Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 1893, p. 3

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SMilliz: ýthe-r -8- nings, Laces,~ ~and a Eig St. Eagt it, and0 or lo i lOtît a lEà Sale redueiîig thi or'e we niove e, whichi will e ks, and you bau- spitting goods, it's-a. d. We don't we want the re on1 getting, la Oias. J, Ha.-I SI, il d b oatréohe y, Mit. W.J bail tt5 lt. icf5 Wttn al wt ra ciSo oag ratotisi i CotS Tntiso ta, ott of and loak sr 'Il oaol natir on i Ono ,01 loi 21 o. diot N, o foilt -il 1',, hi ,,f i ii ite 24 9 l ui lir ropn ,,iLth of hl0 oitl tiai tit-nan .1, -taon' fl."o t or t oIttodj E.,tior ut L. rit, ni th. t. P. i e 000 00f d loINto1 jIlil obg p( rooo-oic BoottobanJ too .c a ý, ilitG oo forinely c trirnoti lot.. ilo eir wo @te C.r perrion of t4ourd doasaci 10, ci n 1000 th e C arost bin pU Sod ha ter if Ysio.H for thei 6srest OMM i tnecinalSrat.tOll qu.orry " cfa b ae w th_ .. ghb b od Su encreand Col. Camp.' mdy fnioonuiy tise rmdir . Fair. -en Taenday morning l Leess was èsese 57. pver the torue. veios, note ppr, ric., at I iroIO5O?5AU Nf "arquis," je aé the tables. Enquice ot H. e& biers, mode. rhlee re photo. aylast. Wek the steamer (or- cllad at Burliigton et525 barrels of appior. athose 2.5c. Derby Tie sd a juches rido), aed pd-up Colla. aI Bas. oeship Pioghing As- their ;loiaching match second day of Noveen- jearm, ioing the N. E. sesoo1, Nassaga. id e fo aset Acoeeos ne ojgu bjdders, the rrueor in hüuy Mrinon nd LiaaroWoi. Now sar ciri ai Troisise, se Ol., Hitiuon. 9 theomeuorofSt S. rtocjan Clircir Mito, ;hschuecîr on Wedne. j4p. m. Allursochare b. prnsot,anubusiness MII ho îraoroclud. ,ie jnlraoed t l cycuthp cirehah niiitoluen Doccurbe. int bejng ofet hou ocnlctiir ouo. h coosunod the fine iy on the couru ite. se lu the pruocisnofu t iialiogton, %a igit. r. Theo ou,, caonce g propecly suod pnviog cu LIcooro. 000, i f Brorpton, bas lest Daniol E. Smih, a '0'n $or 10,400for tihe riadJoseph. Whotisure M..Uissd iy cou cf lise 4nteresnrvrent touis pelisil," Poliocis. on I. lriren Mins Claro langhierof aihero rtCoi. rried Ocoo. A. (One, o iltonustatio. thai 20c. por 1. in oti t fine Iodla Bih. rrd'. e nue fiinig or Burrita uoclhgga- E. 11ILNER &i Ca., the gd Tcoc&-Co. The firru aes geacures in Brnmp- n and offe cruce. Tirs bout $7,200, ruth enrets Mario Dauidsoc, cidest bseiHltoo Dnidncn, rtNelson,ruur interred netry ni Burliugten on ýTho habdy ruas heoorgit ,hrs Mes. Davidecu and sWilu Prs,6." eruhe. aà tla e,~el.rli shorfitatnotry addtï'7 brogrm et ve Md and strnumental muai vu sddreeaa yREsv. R. 10ievasd mer. J. W. Elilott olloruad&a&#«ru W" ligisi retrechosent e resaetu .Tise hall rue uat ied snt th isa $ oe oa ut mul saua, foetise mscia. tien imasse gond. SâvI Do yon keoru re salil Igeul Uerrsoar at ca ues. Mo' Uliti ruigis sud lieed(lies e Benrll t humen prices..