THE C ION shWWU-",teoâw im MaLTes, AsÀK ofisEiter. Cf ~eitiLon. in Dashafierain lb. ploar euOh efo petahioun, tg u o MeLn s u ourrown ehgbuoetheinas toM ti be ssiis 1, Foa oarn fl '(f~» bt MNs eallmcti tast w poh tesflImm poitaattopoon ai n eenth deWhe sont le MetD é a di ifuMih eht5l5e Dur. ~Theuantetanemn Monepiion oity tr isSiu ala bodesta 0W eIhcb ae e l'tnpNt itdy ahrbe tossh bes iet t Ls tiens have 1Mesurs. Kerr, Mo p&David cho.&hler a nts.chà*t - bes-lot t 0 Dsioed Pttrsn.o bhs o Ton NQ e miduta a 510. tlt W%7" Ibeir rigtt thei .aatoaid h. PttTOonof hnThn.M naetetinrolbe té eaîcttaoyn tisCat the eriedmof George deriet inesthéa preiin ain m tewDusvi,*> ruse1,84igiThe teniltyase aof mmottie Tuceest MPatrnn ommbee teer Werothîe e étht di be à lr dmedtewmlb t h.n~.unSninlstn o -fln o * ~~teetan u bs o teCsbWelinton, ai, ybar deeheed raIl nd tetie Aeseiatmnladbas iJs soutne h otsE - eeatieon u na y tienCends 1td. eatns ngsey, sud Dihuh h4Ibut bsatr yailuet "Yfl» Onna tiv go trathoflseta llnsede fOe ltbre enliet lied caa tise Met an imlzntsd ontradltln Mls s-wCan ulesqsen ào -da i>'hn n Svllg Mr fotlh cl epoli n 00 omet cw Laoitea pttion, but the n eaamary ensation, lit le au ssdaetao5 n "the te dthettelass te du mes&sadtenet st>o ntaSe nuis .«bd&"________ M'Y leict.enA deeaitt1an poi,m suol heu. depested, sana tbe osier cubes ale ond s bave . .... bue», butclusionduqoniait in d030 ef tise tpett flted lbdptiineretore, gesbylthelbaard. beesusetfhie deaemhsabon mialhtaahveeast ashntee in mpu-Bip withi filn a empodtiAdprhtltMu s l ied uginaltrisa Thsmeuslceothlns3,ut b mlet o'suamrd- aa son.arse aapc. B kC o7cSpWýr8c, 1 bbo r,.rare .a ddate rboertoreîofMr. (. F. Martee fer Nrhbcue Oe , naeae . ponkt taI theLsGT. E sttonuonssste nranlaProts ay- n Trante. Tbe ptitiener la AlenandeS anoan e tiser llgsea sui th tant- sunsimetesaesthmis cnsenter nacrasa aginal tire liracn, lenmeriy a ~beeller ue)\aaig'>euanfon0 nî u l.S i ttevrd dt tîtbummsiere tbesat&' an ate vi FuLneanCotnste iiel ot linadebrîesdt n 0 ale nnlaae lan Sy treet,anad tise altegatona racrisot îeepaeed te ally itooi calhtae du-Io1seiosumer al ho ithjeetinCihattlhe fui Ca e.arerditiintehsser>liquer üt anar ideno, ister aya e'Me. Marier wamtemberoettî,,e 'f '.A., Suatsne party or opos aouin iloandem is te csasenat.ns pat reh, so h nsLa sd Iiur Gent»' Undernear at Speoimi Prices. u re alats bltflic timea latis efraanddaurngtlflc (cina tdapacan or reteins nas iet n ie hlaeee Od teisti I o ersa4yteinm.ID Ci0 u IraaDotnnt>ired, Uefoserleel.aecsaîmonîrnt1r ManeDt. Th gaaainoseli aaa neiA pca i nBlbgg t$12prsi. fe aa tirmytIt tthtebae Citnne.neltso l oentrerttOs t ms tsrvs; s7 nati aa tne alfourdeavenusoner pdiLni abigna 12 a ot fat>aao a lsa.oaeli:ioe iatdionimiatn oiaCatd Ilsn rtir.Mn bi itervsmuitehogaoc àaIohli,haLam tram eer m t& acnd e a,ltr. entuiuofatf l]r, isedb oc,î nitian i eia Moentieea lokd fer hy Messes. G. F.sIunen.Ot n sacl' dt shlifD 'o senere f, cnais andaolJc.