Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jan 1894, p. 4

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-ino n the The o rthem stte hle s& l haudy -be setobeu ater ai . h*eprui. Theotion with thu -.ailand pro- 'e ndpiae TheyOy are much àa t of «I bloom ;thIbosnorth, and Ifltraed eSor see ate oe trae pleasat for N by "A oorfor sMam ek biek. nsa cam .o a their beds; three et er Th of fhe lhaban-mm p MoryBn. o we rere in he orth. Tey i ' Io ."Lnds ranin «b Me the Gadf insm a eped the extrap for fatal M AUb«M" An lby rorswinter olnsetaise&to bo a terror m ien art M..e k«iats im hrd times, ima the mery low cous inmeedkno s Wakm Sthe New SUdi- of living all round. They enjoy a »m» hob contute , *thM eni r .& boring bomse of esoority in mohlir immunsity fromt tions,. by Samne L H cde, t a.DE"s n,-We, a foet w lu oare rwe fever, pulmonaryland entiarrhal com- bridge, the wel-known ent. and o.wwréraM" be " P* thi tonthe north, plainte,,audthe afMtrof their childre The number will contain *àz«L thi etn in the @Outhera froim scarlet lever, ra si diphtheria, stories, four of wich will beha ei o f attery, but tolu irs for heav S with bombir. &c., which are no farunokpownd" · OM another Vau Bibber U b ndnsta fyotid ftm ',nt M TH.O 0, as if Was the portion of the coaset. Mr.Richard Harding Davis, oadmrbeq Drn Wn The whole South isnDOW in a lunch Anonymous Letter," aud . adiabesyu hdt h e incer a M1•«wntasiaio a ýseakers, mnmore prosperous condition thtan the Mise Constance Fenimnore W ow's pthy ofalyor soniat=s, wemeel-anica business lg 1i0 tom rest of the Union ; manufacturing in- charmirg Italian stories, called *" A Pareyelihtd1t ow thumatyou r% o ig fyuhvels0rfuda lVe s m E 0 a s sm ettle down dustries are flourising, and the re- Transplanted-Boy. cae ovliee n and trut are&mlon you if yon avet o r ou hrn!anyhone• rvie ad i mrkbe rorssofée a Te r will-be fuly restored to your former is, advertislein the Toronto Delly MM ust 8%go. W e have de 1 ed to s 8 m -A,. pr10e . thern syndicate« continuest on an increasig ratio.Th THE ýA NAIDIAN MAGAZINE FOR health and vigor. In your responsible and rosid the advertisemuents On the -NL shlave already transactions at the clearing bouses in JANUA RY. position as represientativeofi the Masset third page of mithapier. The chargeever garment was sol fr $5.00 $ 0.0 1 .0 0 mil b nicinity of Aran- h ea iisaetuhlre hn-- Harris Company, while honserving thenr is two cents a wird eachi insertion, or -I *O uises are coming in northern citiesi several times the It would be diffienlt to find amangst best interest, your honorable and tn awr o six insertions. 4Or $2.50, $5.00 and $7. 0,1 etc. The oriLi i'rrce willl be a. It, in now a size. The clearings at either Hiouston thre monthly periodicals a magazine at straightforward maduer of doing .tan he MailforotCnd.f• . cl9k,. yp- or Galveston aomount to abolit four all rivalling in interrest to Canadiens nomshaswon the confidence and Te1 tts!a n u wl S n -af a euie h r other wage- timies atimuch as thoseoOf Rochester, that successful national review, '"The of alhoewthwhm yOU hylatentst stea d , computayon -al ,,d ru M lln ryt so form colony N.Y., which has four timeas the popula, Canadian Magazine." tis, hiei cnacan sa lgh okno own that in . naviating te i neties, or what tien of either of these Texan citiez. broadly cosmopolitan in subjec a-ete eak o oacp ae durng theaseanst élod Wea die n.ite5Ht-2c.e .,wee rO G in to call their San Antonio, which in 200 years old, ter, thoroughly national in iu and in with Our besnt wishes for your future fle were lost Fifty-threeboat, with mber of a club has.attained a population of 65,000 attnint vr ato h oi-wlaeadaiesadtutn un aggregate tonnage of 