-BàcennDO & Cc. RiurSors U.-Dnuid Ceafg, ot Miton,insmaid taehe rmaoist albsd derun Nain etreet oentira morning outhes isrgie.ry lu Hollinraiso & Sons ced ruse erdread by John P. Espor, je., te hiait. Devia pcsd ne attention lu tise oner and ruse mcdo a target ci, tise bail ellghlm ced teriing a iboard sali. ados ltise front et ens cf tise nerutorms ln corsotm lein An Me. Ceslg ruluest aro e a ehct by pronsisonen cheotnesos tiesetreot, ho psid nemit. tention tote cmtte,. Tee Nzwr ew uruonSTOCK -Tisa Brusil Pnes acat nd tise Prises ut Walee' Cap. Cali and se sshorat BAcunnonS. Pesons.-At thoe tali tfi iboid hers tire ruesi hatore lent a nurube ofemain- barsaccilartentdifferool articlestrains uaiono sonrces, entered tireu inlteje crun naine as tiroir oruromanuftacture, gruru.jut or raising and wrer aruerded priron u n tison. Tie rsteorer nf tisa Society recojuart iostructions iruen mme ufthlie officerus ot tc pny the pris urunsy nlil tire dirrelues deli ritis tho uicisaisnsenner titoninoepsetis doliglit in detrardiog tiese city and logilimate enhisiitera. Bry yoor neru tail tior nnd ecartu, fau giruen,unodeara,, mra, shire, coilees nnod cuff at TreileShirt Hlouse, cor. Kng &JamsS ct., Hamîl- ton. itoLL Imcc HonEseHAuu.-Wioe alinc aisnc QrrenStr-eet on Monde7 lest DopuvSiseiff Doognn frsnd a tpocisethockinrorteo f W. Kirsoods 1tore. Wthout coaninino ils contente 1ho letii th ie stoeo, teiiing tire oirsn ioilorotifor thorner. Ilruartfonnd tu oculaj about $B0, and tauhatirspro. prty i Mr. Juetin,.oet Murby. Tise urunor. ruir ras net srare oftiesje rntil spoken Ionabot h, rus e dligisiad iloat lu otonoe)' hod tailen lute encis rlooceri ind.-iranrpton Censervatre. 1 Nur ewfliIbats, joat importadit ron rot noted Eagiiiishousees; ail theo latent styles. Bidocre isnying caii and soc Troilsst ock, arr. King à Jams Ste., Hamsilton. Scocue ScHOcL-Tire Ontario Suc- day ScoreciAsomciation oeaedittcsuns- SonnTceday atterneen i lmenSt. Cisoroi, Torontc. Ilte an imeportant gatiseeing, as ruer 1,000) Sseday Scisool ruoriserg are presne. Tisecosnvention rili end tc.day. Mrise (ortie Esisertaon and Mise Momie Lindsay are daiegcteo irom nsuox ClirrrisSnnday Oleiool hoars;traccns Borlingten, Est. D. L. Brotisun,, Mise M. Crosby, Min M. Grant, Miss M. Kentuar, and Geosrgr Tiruepson ;tfrcin Tratalgar, W. T. Brorun. lieu. J. L. hRay, et Acie, sunis uitled a report cf tise osnny ascsrcia- tien.- ýt rbide.ToonTrSerrW BoRssuAmenÂ-Tht V Ce TOaaFruO.-l boue faloinig lids er e ipped to ms hî in o ta uy reeair wrreis urietinootise cenpacosntaining ns; r anclion les, and li exhisiileaIToronto Exhibition t i Pylo r placed i0nsy harda Tevio euha, 2 Pyle o Lgisees hicis lpt natention. Tac,.. and 1 paire (aelsniamc. Tisa oruno s., Waciakahr. cas have sanso on protie5propselvsand tNq -Thoe nnuni ureet. PaYiuç expenss.