Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 1893, p. 3

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~ods which pe d varied stock~s. (E iPRUC i \eiling, loVter Musl* nFlouncin ~vesi Paraso. ruinous prices. (aw ýIydowiii eas eneral Groceriep ali~ utter Tubg, &o!. JARS-- (1 lai ýiiiarts and ~g~ ND VALI IfL( LOTHS- ali \\ LI Papersun ~' kcdbuttee AKE &SO, t d~.0, b 31 ITE.1 inL ~EET BR' l'iT J LINER RTMENTD FHi, '-WJN ed t ;iply thel1 inery q lin every re ni at irts . îll low hoseL ut'tiety, CURTAI imenîr ýStocl oL WN 9taCt M ore than that in b towîî put toget' dotetrade in thât ~EET B loi Glasmoe ei eti fli.t,0 weriter au& e i e adu lduie lelo waewold plaere in he-toue LL-n Saordy, i tetaeB ~Obned, Ha ]tKaufri usen làocked ot anthr tamib * rcoerstanblia teply a LLEO.-Otnindaybt nringei à eaingtt eune tno, 0 vaO SatruaJ etd the i fe gors tran foig anipa ih nm the base lino a luttInvet j MIe AnU.-Just as the eter, 9 genoyesierday evenief a Io named Joyce masgontpO hY in a field in Enqueaieg. A ab~X etOf mnd Rsuc the load aud oie e Young nianu aernes as of connertei haIt dollars i lttas Lu Brantford, bearieg Lai L As tar as ring and finish aetlie counierfeit in a yery 9 tien, and t nili abmonaistand the "cds, botthiLe meali point ie the0 t. That iu aL ibat oîablee T lic shoold abo n otice ibat ltae raie te Nowtouadland la d i three cnis pic ounce, Bd apero poned froun officeif pub nis Canada, addreesed to ou u iliai province, yl cenjîy the exemption tcom postage as if add to nubsciburo in Canada. Il soNnn.-A haro blongiog to Wmi .reion the 4thl Ljîci cou rned on faut. David Siockhammer is h' et oue oplace and il mue xlii y one the excursion on Friday Liai Misoutune occurred. Ai te low ioob place or iLiotler tlie bail inorid or noi wihas no ccli aormatiLa-GeorgetaoO er. A NePAsR, in riorction uih hls Preehyteriana CLcich, will ho thie rosidence otMr..Cnva. ag liae, Trafalgar, on Toooday eve lSh Jnly. Th. Milton bond il ra select programme; also a gond ry aod musical programme ! SiceetIvillr, Gabville aid local i.Tea occvod roi,6t6i9. Adus Ilcin. 1T .-A sumbeoitMilton spoctn veut rgeiusvion Moodoy lu aoc ehe race hoiscein C. E. wLiteus hi rc aid Ladiord Cloches Acit mare, Clora K.,to $5a .ide-. animalu more drivai y he lir -9 oveero aid thc Millon mari os ai rd and 4ih heaiuClara ho thsecond. The tSie made ,eighborbood of 3minutee. lot sooycrLagdhbande. bdiri,,g theyi'ilrei e£Ioliai dbouhLedLiîduay ndoo alnosot tcehled id.Y I lii and Struttord ahout Gent'. siripm DAaere *bit. Fl sool Jacke..a"4 Pauj, Tennis Shi Moilte aud Cap eMToble% Sr.Mis James Ste., Memilta. Br. JoSzpaeT.. MxPwo.-The A FrseProu says Si. Josephe M.& ohureh has now a remtient eeetorM Father Haley, uba coas ccmMo Foresi, Faiher Haley teck charge 1 Sueday and eoeducteul service dur the day. He vili ale have eharg, the R. C coscregations ai Geergete and Ountic. We are iefermed ihst ebortly inionde ueonrieg a houe. o hui. sitr o&t as housekeaper Gent.' Fiee Sicav Rais, Boys c&nd ChildensSicow Maie, Stti sd Feli Maie clieap ai Tceble'o, car. Ring & James Ste., Hamilton. A Risc ou vUE SQcÂAR.