Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jun 1893, p. 4

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Cbecklay The forger placarda abQe cafo--for W4 cepi yourid ys; Aelle À Pore.' amaie.il.1 ed linlbhe tabie vonîsi thers amb big b.d of mighl roepi thoro formolc in ouly Oe-v said Goorge. thing mliii ns r Iflumals Porsou on Te m e are lhr" Neeoms lu coirea he lad cahi-rOutin ieg inea vry eciouso, ai1 seonuz obodj hoe May ha, once?' 'Whml do Y 'Doul you thiugs-lhin1m stance, Maya Mr. Drisg I opon tho' am sotbiug aholt more thaunsn 'Woll-utJ the oafe Ibisq mudGray,. Glray. For ûn My sole o bE ou his table in have hoou vie Gray himmelf. ' Or hy swma Ys ; tha inssl , omo.' u"0 fruai Edmund us..LoI os le% for a mhile. Le isg.-Elsie, pu mili go andri db the plmy afleri Thoy did as 11111e restaura» lîarued of li uitIle duuer, q on much bnpg Ihas one.Oca diuuur lhoy wv places lu the ]à guod eyos, Ù* trousibo esa Afler Ibo lb.' Ihere mas au,.s soda malur.1 dayî lu th.Pi alloeisg for tils thees about.l dlightul of bl iug ruughtl ie dlighlfuilao oveuiug, auili uom ulhiug t eugagod ilu(b Sho sam hiw 84 aflurmards mhq had doue. Siso lhough Nom, whinouïo of an id&, I engageoa5s515 Myriade whiul, ix il sud lowin thing lu theo i &bout il. Tht, wilh mich tq: rlosoer. Ev.' n the more tblim, charaolero, wi croalores off1 fore, uinbthe the luooghl WN , Aluotatan.'l a.yhig bo * Who %hot a gui walibig. AIl4 théequnmof i.'o &ouin. h .Thîy do. isg.. 1Sodrouoly, Giaeoge MW stat*utOf i body lil.n a"ud -" be l$o"s . q r buuinm oc hé ta wa like da" .rl do . No conjurar do il. Thow5mue wn th offce te dr y meau diance. "Uo-Ido vhal 1 roîunuyuur loîlors Gray. pae rnd Gray in your y bu a kay eo- Me, if yoo mu."' myoeriaus.' ,Iwo Stick» migh. lkly, ho lu ooncoru- Or a boy under 1he ta doit. Pohape tha table. Thore. ngs table in 1k 1h,ý 1 darooay fifty boy@ thâl table and vait But porhmpo thone te catch thebo lker ould givo hlm mrmo- morous tu laugh ut.' comm cboy-and uc ' Elie contimaod, k upou Checlly, as oly mau vho ro. 1and goon lu aud oui de.Wll-I dou0i . rI doul Ithink ih lu once s5v Mr. Dot. asg condition, ucon bot with open cye u't you thisb thal ýue Ihis more thon l hat Bomneoforthoe a safe toOOrfor lu. ~ ouput thore hy 41f? You 50W hlm r Iterwards hb now c ouid ho uol do Ibis ight il bc a habit 7' ~a poto tho thimgs lu eb I ooge o uEd- net buow Edmusd ce, how did ho gol Gray, loftI y me rs Inn ?Thot mueI teo hlm Ihy Edmuud tna 0[ Edmuud Oiray ý certain.' 