. I I gilj Im g lo e _ý fi.-, - - MILTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1893. NO. 25 PIG o UND à sY :FoErUM , or G E etio cO nrenIvej e osst1 V01UI E V e a __ ___ __ 4ý 1 Tir- X«h@M »*@W» f«-»»Mber. aïdLFS OF RAILWAY CARS- NC AS À C - J rHE APPLE' . S MANY VIRTUES. ý i nâ i , - 110USEAND 110111l, Tà,,ýn . FORAGL M is, et 1. àý-ý1.11Y U..f.t la R«--.I.q Ifý âmo«g tbo, »oubb mu" 'a " 1 ýý m. Y.£,.« ,£ Thi. c ... t" W..Id lrours, yo...- autissibler an, - F»md àý" Jur" O-,' ý1e ý 1 aarolémISTAN LICY ILLS & CO-si _ _ touriquoi ourc 357 mil- RESULTS OF EXPEsIMFNTS ssmdCAIIý tire apple 4 compsed of wu mi.ff- l llllll::e . le L m KMO ST. WILST, nu rr,"@,,&.7ý7ivb""&Iulolrboým " IIF-RY-r SýA O^ ýuIý in Use Train- râb W ,'by the 94 JOHN ST. SOUTH (beý ). Hainilton 1 SOME INSTRUCTIVE CHAT -.Ta lr&lwact tire bugium of the mil. STATE AGR CULTURAL STAT ý lnbi. ' a". J. B. = IF y MORKINS 1 ; - - - , JECTS OF FEMININE INTF ..ýT. ways," bai % E. A. Moseley, "e e ' -mu e I U.. ýr - cre-R hie 1 Ire, albumen. majeur. muni men ' 1 - chi y 1 - rnalic acid. saute acid, limt fer "i8ý _Ry T SUA 1 1 meulg Convention, I*the» were required BUTCH M >.IÇN IVF-S. Ik the ourvieu of 38,186 Jocaste- Fruits Fact. for FýmeýHgýly Cul muet 1 - iter. says The Nor% il Ameri- si, allumer illeqtftt@d .,Lma '1177 :p 'tir.. of rabiots 8M were am 1 1 " Pmcý,tiôner. Furthernius", -,-;,e= frc>lz inst at this season every Farmer'a attention is turned """« »" -1-1 »'h'- % Y..*% 1", ýe"r Dinan analyste say t et le the News-boysi by . Helon Camp. cyr7, .,r,-, ..t.d ý..Il P- 11%.Z es, Th- 1-me C. 1 con. "Il ý ýO . _. y MORKINr Ow we pný a Bourdial passensil service, 17,559 in f'pzyý -L_ý HALTO1ýJ, oli«T. ý to his Batcher Kni'te. N Waý lasse LIveus tu ýro n,»ý Tbes S" t Minist«,' and othar . î ..ýT-,"_ ý0, il - gý 1.1 Bt c cou '16 Otlm lves on the ex- vice and 6729 in yard service an in plansteuinans Leuraproperir arrairellissed. tai largerpercentage of s lunes articles - - el ' e ', - ïm _ ýý ; £=ZC)ZZ zy, .z....... a - 'S, -ý 1*1'o1 1 1 cellent knife we are enabled to ofier yo'ù this seuon for only o- a- 1)1-'V'r'd a" ]""i' oh' service net opwÀâed. Ta perforni tire . te, Arry other fruit or vegelable. The assulossesnommaissant of the Thirty- Forage corn la grown as f., ,_ pli las m la admirat4y adapted fer ro. Niath and F«ti" voiumm for 18". ng elle esserrintiai nervo-w limiter- AMPB & PANTON,: 2.5o ea. It is not so much the price, for plenty of bitcher m'y Dl-h-c' «rb'- A«- bly- pessimisme traffis of je 9 Country nay be purchased anywhere for 2r lut yý«r 28,876 oafflu are ploy and steak inotead of , Il bol intendedAaolteblye ulte rrhaps, for tire "Ille réunion, rude- in a tire cou L - .la th tes& ,P.ý".'.'$,b, s.,..ý'f ou .19M rom» in buardWg bourses, and y employment ta M. fer grain. and aguets ,il are ,ring O f the bruits and spinal tard. d ý m * vzee. of am et the aidâmes - )el but the quality Ti «À s IX&Rad»ov«i>ub- lie »me@ of thris wormen Who livre in tire treýgbsnatutovm utry gave i ý. titre of ly réus P...-. ulves M ; , 1 caralwere more attention than * on4ml, tires, old Seýudinavinu tros- habed lie Canada, la a very ettrong onne. article. It is a 6-inch blade with well rivetted imgf,,ran.oportuuity tu ré-ive and muired in the marin " of elle rai' .ays grain immy. Dot foldy L ' ditienâ reprenant the alq)le m the food Spm*al prominence le given ta Social 4V clýurI ,, atmet, - 4ý "' handle, the steel is th" nest quality of selected double shear '»remisa tiroir friand&, la legke,. loue massive& . 1 tint, and tire of CuItiýaqion ,,,,,Oný,.--r M o in ofivtiejetgoodetwrolio. when they foie thaurs . Lavosi, warden of the Kingston Poui ,_ Il - lino decidésai th" il n'av tals te York *'Puttinit the» figures in a " ýpend on a litiiit iugffflble .nuit iulirni.- Reform, articles by Hall. J. M. Gibson, - . jims of their nomber, mye The New more con ' t j ri __ ale, amie and ilefimite forin, %he jPýmOtiVý , growth titane ha made. Fil - o 9* fruit, reueving tireir . ý . steel and avery blade is brought to a razor edge and fully Worid. ' si un i.il-i..i -en a lientiary, the Trainiii 1,Rýfs.-gt a , 1. edir .... or willd. ras. ' United toit Colis gis larger yield tissus ni resàbrteil Le titis g of the Blind and ut..b-Ii warranted. This is the most convenient size thât farmers rend )am made an excellent b,-kisànillg lu of tire milwaya of the hoIý. Aise, elle Di,. ,, f,.;. th. L, a; assiette. P-id %bat direction. 