r- ncculdxtse lcvcs.ctle Oc, h-lltu n1toei ote iteîl .t -rulecuf lcce. "'.eMO Thé Juidge repliadinl e apprupriate masser. c The tolluuisg addrens i suoted fiy Hayer Dire onJ msgistrateu o the ouunty, T. Ili, Heoov (Mi.s .uui .lcccgee« the Crek dci .Tîe .glueoesf thtc tic,ù.iect Coct f the (Jec P.... f-teh ics eccty At hihcto nonl0ccl.,ýIYoo14-n.itoOY.., ancd Ohe outiCt ...ey onr nt sOCt t-ance ndetio fce uCcVdIL Ct, STEcWAeT . Wc.-Ag pruuisesory notes, SettlefI paeties. J. W. Elliolci foi Smyth tue deit. MCCULO.uGIî VS. Coi Action us pronissery sofi tue piaintiff for $19.8,mw and def. te have Coutyq d efonce tu ho eet off. W.1 C., and 01. S. tioodmilfie f me Donald. Guepth, tur ded CRIMINfk 00,5 licrue vs. Dîxue. i QuxoEN s ou.BeooefTr.0 nect Geseesl Sessios The Courtt thon ajoun Cunty Ceesela Thé coucoul met et 10.80 cuedaue vititadjeursi uerdoe in the chair., preat. The mieutes uftihe fau moeetiegc core reod and ni cCmmuonications ceesJ lume o irout Baie, Lidho Bill taued in Haltun v. G Education Departuent id eenteut grant toe the lad 1892 ho Oaleheciîiéhad Georgetowns $314 .81; fr< mou sewing recetpts of Co. fue 1832 et $2988.60 c mets et $29510; rost Souperintedéteof theIo ld, asisg for papuent forsm Knnedy gils for quarter4 8l"031; front ouutp ofI the cunty to petitios ifd Saturday reduced rtes ;9 deeson. Esq., MP., re. CM csinge;fotmW. P.AIN ont 20th Bate, bond, ai gct ; rou T. W. FoiIl jutant et 201h Bot., as% tue ensuai ifle match« Carsceniî Co. Movtd hp M. Mescies, M. Laccon, tttDt. W. oppoited ctceh peu tein.- Moved hp JuolinMsedoiq hp C. W. Andeson, ihai nue adjouru tu 1 eo'o riecî. Cnci re uied tl10 Moyed by "Dr. Webste Mr. Pttit, that clausNo port oftheraiueapcomud iront tho lst meeting of adopted.-Carried. h Ye-Buch, Fethun t Bttit, Webster, Metfin Warenuand hawios, Nap,-Hotcltron, Pas son, Macdonald, Andeesqq Hoved in omeudntent eon, secondod hy J. B. claus 10 of the railmey Muved hy D. Webister, M. Poaron, ftu ebave te. loue No.-, te peuvidn toe the support o! publies ourreat pea, and ihat il the iret time.-Carried, c Muved by J. Warre Me, Lamutsht the cmmni ttee ct the efiof n te eqoalioe thé several a4 ufthtfecSuuty, ueth thé chair-Camid Moved hy Dr ' Ohe te for so 01to reoda eonrds if lanshs illd in- , 1l By.laue madl a secosa Mon hy D. MeKétet Jno. Macdosald, that the Ofiville and] <S school esapectively ai 189 andtfiestg=fi red. e Novai hy O Bohar Jamee Mortimter, *0s4.i etf82W ha gveén te, t' Hilton, for the Pree RA. Buck unovai,ý J? THE mJCltn on ife penteg 0i 1nadarifl i* COUnofyHnieton, t'O To Hmie H~sorC"UC S uilouei.une or thé fO ,h clee. feh e cist. utccztc't chocsc'i dit.s-tsifo' 0i ..d t imc a tleu reteOu îlchtteuit Oc, cci thetes ltc et Md *"nâuia.iis. feehiecheh f claver nf *0e teoe appote for n 4 te.-Loit. oý* Lt-»gu Moved hy Dr. ter, secondedby sideto latse s *Ua g i Mr. Laveon, 0a:s epr ite ~la an lswau iranen ju red bemslpted.-O-rretétaboni8 nlek heeseiee.oI SThe commuw«Ire tno nittee n1 tessme, n*0e siceets, Mani tst 1$eM s . Te omitesreported on equaltea- hae bean placed aM the jli ia acntionsand the onnil nesened. sttemp te doesnyls tit Moved hy Dr.EBqiesn, seconde olhadyai s té S by J.ltPern,"at the report of theyartnof lsePriamn he in e iis Sia cnitendi t e rfileon equalza" one te *ettiogss.Hwevue.Us ni ofetheseuent rmUe te dopte-I! oe 1 ok nge«n,ani is! OHM DOGE WET 01?W ea carriie. ne thsiL t tenuii Y.7 onnet Mnved by Dr. Wébeté, econded cm n= = gg th I H r. Pettit, tet lim" bfe grantedlt ..ieentroince a fylaw t*0 levy a rateon Alef A Fit epind"d he tsConty te deray the expemes for- etee carrent year anid pat of 1894 and Iasnve oe1.Atntels iSsiYthat it fe ros ia i ent e.