1 b to much vilh pff talkisg ahout hlm ým rosI for this aveu. bs yoor tiblgs. Wo pmowhore. sud go lu 'ýI'iey liad the quiet Jouir Ihal girls have ilove su much-lhe auùd 011cr e'r vod ,,e home. Afler the ýýtO a Ihoulro, tahiug 0Circlo, mhero, given pies qie wemiia M- y woul homnesd (btonofuttohacco and ýG vere vory ploaaut êdiliy iodgiuge, oveO ahies which broughl ,O sud ovry oveu. rtl of iaughler and of eut Il lhrough lh. 1b h pi&y, Elgin r. Drluganad hlm lht nomammuiiom. Lore doscrihid hlm, Wooiug il again, and ftorgotfol of what ho bOULt Ii, aIl ighl. Ma glam or gimmer1 one vaulo lais ~2hoaght from the ýM thohraiuand In t l dur, Ihore je su. wl 900d au te lalk eottf fndiug vorda ril ouI maien il ryrtler buows that a %tory turue is ore vire more ous ibadownr lois blod. Thor*. a h. baomu opon nitisiber. ald do yoo know uambuliumm , Once io Calilornia Whou hoewau sloop. ho aild nw. That'. iwige ouit te uh. i e a uosoioflen vaNs 0a910d vool-galkr.i leundto the( nao.acvea. ja 1 'y 7 ka d 0. Irt [0 it .nm~j But"smmi Ba7nor W.àth11, idd Robut moyd W. OiUM David MNally za.er + fiiîL m of r ta, do le. 1,251 r i i I.. -- ,~ ~) , j oerirruslmgsg 1~m~** oe i'~ as." oe 1Mai *u olri' 'f"~ t, oe~ iJe~no 8 ~ Hi :» I hereby certify that the foregoing i. a correct Schedstle of Convitions.ratsfted tonoy Office f0 * 8tÀ8'a*Ore me "-fnd. Idilton, 16th June, 189U. -Botthltlera ye.lerdmy mre Ad- Thie p..w&Iex 4ilealM.1 livAo. oounecl Edmuud Gra y mth WtteEd. 'tard bè"oldo -'>w . on lo if r 'o ot yuial ward erin V ben o thearm. Ha %mlarled toim. bornadfor a vlt b. I dosI bkoom, Rut, my dear hro., adr'Young ladY,orgaSsv- O& c s»Ii4o lbr,bhe more I hisk oflhisbs os do for yoOs?r15e howéd i ol lietaàisi*dun. Tlr'WirOm'ta'Rý the more persuadea I am tieat Check- rewosuiiou aI ail lu buie oez: ho di givonme away. Butnowv-n-Alise. loy in sol lb. primo murer, or ovos a sol kuow hor.1 Cao I do anyth.ug for stân oha i ie me away, andi yauzvii . confoderalo.' ,ou le'ho repealed. behi Isra10oie. Aud I iii iBbai..' 1The "a0eband bas doshtlo, eau ies &mnafrald-noluiog,l thi noplled. fnl veddlog'-tlse laâ ue" aluliler aI work Ileoughoul. If mnul Chacoly's Hi lookid aI hic doablfully. Thm ooiyez Jouint tailîusabate lhe. tigrb aid lu mabke Ibal baud possibeoàads sau. apparetî reme riug tIom dnly son--- boeaaeryone viliehio gaihaw cenfai, vholab ilera? And lobk aI lis e 701 ofslIled, hi lotIth visdowv udnd a flte vieisithingo tbey have .ad. maligniîy mith mhich hlic i.' lu xlul uscuites a isca. He tise. dciv out Sir Samuelvsil re a* auh.km"eo on sains one. e10. utf bispocet a manuscripl tidp vilb the vbaie service, and CObcokley mill 1 Thal may ie camse hi lmfrid ut rodtape. Eliioloobed iu10 Ihé iafe hi fais 10 gelunudor lu.eoat.-.load. i10 heiiug ixed upou bin. Couader luol and edad the 111e-1 7%e Nawst oan-hyo, Mr. Dilg. I am a Prophettiés. poinlu the Ionmurol outIhe ller. 51fr 117Edmnsd Gray,' vhtcb vwu I onu foreli. Yos shah ha" ln avery The huslseus could uly i donsohy vrilles lu largo jeIerao lQou th rbar ev daye a&U about Edmond Gray., nmse one lurough whose bauds puss pago.1 Thon ho tientasnd locked the Shpi rau samy voîboul asy farthefr Il the jeIlera.' oafe amnd à ogih.U ïàhàlO ation. Mor. Derisg ubook bis r Corioyb us ol