st. Lefmis are A Texnocorrepodenl mies.le of tbe scieoîific dupartuuole o govusiret of a traugai>' iu prehitorie Wat dwsuovueedou frotier of the Lou tar alate. mar ollionarein aurprasse@ in "a al the othuer ouerfouflaios t ioood of the peope Who onre iobL lbhe liofu Mexica i ateau sd ait a hîgh tale of otviiatioa. Il theoogh Miieno, and ban a toWe of a ot twety Mle. It inboita nlijd uaoory, tan te fifluso felà,s and ao mauly fet thlcis. lu elu andt thickeoor are thugoaaimoal as, as the faniosChjinueeWatt ou tise P of China. The directioo n rtb and othwot. t in for the uot part undtreoa and tbjo jo one of the cren ntil, that puzzles tirose Emenu miho su'rposed te knew al about prehltO romains. tis je otetity ver* Ooe erlght uppoe it te ho thuea foundtion of a gigaati orecaa bw roeuaimverthe greundaniyfart. tortore and tother mensofefefnamt which At mighit have bora previd haveliedittime tucrotihle away inl yeero hat lhait iroaoer.Thse long i reostrey havebhoua pulted itomo the correrinf ineadera. Ao tirepup iied ot ro eretho tend the dehein of eid Wall woud in ither case riveri fondatiot. The Azecs proboly hit thiare Tîey thave fit tome inscriptions ona but bnte their lingegn e etiretuc15 no scholar eao ever trope te iuerpa thera. Otecoveroaapaceefeigtf square. The ebaraciero are kindrui lodian rnscriptio, bt net se cim alijeit that their mytery cohaS tratei. There wmou rrdootudy- populoot village or City in tisevioité for on a luth hbiloear Mitant theu> major ot a iglty temeple e ofeab teec forit.Thiso w arrppree.ted n'ore tiret 200 piliera. Sorte oet til are stili stnding. .Tiey weee marie eloy e'iieh 'van mcii hîreeit. Thia Cuer the appearance oe t te. tIn tem ple mre pinord renny idoe, ro tarie et mhieb are prekerrird. ehaped lihe aue emisjepreterveit en] Huematsacrifices mre traitd ol neseeli ae sacrificeneof bledsbontal reptiles. Shelloaund boushave h 1reerved in dlay. Serte et thue» long tevey large aimais. Somar petrified, atit it i8 thouglit tirtti rirly ni.teea rtay bave enduraist artof assistiogtirlriientlea adt peesercud tire boures fthtirisacrll 'rhe idoe arc ait erierruty Mark Aeeunddoeceir tillerr aital toue pled rip s cira or erfuares,.andi ide eaeh crele, ridernethtirtie piC tiare le a centre te forroition att lattiloori te represent tire godisu Near tire seal there arreao ferons nii minoutire rnative melteit iren. flic localiCy and diectiontet tie arernoro aily eccerrrrtcd fer. Pers il caths tire heeedary ofcertain tel territery wviieiwasee epseito thuî teehe oi the enemy. As eaonrm artrofetlahor and mcateint ave heen rrqoired fer its conatroO if but niove tire grod et theuniu gigettic plat as tire foondatien. _ tiiorigl tere ere towadanteMil preple tiet liciit e iat vicinity,j wrkrtmrstiae exteadrit ever a ideenhie perler1ofetime. UnIe9a mas eorto tratefie point itilaitiffiq t utiereteoit hem bt a tom Ihonaij eoeiit be ltereted le its centruet An eudtrtaditioi n yst Cat tire As* mcet efthe neepowerttt hat emergeit rer the sevet caveraO a croi n aliaitAtiet. or l'lace oni heo. Ttiey meederrit emayi thiri fellemi attrr a great cerrteio teîgîetterd, reCCt iin t retient aree irertr te haove