1% .tIýer erop, and il Clin be grown over a POrero of alfnd And - I.Mutes in Canada, 1 Hard Times, ýl1i I..b.,% ', Z if marshaled, Ivith thuir tenders, liste a wileextentofterritory. Likeallot .Cids of site Apple are of strigular use of Their Cou» and cure,' 1 Profit Shar. - can use for hog killiag and seraping, and we urge you not Her main is--r w."-.%n ordinarY single finewould moka a train 857 miloiri alm, dous megiofaKlentary l-Litý. miroirs livens locking, moder.àtely large bâilsk one oit long. 'With the paýtiger cars r ported apecini croise. however, les v 1. in al,,tien, tia.e treille sierv. . S. to nogloct getting one of our 25e Butcher Knives Larger 0 rar sale sus à lonngp'oapnudlatrhoseliekne.ceA, innimudbiburgot arteroctlrela the me Me fluor lit air ordinary hi à' owlied last year, me 1 t ,,suite à, rai:s t m holly depend on leu boit,, but mous. urs Ea SI (1 RATE a ' ly est i:,; quality, and file actual food 1119 tru, w City up ta Date,"The New Antronomy,' knives at 35, 45, 60 and 75c. .. Lu Iàiýý'i n'à to eliiiiliiniente irons the bodv noxissus ýlL .ý housse. Site turned il into a ciiariiiiii, Liait wotild rel irons ý,ei éocs-aineti. Piý,fý,or Arimi of the là. ifet:,iiiýd. -iold russe ........ ý.: . ::ý- :ý ý 4ý . dýýiiient by tire expossititure of a greai 15 mil a of Plisiadolphiel. Peansylvanin Agricultmal Experimelit t'le t'mon helvy nad ýlul1, cl' brune u 1. etc., will be treated. Three serieds. ail eud of time and thought lâna toi» s;iýî.._, 6'But L-le sourit wondurtril flirures are- . isdiýeof'§kili e.,I.tà,àýi.ni'dà'ti.ý and a number of short atorieàaud 4 00 op of lier new winter frock. 'l'lie twd brought out by a siquil; rari targui t mon, lins given fins Bu o , ý 'il : es .:: ý-.-:: . ............. .. in CROSS CUT SAW S ý un siject trio atteil- ]il 1. 1 ion duriiàg the pist tiuoj yeuses, the Il Il trmbles S,,uIý 1sýoch exi,,.ri race sketches by poralar writers, wili &W 'la 4 ** - ,ý...,*, ý:-ý is fo The most poptilar article in our store just now is our ci. i, lire- .l,-Llàod bilng tu grà:ew ODrn in plots of ma"I nave led el tho ci k .......... . . wu bandehosi aud u luxurious Cnt louuge cars in frà,lJý1bt servies. Pin L'eut ,,,, ý tmil of t'à loir lie Rivent, » wel as articles on Mission- 15 en iluwd, rerhu amnios .ýý, r ..il Cure t.ge'l.e, in a C.Ili' , ('uus., ,, iico with rouir pol-k, rleh gýýlm, , ary and Religions topiez, by Dr. Car- 'ýý il - i ý :.'-"':' z" é:'-:ý- 1100 celebrated Il stanley si Blade Lance Tootb Saw. These sw.m'ult'itwutde of silk pillowis. Tisere wass a nouons ain-t i-c,,diý,ie""u,'a'ut' lins uldn about osse-twentioth of au acre. aloi 1. 'pý, 0 bu Irefullv tile gyons yield tri),,, the and liketisliý T- inalic n(-i(t,àf sipe man Dr. Sutherland, Dr. ltoae and . . .......... le 00 ade only for us. The formuler ricroissa picked op ut à bargain, to would bu 7M utiles long, but a. lire fi- il ,i., . 0 ' ...... : ...... 15 ou wonderfally fast-ctitting Saliva are m A aile,% ing tire different ploti, determine tire aujouat or apples, either rail, os cI,,)I;tId, mil' lieu- otbers. The Editor'a splendidly illus- , 1 ......... ý ellut out tire violer of tire ,ýasli.tu,,d. ores moite il appear, nad à il ta test bc tr.laizë ally excelle of cIà;àliýV ulatter Q- trated papers ou & Tout Life i 'Palrus- ... .. temper of the 'l Stanley su Blade is perfect ; the style of the *et et box bwkeiteiv,ý survint tire triple distance trossi "ton ta S-du Fraucilsco, ihevarious;nýodients, au ....... la se - .- cat. ". 6 1 1 . . . PU "O Of l'actualise. m _ù W Le 3« milon, elle trait, of freigh, actual -IL digetition trial, tire quanM, of gendered bl, etiting te') unicil ,il Il tine'wili describe the soeuisa in the life ý-'-». 0 - te. Ins.. lir lers. es.,* pli, tooth is the fastest known ; each file lis set ready for use hy y idebuard ,;.an fordi In ici, eau ho assaimilated by 'nie'- 16 aise tire face that sucýs r'r. f,àIitý m f Christ whicli forma the subjest of C11=11 being stained and luseing a cars wuuld rouets front Bouton ta tilt applo, elle fleur and týge pinta. %vison ý'ýý. -.bér' . te b.,.Ik ... il bY tha -P-6 ,killea workmen. Oeil- Frices for this saut is 50e per font, and esch bladé duor witis hingloi swing over cite long Francisco, froui San Fnàiieiýo back to main- Luisenlipe aru %Nitil(,Iltsuý, -@Chalet IO 1894. ,."".d.. 1, Il ýý'..ý'.ý"ýý'.',-".'týp.,.".'