t I TI4E CI iin.ren, J r 'J' 1~ f i i mmd. .1 te. ballel tirt trr r o maney i asitea of churci r=gcs pliaiont cf1alSUr i" Bl ee c f Ilci cot cacicai ta a union f auCil rtirora te lttle hp camne. Tire eca c trccg, andis ie tt tira Dominion, thia je no donbt 1f whicir its citisats5 voir. Mayor Di Board-ni Heltir, ea nplen ni the w Boerd of Heltir1 meived tira follei dlaye &gc : Toi Dnoc Sic,-I with totransmitt of tbe %amtples 0 yo. Itihéina0 oaar. I my --- l W Who] e 1i UNS~ c#ha nfsIll Um oi0 vlalues. in ail thb Md 'W u ê%dewhièh pertailn la 11116 am on yaied stocks. .ce wu ail" a UU in suprt tbe a.tbci abekr p t ,e _ Delainettes, "bfrtnagtvan. twa mentira cacho le joil t aa = ci na lie a ttCrack bu iraes et thic sit,~UlSV ig nany aO te ftig etr.on $37000 wrtir ci ipteWhi PI a 8>s.Ve i*ng spirt in ton Tred if Plel. dgne ttluîlt Yeau pend $10 0E.onLa n ,A l erM li eman go. enols aci iear7 tiraimpo grés a-sA lv r uln -ToiErrauoJalv 12.-tna alatter ibis gaed $84000 mcud tirataus eva nIlsaracia Eart ouct ntedcata a$150000 ..leYoa estrttnsm ortg te A..Rchr. o.or Sotam* .'-b andinst-te alt ana rotonf or Attariey.Gcaeral Lie intimaste t vannirtiyCei~~ tuwn k f OMuslin Floýuneinga, It' cf tire mater tire S1aAmiitatn ritrrc 1f$84,o0 sud $62000 vwuF 5ithe' * I lv sP rsl,~ cM tie.rae cr. prohriitiitn evrirard sud rail net ose Cotm' taxc cllactare 1tasi w t to imnc iatire macimery o aieteataa acirce it. lane o esairren. G o eP rs s C WBmu te e aye ecteral ciblie, unabila te ot Tireusmentfiernsin 4aCanada sm-, 4 time agc set tir aesa, are akicg tirtacotccne a cordinj tc tira lent ôeaDevs BSS tira Prno jactai lienoec te réaeehie a ta meet Iboir t vo 0000 ales 59.1 vare lnu; alynin Ha no- isiciteitas. Cocclndtng, Attonecy- us clerY 1000 forates, 56.1. Tire Prm rcply a fe rav Listle laya:Il If tis n ernt ortino nes d aialas noiae ini ends of from 34 ,to Io yardis at 933per cent. less than regular I L NR '" M P Muatty veýtu pegnce anti mcy,ÉDlndsd Walee jes 100 te 11$; telu 4Jcly 3, 1893. anée nyteniotirer tiretstire présnct,. iccene 8,20 vere scisarriad; B,044 pie These good r nvr ie atrsadsial o %lie:horore- fornct oilill sa loomoide open wvenfriga mr.cvtae rc.osaei er pteu n utbefrto clear out at ruinous prices. fro tr esl i vil Ireome rampee' ad etMl, Qe. e o a i trimming underwear. We will also selI at the same time the bal-Fowes&F cyG dsaa dwnhpc. ney a brnî.clec ptcdgrecs paper. TiranrepriatarresEm rde dFluc gat5prceti-GE T 'F R IH N S auEtnieWoe = bon aceof our Childrns m oie dFlu igat2 prcnti- pruent serventppotun p le . t s r a t i i o m k h o l w n B n n c n. ire M e Z a nd L o a n & M e r c tile 1, It ii a g re ci n teg pr ie t eiG ETa l m e n IN G î l RZ Aen ento.qeccite c faibe rton aMoticoyt ceof aori tecc oe eatiris01&fct t eete goods as they are ail new this season, and ex-____________ Secretary. i cnence . flithti eirle c tioeyonic...aireies eme othieallantce ~ e enonoATRa. tire erashesa, that banc ltcfy oicrrcd on the Cycle than green." e nnsiieeydprm nto h os iAn eutralien OeancinJ vorld. Tire Item CanonBull of Niagare Falls, tremely cmeapo. R e _____i_____________ f he ous 0.8ocerc a o e of t th o t important iral vitte tre Toronto rmy eud N ey r R 0 CR j 0.10 engaed in coloial Occocial effairs. Vétns'tci0eneity, icvitig thcemai haif niec. 48 Thi iager of tirhecpey iHenry bersteclire présent et tiereine O076 .PL.Tecaia ftéCMaY 2 fth oan fteslir heap Sugars, Teas 0.24 naiîô,ocfvreb Il00b ch Royal Scots sud SQtir Ragintant, a dG n rlGoeis 0.e44 hat allcd ep. Tbroe.qliarters of tbe vire Id1 t tire battis of Lecdy'n Lace, onsa ii f l n t ba o otple in Great o J ly 25, 1814. Thear meantaes veradan e a r P e i Soi> ircceieecccrryiflion mede>opecOlbllOflntmote wilIliresaletai from ntheu M URtirau, 48 ie Antmlia. Arnty and Nevy veteras. 