MAMMOTI GEORGET )DS t c - , - eSanf4 I 'Il', Il I-kil <i ESc-T' QT t î~A1 c<H ccl H c -t- H. ha. -Ici gwAflim!FRUIT JÂI BLd PX\TON, ..ett[e .11, i .îel ~ . - I O c lb red' ON - 'eie y]I'lHf I U4 Wl - r III " Il si. M. ZS a iiî.iIIEIV' e - snn i .t-pcee i î~gsg MILPI i 15 -P -,I-, 1 i 12 17H il, ii 00C , iî' e. I. , i, ic. a RATES. '.ea.'ne't- 30 oùchh:pc ............ 40- ~,i,.,. il . - i. HA' I N - dli Iii i - a-' Ni.,,' HAll., ~c. PEkI Best fruit j are, piâtae.o quarts 75e. àsud I ploMs 1 par dozen. Fruîit jar rubbsirs Se. per dozeuo. let&po Iaayforko 25c. Bofit field hoes 20e. eaoh. ,Bes&tturniphbss 25c.j each. Paris green 15c. par lb. Chese aoorà cus 200gallons, 827;5; 25*gelons, $3; and va80 glos 3 each. Crearaýe40c. Scythe - and suaith. with IalneSc81 Scythe atones 2c. each. Leather fiy nets for borse 0and 60c. each. Fly protection paste for cattie 25e. par box. Castor oil for wagons 15e. per bottie, Wateriug cana for Paria green, extra large, 25c.; smail 20c. Sulky rakre teeth 25e each. Long whip lahm for bifidera 20e. ea ch. Excul- lent buggy wliips for only 25e. 10 Ibo 8-ineh nails 25c. Grind tones one haif cent per lb. Sactiona to fit al rnachines, biiider tivine, machine'oil and harveat mits al at popular priceg at the farinera hardware tore. HOT' WEATHER BUTTER' PARCHIMENT. Our preselît stock ie for bot weather, and when this parcb- mnt ifi wet ît becoînes a loth. Pries 15c. par 100 sheets or 500 for 70ec. B at ter workers $2.50 each. Butter ehi - Lping boxes wîtlî ice eoîîîpartnients $2,75, $3, $3,50 euht. Buîtter marketinîg boxesi witlî ice compartients will arriva tlîis week. We CanHioL î1uote pricoo îîntil they arrive. We expeet tbey will be clîeap and no donbt are a grand article. Tlîey will lit ilîto a wagon or buîggy and trays are made to draw ouît. Es'ry farîier shonld have one. They will flot 'le expcîîaîve. Bultter bricks 25c aînd 50c eacb. Try that Itot wgitthieibutter paper, pries 15c. per 100 shests, Stanley Milis & Co., 36 & 38 King St. West, Hamiltn. Steel Nails $2 lier keg. \Vire Nails $2.50 per keg. YEBankNof Hamilfon C~A apital (ai[l i cp) ...... I.8 2500c rVatVIid 14 )iio,,4iTAViSRoserve Fond ...........65000O Maiu St., *Milton. j G-,cR-h. A. T. IWcd, . AB. L etb e GtnI. P. VTRNR AN j t reiyd et curenterate o %'- NtsdiNCAbnted and ad ance tundf I)týiou ani partncof"anàadS, Unit& OR, . 