ý-- is fully warranted ta the parchaser. We have the stand longths of 5, 5J box. Daiiity oint, and Vuiw chien. a Bouton, and fruits B,,ston again as fur INFLUENCES OF MATURITY. acidity lu tire stouts( rutiler than pro- Other articles Viti describe à Grester ,ýll'.1ts.. t ?u ',il ..... di.gly lier cultes, pot and morne silver étiolons weu as Chicago. Wlust tonnage càey There in a rapid incrsase in tire Y iuld voire 'il. - Their veit>tnble alences allie Uanada,' 'iGrand Manau,' 1 The Mound ., filif 1 , """ and 6 ft. saws. Fiue flat files 10c. Drag tooth Gauges 100. Patent Saw Cap Ail sortes of would molle ut a single load 1 leuve a ho crop Apis, a lion juices are -convoi feu intur alkalitte -i- for 4 di-ce.t. ."et 1'. S&W Set (the oucupy tire ssideboisrti. YOU f Ir Car. nilderm,' 'Round About England,' and ""'q*.Iý*11»h.. .lit .et bu Handies 25o a pair. Ilammer S&W Set@ 50c. Whitu8y 1 _,.,.,, Malle, car 1 te ,,,Iii,9. tir. p . hagrftphis in Protty frallueil te CODOeiVe if YoU Cau." ilý, soid tire digestibility of lins Iossi whicil tend lu coullielact acid- other popular terrien. This Magazine 1"..ll.thi.. ' , Saws Viceil for holding salais white @harpon- hO ute tire drr .aller incretise ,ty. ýý 1 1 81-1111s .. .ta 1 t .f .blh 1. tir Most roliable set kiiowii) 75c. = Y.J. the ..lis and a gr . appeaco ta siLghtly will ho of interest, net culy ta Metho- t, ,.ý,"ýf .oy 1.4l'iduld, ing 75c. and $1 is0. ý dise houseliolds, but ta ail intelligent Ilý ý ý,. 'à ý 0. 'I'n, ý'ý','ýt. .111 b-'..»id ... de. 1 -i-.P,.,ý.ýn. u-r:-ý.io ýý 0, M. I.ý.,. Th. A-.e..« "V*Y. atiser tirant décreaine (mi lis tire case ý: _ ___ e;".. cl.,.,g,ý1.1,1ýý,ýiilàgiyj y Saturday uisiht. ý Soverol menin an uptz. hotel re-, m-iti, moct other cropid, elle yield of total Old Sclati- ... H,.Itl,. marines. 1 1 1 1 ý are etored olives, cr,ýkelilu ý 1 li'.1 taýyklý;;Itý.d-litt-I ---Iàg,,s- AXES. ,,er,,.cl,,r IIýre,,,,1 cently m-ore telling of si-jelling experi 1 digestible food being titres timoë as judge Butinais tells tire tiret tire Keoret Twenty cents a miniber, Two dollars 1' .1 r.11 fil.t llý.cýti.., 1 and butter, lettucés. le ry: . àýý( Isey laid trouer when si cause WiL.1 liront sois that of tire --aie làaTiety in t'le of Ille good mental condition in hi a good ia YelLr. William Brigvs, Wesley Ruild. ýý ,,ý et .t. 50 I ... t'o' The Il Stanley " Aie is one of the bout general purpose rixes made. As gar-ali of tirent deliciotis. Every Il t .,,ýiiiB tutn. Ho iý a line.1 siIking stage,,and 36 per cent. grenier d,., .ad ýlý.p. lie teli-c. il, lsard - 'sLo1J:1.ýýTde1ý:1d à . allie .ut lison Il. LS, inters, Toronto, and S. F. Huestis, Ilali ',., - Le tiret -'oin.. 2.5 witlý the Il Stanley " Cross Cnt Saw the temper of the " Stanley " Aie la Sundmy tire landi.dy-£.r a C,-so(eýr._ý e te in file gliitiul %,,,rk, and says, -Màu'à, ... eu .le killeàt 11,a 1 un ý looking, modet man, witil laild grayl ilion wheil t cars we -ý,', ,'ý t* »I.- idAr l'ne Every Sondai elle Young .*Otu.utiuýýlýe6l a 3 niucil of ]lis time here and hi thalle of otiale who bave hes.tof ore ait. lie jýke. a c.hi hati. eý,rY staài nma".4 ten cent- p - porfect, Price fir auy weight Aie 75e each. Handies 8, 15, 20 and 25c. tiou--cooke il o c- c ai'. ey ,,at'd r-t'irce, in 1 I.d.",), N. Y. lie stage, Tiýe.ýiýýsultsseoý.to.differiý,oll, 'ho.king ,Il, ýtýlI... an ..ilt., 'pý7 -ning and R UMATISM CURED iN A DAY.-South Il ' At 5i'và.ý,,!, r- fort 1,à.ý,tà.P, Mittli, Robes, Caps, Cents, Hor8e Blannots, Lap Ruge, etc., etc., in chickeu, " il. for tire Pr-fflatiod 1 of ý quite pollular. His duci m, as tinust oný TOCRUed cuttirig tbe corn just wilen ille- 1 lýs a good dent Il[ iliteli(L-tu.11 ý u ý. : ý .' -,,ýýýfu 'l.,Ii'.ý', .lezii)g, nnd Rheumatio Cure for Rhoniria. ',ý ,' ',','ý"."ýi,'à,'; c... te -eut v.ariety. Write for Our catalogue. wilich mile la imiLlY faisions, and t .... 1 Idus. Traveliu, front ai,,, Lu Nfiàce densonsti ate t1rat su' là le -à, il. G-., C,,-,Aniericati ' bread and butter quiches. Soms, alleu, in a cur, air il ni ý.oulIg ýIý1 ea's nie , Id file tant le tià",s"IIL ýliý il,- tiens and Notiralgia radically cure% "' àlust ý Plrny ., gi &and , - Fý s..Iý il ,si Io file ndvantage of fariliels to gor m , . in ,ýý ý: 1 fil, job k .Lýi.-tly,*-h. STANLEY MILLS & CO., IIAMILTON, ONT. tionne site toants Ironie crackero ale, tire 1(ov b ilov file forage corn V) fuliv muIu1ý. t'n'alce tu ..'."o fion, hnà la', il, ýto 8 days. jeu action upon file Bystom 1 tire. site mokas delicious malle liiiiisell objccýio1- le su.. L diM. He .,l-i.,ýý co-I .1 1- ,Iýýý.ý Ir r.d ,ait,, .ý oul]ý Thick .,eili.g in these eXpsriýLeuL,à al.. Ittlýctààiàl )àýl'Itis ' d lie .Ii.,iý,v !is remarkable and mysterious. It re. , - - - __ __ ----- - - ___ __ - - __ - ___ - - __ - - coffeu lady. Col. Scoviii lotit the tu ,ý g ,,N,,,,,,ý,",r",ý,11,ý:,.,,ý,,V,,,,à of tir. !Mthe. Ruesi.n Colline pot. And ever, tiost ho hall to stop il or bc ejecteâ froc, piedirces in every instance a grelster -illout enting and out Liot- u- 1 lotit'.