24,258, and. . . dollars a week, buae on lits trade in Texas and Mexico- ion. The provinciaisom that naturally relations in the future' may bie aJIami. valued at $1,040,400, were lost. Partial 1his sae 18 W1 hout re Serve ;also a g re a cle anin O is accumulating It is isurrounded by a vast extend Of tendu to become associatedl with a nabs as in the polst, and that you and jouses by stranding, collisions and fire <1 nation as to the fE rtile country, of which but a yery magazine published in any Patiulaeryorma long bie sparedl to lives of bring the grand total of losses on boant e åerng sale of Other W nt er good8, iireuding Purs, Rob"et sb the Pacific and smali percentage in yet cultivatedf. province is here conspicuoualy absent-sflns. [Signed] Affan Virtue, to $2,112.588. By faktes the foss of lifea P time there in The increase of population in Texas Every province, fromt the Atlantic to Woodstock ; D. Farrow, Stratford ; H. was : Lake Erie, 59; Lake Huron, 38; nlade C othing, Overc0Rts, Boots & S oes, FeltF t w,- OOt.Wear. Pid first ilfstlment has been over 700,000 for each oi the the Pacific, is represegtedl amongst the Grieve, Seaforth ; W. S. Knight, God. Lake Superior, 10 ; Lake Michigan, 12;1 te of land they tast two decades, exceeding the in- contributions, and throuighout a high rich; J. P. Brown, Auburn; Coughlin Lake Ontario, 4; Detroit River, 5. ted 00 8, alte eSeSor C ilren-they Were sold fgZ- tation, and bha.- orea" in almost all the country from literary ruerit marks thre articles, inany & Foley, Stratford ; John Brunedor, Colin H. Campbell, who wnaleet. 4 lK itdD essfRTS %vo it improved the Rocky Mountains west, between of which are highly entertainring and al] Londesboro'; G*e. Louis, Clintoni ; T. ed by Joseph Martin in Winnipeg, Lhey W1 bcSOldnow for 5 c.and $ each.7501 1 ntact, or send thre Canadian and Mexicani boundarie. interesting. The January numbher is, F. Williamson, St. Mary's ; L. Love, speaking ofi the election thbere, ïttributes480 emdent uayte nThioatt a remarkable, a gier. ke its predecessors, full of yariety. London ; J. Jones, Mitchell ; Armitage his defeat to fonr principal causes. The DRESS GOODS-Phenomfinal Bargains will be given in themn. Dresa8000IdB veetutli tg tri ea isotIe detsi Howe and his Times," by Attorney- & Carter, Lucan ; W. McCloy, Hensall; first of these was that a veryfra non- l til like other states, hiaving no United General Longley, gives many amiusing j. Young, London ; J. D. Robertson, resident vote hadl not been poll in hie WOrth$ .00, for 0. per yard. C eck ress Tweeds, wort 1.25, for 50c. Whip3ilul e, and soeofgtante boomia itr hse of tincdet about ýNova Scotia's Public London ; P. S. Armstrong, St. Mary's ; case, although it wats secured for Hugh and other Fancy Dress Goods Were 50., reduced to 25c. Grenuine bargains will beis e of~~~~~~~~~~ thGLeoot.Te ta euato o e tr nvriyp ndon;agmEestSr;nBruceblB.a umptionof Protestant champio shi Remember our Ordered Clothing and Dress and Mantle-making Departmlents.150 st rcog og ne tin re ht e extan lishes for the first time one of the most K. Farrow, Stratford ; Aligus Welfare, by Mr. Martin, the utter jack of news. new Spring Cottons, Flannelettes, Prints, Emabroideries, etc., etc. Come0 an l BitrP ler Californianyar, il. ins atnshn e elo-etraordi narypsychologicalexperiences Harrington, paper support, and ]ast, but not least, We will give you the barigains this time.fi markets of the ments in agriculture. horticulture, min. ar all tdarP.eo g •S. Armstrong read ther address o aroprlugta.ist th hig rom ACommis- ing and manufacturing. eofre anlr et n a e y ed ca t . &r ondi.e otd hWstnes rMarket Day in Georgetown Every Thursday. bl1a t . u Iof Southwest Aransas Pass, Texas, Dec. 