col Terlc f1xil fHE or fr e Mr$. W ard' Wk baor thefbu ce, ouehou - !06 irctt &saire COr. a s Fai.4p (elv s leroau LA Dti o brf eyt 15518 har ee JamesSAY mea"ws busi- JOHSO sc a t ~ i ~~~~~~~~~~~tL - cla-igoBrovii be.h Sd tscikW iUb amiton.atIorb.,, isean anSatria, te ,fIfr atare ou atrthe racl 0 Jo,00 BF a rove b isu vltulàf is . *i1O y ar h0 ltl . Tse f- A eýaiI tl a .c a dfin l sula otr. he a . a otas ofaedacuk tctaum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M N Y io s a reUth e ]udiddro ra avrteD!«u.etocstate st a a ln B u reuL-IlO tf dcIl tdcls. ie olctg e*ied tan bau --Lr hu . a ee o Tb b rui b ilinaro eS gr tgata Oa vte c asIe le . Lc -9 e I.,s is 1."nd it nMAdXo a ln a nr der form arhe bfait, tte re Yfl5ts in ee n .cnitea ts a ta p n 4 l i . t s 0 S _ _ oron Leorrain lartherigade wao ct a-a w adg ta otatly B rigcbi ~ ,e.' iae et Barri C o n Soal bratbe aoeu f tb eipanner t al' dro oal coit.C O r i tid e er. MmtChe îl eut endSo " nevIx4 b no i e tl olw*0 Pdit-eI5 etret wev th gueofa lreOfl haaa5i* k và tmaise w byOb$ k_*DESS-GN - D thefietregIa ý f:oursTh e u. i s fuingpemal lugis t"esry ffol t fi .r1 frbe I & mrA- y &t 0an600 n od 8 h0(4,0 0lai sigis, maigb aboteed iae ac ao eet eilsrsdatidlËvid ae 4..tftg.cna erybd th wClthîang Mr. J. flofcy u w nt tgson is iOlOdr aaadfatent eue iti tîco sinde C5.# tec»V. S.atiife1 Cl* Mor adia90yl e o ld Sfome r ae oiig alon sit.Ts feow g Bhir n 't!ýig a e fo iutiist aoerapuniysggo d:Zdseastcthem d ouWhich, i you buyyour will not rue it. $2.. W O 0rele@ga pail r . 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B.C.,0wàrvtoue daad lu bio Books, Sohoo& uppY4ea of)thee an oaggmpsil*& Pticketub. Te dewrtro» ke's " ((LOI . imteloal e isa~ onay eot 'Igla2.De taioe87or biooutc bvefeorcedtahntr, r aueg oretthaaioiu totortdhatae o by ou at(3 &85 sonra l'lie 1 K or Sahtrda yers0 h CUPO, ida bgllwmwramnI de oo.L-mSept.oreri Aggrsgate for wbidrsve Groceries O il11 nl c e atrd.Tble an raaa let amtlan o Clananud trthhgh e f BD ý - slibl" ..a e o ver via10 ce, tH li r k '.oth flown bag n 'r nlis apeu iug a y od ea eris waM r ataiCampb l a mir i M en's C ot'n S ox fro...........n azara ot heinp lay kn1IB w i ana fai ici i c tian e,"wa a rg te .sÔrmce 'intho ~ r u en 5cranat ....A..........u g a r GO .,' oh~,~ne theleain. aety frind ohm. 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MCl hn k pw a su rcs -M n'V ssg ig tae.onit 'f a te ai, r c irs,1iie n gafi! ,estledteoa utgrand a rigtlo t ry time;00 00an 60 d. W ANhdeiddTE D. u t m e s th a d t m ri i .4 e 1 î1ole aur Mot, i. th. laic we , isnamne Bbfnsthéfesuary et rof-tniekermocker its tejefna a s c irusuay aresi. e cd leaeo a AFkisPL, vucPOiS the finaasblsas e e ai a &raaslc aiie r c ied_#te,-ea Bra e btgtes ptctisr-Rooto log. e etn t0. war..&ctI0seatisoaisiath t a y1I to ielts logltti#aailfru e rfatr.pnsteae pyfrmandevas u rcLs i T ,cor c tise ase antiSt has n m a ute al Oca sn ln. he f d t . omety relefanS mata5Iceouandrria7.5_ _. amabisir moinbi Lectutare afcDa hi e aol* é as tita be omuaiSe 4"d ret GPn.ncOCSfER5f0 WieSat anS abot tmissonu amiles ot se s0iDe etBooknSteCforte our aunnav C.,'v, Monai Oxford Tan Shoot ro daugisters __ cf mecs. Tes BouEs rAav nmwAnv.-Mt5555 Banipp .4 ,4 0 e1n, ba 8 .2l t s , hono t a l -ke pe t a n B o k s Ss a h a _ i lies a n aar pair sim to ead in he uverB C afn sd et bis ufn. lsthaavsiete ie C..Tient Onter rbvn o t f r e -t a t is t o r a v n a e t u o r- M Bmîurc tls ic td ee T - Mtils , si eate pnap e-r te oteysior , OnW s hoetw o ta.. i - ae-, te c., N OT65&I85 41 .4. 1e C.. l5o.ited coSuate <I ire s yv ee-brsddm. hers ggilel ots Giertuerisisatuto exostii ,Moyrtselt cas coan YH.I.. ihshoau e holinteNreyggeaefo hcle 'aIo in T or gat r say tes a w _ _ _ _ _ 'm e n 's B lk' O x fr hg t x ekctodcfeSàeBria lé,atatoneud wife nd ecsly maltlitIthee.- n ae, f_#5_____________R- Iîice eepu and Ea<e.i e BookLst Apiey veule t e nt heS. silo 751e g a 13 a pair up rot~~id wI tIr eliasing -e.- ofnd lySer tti' luisis inelis gry n areltis n arctong, iy îcautse#y- - of__ FOR FAT WGMENg ncusdiy,1 rcovd gB hel. unra eih r arl B yy n ua orpeeri af15r-e *o a leta dsnc th e v a e ,a),te lner thebest th occsioed b parng cor to clSly' nA YARD. l M ~ ~ ~ ~ h ie e u w uio a i s i m a yl l aWin e r a a n dE 1 T bîîh e o tee d ie bee nR o in on, fo m a ly f 2hgl > 3 7 u r u psar eK n c k r b o k e S îatt v e bore ut ey bavar tm; 22tW NT S ata loyT= Ociam betty teonea Ueep liste J ce l W usrecahopa af l Ms.m n aw l b it - -od4» r4M d W1104 h 'ýrt t t 1eiu o rm'< ubst lea teçy il is I rw p on et g cequ o sw-oe ewe d D m itefii»yo m il na e dg dpa rwte1 . W ies . W I E S -: * faîl. stiouoftie M I.Sdcoi w ie U ti ieO uei huad rc m o U U N M oy ar losrkvi thr fooriss isos- itiz w rehouu'f f male.âofor4250ors baipinAUg r O NM Hieck or d hiTan g a d A, cva, nIi, on the ao0er N O T I'1 "STOCILL W T RE 1 Want t h eu p P