%' 1[ inovegat once the cause and tiIediRý . ý, . I-ý1.94 A ý t-ýillýý,i;,t". ,.ýtiýý...tilà.. le . lie la "al I..,I.e" t. tire car on tire end of a bout. lle tiun, yiýll of both il,, malt il digestible IL il.l,,,ý, il,. fasnous Ohio --S,-ýý;st,ýr.'eaRe immediately digappelJitrii. Tire limt ., ,M. lent. - - HOTELS - ']Bank of ]lo.-M -"l'lton ýi8ý.-,-df,-i,.ýfà.ý-ýdýis-pe-u-sirig tire daintieur front set lien, tire lady and "m, tiast .lie ", .. ý tris, 1, but t o digebtibility of tire foud ,,;Id ii"e tliat lie -ed ,lis gond illind (1) ýdoes groatly bouillies. 7Y cents. Warý au, old umilogal.y table in tire cerner. nue limlersted. At Nice lie was ý-it'd sol tu lie goýorised filer. by tir. t'le 'face tirait [le was te 1111), rit tu ý routes] bV J.H.MeCollbm. 19-lyr. . f3i.edo«uotopesàd &fortune lu ..te * upon by tire seconds of tire young ["an. t').tt"ýty of file er.pè essais b,, the rate of lis ail things, and also to 1 1 abri' COMMERCIAL* HOTEL, ý liou, ooas: H.tbiilTON. CANAUA. -ý.,ý-; . ___ - ---- 1 __ - - 11, Il ý, ýFGAL. - taurins, but ail tire people who "drOil Heintiiisateilliediduot; cure ta fight, Eeeding- -ing long distai, Icely da'.. MILTON, - ONT.. in" during '. of ,alL ý, - Ï_ Capital (mu 'a op) ............ $1.250,OW sise long afterimon ha Lire but maîtrisait that if lie soi tire Young AI)V-&NTAGF-S OF FULL GROWTH. lie belleven tliat m._ c;'-a no, killâ 1 lýLAV N DEvir, Cliolce Wines, L'quors ana Cigars bout sors of a limier and olins loyers no RO' man ineulting auv lady lie would kick Ail experiments show that in the by "tegul)ei*ssse. lai Illo«K tissu , Tias Ilà, ... ha. 1- ssIýààualy .fiLled ý Roserve Fuu1.ý1 ..................... 650,000 Cial debte. him. Tire nert day tire seconds called latter paie of tire mouton, after the by inteui - perance in.làrirs: ià!ý,;,aààd ilà .il jolusesýW.VIo.,î,oyi, Li,,,.ý.1. ý - again and said their principal wassted active luivocate of short hi O And ,au, - -& fis-fil id. 1 a..-.- ý gromth of tire crois Il" apparetitly A Farin, IIlý,ýk. -'. illa a.,.i filliti. Inatisfaction and gare. The colonel baie .o., m prodn si. ( incline, Il. Clay .ne. oAd .ne tiret, JOHN DEAN, PROPRIETOR. l J.hu Stuart. Pffliiient; A. 0. ýRraàv, Vice-Pr«. ALL AROUND THE HOUSE. il, there le a verY larg,.i,,. Il Sir. 1 the ~NO., young ai dr,ý - - grýýj,ýý ri,, - .il I- thons, .,salt f- Zà .. 'a 1w could néeer gel aI.ng 1, suitu p., dari. Grasd ý job. P,,,ýt.,, Gao. R-i A. T. . , A. B. L.. - ni bring hins arossud. matter. This sali: ý . _ : .1,..l,ý.. 1 ut op your bande, for 1 -1 go- nine linui*n's], lit le walo 1 al lis., ,si B.... -11. foi all trusans. Te -_tka. ý (T --- tri:, Wns. OiL-., M. P. Meurt. Abseul Dremaisser 0-, Old Florro- fellei -,-Il and that ire did.,not bc- : A Gardent , ___ - - c.l.....Li Li.,-. T.I.ph7.. et. hrAnh you caý,ýý. Bai.d, Ille 1 tailler, pl i ce t1h., ge.ityoii.n t 1 rre, gra inta, ra lui dy 1 lio lý,.h,."., t,ý.t a ,ood murs., NI a ý ON, ------- ------ý- à Il. Mý WATýX. l1»Làýt-c o is a colonel. Tire yoil-sg fi ri mtrai and fat, part 01 urhich tire lila-t - oni, bi, kept I.ý, dalIN -_ - _ - ; J. Tý.>..,., Ce.kl., H. B. slaves, Arl criant- ..,a. , !u.ý Il. il, c.asisi. le ' 'à""ý's'g - ý A Village Lot, 1). i . E T E FlIl N A FIT. 1 Deposita receiyed et current rate of A table whiel, out nuit the colonel rentrir e - -iý"".ýý. "ma tir. air' and part trains- ' . -l'i buLiàs IL y _ linterest suc -MIL viii vach yen trot ta ho ilonlent tol - es and stalks ta tire e"re'ý' 'là ol'ýý' :il' and k'.v ,ýf .1 , 1 - ing ta il ""' et"' a ara" """' Ba mie A ttý-,y .1 LI- -ý 1 I.,red 1,..ý eh- I-ailf Il w., elle e..à,,ý 1, l'Il a Io sà,Lýý.. ýi ý A Honje i the City, - in Cii..",Y, Et'. _ _ .____,__ý 1 - Net 'aigeounted end advauceamade 1 took throse brSln linndles, eut thens iiitiiý.,'-New Yok Commercial Ad r Tile mature corn contaillEs aý lion, 1 ,n;-1__:Iý 01 tire-j - ,_ _:n . on au Us i g_. Mr Il eàght of grain. A-d al.. Ii , a 'il ,,îl' Il 50 joHN IR CAMPBELL, es la length dessired. for legsand gave tirent tisser. ', - 1 .ai --ý . Il, a il 'z'-u til:Ii'Illý! Dl..-k, Met- Mt. M-It-o itable ériseurities. ,,,ý., there «ýi, nbout or Village oi- Country, - - - ý - - . D-ft. an .11 pacte 01 Canada. United t.. -ta of -bit. pai»t. - file proper« fuopoition of grain islid,,,.Lýg'n.'i'a, ý."l ýiL1ààau à-.