1, p'-'11Y i SttT, GreatBitan a nd tieCantinet, taHi.nccebOught alla Rid. 1 t- u ieHAtTd teasn abl . rntte, and Tilecial attention giyea 11 OT ELS. tiethecoillinof Hccnuterciai paper. cltHincHmade Onail puintni. COMMIERCIAL o. HOTEL, DpH SAVINGS UANK. MILITON. - INT, lat Choice Wines, L-quors and Ili..AEHBRNT JOHN DEAN, PROPRIETOR. Faulkuer & BousfiebiÉ - T--, 1 p- d.y. AccA R ~ ,HTTtA DEALER [N ALL IND$ OF FRANKLIN ILOUSE, PilSt-C1aSS bMatS, HfAMILTO -IiS [o.It Ali,,iî,,. The eteof Wioe. Liqîîecn.sud II tigtt-n. oed Stables. Attentivebenstlt-. 41 lic lRateos. 81îlceydt. -1.1 S COOK,.Peopiitoe. -W.ANTED, SALESMEN A .î-hec- Te cselnanioicc fine cf NURSERY STOCK anti SERf> POTATOES. ______Lîlceeni alnep 0or comntmiin pait weeiy. PeTtmanentted painî posi- t- ins te gondi eot,. spncial induese tacntc ta hcgitnet-. Exclusiv-e teri' tg. tory gieif dniccîi,. Wte ab once ftee cnt.te i,,,I. The Hawkse Nur-serypCe., 6W7, t' C, ineA ttlitAvise ou' nfrientinand ,teit yOitt-n . î,î. the gOeafpnblieelilat; ve tee etîiA iii 1,1.,ten boying -cool this seanon ______________ anti Oil, asinteb tpeu. paf.pap ah. ic HIGHEST PRICE pnnsible tee alil n-naina btoin.3 ng' il . JOHN NEWTON & SONS, 1.5.,LIMEBOUBE. t1dIaIOO'C I - .b;m.d natcMn. i VAaI.t-, o cf na tt-e;i,.ty. ete'.n.dayetec Prikd t AT THE POiýL0WIN0 PRICES 0OF FURNITUREi For Bargaîns 1 Plaîsh Parloî Squîtesa.... $250 Oak Bsd-ro6m iSuites 26' S Elmnr Fancy oeos.tS Fancy p c N'Ôid Ceit',a nIctl nnppfp alwaps en hatnd. SPLENDID - CORNED - BEE n eliiag Ut tic. per peuid. Pork, Butter and Egg FPRESH FiSl EBRYWzzU Orenncaetll afitonîcdti findnti livesiet peo'ptly. - FAULKNER & BOUSFIELD, ti-t. Main Street, Milani Me-. Robert Joyce 1, aeting an agt for s nd ilcall on bisnleteenestot jers and tiaters citA a t-bole anane ent of aIl binde e ofnts o. ncsi abt tir Oee- c NOW IS THE TIM: to secnre yoîîr FLOWER POTE -BUTTEN GROCK- Bowls and Jugi arriv!ng every week at IROPER'çS Butter and Eggs takeni exehauge for gooda. )î A 1- nw e thé Mai, Imoo yeut Im hâve fin,»ud ce .5ln b. . e umW. - te*e t n.. u n, d bald b nIt a .m.t y 11f b he mh. mm .de. with.hiné, W. lion, P-- -rmen" tmin b.te WM ;Ila. Thte pallSd «P the .indour .ilh a 15>5 lh.ibmkVAO UWMIY l 11 mt- az'dt dnot. OýheltdYb hi ta O3-d .&a ..Os - bat p'..ld .'.-F-.'4- am &» aucp mbel. naîn. Ilb-ad *bnped. f ~ l u r ' hMe b.. imUed .te yUe 'q UU t WUI b" b h.e Do eGettIu o n t a ta, cff by ah. Ut t -W1d.. t I oi e *Oa'b tl fbm t utUa bya.h. e y. ha,. tpu u h. b . bd ana baàol.unhteembatb$0 ni it.a o'U njhe .a..neye, iH nmItbiI.ha .y penhhly an âttNI ho on d 7.