- Carried. es ni theeOntelrie Licece Art inesme Pro- i sr~ By fwredairaitinte. viding tht any fersonn iro bnyelliqnor It i. ie vd Fetherstone eoyed, seeonded for an inebriate whont the .alonkeep. f ngot y Mr. Warren, teat Meusrs. Lindsay, ors have heen prnhhhted fronta Service I.dedg Ilehart and Carriqon have a heariog a fined nt kmn thon 20 o Ce gw.g. ohas 5 rsett an r unre tl- The Lead ýn Pi iet es this connil.-Carried. ts 5 rsn ejd.Poal h I5*tc Mr. Carriqne sddressed tee COnsil finit cevitios onder thee feuetook place a i g E fice,. w . dstriution of raitwsy ntoney and yesterday at Dondas. peui fa. presenting a abond te indentnify the IThomas Wilson ni Domnantean u lu-S ýv yo tlconneil againet &aIl darntae if monéy ehelate. and in pursance ni the lmu hie mupaid te th. sections hat paid the uon, John Wilson, fiad the lifnonse inlg iyl-n elu .11Ci tMone.pecter notify the liqoor sellers that are making thig iey Bii Movod h li.e y bW.. Pettit, eeconded hy Thontas uas nt te lies ered. Theat nie o-e A. Buck, tht the nom ut $100 ha grant. latter got over the diffieofty hy gettine rme eto, l'daoe Coh Be1 ceod te the Brlingtos Horticltoral othler people te hsy hie hodge for hum, N iet a Society for the porpos of rnllnetio)g amng others a yosng teauster nanted N i~ot o Wpp and and ahjppisC freeli fruit froint thio John Wallace. Young Wilson uaned h ceunI-y te the Couitio Exposition t Wallace sot te do se, flt Wailace per- - lin pre. Chfiago, sd that the cardensune bin isted and fio ueu arrestedl and fronahi f o the chaque in lavor ot A. W. Peart,'trea- tefore Mayor McKechsi jonterday.* enror of the Society, 1or the lame.- W. E. S. Esoules prosocote on hehaîf We are re eeiving auuit G. (arried. utfposg Wilson and Wallace wau found * u o c(ooty buildings cuutnittee's report gity and fîned $25 or 80 dope. Nt leacding Unes in cl rSalt-io. It e. having the e eesary caosih finbs gone lois of0 th. Mov. b Dr Buck, îsouded hy W. te jail.ex rs v y pr express sesrdctci0 Pettit, that thie repot o the coud! .. beteiefuildings Comnittcc just preseste i i pd iar t%or teu Thetiu Hrrw 'y" e.t h' M o ved by D r. W ebs ter, seconde ul fip BIEî o p, JU O n1, 1898.G O D A T C .-a:~ M. Pearson, that bylaw No. -, to We tested one of pour Spode Hartoues re e lu a rte for the preoot year sud a let sprisg aso o new Model Dise and - iY- coo prte!f 1894, te reod a socond and third todfeet Crin'i h at tinteand uned.Corred. field, and found the Spode did the flet Byb. w reod a Second end teird tinte. work. Cen rOCOmmend it to any in- G e t a g i hto n oe y Jso. Warene, seconded bytedigpoechaeers. Yours,G r a rg i reen heA Buck, tht lsove e hognteu tu in-. Âno. & NnîIL MoMîI.u liet & troduce a hy.low t the set meeting of counicil for the prpuso of distrihut- 88 ei ut.