29, '93. servants. E. Dowsley's "Plea for Ire. Smith, Who recived it amid applause. oue t heagry i nimpo. are«Ibl iiou giscountry L Y iDENnai meoteoi la e t sm legrava ooyiterhis business when yth®eW M ."MLEOD & C LayAbren ossssimes ly.E. B. Biggar's "T wo Lost Kng.esteem was taken by surprise was very Wisn il aada fr ipémns l _-_ _ _>_ throughiout thre activity and euergy-, together withi a doms," illustrated, tells of Cetywayo evidtent, but Mr. Smith replied in a are admitted frese into the States. He Gravediggers, firemten and even 12.erin", hasl tracts by capacity to do thlingsand get them and the Prince Imperia]. A well happy manner, noting with pleasure say that teglnle Cosratipaperear-kopdboare bteng coped o O RyOtn OC C ut a mplanted and done. Her first traiming mn the way of written and illustrated article is J. .1 the energy and oneness of purpose "'n]yinmpe ewill ak.e eit ppearance ae u"ars blth auhortieIo Afwa a hundure raiainwsth salsmn fBell's "In Catnada's National Park." characterizing the agents of the com- earlinteewya.Tedto-.Pr. -a a ssr h Onward and I l>wardl Society, an Amonigst other artielos are "Vignettes pany. chief will be W. F. Luxton, formerly ofta...r-1o ble mncomne pro- a4wociation whichi began eu a small from St. Pilgrimi's Isle" (illustrated). An impromptu programme of speech- the Winnipeg Free Press. -Guelph Governor Peck, of Wisconsin, has ah-i tng. LERS. Ja. Mar ay. Jly.dBet. No ialues of lands scale among the do>ijmtics and poor by A. H. otio;"AgninPr, es and songs was indulged in, and at a Mruy placedi hirnself on record as denouncing P. 0. Address or Clerk a treen devlopipeople on thissr etalteiKhee e ire.by.lJudge Fraleek ; "etcM ns seasoriable hour thre company dispersed. During the prevalence of diphtheria the American Protective Association, -:-a,---.- .-- a unwh a adwih a nraluti hy 0aei Troubadour Land," by R. T. Mulli.;.- it is quit@ as important to look after elhe P.P.A. of the United States. Milton ............... William Paunton 191 16 18 18 28 16 and Californlia, abouit 9,000 members throughout thre "Comnmon Telescopes and what thev ITEMS. the well one& as those that are ill; Oakville ............ Robert Balmer. 10, 7 9 4 18 7 vue eh Sago auit pur- world. In connection with thtis Ladywllsohv.E.Lm<e-" especially needful it becomes if one is Granulated sugar is novr cheaper Georgetown ........ Lachlan Grant. 16 18 15 10 25 1.3 l d s15 oto o 0re. He set out A berdeen edits a monthly review bunder 1Wlctedwand Iil-v.Ess Childen,"b WnIsveypeniun h ouhepsegoth iese h osr.thtan it has lever been before in the hi Acton ...... ......... Jan. Matthews. 18'15717o12,27 15 r; aies c hoievns h it L en bo O, ard and pward. Dr.J. Kelgo; " William Wilfred Campbell,"of France and is selling for twoe cents a ance of a few precautions in this. oy of the trade in the United States. Campe Jaise....in oai... 15 2 14 9 241 2 14C M EC A seaWhieLmnAbot rtn pnti s by Colin A. Scott ; " The Story of a quart disease, as Well as in others, is of great The sugar trust hias fixed a price of 4 B o rligo.....Js oisn.9 6 8 31] . A fewwesocaonnthouoosythtt sD 'b ' - value in preventing its a read. First cens apound, joess3. 16 and 2 per cent. Itrswho.is a combination of the Y. W. C. A., Work- IH.a,,CHouse (fi las ated). .Gand Sro tryop SaeseorsfKassnveeg ntmhepesnclfeiea dsoutmkigthhetprcutrobeec raaesinso tePecead ont outeitigwihorwihutjr74thJ wnatorities ing Girls' Club and thre Chiatauqua don Rogers's excellent|Christmas story or pooe t aetw or adyawith an empty stomach. Eat a goodcbues 3.4 engts a pu.Amongethe county court jutt,.3,hout jurad3rddApril and:2n uned thre above Anothegr work with which lher name@is otpoerSotseeralofathemabovme tr The Deeand Duchess of York have this, drink a cup of coffee, a cup of hot large Cuban crop, which is estimated C . y Curt t r>rerylTrm1thJanuary, 2nd April. 