, 200 & 00 p dMao.o n M the fos c .berftprnforce oUicd FrSitacosolimru vbo the t6-Cati reosb.". .2hesho tse fscions rooriy. wlnauddtheQRoauersudire pregmnopff4Major Faxn....elth8tre tare fbanbtdaDr. Ebroarsd- i2ogbardvatheoeto Fifoashonumet rom isoara Mlt seosimvits frmitheg fs siilar msdhe 8h.ebLedrgaSerd ch aormtio h0& 0 p R.At si badaiisuitheCbamh- teforspoas iadScato. 0.0.0, bond Te2t at erpoessi h mariug ib'orn1iv mhpoflies eche ruos tbomsaf rinch eeto brDooinioJp.n RAocitin.athe e Miaersora PubliWn hsd bsiivuauosme. ervouOtwaTi. Rss bsv;orFx. m.n ovorfu bishe da. Wuise i bu hs . H.or.loutrs p t . s Mro siore a t 200 pdo. and Fer. giaowubuis hargtisld husesuddMOdRsud br infrsastohataFitoghhtheud 10f 00 &Doura ne as outa nid ie rs.ur iu thofuaqot auson SO-Cpri. aue. . sn douad gtemauvaousof cbcritiouhoa,1818u sukd tchu oieudo it luovatomya cfOingstar . H o ch us ad mp a nrd. Tbs OCa bada cc ca Cmpaontdtnch. ta fore v er scy roan vltroug iodechDefart tbalst in an y s mtbtaa sciug teba ndroig asio ua cuia. o ouh in.tro ipabo apo ch tbs am aii -cst teaa fMR ia nrctmaurrofoh rdiichroutyos, be r e.fie ad ho keu M larer s.nppt- on agIlNuogaeyDsd o- ismiionf ti.Canad:Mii spectar o meAtry Oficsua miufo haact vpra ipotsavtucynRifle.Le00us&a600ttas.fs ib aio Farory t tgoduuth asrad utirdon t chît h ou. of a is- soaf Rraicetsita i s re teiist h oafdthe ein chu par-.gfoeofUt dtth su sliw obd cuo)Eu oio, pt ha cMrtui-M.t...d.r.... ....9 bout hufigu tahouthr. cicy sudt charsincoo iuziitychutchsyn.asua istroiu Eu lu ftis Osas i ceulractite gfir Pmarsmviina sud a casntra ifolvsrdios 5vermsuternifeia vap os haidogu vas pocnihepo ChfaniugfronythUiyerotas so uteilI hoy hat i httiybdba etda lc Dcri ac th faest ao a e s ofrbhs tr thss m ascii scohrer yc o vg chus vat. sao veR....... s..i.....y..sud as afstrhaofarufimeuacompaud Tharaarigianursingafumouu barw d d pr Tvedta ta mai craaca bàe o thon Ssasad.u hinhoo q so- auascy longmu a m p Kolly, as o i 7id ho Mu tini, m .stnd i ngcco. ie lits elaaopo led l lhi nddeta e rifohrpatintuiibroudta anvdrs 10viyetmcaudW tata frv gelmu an up o ne ofHîtheavathou ousot andpr e r ored ise ytemlci eatsu ah 0 ob ofSr-Oivr oliautocth sms IahaCaaavrnaro judien Military Rifle Ls.e&tub r empcin 8h4iug th e ra icu aoiyai aardaad. Tho rsFvasceat po a oca tii m tc. audeta rsudorogîhopuuhavomouhs, rufac udSir r omIoNu n ha th chat in.sp a tchM o of aus rpiy bivo rso. Do tossîndEvus nsav eyu ta h tie sqa eaig iaapop ch u h ta MarntuihMotfadnhd beauhr t is 00 a lonuaho.vedof sudhe alles doa re on tis dioctashaiea l arus ed o g oda .g ort rai hldr FatsRrohs p i t. bor agocu.rd hy1h. in ad, sud it isandiEs- A m eig .fth. -dâ,,i apor hofua eidadOficdsahndh usln fotith utorercu uyhav400 T osidar i il efee aa us, 00 of1bi praliamotary caru r o o ) rxtnlatfotter. o.aofoc assedî Gu Tora u ert tud trial ic thetire. th.tIl. cCI J'v in he har o ey thcosadconbotfthry u enr tehi ammot e Mau tho foridp ets tCbuitdig enin e iy hr use poul ta the grolat rigil- s fc dp u e sn nga ort eg ou &i. - uacasacin fth nw Pal a d l h n core urht oprc 31hav d ieu ho m otrii, vi apos.