- iug the ntoney reoeived ront the Grand LOWviiLx, JUs,18. Art iMusins 5ceaya idgmnet Tronfi lailueoy Company te the COUs, I tested use of pour Spode Harrows Fn elcin i .C. cots cis o the ueverol moiicipliies and in o very bard Clap field, mhich asn. FieS l ton n1 iogte of that tefore ony distribution is maesol fy evestp ploweul, and novert eaw Rosyobfr. Lvls D lie llaue, Q. the micir muniipeliiieu asy fyleserue do se; good wotfi. h uorhed te my JoeyD lan sa ff.; A. H. poseed fr the etorouid purpose hli estîre satiation. I have lied a Dise te suhmilted tu the logilature for its Herrow. Cou reoommend the Spade .AI-wool Delaines, epproval-Carried. and have puroflueul use. Yours, &c., quisite desigi Moved fiy Dr. Robeetson, seconded Jose Oece. edt Dr. Bck, tatfierees W. fi.Houe. goods, at 25e ma to the lncaru othu ard of trusteonsEix.onîct, June, 1898. of tee Alexandra Indusgtriall Home, fies IteuChi o Corbin Harruow front S. agoeed toe Houe the couety te place the Mixnsone pear ago;t have dispensd of foredirlosciiialehhomes, teilAand have purCfiased a Spade Hor. foeti oii eeydesiresotu s oue, eivigi eh etchro M ILLIN ERY -W 1 tht they uill at ho aey longer re. Maya ees g te flufi boter osd the nponsihle for their mitenece-Cer* Spode is the herruue for me. Yours, * BatflTimdfas 03 red. euiu rm e as il, Movd by Jsu. Msedoald, secusdod Juu. HoAIS. tTeby D.McEenzio, that wletcsthis COUs-' Ribbon hem,9 il cil adjourno it stands ajouroed ntil LuWvoI.i., Jus., 1898. the Second Tuesdoy in Septeuer.- The iaceoue that I purchased front Great bargainsilKd Sd OPcial Caried. W. Peacoch in the sprisg cf 1892-for T re id Goe i55. fi Cossool thon adjuurned. hard grund-as for au my judgntent hedGo st au fui0-89goo1 believe that it bate any that I Cn o r 0hLrn 2is sueu.Yus E. CouLoN. Allover Embroider'd Mi Ifg yeirof No 7 Cofiad a churcfi parade un - '* " e e 1#y49r02 Sunday évstog. The mut marched, Qutre Bru Schonl IReport. aI- prices e r l . Free-28 trong, flodeul hy the band,.-tu ieL son 1t5d (Grsee Cfiurcfi, uefere Rev. P. T. Mignoi V.-Afirom Juyce, Julia Pattes,Fie aw liehoréee preaohed a aecial sermon toe their Hodgic Starki, Noels Winlaue. orrut, hasefit iron thte textIl Put pe usnidis Sr. IV-Carfieun Joyce. WALL PAPERS-the fi Fcorol, oarmour of (iod." Théeofiorefi uee Jr. IV-Alert McDongall, Andrem fui designe you could see. Lar innaceof csecruded that extra seati hed te fe Louesen, Archie lGroens,Albert Joyce. a m rh1 put inte the amIses. Mr. C. J. Huy, ioy Sr. III.-Mal Starki, Edmard Win. In urG N S FUR %osig io li r é , ssited Bey, lou, Chrlie Broks. Jni rom ehv eyfn o 'a "kig Mr.Mignoti'n'te, serices.Jr. II.-John Elitt, en Bok k.D M e. PBond Mas,ter Forder, o! No. 1 Co., Jouet Wisiaue, Wesley Lawouee., Hats-a very large select If railueov .yalSuhuo of Iiantry, Tronto, fias Il.-Clara Starh, Mar Stark, Maggue sprusid. fisnengaged as leader f the bond of Hardy, James Moçirty.Spca nieso S fr #100 thie Ltfidri the camp. Pt. II.-Harvey McDosgsll, Esther Sp ca rie on & 'anud Ad. The second Canadien Miiilry ile Bîofis, Siddie Young. o i n fox grant Leogue matchi came off lunt Saturday. Sr. I.-Ilanuaf Nelon, May Hardy, onalln S of goods. from the 1 lu -the iraI match the five mcn shoot. Assie Louesen, Adamt Spruat. trcie,'c iughos ie mrefaorbl water Jr.t-ýjmes Young, Mary Nelon, atr liv n price and înded b1' thon the Oive et (Georgetouen and mado oetWirw ili esn ipeel be larCer scres; but un Stueday the F. C. PATTON. HOLLI mail. Mitoiasafiadan enceedinglyauefiuard sSnoded " fitail " uid to cotesd witfi and ifie Waneircg HIr.