>4,ih aiCo oiin h oial ecnomenoc.Obre bstessu 'Iis'aena lne 'e tsî e ndad ie, nrnealleatis ie eIat.,rnte aioirthlendere ai aparseauheedinats Maier, tiFF., A. F. <Issphet, oex. .maidon smue isS&aesis an n,,tiin eteo. Y l'tanyje t e P a. sd Tpp.. sud Rohert Birmiangham. At pro- aise wcao brs and rorel is M aksh ASecaaioinNtrlWola 250prni anle tsatnaty ymaadel, or o ed'tl ' ,,erl t adiLiia em ein lana , ' v",sent attention se ehiefly direceto th ae toansship, near Trne Wah tiin4do n u t fa orut il. 'AteX hee tlps raial e use cosinet na mers Uy ordstof meot 5 ans dd Sizes in Striped Balbriggan Shirts aud Drawers at 50c. eacb onte aantarattre li'f' te.Madllvist eienil esaRnsr 0" agremeatte weprinniî Te ptleenofînpre dwadro t t nshaa eter ctiten -sudCanaeBsIt te ecsr e.Deit ch nalneet ot ts etnntynlsletr 'Fietinloftahe twnhior algCea, CatisaVselnPiuie 115 eglrprc $.5 teItlaoetrae1etn a ietcsîlI ,lln, ats trangetanA ablet siateman the cerberi sOves rged te loi eet etsneedh 0yss mpiamn et'Sme et nPiu t$,5 eua rc 17 or asq p r lainet elf-R aye~tiertheisn leties aIftilliorc luDaminion pcitinn ta ho drven tesro alteo i r &tien et the votera' liât er ieg fourndicita buar tet lu llat tise erneacoee> anaIn hoIsd horsyte gt atnnthepossesions; bul be eaeaped trunen o G(ents' Sommer Vepso edticed in Fric. aCrutPYCarasa. ioe-eleet forHillon,nny ftis e ladersip ai hie party beeaseh i ý .igti .,b i ment areoalta PotP~oiOgist bi n dea id, by rnaaenaofserisnry, j aRaman Catislin3?Te AlimMe. Tht Lihrsis sres net abit bobinadis prison and wu altercards ntetdead in ana heoir. C]toig ýprî>nratian teis le aneisrand LtcItier.' aisradilace e. TruoS aite anaiety te ho redy tor thenenteut. a roc la tadianappeorliypst.nnt ,renîn n lno n Idl na r e.TrroSa. r ae ehrad M . ieLi-iec inudLecl elsdstr ALreAooteto nigSitsaI1 15,$ n Tise CeetaifAp dtiiQet aegeata. Tisane ia cO ire n aneiharga ral chip, buaobesn la Torento tee ia death1 married ber. Attaeagtasite aennis, Cisncery Cmmn e,, Pla agit LI. Mlier ne gardlte flic Ilne , tc O.erd. %nverai dey,ansd le hlding cnant wl as tise cite ai a reatithon cwas luians aaCtla i ofChir rna'e ' '. - cnsultationsviti tise nbietn ai tbe uotterg ever vnang vitta ien, Land aise shShirts, with Col'd Cambric Bosomo andS tf, $1,25, Worth $1.l barr onneslly te ot gîelfleto tan ml n ,j'ee. ri e ederstnod nChat tire Gavennpry telcl Jnontvnbv nelo emd a ndarbis 1,]a, n a ansnniecment lban decîdeel te biag on tise hoeu in canaltatian aitt tir Ja arimes. Nov, Ctiseinne dasht," non- (Gents' Bathing Stiits in ail Styles. .grecamnoegt th roie-a Ici ThIniteaalcl anges acnale uia nlatien