Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 1893, p. 3

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ech goods. heaP at 28 them im- f CRU MB'S trd,, andsiFine toi This O M e ns Coi Hatsal; Boys' fane( Hats, wi 1lOc a PIE woimenms Boots 8M 75C. paie, 11111 IS CH12 A lot Of 1% Regatta uoied, 2 Derby 54 C'Ottofl So" 2 Pr. Meri 3 " Boym FORC ;iiii fti.e 2 ouw I À't lits Ittl P Tïis CI, SBî'S ( lait'bill. I îory blllle 50 .\ Lp'e ':i lu;I Il'ilnd a'. lîrîlmll iii, k of1 i A 3 doz. Braid A 1 doz, CI Braid f louely Doz5eO Sngie tI lui dies L.111 s.ty knI fiIIeî'y IIano ?g I - Local imte r Fb in lueer0. h ser. ho 1Da. J.H. Fou. TDU, oBn in Milton , amura styloèh edor etlasfen 1(0 t naW F rench shape..eai reoiheoa ,~ &mes 8t- &Milo.i I2 James Sts. Hamîllosi RCE ancCsaux -TIser. s Noirb. npo Dss..-o. 7 Co. ssil ot drili ot rsi Ve t Gram. Church n DentSunda7 »nomoMWsd weoIs, but romosrcioig tihe veekfo. mru!ng and evening. Mr. Doumilin, mont Mr r dou ote*rat b, m t. 1110MMLouImm lowsog wsuT drill evers. Taodav ana]of r5nitY Colioge, la oxpectosi taoffici .tian by population tthra t i uoANoWs ea Frtday oveninj, conisoncingat8 o lioehBc 0 rga othymosn ue A doputasionirom tlelinfouor .mm~aa sap113 Oua otlmetnofteassocation, wvfitail utib ovnncaiWJU V bO. EDTR yof the IBrampton Times, W.C.T.U. wiiliehoheld a tIshe residence gvemeto onay, md moD obaTh *nu Il"o~ * I , lia eto e I a oged andi2ledteisflh ioed 0 r. Cu.Harrisns, West Mary St., the Dominion dnty and honnty on igeosn , .. r lnias .He118the OnAsieroas con. i Members of th union are reqented te aiso. TOROn~usiaci Nis "i,.. gratulatîon. 1 fproe 1Teslue rhiiiu htsl'ofà- llRL- Bo. Wu. Boc.s'. of 2Mount Foreist,'J. M. SOY, lota agoent 6OI of Th casoprhhtu th isole of isrmerly of Lssviile, lis seen eeted Hamoiton at Georgitown, isho n redu.hygiea mrhni hnhe non straw roral dean si Wellingto.taesccoee'-eeni]oved aAlistan. vos proeoted 0on' oed f i eu.bill Dow hefois the Elats 5: Oc. 1ev. A. J. Bell, son i1ev. Canon Boit the ove of hie departare oni the0.-ogniiaîstre tea mend ohe phaemiacy sel. of Buelingînli. formier village with a handsomo gald sud use bil as amesded wsns eferresi - ritofl Straw T. J. BELL, . eidîlof Othe Dundee cisisn andi oket. N.Bymttiieetomte ce crd, rios Sîeelvill Res.,,mIr al n dopsie~rever ho goes ind wan very TeBrantford palice raidesi a haro Star ,g Steesasvilaprogeennonoaleo P L ic cr ,figoresi as as anti Scstt Act ritor hem in,016er ihas tnh here. Mlr hee o o figi.Thewa n po s ion f. n 1884. hinslinon appoioterl Dominion tebn ee odyngt hr uasoi fý Woi's Ton concert ohîi eanuta have talion great cenfuision aisd desperîta effort. ta r. presoKid agefrtr. hcao Piano on April I. in aid 0of6e Y.L.A. of escape- Ahout Il namn e e n ecrd, Pto ' Kd le.1eMeh hnesii 6egivon n lisesoEN w sou tnh1e paraphernolia and the n MR. LIesnnevon. lIhe 00W local Mon. tavis hall on May 9. The programme hirdis. o TieSh es are he nd t a mioton,,bas illconnint o1 roàdsisg., retatinsi, The Montreal Star maIn onne on rriedandtaenhiRplcein h&bok. onetableaux, clb seniog and a tondrng rvitonrogarding the 6î06 ý4 IlTleShoe 5e.Royhais gene te Allisoe. Mr. Willi Japaoene fandrill sith iancy maechiog haîrded dorsgs ni Contumas officialsino McLeod sill tale thre place ni Me. Car-. hv1llyoosg isîllea in J&Paueeorne. the Eastern Tonships. Thisn 10the rolîsh ho, heebie fr meneweehn. AdBjision lic.; childeen, lic. saysosme ni theon officielsn rompro-....... ... Georetow Herld.AN Eno.y limon. Game WacdenR. mie"- alleged infraction, of the las:1 BCOILAROCAT DuNeu.