deivt drabot 7 Ibis aip, vo train for Ch~ gul, Woeiu'o beautittisii day thraan tram thea ripes th range ei bat ver. 107 mie.0 conId a 8.40 nez$5l for Ils finue' treet. sudM cable ad .al0 ing. but inunou; Our eît a1 WorthB . R., Worth, Tex whosa irouil ot aimait 40,0 iag tliraugb a0 reacbed Triaoli supporta a pi# 1 Oiminas.,; yvelne bous* ed inoaNew I mare entered Etacada) ut leaitn utfi. Taesday me l drigîlteh River oat 1.f uamed, ta. li gypoum piaii allier rivera M jot a red. Al a nice constry ee at, prO boira aanu are excellent f Norbera Teni bar oethIrivba ioule,caiclite mnagnifsceetI the largaul ce rooney, of any pansad a seri orgbam, ami ochardsa on Worth, whbsi and loolet iv gremsive Cityp trong mitud one ot theafiu Laving Pt crossad t1.e Waoo in lurgi oe o the ivq passuad thrit %vereve #al ing lisePl Capital a tnds ca Antonio, Iheý States. Toia roacbed our I broabtat, an The hôtel ta des Armai, a Plaza. luJo once devolod stands tîelà plante asd clamp of bu Nt eastaof Mianaicoli Te abject the Alîmu,l Crochrît, as the Bowie hg ot brava men tor twocmes torce t on*e Itini statad deotoed bas iegors betis poered by ing and roi histaryin-1 mlicb May, yoor publiaj isg again., illi itu Ii thieli, uarr boillels, and, saiployed i Ha is aimay lisg tle out Ibere unp mensonger, noe. Il Msrch, 1 sJty,- i cuemilt "ive. Il histury b Frsuoso oncue. lU, thalCOOL Tom d e. sud 60 ms "Y. eslotl.00 I lise puluseis C opa ap poumdtWd Ùce te f li aksmai a 191ffn, i nlu sd ami tisr vaiation. ;.1 lWddedvleTaiundand"o u iss utVlla j timdvl 1.ovaa. e pe. % ebelis &long lsebsos Ossalêns nu ow etlDon t b rengisth.le ev aiia dsluea ai dboys oe& in aosfebMa cityntibaiived hyePuU. h. ene a efle future gril epr fls OGsoeio anc, Aimot altlisQit]Gl aa Do mies à tatouestlt a lceadby long, oa ntiada ëotaez t Ft Md arsses.lisilieitram six lteo0Mles liltupe yt rum the maiulasud. Theacllis h- ultoap aIta mthoneust.tands are calted "peesie." uta elr tomes. 4 Aran%" Sa i lIe om 95 . Triild wh c s e 'l a nacd. Abouttres 00 b.m Tid ars soago 0a campîny organsd ami p t1,0 yil aepeo the Channel by th joe mpays cDoe e orm- nes, and mono than talt lihovueSoa aZi.w 0 cva n edoeabetre flbe tndu mre exisat.d. 12 PLans (Lio Tise god effaclu ut the joliesai e"aimanted Ibat thu eigbbrnerltconis iAbudyeliare taing the mettait in bandl sud it flaidPlains, as onainlikeiy Ibîl they mii notales i ru.ed Oe itBoa nonîh moepta cosuet. lie mort. la approprit.iy Thon AraisaPas mill boum. Anutes dralued tramn cm pany prcbiaed 27,M00 ara oc seinIt. AilA rausme Peaui nla d eut il np lobo ita;cioare tes-aire tracte. oiet ure boîag sets I.Ia scis for rit grammep and gadeolot, and wihe sk p raesiadbrgis ta