in Condelal abanqbu e îTapm sts ejn t the dientad M.Ghoe, tsIolwf tl ie l'etilninows r ea,,,enty. IrI ellienoetlinnn t. linyotl, implanenal Sepitamien. A conventson ai the Ceatltion, and tise prepaseod Corserrotin aisCasnetly'o eidenno tisaI nonitei Clinsrnp atgva I L-ascdad gnte rfltisa twnasip oIlJnagninet 1snnntira parly aili hobulod lu ahoutnonnentionsebc lab bellearoeing ftisemynaito. It nana ot praned flt hne Gents' Washing Tins, 3 for 26c., 2 for 25ç.,,sud 20c. each, Ly Vilaleer jedg= eyay t in r . .Ciîntlla, Ltd ealrenfer teieraeos ta neminato a candidate, Exhibiton.-Mail. piaiseeltise amans paciet. ttobody ;ema-ea1 àit dtiel ce-NntItînetI a fcîae l n isa 1,rent metber, R. S. White, ----.--- nav bnnde il. Ntisgtbttbevoan A very large range of the newest shapes sud patteros in Silk Ties ait 25 and 5, lor. Wbrear ratîceqae Me. Chaeisn1jn aioigiblte ae lal ffltec aing saneancd drint a iit te tise retnnîoie. Wed ~ was n eanellemy cites pose cia,ad, avisiaisl tieoyiiy alil'by meaofaI)lisahi,,ett aiucaonr, oal ntituenny tise pensent weoistiat Leo-seanaion. Tise enly tiig that tise va casas, twoe ;edgao it, e thtctie. fauenofficaeo'lelIbGAcrnueat, an aoea Id net ngin bLaanadidate. Tise Tise carisepor tise votera' listte teemon mnseined an a trenis check, and A special lineouf Flannel Blazers cheap. Led yta enaeatad - e fdIleltyl ertOld incetrcte,"tlse aspciantntfor tise positinareeurs. Osaein theaaminguDominion elnetia iet eawabn nts io its nrreîpt 1rce B teejîo a iemc.Atlcn, Leanîn, Willoeghby, Ligitan, bas aammonned. Precimîly tiseRanme baggogn roem. Tisa trtinitat cler'lrasof ftennday' îeîa,,IrS. Wnlcaibsund Snenll. metisod in adapted Iis yenr as inl1891,mifn io DOm being made tae ffer bel. __21,_23_and_25_King __St._E.,_Hamilton. ic a ebnaa, i ea alelcec Ai.tNIa. Wbtl aemod satiatieeltiet ift avises tane isa re qoatitevaorte aaer afthesusrapicioasinei trahe2,23o 5KigSE, lmlGA. IMIU RRAY 0.Q ietisealaterald' ,nnd ne 'j'lie îceI h tiiieleatini a edwealiavanaoponad tChia toIt Me-aere : Prapoty aveen visa note actîCatotrsnsag ebnanathecwiteat_____________of________________________ r ~ i cre eaeadtisia andstis eee lsIc 1. , ead bT theelitig aI pat .Catisy wan aleslisagnd s tand avieroner tbrv aavs land, boaseisaldensa arois. Wbes tise vos arrenteel aisbc_____ e' nrnanenl IChI1 Otc flotacrltien e"anslc ttrnof2 meImbcrn. Gire1ba.veinao adabt," manbaad nuffrage voteres.Tisaen a a ervy enai ertiei dantrneee. it Ifra p ill ftle,,a14I a-ac Cio,,,aanlîa,11 Wite, -'usaIMe. MeCarlsy ailI seod ision le sot o ragitratian, bt peesns an Marime bdagrte teflkviene _______________________________ te nday trtrial, tcr îc llia fnnneleel c lmtse lime gretar part etfLii ime in tiseCoay go betara tIen preidise jedgean ad lat Chicago, Chtisiteoconte go os te ta e ebrîlstalels tiantea.A tril 'llima ,niisaeac i e e ttirlm of I iiag ram nominatien antil eletin mle an affidavt oettieir qualificatian NiagoaaFolle 1 1 a ta tllav and jis cceat Jtnise placeo d tisa aeaaee anCiMr. Spncguec mePrnco a maiond MNI. dny.