prmupm' pr5lst. 200 ~ê1o rosle5s ie Uad imiled. Me did ual boli,,velanW sihie.' indow aud ual domu, takiug no mas. -bastuerayPghqy ia au 1 Ys;lho uustlaudo lIraI. It moaos sor of uotice of bis vsiteur. Ail tisn people ohosd pc luiait afaurs- ha hlm borribly afrids. Ha luaeaore liwon acly s hahad don. belo' ' protoPr bamoulmace taler wnfaiure- t wilh al is mighl lu onier lu pas uu uce of Gcorgimoed bis OIclsrk. fr4b faIeo hî Iders vabDo suspiiou lu asuother pron. Vos and For ton minutes ho cal thor. Thon .rp . .lsg. For biaiooit, as ho ao. George lhiuk hlm git-meliI 1du ha hiverod, straighlued hîméelf, »onaulnsrmwee-n îmsvo mut. If 1 mono lryiug tlu lsd out the oîr. aud bonkad about the room, Mr. tIIsgirl, wolh ber prolly mayosud soil mas. 1 ahouod tny adiffroul plaainDof. f ao. voice, wonvith hlmx-ber mt ha together. Elalo II ho cried. I did sol ksow he.rod i. . eHOupem.odhis jotters Hor brother badl work lu do mhicb you more hoe. Nov loug have you aud vsmslou vilh lbe dayru mork. hokfab.ien outdiEtlsialtm u e a 15r bebreo 'As for Elie, Ihe @mile lu hor oyez Fl breafas. Whn Esie as eft lou, 1NoS veny long. A foi minutes parr diod ont sa euho dooendod the stairs. 8b8 lugas agaru to t15m bo1ut Mr, Sape.' If abo hail beau bormeif a lamyer.shoe Drig'odayiighluomrsamhulism; about I muet hava fallus amleep. Il laoa conld not have -Ooa graver fane as Ge hile outisual is ut torgolfuinuo; ahon but moraisge Vos mont forgive lhi the valbed scruet the courts of tho he odd lhiugs fouud ou hi. table aud moaksomu ut au old manr chiid. I lied venorahie Snu. sn Ii&scata, ail cuuusclad with Edmond a hadn ight bo. 1mas smako a long Rhhaoehisdtieourîu Gray. Chockloy could sol have plucad tima, thiuniug uf al thonsetrouuhlosand Sh a esoo Mn . erigad tedmundGray bhouc Isitor. onthe table: hi cuuld Du o unioo. They coul liunI rElOlrIl metwmMr.hO r i isoanrdy lsehoraid bave put thosa thiugs lu thoesafo. mhu bas robhod me.' Ne spokie quer. It u ie, Iler. mtob Iaispeod honsi Elsie loobod aI Stre clock. Iîî s Ilouoly sud holplemly. 1They ccusoeîbins jluranthe ato. This h s , i rUlY jool aflermine. She ras lu hor euch other, lu@load ut layisg Iboir mt hi hon hl.fThid s body .a, 2005e, put ou ber jacket aud bat, sud head. lugthor. Nousense 1 Chorkly Misetvholho bsaib.tId ody ige Ihi calaed a cah. cooldul do(10il. George couldurî do s. Wheo t&Il theis jeai erbamscinf.tNe Sho arrivod aS balpaut aine. Check. The luiug mas doue hy swu'ehudy oiae. himbit Rsut id& hum y Esi .Hadrm le ea. alreaoly lu bis masters rmnMy brother came boro iIh a cookans. i. o f 1p utm. Wu? srslblg re yiug ouI the table for tho day's workbubllcasue, ail builit p cf prosumpliosia O no 11' y m riaeud misauot as banal. The girl mas tuuchod aI tho aud conlusinu.d ons517 imme osdor their uo andame. gnoi.r ighl of Iseld servaut ut sixîy yearss' lsd oui!' I h wuao lufitm edrternwnm.M.Dr srvice