3rd July, and sý. it a gilt-edged even more protninenitly assrociaited is avPeg eraofvn.the ana® dteclined the invitation to yisit Ans. liesor a glas$ of milk. If nothing more at 20 per cent. ovesi 4t year's yield, Aiit o rmdJieA~nSrd January, 2nd Apr'il, 2nd Juryy.and 2nd ,r That was a the Irishi Industries Association, which dian Magzazine," which shouild be in tralia. substantil offers, drink a glasis or more and the policy Of the Sgar Trust te By order, iDAPl , ecause thre was broughit fmora conispýicuously before every cultured home in the Dominion The British Admiralty han contract. of water ; better if a little whisky, diepress the price of raw sugar at the ' lti r .; Bting hie vinles the American publie by Lady A ber, is puiblished by-the Ontario Publishin ' ed for a new cruiser, which will rune24 brandy, or Jamaica ginger be added to tie the bulki of it Comnes into the mar.. .MAm ,a Of 201 .Per doen's Irish \Village, w ith its reproduc- C.a25 e nu.kosa hn.i.I osbe ii h sick when noket.Crkoth ard at.7et I'e etio n e of re te, which stoodsatnc-.e. . The C. P. . land department sales over-fatigued or exhausted. Before ----- 0tir g s. erithe in ancof 'ati the M if liscule 71¡ . I. for 1893 amounted to 107,500 a -rap, for ging into the room where diphtheria For Oveil Fifty Years --toi i Li, m.a t le rnio s i /ackso ti arki. ft is dffieculto LCm. which $353,000 was recived. i, gargle the throat with diluted al. àMls. ,- W ,.ows8so ', v l. 1-oben usea y ESTABLISHED 1847. i hacy very vnyr this 4association in promýoting thede ho'Eie ctcmagazine enters its A large number of captains of British eht . -tid lchl.tw.hdg. rdistue auti h adbroken yurtet [ and prol>erly velopmenut of the dor.estic industries of fiftieth year with thielpresentIJanuiary vesseli employed in the transatlantic water, stronger if tie throat willbry a ick thild suffering and crying with pain of M A SL L B O 'ly,1l. Ireland and in, calling attention to an<d number. For hiait a century hias tiis trade have petitioned the British Gov' it.Aie houewimembhers of the family in . smng eth o toneg sar ra o , terl S faorth poaderisn te xiteceofIrshm n mgnine supplied to A merican readerscernmlent to takre steps towards the des-holdulgcs o isdieaeTetht.g. ilto 1i,,.eilvthe p.,r billie au reeri --IMPORTER8 OF-Teu&1D range of fruits factures, which are quite worthy to the oist valuabki matter publishied by truction of derelicts. a day, ata e hboasatre tme k itlli Da œa te uig abnoost all takie equlal rauk with any other naition toreigIn contemrporaries. Thre first num. At Chatham yesterday Jack Riowan, ation urpr. .mc n owicrswi.d Mmu,..n%.Pu.icEt. e zone, all sub- in the world. Muchilof lthe IrisIh ]ace >er of this new ,year shows promise of a weil-known character met Geo . oumsarednees Inliammationtand givesytone.and :a1 pro lucts, as and other displays took a high place careful ad'o varied selection of the best Monk, a young farmer in thesrea"t sa neetng fact thaet nearly Suth igâ* tet for outllrri,4 1amnog the exhibiit tithe Wol'Far literature adnws huh o it and, with no apparen reason, shot th the grat English speakiNg actors h atadi th e rsrpin roeo heods o 6 udstee O D N O orth rpywinnling forty-s0%eenmedalu. Thanks more iuseful years. First in place upon farmer twice in the leg. Rowan wasCeltictees s h,"eave bn Cet, oro £ ® bue a u n th n1 ,l! i S'eaeqaslargely to thre business capacitynun. thre index ts Prof. St. George Mivart's laiken to the gaol and Monk to the hos--11dset rmrsBa Soeatdraggits throughout the w-r1d. B. su- anÅ I tlane, and the tiring ind ustry and constant vig aia mn c npar son and contra it of "Rom an pital. M r. Irving's m anager. "A acre dy w as ak or - h ..aWs. -Wns 0ow' s . L K EYva ,. •_ , H a i lt o n , A g t . fo r C o . o f er fruits. Threof Mrs. White, the Irish Village at Paganism and Modern Christianity." h• an Irishman. Macklin, wehse real -- -.