,UME 33. co(:NTY OF HALTON, 13ELL & P a-1n Main Street, one, s .. " ..... .. ".......-.... 1yer............... c-m a. ... ... &rlrkg l l ssem a4 We.epg 1 lM tinX bhar jt m a : - t ....3s"'th ne M s b teiieastunset .... m It at M t is u h set. @,- îalahe,%a t i.gåmtseul ..a same afha. Toite Busbd st Is tiwm DÉ llt er " agris me eeus sm ha. sa Sitat nthing sense was e h-r •• aidI, tit'I th »B ate pa-wam y ¥ i hegmga as ià6my wn*tale, act was eaWace ON, . par foott, ali så e btsolthe si b lfv'pendmmed a W"esat maqlbe a New a s be in courtly symmMIN warranted to . The t t ehm ate ngismaà1a -mals. hîfm98e a ahwt QUALITY M BEBT lIR îýi-et Ait.ay weighat, e nya ye m e.gin temm . .6-9-à e av.-- utimaplmes tm wet .madmum k-rtae Buck Saws a o,5,0 marius i.Bdik* se1p0n0 -e1-2 3e. I utoa l and a umdtoa st e ta# blades 26a. ' 7-inflot files k10 w 4A , .1.1 B. p - i maid pe nsd m-men ndrmyan aganen n1Thewises et two f 's09am emfor hai-nes 8S. ans iesim o 6.*9Nigttv6. eeas&MadtM t ms 9y f theAmeamton Ie m a1swbtat so me f ampaspa"h 1 Ilma pthsdmtP"E* Se Pm'O This outait in one of the handies> o abs out yi 4 It Donué"n - hélé MYou yw ou ininsre erneous.The bem blahhngY eiunget. utnm 9ahom etee auc p thrad nedls, wl,aetc., .21 bolta'ts mavglassin aH or téo a" luked if gult Of Brook in manifest, uadyouir "o e nwor hn n MM*@d heone, "hsbillet asPooe$r et i aterha hrps ordin sise. ont nails and wire pîÉin' all sises. a8 s.8in. out nails 1 temony in which You admit you s&W aied." ho resumed in tiumph. "And am faut os Yi MRanis kto the captain." -enough toe lle idetaldm ovr 26o ary hemomteh, llgl#s,6 _.Blnke e 6. e«. &WhBh aa hesr heabod. " evrhaeadbina On thehill at the veary moment; fofr giving it this turn, gret Mr. Davi. "les tatfor th catersa bok agaInit akingthe t es titý,pw nesonsforaies 50-.1e1.Stamped ma manf, Aa ises. ut«bowls. 4 Ibs anote of it," madshe. "Whistl it allWill certify his hanging.", you most not suppose the governmsent tke eOther. s nesae aii h O¯ I" O clS .25. Haliers, tie ropaeflin 80, upwards. Horse brushe. Best through. And nOW Once again," 'she "It will be rather ill to hang him tillof Great Britain and Ireoa n H«evr« would sem sate," retuvrnedthe str of I rsthe escam engine wh tré S a " «Mste combe 16o. Stove pipes 19o. Spades, ahoyels. banure forks, &added after 1Ibhad donc s. you catch him," 1 obered'"and for bie stuck for want of evidence. We have As.HmadSmnaeseig.aeatmte nteeryrd a pr , 000. es. ~~Th-n shepicked it out open the key. other mttural I very willing ou.fte e mneglylaeyumnhr h ilserotterlvshm"n l e - OmserSheit5 ls or 5c»d a.tnny..urpris. i..tatly.en. to your own impre.son.- sa..diret th..-. 1 airect, if Yeu "I think Prestograngeisg-0egyte. ocas wn ch.a dmit.ust.samandthe con- 1it as richShl.1 Is o 2c eed the Dame with well sounding "The adtke has been inormed," lhe Prefer the phras." siOh ecn."ellhv aesdni ater. A boy nun idH n. . le e We have the lorgnait stock of tinware to bechad an eke-dust pas, chor& »ad s«nats»shbeplayed with à went On. "I have joist cOme fromn is "so nOW yon are to Rues& your partb More in bed with hiisnext." y traiost"i .a b s pet milk pans, pails,Doillean, kettles, dippers, tact kettles, hilera, saucepans, very droltexpression Of broutanecent. race, and heoexpreed him..ailbefore glory if You ohoose Io die. On the one "Wel, it's neither your affir m orI;ovemnio te engin and himle ana.etc., etc. In the soidat of the mosie one of the me with an honnet froedons like the hand life, wine, woomnsad a dotkisto min»," &ay% the St.I ie rtuaitarraugi%ýè of a~Yô* n.MI Ho Bak k ..yugrsimnWho Was at a window greataaiinoblman tatie is. Ho spoke lhe your hand gala; on the other, a