y' 0 .1 4-4~ 0 Rd, (1) 0f o 't 't ttlt i.l1~itt t, t '112h. ~MAEZ& t 'i ta as,, "'t',' li'tit 'te' I 1' t'a-t, a ~ b' ~AIRS! Otl Ta. c CL dietl . SAPLLO -Laa e a, o OuredC.li Oa ea * s caaiSapta . leahlr5. .etaiBaaqaet. onli35'0e cak. idame Cotttort, Une Ottt, e u ri.a.d. *F,.tcLia Net LEgWIta0.. TOILET PAPER 1ABM Ts o let Pape. fur 7c.. or 4f. ai. F IRE INDLEIl be IFiee Lightert tra2, . 1 aAtliu Ilh.ta1.11!it,. 0". .,1, .. se. beît WOODS' FAIR, 66tIla6 in5 tg Street s,l, amilse,. aced ad etin f. e bid lit, ltead CHLm uYRNEaa.oDr.ld, aerina for and reti armota Yvo iee errd insn, llb Sria' 'Ngae Tr itiî y.. a eIl aate.-Il theb.anctifadar rinte, aWdor ca, ti qa aiiîy o Rite &OMOJage St,, ac h iiat lce faar of.arage bdac'Lie i itedn Servieeblase lîruto te Pitat i eteapoe d dm, ITeaabte a I mîbme, arbd araa gtitg a pangusha .teblase rut nt.afrethe 5l itaon wac uretite ap v boutate e aiu tan, tfae h..tprsad talblitielat,' ri. .lm a y1,eeral a, a Local News. bt'ttd.lîat, Seiag Maiisa, warri for #Lac0-caty paytatI.. itav. P. T. Mitata pesatht.l in Oea,, Chittti, Troto, lastt,,'aiîg. tadi ae îdid a , ata.tttalI W lia.Ilil..lia ai of Biitt5lea a, l:,0iot-iv.Ltli i. aelie, caho ar gat in t it. CitaS. tatth $fi, Cola$4.25 at Whlitîia, CottSatle. C.P.'. Il-Ci. Ct.mtpbell lintar. vitaatd Me. Leiîaed, Sapi. ai the C.p. IL. yttetlay and ,t'aa pracitad that tiîataaeai.g patataga, taraiiud bî atapped egaly at Htaaby stationa ot Sataatiayt. P.A'RTES taLa tead bilding netea some hsoalti Keataa iaickis, tac lennttatea Mittoni'aetaad Brick Co. Lî,estttaa for tale, deitaerd in Mito, oa on,'tt ti todbl.arryee. Par parti. tala,, aî,uy lae.. S. MCsANtaaL. 80t. SAi Et Oaeî. Lasti tctiMea. Wmo. Rtbin,of raIfralgar etacr Hraby, mtcwtit antttaacidnttwiahi reagt on iteetia. A piltytiataca aaiidi, bai lteoat'agtat inflammationand gan. grenttaCatta a.aAatt ast esot at aper- ato aeoated,Lbttlitthaaail. sutetittet (liied uta Mttday. Mes. RtLtnson%, at hujghl, ateaoed by a 'large cirai, fai eedo, taltadmeply îecpslhiaac wiL Llir boraccî bsaband. Hiecrctmia ttereîanterrrd aI St. 8iaiha't Clhat ocrterrayet.rday and Ctheiaeai aatas o helargeat a îLieninte oaeigbobrhd fHrn- l'y, J. M. Rata,, gadaatt ai tLe Rayai Couaeevaalry aI laaitt, Lipit, Ger- taaay, eil Li i ilton at Fidat, et eadit teeb ad tenuLe prepred ta git', ieetttaaantlhaaialua, piatoanadaergaa aad titaacy. Fa, iurther informatiat Cattira ai D. W. CampLell. 358il. HAîcta SUNattetStassî.