î b 'Id'Ra wasperhas t cf e Iuiry oevrnsud ot tghelharo H eo irfrct sdat trscivoaooeu tstpro-e os in ti sa eas t sid o n ofîi heiy liurrtorudico tt 1h. bs oea- daoo kasrr. ioeueao sp e uyau- lfotre bu0 v. aiy ilyesaepaon TheatBrou vorign tdl haternofîa Nts- uboni puore e o eaud r e ar a-eai oh. C.P. a c ch , qusu- lagor ruarantdly Kballloi a i hua he a in i, ii hs rav s cTo raH riiiard aI ohpllto tasehs. oui havueeued a urs h ue nrandseul imp e srtuta m s opara ncou- (.feraitasi fartnut e. our h av ary ulyau l rdveytaighl uad isua y h e faoorticu ea uav u hesu aeaagoaforsoeu aura , a îhrcuî a te ocvtge la udacfH Mlastsoa veuttaaahroltsargetndd'as apro ni raf th he.r fiauiig cartak a cd at i rriof a r iiîc. Th rti ia . Yeaic r odtoth stth asthuu Pr, t uhudas ohlic î. ~ abri bkad forwpaeîdiufr aite s. ho cut iota trios hy _ opa h ~~~~~~~iis~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~-n agbth'eaagdh Oefe iboireu c ia iea aadio ucihitru torlarIf"' aor 5radost o rmu eas fico uqaicui proid e E sula fortrac.01î3 apsoaa a oyalataou br hslisa >dofhraal tdiucioae, hu hcudverdca Sceawday S aiis e ba peîl ohroics i hilu u Y- 'ceor a s of i s e corn iog r- re c t-i dh rot ia ovrrui u t b 1,40r0ie di rrT. trd, iul udO 0 tcLr ia, ru9i. s ouf-o.itandu riy th attcei r u facf stogamohu uu d l s althuiut ads aedgtotigmth t ooucf 1h rime, Ascmhpr. No yrîtadspocime.fagunohîgiia Ta-h orcontata, Iqdustriaelupxhibitieon p ~ ~ hv vubepiadacieor;ttaauslhali butra. hae hiooucomeonooviroadaxruep.. Finledacd ay -ot bt bplau na a. O. yB. o ha, a ta vil'u Oc daa, bancopicotu (hotgrapre ims. ha rtiria Riaster a o cu aduyh hrsud r on the al bre t ia of th mot cwillshrad v n T. u iut fai, As .u foi a ru esbasd otoborîba c et cf a rt hp g euaful sdR hoauma dasa-o land edorhp tme l hrvcf ugo. Eaeuante Gr ce o.dsoa, spahe nisoe ysfibauiis-. (OppouitieawuSoma dogsau fiearsIsia o'sudlatailsvrbisocinceiai; sorolO urioudcoesucuaduuey Of uin. C.oa hyt. isto exîc a ngrbol c a tbîîldtca aibeathuh aal buiduigat isr m ont, Edus m rlas ýUisior cato aubleWrks ilb ia aatison etsta pauca - isaogrupi-th adeuvait eorrin von. vvdi hîget eh llc. roendffanod d f ibr,le ie s i a b... dar, ctin h.a ccomri mopantoo f uria j i ai i sgaar s ud yarac o atle agn -daofMltni muttesa.lefs bt e aeaunud iueth. ProviE piethauîa v arr of tho llaawy