ropO And they Polrtd the one upon hi satrings cnected with the walking. bsa- Comes to na for Faire, Mitts, Hrseae is, Sates or anythmng inover the clou, eriod on hier dollars to of you by ame. Mr. Balfour, and de- to your coix, and a gibbet to atrerad-adthe other back into the mam,!7wonpedanshthe k- mlwinter gonds. come quil, for lthere was "Gray eyeis clared hie gratitude beforehand in os ouToesoadohi*uisloet os•awonheZ:ue %lard naki ela , to 50c. Chor ing M itts reduced to 25c. pr. &gain." The whole family trOOPea you would lie lnd by thoose who u.der. gtory te band dow. to your .l-à - hi 1ksa a s1 osbl.I a perationst of adigiit-ing sud releasing dividual, C 10 ~~~ýtrn .therlat, ne and ,erowded one another sadyu wnitrssand bthose of inthe future tht was ever told about 'e oeadte er edn or sam. Bore a Hre js a chance now to bu7youroelf a good comofortabe rigmtt oralok hewnowwer hy h ou sowuchbte haln-hre ann Adsehre"eodJamesMore, to whom I thought 'Mr. TUE FInsT SIænr. 'OMn mus These mitte are faced with bnekskin, horsebide, gosakin, hgkn t. ae itd hn he The moving of a distant signal by and ae wel lind. Evryonewho as evr bee i u sweknowtcran was in an odd corner of that rooml, self. Gratitudeisno empty expresson in a formidable shrill voile, • hs ymon muetbaepontd, reyoemanofawrsemavryime seeo., il these gooda. We have a great deail too many of them and are offering them gave above the etac oradak nta otheproceea ae ae ht uloto ypoaBo nPinl extremaitea ie.Igenaitytevn t t i ic iterie at just half price to clear them all Out. Pice now is 25c. a pair. adthe clos®·.. sy you know something of my name Lok at te nameiterai -it inthe name b and railroad engineersCooutodevineesat. "Come, Mr. Balfour," they cred, and clan, and the damnable example oLereat DavidI eve, the ink My scalp enrdled among MY bir, andfaory eans"eatingaditn STAN EY M LLS C . come and.ee. Sh. in th. mont beau- and lam.nt.d end of my late father, te .caredry yr,.. Can yougestnnae onx oette lo epdi inauntil a working signal ansho11- «1 e S A L Y M L S & C - tiful creature 1 Shte hangs round the say nothing of my own errata. Well, I JItisheWa rrn for your arrest, which me to remember Catriona. Poor laus, iet a the wlay. it a o a te% an m 8. close head these last das, always with have made my paceiswith that good Ihave but o louctis ball beside me e ahe Ito t erd for prett àilaL4 pbed somne distaneapr Min ome wretchedlike gillies, and yet seems duke. Ho has intervened for me with t aeeeute nthe pt.hinidfesbl ,icod. Wa a tasa n osv isl h rul Sae HOT ELS. quise a lady." Our friend Prestongrange, and here I the Tolbooth on ti aemyGdytmr naaali o emdh fw n r es IBhd]n[nedoofookBnither dia I am with my foot in the lstirrup again, helpi yon, for the die iscaut." Waspeardt sv i orqareande a crude arrangemnt, oy which he CO MRIA T , na ove:niITx cilo. look twice or long. I was afraid selleand some of the responsibility shared I muet neveir deny that I was grat.by the worst of chnteand sthey it a:,abl . A o itaisw tuop at e MITO,- N.. might baye meen me there, looking into my hande of prosecuting King ly horrified by no much basenes,a nO y .ut itryngt dvSeom. means of protect- ITN,-NT. capital (SlU paid op) ............g1,250,000 down open her fromn thast Ghamber of Getorge's enMtises and ýavenging the lote mach unmanned by theimmeiaey and fillese oth-and tO complète Qu .iso itranstanding at stations happelnedt Choice Wines, L'quors ana Ciga rs uerve Fn...................... 65,o0 music, and she without and her fathier asring and barefacea insait tlis mj- ugiisn.s of my danger. M. synmn badalunes, it oseemd myself was packed out o a h rim ioarrangementsd The botehaas -beall neIy arited .. in the sea house perhaps begging for esty. aljready gloried in the changes of MY to be the victim. aPple it ie-rigo iiatmi and furnihed.an.rn : vc-Pebis life with tears and myself nome but' "Doubtlegs a proud position of your bue. 1 make now doubt i was now no I baueanteonal swiftly and et ran. 00d Martin JOHN DEAN, PROPRIETOR. r e G o0.1. eanel aomteecigrispeitos.fahe'ssA,' aybIledietanmyCir.ptupecra.ntm cncibsonyrfa esrefo rsaptaiue obn..rsos la, and Il-- Bas. callsfor all tranin. Terms41, s edy. Good (Toroto W.Gibson, M. P. »elOvement, air and the open coun ,ý my 1 rdiferthn m %ais.Thte chooner Wallace J. Boyd, Cap- comertl Im. Tlphone onneton. J. T.ans.L., Caahier. H. B. rvx .t ahe.But even that glance set me in a better He wagged his bald eyebrows at me. sides tremblend. . ,, &I ato pe an in Gofrey, arrived sat Philadeilptua H . M. weex, nco. concit in myself and mach leus we of "-You are pleased to makre experiments "ýThere in a gentlemen in this room," try. recenaly trulmiMontevideo wi-th a cargo Deposits receiyed at marrent rate of the young ladies. They were beautiful, in the ial1 think," sid hie. "But cried 1. "I a'ppeal to him. I put MY CATR I. of ones w iç ew'gathered fromt thait iETEINl, iNtreBs discounted and advances made that was beyond question but CatrioDa am .here po dty. I am hère to life and credit in his hand$." 1 MAKs A FAUI.T IN HONOB, .loed by ctw ofyand ha osuitable seenrities. was beautiful, too, and ada a kind of dshremduy in good faith. It is prentnangbsut his book with a b it, sw eII as by ailtathe saitor.,says theé Mue. 60 JOHN P. CAMPBELL, "Drafts on allparte orf Canada, United heaftiniess in her that was likas acoal in .ain you think ltodivert me. And -onap ."I tldyoa , y m on"si he.I cae forgh, I vow I know not.orpeoiac r ita otr lr pife Status, Great Britain and the Contiment of rire. As much s the otheres elt me elyofraYoung fellow of "You bavaplayed your hand for alitothagy. usbgwi rsermtecrg Va.Ernur SulnntN' of Europe bought adsl' dw h itd eu.Irmmee randndabItinlklorelago a orh n ouae o.Tesnse ofoy Own tO.s an g%nd Teiat rate vrotthbe quarter 1 hae balisa eases of Domeber. Afi1 als.eFirmtre'enotesndiscoundedmorereason- •lie weut" n, "I"wswishnYou to-be.msomewhat uplifMyedpmy itpiri utobut no o 61,1he shlp. Thenseamenrarestwwas d.,- ' Caus p ptyattended t. able rates, and Speial attention given IhdtakReaiywihhrtI soemth einm il omoeDviewn n uc tth et fi teewa nhrbd ndfrun- t .ie h n m o totethe collection of commerial paper. ud ae no hand of it with these than 10 years drudgery. The shove in lieve that it was by 1no choie Of mine m . Ah the life fortunate menudaredrnotrest themselves as Omee he Thomson HoueCllections made on al pointe. n it was perhaps something? now at your command. Choose what you were subjected to this proof. cmlc butm a n a their tbunk- for fearuof eing s ung by ai St.,ilton'• = drsan assmed a blak business to e a t &alle- one of the miyriad» of these bugs. SAVINCS OANK. thait own fault. My embarrassment you will do to bie adivanced im. The wish you coul undesa ow in For two soule in particular Every effort to ridl thsip k)Of the . L R.TELFER, e*,tteersi and P«,arýds recivsdatuitestbagant to e a Blittle mingled and light- Duke will watch u pon You with the am that You should comte forth from it g owdgTeene asmyslf p Agu ansuccesful, and even e1 GEzo. W. -BRENT, eued rith a sense of fun, and when the affectionate disposition of a father.,' with no uch credit. You may not -Yb rindes ad os aon an. a i tewv re le h e epk VgTsaUNAay SUjiGoN AND DENrIST. AG-m, Mlo*mother smileat ma tromn her embroid. "I am thinking that I lack the