>. hia. dba ..hlah etI112 mbenth .eee.aa US.. be b .te b l o tban a Ul »"s t pha t. elle h a t a.e 1O te els..igb b.ett.."Ti Imls ien te l.I IU. ab...1 HUeldweh~... t.' ~ SnU l.h.unlph .l1.e.n Ed. i eIL.!t'pn'. . Pah,., file.thten.., - --hait. eb utnc.d nru ic.aac .,.. .g. aea hMy. 0- ft » fbhlsn W @ ih'oS% h nd?.b a bemasil i clomid pet " en mt a "h.ct . h'.anpeoc maeuasd t tachm @Bo Mia d t !, ur, . bt.d. a T. aSIM50tne n cd ned.. ac.Un.S." b abed i. .ee aeaiht ebiaeaee «t. t ahwfrth i, i= ,P.tmna0FO L n m; u >W . ' - e b d -'. A nd .e eg aa bon t a or t .le ai n- t . nTe bD eb t ,Venon s, t anY a lha t , pbna t.ea-lPO'e-teet a aofleureebiO rt he',. c I p .. b e n teu- b". Psan fe, i',taal.onn Immta ahn.aaaiatd eepaie, anîdhayl c[lItue utebpey*a t d b~t S.t-i. "c~'~ Cbue U tht n e, &T.t'hah.à- à, timbrebuat.» wM'UV een.dboutt eT he '.ti fia e eb et. Asah 'm et«,"a auMy '.'.eh t h han.C alý .q"s n ma% ch0"Uta, a d'.i hae Qat, and aboy .anabduthtaa he ,Iei t iepe . naeia cbdfbbyu litai, e i bd astans. qanliain.oli,. ah..Yeu abe.. et .t"a1halnpidiaybedy csab.b Mt" ...a BN hah. > ea tapaeaat inge..ahaies. .ao t h al tetoff." And ho sa m".bockb:' et laa h > e enhenulS.. d tie th~en oit-an My.Il.,*t . .t. Pet apto ibaebd ac.n It ntum P ,chyan Mnnah. n.tbnbd" nonho.a'.e fne.h aI Aenacle. t meetatce up-s.thed1cfn r-ace@a .1 tmm auÈ&c Utadee.bItilthefo ah. pne pa1ho... A iah a h tu do " qnte.tre , ite s,,e iedctn a - B A thetf.f.n.'ihalvo cn, M ' mthiee1acne p -d..ett d ua ueh qU.Bof alt S aeca;"h.s 01tc Iaat s.cecceadtant.lf h .1 aid , b agtc c Hi aielrkheu,fok hgrtr.M h "m ecletLi- .in"ieltbou t a ,th a != fNVeibctalt hmdinBffc.' s.flhdsH. c.aly niel Vnpc o. agat dgetta. a Yb oycdet-Mpnae .cfrontehif ..ic e adpi. bsitl, ifmo,.ors n,a..tdtheI iagi.. 1bavebuVc b'.eI osataWnto ooS bertase.t V i BoneretI t bilanabrovoatin a loattahaae i mH; ate up ti. e Pahoen, h by ete'.onstb..h. th" Iht-d 1,1, a la.ih ,ese caa." thnea ryif u-i =, ace. ce ..the cef ey,10 c fitera sb utap .ai r ;t1f appui e ta Yeufo yen Hh.. ite I '.Iu a - te gn .b'.d lig '. t p' "A l-O n.itri t ynai'ele.pnîn t h. n, cuC, n &I pej aeatd h;e h ieyIitaa t..k, ...bie t e eddfc netesantU .)!, e..4'an, ~. .~.âi.placec biucc &nsetatione Menaittdcbitterwte-,vt..dnUde tttcyt..hV a i %P " efin htn u . tte ferbalitey.,bC"dccebecclneccciccacatcbi. .cae ceMidtecfaft-t Yanil a.e . d au elPattalnfj, a.H tinofWpnu caeaîe...ilwuts.teseeea.b.