Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jun 1893, p. 1

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Fi gTON, (4 "i b R» AT E new ýCd e ti maeronl So.e.asay Milne Ouicumin e 1urnce C Tito, -. L»ToiONT. gesigsgi"" Pado«. 'ThePartouhpep 1'be be4etseenajMgin:, bal*M l g ou«*rou theasdissolvd by utul nMet. Iva- ThOmei brOiOr stNs. - -M&P"r"""'"est••me:.. . .....t.een iu na 'hUgh it's ompouodinea Mr. Dâéing laid his huad*UoShis ong Th.r At reh o ber Oitbeå? gnwave latroitgea aaan.aasinl aemoyellMput everytng back band and ighed. •I beheéve Ishallbe bohlatyear and yarbfoeth4 a r " Ei b* .-wo oI.h e rb ebm a a wab bs ay .g ..a.ay nomhi.g mmeabout it. rv a . for. e m, hui. aeerwianein ONering 16 again . Je season. 'Wb are 94 -Pa7er •%obe bte no ly of youdmg ! *1Oh ,That isvery good of Yom.' nens,'be said queruloualy. He had lost di@n iIf nt etid has no qa 'anywher.It will noël ea ".'*'• """•"' ·w9-a eaws shyTUhdoc., sea ---.WDing- -'Ye, I'nes. But.Iwant tonmaesomething of his î-ManW of splea did y during the hottest we ; liener1 0a at ,ra"""fraPer--'ete M *mb"y hléface---"-••'o e... a fa ads ay ' o'twntabsst pec.'WOlU, I will ie the M enso WVER T/3/NG' 350 a gslon q ,,t 1N*-.hbmvey"esbe-isme-wam iiblth nw Partmr's epr a aMa.: Amifor A".a, 1n Isombody le. Meantimelook here a .................. lae0 as.ise: W". buhedim.... bo.mrom., -r.o.qto«*.hOtmlh.egie'sy ee the fenlow if 1I«ever Tel m" how thesethings came bars.' 46 an Machine oilers 10o and 15each.* Machineosetionsto Thoy em"vea g.à parýt fagero. .. bish Mid ..ethe "Y m a pro- going to in"obihn- There' be a bet «.dy ..,..-d-him.But Thé, 'thing'were ivwo envlopes Cet it any machine 100 ea. or 100 per doZ. (With rivets). It ijg aq They wSt, to me ise• W nt Wm e had knad.Tha6 t.nigt-ewntdm msi s. 4tI* lashdalknutlcotiigltes hygr dr better to brmg a ample with you wheû comning for these - wHoegh sin A a-ln aym--a-as metaruen nai me'b-oas ~, nts hapened' ed to Edmond Gray, and had been ...... .... . *Oa pMu afýtte wî r beldamohrad e@"p up si " las.msy In6M ou'T adidcofyou.'. opened. One of thema wasGeorge's seciosi ou euamo e na ie ll d. a. walkeÏF* e Park. 1%«n 10gam• munRerybiody smi if they de. Ifkwsoeetunw thing cube ont, Isid teOvow note inviting him to all.uThe- u chine guards. Steel hay rakteh. Syecatse, they vont homo and waitedWforesorge, in pklaknw that the new Partner --si sanom é cam ".war hu- Lady D "My da," I id, I"I'm other was the letter from the manager 0; L ".- 65c. Mowers' delight, a splendid wide heel the, 85. Who presetly appfand. L 1ýhen hey y te1ewPatn- 1erosnwyou' e. wth eOUrM-ango eroy nufor your sister; becaluseià of the Bank asking for othlierrefrences Solid steel scythes $1. Snaths 50e eseh. e esto»" voilétoe sof the Bagout Atreet ras- of &U yeusg mon t ver and surnaises. wlehymr hnabt h n Hwddte e ee'ska S 4, 5, 7 and 10c each. FEmery atones 20c ea.,s01, ones fo;uransa a made a lit"lefeas. After i>-Exm.-whobhadstepped t Sir Samde, blš a28tdpmtnt eldr- - , ;Ïodurm, willbebrokroff:i Dering again. t- xsadtosufalkns50e.Woe aks1 n 2 thi, Elie &aathoma incOmo home aboasftrmtwo hundred toa thons. ly incined is head and took a chair. but we Muet not have 4 scandal. We 1 Had you not better sask Checkley? 1=2rus. limut e and spend a quiet eveing talking anda, at least-this Young man, of aill 'A few words,' he sid-' a few Serions canaot afford i. We can notl'-he George rang the bell, pubieber win not bn each. ayf orks 40,45 and 50c. Fork handlesl10and 12eabout thingL, onng men in the world, had forged his woras, if you ples.e, sir.' omiled-Il wa are positively not rich 'I found these on the top of my lut- t fr i e t each. Il a) fork pulleys 25 and 50e ea. Bay tork rope, in By common consent they avoidled partner's ame, robbed his partner's 'Pray, go en.' George sat up and enough. Only the very richSt people ters, Checkley,' said Mr. Dering. 