-ItLný States, Great Britain and the Continent Then I bal! a carpe A 17.. fà,r K..IýY car , C.àslý, t.,Ilýý Pir pr.àltsetL've fetlý,g,. uter nuake me ,à Acting presuisi. ý they attril ýý ' fi.,Il,.,àt I,,1Iângý A-1- 1 1 KS4 1 Ilz 1 - VZTERINARY SURGZON, risquera board for tire eau. This 1 also Il on "" Profe"s,)r .,ýniisliy's expersuients le . -d g."àl m-'.ý cý,,à ition , Or exprocting to'have one. ) llJoý%f . of Europe bouglit and Bold. - 'y he à , - 111.1 ý Liait wbile a grain and fý)d- tu ope. ;o, ,-.,ýr,-i,,ý, ...... a go 'l W. Àt(-,,à,y. B.,.,.iýt", Treuts ail clames of Domestic Animal£. Farmers' notes dimonnted ait maison. PainLed 'bit@, faute-esi tire legs te si frisied entamai mal s tir àqcsý, de- lslo.st,[ýt" . il , bined, the face nuit ta', 1,à,t,-,Iiýàki,,,. 1 tir eý, (; .rA. ry Publa«, Eft. witbscrews, the huad of whico more it'-retiv.. Emporia, Irais in ,es -1 IT W ILL Colis promptly at.tended ta. able rates, and special attention given ,o a uni der el op 111 ho tilus elle, in taken front Bu crolýL ('il' 1119 t'l" lutter l'a't 'If Los 11111 lis ce liý.l,ý-, NIlItý", 'Ris 'te the Thompson lieuse, ta elle collection of commercial puiser. painted . liste. Lwro(Keeleygraduat iiiruLining(luwnltbattlietiutiltive lit. Ille. liet""k.nilý,ýv.rv dis,, ssimo,1ý ýff1Ce op Dg Where tire legs are croisent I f:uteiieýl lier idind figer and whisky drug store, tire stalks to fili out Ille outre Lu a loue o - -= y CD-= M',' Se., Z=n. Collections made on ail points. iinsply the trous- là to tire llav (If hui deacil, ailà lie NN as Nv. Â IOTT, IL. A., le ssacumiy with w ire and fine a nom, oi keepers. Tire encensa e ined t1r ý ta the stalke, being i t 1.1[,Iý,, iý,,uss ,-sy d;ýy le- ___ - - _ ___ ___ n gUn . lie piatst f,.m "' lis' 'a, ý P «4.I.. 1) a SAVINGS BANK. rsbbon there. novel experitnent has . ferring Of tir. nurtitic. of &",.ýn tir, V-.. ý,f 80 aloi 99. lie so. .,.,1j', , Nýb,,g pAlic. lis . .,ideýàee for two yàears bock la all.,,odý one point te another. Whoth- tire .ork tritalied 1, ,- nuit ., Fi,., R. TELFER, D.p..It. of si -il .Parasite -cipd and tournoi, if one Violasse te have ibis table Î, long lit,- to brs esouà, 11) .ýI.«.I. t'lue or grelus rosons, tire painting in such a trial, the etstwliile patron of 1 of tire professer denionstratens, that tire W ELL, ,, ing of aforage crois with elle great- temperance. ,)I.s., - L-1 xoN AND Di&NrIliT. OEO. W. BRENT, P.iu.,.à ho done lis tire deuired caille. the illi.it bar bon sinply ta recuit laIx- ,gr , airi- .-red ."il ,,,l,,ý. 1 find thst much eau ho dons lis the way il il gr . à. _L... Ta anoure the Invaluable Halp, the Boat ý. enal. ill- W Illit... ,., n)%itig experiences in tire farcir Louais or, et proportion of elle nul la. al -1 , 'Il Il', ,,,.i.d I,ý IllI,,ý.ýà. Diooo. VETZKINARY SUMO A ... T, MIl-.. Dt making things out of notiting, au one cellam of exteinpnrizsýý,utippIiog ',,.ous" lie es" in an ý __ lis-..ý-11- ...- -.a -11.1 1 formation the thouzands of Plain, , >,ý,1,.t.1 . (Graduaté outario Vétesasary colle«..) - _ _ _ - - _ _ - e a va ta o ý - __ ---- -..ai d-le--tJ-t.d laissais. t'..W.. ctir;3ctjr%3rti c and Lhere as no gaine tire fact tirait tire regular corn crop id Tire Erigiielà I)al)ýi-s alo cro%-d.-,[ with non l(,l.,-p4 lie 4rhuit p, lac. Pal. et v.t"i..7 iki-'à-. whilepublàc sympatisy does net runýIooked upon as theýýaiànte#rGu ... d.tý,,( tir. Laso 111SHOLNI, t Ail di. .ire bachoter 1 knour "yu whon silo ' Ir. A,,,tI,." Clark, P, tical, Usefui, Hints and Suggestions Cette 1'..Ptly .tt."d.d le triglit .? dey. bolide a gown out ofecrapebutyou sourit muelà toward tire dealers in Kansas jointl grain le for tire farmer il m f0ýý air. 01.ài8t..ý.'. pIyý,n.-aIà , ý,ýP. od b'y t lii,,à'idr,ý, iit." ,ý,'I,-,, N.,t.,.y P.IIie. it-s»..c.-Ta. 1-es B-It ni th- old ohk have ingenuity and patience. whisky, il ment ha acknowiedged tIsat sers in One point overkscsked by the ing is one of t1rein. 11-IlLeil %Viti - 1 eJeýwý ,,an ,rLrý, o,-wJýý,u 'là -tout JAIRE 1ýAN ARGICULTURIST Il -1 O end of posai. they are getting badly woruted lis this' profeussor lihichisthesuccul c la t oý Ciar z ..Il .. ,,. 1-11- R-... 