-NI. Whitn did ratt CisChabt timsoearing Iboir igisl te cenl o bl-ber tisereaosroanon t Inouadgel aavay, aitLmc ttaoncdayn r it Juasctac amui, inarlry Sacemi mre dnlppad,'tisMa teCn oi mentl eld es lot. Gn tormer ocnsone tisn ave nd t ltgetiser mc cere te ga te Tocante îLe Cansent et the celierL, dtlisa .ti.Cesaraccy dilalactiof$aI 00 S tIIS onl ait meette nieci. MîCortby raieing te ainlaJane, bat tilin by bCat.'î"1 i *rn ur lit!caeea.d n t'a ontil. A pti- letian tina l iten atelta-eConee. n eiarnitimen Provinees, and Le vasfntime isexetended entil Gt. 1. . L. ITEMS. icit nmnie 'enaitie l ist.tien, taa Lîibaaat. au.eeltisa],'quetaqaaluymeis andeunifluenetial inlEant- Tiard, Esq.,inetheerevisng ffieer -_for___ dawte, l my I ny nîmuli taui.-( I a i dadmte, Mir. niliballi, of Eat ruGntario. fl teinWaternsPeirsala HalotesFec Gvrmetvte amsitmtela, snd if cuttheimIeta uhasme-,nn e,c eecd. lima NeCrtLy wam an ol t, oed -,TsPrniGacmetatie mi,innaetsla md yeîycanam 1t ,n a eaaail aiti yc-al.taclthe mM. W'iitacrorerd ta tiinis tiat Mr. CANAtAN ITEIS. test teacnept Great Britais'n invita- hagnmt;cnmy or 0(nm)iapammaacaatasaIoaeleaenusranîte annd O'i tcManlmy Leailoiy aflgiting tisone tiar ta abenryn triat seetroîity dariagTh Stie F er pov d a ls tIttnleîtmr- ,maaea- îm roeîaîai. buamthe c aaI c f ie idiega nortis and Waet --tisa ar hotavees China osd Jopor.Th tiLMýûF v r as p e a mmac tic loisale de enotmr piSi.imtiticn e eadmmaîtmmaLd. o antoref. lia edall etbeard oethlie Gnps eeoigts adsTise Dominion steomelip Labradar A cannld prai ai'- ontol ata ily one, 1meta el moatbic1 cinîreeIelinog ilnîeaniobe. bac iso îetîpretty Alerte, bas irtealiy mon ftie Canndein ninrd at QareacFridny tram Liaer- 'Veiitable Epidemie. limtece, raid, il b limac eaid liwg ait laI Satnmnay. 'NIsr acan a - ,etîa.Cetamin tison litle stock aisntalasn le baeball ebompiansbip. peat baeieg ber oms record bv tva m'id cnecoai tisdaeta. i aim a m tuebcecît, Tanee e eNle a lCertivc meaolot tiera- WLile nanoring len apod ear Brant- bausandneltbree mnuten. The maîds __ mn mniîmmnieabu, letit.e".a mIm;lc clae ine luami.tcf \icéimi tard, Mine Minnie Bacney and Louis ar oLodel nndy slrgs blace a Cule DÉa'v m ai IIeac, btba Sceaca, tieu et,- petitienof eornet . Tysv ernapset and dnavned. flears. tet"el imn tr e eadimdat, emia feima tie mifcatcta iaitnc , rinnm'vrI nreano. Aexaasder Bellanean, etlesn-y e fdo l a ILther United Stntes Distriet Couet ( lannmplpna.tieen aecnaatmta ietfetorlA - .Chrtotlad, vas ccidnntally dnamsnd aniat-n inDenver, Cl., an Tbanndey, Rnnli