-tcUt a -Luxtbe f sin ,eeAa.cegaitc. ccyeitt neImm Iatafo tth-t f aï' h.e Te'ieth h i. ae a' ae dTes. Peîfsd eathl bted r htc s. h. e q'm tt. t Aigfl tcUty that il it te ll ,hics"tinmlat- e i tc a h yet bb;hi. n talep aet on .inaeti e aceý Pearme "dwh essola W s.. ha Îel e ah-ý ndh'..e et lo . the t .. Iihwu»Mtbcne eothe 'fct.dc ye't.e t e ptafocity, til ti t eeaeen'.n.ith &HUthe eef De. tof asban'sap blt.Uni n a p.n t ~t' e Tn p l ,1ee M S sois ohm' I tlthn e etcsnciy t-iiok t-g.fab l o aing. Ifte1mntl n tabe wt-n b' , P*' mb thias-.'g.idmotittnsl B'.ineey jertput, ifdint,, s HOall nd g M to tne.. dunosfy th, boy.b ttdt, h e, .albedhac, hoa d ah, lhcb seawthttmonf a h fAgainettcn Ut Sa t i ine th.finSi.ttt is n. t h paiab . - l e n er "WUHyen's.gî,>. O Bisitb.he d.e.t-'.iaotb et ' f.tib. BtI.tib,gente tt. ecce le...,h,CAti,6pe bî,thc e tho ittthall eniaftnhc.'-n el ee cniu'e p . n a p bi t . ca t. . f s e h t a i d o t e oi a tae, a Imm . d eb an, .te e - ' os a n Io - t . .t L I ;hon y A ec-cci, C c pc i c eî t U te t t e a aad e ,, c t-elo s a u frth"I ed Me t n )tat hsto.thwu g iteng beope d enn hi.tbMd.tethyiafi ujcpt e etbtsIL al e,,te cc ft t e ' c i I' t e an '.na clne Panisbo, t el sl nt.r d , W uiea an d itainche. seehhysifcab'b.InYc»tettee . men.'na..if ae.d by thotnVengeaneen cen ht-eci bey, ci te ta btt , nlt a ýn.. . atlph . d , tatcr. afh . mt . lit tan,.te et-re a f t. urtb, tRac ., e h ijg eî-lC h?, f. lccle. . -LcliT s iee tof th. eant-ct;gbaatt-M yarol l w th ie. hu it ttht . t ' a M . f Ha Imc m Uh lh q i ca t tth . Th on wu' . teti, e pn et t-t onet fttt in U c .. 'îc, L, OI,. ,et c l ,, , c te ,b U PTthe u e a o u n l. B t thtee î anti of ,t c. iarp d Balten aba ah.tne'.Uc.) a, d t-entie ate"&W Uceete "g uso, lback fitan Ay tatil t l Cy latTI ce CI IH TtAc t, t e . c c " a . e bht wo - Mupan eea- '&U efortbo tons c.on f l t ti t ba i ne- ti ttc th- c,,ccoe. Id -,îî, e, '-th tîi th aah a'. apum W" re o i tA ce t Yeu soinsetOut . Pbatcht "n.trah..h oi. atiris ouo m eisey aed ý ,s-c ari n nw<h ,tamtYo ta l l t . a t p t t e . s I f e î e t. tty n T î, .. e s c t îtîn a t et i t h 91f1. t- ee eh tA nnteC .&Y es.hlse.etC i " cte.eof beetis, hecB ltai, ad lhl~ n; btI adndti îe pes ttcet lia.fie cy pteî,.Ttg e dof b&ogd.c ra ty heb « o ,n J" Unf'a...t tW.ieahcho' ht havtiebei.peln deA"a'-dltath- aidbfde Cra tietauîcmoî,n t a c.lym-îcisud t-ellhtpc.îîe't.lateanct-betfpti1tin t secotte J"aAdanhnU. .Ty ac ttfa y ld. a tt- ttlgn Ct -,,t 'a t .