irnaitrt. traditenrîay te1raely tahbulonr, jb lqme cotiraIhe Atecs ettieriJ counryteireethe lc'eth or tWo ceotoey. All tre trîlîre ired itopO for e ceesideenhle timer ettiltieset iegat tuececacîr rrrerrthe teritorl tire ecta. Tiet a firee mr toi, peemtey ever tire wmltl territery éuanlari oredi rary yeea. Un tire lerderthirp oet tirr riliiCry 01f tire Aztcro ltonerd ceteloftet is ritery, ted etablilird e very eutf ouerdteorm etfgevernmrat. Thi.l eoatermatedin 1324 er 1425. liîlely tirt tire lrtersavie, huât ieg tiniapeiedeofmwae. Englictri Ldes' Querr Crolie l'et it neyer ha ieegttee thaiý firt hou eof tire igliteetircenttry, grece cani ireeligate, lerrdaores eitr ftii te tiree onrary rrtwithstan% ily etcrîrodernosanedard et ponity. trair'A itrriit netC te îrtecteit.j and woiete mer eteop mitir cvrship et meemetn. Plitielana a lrend efvenaiaeeretcliear miretbsn e1t nrog ite, hrt placee. pomu Crcîet. At euet loe ther rimot acther lmt ley tornuit their ci îOte dey tlrey votedin le avr et as1 rire,Cie cex aua gnst it. 0O lirotînsCly made promisesr W Lugiilitueatlrry teesiethoC reout rliîrndty ttey ere lte n 1 perieer ettire Heuse etf Brtuq s'cretly Ciey drenis e thsekhing 0or mater. Almiro are famtiier vi veaieonsehrilea et tire Ii "'rom Joues"anid 'Jo.4ephiAndi -aidwostie Cre tht it ent?ý tillyeConversanitcevitl te manuel* eeetlerrofthdtieeotemejrrryeo2 ar1iree.irrsus andiiformera. j litrhae ever tecuethCreceu onerrefetMienstlrllendieue attMie: de eotC eeriiCte remitted t tl minirlciirgatidatreaet hisihir ri semetites irte ad epoeseu Eeglieir. 'rie cutrt mrrty ru the greesntetofetoeebatfai Er smciety, tnd lorteiet reeotiauie city. Mreea'e, it mas aiea tanin e hete atirerteute mbh graeeett iefirrcd nndlitty 0) Raent Orents extibittt. Ts Viebwihteage wmsnetoui terizel watreyperisy. Nothia diarembloit, cothiriof ma ui George If. lit edpeni>' mila Suffolk asd it rt hu Coulâteu mDuthSir i Rohert Wapolu, bis Minster, iceit epeniy wthMis*5 dootanaed~JMdase ! 9yj *isamutaadodt"le - marild lbisao an lieaopeaucel'- 0 I ioatnevebe M al' ra- Oas> aa fer cii tam. d5zuewNolid lise d4uo sdpealsle ol niabu tsealbulbthe easio1 09* la* h 11W Mdbia'coise> ca>tsI go foreard daao»ltves Mod D alle'T.liéee , an ueapr le Io -m" tuentarce tIL ita Ourday. as ou graukes, »VSr tgo a , bu B rdro a mouir iéLe makod b>' ttsapb' eelale itimnt> le eet utile pru' 1 o110ek bardofttreide ime edoj safumesavoiat alinte isrseant es iri e sro emainroom a t liedu> abe hon laverofut auxa of tise cutisoriuesecm tetisaibjet.' U = ri= Bdsc>thefleoartleoNortis. mts otts e chm 0omulr>'. W bioagit t b eaua tledyn .Tise mut fieatere. tue, ta tise Prsa viesifflLmi.- tians don et tihblie Domhotop Pariament ht siuation ibtaS sre aineahoape utai Ute oly oflise Nova Bo" oy et 'Poviocai lre bsio iape islerriý& dan on the 'if eromaet lu aisoietheis e laaSie ureto uetepoe itbor>' tam, Tise ioonIzalsprovtaee. EpaaoqwIueS'tbianuai. cWLgsaab arindtise Do- doaeti, appe ains lie ciegy, sec- M lai .dn1at f i .T a 0sir Parltasienta sM But poimer la umono againilaorietabion ans> saigra'- I m Sr a, .mor- ei.Tise OntliprpostiowAmca5Sais'to, oeutMoaiaîo uetl'mrscaeru' ain