- 3ociil du the Georgetouen mn made ithe lrger -a oetrhg or n.-Cae. Scoces. Theosccreseare anis oiiuo, tite ufOttiletar10. Thé OanaiinFraee'hg ee firat ive mesnflieg thune chuo ht t The motloplhiltosian lCe mpIla foinsession t Ottama. t.Georgetouen and the lut hiec the Mil. te either héep quiet o franlyl confeee The grand lndge ni thîe Canadiain ionded fiy ton cmntingent; Gofvilles eupriority or heasty and ni. Ordér of Oditef loues milS meet in Brant. of tho r. *20c e. 5tu.t0y. To ctel votages wueeuthey'viit firs. ford on Tnesiay sert. laid over CoPt. Moe......... 28 28 23 79 - - ' The 1. 0. 0. T. grand foige ni thé SonsCi bc Capt. Grat ......23 26 28 77 lu Gothenhorg, Suedeln, theeamre morld épened ai Dms Moinee, la., ns Major. Appeihe ... 25 23 28 71 58 deatîjo lutentmofront omalîpox. Tusudey. Dr. Oronfiviefia, mortey 6, AltoUn Srgt M'. peire. 17 22 18 65 h digsî arda ergrand, un preSidlsg. eau, te Boh........28 2116868 London, n., cn Tusday. Mr.sud niMes.MéfelsuWfitecnoré ni Pte. Peauch k ...28 25 14 68 Rober. Major Fox ......... 25 23 18 66 ThéelBritishi communs ut Tsesday Pembhroke mre dromnéd in an arn of Hene.Major Peu ou ...... 28 22 15 85 paeud thé third clause o! the.bhrntéth tiaa ovrlvéntile frose that . Roert- Srgt. Coreo.....24 15 23 612 rois bill. t0ir5on5Mosday. Thir boat uset. "on, that Pte. Heaves ....21 15 16 52 Mn etuiotco ri h aiesaepm s ~ma lnsittee'e iedah ri hlri i& h aione xrs o ,ws t.-Lost. - ar repote' et Alals, depsrtoméiof hoandniu the Atehions, T and ieeb8Gadh etmtf iîcm f nJt coThé nFrance. Sente Fe, mi e hli npu -- marron. adcehp.Kaea n atriay merciSiid*0e 81f, range% 200, 400 and 500 yards. suhrodédfnte epesc robhei nf about $9.00, by ceesment Ford'a theatre ealamity in Washington efive aneiliae. ls for the -lu"" ~ t 24, asd tee injnred nnmher 52. ns ha read1 Mrder Oves' s Women. Téttlba yWdédysie~ ThmmeSeto.. anti.Parnelflte M.P. i J- Tettlls yW edysfr tfer NMUei Krw, ebufeiheea esded by WNDSOR, Juns lIih.-Wisdser wmu Fargo, NMD., tenom placde t08,Uo0. lsln.llu.i sesni m i@ îmà dl go li te.night theeaune of a ntsrder, thee 00, mite $,2,000flu smrance. gaarilg Usedireceor iThe rrs. a ocfivictint of mhich, Capt. Jamesa ickéy, Gmdsrmnraconle A ues.na m esl. cnt rolis mu amell.hnown diver, éntpoeéd fy Austin, Tex., petrsn monSa. Pcn vRUeAeéla uif eutin thse thée. & T. Mrley WrenkngOCdmpy hsy sher n e san ondt . FrnIvs*9Anm mo 1 of thin iby. The mrdrer le John séoded Vromas, a young Mas mhou Ei Nef acher Fox, meoretthe eset » te févy a hldsnepeeted of heisg tonctimalereet cdne niKa a te, ,4 15Js Oum ofMO Po" h gu ie sehoole ha mith his mité. Thé teroble hetuesn mas iu esedilTfiers isgfit, p17M n a 09 ansd the thé tmm cee hgaoisemét1iacé méké Hughi j. W@m Wilse ,m aaei el.vec0pis4e, @ *-é- aié tcky e, mfi o nd-ssi. ams drmae nm dmteteGrand icivet a i d m.tsit. ec idtinte. lokig wnntsnahut 8ô méu e M e téon Tdeiiy mhilé hatblse onidhugbgndgsavangat mhioh hé kt i At"tsPsrttArthure ahmcii.o as a ni aveer tctis smi b1~ tihe on. ickey fiaslnskéd ihh&" dgTte JslY rsd a Wé o te toLlow frais ité, fini ithoni em e .. cssyso il if Ofhalfc elha hé fai beeu Bées byinV"ta ps-C. l mhn ksmbfir. reessibati0 Je ttee dimipperane.Hickey mahe Trémsan mwu anasm friesly ashé li sui t@ Dm In1timR wh tu"- Gloves ; aiea Silk aud and Hosiery. luslins- and Flouncings sold at befre. n 8c yard. finest goods and most beauti- rge stock ta select frona. NISHING Department s.Gents' Feit & Straw ion. Saturday and,,Monday Boots & Shoes very quality. ,INRAKE & SON. 