-Ozo.c.rGe. Mltouo Oal CosececaivesAsse- ExezNeivm FeN.-De. Joues uselha soIf aif Haitorili ha foeapolice aMgstrats jelis on Monda- 'nge l'al, MiltOn, 0on tor sntence for sesnlliug John Hall, t vairer, ahi2 p. tu., for Calile lotel-bompar. chanuta&mnutit eiecticg officers and sgo. Tiese won rautisa OtOomaetf- brai business. scrsp, in ruiicis tisadoter. Hall. us n-Ernatairusalaentdotoru friand Esberts Simpeen, Mrs sod Tiorudcy oft]eut Bail and tireru figurant. guPepsers istiser wsnsfavorablea, fieed &orme tures egecanthtis dostor' sein suery respect as cmaerss lard enen pouding the anche fermer occasios. on ot Hal' njriesiu. DrJoue@e alai tf thesh ioru tirre mset tirha e troris Hall moas17to mais ut 8,000pecpleprennt. biindeelelt reen"'elsgging" Simepso Th iseaogitate uned the De. $5 &ni 10100 given o baeyleing #13.75 Ouse,c»d seesmsd bhe$85 e a gond tiina. Biege' amaesu, ruishile o 5te HaIl.Ti tpot Horeirunnd isstlng ruole disinebancee rosae verabobee ] iarkei lant Besaon Ouîy gae uichfis tca, tetrt On tieo- ltes reutatio of toing i Mciltbs Tlmne. se congisu, colas, etc.- U "gAT --)en leOHAI & Ce. Try uî. B 'c.a cHOUie.'55ug leut rueis M. JoKingIe, etftisabas beau mcdo je tise mat- lins, osar HMneh, yrMeuakened bh Thnsiigda s rnt es, eue u cihin ruledor Se te seondThmiiayM tig & I lehopreesednanl base ieen Tisanis vn iniseaelgatlst g-0Ie, ' -s ruile il uie tire touetlà h'r. ibditih poIDar(tisa esaito'-'"l îus urontis ha. beau ruaspasSe tisaho-)e-sudidlce-sr Wy7in the Unitent Statse. *tisaiBSbatte ebeaupriat %g laeadan hlirdstuinfixed rule Mda et ]malet Misnsdsy of Noenisr- non" id np nMy anctionu ruses g 10 q:n t) My boreliry sdore.1.ln; uw stck of l he lame - 7.4@ toises. circis, jruill e nvte tisepuble lte t dnut tise finéct ie*l tesday lent sud Gos. Andrers a) rus nffaed i bid ras 04,W00, 0ae t,7s 0g4t tis emutme~ ual, md aeisas Toore t ord. ber m s t g elo tisrBale Aieltsol Ssethé eI. "dir-s e as esa eeatthehab ditdd bsbmas e ta uty aroni. ctoral e ogaysd te tolasep tiaern isl irtissltoral mael threarly, sel bsMder se hobalcon srsa diatuti atre. Nmasrcei. Tr t-ge NIse sud Esboadg oa. lhes te 0i9 dthe s msesodise- Toronsitp grsu. Tsilaau u sfteaototisa dalr Stiet eu oonde uty soettsusa tet isfl. eu Esue aà sl tyet"eds msOTs ratoecoma osgme dip twisan theltwrsetpegrculturehssa us m ioormed. gouil aitsur, eesthatisac waotosiut oaiveuuas uttid o ica. TrafalgarNeselmatndest rg twn. sudp, msrnd Dswestaou Me. Cles 1 lti in uti ai re gechtr* od ted ding hi nst ps b@uypriot suns to tise . Actes morsou Wh.nesdsy letsntissr Ce pt tnrsaitedon tise1 t oople. @etytie apderme f eed. Tise1 matersomatiîteratNp sud lte dsissyc notl tse apes hveissuintste tisa mitn ste tywuentited uo aarutse jodsereànoti M. Clement snt otte teles gnRt.eetr rntai obd zA outatd jilet.rOssisu esa loy o an inormpatise laitd ioynigte ruaisese