doiug Ihose office o&ou The trouble inmiulue as emuche go muuduc bypnotisea by Ibis mau Ed- aud jeaiougly. Sha sluud lu the outer yours, Mn. Dcrng. i have boad u oavo bsmua-lse o a Wo1l- ol ific molbiu hlmthrsgb ba usu m moheruhoc ovhre I hmd tb lsd ouI thi. Edmud Gray. Sho mould onr. Wbeu] hobad] luised,lire came lialoutoa agrocabia prophecles shot my hadli iil ubsosdu out sud sam bien, loyer &ad my bruthor. I ishl, wilh bSaodmis li n eolyluon.s us '0h10 bu grumbled. r Ils you,ileit? Y70 thent thop mouls ind sut'l Sh tou d rNo. Il-lui m orns Inn, Vol -ho basI 'come@. If yOuo at to .Ho loouboff hie batsd bang il u efoun1 d NTe o r agu mas clte me Mn. Doriug, ite full oarly. If youo te urog. He bullouud bi% fruck.coal Shikre heDotetre v a u oao. raul tu sée the soi parluar, be iin suadtlochjbss Plant at lue table, oprigbl She nmbno db y Grge b.20 tuue.d- oma. ~ ~ ~ ~ er Hoduaun iool o'sd pnecioc. yet bie ayez mere auasooo. i, tauendroma, sud visitod ber ea iehr aes you'Il sit domu a bit and lobk et r They tasemi tom. The>' muck mos.lugg-uotugîse old u th papier. Hres tho Trme. itou Yslerdsy, tibey laid tlebteraad. lu. sneae Rthou thotaill e eutd te hore aI s quarter to tau.'1 dresseS lu this man, Edmond Gray, oundtreu sbones. u l B ut r lewem1> a Checbîcy sat domo st bis dasb sud rMy lattera. What fus?2 To lsughea Iw uelleumt, su ol, lua mînoodir uuhk op s peu. Rut ho laid it drw, 'me, lu dut y me tlu lsd thalmeolt. soacreno oped mithat ioongeuacusofdo gmu u hga u sl.'W"re lu horbioY omoars ho didu't pottIhelle ber. o rouble. Mi». Nu fault of yurs-î thora. I arrivod aI lb. momeut mou rVu roMe nsslandeul hoi lout say il ln. WMrerinl trouble. The hs mas lcaviug theo noceu Are wO ashed Pas noublo b gise ltu ho morse heforo itu iraaretd And h day bhore-and 'Yen, Ms; I am.' The vomas look. Pf boller. Thoy're sol contant mith rob. the day hifure Ithal-Ihor ere o nugs ed aaluuisb.d lummnsocb a visilur. T ing the munter, buttlhoy uck ut hib letis the at-' r m oacl eobhlm. 1 vant lu seo ofr ud jeer hlm. Thoy joor hlme. They r'ln the safeu? Oh!1 bol uobody ha hio- on vory importmnt businews. Most fan Pt us his tableojeIlons addresuied lu the bey oucept yorself. Now cmu important lu himueif. Whou cou ISoe .pro ýh mau lhoy ral Edmuud Gray. Tbay seythiug 10e pot lu the caie ?' bhlm?' O )Pase bis safe aud pstt lus iu lie1. I dou't kboo. I do't bnci msy. rI dourî kuov. Mine. No isucertain. due rsngiug lu Edmond Gray. W'na sol Ihisg. i doul kuom wbal Mayi tabon Be vu"ibere yoetordy o vesing. He wNI o youngas me mas, and il touss cpou uout. MY bouses-mY mortgmges,sziy saMd ho saould ual hi bore t1h10aeu.0 s. Weore sut aw roglar as mesBouold landn, my veny prctice-, ing. RutSI dont bsOw.O . a OrSomeime, vont tlate-ard nums. rNay.-lhoy muId sot. la thero an>.'