'You to . ereivda 'a sZs o sthetm ogtyu òs okray n opc dudGa a o osfmd wywith his partner's listaee, hisuipper lip stiffened. Hecnafrlohviuc cna.Ieete first in the rooml. You put Iadml mo,4 th. We keep all theé fixings, suich as rope, pulleys, hookÈ, etc. much an mentionna, nor was the ma. property. Who after this can trust knew what was coming. The thing will try and get things squared," I the letters un the table. I found te "r»r ' mnertoFild hoes 25, 35 and 40o eatch Screen doors and windowsl lignity of Checkley alinded to. They anybody which Sir Samuel proposed tosay, op- Raid, "for all our sakes." That is what on the top of the heap. -Nobody had inna marriDorsan ses.ndcomle5i•it •Il tal- ked of old dayB, when Athelstan was But others there were who refoua eoparently became difficult. He turned I sid to Lady Dering. Now, be per. beenmn the roome except you and me. e.gsaeun in., lszs.Dos aysZ o geWt rm a big boy and George a little boy and believe this thing. They pointed out rmand stammered. In faut, it in very suaded. Do the right thing. Tell You mut have put them thera.' "eee. .t.: maings, $1.25 each. Windows 25, 30, 35 and 40c, according lio a child. They talked o the long that the new Partner Continued--ap- difficult to inform aà highly respectble AthelStan what I have told YOD. The Chceyokdathenelp, e.:in,V.""'"« '0to iZe. Wire screen from 13c a yard up. Meat covers engagement, snd the hopeless time, parently-on the be.t of terme with Young man in à highly respectable warrant for the arrent of the man Ed. and b811an11to tremble. 'I don't know,' rd.r Ln$,.ry cone te 15, 20 and 25c ea. (coal oil stoVes are one of the greatest when it asumedasuif they were ging the old Partner : they maned that Position ltatie is going %olbe ChargedamUnd Gray will be issued to.morrow,1Ilhe sid. I put the leitters on the table. im» wli ..pp"ouilconveniences ever invented for use in the hot summner to marry on two hundred pounds a when such things are done, friendships witti a crime of pecliar Strocity. suppose, or next day. Afier that, no. They were not among thema. Some. iitt t-opio m-Tonths ; price 75c, $1 and $1.25 es. Wicks 4e each. Yeor: ana of thast day of miracle and are killed and partnerships aru dia.I am here; h. sia, aft.r two or thing ecavae you., body muust have put them there -he ýies te d scontinue 1 marvel when Mr. Dering gare to one solved. They even vent go for, though three al" starts,'Without my brother's - Nothing eansasye me,' George re. lookedaet the new Partner-- soeul AN E E S O of th--a a fortune, and to the other a M.mbher of th. grat prof..sio. which knowledge. This is a Private and une puiae. •as at all you came to Say, friend of Mr. Edmund Gray, between STA LEY MI JLS & 0 .9 partnership. They talked of their believes in no man'@ goodness, Sto de. official visit. I Comae to dVis. MY SirSmel, the time that I left the roomu and the eti.Ai .. 8HaKNGlT.oWSThoneymoona the tour they wereare their belief that the new Pa rtner visit must be regarded as without pre- 1 That is al. A cain breast is al time when you came.' 94 JOHN ST. SOUTH, R10. going te make, snd the beautiful places could mot possibly by any temptation indice.' we ask.' 