--1--_ -wihtpoaChicago, with over one hundred Irish This is folwdbDrfso ebs etoa ubro hns mi ame was McLoughlin, was as Irishu,.,.i b nýý 5 a fotoldan inats, asa gea sucesfomabl "Dfolee ofrClassal tudy" grnts Who paid the polltax at the The elder Kean was Irish by birth and W AN TE D IIly important, every pòint of view, as an object lessoi Robert Wallace's valuable economric w 9e r t ndia rsfrnt tN ovebrbreein. OPegM Woffington hailed from G O TOISHOL uct goes into ef what thre Irish could do. itviwas a Papser on the "Peychology of C italws9 retdces1ro h-o.Duln u r Irving is a Cornish. AGENStselorcieanhrd Plant is easily realistic reproduction of thre actual con- and Labor" shuid]not lbe missefby respon ingz month lfaut year, when the man, of as pure Celtic blood as thoug Ci nursery stock either on Salary or WL SN SM. oapP,, rows teagreait ditions Of life In the old country. which any one interested in the great qus number wau 207. his name began with the proverba Commission. We also give our mlen Iam' tol. I t rmade a very handsomie profit for fthe toso ody nesyo h ae Bradstreet's report& 1,781 business 'Tre, Poi or Pen'Ms er' ahrthe priyilege of seiling Our new and T - - ed, owrd,extenion, of rthe work o0 h asca general class, with different treatment, failures in Canada and Newfoundland was an Irishman. The famous Mise choice varieties of seed potatoes. Se.-- ithout Ilour ili -Fo Character Sketch of'Lor<d is from the pen of Iyes Guyot, late during 1893, comparedt - with 1,682 in O'Neill was born in Roscommon. Mrs. crthe agency at once, whiqh will orW uko 'and1[a<lv A berdleen, b'yW. T. Steat,Ni Miister of Public Works in France, 1892); with liabilitiesl amounting to 815,. Kendal is Irish throughi ber father and h andsomeýy repay you as8 nOW isth h t.IIOrtant in.tin the .1aimary lioview of Reviews. 'PuonSocialism in France." Andrew 690,000, or about 50 per cer.more than mother. Miss Adae Rehan first saw the time to sell Suchl goods for spring pat siirablo0 pro. .. .- ____ angZ 'sapler on, "Superstition and in the year before. light in Limerick. James E. Murdoch 'g lis en u- ITKl RY50TS. lac, wthPof ahfy' Glains Thr hv1be a thousand deaths was Of Scotch blood. Charles Mat. Address F. N. MAY COMPANY - e. The pant -- fom the apyri," and the list of heav. fromi choiera at Teneifoefth thwwaWls.E arL.D en Nurseryman and Propagators of Coc Rnmng, andi is 11he Hoview of Reviews for .u ory wýilr articles, while a sketch of thre Canary islands, ince the beginning of port and the elder Sothern were of Seed Potatoe, Rochester, N.Y. 22-5m repe, where it is particularly strong in its editoýrial "Early Life of Pepys," "lThe Cradlle of the outbreak. At present the epidemic Irih extraction. Lawrence Barrtt's bT al roduct rangVis resumet of thre closing events oýf the the Lake Poets," and biographical is subsiding rapidly. Trade has bean real name was Brannigan. John L. Tite ( rlest yait ntec racre. Sisal stirriug and turbulent year lm!):. 1r. [paper-n "Geo. Fox" and "Elizabeth paralyzed, as ships have avoided touch-r Toole, to My mind thre best living low TAKg y in &coOnt plants of value Albert 'Shaw, trioDitor, discusses [nchbald" are of both literary and his. ing at the island. comnedian, hails from Wetmeath. Ea. THOP wn on a large tariff revision, thre relief of thre un. toric value. Thiere are onJo or two short ry Sullivaemer f hemgh g n ng a Dub ltine Indeed I'I a lie lla.vana to. employed. recent strikes and labor stories, an, accounit of "January Days WThe sd eu o nrimeb eofthe ih t go on naming great Celticoot actors .