0.24414 Toroato gronars &&y fanal; tbay wll fl$ O3 & c) Stin- - lOTflhtflflfor butter; asoButterTus&. 0.2444~ I IlPraisoed Doitcukescmtn. saer observe aicterr irliday tiret 2, 3& ,RngS, ~ L...5 .8Est, -~i i îeas us - neomes on a Saturdav. The iryvlI cci Beard~~~~~~~~~~~h Heli. OoO I iiiiicthe oeities te o 1011etire exemple - - Tire Scott Act in Chariottteva balia set iry Lccdoni end potpose tira oh.- - FR I J RS - Harrar attraecpd cone attention cn Ecglaiod aceeoratce oethlie holiday tîli Mosdcy. auexpe miment in re etrictive or pr bibi. This in bat Iy do in Brit i. E an 3 ( , J S I j J U-Il a tcrmibie ftality furcioired by Bon. Jamces Simn otf teolba celebatcd by eneb mencripality UT L S E goueds. Chicago. St. Pelere. Charlottetowontire Scott t tire ftime vicb oeema met couvnespns qatiprilqat ad1 à ee immnsae cod Act poduceidmcee4ooin a vemy large ient. Holiday& vcra maie fer meu e numiior of ratio ; tire pecrtage o monthi y Con- asd nt mec for iri4idaye. ~~IO D ®rder to combat vlîernce cov ioitbot eey pmbibitery positive eatbsians te tira fart tirat ~ '..W.j pno ~ .J.rLa U.LU eut off frono al coeoeslelaeor, nt eonnlicetno) tire tire power vbicb tm eerscey oheel at r A O i p no to h rd y frt O a summdiioe ouburst pecetogo las snk enrC 18 per cent. tbe Woldn Fir ta genrrteî in fir-te t J lieu Thsin o e. cargue the. oil of légel oncs e mibyrede il. Il sowebavctet'the(J KS .AI.ND V.A.I.IS Tis mrooing thé rcnstrictiot-fcr Charlottetowne et ousnt. it bas Roma marked &avnctages oyer T U K N A ISE tosdead is 13, .caan femlfor ferces. It migirt CanafonHayforFroce baease tolditis maiers lirat Canadien a.Th olwn olronrar xld focog --FLOOR OILCLOTHS- le te knwn dsacroda ci boeeathe isty and fées oc sepir Camipboll, a INTRCAL. 10V coToitiar a l v ere caculatsd nsome timc ago teo- MAIN STREET, MILTON, -p-a Pieo alWI Ppr n remmosuer-or. ng bhan beau chertere amocf hi 'e.oact110 a at reer Flectric coco port Îto lahe a cargo ciflbey teHavrntn t teaot120prcn.S cilP c nalW ll aesad iir, ton yee.ma ld, 5lshillincgs. Thia bis lc Snt charter Roc. Lroccrd DavaoAngan mis-LLÂL~'Ja D la midig;Benad f hék oc vre mode in Canada, ad iocary te tbe CranIndienmin hé T e Buringto Stock, bought at 60c. on the D la odrns ;Robert Plem.iae pt ile n li sortage in tire dieceee cf Qu'Appalla, N. W. T., je novw___ te, Miir. Dr. Frencbhlîay ccop. Pricea cf bcy are in Tronto. Ha aaya tirere are about ---O SSIG0 lg rc o hiepce utr di muac e.advnecinc apidly in Iis procO mcm, ai. 750 Iadiens is bis district end tiret OSTIG F- -Hg prc fochie akdbut. ve co more bodier boccb tlie iin i a great meanren duc lhey are being hallesterni. I I have te spect'ton faetoeg enporters. crefullp coalcite," Raeyhoir"0 vrt -oi vicims oithe I T GROCERIES, 6bdr GOODS, Rea&y-ma&e CLOTHING HOLLINRAKE & SON. aist ctlii iecroamoa t . 