-A fariner named Simpsone, froin Nasssgaveya, tou i au altercation wih James Penelion us market square Priday morief. la Peeltees stors the rmv taried over a dispuied acocous. Os adjourning te the idewalk the fariner made as ngly mach os Poeetan's ceea. tenance under the ight oye. Thon ihey cliscod ad telI us the idevelk, Penellîs olive sud ithe frmer belcu. A cruird colhoced acound &a ohitilities mit esnse uasapoliceman bor nsg iso peinU d oethile batie the frmeces basket aed ie coe. ioule were lîrimu Lto the eret.- Guelphi Hîrold. ForSummer Undorceargoto Treblea. Gents' Balbriegan froin 81.010, Ntuea Wuîl Inn S82 and Cotton frusu 6c. uit. -Cor. King & James ist., Hamiton. MîîanON&TOKVILL.-R. E. Camp. John Moidie, grand siperintendent of if midis focrHamilton district, occam- pouieil hy E. Cîmp. R. A. Hutebiaon,i paid as Oficialinvsu te oWhie Okl cliapLor 104, Oaville,n Tieodae.h the occeainbeiîg the elocîioendClt. siol1latios ut officers frtochle ensuisg Yeac. The followinginmpaniaen voce dîily nsillod and invesied: W. Fcrcah, pasîZ; W. E. Brime, Z W H. Scacru', R; O. Andrews, J; W. 0. J3,yce, ecriho E; M. R. Smith, scribeWb N; Edgar Bray, tceeauer; Altred. Hilmoer, principalBojuirsec; . Bray' id .T.Mraiaaisantisojounemrs es; G.« J. Sunner, janiior. Ex. Comp. W. A. Ferrali mon3 appoint Ihe chnpieraluthilesi îgilthe graed a.. T. Mal ut King Sîlomons ehopterToron mus preorni and aasieied Lmie th cl latiois.b in the aine tine, miSe in Fancy Silk Shirts, Flannel Shirt M, 'île iot progressve re land Oxord Shirtsfosenerur sbir uf peuple hashon Shiris mode tu order-perfeci fil ny six. Oodirich aid Oak. guuantedai Trebîe, cor. Ring i e aib;er baud, bave omaiood James Sts..Ramilton. enorv.-aod Kingston choir. ret gruith ut any city in FIoo.-On Tnesacesigc e, ugainsi Rurb Wilson va. licrd 5 ugme.Sisu Egno lesara. AusinaWillmati ced Daei ioue 'n otfb rnil eaddHarîlcy, J. P's, ci the insiace of ibm attersios t ntlo ddsemayor. as chairineothile board oni atre Cbîrcttelu iine thîbalth, toc placing an abstruction ma! o ioin. luoiîg very bis n asiagnant ecurîmasucocd did net 'ut is peacranes as bis aues mmber ot peuopla cotidmo ou es étonne. 11eV. P. T. M munneaiedfoc bisa te bupresenicem speciai sermon, mhich Mueday evenieg inlbhepIlse otTuavi wili greai attentio. "sday. A numbor of vieosehe ted~ ~ ~ ~ H tele raeî xamined, the magimraie. blievo o parcdcd on lice sin îothâiey nuffiient evidenoesuad fiuod sday Wilsou 5 aed cocates. Ths ucter buel. Bte St .piouu ...erco. nees bas been a stioker te thé chir. s,L.-A w&ous1oà-Ld Milton mou ofthibmboard of beai tacforme tefi Broute leit mîek anid time pasi. Wilson.,licvieg umade ibe s ias black hais, a îumher obstruction un bis properiy te stop "h ne bruucht bbick live sud feuwetf sfce user ced tee draseagea léusr. S. and J. T. Hanoînt utsa nambor ot cellars cnd ilie usisa i the porty. La the pond bore Insu the Wallace Hoame bars.,vas cd. v roe.Thce pond was vined ilici houwa. jistifid inteno deine bakbasa &boutl moIre SomnsUne se May ca atistantery ar. th ibm lLbehu11scpplieil by rangemsent va. made acili Wilson asd isbery lospocior Kerrc, utflissolicitor vhereby the partie. drain. bai lbey ol.parectly dicd isg Ibir callera tlirasgh lis priperiy OI mliiplYiang. It is lu be vero te purcae otble cad Wilson ais nm0wlotmiIdo Ltîrr. ogreed te put thbsin.leThe Mayor and Wdlie hotiicilyprcocved. jbis inspecter vere intarasea 0f the ar- 4-It meins tatintîîe,rix rangement dsrieg the attersoon ot the g riali hansben entseoc i aille day iliat tucs made ced, as the noss lut iter by soins mater mas eot csmîvod th"cievesiof, )ys. ne