a naiber et tbcro ire oiipied. mqid e l Thol goea Oin Salrdip Dgonaf e came sarn. lu"sk t,,1,,the bsy ta Curp=iChriti, mhicb fi i'dyes o id ta be h. bealtblefiî and masi ip oinne drysesoobeautitutly iîtuad xnternog plaie i sp tao nco mhtcbAmeeci, We sured a large ai.j slsppedailaimnnm- roumi, tacîug tise bey, and about III mi usP ta 8,00tentt ramthe vmater. The ton ai Ovng uora more quîsst oid plaie otf 000 Poplation, iu aidous es bjaling mouy Meicana. A nimbas' ,nd ii îndxa aid eithy cilticrou an bva beaifi fod inlad 'n bousea ou lie bioffa. Ttay w sua the Union,-V aenaurmouranches, onoe ohicis je ave cornylCsotton. 1,0000 crare, belootint tea i 0mai i s reactfedF 1 biinmot nom tla oip opasmitb pI. M eyed tva ta:descriptionofthtois a, bul iii tal ci aitl 1e a Pro- yepa i alv ue laroud ut theclimat nOsue nld nga îdoil, Moab intormtingaîbs. Meic d issu ram goveromeot repraidmns eucs lan haoa. memilspore macame olersetiare h" ins tte f tip ycanoboratadsuce. Tha humae se8 aI Waoul-,020et raising raitesund vagolîhbles le jur , ac l. 10.t!, . dta ating, ait mct of tbe mrli li citlas in tise nttbeau doue hl ignoant peope, e~ s6k mnalmuenint Vue meuliag m rketgo he puo.a eb neloI, tisa capta.i. baea emtosisarlatthe.eodori ý eul capibtlhuild - îishaea rossa item. Mofr enusept tise National markis Ibereon caver tee tI gln, ta miehi îcoautt ram a point 60 mallesnornuesasti .80 we rew ac u Corpu, ltate Meicaislino, 150 mi[ cipy in Texas, aod a"th*. yla tise United Corus un t7oililes a Bttus outis1 Iâst ltito 028 0, twondegreeeftese nul rptir e mieMehn Nom Orleans. Tise dclnale meabed itout ciflit in tise osuter peoflaeos l, eu. d. th rom tishe ntis luleep wam nai d otisen tbe main lie nommer peopee om te oi te. ot ise former, terior et Texn ta te.p ceai, The a mliiary evotutone' b me rnge- ai tise tiseeomoteela l24 ictlit,andiu 550. Ittrareiy gelsa demito82 ait talet troian umnor 0omrtiuuiO intdn ivni tt Iibnsmree hluv la and, pln s er fnuiIbisumors Ibe batî eid cauteel leteoaring fr iahepepe The annnel mrtality e, opitei ia Co ror.1,000, Tise doctons may tliee ijo uap iinternet tous a mieiling diseine; no favars, coru- iCol. Travîn, Davy diseass, nOn riseneatâtn. We ha d-the oigiatae et gm &H atis, d t~erIeeslabo ai lSth th ,iHIban5d tisaI I over saw caloebeus =insAia~a Pmt inouvee.I =ld't ive ea umberin 7,000 Dmeu. oteeb." a iaboety laI ise Tise sit oftMlsistreo Coasteu1 1.00 t tise h-poaro ta e h iearly ail Band, bt 2.0 oe b-extntym..amination shosmoi tat. tol ot fl raere i fiiienalltIe-mentiutfsis, and Ibal i ilargtin w van Dmvye rot teaompesed ut poodered nbels, T san 1hvy mresttl. may aceoicîtoc i& feriliiy. Itlal isispter in Amaican soub.srnsgatad. except