1ui l e sc oni ? themotredasoto te*vu atereooe soothor - Tbey bavaenti rl'fr tira rest. Tire irom Cio nniof Tol t ,,eononcaet milandmaretiorthir aincBoots, SIloes, Crockery, Hats and Wall Paper, -.. --. idiet. swelliog flie Dr. Washington is e direct descend- i;60 milan avay." Tira cbange viricb i, viîh a large noce at of Gen. Gro. Washinigton, the lead. pravecle thai front eireting gein n vI erstc ihlaecot lorai. Theoremains er of theMNortrAmeruicaerepuhCîc. Hic 1tcm close season vil1 maire tirir con. adwl fe the wholestc at less than hlsecot verod vnr o tof em c t, groat grecdfatr andaciGenéral dition still more ncesiurabla. t in. , coccîouctieg e. Vahigtons iftirer voee hmthere. Mr. Demisoncaps, in violationscf trenty____________ Storge C. ThsM. 4, monde et Qo'Appelle. and viricir Sterge C.Toin tipelaten tiret tbey may forenershbot ecbaeréuenitdy AAIA M.oscOn sa not fenccaini otirer tiran These goodo were hloght for this sulumers trade ah Burlinghon and are conseqîsenhly ceII bae nî wis uy f -iQu. gd 4 iteruca eeratayotn eyea htiree 1W and fresh. We guarantea ho cli them in large or emal qisantihieo for lest money f ellya sci most Lnev tis e aciL n, so' e. a ngo spelate tleearmig ta eaci tir anel cfr inc tenoDd aI i rees ndigo gaet trc si. than yoîî can purrhase them for by the car Ioad wbolesale. ireen torte ieasChe lofnd ryay.%&l o Eg acuvnl liai aI ben anC Tho Erl c Dby vil on lSoc teg.ITEMS. grWVe will alto commence on the saine day a clearing cale of Dry Goode and Boots neiblp thsieaea lai ron uhse Stes Aetra - shSlîoesin hhe otorelotpooihe T'own Hall, where thacre is also a large stock ho select tie yet ino the 00is Sardieiae.Ariibc Coigsinntreir icn îcc ae tlor tre anci aabda esjrethe middledfreimied l te by Mgr. Satolli. fromn; and between these hwo large stocks the people of this community will have a chance ie attroon 812,825 M. Gladstocne ye ira vilI agaic that coeurs but seldom in a life ime. Make up your mind as ho what you orant and act licion s arioo ilet Spir.uAbt clpnig h o .sand for election in Midîthias. meriiloe a et 01 S.nne , u e.îticsniictrasRn tHn tur nl, odm quickly, as the beot of the goods will soon get picked over. ne mr e I ce . ofLigoba s.beatartEl demaer nomi 7qlp h aru aloruhbsben.Ccflo, ban bCc aie aofterset. This sale moans in plain Englimh a saving of from 30c. ho 60c. on every dollar's worth ___ - on îcirored te taire e cargo cf hay fiieom coctcned 1teiis residance by icflcmned you bayr and it will pay you ho buy for future use if you happen ho ire supplied for the tl.-Tlo bao f gontrmal 1e France. vansc. .aan wici a oerlîicb thH. H. Laingof ciHamilton, a mci. Tajecoote c a e aaknoek the neotFi off al former efforts. mit suri, Ibm.knw echndedSn bronirOes eut agais in Ric Gracie do Su, JorCuao cog ere cher but 24 hir'or s es.lccsa. misicc, neye aspca Si Joirs Tirmpsos aed tire Hoo C. Tvecty brousesvere burnedet Prince- Dont wait till your neighbor shows you the back-load ho got for a dollar or two .This ithdoawal H. Touîper expeet te reters tb Canada toe, Indiana, peteriey, inolvngea lcas but come yourself. tee iroin. Caialat bp th ir e CsoekinjaAugneî. o 0300,000. EdvnrthHanainevfaotcnn Jclyrl tiraAIlaMexiccaJmie atah , l Mxc'mistrexcelit tirune ________________________________________________ aid th cam fotioc85,ad aerte i