111.1là Mollet. MIltors. Tire peebng box offers n ency of the il' 8 Aloi, (;IàI.J.Jone*. __ 1 2.1t. Mr A - - ý IiIiliesýàmd, "Y can ho made te bu orna- a uriter. The evidence of a mani material' lie demonstrates elle grerister Ail p ,oroughly exporienc- : la m remis front tire liorrurs ' -cantils -(-,'Il ,ýus (ieli%*e,,,I. ed fil [ý,,,,&,- Il,,,,, o, Iioýk ,>t 11,1111t'a, Nliltl'ý A. HESLOP, Dieu - Wolf ne umfui. fnco f auýialbon' digffltibilitv of the matured foragehow- great Nom mIý - itelligent mon, who know well F. nF A L L - Up in my rail ruons I desired to insve a with tire combination of jouit oil andý livrer, whicis in lraluable, and thereJe no Ho had iiiiiited hiý pitient Io ait l'uns. à il y talk and write about. AIN, unique dr«"S cou huile around crie or Il il damnation sold as intoxicants ati doubt finit with his eyperimente in tire An the hour wu up -\Is Gladstone toàa- what the B ,,?.uý. P, 1 tire workpIanned fertile future, ed anide the Issu shi-et of tire notes, aloi Nine Hundred Engravingo in each 1. +' II)LA"Ill, & CO_ VETERINARY SURaZO)f AND DENTIST. aie windownio 1 procured tiares packinje aces je bad enougli, but wlien al putall( - i"",. ----i-i-zýmm-r. . boxes and -places! tirent arousid tire uýiis- tellow mie ,chose Mind tirent, horromý lie wili in note remis ait questions con- tire Iniysician 1(,(ýk(-ýL triulopilaat.- But volume, briug clearly ta the underatand- "' 1893 dow ta givra Use dessired appearaiice. tire have been burned with Keeloy cure is nectetl'witii coin asa foragecrop and in Ille wariathof lu. oratory Mr.Glad- inva, great variety of Labor-Saving, I,ý ý_', ; l.:"ý". o:,"" ýý":,k,.i,14 W.Ilià,gt..ýà Mt arnaluate Ontario vetmnary Cellve, T.,O.to. looloil ,nulle tirent plain. Ilis results wiii give stone m eut ini ýlý;, , plit'.,.ý-,-, Ix.,Iý,,ý." Ailey. thAil di-c. of d..,e.ti-t.d unicessils t-t-Il - ý quater and lower part ta W uýti as 8 placed oit liée m itness-stand, il Il itllý'Itt "('tý$ for murly LaborýHeIping Plans and Contrivances, 1ý,ll.ý Ilý ý C. W.ý"-.ý. 1,ý..,s«. Q. C a laissait pirissolpillis of VO.rL..IY «I..'-.' window mat. loi>- much litre taising advatstage of tue flic forage ci-op a bigher place lisait il tarif air ilous longE r. doling %hs(ýl tissus mý%ss.n_ .."I.ý... aurgi..1 .,..ti... ..P.i.1ty. dery. - ý 1 tuait two boxes ý Io mille ýiZ#-. higi, joui tist 8. -Kansas City Times. has bofor,â lield. tire physi . ciau'. 1,,,,k ,If r'ursph chlinged Illustrations of Animais, Plante, Build. Casse pý..,Ptly.tt..dm n1kht or 1 ta intacts above the %viiidow rail, - - to one of nong1ý,I P,ýL1,1,.ity and inge, Bouschold Hedpo and converti. ý11 - à,ddý. A-.-v P-t aises.. end &bon 18 malles in widtis, rival air- ý Maraud 91. Opposoil ý orna emse.L. Afi, à* tire speech onces, Ple&eing Pictures for old and ___7 - ---- . __ attirer long, narrow one te place Liniments 1 1 SHORT TALKS WITH FARMERS. elle eapplý,I., of tir. c,,à,ýded New. Young, etc., etc. , ----- . - - - enoug'1ýý' Et)ICAL. o9rx . BEW S t1seMý I 1 It in alleu reniarked that filera are, - m le theatre mm lainultuous. ,sud m" IT 18 IMPOSSIBDE for anyone ta 1 ,m _ _ Tire two coller lusny persons who go about hoping finit, A,.. .ait l'rdutiq%-One Way en suit Cerowned -th a tolicising r,,nlering of Connaît finisse page.@ without gather- 1 ABREY & TYRRELL boxeur furiiiýlàed withýtriey.wiu mont -ith coule tilisi';ýl, iàsý %vb..t. l'Auld L.n.ý, Syrie" by t IlOufrands Of ing many hints and suggestions, each le. l'a or e mal, pressent a claini Tire sizo of tire forts, does not affect, viiices in .iý-ý'-"'. Mi- (ý1ud"t à0 "" on one of whieh in worbh many times tire 1 ý 01d', II.e. A, Nl.(ý.P.S.O. t-O aliely«. rescla ta bu uled jor holding il idiot they PROVINCIAL AND DOMINION M erchant ta and bonnetoi. Tb* conter box was n'fordaniages. The uacýeeM There i6 no tirait to the pro-[ hie way ont of tire l'ail, tait Ibo turouhl divided iuto a compartineut fur holding ocher afternoon a Young mail wi 0 wu sceau cent of tissu Journal for a wholo bouts, shoms and rubbem ý any soit, ï,ts fat m bock tu acknolvIedge tisis moing litre. year-enly $1.50, pontpaid. Sample 1% Il.iý. ý1 1 -.->,ý,.,là - l'à 'il là "' - 1 O tý'8 P 'o L.I.VD S UBFEYORS. agissant a corperatio . ý I !ý'-,n, ' The boxes ahaner riding on the roue platforni of a errent tdluectplveaecnRtPance'tlyoodlfn.er fisrming are con- -Il. l'iieýe were irrany roweili.g tsý.rte op ýý -,,,ý,.I, min:ý;!'ý" civil anaxi.ning 7.141noer. Tailory à be planed until thev car accidentally etood witli one f mi on a car.. jo.ý.Loo p ýýjýans là ýccsse wM Ov--ý. C y Free en application. Addrest, 1 teel boit while tire locale end of elle Vire ý ri. f Bellrium, se that moi-nt. for tire O 1 Initie __ - arris very amooth, the crissoles filled mien m .bers the fainieni arc- coin Il il ta powering to file enlOtiolai, 8 t t valui OUI 1 . ý t r. OBERTSON. !ntty, and then paintedoutaide and lis thtt connecte the light wire in elle motur ý1) rFFIOES : . egs o announce that th enansel Point Il elle saine kind of a Vire in the utilize every square ,,,, of f.