ouncaie oat if. et Davy Croclet," bltuila. If pou drsve a pipa 5 ta 10 f ýgrace the elilves aut Irougistise sîpanusmun luop mu e.Il is muth rend. Ot aI il, aid if y us ar la Iu d tI ihdig icises, poufluda tbe rconoso. rof tuOue C ro ain'g a:a vtaepand ut tuxurianit vi "=yo a' l ii te iaint e u ltpanac,d ty r ait mo tlrupRPeprmitt.. Anelior vinet ta repeat lie tbril. lmo,aîeold th a saraieldesi 14. m. Au inscipton ib 700h.acr, in thle o , ruupyl ls .ilesC, r070 . Aoune t;, tiaAlamu hal, niiPPEld ta Utah, broflgt 16c. - u1th lAmu ain tuDnd ovun freigil. WbdthIe ab SOde i ueislinssm 4 Celaled "the Atamo s 0 niviim c.dsud ao 0 ..e Alamous rpe alies mere tram Hu.$1.225 .It in a liesulful One maiOla siiet is;prue inhbbhitaOte.vTory lanit rssfu'tvaaon i »Il, Vary pcearueramthèe.bais.con b a tdmici lteu" ri - ripe inap he m ée 616 Guli Sml fOB.VAUa. i utua4pflalsl7uettiOiSSi (Japltrano Ma il tt. Ilà mtera il s i a Mh. eu *y o i>rprlutIbeU ! 1 aisdelm*teuui-e Il Our genersl stSajp.%ods Underelothini oh ~.6i0a' siplendid variaty. M~~md large nomber oie mitiumeed fic Ouîr C"4 >Wajohs ai - Our Boot &So tCfil facturera and giving yoti 4lee. cUE and if you boy ypu will make unc The lhnnderstrm w hinlieva&l va Ostarjoonu ThurdSyiDOeOiOE osverY severe. Many biing mare mInou .by liglitoinu and dauryd For Ovur FIft y*@-.. X_ .X,....o &n e"ý eeibs55tbY -duT or tp. es'i favoi sry and1 great vi .lcee.i c- . w.s - e" * t from thé s8Z*ben0fit â look at o; WIL MCGDe.&,CO.e Georgeto - I54CAI OE 000215C&LEND1A* lm0. lm Il u long ligis oat ivlhmdyOdle iql nuaent to therea uaArftcb " oi l lsvle.ti M.oeou lsu is'uu ec Moder il rgee u e .9uo -à-g Mail-"hpe.l rie~tsy lsriah .aiis tu erdima éuent gmad$lih viseg l avnt tt esollu. unoi eliuY. maeurouyýim fru m a .Te îaiagiuuof d e;iiUnWegishe. aiud OUpa iole i bfl ý="e n m llm>h he aiU4 s. liseril oretfalg moteesel iOlSoB dla- aoud e pro teul.Ia is.he not r n i« lily ci voeh.l iequae prpsMidis »Yuulr i e sseAgsi y.eueesun s ia lii rdi s i 1enl ehuwSig. el o s liiefronthis gl J su ealt ssiibuedo i e u ati l insiu'Y selisne h et ~ere = A l- n ahslit ilc 0auomr n ais. Itou, GTitesin a h. aîloer spenimirdoeut l beo le.. iiema lrstusl eus, hiensy. fer abo Ib lossesin-scird e curuodfle1.1 Witlsio Ilupandtvapnrasé uM" MutrdI.h.lim feemdit ioglit. -t agto a m e ve letsmisgat hmis esO t diSperbiS ilinsgst lioraeeeliusi y. ma nslma.unepionu ae O 0;iiu. 0 asemfoinaotere f m wi Wouho. m g ý __ a_ theen_ etThplrribsmte tg lel ! d m o is 1. istoresel ud art s ou lis:e pu1 e aiè SRAà.". teUhieToheO lagiiOossîlituil b jlou 0 af isro n oan iemdatp * u Oa ddo- c llan Q iloluteseul fise l Thud ni vur du Itri, csud ut l l sussao». e*I