abo $2 an dNqst bou Oc; F0 &Te; 1 MO lle '1 lel. W fer 81 DI SPFTS-1OO and $8 -tfor $5. Ma"yo TO ETS-10 plese,le4 q0oei ; $2.60 »dtiPonei- y0r r #1.75. Theraronly aboutý m5 sets. CA WEEPERS - Tho but c'rand isubs af Csepet Bneep- crsg y for 2. sr, ume aflon us te setuerate anue t disianigileu an ià. ef ve arem tug the gooda. 1-ner lot of godonthetMMein bc. tst the s.ssle. 60 alSt.,W.Halt. er is prvaleut ai Dtudan. ad .McKomies (marohant 1lU bas ibree tonus ef mal. Lcs uPECTOn RzYNOLDS WUa in DAo nsEc, of the G. T. B., bas lad a attack of grip. Yoer, tios in called te Wm. fleesu suother clumun. Mou. TAyLeR, of Grand Valley, is e1o few daysaet the Hecéay. Fozu, i, of Toronto, bas lieus epeedi hilidays nitt bis parente P'oo CoAvoux te reeoverivg fomb su ad use eut te voeson mlonda Do as are bay et Water. Uo'u. sable canines have beeu doe la isce let Sunday. WNe ba been sppetuted peut. Woter watie, insteati et seatt. '.t p r sas reperteti latsly. CWoe D.-Wautsdtu l purchase ooy qe ut firstelasa liks Clever Scud. la F. C, OUano, Millan. W.ve . sie out agate, liavieg heeo la r abeout tna wek by a Revero oongestioneo e lange, hu. ,CJe C..uvn,,s Carol anti telI, broahin g bis rigbît testI ItAL.-AC&eMy board caunas, colore, brushas, stc., at stoy snHardware, Milton. '0. &YDzeNae, woehiaslatsly edoo Ediuburgh, Sootlnd, j'as f 'apactneship ulit Dr. Stoat82 Tlie of the HomseA01elotom. jpa tsdtteusssiat thetown bialles0 y evenieg ssxt i 780 S atteni ane ereqotteet.1 c Xmas prsest&-«htt eo Igent' Peas Iabt, oas imes al staI blie's., conere ae-t.,MaIte De. aller belng acbeite biis b titeesefor more mea mnoh, for lbe Seul"tinto ýlood anti mate a feu lNew yor Jou& o, Haftta'e a r4*er 1893 ' pueteia, ti=ngbits final orkn hlahewa f«Ing crimi aaaouateslieti hpoér 000017 Mess Hleouns, of Ancetet, bas colo t for bresaabof promis o cnaret tF.0.FA, ie, et Wair Wo ouemertieti reently oa ae. jBU Sroeee-Any titltce unesfrbith sideul' ,uoltbu bisoft5a seat for &a n ~ li ~:1 tada te dla et cxRV. :Op Tour fuelMntihve e The"suss Da t N Pus, .S, L - ett as *0 petton »uobem e slbr, ut ao 0 lof uil Hasillsukae esos.MaHp 2 irise dnt. te serve wih hi sakb g bt y heu va Ttet as »t ues t eidena " dt.gutalaie nar ge' la: an ier, 1 m peraent~ Ses 4 at .riee te r.tlurpr lai'C5me. laht rd amas aulars. ps~eltige a tillnotio u tte te A utP Oa. I.-gHSiel s ea.s te MgEb S a Iu ith euiosn and sas, uile siti ngan the isuetdm Ts oue tses servita I &H Idaey Haatl.Thm restrse . Mxrupsstur aJiis c.Te uit spse.Thê e tlsya of a rua tWehr aniirlgienaetsl cedntileas . fa. t bot s s. et5tiesaM.Ca shsibIas ona la.T ithrneu cfSt. ei aila- lsu ses.I bro n o ig e o.18, bave tursvei Iala 4 Sereu Suaanfo illanp=ep uttore teorsela1f.nehe hsherin dis Pet tmee " n forb lt Clair . A. C ar N> 0t utMnis onlyti sb 70 ul shaei tMhd. iehllell o W Pamer, 8 ing 81. W., odnilb e aidi o theby es.oW. Bmm.ImmHauttlMr.,CWrgm liut see, fr and a ster, os d thegr ecul ahe . eluth e les a he. h 7Latie an enaî5 t., us 5V stheetpohe o dy. p T e ulsea1n lafg nurea sen, o uGI bu PO pontaitlWeil heaie 2 ru seul. ata prl d e d.D . 