& Or S mlexcelled in questions, thre Hawaiian questiou and in Ceylon,"ti1 ntes Pon h y n en omte tWs-for honrne; while 1I should find difficulty Belae e. t..BOOts-ou& S s podued s te dmiistatin' poicywit rear oLte astr f B lil" nd th'om ington have decided on a 2 per cent. in putting together half a dozen first. to that subject, civil service reformi as poser Gounod, and duly followD ing ionl10cne abgon400;on ad- classtage celebrities of Saxon blood. ---tt-n- lture and hier. applied to a diplomatic and consular several mnior essaye, the Magazine's a2 cents a a on whyisk arey You mention Garrick ? WhyGarc' fancy here in as well as other branches of the publicDusuai De partinents of Miscellany. Pub-aT2hets af8150packhonpaydo ingars.father celameY.rm Bitany hre thein I Jean tied up il) service, and a great variety of other lished by E. R. Pelton, 144 Eight St., etao 1.0prhoanoncg- People are asCetc s hy rei Gl it was only re. topica of the day. Foreign affairs are New Yr.Trs 5prya igetesesands. a wayste rei U.EDCL "d,' ' acts could bie briefly bult clearly presentedl, and this numbers, 45 cents; trial subscripton for The Montreal Witness, referring to, aA DER0r 1 W lhard it is to departmrent, entitled "lThre Progress of 3 monthe, Il. Eclectic and any 84 the prohibition plebincite in Ontario, a mBo » , i ocliisI h Wrl, pesns o oe wet magazine, $8. sy the retralt winlie to commit the OeoeduaomoMuon. ete4m in. 1 asked lpage a broad and frank treatment of - --ReYform Party further than heretoforeà»....... IN T HE ......R-m8oon for figures o.nafaier pohitical and social from Canadla SCOTCu BLCK. to the prohibition cause. The Conier. 89"wma - ..adc'o'.a ' têre within 4(ltL, apet wun Atmong thre portraits - vatives will be opposedto it, and thuLs .u rtioo itn I Aloyan Bay mnteriersel are those of Hon \\ L. On thre ev eninig of Dec. 28th, a grand prohibition in forced to becomne a party Smi-Centenal V o/lumg. bus me land blonged\\àlo who gives his usame to the ne w concert and oyster supper was hield in question, with better chances of its be. --_m i I iver 300,IK tariff bill .\Nliss Clara Barton, the n aterloo schuool given undler the aus. ing carried and enforced.TI::s S000 acres irican hlead of the RedCross 4ocet y pices of a nuber of the young ladies A i-rcnaeothptpr@l-Is, l., wn, balance to Hon. T.P. Melonald, chairman of rtie and gentlemen of that section. It WasA& i. eretae fth:aueree.NEDrO A to be boughit\Nw Jersey State Board of Ar bitration; a suiccess in every particular Th mnt of Dakota and Minnesota, learu-N EW Y R EDGE R Ï LUNE 1q.r a cash H on G. Robertson. Jr, chainnuan of Young ladies sustained the reput ation otefvrbe t faana o it er h edn lutae o an Bay-a ton ; r.ArthurMarsalamiC berr, by hehsubstatl repat they prc g d.the Cty alleHd ouon.teo rovide for National Family Weekly Paper teoayu g Filerte thle wild chairmar of the Enghish Coal owners. The supper Was beartily enjoyed by all, tient. Several meetngs Of the City of Armerica. -...... two feet in Federation, Mr. J.R Sovereign, newr whale mrth and Rood cheer, mingled connii bve bean hld recent yteaKr. ...O FARM- 1101 11 Surkeys are as Master \\orkman of the Knights of with kind wishes to alH, went round thé a o h rmtoo rs CONTRIBUTOR80OF THE'ILEDGER. s N Y But that Labor. Mr. T. V. Powderly, formerly merry board. Dongald clatd in rto supply those jig to work T o i endMaster Workman ; Senator Hoar, of as chairman and performedhsdte ihtemaso anngalvlho. agvsol atal MEA DOWVAL E MILL, snceba dwo'se.Masslachusetta; Mr Henry White, lat*. in a masterly style. Anuexcollent