us me a î. su e ed s s e mui t cy *ans i i ua t tie als lat tics.a p iin ng d r,,Àu.buiseS epa t.a Ru i Lq Y.51 u.age. ut"10ge e lire seititii ut d 1 2 t i iluibnhnin w eu. sâ,Oul s er rgotAflhr auamm linsresminutel-unee »ulit opaî t. f e-ii.AsiSmarvert l- .Ien ai bt ne prufeausnsoeste.Juha tLMerb.giuad isvis -n-k ing- -l tA S WCl ()ubid Ga mrsdtig iutratsu iât inr.dtuptrongeai e oçVlî6 «Ce ou 8C Thale on ial a, ud o of lu racel a seeîlbannes. No liitpefmsunIlrasw odiedlatonbn£ r, l meesi aissu abe bie r oi11 oîsîsilfot suhý no o u du f laas'l lutthe dace. tAtheine usit res is thsuru venythusentaulm% a, ssves rsgeiasantuo ar onls' Theseîro ta sy uacahtasation oa uh pe- Tcsd5meo ot, eaELug b t. ite ad. stntourid UIBds fuw iy l e a e. d ledty 10.cltuéd ,bm ntuaiirt leunmrr- iithaoeîlpdiî esi artian lsu ure ta e pit 1h. orlth.Wien Mait. t. suemeu tara mie sndpoteed t aharr"is- tt. aenird ielistipu0 e irenlly de aintie f luaik Ils iset.- fl 14%2 au g. gifl di bopinofdL'()i ceilil ts u mti nrgpoPr. lgsetlIuh M.Morluo . ee teosnsifii insaimuâ i .. tht. ea-b gtfourd.' mî bseieri y Ob In mC nte oanu araiou, ust i. daenvne. r. Tscis s sparteqly s acu lglt il nhr ig bured Tttlutero" nd ar eu n hennaeIL. rrion aclsie lmronL eler îe eu eapa madt. etound u nt a fbednie esueso m a vsud ou a u rliteadveeIneest. u e .tle ta pe %*laid 0.uay si iusa1,tt le Thon ecil us instrs ota ex f-ai or. an d m vier. is h. orrn padFry, win and Th ei- pii ai -,ia4felsiîe e tislor lcni e-ils otsrdOorlusied tvaeds'orlu inet efate.miAbielas fereIte . su ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i mesTeud homi mdml nuve- ai yiaisdh Oaeuyed s Ite am o reant pirlt )tr w igga.Lulli luweiét les ro- Oe., samifour tisa esseissisiiel ws toslg i.v H.eadeangem e ie ber Br ctsrurcvle u h mla s e n uel d s e aid«h aoies nend anes meetind.ybulianttess reveged aqi lisengasiso. pirtycsuig ut n ahssuunilstasida hu ele buro n ei- n o stu -«ilmlgintplit Md our tiem tlaaess gieus uou e, op he ustuai ts n u &t agt .be s tigth.usuboard si aid trpe u ie vu iten, T hn t apa loh yotasi c iaunâ]stMrh nad eue t i oregga hstly i ta ct perlusi or 0alle. hoaIbi aout m uss ora i eadEered inuasHar is. te ara. reduiotitse iof, o.ti- ýD are$1,20ysdonsteaigbeu v nd! tttheli br 9 evit Joh ELuf evryron i-esryn oche n?'i otenc,tis t.gun- ai mnit gelas ThckeInraiclleiltes' t r a oiti 'm iit î e em p 0ea hie, su terury. n te com uer t ges are feues t ait e svultp isL«.eà.e. g tom hes tean t lsh e idealy ia A fo:re evod6ld ut ite u itwt o pplt l iee ro f it he digne511 es adr e on ton.hieadaiptonen ov es' lots in teîime lis clasia hic ut o tavhe aid fontme ls. a ti l l p i ed gt o th e onaeu tte la fos