theIWtalnArsbace :is lats'Qtunttlni es lubstie.repariatoi, ablampla te diverS t rericbOttawa leteku0 chsiaioftise "1>'oattise Sent; Act. ,ThÏOsei he iecrmatthoatise Noetwtlma-Biliscve 00"Uure. tetaishaiseit ithIe Prie>' Cous- ibeeu tries> ad attbave elgoali>'toaied& Tise immaigrat@ laManitoisacsdlise t *eaeuuesibiseMuflrsi>c At 00 lueerilis ilnton otea>utluprov. Norlh'meestasloe Jcaary have laboa aattatoual. Donlre.,i tas h i.0. tog, bas heauome mach morue, as>d 0W ow i elus thtbOm $5000.000 mofbi a esk itulla o Cnaa."~ige2:. q=jeIel meeoiiy c qustioofaime u ma nafe. aatise jadgaieibt C ao as le arge portaon ai tise oat> iil' Alctcmaybsprierls tbin ithoeee oaiBaciser v. ltes>. nome oncesmore a boltng mate, nid turottare atubry inuitouraiite D, tnItowî 8r bar Wi ines00pot itlu nlape for the ~ Iba ame pissaptuin ppiis> Sir <Oleru n ltas arter Bi. reasalgoas oiisitpie.- Mars tise'cgisl otthe LoualimLMtla. --Tuo tiosaaad CubansMex uiro ire iRge tta b>' mensao! ireoueRave Oot. horougtsiy erganiosit ca>reari>'tate-e l'ai homesuDon aubioril>' tuexorecise Tise questioneai sautet le ea e!o pat for Chili, mea oeil 1irinlin t' tare or carry on buiessnproisibi tis oucn is iaoeterata&amae mac agatoal Spaninis mie. tise DominionzPcimelmsci ssor irsriIathe ai iquer; ud nit t isla Fonclei mua mre driastue il-i.Nos eiceaslroi ni traite anitcommerce6. Itinsequastion a te incirtirepremiersa. aukue. i., an Tîsita>j. à aier- 'W 115k it euncat>'eear tisaI tiseLocaL. rre irtaiisti in tia ruply tate is eku crib, airea mich ttrey er. ta hWBTEPa thera Dominion50 arolimvodeaa. in.Tirasrein y was maiuiy an mrkisiîs, mas&manhruriaa>' utheugale. oe muingsset; ltise Denalaaue tamtioaf o aiud epr&an hou ieia Thu utuctions throagtsoat Illinion ai kain, net a1> isee soneraipowera o!ftaement in tise tegitorn, wmirealie Tedywr anyo h aont utttaton.bu aiso huani peueai actt ha sing ruperuedandr cn- Tnd uia mnuresaieonudt e tea, 1 iltig sWeil tabernai as externat stdro tise rinas case isicis tise cut at.eie seitin.tcari tiumua lad rad caimmes and dofnoa as>dita hoar me uor leu on mbole.ii lyIaIaI bciu-is uu thse sabjerb. buoibetlacudit imposaiabu eo manacnu i 'mb të h ay, ith anythistutlite cisoosfiienoeu TuLitepasbiomncouri mauatr fatuehotie iquera. éuscearyte juvtity îtrttre igisiatioi iaeroud tea cvace tlie pries eofceeue Eîae exce sriadesutisnriet present. t5raC tire egisiainre et tire sre ilt a aar h ai 0 cein hinit lse raie cai tal v laias -r peretase nt sad en- Satce anueily, ans> nom gous te tise Ïreinea o ith ie Local Lugieaterse orre Ho ~puie prbecuci olce ugicloo bsea 1cm for thu satre proibiition ofai govrear.l -guderprteue f plic rgultin, hemie orinltexicaling iquera il>'ru. Thuru raom107fr Chitusea i Bt >i3groandao pubieito pnicy cnui lib> rail.,r Whelbur tise tegiotatunnceds>qnaratine ai tictoria, B C. Tiruy ar. Oui fy îrohiitery tams te aun"tae j' sdi te tapans urcu tisu touairiveit loy tise SS. Erpren etfJapan, st oupreli rae adomfittu praotcl t ion tamis matter on isiputeans> ie andi meutfteni iuare btha o rntheie Ci eri"h eDotraite a cemeroftrandc hoore theiapreireeort of Caus- Iordi Fair. bte tâc oftrae sd cmmece rou