deil- quitsee.1ýhow, but i ealt f&Si-t lii ae o her w-aslethe ogrdheong inseclai. vClimti cha had no ca42 r (Giradeont aaitriary-"conead ery, and When the three daughters en. ity of a son," baye I. vice to myself, for had our friend hemrse h fJmsMr.Ihdseete aee ntetbleta Al di.els fdanmetilaaimahtratdon N OW I S T HE T IM E bout toMe Hâte ababy, alU with "PaPS*b "And do Yeu really suppose, sir, that beau MOre uces.fulthan I wu lttltlsfairyetm vewwahe re w hoerad p asthe[or thern the iltet pr11'ielias feterLinay cice Iorder's" written on thir faune,there the whole policy of bthis country in to bie night it might lhave appeard that hoeut téeOfbryt a aiO thyudmerereace w reredspon- ,yublie. Isae atfted Kirk OSOreJlr were times when I could have found it suffered to trip up and tumble downfor wasa etrud$OfMDthanad» 1d inoorlk apdi ofe satals oko .. m tai sretninFLOW ER POTS P"e.seh mHpparetune the samne e i This anben made a ttcase, in h rngstatos r.Sn n an I th o e on abe a r e ethe I cheswir n out d nolan ind, happglike, pleasnt spoken man. Ail who would prosper in the futurs mysaif, -ad1 know ou riafnd SY n d ,thatmomen bargaining his Tnat are regarid mvu a nartight, -BUT TElf CROCKS- - 'Now, girls," said he, "I muet takle must put a shoulder to the wheel. Look to bie ambiions," Bys le, As fg or ie ie f orme tmdeabndi ieho bley on bitoar üeship. Five Mr. Balfour away again buti hopte You at me:; do you suppose it is for my plea. lightly on Fraser's aoler. A .fer Th ifOrghtsnetwixtmthe girlond mind ixeimesoi bady all handswe BowsIndJugs have been able•ta persuade h. to e.suare that Iput myself i. the ighly in. thissaepa c naednyu ds e eooly as a wayside cdce b tiorrible priekln enton tsanturon, where I Shall always be gratified vidious position of prosecuting a man menteae ey m ngg ind r Ihll ancle e ouhonet lae d fengoflie vemn crepgoerth Ater und hm"lef that I had drawn the sword alongside behalf, and whateyer issue we calfnd appea ,d bars ki. Wiwn lthe vesseal reachied lier âsata. Q. C.--E|E0g- othe each paid me a littlefarith- of ? The choice is not left me." to this unfortunate fi a djmotm e tae y, Ilf rol o a iheaugheru d- e ,imdu uofand notiin ing compliment and then I was led "But I think, Sir, that you foretda edenst o. of my bloodfe, and, 1 might gay, My mship on a bone laen vesse. away. ~~~~~~~your chnceeWheyou umixed im with tnenakt Oodwr mrer X.esayasasa y haeae - If this visit toE SEthe family hadlbenthat lunnatural rebellion," I remarked. Theutse erMvrygond an f a udden e fc ppaedi y h dahinEgad.ecty o s meat to softeMy ràesitne, it was "My cas, is happily otherwise ; I am a could seeneides taothre wua aitl eory thd efae w a ad i en miTeargen and gcian fryomfdiph- ,,.SO.Ariving everyy WOO the worst of faiure. I wasn't such anutroe man and can look ither the adika love and peraps awithof the pau, rte ip.Attatwa ness "p cnact as urigteuaie d uno8 .. e but what 1I underaStod how poor a or King George in the face withoutcN- Wllomen eFer u a in my bosonand stregth finto teátion very forcibly to the triste run by amecia st.. ha mae, nd hatthegri ean.' - edto e. or ll hat wa logat, and I set recolutely forward medical men1intathe erfrmnceof ther would be yawning their J-awsfas son "Isit sothe wind sits ?"sad be. "I takeable thisnterview men the &0way toDen. If I was to hangPro" Lduthe bl sg R P R S as my stiff back was turned. I fat I protest thsatYou are fallent in the wocrat igd, ehapsr omroadit Was suret enough I ioufrm seire ta& doctors nextdoo toButter and Eggs taken in boa u-how •* rof *° ""°,",,i° n .,tyme gtwe yI ao'nitnha o wies street.exOhange for g00de. achance to provoeithi adsomething combat your allegations, but