AreObmotr hankern ie orsey nmn ofepwoettempane e, bp à ibou urne rm the mmd pc$ itaorshtii m b . rd r and picareo poliioins Who 1 smfiolmt abllty te bndï o i front by logilmnate meana mlii 1 cte bmmo.cleodtempérance M loin iheir howlin te b ee the detmg they -&y gaie a picoe-,u cotait never cr on their merlt#, tmg peitlctpine. hoever, Wi b tu ho caretl. They camhard torgotion ihm experiauceetfte Gvirornt jin iatenp te theBSetin Onarie, îre givieg the prohibition pariy iii agi of omaînâimg tut rpoilu rai. mmud tmpotors, whaoeve wam m vcanyleormech ane app sud mmcing ayihing bute eei ,thé ignrane, inoapmciiy mdir ot ihe offictale me appeined, i ramat wam ibattis Gto#riR abnmd for the teevitable tallut prohlitecvilaw md chargeadmi ceeponnible tor it. The Bepubiicme priy ha. gomm ihroegh a smielar xpen Iowa, ehîre for a numeof e bihe home tiimd wiih lit stringeni rohibiiery la ineopp iheUnied$iaie. The il,Pael Prou, the leading Bapebliome the Amerean -orth.wet, t aiory otiha; experiece ad il san ollowm: Th6oamil h o memr e De viornes in Iowa. The Reput thstiSmate hava ai 1mai diii toolieh aud fatal alliance Qh thmm te the prohibition ci drggad ihone dow le oneadml aoiher. It hae talion a longe tul discipline te inspire tihamn mach widem, but tbm dead ii lamt; md if il mre peeibiq o, iht amy poticmtlmr country hold oyr coeeior ojoiningtforcesmwiih the prohil it might ho poti td téexOp Rapubioamimni in Iowama a a uffimiwrig. Thm histecy oethibm npe prohibition neovaeenin in il gos bcb a great may.iyeâ elehbave hoe, Iconethébir iymmempýileefthe evilm et ov ocm e itmlnmts, md radical of dealime with ibm questiinnfte An erty as 1879 the Repeblià ihrogh itintte ceevotiton,ý on record ae tavorieg ibm subi a coueittional amneemer peopte, prohihitime the mmmcli maie et intoxicants. The lai alaie againt ibmemaet liquorowecroeade murea mtirtget, rone urne te unr ibm Repeblicme prty visa mie amedant.. tiberamo atrail tied wiuh ibe caune which ih emid. The third party ni grew me mromg, 'mnd thra v ibe Bepebiioam orgaiation n o importent in entire smp i, iha the adopion et preil prtr tenemteiiewmwd inally e et conrse. Ih mme the hegii tedy décline otiepeblic Iewmy. To hegim wth, ii did otoe end tu ibm thirdparty,a&B it w od md itened te do. M woeid have eeppomod Misti il tien orgirmiion woeid ce ou mc wthe bmRepubtien cunse iheir ow. Iemtmmdi grew moe active md viruen momi active oppoitten wns agaiemi the vr monm who h ic aid. Ih as in theeateri ihatithe prohibition ytmah a talere le practico. hitme in Ioma mu itha tne vryc whro it ha ein iried. moment did amy prohibition croditing it ailre toteil yten. The yae, tib weuh ome voice, wae prtoc tallibim. It tacte did oi w crdiegtu te lime hey onghi ibm famit t ftemm Who admit lmw. Ad 6mte b iepeblican1 le for more abnse mlter it he hibitioe thon hotore. Ih e by thome eho did moi bl meteod ad by thoma who &i votas on hoth aide, md lii dwinlddear ater paar, wh iaimmd l ie loieg gromed for1 ane nmgine mmnd fule cou adbmrlng te rror. At letmitbhae rtermed i md bte pain path oftratio Whoihr gond or bad, prnhibi nmberoeaomemade a1 ~ew~~X ? ~o.eaded Snym kaon mea mT ci , reeea d am boeat mii nc emi cf lu imnicb m.i mealinanu zihtitoe and *e»rMient1 morth.golng mnmy nutles tosea. Thera lm no doubi tealtee Toronto Fair ther 'yer mii havesnocb ame tmene of e vierm measihe cip .bas meer meoe ei any ena e ie ore. Very ohep ex. curation abehece rrmged on li rail. Abusive Uerîtol Crmviks Theaccmnpaign lte morofetprohibition te te hehopeci that i'reebyterien miele- hemor wbotinleparti eîtavoid tee veigm md ujneiprmcliceoolbeapingindimcrim- demie abuee pom Ibm casopubitemen geamrally ceiied poticini. Thai abomnaebe praltine hes