-Early on Mon. M. Browns, ni Camphoilville, niys ho A Csonqmnofficer woold bear ofia cane SI> r OR E day morning a hueglar enlereil the ond a female seodeol itting on ni nmoggisc Ithen lie sould go t6e îrenîdeece ni J. J. Graiton, oni Dondon, feurerggs on 16e 16hnt. ,lie thiobo nmuggler and lheealen te rloseu hs 7 e arl tck it ROýLi- NMe. oGmtou suke opi)ol st a1te bue. ohe wua a oy lied and wsslidlihe tl usioneos, oeie ho stock, or fies rm asu .ares 2Ohi is Do lar lr nsuingt Ilrooghis lcîtiiesn d gel the opinion ni a satoralint on the enoemon amnunt;ssii thon, siien 6e than city BnuDllr tallter denampnîl. tnbing nitli his asauîîject. Are lheee asy wsou ponled led irigliteoed the inexperieoced man 'i ]Pteîl Shirts, gold soînli an à Ilî n cash. naturaliste ameisg t6e readeen of the ont et lin seven moaros, offer te " cem. -GURNEV'S WOOD FURI Mini Hattoniannu i hc unrey te CHAMPION shn cauobslige lbimn? promise" ths e hoeoaffale foe s certain lino, Ihat Josephi B ronriei ijr.. of A DînvoTu rIcs-At about 11.280 onomei of cansh paid doso. Asother tory Iii[iire tromîîAMain Alexander,J ,,,Io1n,inormerl of Milton, and %rll igtl]ast wcohnome cowardlvncorin. in te d oiansehiarmer diejingarenu 1 rifs for 25C. knownsa su inua,. ilîcons MoUdndoyieol thersa large soue lhrouoli uneOnithie lin- sich la a îi4g penelinalîr or Knox Chturc mrc oiîrsiug ol pnrumoiiia, cosolv folow- 6e iront sîndosof niGeorge Laings imposible lu avoid cdown Ilîre, shore fr3 . iog injuries ercciveilhy being nocked rl geey store os Main street. Mre. lthelouidry ioabouit aelnioor as aJ H ido,, o aud tendden on liy a humse. Laing immedislely Rel op aîîd sent linonni lailude-sho laddismoggsin " ONE 00051 WEST 0F TOWN HALL. BraceS 25C. A 'uTnio ln:o Ii'iast îeeeh1 ont, Lut cold non nn ose,sd sextCnd s an uaos i 25.Mislyn Itynu, nIfTT lur m idel rîînsing lie eund sevreal other stonss corne his sas smoclias tîere cmuid 25 .of the Wnorui'n MýieaIiî College. lianneoîlnsthe idesal, hicîr had esidrntly ho on desial nifIlial. Bot the Cusoms liere iiinn oaihiî,no fli e ndgreerof ni eithrosnetathie winiiowsoand lad lrntlîhnusnd slîndelecled luis islam-CA AtLsanNrci2i fl M l i. aniltIc'rriniiny Unmvesity. 1lallos short. nia lreecliof the tsi.. egas l'y senb oa.A ,ge n uciJei r.î,t,. uitron ne4 lir dlîlnis.i Q:i:x'n iso ric noMi~o'i te lio iesr . hoersu d aIl, and tlîeî miTe ni Sainîi.l Cowun ni ausne. n , tIi reot crecit, taliiOT Milîiu Driving Park Association silî npnîe y îlle Ien m)l Sr'i'O E lîonie iiien rsbject. celeirale the 241h Maignydtstyl e. nnofRme 8110 ne $70. Ose effinee1)l1lE D. 5,,i .Ii.o,î, ic lukilî sui, lînTiire ilIho chmpieahg lceosi~laidt ison goe aeond floirishirg BRoon iion-Al Brampton, one Tues. ,gs11 Wu, eici I inîu, th ne .kiîîe iu. inoînler il ilîr aînîînsi p arom e 0 loaded reuoleer an hieswareset for day, .ljiil 251h, lus. H. Bruwseidge. Mi o îuîr'oirsMe. MarY MoUro, races: 3Iminueatrot ur pane, pure. 5ialiing sleures and(ScodtchiBgono) 4~.Y 39C. îîil ni a Torontnonommercial travaillr, 8100.00; 2.45 trot or race, pnrne $125' paeami on." Ceel alc îgîî1îrr e o ESn qî ring îS JonMh e'înI mu, lichrged. tilînjudge holding ntha 2.35 trot ne pane, 8175; Freen lue aIlaiespdo l iere ns Soday, Aprlgar, .d ,rJh ile »br is 'a Liîen i.. a guinut elnpiog uiiet rtor jînne, purse 8200; aise a trot one IMcCJn cn.