asfor agumunt en an appuaifaoai tise At S. CahsarinseFreurincir Smth, mlich go targe c part of he ubnic'Ontarie court etappeai. Oua irtereat. an nid man, wmas ararleeilta t o yeara reentemasai tire time o Connterer. ing point lroeght ot y Sie Oiver in peuttenliar>' fer attempleit criminel tos rniseitin ailthtie Prvers-and oiwoat la that tise picy couaicit tracas auit ou n aeit.yoar.oit It aapiter hun ie uac ouainthe Dominin-noyer recinrui t thusre 'a on tiatinction in ut Wmn. Tremblie.' coulai tiare eu ncetempiates> ly theise t b otu e saae anri retai;thtie Elgin Meure and S. B. Carkes poleesu fimeen et the B.N.A. Ac. t i, n tutunfrearu hing hatthlieproevince han la favor ni anuxationa atSrettrusue or 'Oinin. u aniret cnd te lire poercte broit ait tinta ni sale or Tise meeting aiment ananimauut> veia~ pomecs et Partiso uat, nsmati rcnoise, ans> ceaseqsentty tbal Mr. Meir- toc froetrod ts ul th e ats udt Si5iu ssit commereu, an ith tireir lera hiti gnon ejîhur tee fer er set far agantuluitica union. fn eit te rajas a revenue by dete !uog.Ts mln iauu tionaokerncra an c'Vr'en I bas> thaeireter tae h lis'siosman increau ni$19,895. Tiseo Si et New Brunswick, tise qustion wH.eun&'n'MàoANz rnatoMtay epens total aaaumsmet ta 057,625: Thse rate er aiîurgi iLocal Legisatseus temitis au itutratetl article en eaciy Nuew taxaion for hia )-car iii ikelie ho1 pasa lama prohisiititg tiese t or Icaffle Tork lite, loy Thromtas A. Jtanciec, fol" 17 mille. Tire pepsiotian liraisiteeratur uu>1 inoicating iquecs renieaquareiy tomait hy a description hy Casitacu 859. is4tere tbe Sepreme Court et tht Pra. Wisuuur oethlie laient arhiveient et Au uxehange mairr tise ioitoiag un. tr ,ysel anuithtisIConrt, in tire nasue!fChicago, IlA DreenuCilty "-the meracetetrelartra rAi l anshave crino' L *tgna v. Juatices et linge CeunI', catioens luildinsof ethtie Werld' Faire. c.'hol rlel r tehoe.TeI Ra. . ,ua oaly l hï;I lA iseoteuleit Province," Hune>r ieyriuuar Iehae h Pa 510 ennirat iNelsotnratlui q, iasors tise liagttadiaaal eipus. aierthe B.N A. At, LaOmtLocaltLonig-vesaose pisage olite mntheerhi h l ilts a e in ui e oer ralioi't u Qebo-the Frenech farera nstrsf Ilium. peIhib heale to! intexrating iqeare. gl ils tise morant soilanud the and itectareithtie Act passitmits tI ear>' taes. OSier articleusniofare The Impériat Oovraeust laa dels>. alitent ultra iires, aud ienutore uca'cn has iagoi intecut are 'Phiitips euitat grant Canadiein voitnatuer fficeri alitetionai. I have caretu'iy r3oniri' Brooks," an ettimaineofthlie lite audri mis -e r ardtmeaty yesca iterora. epe Chu jdcmt tisun peonotares>. mrk oi the late Bisop hy taiu hotiser, iens imilta t îose g5hvon taBritias cas>l Ihave natthalthlst donlol Use Rer. Artisur Bolo a paper n ea ronteura mise have sevei the aame naiseit in my mnd »a te s nsaa JamesRusel Lomuti, by (tisrtan Eliot perioni. aftie concuion at ich ibte court Nrteon;l"Tise Fucis Scaruetfi187," AS Bieurmiuagtui, Ill., t aaomerinla arireit on ht ocasin. I thon thoagisl b>'Me. jDe Biomite - andIl Ctooraito cessnt>' fan 24 heure, un Fida', as> thse Local Lugiature hislct sltise s>dite ptal." b>'Jla ta hpi. A. Ihure mre