t ih t. i, m ore artshy ho Laiesr ison sCoereut a (eo1ft01 huila t lr a ruca veraelîcci cg t extpuosagra h c a ida inîr h aut sd ivtr opoo taur iudpthe Io ws rout, lesr us c a-biil. entaroute u ru di-trictahavecoda Faii a u arat a!andsto eor a adr o) hariaa. o r ho lcia tirrîbad la ri ba l er theriy a uîiah achtae ven ri o p y rcaal]ui fu-Coa uio ut rrcsasomcua c ir bare fugtc c seao f teu a v, li e l i et. T iratuduacehid air a a r Orhicwht prcainin. fe Illtchos craMe. uhla r itoe) cbpesoseeomblatvnTheasdstuOf ;ha ,ces ucitdsolu trioniaThela procaattt idy Noaaeuc clias b ac.,s ait f cial atraton au r aiouan mra tf rahced thua b e 1ibslie vautalc orcibu teaai r ierseîg a i a ra tingo uad ad ii aidn ajmadea- e eirtis faulofadh ndte s ered ratc adlodratraesra heraogadches aspcatrara onir-came; baut rac ilshurtier a le.tb Nc aceionsfaiteowthatda.xt. 'OPfitionaa Souspaetaieo uay iand cfthoflieb rebas rîd crl ed O rinadee of mauc neut livertaibeîrd rpo.inten iatauduuduateerdctrîîbaeacîbr Taca wongh Metofuiilai M.adrr ud ibfrîevaorehue.Oc . tbsacaee rthe TiausvfJ.S.tartoueîvoutuuto Mstauefhauvilhadaoap ecwic arvetohtfou mui rsc butheobeau banduintefrocea me bo aici, u ataraitsd a lba ud Th e y chu Iahr eutra T c le onroproctye ies'grira neaCafio- jnteliouoaeastotr s au ai Oc b o e riestorn ft herii a otOrcetapeTh anmeas vteuladmy it Fi apaetast uthessoarolies-e baropaeca -ocresterady lad sebioas. ua-sTroup, moigre ias n vbt aea eadsteqeto Yilpce aiain tise eeinyresss, t , i -ý ebadro ilitsd arie sd jo I TheG Lsu -oaaeassbtllr face avlito f nd f dot pc s larauap at su a peceicet , a lcîcg hiMa ser boatIh u n icrai.ob t oba Torco u e redoateads s lperfprmviacetathe Il mStaefc 1d s en, hcad ra ai ho ere ail r on. t e-icerr tra e a ch taer. Ou. Oav7 ernou , Cinloir. ý fotir . h-t ter th c tir tctcled ccvua psutirrvuar, sad wicmp arsaa frsfsuptaro tp Oo chaieoeaosin.epar- orldaedybcmsacofrco iorygscoet prctTea thnaoebiderfouaatb k ta vtcci criaRgitor r ficdet in af Par-o yahets eterd alcfrit tho aa ataly u iiat a , Pin ado n WiSfdaala-tyaeptrocuhs i aboutubaffcg uheaaotatreiedofau hi.ducarmaeu nelrioldbsanta .bsl Bau re Iapaccuaiuc ingto a e of t a tghl at acsen r. ut- oioaiacturer o f sud icecurau onstn Vteo sicoli ar oa sfide test icogi thepveae b alsfrrfed od te-os. ied ta teisRaesud ,terou sa r basOneticu a s i ral tu astO ou ls tai uaaelas. a yarht Mîonui utr lba fditt).vsth ugt ai c LI fo. re vo atp feersliga eruate at osersefl. eai -asru t t thveu itar aff r vputaet f assj moei lastlcmitteua ad cap acul ruat aati for as. t uea c ' roécualesterear sc e aI. e. h aue pocteuiaac sad retao a d s A-Ptt.oruausr. i rcsucoebuuM.aFaseirr buy Nollisacidsaute vraropdedtheiua ai i.Ou ifittaseun. o ira sa suandch t dt he lastesornt era ..d t p-»ialy aeatrpîceiua atero tnc hane.