beu arrird nmoch teet far, 'ed it le oten idntgd in by miitere ebo havi nthieg te opare in the matter o nledimgtheo Wysve. A lare proportion ofthte mon in pubic li1e le Canada ara mderm or ether ffice.herrr or meneberm o the Prmehyimrtme çborch. To abuse mai ouea day and ai witb Ibene hinthe chrcb tourte or ai the Lordabeteeihe mxi fi moi igb,.cimnn or for a Prabytar. Ian minuster. lu l etmolamy higher mort, tor ibm Methodiol broihe; Wbo moniet perbaps elI]t oo to privalo ibal aihe taiioeieg coinitteeo et. iteo Bceelarence coetd ic peiste oamy y petiticime. CANAIIS AVORIE Tvet.EVfth A nnirr' t SEPT. 14TUe vo lIeu, In ae e 1w depmore Ibm greai Live t ekoc mol Acrcutîirai Exhibition Th~fe Westere Pair, London,' ii iopeo n sgmies e 1thebthoneaude ihel raenuatty loch 10 me tbm choileal of C.(amadime and Foreign enimatm et ai] If casses, Ibm prodocla et the Fied, Gar. tf dem and Diry, logeiher wiih Ibm lateai eamd momi uel linventions ia Machin. Ir mrd md usmtriel Appliimcei, copimc eg thl hibbgbeni clases oArt ai iiis .e tinct haenlabhîhnm, in 1868, o: a im greal instiitution ithe prompects e8 neyer movo brtgter, mud themFair of el 1898 iii eclipseaail formîo er i. oits ot Quaiiifpamd Niicber ol ex. it ibilm sd Intructive ad Educaini [n Spocimi Featere. The otrian aro mon' i ecoraînmg. A number o tho Dpari. 1 meule are airady filuid le overlowit a We believa te patrenietn tho Wortd'n ar Fair, bel eriaioip noi ai the oxpeu a et "Canadan Own.' We tierelorore en commod nir redera, ly att oeae, th g va Ibm Westernm hiairtotcouider. Ln ilion. Enlries closa e i he Live Stock .Departei ete11hSpoeo ait1cihere Septener7ib. Itlmdiet )i axhihilore monid hoar ti i inmd and moi hoe t aie. The jidgoog commeoceE e Friilap, 1htb epiemner, n att etaîmaE il mcepi Live Stock twhen ihop bogin or et Monday. the 18iht ai 2 octclok. Cheal la Freiglt mnd Panceanger rates bave teer o ecred tocrmi peite ai usuel. go Amp deirons o et titg a Progrumme el othib Speciai Attrcteions or a Prizi ,e Liot cao do e by asddlnog Ibm Scre ,e lrp. M. Thon. . Bnower. ebo limsE al arge staff rnemintiy brnp allonding tI eI ibm wamne tiheit mamy patronsosau ie ediet ou teva tionm e ttilCandiens Bd Oerrpere mic?emr Amnerican coeitl l. e comm 10 The Western Fair. <ANADhAN ITEMS. A AfIm dmp, go a tarmernf Latira IQueehc, bmd hie lpi chilid criteened. nSic Oliver Mommi ha@ raiurued home Irom Chicagoe-ead Nîrîlomseni n Ontario. - A deonnratien lenbomor of Sic John Thompoon miltehe place in Momiceai U Sept. i1 ad 12. Tweitp.ome mbdale have beu amaril aed te Canda toc ber '9"hriesexnebit et thm Woniý'g Pair. Luedp LaFetee,a yonag mum.rm Norfolkh rnty, mmu drowrediale aml. toniBay'oni ltimday. SJThe roi et macherai off, the Nova hebavet or 0ye i mt 0 It ïf M. Wiimm uingh', et sona > ba hamma aboi ilOW onoî e teiCle aittep Wtid'e Fair. nÀ Imle ma. ha. toc retoeteg te meceer q lmraspotng hie iuoeo ame ole Tuan mere !a a iageoemeictm ine O orid'mdfood op, Inimiiepm8in te bm mome et imony ofmau sm- Va thanites. Aoaerdtag te the Umites me oltho 4nottmm gevo5 tmth ae tobmmfildtr emlq?!gu11ccm The etimmis#ma mmbchomor t aent im mi the vibuit ftha gar m ecef i me onemmaly gifromi dta icy leuia wri4S rodeciien -W e ha in vu, 4m dob. Ti tact ou li t 1eannrebhighar prncen for whet inte ,iecountry. Chielf dvanmeti, et Toroîtto, ti fermIter capimltintila beScoted olo paey, I"The Domeleton hIlneirated","P lademsHomne Mthiy," Ladie' Picteriat Weehiy," "Onr YoogPaopie" Il ad the Chemtcmi teuppty Compmny- g Thai 4nm oi by aey masos exiauSt i ibm cell. There ari mmv ther Puzzle,: gmemmsing md Ilconmpotiiion " mhenes i la- TDoeto and other Canadien ettie ibai ebonid ho ilcu.:d inte hy ihm mn- iboriim. Thry qave hmd tee