'M sof es ina brie, Pereole, Zephyr, Lawns, ,*,1 up ô* each. ýed Colored Silk Blouses, at $3.75'to $5.7 5, extra value. ne 1g1»nce of their Ladies' Jaclkets at less than cost: a $5.50 Jacket for $3.75, $6 for $4, $8.75 for $5.50, $10.50 for $7, terprfsing Dry Eirm, aiess baoming, priasraght, an stock ta piirchase frans. on aur cars. itions to our stock of hoice goods by ýy few daysc [TY PRIMES! s.. URTAIN àM1TERIALS. Art Silkaling, beautiful patterne and colorings, at 121 to 25e per yard. Tamboured Musiin from 18o per yard. Taxnboured Nots fruits 45o per yard. Nottingham Lace Curtaina, apocial, 3 yards long, pretty design, at 85e pcr pair. Nottingham Lace Curtaina, epecial, 3j yde. long, preTty designs, from $1.50 to $5 Pr. Irish Point,' epeciale in Creana and White at $4.25, Worth $6. Irish Point and Brusseiee in Grea.m snd White, 85 patterns ta choome from, from $5 ta $25 per pair.1 *Turkish'and Chenille Portieres redaced to cost. $1 75 Partieres-for $1 25, $3 for $2, $3 75 for 82 75, $7 50 Chenille Portieroî for $5 76, $10 50 for $8. The firm are aiea showing a splendid etock of Ladios' Waterproofe, with ail the latelit styles of Capee, etc. A. MYURRAY 1 00., 21, 23 & 245 YKng St, East, - Hamilton WE Al'E NOW ABLE TO SHOW d IWomeu's Overshoes, $1 40 for 70c. -1,9 do. do. 2,26 for 90c. ~u -LMen's Rubbers,-- 75 for 3,5c Also a Job Lot of Boys', Misses' and Child's Shoes at lcss than cost, and many other lines of odds and ends at your own prîce. IIEJID 'CO., sir'Opposite Town Hall. HEMSTREET BROS. CSýDEPARTMENT,(Dý IS NOW IN FULL SWING!1 ma uwe are~rrt spply tbe.lafflesofl inoey equ my eqbMci ta City 9=c1da sud at noa much Iaweri tisutbaecitse'OFy LAC£ >l>VASfY0 WI4ITEYS toeaw, agdO1,ma an eé'a,0Tuesdoî, I:rete;a ]~ou, &B ae doses sNérYork itheone.- fi, thea erowd, es patr ~CA y ove tu »end ns e o where ho liPair. Pedora AUl then shapes et Ste.,.Hamil ntanaging tenders, te e erection of IIETitCNC.-Mt. R4E~ honte on Sund motha' abi ~~*on, loohing ueo health. 'su0 ad cOASH dlean woola Woollen M Ils 8 -Àvia buggy nt jZý %'leC lHe itel. Ha C ofde tile '2a ~' estiog p As 5 chep, a jONt jts., Hau t, hr; has la f .200c ,eWhsMt -.P..; e o! Me. -,-uo ii,6onctioun, 1 e.s,mr- .W.,e et ol td . rantford1 'jy Storee du'Aic cr-etktsirhuro 8 fille'Sochotl ii.- C r c, y lie ýgto, PA., cittuci cinetie iltn fnedin t.l w olfe .eç liceli ccoilcyitu iouf tcW chlico lcc4ouedu~ o . 00e il. oarcut cf t[ cul tIIof th Arate ci' pi euctt', i-ii e '11( p . tlc. oi -a Sto e el',on cao po tee Car i *the e5 the ea t ht ,fhleCc1.t Cet ootgi, a -tes THE BULK 0F OUR- as in Prints!1 ,ard.New Springi Purchases Prints S8,10, 12'c.2 t 12'stndreCed ex-I and we feel safe in saying that w-e have neyer before 1laced [nY n ovl ot on our shelves as good value as w0e can otfer to-day. a yard. -~ . We have secured many job lines,-both in DRY GOODS an T'e Take the Lead SIIOES, that are bound to seil at siglit. Nova aloe rasols. W'e will offer the balance of our stock of Wonenis' Ovcrsho( ne>Laes aln arsoe. andt< Mcrn's Ruhhp.rs at leoss than lialf nrie.