-n Mc.un ri T RoiwU.t. ouai t wii Taisendt asnes histeoaicutrsl roauiced t otbutcaese suoreetu clyo lutma i t eottcai a rto w--,atr.1Ii ota "iv htacreund h ry o eitta. ,f f int a ri ope. Ra e s-oYreui grare a nus oia isotg m aonripa eGisbtmaiernp Tvad ravued fis samt u I frth Admiutd acri uud -h, etc. alicif af cie adC.p.Atoe upti, happosesud itvsthoopt ta r ef. ,reudd daeitcl ndjs eGr donf ciaa -one n tsrrli e rois otfron tes outrbai paeix. lu addviti o n istuetis te orry udtasilo-a i nlerta ro tedu ia-e b rivta commithirnts . Ti haairtosshhaou scuai tora ie eain ihaffheuorry aicie c ter than erdsyOuroera,mai.beDow thm euoraraoei. ra h oa ao cisonul hf ia cuge trparceni.ioniath atic, aiiicild r .uTses tt hertiauste sud a u ntiu het tie viol, adfimpose a t . rai ta u nty. tat spuwi o ueptta fbisurga. vu' hrd. Fh achsvea t rasbsrit te ndcpnpoi. ht taalcrie traple i no atvityeag t ia aasioru. serscafugaorurvacuafm.c ao-n aa abnr wudb on ah bis f he occa asioof bis t avne t a hsucrli a roeeai. rn- ac Tean fm es bt aspc. Wbtuld we surais sfrinthe suhawr se.l e e~ fer di.aide fteun n heCnde MetiTbs wPacisaut iitug s r p beplsa e ixo' ctuolsiayapt i is Eu abo u osatatagei ofai. fo nu eut achrutaoidnc c'salvrcu. i, itOutfetpstbas ssai Cardifetnal ostageure . oIL pt taieriyo isar para rf insandiria an tonuasthfos oitnstsist ne, ieliToprii.ftit si Oustaiiugtiso sa faM.tisiia iisetaboati oraasuai atelaeAg ni terfte ofbs ci aild. Mc. e bas pa is as seis lesbodfag ufiosi lu iss empevai i u i p ime l alta. A du-i sdsd N.if lB mas-ian . rebhth t T5lct tr ausastezntero chapi ya siausoptn- uerrepuurtafvtOiiSS sofuo--trirpapWe e o a ýd s g, tmu Trarronto.. eis. aipsraTaOotn us uiS c vif fatavs tadtthcompilainbaissa un laasaotintheiauisui is. -~~~~~~~~~~ Of, catgAna.dflot t the CoPsA.main MBl. Tva MoWpetasBahava bansgranf fri-no atdiet t.seleor ofatheePrs. Huron saismns ai"emadeca terrible dis. In fd OUn t i siu instints a Cvare 5fta iraut ity la ae»rus pu 2 PP al.pi Di oamin arassut cfesibae mpi a tecie fiteiliofssa sCalo.iven omit siiesTh tud paiaentarysteaker aud u tdenbt deil rasa j i nsahweallie tadarPen n t wfentss ri oaTank.a;uli i-tt.tC m Pm st iveporsh 10 D aiss. Os an arniCanseatisad tIntaso -the"tes ni a s *""' stthel i5og oa igl vsc suppi hera onuasss sie . o . 'h sftajE OxCePt e effe au arUnitcre Codenoaaigus à n tir foe ua rgumenLatatitaaties, wihth eta hsi f irnaa a gtises-s)j&dootdhepacDacoutt telrehetplce sa D t Bt Olig In he a mini . ca es m n.t ain Of ieOffceli wa b sieu-ik hvrerier abe e nte t e seritpr"-oEM .; c , N wsmrllew Cnisad er he .. oreeto Tb* ust trop 0a io fln hallE a pyoisannoi anar Ltma àss sh asay soid ru. IManbeks D.asas " -an S5U- -9th- s lt 96assSt foc ta lait "asa Iis pssr. voeu l Ifta nihctativafy staWtai tex.