1 sdi metingfo et the aesFtemr pet0raie.h tamser 85hfuthes eepy Insitsil th o t ho uasndinteasart>elabehi antie die eue ent erinsent", or 1sitio rn e f aui«las ei evsis, t u bre t. Ai fuiSt.tu0ait-lestuen Ee .5-h euhl Toasget o. 8 ave emerter fuli.aenswl UdunT iyselga nbrtutaasfie ne hllithe " 8-ote esaenaiteetefrttaneopaies tr Blot GrSs.Cla uLL .Cstg seNe.Ia uning uld astdhurah Sas wday Saaaul. ChiltiM. W.f aunais 14s Bodeonutevee h ise-The fa verngthe netts, forepe1, hp ssloaeding e.tA .&M-.G.Nelportait momiel beud liforn "biah the W.~F redsriakParusa.W.o';Saret rSanevetiasriati i t-hfl e biehl7a tho meetinJ.WftW. HastuiguiTes'porat ihfei ne fr6 re itibleiauean B.tiut S. thiek o.;rtiboueggChp. hes. Anubu i bseelo a Gnduth frebison . ertetinFuanceJ-D prSiting.h talesauuildescrmipati J.eco' W. ott Hend r l . ic . R. O. cftE p rogramme, nue ppoprall Stewart antiJete lsteards;W"n"Ilsîset an t eeti. very nindeeon Jeseph ToîrtI;Jh n H. Cae u eeep. A oldofatentertamt *anl blaull, s. b ueuch suprian ea y othur, sasess Tan Usiy CNàee.-Tbe foll. ladith ero, mHaliatWte evn in etusmere 0f edi BzrdisROn hmuntier dlbaies tdsMle auuuailfrdits PesarHnensgDamelr. Muical Aesaaio matet iks thit Thomss, JohW.W.Barren, H. P. Lausc te dis papulre tOiut . .e, at TeGa DR.binoaB. Sahneort, J. M; artin he tbleaux wingasihmor art J.oW. eNderon, . W Gaiti.; R . la.uof th e rogrammew pokscf y bth Stw;assandeJohn Jas.Steuasien, P oreusan p" ati Iedis snel in Joses Tolhan, .G. onH.btso;luCamp. yla revr mng h bell , . Malt, Juhu Mec. vien s ar eai ee beln Tsuz o GearaouNs, J-e Barbup;tu toti, ubtle r Wetd esatl a di iqartesh.B esasse; Enrofthe oaT. bog np fdites picetofselte Mrie Adile fe. Denml al slare .I.tvseteCnd i id is fardai li. . H. P. ai' u oren34"e'r atttve deu dise uteun. . . atin- Doge ; Noel@=ulsnzW G.nastit.Ar v. letsrtalnente. h e "kq f lteu th teg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h tegoulaiw~t..8'ti ansnte 0mngen- D.. Iiestlb.,givsn .sbpsdaih.amnd (Tpe a Matlâ, se Johna. antb Hoest, merin te, timwarrng r Ar46». sua ltoin, 'ftT. e OflaI .sn te vs a re t he A caethi ue t ares i*0Cii olt dsU V iis i uinadbuor te. suelrlts o â by otBer Hteonetisa T he feautlied a * elsep$lOttM..Ut.LW ape 0081180, OffiOf .sJIe5e~fl rihev. 