lT 1ffT ammmltbcletnaslP rcy ancaîof cii ,cimiimcalimeacmme ;("tcbeagaceilmiuamimldriscagmOntAumî 5rd e tex. ay igltOnth anlaui.ivilirndinui, aiwy wr cn illlL ii, i m. mîi m 'm car eas. b i, iy ieitii a pr .a'4 lctOra e .tneon Ottawo. ieteel aI detanrng ise maîle by reasj tstling naturena orae, tiexnecimmeChettma mcmii a oe tiesa emdeo delis of The C. P. R. ttenmasip traeofîirgtaibndle teains aosn ismene O r S l m p C o h thei caneot occ a, ni, Ilaldteg a imitiee rcam-m imiclicea-a paîtng te tise publie China jn reporte]d un ntrebr1Pullmanaa ra. Tisa jedgafined thune uel e Iaabetitvt Ilvthm misimm.m,M h ayterisaduos Saga.N aag anrlcctsa ien 1ej atothillgu Cnt. uc sr mimeti ncoin'ihohe -ot r ten nteio ameemmaccea. cfmcineeteg bainmg flc neHan. John damete tiesa cmer. prisenaser yenard t tisaligblnaei HAoAf I' B miacî.,ntice.eaI lactimm.\\ime-c - 1'cob etimm" imeai ligib m1aie c mcmlmme 1 mden, - Aiîmtaet fAgaealiire, eeannd Berglars vent tiroagb tisapactaffian Ie nnere. H S T K N I A a emîlmate eOtLis talt, li i ino, 1,f thmima l.gimlatec aisniOt nthe rc-an ýigaaa ionmta La Laid Ly pean- nd MeClaag & Blles store nI New An offiial daclrties tfile Cic. um(il'ba1bon y c ecaicin neemeraerccprcpemdtmcicaemmnc Scteemfny mernoug. De, C H. ete earlyNlanday maesuing. Teynagentrikois offrlaonneceaanad _ __ eccaca mi c ise fanl ce of mmt immamî.palec laiaiimmllmc iaîeiofa LGthe trto Veleisory bleavopen tise pataffieslennad e- prlioe,andteaaneoonnmottChat ýodgo, hedid i tee nrariel. îmoe ie tinsem ea aý tmifema tcicg. anapiasentîandaonetaed thnerd abot150. Tiereinsn lon. aBostnalactarirg bureabaofelred caidinmtoignoarasce t vlaýlecictar csyiaalteýticatel. imostmttnt.ue. îrnmintio ofthe Thebdrofthe laIe Patricks Percell o large eoinry te Me. Doanif le ailI go and eaecontle, ftcua mcmmiminc 'Tmmsley swconcc t tiselch fiei t ar d t talebas bossuInrîed in tise aid gerae et oa.oletaring teur le iy ne means sur- Mens and Boye' Flaintelette Shîrta go ont at 25c. luicltl e îaceemlam te L maamnmFlot ht uiiaopneenainig ab'tcý;i ommc cilice- lenvea, oeme voter Lemlocis, Flornigons Pint. Insorderrtae eare Piaing. fima.rigt i sI' el e em tins etarne ofi immlaciraaele age ban oil aviicis boadpirsed it troam brIser mlenttintîaaMonodoe t lion" BlseSîtgouttfic mgula, of1mmniibed. h tcwi i1mtmmhedPliaI, fitecent neamelner orNcîmie- - tiicaap\t% tbaa stie te oni, aid cament ia tet in diometar las tbenore imemmaladg e atisé ids lta, PFae Libenat, Weat Algemm. ac eei. Taaaen a r1 Dring tieeficaiyear jait eta nty tisat1100v ote otej)ObetMnsTed eoaHt g u t2C iamimemnal te tisadaly:Inb Necictiepebteîîme ,-,nc,îa iledîn fitise rnatdetisandsevnry tva tsannd onebenrdred and mina ermne."m Itianict mm-mm"cytormnrey t, reecmnate t" n mlm)gaoea leuoaeWedondnm - l i me otmiee orane med ta bei