-TLt on aratitta af tLe Hat. Satday Scheel Associatiaaliteld Lerealait Tharad_%y a,,d Pciday waoat allcded by deiegaiL. fenal parlasaifILe oaty atd the. prateadiags ceremant ialareauiag. ltheraccitt caoraitg, atertata and eveaiag sessioas an Lth days,,at aLuit addresee aere dlivred atd paiteaa read bhy mituiersanad aycen i utaamtaîianta5day Scbooel arr Iai lffeat prtaaofthe caanty aaeteil as frintaTarontaoad etahere. The fal. laaiag oaiiers tt',teltdald for tlb. tAtttaig 7aa Peeideal, Rev. il. Htd.i dott, ilutont; It Vice., Ilet. G. W.i Cjalterat, tatailie;.2ad Vice,., Ilea. A.1 E .dc St. Deittas,.Gergetwn; S51.1. Set.. RBe. Dr. Abraham, Sariigtaa; Car.SSc., Me. W. V. Hopkiaa, Struing.1 t. Eaaait've Cacmitl.e, il. P.1 Mlatte. IL. D. Wlarren, Jeosn larri.1 soa, Rcat. A. J. Lecia, SRe. J. W'. lae,c W. S.îuall, IL. A. 'Fleming, Rey. J. W. Prtuata, Jas. Lagie. A taraday nar cal iattitaut aacontefftts, rit the raaaociatiaa tenu b. beld at Gergetawa Hoisa,te.tThet lîird annuatalme at al kit i "ftaat ciiiLbeiod at Milta, att aCih tititiand 2tSt, ada, the autpiaet ai thtePaltIHarae r,,dert' Sale Asociatien.. Oteriap antd taddle hoasrie, tenu e ldaon lbe 271b, and heavy draaght and wteriutLe28th. Partie aaitgboses toispeae ofarill land t te their atlvatlage Sa enter them inth tît tIe. HRe.,oa&le*ted anS ,aid as eaiered. Entry Leoksuneeopenu. Wiiaclose MarrL tb, For lurther par- tientlarepptiy ta F. CataurcuSeo. 54t1. SXTaaeîsaCARNI'AL.-ThO e eaad car-1 nival af the t.aan tame cff et lbe riaaa ot Tae.dy andtu at Cry largàly ea-. tendedS. Tbqrowtae saba, e t à taastful asd sataral aaae.disply tonny1 lbpin, b deenytW.b.in SuS1 cln inl ~Slb. ariei rm lune~., T- PABLoit Cetutar i t at ana.' 10rida1, tii. .d of Marehbas bem Pie.Poned MR iThuay~a, Mareb Bib. Tt mi rers.d Ib tat. Proee,,eee Se,.,et Emlo wll pay,ad bita Srll,otW rmpi., vils ing, and etteer dis- tingii.b.i tLe hbas ber, ear.d. Admion,..20e.. ba, e.mmitted fer trial ttargrd viOL dotamatory libel in eritiag ebsSee lattera t tela r .1 lof ta.me,.n Tt in said tbLI Laing proped i..... tetew .w vrjetd, th.. .ee love te ber daugbler .ritb no Leter sncSae, anîd wead î,p by wriitp ithe allegedobea.,laSer, Laing isouaa bail asdhi. trial viS Conneaf atlîLe amizea Lee,, chSwii apaa aa Mou. dey. a Go. SLEM.ae, af GuelphbasLte. aoeet!d latarmatia, et lb. deaib af i a 1 talier, erbia Saab plaae ai Si. riavidi,. 'fHcas 89ytartaof agel andwaacWall iktearatoita h aider retsideatleioftteiph 9 aauateta, cit lb.é S'er .Crack broweey, whiab liestltrted. and ubiab bas eeaeLed snt ati, agepr. tiats atder thsittel tattegea'at of bittsoa.lHe bad bee,, ea i'l,tafSi. iDavid, an NiagaealRtvetr. fl a tay eyea. Twety taa-ofEaglii, 'cit lat, jast Iap aahatl. Ail the lat'ti Lî je,. teroa $1..1'eatb. Cii al bsectet - 1ai T,.!t' A'aa iiin mfa'ý. Hed atchita ilis f t.',.ns 9 ct e ata tLn T eat tlPie ht,,, ai. Links a aida. 