douot hl, icLâve lieconeseite iespecter tes sert murn- ty aicîl lcipa cd îg te remove the obstructioe os Wil- he b bondI05 off cui, ng sonaproperiy sd aliav ihe voter te thrassi thn ihcttht ape. Wilson, feing that thoenMayor pbonp th bo1un the wua llile higli.lauded, then csfuued hua. &bou aft oanda ta carry eut the arrangement. The e en ibe lineiocîccl an dis. mayor thon laid aàeliarge.et hi. ~damage Oiounts to aouit hotora Meuee. Lndsay anal Reson, he esnud iac ithis a J. Ps, uha, citer hsarlng the scideese, lia the eurling club ban Jisiued ih. The Mayor thonlhait the ibis-uapauJLt L hoProvincial lospecic herestlbexSmtee ,tho yeog vaudois inoy hoiehessuimceo.ulwjlurepoted..tsteoy sal sad puishîd ne ibey wutert go p Wilson te llev tes w*e iligcthougl Ideisgardon. Thon another informeation va. lli egemts is-Oakville bas ne moesWiloos, eai iboustonne. ai theeMayor, auso thas Thou. Husrcl te Mos es.Harrison sud Willmoii, leie must bave a trip J. Pu. , aler lieurite ereaier 17loo spot. Yestocdcy part 0f the evideoe,. la rreocea re rtoi Ur Labo, feund ot ihat ho had dispool 0of the Pet-.orec, Iookisg ansliap. pety that ho bcdl qeclig neal a e soude papa. He left liera magisir ancd relsaseil te rSwci 3nd liid apent île irbile îerther. The tow u owil o oueday unsdertîl bucceas. Me evening. tfillird ot Jniy, gave a grené -uilh inamsoins samplesof et$M ou conditionuhteatthe 1io -J wasebusy sinaeme rdirect i ttferaéd sBhond pay s.bail. -rn fcvîrisg is trieeds Icese fth.oossiai putiing lu.aleu. orato bis catch, net terget. bedrain trous Mary t. Ring «uiceet IP. There uma elarge 'ong Hll otroet, in froni tfWulee. as.le e mogieg trusutvaio MlVed test the atm".iMsdlaide- Lhalf Poedsli..Thon uraibsoo elto houbi bave UssWok .nir insealunge veipl.dos. :Thaesay«r, hngte lu -oad. and onssurobodl11 W luamn Oi:l flie Isg. li lanuegti, and ocihdiessie.ofi*0se sims ma 01. Wlioe lie eos ao s e boned ou fouing foreraus c T h.= eue. mivue bock ubentibm mea- ha at h huascd bock tan.- =_ 1 soi raci. oracMiltepon -Ph cauuy-ti in t. Feumor, 85 King Mit W #2 Per dz;-'altog or viio i .k1 fo $tS ipo. - of all'Usc 48 ài so,_ n ýosas reie l, Nel. e, aedGergeReine, mato.Notice ai0he@ancd I boys. yoi saine Po girls cesset stady A île... p, me,,, a uil the Harsby ,InPr ecio wt -iîl holield a et e slcc,0,A" Roberson, 7te lise, rtlr~ eveeteg of ThsriahuTrafalar, nThe Prograemme vil1 cenaisi e 2t qaThe, det.and Solosby teeh oiui u bette Club, et rnýT r. Charles DImuâ , mos e of 1 Gat, 'user; W. R.Adamos lsi base, aud Fred. T. Veal -eeoiieidby local liierary tlent. Tes served fresm 6 te 9- Admisin 2,Slt». Te. Muet notable eveni ie Milon SOCitiy for same inme asie rw d uTesay eege t Me R eliRot. Rad. Jeu, B.A., te Miss Cldwell. The osra. mesy teck Placetsn Knox Chereb, which wu crowded, ROT M. C. COmMin, et effiit.d, .rPrl)nterftehoch Miue, of Mgasa.e. Lâterin thee eveetogMc.asd mre. -.ddde lefti hy tee O. P. R. forithe ea". The Caus rIa. joies Wu, teepele o; 10 en-ay ton Tbereveualivelyai etCamnpbell- ville la.t uesk in the Po liecourt lise. The Pocheced 1Mloe factione bcd e fight in uhicli ailtee participans excepi one, GeorgeFerbes,uwerae mes. AcSodlieg te the. videnos ioofaithee Milsons cheked ifrs..Go. Forhe, ub retalised by clbn thie tesud lUes. himneit spped ans of thes. Sqesro Meni«s1usd &cil osept Ers. Fachae, egalui ho n os information bcd booas laid, 82 snob. Captais Ba"iand Lient. Ml5Gibbon baye beau sseh prsetoll violi ebaud. soespinsped a mesesa rcsgnition Of their officiant asees omins osnction vite No. 4 Co., O2tMiLornameifl, at tes at. camp nai Mteaara. The cs nontaicaswvasMW[ e e svssu vesk auJ thee sedsvsacr l matons, Ocmnw avr ls -rshmy Bd".lDnopt tacJun.. IV. Cla.