ins ottiy Oinameri rrired in Casada,vIlla sit mor secea bpolaun. BelutnaeviIl ineaed geîtty anmeîmn elefmmcatme-imi codition. Tiseenatis e n triises Lnndrrd and itynsin roiteredter emvalth nwxit oteCi. Boys' Tweed Knickers go ont at 25, 99 aîmd SOc. snsm ina- mn mii immIammraeaatmaenmeyliai. --i t arctafo-rmamae ail ionttheecmnt aI tcCoin- aaaentrectad 1.tCisanq t celm mio,eedtmisninNatsi ee maenoige tisraser-trnite China vils tise rigi teoamoense tin issamacb rsrtertfirme. cmie l nLed yetendnp. imiteiYparamnmeii, tlispise osd brie isoniste Canada clîithsin menthe., John . Feamueister, los depnty CitN fimeteJe lagmm et, n - île laLisad, cîaidMli l et-bing cffetod. FPar noms jaabeas ae, ow in es aifChicinoas mee atrday Mens Ltghit IeiglitCoats and Vosts, 1n Silk, mohair, pana n tia nse y 'clorte-i elacîlci Lîlar,Reape on9 t iisa rnod Love dind The trial ai Johe Waîie, t endmtsaolbreî,onLasIcord, dîck, flannelr tweed an',d alpaca go ott at 10% off, Partyimcc tcLaa lt an tI mti s, î immedatniy. Bramptee ]altfor nompliniI tle evdwtabilfr26,0,hci le-tabea rtog poient n mae haePet ii eed atilml -l'l'lia pacaînaniccmtascee in con- Cmurder ni Elles Wiliamsuin tMiddentieCatcmbisin Sivnge CompanyClaires I bu dncwýaIcmecnoapiluimm c eao lothl stai. lotntea iis lehIet tise caca framtrond, Tarante township, on Dan. 14 taise due ta il tram tise ity fan dam- tom ba tie ati meeu n c ceim ceaimnt ellcaiimim, - iieennt sectiana o e leta tolsat, jeleadta taise pince betare Chieot gr ta praperty ia JackseonParis, Boys' All-wool Taweed, 2 puce suits, etay at $1.50. ,aoeiejij nîttilagecmmmim mmmm L u IJI enaaraam mm itc)e aee1ba tsirg Jurstice Armaer t Brampten net caard by moboandniatrseon Jny 5. mriat-, mme camlittiakÇ y otî,rpe 1mammii - lm mmofaîg pntmem . m- i m'e g c o e , i fory isaeho iir g th n ts ie neo ai alîan vr c immenpl praoe Peoiemiy m îeeein e cin icmloetlelyaue ntetagrei rond and Ancrsdaoftotes aed poaple as- isrned. ÀAlaege ambor ai nippee anmI imbe Coua es atn emdaimp.g u,m ýeaecaeml in ene la,' laeg tiesevneti cs aasiontiat have semblad aI the Retorse demnteatie Loave ired claie againt thne ity far S IIS C O H N A U erelil la ardd s eb lma iemm'ag c tranW.Ht.Nm-L m. Leene eilmed. Thercasesnseem toIebaffle nt Crytol Beahan Teesdav.Ts eae sairr e hsrb.Ts M TIS C O IJG IIIU' lise apnoeaal d iltise iluemin a 1 oota im aa, . . la t3rvai., m a rinarto eance. speakis er eeMeus. B. Harcourt, M. grans nmaant ased e loreody cr11 ep rfeile mnionid oyt hic came- io ,i iîîr. l. CnampbelI, i P.P., WBiliam ibuea, M.P., Wiiin n a iltoe a ilimP.Hz5 King St. Bast, Hamnilton. limelieimimes rnmme W.IL. Mereithnim.i 'Patersn, M.P., W. M. Germen, M.PP., O odyeea iimFaa Ontero a in eme ,b cta iasn l i tai ce Iceci,. loi. 4. Harcut,1.i. Snme na a maman non0, and J. A. Lovell, M. P. inief fthîe United States secret aentdl'yfIen air noon c.eemm clattnîeitm, E.