'rlt,ýctJre W. P lua. a W. ttta. 2Lp t W,. P tt,. k;> .. t RU Ctt.t ttjjdt doAt; L 1tJ.11-1,.aa niqP . Illa W.d y. 1.12Ciim lbaae tLeCra isLt ha Laceoite ticheaCe LIr. Cre. pat ta tlle ,a aoe 25ie a e-, tai.ilasi et 'lia,,, What Met. . Mee aiap aiili iete eiciz-atb, tbtor ,a'iSamta t ab abaad laavig a inte ataied o tha Lad daabd a Le a e, itietS aL mrathagab. H gtba alaie, airnet tme laiaLati atMooat.pt oa i,,,t lai th abltd dakas,au liteC,pe Ma. Mael ater taiete ta th ittat aio Ed. MLoreaty oa eiitthta, cit aahtcaaecbaa.elale, aa rid tCita ar clier b aetî,euthleidtatraya Heatbdadld tt, t aled or,titit, thraln ate, L. Ldyhetg ttid.litn dtoaaedne, puta rtiip aIpaîte a ritb b, Ladt elia t liae. tayiagstoLs. LitEd Leindset, pa e tiat ,,ae1d camed atLtaaondsaandtao twd benliead foasrteLiaebeloTtti 7.10 don, ctîteba.ytbe p.pae, ad The tappatedîhfta slip dtaedotttglict liebayia ritite,, owlno a attadiatL bisbeala aapieliaadalat le ý abieacly ea. istaubée.Tey l'y upsetatia pth ead atta lnt, aeltat t ata tim o aeaHet loftt a ea.l. leate aafefe. LalWtaglatar gasyta isher na, Kane, dey gadR. Ealia-htgapce., Cr aton,a&t., absotely Fcaai . HCa.. 'i Sue0ltt M. S . B, t & Cot.tt13t3tand , 135t. Kinst.ta' aekgtnds,;iJ. ba,4e9 atta. etedry, lti' ;,'ttu Caeeta C., 7 ittt îtg.t. elttai .itttlttaat. ttc., ata.t, te.a aattai. pit. att .Iýi .taa atIc Mti. B a d tati, ePY;a8tatt tat, J-t 1i1, a 187 itest. t; Antaita aao.rt.httr,e14 Wi.. t ait. A d.ýýh1 l Mai y ti. e, Wat"aalttIl. ma leth, banMa, maiaer-y. la ..,ilt haýtl..pl -Ilaeita.td tLtg t-j-al a .a tretat il adeartageiiofb.iCeornt Dalail aili re fe art - tadvette mo. retIf a o.d a ah itt.rtiDa. IL loan uaa brdinesiaciai.rlt d.- d.eaa il,. M avl t r fouCndayh, andredCladn.- lerie,onuh itir, cens awor a W'inerion.u A eylag ww f*e" &. S h ýerai.. A job lo of 4 ,Gand;8rola in alot 1at yo Urgswn Fro1e Now thala &ock-tekingîla oteurand beforesiss t4 raeouDwabve lci nte otralrelto See our Notion Couter-a large quaatity of suralllinoâ &t a 1ýominal prie. Print, 12J and 15c, for 9c a yarda A range of good Kid Glovec for 50o pair. vol! werth $1 0& 6 d«. Pearl Bttonss for 5c.a Iibbons, very oheap, 5, 10 and) 25c, worth double the money. Pluahes, worhh $1 00, fr SU, Silk Velvets, *orth $2 t(10, for 99c. Great slauglîser iii Ladies' Coata, Shawla and Millinery Boote &. ýshoes. Otur Grocery Departisnt in firat. claîs shape, choico usndl eeal). Cheap Siigart. Great value in llyson, Black and Jaaý Tes, 2-5é, worth 40c. Cool Oîl l3jc gal. HOLLINRAKE & SON. THER rirs CIiTS À MILE AGIVA TIOIÇ The country la bea.me ..csde«' T )c~ abip agitatad oaeerrdr .iir lae.Yeterday petitia trepra 1.