îa g - banc di.c'p.c i..; bsL a a h. 0ent.' Eo -'gye Sggs. Vn -. - Th- ne a .tec îA nenncA,,.clstalcy [etecane OI bL aa.c ponb th., teringInn, î o~f uae doubli n mme, a ltc an-idngnle lelAtîhoof Ii.I*,ctc n IU.lieaeIteleab--a las.Oh.tiebe bl tlîpt-eai.. heAtt a t. e.MIaat Bn ixboy of. tenk. eptettsnît1e _, e _d taTcci t . cl a - n L I, încet f pîton c tir i,et dîtCAnctl-y tcnctî. M lts, .taee l . a roett teata,, ce ee hIes alhh n ti hit .t -d eCtan5ig bapde, arln tetae . ta tct _anetcelgeiba ,t.ff. bet-cîlla,.tacn.t'.ade teetttt- eaoutf lp , n tilaibt t b a gl -h hll nec T d- a Cti lt tatent-. a ti e acfatpo iti . ne,,,' d it mit an V te flei tsn IH A.te tc- tn ccettaito. N t ne a ce al pli i . ,a d pUtn ith man cnp, ". f IL a ne -hcd .. Ihctnt f t 'il g c bit e istin cl- o g.I.sI , A Chat. n d e r-lîn .af -t o itaaa th. t e.,ti M d n.. lioanachre lf, n d utaieaa. rpy ics. ' ltatne ng &lccetmra wrd fSnhi h.e GaLet i sittafeisMles oatget-siy oife ar te& gar'aY" ewerle on Bulinuanh.-c ellie. i h 'the f- d fsell tp. Mc. B alei nitte ta i eeel Y . N i mnet c p eo e mptindin cC licTnlC ll.î,ci g etestat i îs ctn, ed hsa fp. aiat etaitta te,;t l I . e bat eitts.Of.eun.atnpaeseihall in eebip.te-lcnt, bttt-eg t-, Hehehcnitud,tt h t i ptetlythee gncc"Icc gh pth yai ht-ao .Id lby . t-ctell ni..11ny otîio Be tatiab.. -ebo' e. inntp .- -hatitcet ea th eb--ee ing a obeolwth acc ue ît phte ffortc î e ecyeî- cîlIIt;îolne p. Ch.Ca. atjtt; pt. o eeeth tcCit~ tceg c' nVsStetactacgt-aî.tioc-làT.aIle.Îesp utnc" t, e it.fiii- 'lHelitug la caîb l-ouen-ap ... flgvaiee i tI taa, ans.hih, an anbappy 'H.tatiha.liti ta pt-t. dmst.h nirde " - ie Ic,"na i ... ilThcid cy CI.-.tle.',n0dctghellce na, il Vlef bol- we ran chth clantr. . ýt iý f1 h;ettb -anti t, t.,-ee '. nc an e toee' Tcî e e-l n t, I'. :cCie ac.te ceo lte; c ~ ~ ~ ~~ecttabea~~~~1tte. Idctt i hit b l., d ite t ien, n 1pam NT bulîtt, eîh - a ydsp r v. poet-g'icct-eîit'p I.ICcei t. e 1;'fattt.nn ehp .e e h e udd'e mb of c ttChe b n-ah, c nehic. a. lch o f . aett UttAc euteuc -eoeet- ettîîîn tl ae,,ilcl e îteîo, .. yIl i t t. l fd ie -.t.e O liai tet offt h ia baat- na a .ce. .cI ean e - h orddhat htaî tet t-a lal p te ng gcaieny t at t î ' . na c c t C nC dct-t , ,e. tî l lîl îîoo w . 1 - c e îc al b... ti . D. le ;i t e t d a i. Dot nacM.a in ap&Y te a n e r e altheDt-, elfeetne lcau n owT. h c et b c lw c . îb l toinfnic-aIîg - eîT l Ce h îîc n A otb ce tet e -d eirc n fidt en ces if b. lm ;bC oelert-.loa CynclîcI, ài th .. .A ges id t C ' . i U c . d . ail UgUCaUt him ; bta.Dow pih g. bil. etti b e , - dbac i lV ; n ee. c. 15 t t T te a t- h ocg te o I c l ie,, i-,an o n, rbe ta h ... c Ncb l a!w o n talie - Là wa c hI.t 1)bf b'a. l.eete - beI b m ?e tni e-tace . et Ot ta b ea o p e - tAnti tA t- ho golnpaî, ý cl c-i o î.I.W,î - 0tog anhap e nt t ra ge ane ita O. pen- W-d av irn Sle ter anS o g -tck., .i ganantiLi tuissu