-Jeis Ruhlmann, NMgi Dongia., Vitor Ùessphab, Willtes Ohishalin. Mc. ]If-Assin Ohiehota, Herberi Lindsay, OCultes! Deblismen.Serah Doeglas. Jr]L-aatM U M DW la, . me se pécificaions say ha MMet the IL JIATEW, __ _ Georgetown. In tMe 8urrogats Cmothetl Coe.yfHaItsn. . W uenbShadweli, CharotteShawalandJolhe Bd. Ward Sbadwell, Enfant Childres ef Rteshen Shadueil;, deeesad. if'C 1 bito . idîxi eI .0toi' h- .ll11 n. o.- -Iur. ýt ,,ole=,er fi. tndMr AonOboee Dstda n s,. zC :"e A- Fr i -W f ld ' ai.- ai HIt Chi .,oai atied eri»sghe osa- soni tma have & as ois.ty-ett Fri 'WritCms Fisr. uhaii neleofpckhe nltlpfpecllo dAIl rouo iU ho exhiruiduneribton net cae aruo t iho crihpsr. Th u bli c arue.10.(ruit Ci nee)i Reti in oainiiing thie preseethigh Tuiofutihe Ontario Exhibit uhicli i.thtles boniaith. Exposition- J. S. FazsouN. Gos. E. Fias., Cern. et Management. Freomsas, Jus. late, 189. MARRIRD.' M.u0-avrr.-On Teday even. Keg, aiMe b hreh, Milton, by lie,. of M.O ae at ristos, assistid h e.M.Milne., et Maneevod, 5oieldesIcM daneir cf Wm. Ccla. vell, te Mev. liobi. Maddow, B.A. BIIMT MS. &LLX.-At Burlingien, on Saiurday, Je ly8, the wite if J. S. Allen if a *Ai Manssfid,0., phyncians ara deal- le ui h c lesale Case of poieosin. .cil '25 tamilies are sick and 10persoiis tihe point o et cl, the resit nf ssi. gcleh mcde hy a 1l o slesecain- py and sold by grcrymes. The r . l t tee ca sa., t a c a m oeg t i. ier It Of contamsina e el-waer. lueteBritishhboseof eemmons on inuesdcay niglot, Win. Broderick, Con- cervaiive M. P., te auepperite a enggos- ton te reduce. Ielae' jscapceed repre ee ien lethe.Impersal parliacasai, Esded te Iiirishi . eing .'impe. madisesced garreone." The epithet vau heily Jorse.by M,.Sen, and ma great dinarder prevailed tor nom. Mme. The amnadmeni va. fieatly re- eu e id oTI4AM C05 u Lrimi &1ooAi in the Conn,-at legs ~Mae eacerWanted -GURNËY'S WOOD FUMACE Us THE BESI- »nu.teO0, ssa«"s. ..,Nuisse.. Inquire from Adam Alexander, John Sçott, Dufferin School siecy ab= =.se 860 p «r or Knox Churoh, Milton. Appiy ta EL ILPOWEL.L, OUBO ET~ JOHN «T. MOORE, FINE BRtTIBsE A.XMINSTERS, LOVELy WILTON S, about 25 pa .tterns to select from Best 5-Frame Bruascla and Aibert Tapestries...Many ohoioe patterns shown only by oureelves, Ail-wool Carpets and Union Ca p ta-Jo regular Bruamels tintî and effects. 8pocial linos ibis week in rscgTaetries and Union Carpets. Se thcm. Nottngha Lac Curainsin creato and white, froto 75e pair to $12. New Brusuals Net Curtana: Tambour Curtains, Irish De Point Curtains, SaIkCîîrtaine Tambour Curtains 88.50 up. Swiss Curtains $8.50 up. New Swise Spots, Tambour Mueline, Brussels Nets, Figured Musliua and Novelty Muulins for Curtains. FORTIERES..A grand range of nov Chenille Portieres, uew Critosoné, Peaclî, Green@, Grays antd Art Shades. A special line at 85.50, worth $8. MCKAY BROS., 55 & 75 King street East, -H FAMILTON. CUT IN TWO IN BROAD DAYLIGHT Thirty-five Men's Austrian-made Suits, fiee quiet patterns, good fit, coat, vest and pants, ail