arvrat segreea ai tront. pee epoiot hn h eoCnnDnyt' a isteicat romace, Oste and coca bave tisobigistedsudns ;nü. I tison tfiloaglsitbh poseur bhoeg' OTheRe Bugei" is cntionuit, thre Mcayeeiy appteu, cherriesundrivegetchiesi :eta thte Domianu Parliament, C thiais mataisetut nding ihsàc bicuita5illot. u~ tit, ad sertor cmcoateineiclimaxa, s>d thera araeamedeigtsiis!a Nias mrtig int SlalirnBoy î a aiotomIh apa."cspera ot Miss C. F. Wouiae'i, sten> sait oattise Butte andlBoaton Miriug !Sno ehe ise ntamo hoeraser cna>Dan'IlHorace Ciase." Short storeas C ay t Btte., Msnt., won rnfue. la SI tise dacialos above rqaeled' ahait hocontrihatuitloy Scander MatIlis um ni ats>onFria'trma-esm i bsaS changeait il onts> ho hei adbrts. asuEva Wider McGlwasnd atheis ri erainlathe timiersotheopampiogastatior to ano u ta eudeyoe taee forco M. et Shakuapearean eom.idiui is contin- ni tisa 5W10fun elve. à tat'aul.If Me.Watkiaa.M. Bu-nus>iloy "lLoves Lahor '.lIet," itis A cyntone mreskeri a jail acrte anas. M. Kttioeit lans> thi el otmw a tatanealy n .s lb>' ius e Melaerist l urci sai *orisura ant prohiiotion, tisy memaa>Comment loy Aadrem Lanig. Ont hnon a au etweadn a gt iCtnorm Ottama, or do mitiseet il. aide tise Fdittens Damur. there ara no mswuri. Ia Osage as> aubonisa 1008 It snotaste unsthe>'mgilLeiibter nrste tis ombor.bni>aameseteeda>rme0 buesinessa tantiateiriatuPremier -peeple barli ljareri. Ft ôOntario tape an u onatitationat ituecca Wikinsan, ut Bromnuratiuîi, AItisoeWindsor &masesuln tise Act, tbe upshot e!fmiicis mentitbhoa lit , says: " I bave heea ta a ditca ua ofniDam . Fleuary, asasticu j onc andt cesti>'tamanit and certain d. luit condition toc hrue yuare trou, Nec- ton irsccis otpromisrif marelage. a , aet. vocatins,. Veaknu ofettise Stertacis,verdict oai$2Cfor tac iatiffmas ctera. i Deing tise yenr or more et meitiug Dyspepsia, and Indigetion outil rne>'sa. Tise pintaif!ma 70 yeare etri cas 3 fr tise deciion efthtie Prry Coueit. a eisatti mac gone. I bonglot eue botte bise defunaicalovre60. ibisau monrb i ho ies>ta sulit iqnon. ni Souths Amertoatu Nerrinu. mlich doue Tiseru ie au oupreciantoi indsnof as>d eyuny tran fiaed or impriaeneit toc me moeugod tian aoy 8501h ortis ut Chise st Tacoma, Wcai. Tisanes- t eliug cilisot a liusae moatit octeingl1 uver dis> in try list. t mouiri tome offi& alaegurprigl at lise im' - qirê a tugai citufer idamges toc r as eruvr) eahi>' persatae stisisseau osmiser of tra*Sfes" th ie izponetr arreat, couvictionaeut pansis' vatuase as> t l rmey.Iconiduc Word's Fiihl n tae 10pu.Sciapormme et coatesuon i teg a et>' m ri>'. ciinuhhee riasteame Kad ayate tr ave Il se raatetractions t tiu ont>. raaght titi)' merriscite "foe Portland. aot r n u tactirea A ! rbibotlie iiioonuvisce yan. Wcr. 4 tudho atiisr oe te gs aue' eaeriy J. H. MoCoitons. 