0 . Bpido h Gad.pr -j Ae na! sein to gos Treit. dM ran Itsa, feMct On ,0 07délen rIt bat, a un Una cst or silh 1Xmas gifle. uer KngsnMa Jas uterHa~ are the Bargains, which is now offering to, the people of Milton and vicinity. EN T- 1prompl ie* sn in Canada. Cail and see my usw stock sud compare prices. Boy your Xmas presents from me asave maney. Yours, Spedial Sale! -of My stock of- TWEEDS, WORSTEDSF ETC. , ETC. The stock is all new and must be turned into money. C. :E- 7r mI TmW =4 mvto=- BASTEDO & 000 We do nat propose to sail gooda at haif oothing or even leas than cost, but we do assure aur oustomera that we will not b. undersold. We ain. to please our patrons, and shah as ini the pat keep up with the times regarding LOW prices and tasty gooda. We ask you ta, not only sean but study the liasafollowing and act: Srm.. ... le Wsmms's WssI Hase... ..20e Blashetg, per lb ... . ..80e Batwla...bc ..heayy 25e Grey Flanne .... 12J OuartntsDow ..... .5 Lemen Peel.' ..... 180 Boys' Hevy Ribbad Hase, ail aises. 124c Flaneeletta for... ..108 Dates, 4 Ibo. for ... . ..25e Girls' Meavy.Casbme*rë4, ai se. SOc ' .. .. 80 New Fige aud Note Ladies' and Chiltirens Weol Mitts 121c Priete for ... . ..100 1 lb. Tin Batttg Pontier.. 20e and Gloves. 10e ... . .. 70 Splendid Tus .. . . ...25o MnssWiater GIvres.Tal ilo .. .. ..30 8BSottiese10o Extracte .. 25e Mftte. TbeGlil. .0 lipiese, Caudias, New Fruits lt.wool Underwear #1.40 suit op. 2 Ply Vate.... 500 8 OasPsee,Cornor Tomatou for 25o BoysShirt and Drawere,a&lsie. Bargais tuDressfloodasud Tweeds. CHEAF SUGÂRS. Largetck Messa Flasuel Sirts. Wids Table Lises . ..850 Dmnner Sets aud Tea Ware saddFaney Chin for Weddieg and Xmas Preseebo. A large quantity ef Drieti Applea, Butter and Egga wanted. A First-claesFrieze Overcoat $13 Th'oasorebave Doltlies tatiu uth nustheultbginn.'rppoteaiatniv urmt, let-claas Blk Striped Trousers $5 A E R'*FT ~ O I »Ma. Goods at your own prices, »M- Everything eut to fit. j Balance of my Underwear sud Top Shirts at COST. Thie je no catch penny, but a bous fMe sale. Fit sud workmanahip guaunteed. Ternis af Sule-Cash. Bought at 62-2c. on the Dollar. W. have a large Baukrupt Stock in Toronto ai 62je. o the dollar,. cone'isting of Drean Goods, Silks, Satins, Hosiery, Glovee, Ladies' Underwcar, Stape, Ilrizats, Vesta, Man's Usderwear, Ties, Cailara, Linens, Flanuels, Millinory, Jackets, Carpets, House- furnîshings, etc., which will b. sold at suoli prîces that will open your eyes and purses. THEUIRSDÂ3«rY MORNING, JÂNUARY 4 Housekeepers, note the date. Fathers, mathers, keep this sale in mind, as yau will nover have aucli su apportunity af securing such bargains. The entire ixtock must bit cleured ont in 30 das. MoKAY BROS., 55 & 57 King St. East, Hamilton. FORSALE ~i5liEse "Mseqn~' Applyts * n. w. CAMPIELL. To FÂBMEBS O~y. i *MEUBL -Sp- aqdi4,rffl Goods. k slE