sizes, good every-day suits, will give at least two sumrner's wear. Price now $1.95 for the whole suit. 0f course you won't believe this until you have the suit safely out of our store. We take stoek this month and when you sec the value we are givingy you would think we were going out of business. SMITH'5 CLOTHIING MANUFACTORY, hF te n.eraly s a.smd ta eaio vte e e -udon on a bridaI ch. -Ths j n ilectiin caï ad te ose et1h.Prineou of o a o-Darm- i1techiîdron et Priecos Alios. cerro e nsi@&sy tedincl i=te rsilin politiel a evala.à ho hilier sacia ireles of tee Rue. ssPtase of theeinvitation te ho prenant Tho Egyptian moeliaSl dalegee t. ene give. a horribloecc-oant aithee tien aitee pilgrizce i thtci ci -Jolis ea.y, ceti-Perellte inembor The dsctt ram coiraqr dubet fthesfl oasous for Wa.tMcye. n Osh r efIcllycprsd ete uefeuellgnilty an Tueedeyoaicmin Flbey of Mounea ht . imposible to monsasoauit. He wuo ised £Msu a15on C o b ery , te elcd thes ronad hotunos rdsred te pay theo mtoaf the promouo =od ced Meje sirsuvite tho tien. -Mr. Dey va. plaoed on trial on f f.dgrime lotita lie uliers the charge of licving itecetiy comuit- = . Memathe. bck of grae. cd c l-ysar-ebd servent girl enurd diggers bias resulted in bodies byisg for Elles Lewis, emptaysd te the baise in ARE M*KINO THINGS LI VEL Y IN THE m,0 sacsicte of Jesampositios uhîcl Mr. Deaay tadged. Cap ai M r. Ge i rii h o isf AD M IN ISTRAT 0 ' M R G D A T M E N T . mens f wic sveurond@cmIeotice ta Creditors lloe~ atueessees rund Tie psenxlut sssa"s"efsoibh. mers lte a d ospbe 0f ee t.cnuioe tethef teeflace a c eay i eton i.th.as ss c dati Seia pn, e t=to'k.It.brsaas1. bid a.. n « l uiillete teeifirselcdrled, es.sncIsesa q.fdt-u , asesi rt r nay esshalware d inin esosmr laesan ups75c ~ Th.1bra evie a. utedmeter lm se of sisioalm, and Saucers thes goveran ooni vssSld esei rb ifla endnsi rsd s61mt oi fer ih0 ermy, a.ni.th e lliiy foreasud-UlsiseSfenomns .sscn f lnl aai r ouaSid teste , afW a c Erisà-As lebaîns d r s T ho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ad M e ec et 5 0u4ta i4 a 5i l.s e t s cs T a S e t $ 2 . 0 0 . MmNwYr Tieseun __ th e « th eoi r t Icl e dcmsod tefore MM . of b@ OýSans., ddrnn md d Ieos.pou.,. e og i m e f êm a Msi. ce d. sE m i hey OMM ddo s t @0 tyiso.55pssdt ntsemtsso Dimer Sets at Cost. tee coseil hy the dIoa.. O ie, Ua";=sennisa5 »d tses nud lsI ne5tMn la eMt nOas fumes la" te te 2.su dimyet srlelvuvntxs Iaie~55.henseuras.r.aseoeWater Sets, - Fan ,n oA [Parati.d4 am r.s M. o, Flower Pots, -Chamber Sets. UO~a. ea~he.be mejoeu Everything eut to the quick, as the ,~FÂuLKNER & umE stock is too large and must be reduced at Isfh~its ~ 8990es.el once. Koats-, Hsey J. Mesk. ci 71 Onsieen sirsat Thm irbae bsn seto. ,, a ad" »y undGeTet i8 Le5.d= = - Ph.Ksbtear -sUsa ise. ~~land,.wM t] ti b Lindsay is clearing Up his- entire stock of odds and ends beoethe 8 unmer season 1*s#and thisre- OW4 of the -lotis. 'I mi&mmýý BUABLISR» 21 YB&Bs. C E NITS yA Y AR D FOR YOUR CHOICE' lias thrown in ONE LIEAP A lot'of PIECE GOODS -l CH AS-- Zephyr Ginglhar Fine Prints, >Delaines, Color'd Cantons, Fau cy B u nti ngs, Drilletts, SFey. Wineies, & c------ ------- The usual prico for the above wvas ail the way trom 12e. to 40c. a yd. First Corne First Served As long as they last At9 a yd.

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