1lIr. The fanionubiileulot, Oras rama1 on asile buLnata a u rasuire te arte ancertains hem tr a *hot oeils 9 longs Onario aiue auh a condition. Tb@1a tihM ili îttaint. es.nied, remain in the air 01 secnds, Sic Oivrn Maat ta takiag lise ont>y- ans>thl iigiesl Pot reacises> ils ~ropr corenretsusiogte viotte thes Durium a asdnoas ruenti>'delivereri fligilof 12 tils. mca17,O00fateo. Coniute.Lu ie mm ise dundire ta aansimal o boys ta Svy ew e pretribtititon.api'Lbot tma mseoSout atsun utih oull tt e hode. The Manitosba Onveremeusî lateide ettriudeoappt isepeOtleaawa, phro.rives>tram mlitar>'drillt.Cardinal Mer. uenrilog a beem i fargi om ela » h. biie>,ammstis aic 1 n oun asMis> i masxoellent tue the boys ta cage tor tise Werid'e Fate. Thse alu 1 nuntrcemeai. le rainus> hem Iada herdat>'aisoals> Win lle biiluierila a tarte Mie. Md 1 -neusset>' crise. Tise>'mre hoizîslu-to'Ue aaslfit. gait>' dbaled,Wffl ttsc?5 FIasT WoXiiaNTrvUS EXOtîIBR esTG. tenulurin 0tie se of arma g a the the'stretot hé isetI> Ae'fM &W, 14 -It s only m'is liese tnralon rrame islie lei, mienevur caties> on, tec>' aiariveri1l:g' tee Maiitoa, 51v tisat the annaio acteseueon tbisefens> thecouaat' tn t i ihety. itisl.s rnla gaebgn ue eaetIfh ho i ws.moraustoogisho mas A Sable ueuseager mys teEiw Eugrahetaa bgia. Qs.nHusle ta sa>ltaning rmiaa, every fni itae an hueigasetth ise endition v ae ain ttesp oat1 littase M *0 aag strelia aboat lelptunese trm bawoot4 VI mite ot Ciscelofndisiisoteand toppeserintehe mm*",_th French tahioa af! male playarliIlnu orithesmaakel. tant mtis a viem tl>s of luasd bseV=Ss hou edoptelt counutry' b>'thse taisl" aeist gawriesiibttonm l ateRms ar 0met etcaPFrench uompanyv, suspesus>eueuiamenauise.kep51. nrathe aine 8lae3iisà asls Rsia ue ouont>'ommea, in Londall~~ edons. cs>taisheepnsai-U eaa Obfc. primeatwmaprearat cas> .mý1ied ireedom cslsudte trueidert sebyultses.sdsea se ignera mre isaes> ari pattes> of tbs&dmte isalstslloyed u he _Te__es e oSlilbc stagae ;thibir rsb peormaffl. v »ofwh ualnyoftoyedpran> tee __l; md s>.al ins. samu a'm Until 1000. lie taiseparts boa imuwre ton, Yoang ttait>' yappreutate.eema rý maabe9 aak lco yboys, casntie Vis bo;~it i bmsurvivenl evac &iter wuaba" leser rity Vee iba>uee tabosu Iseplaces n pan lhe= iS au lOO nuaoa.BWUima bnerts. niai ba>'oab csngi. sinuouthlie mare tcmousise7BIe5oe onuaurlan o uae . - . l Iaw la .Mm à laadeyli (grama llors c)aisuS medmncL7 et ly taplac>teirtcvorite riuasnla s cttissrv.sssiaese ni isuà a theonof atthee evouentit 1M wbàiO',u as 5 ,i5~.f ~ ie ta tiim55, long aitbme . ou"tMnefisttreai thel s Mos Md carudinlu1001 Pepyui, WMisWs m tie & SIuBletulWama" s avr es . MeSs. m..8 boa__ 20- a. na .m2Ud CWà5 L __ . ,hu* - ýàd ne* ideas. It alec Millineiy Mantij - te, Ladies' Underwear' i <.4 ariety of other gonds ton S W. bavêpuebed 1 IýLbis seson in the above ac Godsad " 1in a es,, tm. ý , and ail the gonds are on the Moveupfom f % t 25 , goréaly w«imsell yod gonds ail this seauton t s&>oàt whoiesale pice. We noer had larger, cheaper or better stocke ~TIekings, Towellings, Linens, Tebiings thszR ever. t)i"rnà u m fl ae by 15% than the i1heles9le prie nw. W. hav, a big a"o-of C a and Oicloths cbeap. t Ladies? and Getite' ootwear in immense variety and extraordinary oheap. Ot*ý variety of ai! kidd of goods je large, with ail the largeit novetties. Our Milliinery. opeming wvili be in the beginnk of April. Dresti and Mantle-mqking wili b. «up te the muark as usual. ur Tailoring and G4ntis' Fnrnidùwlg, Depeztments-nothing