- M Prmsisiat Marrieon viiinot s..). taeTissota la lo inta ui IMSni i Repniiliesu nomination &gain. Cpo ongtatlhzistian pocasltie Prasient Peixoto, aiflBasth, bs oit.t.partiauttdrairsiofithe oS.eallUy confinai thé nw ove ntheaaBrifiaigdarii, ami tae.rpportsdinl- ratai Douerai fioaivai dat. tartion ni taeImpactai Cosnmsufta Tii. Roman Catholios oi London eraCUiQthetaPla& nobSncbtenftonta Eng., propose ta badld sasnter col sia t. ulniFrie Ss edrs icb WinRomat £M0,009. Loerdtug t. Ciiinatonive papero. Tii. Prince o aiWles bas srdersd liore wuaboav"figiitiup inCor"aImma chat bie aht Rritaaaia taie part in ififfosufita t t. sg:4eimab fie caca for tin Cape RaayCup. botwen tae Chinas nl JsÂa L h ta Bnid tait Chiciago capitaliseamu baailg ox-PuRasan employas f a t rer asuaarirung vorta st Mievatha, Ths Dtai supoiiau nenut ont ta punusthe.chRajah of Lombok Isleui, naar Java, bas ieau defsie. y, natives. 1 Thi British sudCUitai Statesnsasb- jactaemieprisonruoret loalielde bave raea e ircagus, and beau cofeead ou paraie.. Ths bllinois Lftaruoy-theseref vili pruce.d agant fis Puliasan Companp for engsptug in thlialoefon buiuseou fleur cara. Thestara lstofightdomacralicai fia talagrapi vire in NeuwTanor tata sund proreti tas trausmisonfe a asoii fat. uovn. Tii Dhite FallnCar Wrta, Indies, bave resumei van slteras pusse ile- noa. The coaspaup omplops 1,20f ta 2 '000 mn. ÀLoronofiCoraciastaao c tai- iiuhad t i taton of Reudatu, RoBseau Poasd, eviug ta fie preeshoara cf chaleautieno. The Uitai States vifi disputa the dlaims cf Canadien seasen for damagas tirogi sicars, ou fis grudschut choir dana.aueoexcessive. Du-rmueWaita, ai Coorado, ha. beau aïrroahaiou chargas of apeutar mail asattar and rruspiracp. Ma uee rsieasnd ou bis car.tai oi10100. If is roportod t Catra chat cie Mai- dite ara roucrutratiug tirir forces ta ttaciEuassauad vrrat it iras cia Italiesi ia o rsutiy rccupied ih. A lsttar apperci in Tha If. Jamen Gazoeteo Tuday accsiupuUnited Statesanorrri vth paachtsg ta fia HudsonuRap soi Mackenate Siror. Si. Thonan Duit, -Cief Jaotico ef Canmou Pirua Divieion, O08odo hall, bas ra.iguad hie offiee. Tia retire- miet tairas efecot ou SeptantarISut. Theolrd Iudienu rife)onimandsa bis irhiovsg, w-ohavea boeeImprios ed h tt.eUitai States aathoritio, toi sonn peurs pasu. ara ta ta relaiood. The asaue ci the biopceorosi race iron Baffalo, NY., tu Pttshurg, Ps., crareiltieacourse ita20îbourandih asnuates. The distacrài43iles. Eucuaectc bttucosth. nativei andiFechurh eopu are reporti rma French Saurgantia, ta uhîi htic Ecropoacu cerearotai vith griaf fIoe. Thevan