you muett&all methods, and now pesuaion so ha n dsea wih and ioutrin t holeay@inoveincn t of the sither stua, the stern and danger- not think they aret noloked pon. tory and menaces having ben ra n "I aa aPatient or myself, I1 entiroly escapedi in. I couldanot but Wonder what wold • . rtheoe»in romi dipltheria, and by mduc- -BUS. -with strong suspicion. Yeu myy o V6 . besid s ercue 01wa mig aa heethe uficamnwt hmIcn Well,1Iwas to be servedlte my deire, axe innocent. My dear air, the facts be their nextexpedient. Myeyes@c thought of my destination bracmai 'a u ted ýto adopt the samne plan 1 oftera e.tt door lmst for thame geeto Wh" hhe was condaet. declare you guilty.'s were Stilltroublaind my kne« es oeyet more, go that I began to pluck op oad the satisfaction of »sangematemaille loi me was of a different oharacter. "I1 was waiting for you there," said uneelihhdit f h o a lind of spirit. In onhe villagecofeDeanlustration.c1o deal , and I Moulda do nO more thlan .$tereitnit in the bottomt of a glen bc- calldet 5 o'clock one morning to --CHAATF4R VL * "The evidence of Mungo Campbel, mer the unme formn of word, "I Put MY aide the river, I ingnuired my way of a muet a family doctor ,and aunrmment fIre ad nd T N G r.- -.--Yegua- e----u- - --n---"m anr-- seSa-t m--op the hn··arem" ta cdew'he h' e ° a Pes-mureryou log curs of'serey- Wau wel,"say he "w mut tyopon the farther aide by aplinpah .hoesister bad died the nighit before m 1,.&*Th.d l.ta-myn waiting u -..M1Mr. S avna,,daosv.te. A.a in the manhile Md so to a a.oike small bou.. in a fromt diphath.ria of1the larynx. Wu Ravina IgBae nà a nperioir tomgranges study whomIbOhagablot let relurnto enter«..tho(a Yougardenof lawns and appluere. My deuddtuopore c hIe surgeon pro thie dl.,h gn åth hebuta e itat a hslook, Wlei e àDavid :Balor. Malis ntba' n ru ns m harW-a hghahIstppdilie the final exa onof thethroa. whn ..- maT m E M MO an earwg. go vu at" "aa tia. y viciséubfriend, Mr. SyB", who aid bnalspakm.rdant bedge, but it fMU low indeedMalagbs aeunmtd1slvn he eseaeadvrymc fa mtheher Mst ndan dye.idsa- Wm a-etofomwih-a BigsMBotseand souoly Jusinns a te t soato m fsns t mannCHbMPIO N "imm What I do t.I yad aCes sicM" me»saUn sInt mysIf, WhoaMd cgiea dlady wlldng thoeein a agasve opn1t. a lam of id ntago-n th fç Ay d fgIni.a aasmau To-t orgas -in iteasynHeodby madrather amed a whteth wie aman'shatstrbpped 1am sl fie hicâconmno Ahyovoookwhiu@$"cis he. hold am'AI monol pn"thtop f it no pand w bsell.hut"Weosla -se mO0F 1CE m..wh-nshoe- ocaa - aefeinda.the, ,ourim,.d.. ma.te. alonn----t me.be- di-7y Ilas esd.) we-_srg-omgeltoi,"bi atus, muto... heThe advenae reenedm s aheart.You lokok a lyor eyes wa family.- Thog- 0" g caff"t bve been asailar. i 2...me, fiend ay. r. r.David. YODu»SIethe grave na a...more ocos. Isved and ho el.tamongus dong ,Our eîo pýo t,>in Herele-«-o, Frase," $ ab.hemasMr' gmUow nearerthan yu hadRfoni-btohave ncyWungwoman yLenoxde 1 he u a t tidn muas mo athat.e b .tm 1 nm D.B. t d mth1 P 'i nte.th «rtis smnt tIl Ph1se of Xo,Ptryd i Il. accmpay rderfil E ALH w> m-a oc, c. 1 ."lornChacer, SilrinpBloc, l aftI em-,Q . . ATHE conty an A .el' A 1 7 ory ..Imic in c rtiouJ, mit BurrIer, tc., NXII der1, Nfur. t . , m . Al , LIDLAW & ' T Bma Etrne , E1 ll" i-t Q1. . . LL . MGL, MB. Go'p U.HBETO Rw. P. SUART. Cluu' rgSoe tamn the cO /AR E! )RGETOW y Every Th' NOV. 30T ngt aLdvertisemen er, and their har e branan w it quick. mi never heard of b sill so riryyOuha Fmrs ýtd Robes. L-, 1nis ,in R>eady- n tsfor $ 50 eoarlap sea a olys' leady-mnade $1 rnl00perk i-l Gre FIa id yard, w ,E0D &00, 11 7 9 ,j 12- rk of Hto "OOtWe Ìi( c('tænli tU o &So leme TACLES , Street, m4