to bear tbeiin Ontario. W. have several leasing lines'of goods we are glaugbtering. The puiblic cannot berserved cheaper or hetter anywhere, aud they are oordiaiiy invited to iîispect. WILLIAM, McLESOD & C0. sfl e."Vee The deulaluaoaitisetran oralConlege ta edopi WoauO'Superioliendeatiss )-lýady' Superlotendis rdit -npeu their goor iueos Kpre«eB pressuey tise id. oooey. Il mons> Le jna apeak ofia wantrtait &Do iy or ataIdy suffirajeao sicit eso d i otterpart of the tille mais EngIi.rh Spavin Liniment lard. Soit or aloitoose1 Ilemlebea trous borne«. Bto urise, Spiotu, Smeeney. itduue. Spraisis, ait Smot' ogbu, etc. Save $W hy sottie. Wcrrated by J. Il Bomere et the Brumlai Io mauy parta ai Great spestitioo ustilltui-vies t cmadisesaut Feua dri, in lie mut eooour or ltler d tola reser. Tisnper ou, or aoueoru, yul tris 0005 tire Siooxsucd sol 'ho asm to have joherite ctrig aoueces. Thiii lb prevalaint in Cornwalliand, tf Seutteori. LOCAL COURTS C&LEPiDAC, 1898. DUUUfl r Ilss titis Pisos ailllagu eoc pntrteous à t. . Astrress Ciats. a. a. Msay. J d oit>' sîlNec. d~ oflare.BAKINO, uit rem ilet toCel......______ n.-i- - -1- i mr7iisa atsyeiOkwillé ........ R Balmer....t 1O l a. aet 8 projssr Qirgor.... L.firnt.... 9 14 9u 18Il 1 4Il 1 -.3e Autos ... 1 16 il 20 114 2106 m as»' us Ca oivt. muPhai. 8 5 13 8 17 CC151t72010e-as. ISa.KSBEST FRIEND sojuor"Wiatoi. !Els 2 7 I l I 7 u1(il " LARGES>' CALE au CANeADA. n. its r,. cena.ty doses anna.. aiiCenn Oucy, 4t Apfrii-d 3, Oeieb.r. i ramoees811 C.nur denni shi.p. i'resir ar- lar. J.ase. toi Cee. 3,d Jiffy d. ýo s,. et 10t n s onri ~ ~ B Spvn.1order, W. 4-. 2ý.A.'1-2=SOD>T, Cierk ai the Pince. tus Tiscoats. IV sruO oe.ESTABLISHEI1847. - 19Vym MARSHALL BROS., tmg Css.-IMPORTERS F- Brtasu tise UsatrAIs auoit> A tain M&B.TEAS:AND: COFFEES, Briioicoeà No. 67 Durîidas treet, LONDON, ONT. PRINTING toos nuleiat »ý tf.B b A . PILKEY, Harniltoiu, A gt. for Co. ofilalto i. Enectet iieabje c i l'.clr on ama an as> aanimai. rare> Brooms! lm. tyr. Fe-Il Air ese>. B At St. Andremei, N. B., Dr. Hareing- ton, cisargeni miti penjer>' in a Srîtt Ant ae, mas trient suden lte Steedv ROP t T H E i Tria Ac tanutwmeS,fosse> grilty ari aO aenltin jel toc six meutha. .1t 0 re'Frart. llgb Offers the fiîiest lb in jutealttti. singotar Chat mel Miltonî for sale ai ureatheras>dlise peobtisitieninte abous> » aften travel tegetiser. prices. Cail and Dnriot, the discassion in tiselogis- ate semisi>'lasI meis apen a motionu-- b>' Me. E. F. Clarkse deating muitbsthe repeenletiau o! tise city oi Toronteo T O ~ C O as> ameadmnenbi Iherete, il mas aa-S O ! C N soance> ly Sir Oliver Olrser Momai tisat Use uapersieat ni minanit>'repru- seuaetion havis g prareria nesîis!aster>' lise syîtem monis> ho rilcoaltiaus> ans> mhabdae.a>etetn saemuth I have the niceunt selit tiotonet JunesePeyteu, Harlrielri, I VIERCOATINGS ",AND N.J., svoeia crediterilmite houa tte p in oadeofet Cseoienicle- braton of1870 lise ls Us te seat spring sud sîinier.wvear, en gesl Worid'a Çair alter citer ltheci ColomienaExposiioaol>tale place lie 1pattternstare eairîevv ni in Jeroaetem in he year 1900. H.eLs reusavos>ricn bhe uimrnmuonitise îîgltati un vi'k niff fit guaî t.oismiao LiberS>' Boit Coaimitteo a affen o! the dupiat hoit canet for the ithltis S leuilig unpeûCuniIiý. Cisiumgo Expsitin le b hooibiled et the .