. Look bh-.1 Elet.gn cot ber nOI âmsw vooom, jat for a bit, sut le Ihisg tIblomoriug ?,part.. Tmell Orîeo4 . . dln meth som eauclly mho vo aroe m hst mi Ne toruod over bie jettera. Appsr. vill i e% bd If 1K ha!hisu SIqnhi id ir Oh!1 ils athing-uutbiug, but OeUh>'Bot. SIay ;I Ibaveoust loobesi u in ieyon lro in paae-Al>.gddosthel whaI wili pasw avay vheu tha troubles the c"fe. No guI op aud lunsi open uorelgus. If yon 1telli'l riht * i fîl )ver. Bul thisb cf tb. black lugrati. lb. aafe. Thon ho 100k sp a puchît. givo yom hwo coverigu..' .aJ îd, Mis-Oh! blck-black. pas'wrAgais! 'ho criad abmiet mlh a icrotum. Ibe sisoves thema. The nid moman n là lot blamkis'ycu; but I lhiuh youonuglt1Agaiu 1 Ss IhisIe e udo lue looa bungrily ot the coins. -Weil, rans ro kuom the troubleu moe no -cuse. table tbe packet mbiub ho bad ilf Mlienl, hâle beaboh i emery Saturday dorn' mbwh o's ae l al.' moluylues minutes betore places inm thi aii.rnoon for tha lent six monthe. 1 Eli. made su roply. Snh aS no. onfo ilu biu uvu bauds. -Suoaluis 1i boumit by tho lillor of papersatat s o àlug lusamy. Cataiuly eseho uid uot Thus Ihe>' Iaugh aI me-lus tbey maboe.. Every Ratnrday aflercoo. las unter lulo a discssios vith tIs vu rmou l nme!' Ne horlod luepackat lu 'Very gosi. Vo s naii hava HIrEU sa lu the part, if auy, tabou lu 1h. boni. 1he uluon aide ofthIe noom, nelurnad te money i 1 Andbim.' and _ in(% ken by the soi partuor. Thon Cisek. h% hr odlidh ad opeu bis In lbhe vOsimogFlin i si aatig m y mado a sow ofu begssiug su mile bauds, iablag dooplj.'. about M. Doring ansi bar strange dW. gai '11h nueol. The morulug aaubol: luie lsia loob np tb. parol. it "w» cOuy. The ho yosug uses tlkam l lace mu quet: te lu.nd uman'@baud ratihor s hilby mmnnscrjpt. The, tille abaut trysu bis iàay anditI ay, rraduiU lolakeassi r lue peu astpeai 70Y0have hard. tNb. ulMit elua e th e vi&'- u b. vlei ofImplicon o haoeis loed : Ibl hoasdrappesi hack.asdttei ovr lise iiàffs. Th* ecnh, aneobti'. il* 5h.ea-duoisnet- blim ipu hie chair:r hao vu &loop. îî,elath.eamiL, vu lu. Astobtogeibt.of (7bbToleenliUued.) lot s.ncommau for asu lsi mmn 10drap Edmssi(lre. Asi Imiolu b. '1 off iu this mmy. bhusiollugof Mn. in 1ofBeg *sy l Elsie cal perfectly a0h11. At élevais fise %Jrolslait Ilt Ibolles a Ne 'olaek tsehead a ulep open tise Oeryting tisere., te.&id, whl. iv M O@SoW«ab >eaa U ticis. Il remonta:I ril alaéps: tlb.santI la yao. Enoeyltbng De en " e# OM " à rivale daacmu aliensia, and Mc. Der. ksov unylhisg aItieiaboxt liiecon uD nl t sg onlersi.He stausi for a MoaniatEduiind "iy t' sN s. the d6ormmy, lauisg aboutthlb. -îNaluu& -Y dur bl4 hell>y JLOn*Ver l ýom. Mai, on lui girl iobkae ib hm oing. I1severmai lie, nsenes.nuI maniWe tal 1-sewd iIhbeyswu smalain the hoard cd hlm. Ta! ise à»Abon imr. II l ondllio y Gea6o n a eMf uon me. gbie 01 l hust Mtler of in t sa isacondtion, ou a lettonir oflnnsndaimnf0m la&' iekJ.E ti "tin. g genrailly nved ila l "_ ieia