ýi, the who were fleur M lilodlone ,ore ni,, The American Agrieulturist, made. and put up cor- trailer toucheil the aide of [lis nerck, Tire YIO' elsormous, fai- exceeding tire surprierred te note tinit liè wu, illoved ta Giland 14 Lafayette, Place, x, - .;.* le Street, Miloal. nert il-, t- T...- : 1 1 bouglit turkey red, of Assy atour portion al tire world, leurs. Thev ix,].,ll ut Sir Auatrew if New York, N. Y. Fi,ýi.1 1 _ _ trains un @midi brun roda, and made a electri et the iginai Lual was pour and not Clark. "Ne;er mind," said Sir Audrew. I,,ý,11ý .. 61,ce.t. 1" .41. his Fall Importations )rock atàànned bien fur an in- . ,,, . g stae. ll..ýý..:,T..== «" 0 , - farms ferai, but immediatoly set op again ail c noidered ilery valuable. A high M 'lit will do Issus gou,12' He lard fait Mr. - - - -_ -_ ,- Il piiý.te (Ali'.. -CI..,I.. Sorel - - - are now ready for your oussission .jet& bai and aidera ta fh tir stant. Re foi[ ta the floor of the plat.- yo _. - -_ inspection. wiladow, and Dow I revel in a Most cou- ton, of Cuit ration hm changed Use ooii Glade oue's puise, and .. able ta .8y 1 le. TUART, D.A.RO BSON , vendent low mat, where one con oit coin- righL itself, winch in --V verY fertile. fini the veterati >tatelinsui wasi in eveu 11) fortably for the putting on and taking oif "Are YOU iiurt?" Aaked the couductor. SU B S C R IB E et "' Il, tient in low. gond beef, pork and lie bail been ut tire i,ý-giiiiiing. FOR 4l.l., .1. fi Min,..., I...t .à.., M. Vire, Lits & Accident Inautrance Agent. The newest and of boots audislippem N net a b,,'I," ,,'.il tire young man. botter fout ai tire ead Ire lit. speelch thau Dimount0d. nobbiest goods that Tisi@ moly sourd a bit improbable, but te dorvn ans or lie balai made. uttou ara Iligh. The factalonfisproof lir M,-CIl D'ug 8t."ý. ConvoyaiÇcer. Notes 1 ýý c.nduCt_ý a - Rna . , Chelles tur.t. Xcruey ta Loan o. nae and Personal just try, and jýou wili ses hom, Veil il 'ro .f I "'a that tire fermer con turn hie attention ta A Gist id th. P.ýt.d. 1 1 - __ ----- Estate. .Ne-. .lis hý1 onl.y.li.d sentre enougis .(,metlkng_ botter than r,."uTc:."g .'.llyel , Sireais tl.ýuý,. .,il can be bought are in wu[ work. On y ire careful aient set. - i p m ý .1 Vis. . il y là-perit ai A for love tout Lire old-[;wllioiiýgod gir-7 of the REEMAX. stock. lins yeur boxes of equai lseigilta and" , ta have shivered 10 R. Auctioneer. N alnator. " @,-New York Recorder. .à e - Il o ri, 1 might baya Imd tu oeil wherst And corn le in the airains, of but Ise. ' ' lestFam ily raper -Ta - Î, THE LINEN OLOSET. p mm' -le"- Il .,adieu_, said roilli, butter and moue. face of danger, là a creature of tenait and 1 ý a D.- matiry furein- &.a Collection@ Promptly U&dOý - Prices right with - . a' o ' m "colle 'anthnIl "'ý" me threre-volume novel, who feinte lu the 1 '--- M --A - .ýeceived ut once. 1 Fetatu Wound Up, etc., allie. ý h.7.-ý; -'ýa.y,.,.f te, lhe ._ý ssff tire blood, ahould ho un ut once. If ... t."I"d .h...ý- ... P,.(- Omcu-Towx HâLL. Maffl, pwr. I . t la _ ai _ ý .w .. et Dot Cleau seuil is ýverything te a tartiner, aile ever existed, tire Fpecies lu fortu. . air a. m.. 12 te 1 and 6 ta T the times and all work - .i in f et. - a ,sublime ttah..Id M. .ad sIm..fgh. Tufeau .- las bofu. es. . .k.._Inds.. 't leurrons hie labor. Il isbotter ta I, Zia offive, Main sincet. sentira. guarantee . ,Li.k allie au 1 nataty extinct, foi- t'le giris#Df V,-day are TEE EAXILTON àls almaissid Cellulaire. lit News. 0T.Iliaul the nourri on tire table, and even marie of entirely differe t, nus . Thi Usi . a.. d",Pp.d lut. th. I.tt., box hand-pick it, than ta spend days and wu proies, cSoncluoiýely n t IL, Il lie Y .tý.ýl.d tir î *r ý WAI. BEWS. The woman Who would ridentieuly - - .ro, tire tield ta pull Out delpisia receutly. . 1 w Fduz lqz- ------- ý ,ýi».... IL - in 5.1-g w«de that . cm Illail mise la. 9 essorilliez a **cozy comme' or a --dreming w Lie au other Sy plier a daugliter Of La yer . 1. Wt"ff'p' room" in order shost @hle migis hav au CRI1101112 -ail & Mon Of SCOtC]s-Iri.h Cac aumý - 1 Ouse- ife, Origiu, with the fervent but sombre en- by foui aussi. si ' . , ample linon clames la the Il 7pner, put a burgiar ta i Ise an nets, ENTAL. - T . sa ly o ded hisi earthly carter. Ti thi Whomom My, depend. The linon ergy charessisteristie of that race. By tom' The large boa in . ming a filin f en rail bilan Sypher's ruons, and, instead 1 '-j»1ý 'mm in tac troquently tWf ut the aide- ho wazi il political Calvinist, while the Paraît unions, IWR a op-ecialty. lier half ta deuils, (aurai trial- . gr NOW IS THE TI of.merditun sizo no n bring elle Ilig Li t ..If l.klll.g down the muzzle of a rev.1- WIN-N, LI).8, bout droswoeins, pl" a flottent bureau Z th Carolina gave him foi a croulai . 