ar elig is grcuicg mri in- taor tan okaasevary ds-. sud if i u cacsotchat Japan uhauliuitealut lieruesialatracpaand mrhionuPo- The Enpeorrof Ormnapbas ex- proasad ta the naut ompica ne bis dîsupproaaio) cia potty tyrausa- cf offiaes neat h. anis7ta mou ta the Thaecrusr Latuaca, uhiri raceutlp trft tho Tyne, Kaglai, pranamahip ta, jaîu the Japaucur ltith le East,bsu teau dottard t Aiea bp the British sotioritios. Bpa-6eocions oreofheld aILieater pautedap reaoatiag in the. rteofiru ai btbati& sa he irGladaaiaus. Monry Iroaharut cas oua of theouaoai candidates.. o Lt Mcahvooi,TIfl., Wdlitam Seavarth maies-osar vichis istu t.athat lie cOuhiaetorromnlconsRinaucouli. The man is irai o aande muu cao- not rira-par. The aatî-taaîuo treatmnuhfaitpi tLiaeiisverdipyDr Kohiiea intrudund iota Naw Tort ausorru or au appropiation ra ta oera ric chat puroo. It i8 reportadintuShanghai that Jap- susse trausports, onrrtai hy wvas. sels, are faading troups in farce ta the nortivund ci Tata, ati the intention ai asariiu pos Peu0n. Ou n iayau-eplauion oaiggrtot Plust i crig ifie Phifadol- coisiraa Dlt aP.,1sud ftmevs men vorse Liein te isne. tThe Virgtuta tata aunaentions ai fie Praiitiautuf sud Prpsftat parties have suttiadin th.s usat te ie s.- tiaonomsibfseuinaoiliefvapar. tis. for fis comiug camapsgn. Dr. Chacior Taniunesuti-Pseauita meastar for the Midle dia-tisio Cor)., epeeitup aftfte niLnSe, aosntretion, assosrted chiat theLoarda composit -"abouge cf bsai. Probablp feu Canaiens are sas fiist tae only dey luadeas Unitad Otte uational blidap iy ntatuta ie Labor Day. Evenu ndapendanco Dsy base Davart beau mai. a hoiday by lau. Tii ttalS&Mount oub..nb.i ta th, IrihEa-latad Tenants' fui tae thirce tonanipeunds, soi afila fatinicai States andi C5oid-einurlbafinipy threen nirsd sud algitp.iour p,o A Ira Ymtardy asorlg in tae tome menti ions. distrsct on t.e @,"s"aci News orkTon)casi tae i.a f ithroo mm, aMdione firemsian "vas o in injora ientia tei.Dot s.csose ly The. Osvarnasntsi icaragu i isosiai t. ban"iDrtish Vsa0.,,,ù MasS sim Sou starWins"aiel hmass.mmeilpto i Wli0 mime étrac Fa" sltas vO a A aasOadi à.a " focsi .n miser a f t h g r Sat la sp i ta c . T h rare ntnfirai[linosotiic oma à, The aorouer's jury tvostiâtn ti IFruaidisitr na ainu E mies voes tiw, bas itonai averdict Y iedinp tast tli ra vas itarisi bp parties unlanov..Iftainheli.vod ch. pa hns taIrai tae mine &Wo ehb- Lu otbonni figitrtain an fis Cicago, Milvaukee, & St. PNul Rail- v ay wusbah oup oqestacdep asornine s te asîal Cao). and Laie coontios. Ths vrasai aofishecou- duotor irastalion sod a datactivo ubo coms a tith. curaoctar's sid une nboc dea.f, sud fi. bandit., cira in nnmtac. tiion diaappeared, bat usra cuenlit