of.arceltse, is ein issety coisis te & Soes e on Thed seeins t rIsemt ru. onri s eileid Fridhe gr et. rhnoi orsgv ontnetloyeatsyCourtetae tiAs statresu in astu 4 ciisssU rThnced ay mrening haCrusteBrad-g Me ain ifr ma, etisn a nriss ia, nd rthn poie Ma spars tre a otioeed osfrigiingaroutiane. uio colab, e Sose@ama reesn ts tret tois fl ghue lee dort aththo1 onicea isugsate ent gy isedoseo adenotfiltes ntes snd Cod oniyd sidsrsymtiet a ise8atanddensokD *MweJ.op.pspaers. told bi storey * pntucdleeersssutiaoinsMr. Helis. rabes,etoa m e icea tistreta &bovting ronndmintesscod oeabI ctcoe tisst s h fcthM.e m na Mie Esar'm led arisenth..ad ohtai gr.rtbapu ts whiln h ren sP a r .ndh ,l btiorokeBtoreossen raf stis oereshosnoutles0t hersent f aceed ced sontnringdteM. sper'min stoMreruer'aand os P.. J.. u sohn P. ruhr infee amthethie tales, bcd rosndtee Me. Holliraersso re sined ii th cuwra nt e aoatorsiso cd e. r ar amessud eu eM.Holiirs ho intorend imidlter bs fte aaei su tise Mr doesscsmesliai M emois.a , hrb aunil ths.doir e d Mrd.ha r tsyrupera m o hoMe. Holiratio id lf hlm sd andruconnd tlesafronet a. &gaie;ise (0.) tod thees for a taru mintes, ruha haoisoard lesresport et truelstgecttisthfront, sudthnbon 'y tiat tleemacnisad one onut le th roa' Sdose, isealtely -eedorusMaryma" Omt te lhes vacat lot batrusue Me. cCarhmaem sd Mr. Porer's buildings. 10 uhere ha mat Me. Hallisaka. rubu tcld hl bm tisethlea sts issd beau fired bY J 1,P. par. je. tissa a emn iendorun .itretanedhaoiboard @Os empasu "bath" su', ad suotisar@bot irent; Oz '1tisas cama Oun tcoMalmint isas W" le Meures. Espar tomdhlm "thisam I.hant guas tp Mordiu tret; lest ho id lehonruent t te ia lleae HOm"ancd U bnasissd, ehan a"MOe momn epasen le thaerinduru sud-ced bien ruhat hi rusuwindaplmadtiha ruted le me -Mr. Mit=el,,;tise uw ruetisa. chut dorun ;ha tissllmtend e" tis ci front dose, iserd efc lu tis anal"se a@ on tle aied, het, esnOnt e.y uetha e& tis sued rusatram sae*lgup 0 M. dous theaatales; ha thbem Ridor on maactm"dlud"atMr. Peemees&J" h, re treos thbos&u. eesâte thaerule de tondso sud eldhlm Itheab";ile. 2Ps d .. arepli at hl oa- tise nas dm masSe s ietm Ue . tia a thai ruan»t er& ainha et B budlet hm stoe i es.lars manrsaaasingthr sud tha he àutoueulit heituam «eantn samsrhe ly ruerlt1sue lettrnsddise umndu» .rue2ranent lataUM lise sopuberodncs; 6" une aall ina;tes utney rie ane. e or.sgiiayiand in tise oS led tiseoc dslest ue. tisns. esoe;ny tbar parsue "n offea on et latu tisai icili ae; aa iseced Jo.iE . EsciL, sJ5r. muse-a laTerise thegnea sout Sp. m.Io sey itainomined le ofgirulsan tr i mlstsbng in use le oilieanda otobr e I c &oouenedsotisebuts t Me rieteatunarfe tle sey isudnlmartisae satr atailea;masnes; hoigisia Md, Tns rod les e ltboueyt leo. loti C rusn ont Iain tetun frhosurete ore- Myissa ridruthIue les. .ieu di ai H ugu ui