î. ja,1D llr sneteteLegialatare froc tam Bouguii at 82jc. on ut e cuty eaaailm praig for rduié olr paaavttgr tare, ..eral petîca --- ____ we ied on ptaaiaaî days. There ig a t.tdeapraad itelica ail ovr Canada We have a large Bankript Stock in IToronsto at 621c. on th, dollar, conisinig or inafiaaaeofiageea2 cets a mile rate. Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Hosiery, Glos'es, Ladies' Undterwear, Staples. prilits, i Lt C.a by that the preenet raiiaray raei Men's Underw'ear, Ties, ollars, Linens, Fîsonels, AMiliinery , Jackets, (ai pets, Iloi aet ad st rduetefrihngecwihwilb odu uc rcsta gatt icome d r the t araaycomh- rihnsecwîhwl b oî ol pie ls ilopenî yoîr eycs and pîirses. ,ai.a. Lý. atreswiii Letefilt the camapany and tt the pie at the «me ~ L O C ~ E tan.t.ru Tarela'aid. MouauflmAk. nMndyngtTII SDA MORNING, JANUARY-4 Ou ah. apeite af navigtiona a Uniof a eamars ciii run betwee., Bel. Htedaesl Htt rld a atel al, ~ otisekeepers, notethdae Fathers, inotl ers, keep tI is sl'i nd, s yi Q .... ea. e ,rvice taiSLe a ehy never have sîîch an opporttînity of securîng s Ielibargaî sls. e e r tock rnis j Laaeîetwuîaaîîîarairry maager of lIte. DaaeL&Ce.'i commerciala&e.ey, sutd w asabetau prominet tortnoma yaspast taauadaaaate omer. cial unon alecaCanadaandSthe Cnitcd State,, aas arested at New Yaort aa tce 214t ait. ahargal ariîb 4Itrgereand ccbsasiaccts acaai. ieg tet22,000. He. aaeuomitled te jaui aud wta b eLiailtiie bar, te, a cttupleofaiday, aret h.oc'a. ricased o25.000 bail. He hi. beet arraigaed a ndibaspededuntgulty. BORN. McaRieOa Wed,,tday, Feb., ILhetaife ai Adam Maeay, Miito, ofa a dangh. MARIED. 1IOND.ao'MtItOte.-A the caus,N. tai, ta Weduemday. 7tb Feb., by the Rea. J. Argo. Geerge T.IamDod' et Etqîîeîîttg, ta FioreceMaKieusot, sf Naatl. Mata,,, AI har laie residace, Ram. i ton, oa Feîday, Sîed Feb., Rébea Caaîlatl. reli ibaf helate George Mairiali, Cf Trafalgar, ia br 751h Cî,iet AIAtat, oa Tbartday iSth Feraary, Edita May Cripps, aged Id Ilai-At Acta., aou Thuaday 1h Pebraar-.yHav JtfltabtelLe efuAst r t- Ilal. Et.. ted 7' paet ad dy. Grand présidnt Maiiry report. mtit. ai Shat more tba, thrrebhnaired lSe ft1 ataÇ ZIctcaaa.-At iintti, Ohiboiea. balbeau aSisi Se th.e rder <uig ~ ~atc 219t, Aadre, rsn of Ithée.H. P.the P-t Ya--!~.j>/. Zitterotat, ai Zicceccan,,un bill~~,4i 4ttitycar. HA,,«ata *.-Oa Wrdteday, Fsb. 251h -' ibiS. yaaagest daaghier ofJbt litotat, aged 2 meteaaadityi a, FPtieral te ay t p.L Do i ot trifie with yo ir eyes. f31 id let~;l i aîaco. Qo Wiedaueidyfb. 