01 elarlu dmwer or tue, Am " own« vraie the conter andi W. SPECTATOIL la or inch siav«y, ci which $ha pricers, and le Jiu demonstrated 06 ver. Tire fellow fard &serve, hüwe7vssrý, 1 dt-I I, nous's- Ob lium atout in the o" Who» table- the moi proportion ta the time required for ..il careleuly remarkinir 16TItat sent - - , m 1 -LI, MIL. ai- toi secure your elotha au alwffl myntmio"y champ- As a opmker tu impremed, net by in ting a oerWD sonnuat 0 - 0,0ý var'. Blý>I t. Milwes. hm »PkL. neb aszol frequsmtý Eýe .ri La th. Imaginez- conver f' food loaded," started tu w&IIC'toward lier. ýýý - ---- - - __ - y "bmkon, a" Who Dm" MU "Wbere Intense emmestraturs a il But il wu* landes] mille thiel discovered ENLÀRGFD AND IMPROYED. # laract' be -sau when a bullet VI FLÔ W B ]POTS tâe toweh go." On hie face and el or train a medium mime hOethan Ir.o.u. âýýd within an inch of AB'zls' à-L)-s-, . . - P thalle wm a alialle of sadnous. Vidoir extra large one. . Ille banni and imoedded itmélf in tire door Centaine Ail the News, Toi AU the boumbold lium abould be kept - - âoeLýWit1m au Catit, tire baillait hors- Many Spatial Festures, 1)..ýà.ý, . O'., in o» pwo& lot clouait, il dereposmerd m id$ =mer took a more tresse There la no necendgy for having a field ý ' down the statue and escapeui 4, , q, 1 . C&nl.b«114 t: as oh" Kr".ul-h thes door.-Piiiiadeipliia Record. CrimP and Pointad Commente, .L.Ls, 1 ý -BUTTER CROCKS- --a dry, Y dmwem À turiL II fallow. le is botter en plow je in the d-Y 'If -sà 1 ... th. 0 il ; $tge a1!wýdn ýV»p & , t Cudies act only- Use philosophie con- fou, Cross pleur je in the spring, and " - - The Most Entertaining Storieu, lis ý nt - tire Il - .ad thirsk W. ý ý . àas He wu the ara stallessinan «bar dis- n ý - , Viti ý ou - - osf o- art ll.,ý... , - - 1-1 - - !w eme 30ERRAMI B OW IS î" , disocid be la . dm ,nome Crop te bu turned natter. Vifich m A pridécis. 8.-....b.1t.t. The Choieront Litemry Mattals, ___ - ý ý ý pu dtukoin. am ý - T«7 fmh"&bLe ourer "il quickerir way, il. W 01 ' us bon t'o 'ose À sonsinansbulissilie Ange- -1 la the "Il-Ylà.-g for E,,eyb-ly. __ ý . . + M ,ý , ý ý a 9 thoi et *9 modem" sapholders, quelle by the siow I&IIOW proclama of re- strange f a Germmtowii DOW FELL. iggloffl immamme - 1 1 . mu Pm - th" am was a pouitàve cupassiaimiL fausily. rh.:".4-..Ltich is a verY vain- 01 TO 10T JANUARY, ý B-Au- Drainait. .- _ ý . l 1 - - ý 1 . ý ý - . naimaX-daveioped a toudenci, a qfJ6 --------- s- 1 - 1 A Mm food thm la required la là wute, ,am . $1 ý1 ý m . i ý .8 74 Il 1 ý ý m muck i il bu tt»Wn ifSs and rosir monda op Io Vaut abroad a,,às rý Grondait. Trierait. U.i,.,,4 0 0M, Il ý le no ne 1. nigint, à dissipation tires; bus! proi!ioualy This Vaut papier front Dow tg, lot "."" si-say W.d.»*ý, : . 1 à , - IL wà*" ýM" ýwW .. 1 Tue Osefflo la tel - beau enUr«y Z«ekÇn ta the 'meure or Y'lnuM-12 pages r«ding mustitume .. ý_ ý à,ý . 1 ý a Ume Dm* uhtocr&W-f:Z ourgmupremlnmpwsure Il 1 m m tg sa& 1"0 le .à, , 1'7«kly--.d ,» . - 1 1 1 l ý ý' - ý , . - . -I'Muw, and lie 1 go ont in the bock yu. M. . ýý . P. L.D.S., D.D.S.. ý. - ý i millets Ton- M __ Watchwa Thos Wh@O!s 00 Roue Il ,. . 1 . - I.. ý ý S 1 kmd .monad« tilleuls. Biery et. tS 0017 #Lm. -1 , DENTIST. ý .. - 1 , 111>0111, wu *îs waI of IOD& Mi" ion et S" Io kug the cm all, 1 . e 1. ý: ) ý' > - ý = " wtwwunbm Io *lu bon» with D, Wb.l«.,.Ç - ý Il touloie MM i ý - - w,ý« ,aurai = 'oit ' je Libellai oommb" te atmt& ,& Vardisort. T-mt.u , lu" 09 am - d ýw ý IV= 4y:u 1 1 il-. vinat of P" , 5 1 *0 N" le Wdin in #Oum t cli and es" f« " district in wanterd At ý, vu, 9.4 -4 dels - ýý 1__ -7- _ '. "- E à Ilissi am oaut ,Ibo *M take au M4««t 1. 1 - ýý ýý i , 1 . ; lièrer m P" ng *9 - Md wm maité Ob - ýý , 1 ý as mi et hm antioL ,ý ý . clisý ý ý';eý ý 1 - Md 6" 111111le PWUWM "&M. ý 1 * , ' - "à PfflTING ÔO., ,ý \ 'r Mietta * ý ---,.- .â tw-alz"lspe"tc« le, >ý ý ý -, 1 - 1 . 1 arg r r MILLNERy ýpe. WO ûderful ý iniers glt p. a ik asý usual. Sfavor. stoeloves , retvariet esp. retfrOmi th, a Our stock, -0., Georgetow tI [I Nov. Jan. a 1894 of 17 21930. 4u 6 9.30 6 20 10 &.CI 7 10 'br at 11a. S z r nf the P ONUT. - 0 o f altog. eoes Chieap. LSONj. ler % - . -. ,