abosu l t s lbr T3'eo uo th g M amflu a dti ra nd - ugte .Inuud talaliy o duevigdmol mec-oarefoilea sfsile hon t torpipl cbise e «ud in, f csseds 1h inieton, ic ri i rô rsy s uai onsaf r es dis - ot p"ie usndoslthe nci t lb. ute a n hoddel u gmni arehrmn a mier. pcestilsoft, etais lu oa r ire cn tcte at roid ta feau hiwetrho .A te Cles apkasc nddlis flhtr depsi la ol he ise ae lu wuld lipe. an tiges wo ved th Tht.sitmopeenlain, apatisaIoi mdngnp oi TCe lyir. tgd aleeetup. The charge li tattera lypro o s.hsl ptsutîîui llleasiLas5ce u a. feuia es s 0âcau se2auatoe tei se baîp: l s'oi a eiiseud nd t a et a iea re nin udmu tsufrum lufiavet otjrte .tmesd oe lgnris. geeg hlh 'aprud o r.0de o and thé mer taueual e l i te italuteprion a raca h i ao n ssss'rte hte, utl , i a. i do lm2macengsoeilbor lu Iie itea ssrsqlsesr ie ira o r Tleus aitOeofa c h e,.mm e. it.isint tiaresusioufo e utntisedpheoema enacs urCes savesimicnl the laeu mo prfto mumoa& u. Teea st tisai th.pliec.m fe e io f Ira smit» 01 snlle ssai tpo iny i he tw a n asa t 5ailô pesiohe pr prlp e s itee I la Isa fir Thearousle i nntigeattuell faht ý f hso Si h om u ainela-uice. buhaeu bfaritles s itan ha e fsoC e. nisistbus yea e a, oli esbeo efi f roear . apluutaatareeernas t lise on roi]. ste ss ms at lie i Atv ar7a orotce hou 'Fu ofte butomise uturaie ntar es-oiofl'ThiaS m t. ies il@ fltua w i bigsfrt ai ombuitdr lt 1.P ues alol e l di vidfust ,i vtlil elaus n uieeins, meutP for S etm boxa esuouthei llhâut ; h uep.aua aisu.d emi esoiitsuieren5iotttast, a a i ise aidelance rov te Oa mW eest lu lusuom le om ral im dnuadlme ulrp 0. casinitheu intsue nÎl ae in- dusag Ibir ttu marktin.ey ta sisaliTisaeit i naieratyeflwih ta lse i tieieissedhssater ndefase - ex rotito ce rsetu, enta fo at. h. uUp e nd a wiav ve aos ud leave o n u t, e n -i tend aiind aCisc. -sze 4p0 andbmallg ItO mt exeovethegufu Lhutum ensiaen.d il tiai B nmsy1, 0 eo9.s5ese5i nm an tias ypsi reu n tiaI nt h all on 115 e ne it ihere aiof t.iue l'otf insocc ag. beit tas e noavereasi cPutasr t-catnlp ym Pes n ts a. 1juIii tdtna au.sail oO may doîtnas erevhboys in the ditr i fe ndtish e o lim e bntl i ssu Ti _5 rie aleosemath.. ana1s'bia srvce y liueu liitthe cer. r Aidea i eereatsie lt ille ho t maip cuonap iservme tnutritionGtaret.ib. ____a _____illo _lit _ani âteth oN olui . enOt, ngl an , tati, aes p l aidfcdiser tiai lis vIand pI sIare tuoiielsty bouglit bp p.oplemhe A ssamAndrni41usd lsraaan. -rent asu- Had eo utupt xediae uate . C A astepiete t motainstdh e r, i.. aan ot ýrs bai irrsoidit O' f.i15 vn Iugi ads ih geibg-. uwdises or.I IOsa. teo )ct eol mueu -tik" m o i ns .ta, uscord the forlie ;lame atQile Lueestrml bu t @teuis notoa. 