'I entered the roomn,' Mr. Dering re. .17.le. far.B..t. thv woldsee. Tours and Blois, do such things. And there were others ' Is it not well toasuk Brat of al if ' Then, Sir Samnuel -George rose plied, ' as you were leavirig it.' . •Cenncax ndAboise ; Angou. who pointed to the fact that the whis. your advice in invited V' and took a bundle of papers from the ' Observe,' said George, - that in the - - A 70rt150 in " Th0 Cham n leme and Poitiers and La Rochelle ; per came from the boy of the Copying. ' In such a case as this, I venture totbe--tusfnmyPre.Yu whole conduct of this business there k.4e,-I and SdOf their reture. and the lovely flat, press : that he heard it whispered by obtrude advice,' Sir Samuel replied shall hlear what I have to Say.-' lhas been. one man enigaged whola has 1tfrsuUe n u where the friends would beha de so the fluttering leaves: and that it was with dignity.. «There are occasions on • Ah ! thlat's right--that's sensible. contrl of the lotters. That man-the -----RI NARY . welcome. Athelstan was a person of impairtedto those leaves by Ch eckley which a man should speak-he is bouand 1 know that you would be open taouoly iman in the office--i, 1 behecve. MAT HESON V T EBauk o ilsxÜ oil$mesympathy. Elsie talked as freely -la decly--whose htred towards to speak. You willrmme htIrao.Cme ei uetàeaoetema eoeu-orcekCek 1n.to him as selleCould to George. They the e atnrwsntorious toallIIwas to have boen your brother-in-law-' st this early hour. Come at once.' ley.' arRr o"J N R. C AMPBE L L wo m ake mdih.iM.-en:nt on account of any personal'Yuaet .mbrh.. aw They went ont together. Th clerks 'BHowCame the letters here r Mr. ýHouse. Milton. 88-tf VET-r Any SURGEON, Capital (all paid op)..... ...... $1,250,000 Then Elie got up. ' Whatever hap. qualities or pivt injuries, but ont of Wall, Sir Samuel, go on. I will hear noted thir faces full of 1 business,' as Dering repeated angrily. dCek - ----- ----- rets llcls f Domestic Animale. Reserve Fund ..................... 650,000 pens, Athelstan,' ashe said, • mind- the jaos wihmdehmrgadwaPyuhv=t a. -w1otial uti-ate1o uyn Idon't know, answered • t iey 4IOTT, B. A., Cls promptly Attendedito.- whatever happons, you shall give me the Chief an his own property; and 'You are, aS no doubt you suspect and selling being notoriouly of the 'He'-mndicating George- mus have Nom'ar lic. Office opposite the Thompson House, .nstr.PrMn naayYe-re.wy on the 12th.' btecaus e heoad benndeprived of is adfarlbnttie charged in cola, ighest importance conceivable. Evid. Put tlm therthe olce elee ceopid y Dnen ain St., Milton. J.,hn Procto,Geo. Bo h. A. T. wood, A.B. l-e,'Now sellh as loft us,' sid George, power in the office-the power of ap- pn ihaohr, -Thcompiy in entlnsomethinfveryserous indee oira) Dewar's B-Ik, (one .Gbny . 'ou may tell me why sellerefused toontetan iappointment and the this long eie f freis' hdpse.BttecifproaeHw do things comaherie? ow do DR.ro LoaN. 42-tf. E.L F E Rstay at home.'riinfscewhich he hadl pre.- Rel'y ?I heaOrd last night from still hld up his head. 1'Game, sir, they vanish ? Who Put the notesm - -2 Deposits receiyed at current rate of ' Well-Suppose you ought to, know. iul sse. Checkley was de. Elie that there wasBsome talk of such gamle to the last. But there will be a the sae? Who took the certiiaes DI118HOL M vat=nINAav SURGEoN AND DENand T. iuinterese Moch for thesame reasion that I re-throned. Thereoire, Checkley spread acag.Nw ir Samuel, a man of bot'u ftesf Alyucnd r, ee., otar Ⱦ% (o*d"i ontri eternar cug. o ute s iscute n ancsmaefused to stay at homo. They then ti umr ters, again, said that if yu xerec ut be aware that it Mr. Dering was in his usual Place, stand and accuse eachohr.i n A1 LownsT RirEa. th ri t vti -ni eateDronoiMtesotnIIpariaof Canada, United chose tio jump at the conclusion that at the.ruor'Was"realy started by old istenogo a foolish old] clerk to before the letters, which were still un. god areutyou- anyrf er? was a to ~ ~ ~ cn Bako Hmlon uairoptly attended te night or day. States, Great Britain and the Continent one stop I had becomie, from a man of Checkley, which coud not be proved, sgeta hre;but there musdoee.H okdil wr n o-1diaot Edmuth rayvinsthe er ~ ~ o. &wû1w lo at of the old Kirk of Europe boughit adsl- hno tpadndlumylorgr.seing that, like al.wisprsor umdssecction between the accused rie. ladilaotldui ryi -- sainstretMilton. Farmers' notes discounted at resn-on. r tplan lmyfrer. 