oilinrabs eeut un e'0r stre; s to tnruse eor sie ofMsino ee ioarigu tei, ruand; sag heli I c«onosute gtisensl araudse daore distot Ise.alad erhm oisIt Itdid etst toum; Irs tlegley teset otune urun toe irisas Ir of tisesanruent luis M. Holilrcissu ore cail risi;ns tal.e uleand andls rual fnedeletwo se;tsiste ruinur rukso; 1orna ruent tandng id letHl irs goen t; witcel'.. owlsture;awustda nomettisaeeen.tisa I boruantat a WaiiaaPHrtout'*,t tei sean seceettaing in Milin- r aoues et ee rue Ian;yoFail o Monse. lit;I ubjosentte el ideinrbo, trise, hc hosid idnt Me;Eliton. rnet&gin ssd t I rilIsane ru Wh' tisi olre, honr Ile, bogtoI himLaa 1 iuset ol; I rsil otwustanb.did.i thne tnis ns M. le ra. str heursthrsth rsu;s lalantaruetnoteawd semig;a valoeiseiailte ates wd nuegn; rse et iutFalla s tsaR eses in; isoru iong t is Tolisiae'losudie caea thetise ponocu. I tins. eWlac onews t themIseneteud of tisan minad bsi h reloi o udtitchl. ee sa unigt ua*nt t hé edrst e rin ise nali ruse saiond;by willim D sear; lbidwuey atesFaedlli b1 oie tieC onceaienroig;met dy Cuchsosu P.isi iipSoru miai ie tissasme rues cis Moitcaiu ;iolt setsars netWthe mdyteigr. e i ats an le Tisa ross ee adfogruitse ose upsot; sent bad eilad emaretle lie ntral woru aile us Wle ewr; 1 am elgsi; isnd mplg e ttie frt org n ec clrus ue. emonand5 Filliers l hat idnet h ome suyse ha seit esoe tata tsaresun e ea essmlha nio est usintotisa rese rinlth f rusearuiaisawéhe doWilI DerW&&seainptie s uies;Feul rus1 leahers#disait iFluneWuluethsea la lit ;hboard; te pin trtisai e frond e sandrowusen ak came h1d. or d0 ist« etlse it le leureIle m Faille wu ines lu tod nelhersoost to ises.tactose taoite r t taïsr; tisedre t ta dse ri ue, buti, dIs so Wu. Der tha atrue « Ù, thaiMe IR .lt;shis; aile tshie rasud Dears"eihathe @u"e;mrsFalle sea th Waeus eyars; Ilsp,.ehs.t OJOt alid a dsg not lp se.;n te mtraie mPall te. u fee rs te bd ftheruetcdl bor esngt.t aor eux4quiadi. 02 Co 2 D i 02 (ID o CD CD CD CD M2 CD >--- w r z c <4 >1 z o c> z c> -I z z c, 0 -I z >1 z >1 E 5 0 o OoVmpud Byrup of Roare und!1 in unufled for Coughe ana col SoId on/ by - - - - HtdONSOT 00. CONDITION POWDEB, St .1t Bifjinbotkam d0s là e 011 aprivate reoipe for Condition Powders? thon get it filed at Higginbothaxn & Co's. Thoir drugu are pure, and quality tell every time. Wm. McKenzie, _MERCHANT TAILO- Begs to inform the people of Milton and vioinity that he bas oponed out a tailoring establishment in BOOTH'S BLOCK, - - MILTON where lie hbu a veil assorted stock, enitable for fal and winter wear. A 6000 FIT SUARANTEED. - TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED. Nam étew Administrator's Aale FARD PROPERTI IL the TOuWhlpetNASaAIa ty aa . s.i e Mlts Thaouuduidmadhui 411- butreta unl hi PablIeAuuls. a et s Mmcm., lu Rmm vu"s«e wAMION, on TtiESi>AT, O4JTOEEB Slin,18M., et tIse isue ortwtru'0100kein leUn.atter. nome, lam torng luade:- suand a pme.etecoA n dbgi h ta slees bp o essn.. -sen5t.tQ- e th* e. srrrs. .n O.1. in tirs iesmd ramseor th. .