>'roaclomexposttiona. o f the ianU a ocam -on on ede.VInester i lu iotri ad a p e u s , m e o f c e a n p e r O t oe E nga u mc ai:i. I huk oletaeI ater0 ST C ro COl em aure Oacisaudoala>le laiCadan goefr e i? Toisemle s'.. les. le s dpilae bmadeuofintg, ______ I lu nk of ornto Wirtmatmr T A IN isuinn mlis.te tbat» lii W ltaelForSH f CHAMPIOrJ >rooms! Our Job Deporîmeel ns r e' Lstock of Broorns in ,d seiNs thern atlw sec them. rSIDER 1 1 etion of SUITINGS, TROUSERINOS, for ýer broliglit loto M iLon. qd s;tylish. Prices are 'itoteeti. Gents' Ftirn- ai bordlers nit iiesignsn oritable ti cari netcic-ila i c. I. fin ikii type for Prratru Wl, pi;cee Mouler eh. Ail mecîn ti un eulLt iii1 ne11110tt V time, tand aeiisfý,ci nul giron autîcul .W. V lrr %AILVAT té 7.18 p. M. - day Morning ~.O0-F HALTON, ONT. ____ L &PANTON, Pl-opsi VOLUM le Mill. e er criai. an. T : *,îoa b..ib.8if l T : asci ESOFADVER T/S/NO. Th ti n Ile . .. ........ 7 0treet friuinr Sa O The proper parc.. mns te lt e thfay .au .,crn ..a...i . le 00un act, it ilfi t *fil... i l, o ee.,n re S lla sl .a .1 . F [oY guise i etn.iel.1-1. q ru...t 5 r isbt. et Je, thnion... W r u nn i is.trnsrtires,,.luiiai qaubssmtneDrtiss ia s J.,V ktlt.a..u ii nehi. ;ll - A5ies'omr suria lr othuri.,-( aues.i Vi4îî ffl petal. anc, ui rn)i,,a i. l\N 'u f niG Lane"aACrr,?aie.C. i TISO MrAS . MATICESON , - ire-- Iu Ceiirt H Ue Mitoe. 8 _______ -JOHN I W. ELLIOTT, B. A.,ki - .an'i ee. Se., Lcron'e Otire. I u r ,la rscu-Insrooln ocrecup i6Y nneeni rartf q. ,ti. r imne tiii, (1 I fi n Murencc.c Lun.. 4i. i' -q" M.1, -i..iMi VICTOR CHISIdiL)' #tner. Setiiter, etc., .1iiij P D R . 1 Nt y'eo LeA N ATLom uES r u 'iri-Nast drt te nuit fit BAIN LXILAW& Ce- .r.3' oStre et,. Fait Eucnn, h eii F . A '4Toronto. M EDICA L DR. McCOLL, CI! ve H ue tni , 'n0ti li 5itesèner-i ri.n a i i iiii', i u DiR. 1). IE AeI1SY G Oiri..ic r' ..iiiis i-i DR. PR~En~AN MILTON. uordsc nit.,iie ~sa gsi, t i.' . ' i ...uerasrn.' '"-":. iiiii i. nsrY.ansiuu ni' -i..-. .1 555î îur5 soi r *. uî,~ .î' o lrisiniacsrr.ii~ui i. ni. bw .t 0 l of bis stock ~O'ofB~ootà Shoes at c*st 'and'undr-musi Sbe sold to make roffm for the largest and ~â'IbeMtstock of -spring -an'i summer good *s ever ýtpened in Milton. SRk dgé Shoe Polish ~ B.1Y AW AND AXES fd& rrs .oaa .<~~j. CI~~EAT L O WEiIN Tisuneside oft Dlleru in Remouds a Biblin cateri- moie OFNTAL.O R. GOLLOR, L.O..,Di. , mT id-.O r Frazera Firuitece SCor n o e t 4%ihsm ii udar aeriairmci -1, uî . .W/N/I L. . S, Ir a ie.tL rn ce. I @ý nJoins Dewrar 9tiinuili. nulC O ~T .HARRIS, L. D. S., 6 v'i t jt Milto n ns tire ftro t su in tin r di y n io ielai e> e ee min ii. Oice,'i 01 t bu Wcs> eHanse. Er ewu~Hausa. n Pme s ScUeLZN ENTI Drrfi5O HOTEI.S. - 'COLBRAN HOUSE, MILT9 - CÂsura5LLVst.LE , O N. N.COLBEAN, Proprietor. md arusinu.anuiri Choie' Li-ry tt»h.idt A 'St &ERCIAL HOlIEL, Sul, ILTONf - ONT. mei, Pl Ïcarldl00 ,IUINs,114 ior andgigsC )elief i', Most à varions parts