1ero adth rie' hrohr, ai irSaul,•I rngsferhedy eor heewa [DLA W & Co. - - able rates, and special attention iven They now choose-I am ashamedtothe rigi-niwa unnown , and per 1aps pe•rCnandeo ?Go'Haes B h reyuaillrng entle m lwho1has a com . nduTohocal bieract nthoa let- H S O tlecoU-."-o.of commercial paper. .ny-my mother and sister choose-to superna Graloh«n Checkley mest have Gn e nq1Tee youa 8 -getemn tersa oi.luFulO in u rat I s ut' 't l"icior.- Clecinsmdeokalpons. beivetatyn n Itgehr ae'ey trong groundsa for starting such IL isga slih ainovidnewthu mncaintom¯k f ra iprt t.he th nsto detectives,' said iaL Buanke, E54haWe-VTRNR UGENAD ETs' SVNSBN. devised and invented this elaborate thing.snlewa&pit.mne.,Gvt ig . Entranoe, Exchange Depo1.fsito 1and upwards recIved and 1 itertscheme of forgery. With this and in Th.sdivided in opinion, the office 'I wishl, Young gentleman, I wish 'lie it about this case ? Have you-. Gorg3.tk h aenhnbo L,aM I.a-BLw.Q C. Gr-aduacOntario edernaryCokges o70ngo.GEQ. W. BRENT, view, it has boenfound necessary to looked on, expectant Expectancy most sincerly, for the credit of yora t last found out something?' The ther..ir ameleasi handonite KlieBi...All disease of oeti ..d.nmaBtray A.-T, M on.entrive certain little fabrications-as isa thing which gels into the air : ityourself, and for the happiness oOf thetone, the words, suggested éxtreme ir- t. • rSr S maG adbsel thatIwl __surgleat pertios aspeiaty• that I have beaunlhvig in London on alla every room with whispers : it n htegr h ongvnyulirrbppir.-1favete felow underwlc DI)CA L Addre.. Am=L. Poit ome. my wits-that is to say, by the exer- tmnas a conspirator or a partisan or àhiti m hi vso lbeuta iYt i n' I e i and ey ndvethn, si --he undto m ----ise of cheatery-for the last eight confedlerate of every one ; it divides a fly into a thousand fragments-uti that We have found out. But now, sadGeor es sAndal or' cnal hr Mé OL RE Lra adt-- bin n.alsad pu paful officeito cms t is the ismot. Everythmng is complet, The fSirSmuel rubbing ishands-- nows cago osadl h VicCOLL, A B EY & YR- E- Lnil'e"t," ,eresau"d ,ou"ta jinmen ceOf inv°entio'ns, lionand exagger. Motive : the tempter : the conspiracy : cSi teron-epeted--' hal bseaugh W1i a ul WN.u 8 . P. . . PoaNIAnAd DM1DONtisnetlite ucaeein ob ations. There were two parties in this te okigoul teappa ren tsuccess Goreu eruted--' Wh at 1Ihbaye in efortniagt r oW sall ci amyself a'rl 8P Mo . m.A NDSU Ob 1 it is too absurd 1 But I sua. office-one which whispered accusa. -everything complete. The motive-- to Say w1ll not take long. I hiear from broher-n -aTll then, fare- rts «-. LF D E EYOR S iet.d somethinK well-it is perfect. tiens, and the other which whispered want Of Umoney.' Sir Samueetatheand Chieckley e. °" tHeef ionlce allthnd rcne cii and XiindEgke CAom u t pturtcia pecdeias.BtwenLgs hvrd the • Want of money ? Wll, I was pretty twenthem havegot up a caseiwe l. otteof-eadrtre YlatoTB, etc. •Yes, Ainiseasy. At the samne time, wobblers or mugwumps, who whisper- 7 'of ha aet odnid 06s ogeis, Itlauhtestill upOon he is lsoan mthn OBE R TSON (DF F10 E O it will be well to put a stop to it as ed that white on the one hand---on the on.' .lotmf n 'u te h adSrSme.n ys ota h lrsmreld n Milton,.next door .