aitacuard. Th, fit.theDotai foros apeatiug apaiuof the Rajah ai tha is- fan sufa Lombta. unr Java, wve ransch mure serions flan et fIrai ouppoed. Liter osoe veao Ipitise.tho cefamu vas drien itt an amjo,*sh bp fie natives, sud slagtfi -àlong utie lipit fautai. St ia onîp undor coer ai dsrnuos hsf s feu, bao.diea- x qbaosed safdies, msai f hm bal p vonndsd, seceaded in reaching Tnesiapis despataisinfias oshat tua af the l~eaiargaue ai pubieu 1Opinion un Dacmsuy are rejouciug ta- causa Francebs orer-rearbai Bcttaia in Lfina sud cisc tbop even advocata a Frssoo-Derasu odsctanininruu f ation ta fia Dan Continent. Thian nstautly rerring signa of the gnou- ung frisndihip, h.tvoen sucueut susmior soi mutuel antagouisas tavarde Bei- tioh inta..csaceustitot. tho moît omniuonatare in Rroposu palatiosl et lia preseut moasent. bu JsuusrY o ai fot ear Ocoeruor Plaue,oaiNew rk).Stata, eamnuted the sentenof asconvict nsased Rurns, addiug fie roudutien that if Rurns irauf i itaairafing hiquara vithic Oive a-cars le bo uoli ta roprisorai sud serveaont tbe romainiug tes peara of hs sentance. A igu manfhe sitar hie milssel Burns wasitica and sudos sent hack taAbore, sud aav tia qara- toun iu ting rased istier tfis ocrr ta incoasastisg Burns'msetance bai sup rilif teastcaci conditicns ta thu pardon. CANADIAN ITEMS. The ras aifisaseon in Britieh Cafan- bis chia Yser h"eu a unao..u Mou, Mc. Merctar baior fer reoaaer- as se ab sle ta taie s short dive- au Moudey. Ranh iOres bhu etcamo daugeocua ta the ueihbariaad ai Stratiord sud aire af resanod. Hugli Lyonpesf.Ssenp istaud mur. dar6r, wus eacue ai aINovWest. ninstar, B.C., ou Oatardap. Mro, MuNeRin, a graeorp ioepor in Bolleville, bsbeu, fluea10 soidroata for selliug cigarettas tatapi.. Manp JapanSU acmy ufficera ustted fer ]orne in cie Empresa of Jup su iroas Vanuvr ou Mond&y sigit. D)ougaR M&ODoogaîf, sa-Rogintar cf Watarloo, diod at Morfia uu Tuesdsp oraeiu nthehocbhyear ofhis&g. Dr. Wehiiom, Q.D., iseaseutiaucdini Ei.isfas tieproable a saaesace ta Sir Tiamar fiait ta the Supercr Court. Oeo. S.Lpun, nofie Raaada crickot triai, lest Fcidip suared 12M, net cut, agninaf Pottrao. Ths Rosedaho fatal fcr eigbt viaiet usa 890 rus. The Ottawa ciulmicis bha vith- icavaifram, he LmerirsuEK.of L.As. iaaintiuu, sud if ta tioagbt th.a ome. meut ior 1s Candisu uresetatiaa vil, ipreai. Theovatar paver on fhs Winnipeg Rier itetataotiliosi tetahfiseataufof 40,000ihors-oruansd frausorittai 110 milse t. the City for msuiahe purpasen. 1 nPain, tlia Mllrao tther,wvi as isirsi iuna rensvap onsaOsfodsy, ta Dobottar. sud if neisarsd ieha ilie.a WWslY Vauscil., ni Lyndan, jtae covariug irsas utasijujrtan. Jsams oMNati. sai d75, sbot sud iled W-.sMoMilluinsd25 At Wan, Islonde, PEl.., ,on a-.MaMilisu ad bea lno ia hi ldman, via bu I.non", Ouf,, 'itrictt, b hsasd gr fsira- r.