5i f they ptin % 1iile readîng, or if the elugit bhtîrs, yoîînloiî laeaîc rlCe diuhir t CiMUTI NRVave thein tested oryon eil injure tlîsm perinaiiently 1IY Faceraile day at 5.20 pcm. Tbouapille by theur prompt cbtnlis atraining thei. We wîll test ail cases free Of char,'e and Titeatetea-Ai tLs .rtidecaetfber in the onditionftet b lond nessolaes rnte atisfactionî. pareCts, Ottawa, at tha 2611, olt., ataiote t. lt, epianoeblaral,oeiacgtarntc liabel. tecand turvieing daglier et anS aloeehaid t h.,, hi. neyer h.an Johe H. ted HeuteleSla Thoaipon.A aylbi.g t. eqaal tbec t. centtet O <t.7 S tD aged 21.ycaen. 'flb.fanerai brlS the rervonas eprosuleut fallearinthe UeBnesCmonugyu fHrllnJfrC1^1, icave tLe C. PR.stationuor tee aa'i ,uneoft h.., Sriuaes.th UsetBce. Jmoin yi~ o ooitn' o oî aattateey Ibis atarning on ithe rivait Draggi sud dealers, or cail. p* col ec ofe I,9 'eloeb train. 20.1.., six fer $2.50. The (lery Pili - Co., Ttat Ont.O SHILOIS VITALIZEIL. For Sala by HleIubolhai & o.'ttt'Mi.iI. ta - - - lieo. T.S. Hawkis abanoe.Tenn., Chamieléamin Drggiste, Milto. tapa; - Sbilt'. Vilaliaer 1Saivu, mv M yE Z E Ltrc.' I catier 1thé béat recedy NOTICE W . M K E Z E for a debilitaSeds ysec I aveiaeS.aa Far Dyspeptia, Livr er Riduey trouble jtbaItý 5 e euaauln ame M rhatlaaîo i roarit. Prie 75 t.~d7aM umefacn. ...to . aIa0n-i Lut or mtcoliom. . fahmb7Aaue l ý Wt-i n0.1athé Tec SAE EGSER J. «Êl I. .taia mW'N one but the best Tweeds, Worsteds, Aactiea Sale ai Parm ck, ebImapie. 3 ruanTto ue.. - aoFriezes, Etc., kept In stock. ment&.. A., aI Arthur Smith, an laS 2, eil.ta.Aeaa. cona8.Nasnagaarya, oeut Tnay, Mat. aatttrarfF..aUa.-_ __ 6Sb, '94, ai ipm. Ne réserva. E.1- -- ___- Obapusan, AmIt. Application to the Local Legis- Qnick. wark an'gtuid valse an' prices aye moderato Sock a,als ieat, o, Lot 7, Co. . ature of Onlario. Agent for I The NaticnalTouerRehp. rcal e.ltai t 8pc . . aiapsa»., Tak'tent to tbe address-BouLh's Block, Miltorn. tow Un, elsnwM a g«aOnNotice to Creditors. ~-';'se.. . 1 a a 1 F ort S a le,..s . fthst p a té Eam f ""&" Tnou-Pou orgréThrumghbred Berkhlire, îleB-tes, sa«u«methellid. Alto aone et pur r~jsasi.a.t.aa~.Th- bbreî Sber.rt- 1,Bul, tte ima the aI. JAHTMMB. AtaimO REl .eShl cia totin 30 a y,,ts. McKAY BROS., 5,5 & 57 King St. East,. Hamilton. BASTEDO_& CO.1- We are in it preparing for Stock-Taking SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES .ON--- Flannels, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Prints, Etc. .BIG BARGAINS IN'CROCKERy:- to clear out the balance of the stock. Cheap Sugars, Teas and Groceries. For cheap goods try Bastedo & Co. s ST4 1-SÈLL&a b, 2.55- a.t5e~ 500 Gosu. assas,, -Large atL. cept Socakof ladireald brocito b., s old aIt one.aBotd 4ia. in paaa-ec kuiamp wad gel firsttehite. LetI me btc h i hd p.. arotid liLe and I a ciiiseud aaseCourastsible. Addreo t C. E. Whita e, ox5M.Milt, oal. .'TaR ANTvuPseueITIrîtPea.