pro. Tue a h o nwih ilcnrbt auha rtr h tdlssmmer, lis making 00.are, yof the A nerican Legation in London, grmme wasprovided and ably par. protestouM dwdbe 5Waled &YMtbwfhereturn 1894· ta te Ledger daring at Flori heCut a adjoining\Mr. John R. Proctor. of Connecticut, frmed. Mr McIntosh, of Georgetown of Mr. Margimam M.P.for W«. seuingoo e tho, atMaia e e est advertising medium inenI ,20,000 acres the new cbairman of thre Civil Service took a prominent Port. He la you; Mr. Martn's hrete wad svrtt 'taa Prof Fe111.L osaald at 88.0Perrel, when tDg, Whet , 2t ' st 'ndividual Commission;, Mavor Schieren, of Brook. Man of muuual talent and ability s a fle a Petit ifho did Mnounsehia in. Oisra ns aaBooM.]r$. is bbtt PayorOtsinn, ea F-Ie, nearyly hn .Rey.vDr. Charles H. Parkhurst ,comin singer and actor. Hi£s so usento esnre the relette,O uof f GeD Mn Ewrerpn teHget pie sland. Nery i Dml8Rmsnsertayofae eeecednlywllrndrdn heCnsratvs o oCril.ie.H"rhsDPri.eTh.n. ur ayt It inow the Gulf coast, noticed except rose bushes Mn grounds are oleander, that maintaininga month, are ripe tomatoes vegetables are andfsibing arm ations, and the warm as that o ï ~rigorss ex terrann."ho and fl f Sam with health-sa and they h fave Christmas cracklers and fi glorious fourth. Besides the northern peole MM land, on which 4 literally under thi trees. A number Co and clnzto acrquired lards i ls Pass, and the in with their fl coirmb thing writerli, ruechian4 earne-rs in thea chlubs, borticultur J M ever>else they associatiotns. J.. l'ays in twa or arnd while the me .the club acruires- adv antages offere« Gulf coasts. By enouigh rnontey te. -on .a suffcient oa have decided UO ingpurchlase og andptd ni one of their ..i sertedits iat wijlljpay incoe., A...urraherofCa4 have already setti the largest raising State are now inV4 hilities of the Guo its great advanta covenence to 1'niteýd States and] ion was recentlyloq tuolinspe¢t the vino Texas, and lafter 94 they reported toa th that this is the ho Many' ,individud - V Eitldstateshiava vai fr it r com ar fvselinà I tut rtiro 0o1 Jlartidl-ihvinai rapdl. ,orinstu "2wn grapes in Ew fir, hre thlree chatl.huudliat 815 Sacre4 inl fruit tro sne h a, Malaga, Tlok'ay,'FavneToke ago aipornIen one of the greatesi in his line, came la for a vmeyarel. liea 11 ta.ces.anel pronoq Linvestment at S8-1 cosraievalue th1 irrl iiir ij r after , a b1ore a rI irumavj oun, or 11,000 lb Ib, 7r.00 lær sas pa t., togoodi var* - can 1 f r hasdlone lis Ti"ooýniteand 'lu ionof ),rba w Lw eeables, as fthsof th. tom]i tropical, aloi lmany t to offer au liinited I twill be tmany yeasi Af itris rutsgrow the derlunmisof Tex sa i4i true of tuait cture of cassava,9 is ma<le, lhas ohtaà will hecoine coinmç thuhthe present local consuronption. ',rl>ag"hate, albthe i c nn oIv s1iced, unlli-uA ,ithand halhing anel otherwiN r ioinAri- na, largly hipp lt brng $0 a ton. frotn 10, to l'à toisl hængui, raoiadOW f-r their hbre , will iw -egol, inthis regioun hengrown hlise millity, bot very liq Týhe reason, thatla etreare in theu that all the land ho ýrvat stock raniches,q -ently that atiy sm* purchased-ý. [To hoq n rusChristi aga 00ar fland au nusMcatlino north ]fisaidall ae 'lndouldsel# op>lat :,anaivre, st uiLt. o -he inallest lu that stroech wod paietof M0,000 abolit the landl south inost attractive regiol rai>e viocs grow fa lia#neter, and the 19 nuerons as blaffl country belongs to who has 300,000 aoý Then Mrs. King besides 300,000 ao county ; hier estate being probably the holding in the Un twice as largo as RB all the coast for 1604 Christi to the norti covered by -Lare!rAs interior. An.acqu me a bargain, of la is inteetdl ti mileswiean

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