atea ul- h ttin-nnterg itianUe ah o n. le mide ou secrt rmtp t h ab . . w h a te. W, I Ing P "...Hhep talead ,itAc cof e Il. ..I i ,ci.cdecCtiîeg,,f Hf cn t'.t el Y.."Thepwu. .Y-tt bacin s b is ah. lta che eanc fod le-:bl ae Acte .t'. epe tic fiTno t a. nu. no, ln ie , Vhs co.tit.Ucpanti acc tiitis itn-- tera"B.aI t -aff h ill. lietY nCA . ' tl,i ty, tinh î feint , Ie l. nI ahl n-t,...'. c a.ti la he fom th doutr h*dWly rsd'"dhi' t aceim»fallp teet.,, uil tnef,.bJ e e nt*, &fiertet c lie he .ctue i lb nI caati, on lu gta' n a -apl e t. d .&._mcdh'th pe"Ihvel. ie h mno ," th h iseb ghlt n.- plan .the awpn p ositiana a h.&Lea e xye, sfgt.a' ta ibynthn, Ptnh n eul*Itete . c . htI" 'wt oohr1 ts h n i. ocl t en n alati btdgctu haiing. e. ebse "Andiwittia horible d-mtlikete-- iaB t 1i11 titi. bat anti UbiCa-cairlw, anti a jonantt IL -L . lant.c t e'ee, ch,&.i dî t begatîtVpcec,,, île , ý, w e uî t . t nom- b--- adfpr.l Os.ngb ah, il Pa. ri .ecaep..fp ii.'. tyapcd M"r.î PcI "atiCis nCcenn.tdTillIll îîîîan ettî cchtctaeathPt' tntntcnitin ell m oe yierlfi ,.eitanabe - yfeltutt Iiticbt ilen-eVos noy a,d ieteh. .thetll 1T -noU.. IeB't both cannese ncaccl leciTpossibleiwi'hiacdogmeIof tirthlîniraUpit-Innet batt y binhS n-netneabareaton Mola eafornun pnet e-sntnsbe bit Haalnai t ient a.'. yel iltol- onc necetîîîehîetcîcc.î lacenous In beeitd.e. I ko or . al It'.b..'.l'.i pde blpec e Ha y w.. aen ko a PrOt ~ , et.. il d~j~ipteîe,i "pidth.l tîyOee îcdit byIcîa Ltg a ida , t e i Otu ;dc e-ch ýaio .h. eaUi cen be atge.hy ba Vc limte'.c aIIîiactb, mille hâte moi ciCiîîîi Aa.cTyce, Licierihortly.odc , A ilt- elll M.. nies.d h W.h.. ent UV ba'.l t .. i thue cl- tcbnc aftaCil't - lan th..Iabachne.. n th. ne md. t ta M-.Blttaehi.'ont chaBlttupe banct-en ds.ale tc t-pa tIeciii copTt-nt. cl yIteîi ll cic.t en thhot .b.eig.eten ahi. n ffee-t.nthe,ete d aa the .J tor iie r t.te l an-ai f ita -tte t leheeln cîîc(ii cîc e th,. i d.aant ann-'.thepmtoenanof to He W" ani M. etiiat Mdcn bdhi Do,eep Ulie suHatbgltnectiect-ctheecpPttAt-teîît a C dd ceto oni., îcigîîht etti,,.te ot- ieeq caled- "Wl".dialOiba teb le .eteiiith c s- .ltand ab.s . e-cte ,t oi.hit-'.'isg a aionc. tef-abedate-. n ian Pai,-n- net,t a ,ît.spo tt-îlt ing. ,t-y eln. hi. îîî,,.ad ,ee ' i tht-toaCe nt"ervi e t . pnnif a geetei. nn a. bseta(aftToUt i ;nIt.ttnetîen ceceîced itith,. nii a'llcEC iyhi unîtne pet-cele c aft" tha ' . the . 