°.° 9 tare 7-._THE00K s TRE ND soon as possible, before the thingas- otherhand-and that while they readi-IYou wa ued Mneyet aestof lvsou ieticb av oe0ofr h ath7of tboý1'so whoeledinsui te ofc hre. s---- LnET L AAA ames rious proporý a tions, a m oeEes yy ykn the ob- a hundred, this is the caus-wanted that I amabout to be arrested, tried,wasreghnd y-ateo e Cals G RA NIT E &I "" i.Yeu hame st a dt o th ber.He jev olyif lhe kew itthe money. S o etadddi . -ad onicedW ihe rightly thinks r Shenueloacrowinghbuaian, a mlinan mn-erbpsa dsprae mîtr o te itutia;but, bbce wa-ys the way in the City--they want wl eagetsadal. So it will---so ST A T. M ON UM E NT S .t' et."'"e"";esa'le 2 ue'l' e-and no they go and do it---go it cetain a la mae abereforero have You undér lk and ey.'Thli la R Y, E, y an M01eti ork, teroot. o yashcn.Ltutrth. W es nohve pea "Of •m.Wll, we need not have the of the whole business, and give back Oi ntejwton e xPressed kratimfac si. ý. OIe re.he ulymanfatesof rnieMouenWll-but whiat can we do, that we which begins to wobble and to fall intotmpeanthretoi.Teycnheslnbnd.ImsrytatIinatherset.hnhoefte Cor. York ha" ree miow otdn anw xth te to o mential Elec. , Just so. What I cameta May in this- namely, that there is nothing to con. room rumblinsad uteibun. wl RAN MIL TON. wol-le- s o ây;, . 1 aatm'°'daN gunknow. We must think-we tion--except the fnal votiu ugo- eu eina Ofan h m 0 o un leu. m tth ouaplie one thintat 1finish me off.' Mr. I)ering sihl aga _ am oeon adms n u oehnsomehow. ing o nthmaceoethr sn: teuse otryin to braznt hantd----, and passedhhishannove to h .a. -, : D.¯A.::Rmes BSON, T.oi, t h t detctiE h roes,uand o us Gewota ngd.out. lBest come down atDonce.' Idid. I asked you to and out.onmksm ogtu1s pnm oeMa. Street lieLf &Aeident Inusuace Agent. vorad And lot US Work in secret. I And all Unconscious of the tumult that George nodded with as much good have brought no charge aganst yu. _I nkes mg od a-s gne. sour on-e Z ep d li.toth- etelhi Coveace.NoecDscute.0u.s r1aamvrygldaeygldinee--tasrgeVbothi-utmutinwises umrash cul ssm udrhheHveys ondoueholurotrme1erteeasaou.Se- - - Moe t Lan nRelan eroalte ie Dame.' --a civil war in silence-the object of iroumstances. Mr. Dering spoke Elea a olmaster hiad break fast at hmo as usual. I re- )ENTAL. sAutioe. *iiit.l this was going on his way unconscious -•Down at once,' Sir Samuel repeated. in one of lbis least amiable moods.- member that. I remember setting out. Auctioneer Valuator.CHAPTER XIX. and undisturbed. ' It is always best in the long roin. In • It is a very improper thing for a 'tn eniueswakfoBdor CPlectonsSPrmpDly0M.e. eh Now, however, having learned that yorcsteei every reason2 why a person accused of a crime to be en.-o ohr.Ihv ae nhu P,~~~ L... .D8,Etatesound Up, etc., etc. d na w iT I ýSEK OF cALUMNY. the old Clerk was actually sekià e oscanda should be avoided. The thing gaged in detecting it. So I resigna the andahl.Hwud o nw EN NT ToN ALMiTNOu.Whsprdoorsar ee imrep- xthis Charge upon him, Gog e-hasn't got jito the papers:weaeoycs--hraeteppr;Yohd What did 1 delaut night ? I dg im Dor. Whak---iy, Cmg. OFCtout thon words proclimed lond upO o iyed the whispernT adunesto yet in the åirst stage Of nding Out wha6t botter go t Oo solicitor accustomednot- know ; and I am pursued by this vo alsrontUweStor the houge top. If the enious man from the charge. When he puae through has bean actually staoen: 16 has not to this kind of work.' .fogrobe-mo.Hpustis raser's Fndf-Iltu.rEQ UITA BL E t e -o eoncs• f--the ferst or o.ter office i.the mori... be.u a cm.ei. Whihteplo Sufadrbih'eldM.e-in My safe-yesterday, a placard