lradmenir taliesoim iet-- Mendas -*0 fflI«oab. sl b Il i ou le te ti ti Ie bI of do do. bliltou inge of Burfington té %OèMe r and half tio Crowq, =Wllu.z.r.f Georgetown do. ý,;, do. dm Jun fJune,À.l Paid on conviction formorlr r E El --'- tt si CI Ar of the Peace, County'of ~>r WI MLeod& ,.GEOtGZTOWNqE- 4F Our experience showvs that riglit goouls aIjt ue i 1 is just iu ther above position. OUR DRESS GOODS... were nover larger or botter asborted. We shitil give yosî wonderfsîl good-Dress Goode for 5c. lier yarrlr 1h111 Cal i'i handebomo and stylish mrations in Dreos Goodî at very moderate prices. l DRESS ,5(.OOL)s bursinîess îve aie. bo do if low price,lar'ge variety and Étylieh goods wiIl do it. M ILLINERY-The sînapproachal le style, extent and variety of miîr Millineïy~ does ('ommif busliijîness Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, Ladies' Underwear-corplete stock and at low prii'es. Ouîr Smallwares, Cottons, Tiekinga, Cottonadea, Check Shiitings, Cauîtoi FlairuebiHaî'nlttr bî irîùy beautifilil lino of Printed Sateens wao îold for 371 & 45c., redtîced to 25c. A unaigrîificeîit lot of I'riîît tlsli d Wa have been doiuog a big Carpet trader Reason why: riglît stock, riglît prices. Lace Curtaiî:s, 1 eiile('tir 'loor Ojîcloths, Matts, Etc. Goulu, vo doul tefrgal your loloreot. Orrvariety lrrClotlu, sard orurubr' ojr and style in Ordored Clethrug, i tru, iasaIrrred. GBrrr, Uud oSntâ Fsruiabisga,la, Caps, Etc., ru grest varieîy. Ladies' sud Gerrta' I'oîmear-Wc uxcel lu qrrootity, pirce d etyle oiSlrrr deîeitorcuî, We crndiislly inivite evet'ybor]y le come and examirne rrrr stock surd ho ceo-rirrccd cf tire barguios wc arce flerir.g. P.S.-Wool-Tbo bigîreot prnicarrr or ornluDry Guodr miili Ie pli3 fer usy quaoîiîy cf geed, clesrr rrrcrcîi aitable Wa 1 ,]v i (r"! rrîln! iîrPt( STOPI1 CONSIDERI I have the niceRlt celeetion of SUITINGS, OVERCOATINGS ANI) TROIUSEIZINGS, for The patterns are aîl uontuîad styliîlî. Prices are 1Gurlroto...... Jas. Rbhrsurl 2 7 2 5 71 îight and work and fit gî:raîateeil. Genats' FIrA.Oirr r ieliin.os a leading epecualty. i YClirrrry C irrrrr 5 or er i5rrTremurrir r is ,r " i],:i ',_O,0 Crrrrt ... ejrrrrlI Jouorrv .ou.r d r . Ill, 81d r.rAir i. d r.lI. liy ordeon, . ~~Cirrk or inleresilog Divisie on «t CAS& Salesme3 Waîîted1TR . OZBRcoftN a ASOE]BO.Tu ereet tesl r his M ARSHALL BROS. This cane vbch atteted s groat binaol'rSHrdy Caoadise Grues Stock IPbTR F ail of local mubrest wushourd st Rock- Exriosco sot secomuary. e wmasir -MPHIII od unMbey 29tu. The plamstiff. Mn. rosi murburs, sud t leSllsucb ooffer a ocrgi Coghîan, luamoîellbsuovsfanmon ' sU12 iuain t&godicus mTe m ERaon te., sifeusiast» are wt hac fada .As me A S A NID E : C.OF m REobvwo. wlvowil um ow bave ovon 7001 scroes ullder esît N.6 I'r"'e'rOT seai mevuianta ration, wmecauifiveorsalssmen imany N. 7Dîundaî treet, LNON T The