brhayy t Washington and Mari, have becs edisirorgi, io thira teday. Long may bie wve. tmoaiyrcle.Tm ae fsalo aeba tirt asettire netrie. lRobert Patteracc van mid ya Vinie cinicea atete tirat fatal fienda feusi in Cicago. * Ufl& .L* intaiced a n cdeannro-aveofec oay cpec biu cn Tceoda etlhave currocinistire Enletein asd Zil. Tva men vare kitlai. tva fataJly in- MXU~U iyav " Caei es iieprsi raîs c. erthaI ditriote. iclire Tyrol. jcrei and tve ireiîy irrt iy auamle-a j ~ [ W J etain afcSiei- Hmilln board nifircaltir ias îîeciî. A fanalical caobin itire province ci iea et gas in ire Pettiboe m iane t inj mnicearrto 0 Cc oothe City conseil te paso eair. Shantung, China, secrrely matrantci Womig, Pa. ltyeterieiay afmon Wicg tire efficî of thmîaw makiing il illégal te Beil aientmilir. an Amrccn misiecery a ev deas Calleter Mrges, oi Bufmfa, raefea in r Ti e '1pricea roaiizod p cmbie n go. te alov iree nnta et tiet part ofoi qare ie îoaep Ca.. inegson epaperc sa c inn Laenmt adiccan ront tira ConaFrcCyaaeionaoselcteaiia 4erhudrý I.qbtcoajesudvodlias eauccforteeitihre, taate e- lydedl oreso etftielsof Ce- !,efûcrboieofethétn ii ol ilb 7atoadwo tte give as aocont of &o rd-CIydidaIe Marna Assocatio fC nli circlen bre con. $6 a crd. soiectorya¶ari orders forthe old N owvtiobd&O traie liuéréois littho Mre. Louisa inler, agi 7.f Ment. Ta Placgeeriperovaiat irtegeval Ky, a tiafrsri aitir rean It Ilcel Ihere la anp rose, wvenoore edillirwil v Ti e Vkn ari v ai Chcigol=Y , tira nare , vif heréent. have nov aasnoccd. Falls, on Mondap. bo fcannon wIand a et hroâgrn aig sde thRa and always reliable brands: Lete ore Sm; 958 A gang oi rogbcset spas a CiiceceeOf ;fle' 9, socinters. ~ v*-*II~ITINT a wre ffeedandthelandrmauon t. aTiri e streTea of P. T. BermaiseaIB«. Aus Ocala, FIa., despetah aya tiret a D U À shing veroofeanilIcetednrymac t.Ctrracnrnada park, Bridgeprt, Cabna,i as lissensegro namai Liekin vas lynciei pas. UERI BO , aiing tiarspashallingsîea al on te ighmt en et entrrai vtirradpaint. No cise ta terday irp citisans oa iCtt vea initt igtPOce r jgit te ecOer. 1et Ottava ors.fac aeealting MIesFana"sAlexaner . ' RED CAP" andH E M ST R EET B ROS It isa..ceetOttra tâspcn Tire officiareletea antte rasaita. ont Cirartlutn . CIaathl alEuoe hir ren te OtteaaSir Johns Tirmp. tiens aiHanairrg, Osrncaay, nirowvh& tiraI esi u n , S.tu C.,iIsil aaca èeil v e~gewwci ___ ___ c la Breito. soc viii appaittMr. mackitsasntireirealtir conditionse Wg ond, tiongýs is v enticai. ltteireici 6,mLJr fl.'4fi 10.Dr.Watereneatgnernoroftire Nartvest tir ateetin tense.rtar mc. iech ie atirn imittai te tht Mern r cis.weikcc Matan aicormin. eTr. ffiIaIf u &be tira 4<>M N SEN minlons report en tire Cansad asaeaPturei 126 af ths es85a1 inv.ofyn o-,ieute04.cing njr. hintecif and Srgeons icy prises offrnai t tira WaelieFaie, f importance, Dr er îira hra reparte teiese W i- sl iele sae ierisc tire pat Yet e short timon age certat a ppes rt asy vere tea ie da5f janev et Yak0 d mi e ins 15,. , apes ~ ~ ~ ~ h tiepeaec rise gin eeeaiittn tAn e8peett i(M te ieisdp tank place 118. Ire pai amiianlet Buniay L___L___à ira ciolrcaein Eurepathe fair t ail. . i itaan tira WaptVurgne eCentrelaumirr a 4.. do tirreegir viicir tia Crleas i, ae ai18 pe, mie reàrai saprnperty, die genrela, -Prcs do nfe jar this