'oua tee itetfht eezha, nfne hee i tI, .. Ntosp il.ten ant i a0-ntgul 1 e ylTlT Itî ITHT-cecIC' ,~eeehE ol iday. I tce ani nVaah a o ant aboyainb h. at l eve ndeitict-nbl i. auit thi n cic ta e.feue.caIo ln - mhl!n nîl CA tiiT ttîa llcnd.u eac tc-hd es .de».,y t'cltUe bne . Ins otipý . Hh i a nIi cc-,s . n.': aahtoegt he by IHit t e is butîîîI t1 ii o. ini.snt n-î h tILng ne c " '.p ege uSp l aah e u th sain .'Je Mt. l t -bn ba ik t i,"' te.d. wtien. peag Ueaftgt-ace nana p-ig cf lAc ici h iflirgdIne t flClcIa,,,n1d il ntýipocne tu tta S bp ahi. aI antiahsipce-c rity, nainîît-.îllcclcicl-,CHliho aiîol ' i mtt e t dosb t-,,canh tuC brume teU.etuUnp. lk.1 HwtUT e.ý inc.nd ige-ct gba baU. ro"H d e onia~l paMc eltande Cci lieePu în i ,lîî if îa'e.t IiîtcpcC t rite8t i.n-bet .d cl'.y th e ane-p.ý.. ligt!thimledforinl .e9 .1 rcen..g. thipe'itaby . tcWh ihteabet .-l a»dt iuef -m-u tbnbsn-ecb e dUt . e - fi '6bM e nt!tmisa.tecen ,hie Sigan . l ah hlitue'; e s,. dtr iffe an ger-,tip. hl,,dî dctc irttti abani b .1ilndab clabbne.abnnete Oh.i1i % D"Yn.the filettera Maen-ud DT. harp-fmtmd boy, withna Vary fusil.tnd bridge tend doteceoth e a doyen Ç:fe ett ftySti m'&yloabl Seeelu t le.,neacendàhoo--e.bau'siZl.ul o wr ofn-ac.yeJn!bcdf b in : a lleet b n-c e gieutna. b.crssW. dont .c inp dgiaîiein l.rn- ii fc ap- od-iieli pn -d t g th .F adePul ai luI . yen, TUmiod .ti'.!,Inbb deebe . ' teean. y fuc.dbo? e nVutbt e,"Mi an a, -ayantiaI la.ea nictl aenp-'oettt is inon, M e ?L I s e , a.. Y e n . b a H . a tbC e aie g t e t , t h a a n -a ! n - a c t t h , 1 c - H . i f a n t , a -. .o- t . i T c i ly h I l n ' I l a eM , ui tie " t e c e lac e " t b h e i pe a . q e - r, ti i l a c.T b.s y u et e t ca i. t ne. s H h. ! a ..'sye i ti g h p n l ofe tt . - n et-a d ...n l iob n te fh la b a, Aed, bS.# . Pan! eceil pecitUsa . " ~ I , B iddae n, a oy h th J lien . vo lufot- n N-ii c .I .p n i-ispritofib t h.h e- dec . bat. p -t,i V.le- whm on Icie ailaan smm b l n te t ii n h e'sKiafi ,lda tbi ctI -t, J!n d gg Tnp i t-nlongt..ITi aili l s A,, in s a,. nalhed Ha btcU hm one u g ,h. ahl"t'Wh dn- e t s eunmuhai'homebinthe.acc . Hor-se huaepoann ,ttI îCpjp.tnCC i ce.îa w ua II pnn gehantcila.ah nti' .tbe pu beeltt.. - hi b. .es.wpeeSt tn. gb b. outIt I et uhae,, e, id ab tee a h, .h, f ii tit ieitgc it-A-egi.n c banb$nUcn tee. ,a. clg t ef ort wy "seald aetae t edB. . slor . h s h ' V c'. et .eens.,.Y..t r. sntan ai.aOben! b- efnids Ue-o niTccb ie I. l , e ,i H' Ce le . a id a h l Y St 5 Ut , n b h s n ic e n fe c i o t et .htoUO S d .aPs l .t p a ge . A eeecchitgc et- li c Iatci ICIIdIiO 'to n "ter -id- i lcPo t V h "sS uh enc . la e galber ; and M r.lO b'.iIu eCSe-l hie Dore, b.enset n-a, geatianîipa, rtoniit.n, BAi tîcený d vehînetotitietit'ce.I".anlht.)