plalntiff PnMhRObd tnom the do' soperîun advastageu. Wo aise dosira idaula on Jul>' laI 812. olves Ihae. suocnro a guudmanuinyur distictlto A. PILKEYlHamilton, _.foi ('0o ofll frape sosi h amamomes on lb. soîllii tROTARYSPRAY Prur, for s'Sish u= if the plalutSf, andsi toasi o h ave the gesnal ugour>. ThsIRl Toduomg a crop of the ardiuary napo, omthisgDowamdsrusd ensassbla lu osmonl>' esoot asa 1011 feod, il pro. the farmone un fruit gromors. Sesd ton - R A A I T aced a cop OanWOlcape iio r& atall, terms asnd luatimonial cireular G E Tv.u roo>' stalb, bounin a <r ouIumber ot liai&wm lavera. vhl onuohlod STONE &WELLINGTON, ya gret numbisofaI pe ille i lluNurseryrmo.r,-O ma. Th bîilanlifwunafraid lium 0 a 51wn ootOt ,xiuiveedalaomels i, ansibirad TonuluOuI a Muil g lam mre Rroi. andusiak. -h àiba" they iora o do about âe bar! seesiansi9lm l fsistcrop IE eJua.t do maytlug &bout il, as NOW 18 TH TIMd sers beigo le moot h Rd. Cogislan, I to lecuiire your ____________________ kMi ddaneo. malslin. P-0-ono van tuflsil.eesi oneluescal YarlotY mdfof.sltaleoheep. Ccgb. IFLOW ER POT Mepgslmw Mdb. mei al.on cape eU6 M * b oaisnc:p -BUTTER CROCKSJT O .W L O It fin1 wu a serIons oablen fosn hlm. un* Jtas vuSto#00 fotr loi. aofcrop H S W I ON iipeoin onting. Hi% MOBOr Bowls and Jugs _ _ waut ffdM tsi*utIelai toc lir daoo IM erseaumane l vi. ilsB Clemen dms.ugl . a s.. Fow u , 0C IIE a oeMyC11;ùioeod aalvm -lmy wMk t MY STOCK 18 COMPLETE AND PHICES ARE RhI y amvmg-e " week -4 LOCAL COURTS CALI PilAHla &P. O. Addreée! Clerba. Jus. SMar. Mray. Jr]1, rrelrt7rov. Jan. -12 o B nlour. l 17 12 il 1 15 17 21 ......~. : :Balmener.. . 8 3 1-2 r; e Gergto n .. L Gan ... 9 14 '9 1 8 12 54 Butter and Eggis takeni exchange for kodas. :E a it. t , Lk!lLA 1.. MEDICAL .R. McCOLL, MouRs Iroin 8 teo a uan 'D. ROBERTISON loinmDr.g Sorne. n00 and prrnraleofcille. 'irerle, !RP sÀF4MTN. M I'n- 'Il' DENTAL. P, L.DSrD.DSr, r )r Frazee r lit.reStre WINN, L. D.S. noter,. DoKTsr. 'LC e's, * A2WETING TCO) - PMTS'OF:LL.a* Bai1Charn. allkl.far - QIL, - mACHI0 MagStreet blcyclo HAIRISr L. D. S., Mt u thelire et aodltiid ,>u. tli ofie E TELS. TAL * HOTEL, r li Tuquîrt and Cigairs N ROPRIEToR. &Y.eo5,du Oo ceuccalsOs' s 12e ~uloo5O seCalerlP01 I Prla uaiss.. MO... - .4 e loi 1 i - John0. MarIe>' doa do. B. eaccb Stin nBadhy D. P. Crosby j WuIiam Barda? B. J. Vusabillt John G. Maria>' j do. do. do. do. 1 -7 il il 4L Ide. M.7.43 p. ÂLTON, ONT.- s'TON, Props.1 sec; 1 . . . .. . . . . ' . - urush.. ef L * . O.r of t lr,.5rhA" rrr.'2 FrO.R. l ill. th. ami01 tlrrr. v,.rrr 1xO ý e.. t. f-rdolr' __",. MohtitI, h.5C -Noo.. r ffl . pp. d -W pioer 55 1 .-P i 4,, rr, trm'rrOo~rr0.rrr' LEGAL. Gf' ' I ,rrrrr. I 0AS O. lATIESON, *o vu ÀtS., YB, iu Cou.nrt I-l'. ru 'nIitf 2 Mr ', T r, Nir'. 42 P i 'w a 'r.pird 1,ii l r. rr, \Er G t< tc b a]

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