mumh ropo lm Canada. As Francim Ttennblay, a Dnver tar. n mer, wan rtreimg rom a wafle on tndmy itieh N memim by two heaviy bit mai, 1ehe demamded bit moe Uio hie ratnaat te bamnd over' ibey tecndhnldowu md hiclnmd biinl a mont brnýJaI temblon. Dter- miieg nmote yieid withoni a tnggl, 7Trennhtav dram ie pocet.heite mmd siahhed eeetfhie amailmte imice lte' the legs. Bei dantple hie bard fighi lIo emovcrcameeimnmd tob alibm moneouomi eron, nonea 8.25, de. caneping tomarde theriver. Aller .Tnty, 189d, Protestniat eacinere ie charte o e dmeneteeof cheele eohidioed b he bmQnehec ouenci ol Public Instrucion will he raqulred te botd ricimnmdipionean or tb have paîmed ihrongh a courseet f,eermal traiier. The ojet ta te moeure a igber gemermi grade of qualifitont amoeg the ýpnhiic nebeol inisrîcters. ,Il, aya Ibm Momirivai Gazette, ii-wooid ho acconepaeted ly e geerai riseein thee sosie o remneeraion proportiomate te thie extra tremble md expeeme iecnrrmd b','y Nrma cooi gradeaten cemarrd 1 wiihbhoard teachera, ihe justice me mmii dmasith good othIbm tore wemid bebeliar n pprcted by thbasimndrectiy inter- n ITEMS. Choiera te docreasninleHungary. 9 A deeib rom choiera te reporied et 't Belast.- * Prince Bimmarch'm rheimmtiam le *growicg worse. nThe Pope te about te4enhiinb a teird le voeme et hie poemi. 1. There mai a demib tom choiera ie S unit, Eeg., on Tnenday. P reeh diseneeions are reporied in ihm rrambe et ibm Irish Pf6r!iientaary party, g Tbomeamdm et Polehave letithe a Wremw diatric ioemigrate te Anerica. e8 The breodtng et reinder tmWmhiep. 3Bn sni nîme ta mid te have preved encem. ei fi. Most o ibè trkimg ceai mimera bave rennmad worh, bei 80,0010 men are eti out. Herr Pmch, he netorienm anti-Semite ot Germmey. has bee proemnced le' Anher patienlasemded ef choea et Hull, Egaîd, and two mue id i tirimmâby.- Gie. Dodds aya haomileei ho -abe tu stantocerUppor Dahmeymti ce. intorced., Sier Iichard Webmir, ibe gream Emg. ïiih imwyer, ia expeoWienteMetreai to-day. A nembr il Un plaemworlie teWalas have ciosed demi mand ibreme 7,000Omn onit aI mpieymei. The ciehiin Dlivem traiieda mile n Feetwood trapkt on iieedmy in 2.07, nekig a n1 1 Thm tow ms eteiet lyoy opiengnomecm loeg theSound ;nt e m emni geeuti mmc erne Pete1mCnc ier Bé. ôut at iat A. clear- m ilton. trom ifleede atnt mili Boii ipernai nnin thm Amere go Imn me tbe Worid'm Fatr-- i mhich ha" ggeeintoite bmInde s niere or haanconed by execuitem tîoug t mhow he gemera a tem fori baen temke ortILe y odatng mmd teedleg miea te theCotombian Expomi 'T h Chicaga Beach.,temWimder %ei oteersa among the vary hasi Wocdà Pair betele bave tai lad, *e beieg ram eundor centrel iLthm i. ban e la timbaye sn OM".02largetcimhing homme le ge mm bii îp nier iwentyet me ara intpnmmd, md more mili omlliem.Thare mmenteieg rdoel onte ctcion mte ibmn l'e Fir ame ibm buildingaid eqzi p et hotelsin th e iceghhorhaed et xpomitiiee. Not empm tiem rowdl i exi ima menthe Cael, bhif ef or eve the najority t1 beeh. bon bu... md .1mii iminorel mintes loy Wooitorda tmmiitary o. Warrmted loy J. H. MoCl. BUST kg. Bargai-ns , . ~TOVES F , t#ýu I(fromn the leadîng makers) FOR~ ONE MONTH.- e make etmates and aend Ctalognea to noe re LDOOB WW.iT Oe !F WN HAàLL. I ~ ? ERE ia oneoryuMorl licam T6Ht arin prejudtcea hat've bentaketi into cions seameon, and me no w tiibfnit 'ýe following lis your approval: Sunday StrptC 'Snt lligh Chur hSiàs. Low Chrc'hSuità. Fossil Tory Suits.' Dyed-in-the-wooi Grit Suits. Separate.0Schocl 1suits. World's FairSiis. Silver: standard suits (ii. Gold standard. siits. Safe -investment suits. Which Will youl ha-v&é SMITI's CLOTHIING MANUFAC 6 K.ig St.-Eas1 Ham foot in j a àiï stock ut ki§ter put Our lyr. 011