- silfag. srions fir', â aièl ins t tcomods enon sa.ll Onf,, sud taora ta graedanger tiat tahIr fi i riacheiiavilfae-a t je sprsatag capidly. R.v. E.Maleit, th. Ramilton "Âtssla'Jobuson for .,0 sassaglsfar sianda l in oseiow i ta "ti' -tse aILMog ofnibigemy> avait étae pstaI. D. H. Gnai, a Sa. fsae Sn,=a. ilou, isllbaayeoalt'slt on TiciY W basUlng aioa" ;té aispsansal t h p ïs, 0g thJ=as a" ha m autlat a~ ont the balance of their sum-, mer stock at cost price, and many uines in every depart- ment much under cost. 21 3AID 26 SING ST. WEST, JUST FINISHED taking 0)11 sern-aîîntîal îinvoîee w]iu-Iî ineans tifit 'sVhave 105n l itg a )11 ber of'. ODD COATS, ODD VESTS, ODD TIROU SERSî wliieli lias e aeefllIlfilated lthe last si rnonths w-ItieIî we wilelI alaiclu. Men's Tweed(îas odd. $2.00. Men's filîer touts8.0 3.00, 3.150. Boys' Tweed Ctais, odId, *1.00. Boys' fluer touts 'S1.25. 1.50, 1.75. Odd Yests, f<e< pile to eltoosu froiu, $1.a I jdd1Trouyer, e\tra valiue, 98e.. $1L0». SMITHI's OLOTHING MANUFYI 5 hîtog S(. EastIlirntltoîî.I Falli Hats and Fali -Sui JUST OPENED OUT! Drop in and sec the latest shlapes lu lats anud prive s lWf awray below what is usually guI for tlîeîii. Suits, Odet Pants, Summer Dry Gooc' O~flsg I Frahnd ofthe best qua Coi, sbzt to PostO ma suai. scol enithO -80.,Bach .mco peu 000Ornic t-a29osca. eau Bigs. Berbbr b C. ; e100 bAs11e irnu lshma ;sretrah de ssi aiiNes. adDnialt la11 ho.ii 8ao ad uata Seule AI&s.doanadOSecKi A0. forservnt Igil W.yn.Pir-lo, ai rsounhnie nRos, Mata St.a eraehicguuesri I hosto stela cuanvoMin scolf olay era aasauii for tbé ura i lieta for Haîbea. nm Dr. A. C.Peut onc, saues a th rIp af Oheetautîte, d 1 rpsy au he tî Oh ta id Blazer,.Crkt aaaiî a uadiitiagt Dypansd Caps ut Tui huJmas Sca., flamil boa-A upairiha e Lsrrrpa littlie btu Ba and tgtt uora if a yoaag ns L . T e dog wv o s a or McCOlomo, tA-Tho Prou, Peau 11h intout ci - accre,Lactaa, esogi bchac ofo)arc le tireproectcicn, e, Damage atout Piauc Consomption. lb Cura. illpone 610 uts. sud $1 perf anM aealluai baunessaifj. M. ýMiton, I a fol tie aupthiug rta ch ct attention taeta veyoue patronuge. bevace, of No. 5 Co ,Burhiugcau. aaci. >Y. Heiaaahat 1Company taetleu le..ith NNu ic fu ehituia attache, eotian ea!irwear fra j5ls.5 oc, sud fOae N c. KingagnsoiJaar lh aggegata arr bon eau boiait cf a hi kuIa baby boy ai lu ie addilatao u Tspa aruc sua'iqMoud5ay, and n tli quatitp ai io bp Miggtubotha. ie seargseanon Ocostng ai tir ex( th fis Psl Cuera Êiarsi isitticn "mhtioa taude a efantaron lr %, vhs a Cam i*8iald. Ma«'t n as J, to taiO -ýL M eureIl ( Bil% w tns!Lthau tuiOtt& th nod sd R