-TLe Ibird numb.r etfTIi, AdeoatLe, ajor nul devoed te thepirit, wit and beer interese, bu.juml Lee. isstecd.ad lte axperence aud ttpahtlity aI Me. Lattie PaKriba.iiaediSratud Praprietartree diseernible la il. e-la-na. lb, fient artSic liaàreeune oetiherecarba ai Geldwia Smith agaitet prohibitatn arhiah i. foSsarad by the opinion et De. Mrimier Granville, an Englii.Lpbysi- cian,,en the uiszaofalebhol. Tîta pra. 1 eedlngi et the Ontario Leailatare are .raviaared, tbare is a page deeatad la Emarketa, and tla r etire la sports, ,aril, grrail nte, en the epetiai iStpiez aitb arhlebthe jouraal ià co. eered 5.11 a p the racaiadar. The jeartai croditaby putaaotL aud. W'hen you wazt naw laîticî in pear Leot. ea ta H. FOWLEII'5. Ripa sewend in ith neat kid Lbout. Bttons pal enaith wte.. Rabtar gouda pree paired on 1h.e riesticlue hy H.1 FOWLER, beai caber. Mait-ti., Mil. tan. 29.18f, DIaa,, OFA OL,, iaDETmaaiaACTOit.1 -Mirs. Asa Hall, ene et Actatu aildeti1 and cent reepwed reidrntî. i dead.i She was bora in Kigtetuen 1823. Met.1 Hall WaaWeill eduaed ad ateoc. itiished lady. LIt tact, alla, the draîL ot her huabauud alsbessam,,iy tuper.à auteaded the affaira oI the tarta far a( tacbee of years. Faar ai Mea. Hauts tiaiera marnidminiter.. ail aI viheei havaensad paieu eiit nte. Catu roeb. Tbey are Rata. Dr. Willoughby. et Litatael;J. W. Hlcea, Clint., J. W. TolieflaCoaa. niugtn, and ihe laie W. H. Laird wia diaS aaddenly aStIHamilton lea ar tiueee yaara age. A NIORT eF AvENTvaa-The aein- biad attraction aI Pter Jacksnanat Heary Irving waamore iha, FraLk Htlbhatn. of Saellngton, caaid retist, and lhea.gh hie pnrée cetid il ilh. stand ths amal tI itaopen t i, Locame dar, e Teuontotas. 1,111Evt die a ho ai. W,,hae s ar. eer, and t1i lb attendant ezpaa.a.s paid, BaliL. harn baS Coly 7 ceants, a aam a., cada.i hy tfr rtraelingeaPenez balaraen hare aiS Hamilton. Sa be captrait. the Unian tatieon, adtd. empted t. hserdatceigb train for tbe ' ceat. -BuS the unxed bappettat" t bwo armrste, anS ysiriay te , batera lbe Plice. Mglestie. A cet breakfast baS et&bisbalance an hand datn t.a haIt Salles, Hia Wara shu viatedai itesig.l"Bulaniatl .x "aIf goaralk baci" eS,' daia h elb Magietrate unBaklasavanbd- Teronto. Mail. TUE MIaorGZBanaCOACeR90ena& ('. - . fon) ita ibia nonnSy. Ha Fayet,4% bte olllhttaeé nucher Osi umGataG.airma»nt b. M th as as al at )e on Kt W0.