that Li fm Monday of each mont Potgu atin"sb'ief, Là gambler, a patr - Xerosved that the Clarke alIlooedigahlp. Now MY brotheris not a vi - m. .Edmund Gray was going to give a lec- ---- Life Ašurance oc1 l, 16 ororicide, mmoidee, m- "lat m enriously, and that they pre- lave mmn. I, for my own Part, don't -Sir, you have deceived me.' Sir uronomtigrohe-the day, SD.8 S., UNEDmp9Egadeth his veine, thoulbho MUonttended not to e l ooking st him, and vant my wife'g brothber, tosMY notbing Samuels fouswas gradually euming baere a bundle of tracts by Edmund JANUARY 1.1008. with the voice -ofStentor; people oM'7 plieda eir parnswith seul. On the of YOD, convicted of forgery. Eh ? litsnormal length.1'You promised toa y. What do these things mano? " 0"""- Assets ...... $153,080,052 .am: tm.ear, t.ewords Of a mad- talirnheamearticlea calerk, who Bsea.ly thing, te go down to the CitY confeus, and yeu have not. You as good (Wat a o? Dewar's Block, M ilton. UNEaanNGM or a mmHgnmnt But wh spe bleshed a rocy red with consciousnes in the morning and to hear them whis- s confessed just now.-This man is - (Tcou beantiued. UNETotal Burplus $31,189815 a.." e etg. a tne ...of yo.,n.igh- of the thing on bis way to his own ,ering, «-That's bis wife's brother in eleariy, unmWsakably guilty,' hadla. (ab atne. inom ..... O4,288,237 r:- waleer *""'"* babadb*** rom aro.gh his own ie*'s room, he the pap.ru to.day. Lagged for Eftee nad, turning to his brothler. , Froe it er ARR/8, L. D. 8., ot!an Un n coe--- y a.ai.apn n .t amloigafe i iuly year." ifteen years for Certain, It -•I have notsasked Yom, my Partner, Fwor ser iiayneorhs enaiy . Orvur.- s :og met iathtNwiAsuthe Newt.ýýsaut 6) fiwn folie Mrp.sed ad h fet hemowhn illbe myanefelow'oM.e rig ade, mre oflytoav ie ri • andou thhrdtrnt18n. abroad, antâ every boumqs in thb tn"his own door was Cloud, whispering •Fifteen years for certan,' George up the cee. I have heard is byi a o ick ch -t4 su fer ndcr1n wt1aiko ctn onc ithertb-, [ usani 6 5mad a mn.khmiadwe about in. This Made him extremely d aeosredta h o-aldcas it Ig • at 'oiil..onei eK, e Podh •Asrn...•..the itbefrluting -1-84beavfor f ngy et, for a wisperone cannot 'Lst Mo help yon ont of the mess, is bult up entirely on Conjecture. 'n. n ... r e N erleC e e HAD w FELL .o*e t a heate nypleaehWpeera Th- out yearchn. Tinkof-FAEle' ouend structure, complote in every and rwi-dL sox~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Gie DETese..oe a n o U -O d- anaep nr nd «te.Untd . . ast à #'Ara*ohm egm oi, r n . -thelu -#eTh M Elie" bo eis . et n o rt.,tan a e t te . r ?lîa.tet. 'u. i-. e a l e QuitB~r.g--u- 1wongiai enry beehen (Pm itndSir* Sam',0l.Po" Inw the Ci ty w e Cay nem d orm I c e s t. he itoun --- b lawyrs, utweundertandevid. ore t Representie sys- fll OTELS. ge Mre eba. f tle ehem growG«Y' n dÊer wa Linenbr« . . 8. b o ne.éý lâegomi J brSm el.ilut e n ageyment;1 E. anwith the she.Meurnre goods atte ODS . er, Yard, ai' d ca give Yeu S busmness we are bonnuù Scomi"nand business. let tes liig variety, cheap. fPrint s, stylish and-cheap, lrtatins, Ubenille CUrtains, unupse.Gent's Uniderwear, dstyle mn this departnn W ool, d¢livered at our Poe Mýy. Jufly. -,Ot ov. Jan. 189. oo 2 1-5 17- s21 5 1-2 96 B 11 0r 18 ; 12 14 it 10.30- 1 20 14 16 20 10a. 17 Il11 l13 17 10 &*a. 11 5- 7 10 i1 r 3ilou uY, Lth June and Ot',Clerk of the p««. L BROS., COFFEES, LMl),ONT. g1. 1*o r C o. of'Haltoni. VARIETY-- INGS, ies are j 1 SUIT T S i ìtO sh. Pr 1 n will DR. i LVr.R WA Rr- ARvDWARE, PRINTP9 Execuited ina CHAM r•Our Job with a large as ornatn a bo 'x andNe card and circ type for Postr" L| IS SIsDER3 - ýND ES

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