! ( yl'.ifnhs. atu ie y nn e stSdi t)! . ro te t o thb (1 m b ' 5ec l . ih Oh, p up anpce-o .it c. nb.t n rah n b eh b' ee ae.h.. nt ,i utne o c, îei .pl e- f aondfsl , e bIb .- ts ? W e Ird .! g b an w t e h m ( I l .5 t'.taa P uw ow t n tac so ela l t fac t tls e.i. - d P u h kn . b ne les Me!!frmaionneeve. i thn -upa" t.. «lty t im intabr rq t-eivlofte . tuii et o in tee n,îî "ho.a yeUt? -Ws.'e l and.abandon hito .n aa-ee.t..Id V.r à Il ." si. tb .ta nteinlunc s.itha e h , Bci o IIclilct ahCe0.,,-l ic t- fer."iAn s ent tAn un. eh.h -OdYe, Aetbes b b i.t b.dUl' Bbsquesteion-p eeea!hUsw.aIknti.pgt...ffiff.yleg.bie.ani..t- îtIý' .. I e e Dr 7. Gus bongoh on lU P-D l, .ilp at.i el . ,leltacUlto.. .lanticntBtbtoe tassent." ta et ll n JU dw obad l ths ies b - . ou i . ..ctu a un b. hall b tned ile ty Pui a gr el; t.tig. Cg.C.cla b al clayi flitnohiig n isalbou, r opu, shud i" - ..> iuti n but..nILt 't l ice!"p idp let-nere. '. .. ayant'7 .e. bai.O e .dl leilbetiti' q b nl'lego tc. do-caintati Ht-. Be!tl, c' ling cours-he c noe b pbli paen tny- n,, e. Ub fa l.Iermlce an thi.t--vrco-Ui*le-o r bl .u. P of.gId eat'. nIg thflee d.ig,)eystý, ol tetea..1,tho npcte ton.ei oungb. blonsd tae. 'snob*tetiaoritegoataîAdl hielid et ... ot? bI.t hl.. le-"' Pll "HBltiude, Myu m! b an '. u5 - O ti . on -oeilah lehie te laots. ,Yu'e..anste s.lilulut te-, !! Oî ca-'.ns ryUd c .U lU s el m ooid uig h Onyaoe as.y Y. bo. bItta coursue r . in r ise . i sghn i lb. an sce.n Balof ngeta. -tOuia e mn won y.d .u . 1ad 1hL b k-t -n il..Ul telb'.ssdltnpt1U"W. dtc . - ela.11 tIfh ah.l nttoue 4 " nIl Pr>.ipe fntaleetiotaIn-w te- hat doayntiU iso d mnb y youB Uttioe eh ? the t»tWmU'. imleda, b tiaJ m pt e wyn-dlba. t'.tbIlbee tis ,te- n s a.thim mrte ftoehy e.g nh lp jj n ~ e j' n).~ tfo n-' ho et-a U .ait qî t ensle rilb.aila.badb."ati aColîe.i a aae-p - .15,1.5*5 ,De. tiei.e.le.e~~~~~ d -o . hfwir ccl hlTh gb.-lb ofnle itfin)'. BIen-hebh eteb1eite p. nf Tb. bt's en. Vb.a 7ulde belU Have y.eYenticketst1 autanlastu. m Up b., tth.t foeabat An o No ? folloor M, thon. % . el w«-1thn 1cu ibIU n. tln e.n '. eh. b. gyui -fl ou uti ih nyýrV ,tmg or dgy bolieve.Thère ytb.ab; nitste.s R W&t-.1 actng lit.a brut..11.thebefdWb. , wià .1tiss, bO& Sitingy Melanhy ad C' Oh. lli S 'L'd liitet pul brÏ, wuldlieataincmmoentplu fo -, ë efl l a!"- , nt a S! fi j, ..b!sg shl rthe -- . neli.on uMi nied, ut ea e mi p Ibo delicinte &a eUs'. b. hott"cl tdoltdit W" gon, bit* DU.ther in .i