5 oiie eoW.v , in theoglsaireuldoutof teoslnttse. A pisysici ma id Lstss it . 0. I wt n eislio sa ti se Fo a i tei. DeL, appitei uz.natlul Cran-wichmpeeeudi bdta ae uou~eu tma boeisa. It 0001 mde in Th. Frum vletas' Indaviul igalu bava p ; sbute'ltacoeee uheltt iB lard for npt.aierto provo."isy by om t P ehison ayt . 50 Ain ne lt~ga in useu Yh O i ich t fi th ndle olspoýetht chglpople M.In a ltufated havi og id umwup'n ua nai 6n.dig hi a leumarest blludooa.leoudmisw aait. t.d iu, m lie ofIhi. Mtille1-e l- qat u lsis Tg ruts Notuhee elog, nfuis stths olud o vlgas oet. onuse l oite ovm er ou WH s tlisute o6tl. ilie,.ai Me of .uiisth o st ea nsive 1110b for p onileerle r ma but hlr i l hava tejelu h- h.4,s)iistIo ,v l. i ; gel ris peu o em h bhe u thé P5iiB a teohesad haeisfqe gabstv m is sa uvias Lu. li f e ns -o n .vd aliyms ofni 'li i riis . p.u ncpllitt. i- Me e it vo gel litrendai t. d elv red ul atP. A [lth a h ima e beu fteuq 1 - lu, a"*g lela rh ohgml n lbePS th t Vaisa oiAnd aUahilihtuhieu lai shai vou il t. rei ol ragh ý D»taa GndFrtn. hé.ito rn lesuid aie gai» inexmZi jrupeoplewh st ait. of 05h. pt lduiii'i!OfAdserini ~ay esitr hw.tom.cH l u ROPER'3.q Butter and Egpgs taken in exohange for goods. Mxass *,inu OVERCOATINGS âND> TBOU8Ü I s , 1- ý- , - - îpring and summeç weqi eiii rwoght juto The patterns are mil nc*rAoU -0yis.Pies liglit and wucrk sud t l:lftt d Geuits' Fie shngs a leadng spoeiily. lWomen'Ë 0oh' Men's, Women's -Ianid Children'à - loi lisse Je, iil09 " MmN, ONT. ,Prp. VOLI re 5ie~ Thi TSN. has a ct soParhapi the pla ::thegr, »-- r d u c e ~ - a s uMount excepti ~one of i uisa8kinds., la tN*o u Stet Mr 1tieed ii eachi. 8 Woodenl I~~f., batte ~~5.i~ta'sad sus6 u l lAS s. IIATESO,.d8- î t Caset Rnge. Miltou, 8Ott * LLIOTIT, B. A., Me t, u.Nà.isep Peir. le .. oe.sped hy Duisois Si(aubu) i>DumsaBro, Moerc vo Loe, Il -il. W002 OHISHIOL X Soiies'o, etc., Nasry Pbie. O .0 AV LuOmsRaise. doue lu asS corItamilto. tLaLA w & Ce. i .C Lu'f : JmSlOaesas the lar,-t Grm are wanl Kniveq, tihe larg-e Wri Treitasà Cillas Office Main St, Ail Oue th. lu- ABI RRTSON I Eigno., nent door L'TON. <" 5115ttOie Firee L Ca avel ,fD..38c,5c et OFFho -store Ofc, tai ST~ e~4 ::L. Ail souMis DajIes ;,I.;deI.k. .1- La taon cor.d et, rgaui t.ros 8. ota'-é m n 3' -o tm Bý ihorvbn iiYlt t. th. «hscseel u. 'tmsic.'a L 50@ O-CIe Uiistlug o5it Jury, Cii Apei0ud SM Ocleria ne t euOusis pisesieisism*at.. caiwel5e Ustu si tet umasJsuaeit e-ea - M" naa. OrsiAtelt bd aI imtase .0 tis. eu-se lei .iV ctsisotits. ausin Ae u NOW IS THE TIMEî !T~IBl 87 FLOWER PÔTS -MOTR Bowls ad Jugs No. 87 Punua treet,5 LOND)ON, ON~T. A. PILKEY, IHamitton, Agt.,frQ(-0 ~~Ri m