-J. T. NIbimum - , al-c mTI EPROCE-nn-n mî CYcTHEn Tisa Tttenham atsorties vantaaevine, nprerd ont oaslargetablein________________________________ aîemdi o a ame enppI Wln o temi PalenlI, N. 1'lmi,îenn Nlgw(,(,iC, 0 LOEm crm. trovincial dettive set t thatnvillage s roma in tise tederal Silding tise . amet . m e e1n e Ptebre, E.-T. tllaom. .. le loeao errteiîlng gang vise are mOn mpet" nttt otrosterteil bill loima a owe, acillair e--l .N. 'nrec.i A nana uniquen and lucrative busnissnbelieved te tiare ILein teasiqateen iate sisfbe ppr-paltnal Imr nen lntl mmme- leemm Em'li . 1.Il. Smolm Imi man- Loe inmms(ItsI a Tteisn ne r oird eh iendalLter naantentitisg moterilbtia aira 01-4î. lîîcc, S.-A.ecetS . HryL baoen LITlanîmekm. ianneet@Oftise bogesCnadinlsd tismGanerment bis er bad in Rn Silemi.. NL. IItl 'atol',tImm 'i'limebsiness Il bisged an carren- le-sen6't piacs e i roe tieir ail nsension. Tise mtira lot wsennoed rh Sato te'usrat- 1IurIý - F Pt'eenm . i - uedeocn Ibm marman balt ap te large ponace porladieaBy in Torostoanod at er in tise frbouofLooLrenzoE VRBD berelet fr W st gre, l, tadiwntiJoh Sen, laton.Hayt, in BalLet, Cann., b y secret Plsaale t. irammm-me-m. tothutmmbedrliani, C . llemI_ rpoLon y adnetiieg tisaIebelsecero. .noferbls. Runsell B. Rapt, i-raain l& lsacolicîfriee eetcn ista epintlatery conm-Il ae nov staWtelitisaI asy ai thesrvaeno aytEJaes , itcg eeoýaeî îa--m.'IIacec,PE-.lsanpime-IIC. iaeieatiovicIe o gentleman et sait- leties proteste baye bean filîrd simpiyLoez ytJasW.Mrhan pcu'c. peents ficfthenniemed bmlam abl.Il ec. - he age. Tise odetiser, oetcorne, inatheboetfmaisnaeulac.eff dîit a.amer rreset. Wutse ng cam cfliae nelnenmnm minibgtc-a Jni, ncsRid, con eaeiarming vid w o ur andte oppeqite Paty. It this jlethencaes vas oneaed67 10 eatrtitUnitealSO atSos n eaesae oi liane,, W .1 P. liamea. taenty yeaea. Tise vaman, wviss ags ass eeghobeen ldane, fer Statesnontea, Webster beudnimaed in f acîiM'nlu n n N l". te ime,, '.A- NtileLcaio. amueeiî ets de tismsthieh tbr rolticiena are te bioena. 1880, serina B, signed Sby Jamea d W titena enis hoerntc gmil- leu. ea etam amieAnnie Berert, mou ater moeay, The "anc-oef"nsyntemn, vbsehbas bren Rynît, nse rnneal ,t amm allnen, tasenti t geomma amue'. Wctimm -.'tee. W ea.,mm as lan t asco ernfatber victime canutroogly Objeted te S>' îhe more in- heftet ise eesuer>W. ,L S. 1,1l'OvoiY.,, WJ. . S. Jlie C.Roscras, egiterof GeAIIslu', Bal Kinds ana Sbtyles of >JT o r arc a iee ran vaimade-teiomm'n, ni W f I St JoLior ton leteors rnsildepondsnt pros, vas isaented te getRarosreitr csat Ilena Ienis o Ne t.,emm iii-,et.