coeuntry. InOviasecait otlieh, agai 80 yearsM. Tva imets ves ir umcb1 aati. 10 aPraieenalalmlanri______________________________ tai Costantinople it 5t teyons tirirdeptir viile iathhtsg ne_______________ou______Md______t___ iere vas ce quera tr a Nuagea tvrar Laslte. Ont., noiii3milnte.siry Wosna'e Laie.. WelutheNigaaaivatui ro h. y J. . IL a edel6 e b iiî - 'T sirsi ee rdoc n Mesiap, sd btirvh a aea.t" . uexqan4*---îa&a- uga 8NO iaasrndisnar.TiraBelleville Istaîlgela eprlat. - sSUoS IG wct fErp ere ing e tit ai parsoc tain t"ni0bhirer. IINnFUL,.T ta palcissesaia airia ieme nt8 er i p a-. idemea~ae osplyteaî0t Re, en a finr eBttiy U I$ iia5a e~c rasaiand ntecesnn11m, tran ai tretln liea, wg ~.lI<>i wlh l-Aer&eq I .- mn every l I -q "-.. i R.. 1 F0ree Am. Alb. Ais., Cilerise 0.in 4ih O. in 15 9 Alb. Am. Cilrina O.ic 150 Analyst Tire Cii Tueeday nmrn$ tainecias acceunt ccl tira Wrjdis l Bp tire bcraing1 torage vereirc firomon lstiri cliioethle copOI teeaemofcescape f flime. CHCiciîo, jclp total notecer af virile thirerpav ntsieg amonte perons. je addil carpeter; R.A inteadant ftI panp ; Arciie mmpoyed in th Murphy, bilarq Ieeher, ci MPA Bobinson, ch¶at vcea.thintihir ender tire ruina. LoaTE-The 1 Wris 8fair bh At 4 ocioccie9 body van menase tire cli elorage icatia toal tel* ef debris tilan tis alîreces Stlcir A. Druntl tincene oftire i mac thoeaiuy i tire rumrn tnt ghostly Sins i tira diccocarp td refrigerator. 1 tscc or tbee, 80 mrebodies,mg au lihe Miciigas hey and a Ceh micieg. Up l irai teen suen the victime,am rapidiy conini Depree agricultuire bir Iaeeceffet fi orders o Aprili gatiomo alacohIr ocier epeieIla cahie btire t o pcial pcé stockr places t ai ted $1 Swans&hSoi» soenlp mport tiens are teai vil bu aea sont te Yrkld hrall, the frsw the it. At restrictions, Canadiensea aigblccc ahin Iona tran foi cama qUality Ice at prae chance of anM tics that A canadien as test maie t elenponec ixpesca io investigatci SiisFait, and ext a8ficès el1 cnccaiLx, cf B et a, feond tA last week, man day. .. H.MCCGLLCOIr01 iew igirteaego lcore v bey. pteked an nmai artie wtdown of bis * made away witi a it. j. Preai tria. hchcri y Chorc, Hallf cd ie fied at $2,5 ON nicketono s hilnjili Mltouin heo, and it ls d AU 00n Calibc gott acao old Ple of0F1 OsRim.. Oi Satur ral gotid, a tee y kiivflllled out ea otkf n lyacore of4 b0 Iororooontbra ioLLcl.ý0nOMo Ioglcg te Jes ;It o , 000 0 t uc k a s Jlpassenger train$ icg on the basecli town. BRoxz lijo An-Je ahcong onoîdye L bal f h& naî fil iî don gî5o of %'cînd nHP. e cf,! iiioîoiig ne ae Mgrcoîtil in B gmicd iotaoi. . aw t me th tet ootiîl.i t tic tire dectn ù0î f i1. ToEn Aîbli o iifi. l tirePostage raete tMc l ct!rrodoi-nIti tliooet Lpublicatio iniCauada, suWorilîooo oin taprovi thceReneiaexempîtion froo addreNcvl to sCioîoîberel Ilion lîna ' bat Woc. Muobi i nLw! 4thl' oe Friloo v t Dabvid is the tnilit i, the 1. while a0,a1 ,n the ex. Quai h tImlîiiolc iîow lO ic t0 oCok nid. A loi i], . , o-I.inîl igh lEll l l Ly Miii, tîoccct iont.Tv , .Sot $1 11i 11 .1 011 4 lonidoîofîc l,'nt ptiuîle and 0 tlv jftcooh11 'il,,in-t "f ioroînîiht l., ai m.' Ci. urlae j e, o Ste 1,ren ont Ioo DR. 10t00h i fi,,lmaige ,, I lnag teneotoo. ýOn~m halltheet ,Çnctl ul tianloing Ta. bwnta ucd * rOtc1îng c8 Bonet siot~ec2Pe potat llieic deaneelo r iý1- Ji* 1