-id To.rrpoO.jnm-g ieb,0 cd1=oioon ieOsn prs , tors2h.WoO =a1.sse= nr 1 ne ondl i n th. T..neirreor Ibqsntns la O.a, O .«erdurrerth. ir snsrfo eN.r-. -mO 00e. toh el.r mdiesenOh pintses.l n .il ..T .1- lpr.o.rcnemsn .w1 PoeneeOra .,Oefca00 osh.POsOro r c..... .t . tE5 5 5 , tof HiSOt.b.1- -t AccOre.i-.. cath. rc do eOsone DASTEDO'S IS THE STORE -TO="c7= Dress Goods, Blankets, __UNDER CLOTHINIG .ý3GLOVES, CORSEST, H0SIERY,E àa' Close buyers can save money by buying from Sash1 Cheni MîP 55 & 57 i Bru Pattern M( 55 & 57 K -FOR- CARPET TALK. Curtains, Lace Curtains, Tisa rond oeatiser ruiltsoon ho hocrisen wt ruile breen sh si nitte Potures and dustpacetle s hyousensuos inite Poture, niarlesenber cleanang tour. Tison Swiss CUrtains it is slesdiscoesst eat ar pet te ruceted hos and lhee. Tire Az. ro' quoctien ruiil thon natneally crcp op, wisses vili I boy nsy carpet t KAY BROS., rulere c I boy tis e set carpet üng St E., . Hamilaettire let otlay. Wo vii en- -ligirmn Yen. FOR.-MoKay Brun, carry tise laelt -FOR - selectien ot Nors r tns, Brue- ses aetries, Acamnstoro, C pes Unos . Euery patten in a gem; t acis piecu i. finisoed par. liîulary tac tirons, aod buying ,us controhled tor cash, îisoy cao oel at bruce by themetelves. pracen tissu urny othson. cKAY BROS., MCK01Y BROS., hLg St. E., - Hamilton. 55 & 17 King St. E.. Hamilton. -FOR- Blankets and -- Comforters Window Shades, Curtain Poles. M'KAY BROS., 55 & 17 King St. E,, - Haseiton. 0F INTEREST. Speciai value in Fiannels- AiI-wooi Grey Fiaunel 20c., worth Moits. ;Ahl- wooh Grey Fiannel 25c., worth 3Ots.; Fins Union Grey Fiannel 15c, worth 20c. %.dcf.r -Plopr ..cy Ilnesf grrrO y- e-t. reu ul.ln o et àrn o mu' oie Holhinrake & Son Cý- :TO=CST C) The Leading Houes in the Dry Goods trade, are now displaying a fine aasort- ment in ail liues of gonds. We eall special attention to our Milliuery and Mantie Department We take the lead. We do not follow in this department. We are busy as usual, aud havîung a convenient Millinery room, with good light, you will find it a plessurs to do business with us, as in the past. - Thanking our frienda for their liberal patronage, we shahl continue to make it oui study to pisse. MILLINERY-VERY ATTRACTIVE, MÂNTLES-FINE VALUE The hatet styles.. We import direct from German manufacturers, thereby eairing the -wholésies profit to our custouners. Great vaues In ail Lines- of Goods-Prices down Iow to suit the preent 10w prices of farmn cereais. l'a ~id ea ".ta nid Oyercot. S&e oui DreueGood- Md Vti P lan etts. Be. our Comite, Gloyes 14 m& ppme. 1Seu oui Uuderwear,, mif). mad %00 Tables. b!luee smorne .--l o ] -b

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