-.lbaaa tctnd fber dil>' mail aItMiliben pont- rid oet lesneanproteste, Set nov, atmpdBcOhIbTUnta SnIIotss af ,jlNantisomberilaProtesNantme-aeC aofien. Tbey camerrmali partsaetthe ieatead Mflienessng, il le adding toey redusealand borotheisaue nembes p îmmnresoriatin, ratoacatiit',cc - Nctii îmctaT. aW. Chlmeml, L. !province tronc yesng snd nid. The thteeerp et élestionrcases. In taut, tibm , arthou fr limier tinrenian. venint enemîatL,, m, N eltw -Jesn . Pit, L. - errnepoadencee mtnly oalle, St plit Îan.,SF recnsantlng te the plan, eae lwy onte okou frsap adt-a' l'ctmdea esl tsI --imîe. all Cre .mPrt. leCamier aîi erl frab e hans nYasl grsnstsd aie evil tree nca MEranO tadre icl l'y lime rerrehora mis calmimameal..- - - A Cli L. E- - " '0zy . enero a ~ ~ ~ flsrtarnnvs ote -a i mNallsW. ieo,-oiwritig te thseeom oftisirnsavorl w cmethsy desarsd ou ab - -Tire nietton -Speanis aIain irte uerata, woaig assortmente ofu o h atts ens .P. pe Utabg SOtm n o rvelrs anpe ad-veO- 'inr.dîg paleetariTieTmnia-oter rraliing teo etersan suaverage rmetin sut eu the donnas in Canada. ber et aer promnsat C<saevativan sk uh0 rfrlrtSnpe n v çn aad atedying thaepietegraptaof a sceei Theoenictios aumhresd 4,O4l1892seare le becs te-day, te attend a mestng hi ird,bYMeaifts Ay3tnealnlLmieiim aiita e bnid front the ard, îa tise cathar mbesht e etsti e n sud 4, 0 eaet enets istepeetelnl im Paoranenno u aptnme tleisai-tirettatdelesetreeesnlg e ntsttnt, ietelnse Ôtcrimee aalu CinKen' ln"ln 'ilVliam Mal itithe ?fce t of'pteîear, cii ne denbîbobehniltlpeieshe 0stom.Jah _______col._Kens, __________ Moys, labeo ptiin thLa egmoeIi its nstyoTiE ttIleter Aunnîncroeahersas- Cotumbia Las 26 riminalete esnob 10%. letes suda dao INnliaman rorpressent iedications it pro. rneeednst -vu ai the I"gladto mntuit0lle opula&"tion eduTerrteres T tetWe have also 120 pairs of CORSETS slightly soi1edlL n uMN'asIlssta excel ait tiesr, bth in pint yaa'Il iod Thss. rinesa.atesias n,ns Oneol haeQahe su addition te %osaalcharget, oniotr.Ttgena asbnne-teth nlove cautrdmoelinte maunusinte oýusteti,1ilhti n, ueDcltiascttaolyrtd.Ap tise nlnîîaallm niet'Oa1 nhct'hldei" ais ate aetily ireprored sinerfat eer. sud a1lishe hume oethIe admrersudaobela i e farsa hTha. se rnseannb tisyrleoeterChat beilodinge bto bren oppilultee. Ahi t marrndDy mont aiectla tiseseesla autltan ioledlICI aly ssdli, bt npsuul thseaoeD.nso o orBP flG GO DS ae ili adb. sud impre ived, and ballets erie atone on tise 1h et usat. A Th 8 asC£nOnG Mai aaUNe. tS"t"Set -Pelle&Irsanso»e ist, Centtfon Me. ne. iretrtl earmee aellateeis, ere va unehobaestaclse ' l9a Nus -« - o'? nd68. EEUO i n5candidate, perlyJrelanladta prgrammnfsporhaetibpfrfyKOe, âm - 1 PEM G iwNGuhabnatesalgCr4trsb lbogt ih n oc fo toD g aeoailîinaneo vided s rural It jeonly àrightlsndmmjIj3ftif to get bour reeansa M.M i anee iU tm) at-* 11.- =llllelmaoà Bdw cn for t Pie onbffv 4u