--s Teaagr,4 n s ri 05 , anoîlier mau ile and Ihal hin- pacon e InBornes osoed by farmer@ ITEMS.116Jou7nCrogd49yas jîîre hîshnsd lieddno redrenn. livigiuthenouly that haveonetheat SnAE.ure.InEsquesing,on AprillS8th, îBitL Nnbhy Tircsoand Scarlesfo priclr, 3 minutes. For parlicolasnse poters, lTire London l'harteed BankroI Aloi. David, yonsct asonifJohn Stalkr:r Eiigtinli Crlarsan Coia. Shirtý,, id (C.-W31. CinENTSs, Sec'y. Iralia has runpesded. aged2 yearo, 5menthe and 26 dayo. 1I~nGloves, Brunes andl Handhkeechiirn, t Coîcarix-An enthusiatic mretingnof Sescre earllîquabe nlînnbare report- WnTER.-Is Trafalgar,ons April 141h, Tehlnno. in &InIslt.,a i le mesobers ni the (lalîvrle Cricket ed on the sortIr reasl ni Sirlly. Boi.dultrn sr itr T. ilton. clubi sas beldi Toenday evesiog foe 1he The auaachisln le London lîave de' agcd i15 yers and Il mnnthR. Japtll THEBank ni Hamiltons ia..ioîa od irPose ni rlerlisg theofoRner, fe the cideil te male n demonstrationin isHydec neit ogainst SVi. Hendrie. r., Wi'.. niirent year and 10 Ironisant husiness pîî urbnsMay. day. HINeon.-AIGabville, oneApeil 1716, gt~e to jiredict Hendie, jr., Jolie Hendrie and Jons crerally. Thre Tllumîog officorg more Twelvee liodered rou-mn Id l Willian, iinn , Ouya u isThoasi. Dllasers seul Stoeat. Tre suit b bodecînrations rroeniinuly eîected 1I1ona.presidn, Clîrnuto nîrucîr ne Tues.Iay. Tlrey de'- osteSrya ihae liot tIre deenodants. ne oneeofitîresi are C. G. 1MarIat; prOrid nt ..Cul- aoded hîlîre aro'HARDY.-At Sheridan, ns Apeil 1516, lrý iiore. ur lu fiable ferIthe balance duo on'tire huer ; preideat. E. B Asnderson; cap-. h 'rm alra Myvle K. no Hry gd 8yas "Jolis, Headreo noralry account,-aod tain, E. H. Jacksn; nec..lreoo., Thue ,,îc ,dejnesiaI onllid, A FR Hudy.- ae sde20 yeorn. forn o! em opns enul-SeTItre receiv chaollenes and arransesdotes on ev lrinoners copod. lingtnu, oneTiicday. April 251h, SHInS! SIRTSI SHRTS!!-Tle hich matcnhes cn ctepîsyrulby ad. Thie etire oyser ropon tlireCon. Jnnhua Freeruan, Esq.. l e 6e551h hrtrst sarietyof Sprrg andlsSommrdreessing the sccretary.teeannrrr a tcînl oast ws a lmos iin îîrîîby yenrna ruo os gn. Fîrneenl Friduy, stor wlhhhavecthe celebraterl W'litnomb Gbrl.Tîîoenonroii 0hmi.a 2oinn lîlotr .tay, o hichliepu the collar i. shape- A CeOrNVNTIoON TBALLrIiuu.-TIre Tenotlrousand people attenîloîltire lains neiieteri'. SV1- to lin liail frositiVor. Bn,,,. oerutive ofthie Esquesing SahIatîr anti bomene rrîn iosinsutralin ii Albîet 1 i-Soo~ i Sorol Associationsmet in theteatîren rhal.London, on Saturîlay. "iili' 011IIJ' e1 snsol. Cseiiinl ci l iGelhîud, n ay aitornonn. Thore sere pre-onmcontinue 1telie reneiveul roni cei( C ol.iip Campbiel lt ohn eareud' fent: Bev. Inn. Fennell, 1rridrsl ;I masy part, ni tirecontinest. Ree fJan. Argu, ecetaey; rens. T. W. Ail threarrangemeonts for the grand gadrnrdaladgadjno urH.Milue, A. E. de St. DaImas,, . Tr oallnthlîedh 6 s i nirpnnnel. Tiounoella.nucr.Rae D. Mn'ornich, and Menr. ,fotionocn na ialroCnrhinpo'ed iieentocie ' o ingle camp should ho %[Dore, B. D. W'arren ssnd il A.Reid .'nn ndylaeraeurtd ýoise1îeeper ni', lecti'iitluaogrand office for the RanieAprgam a ulndfrtec.,Thtolls utie btem- thing npreceented ne inernotlitnediagouryTtire le hsoare I0GW tinni l me, nitii.nuercdetduitinste brhield ah Ballrnnfsd n itrana hcg yTu inillest mrek. and Camp Campnlcl Fid.sy. 201h May. Arsongst thnse day nigli', stuen islu esimaînd aI $100,fi tl'e tradne and irai soIt ieetîîuoîîîi lbotlierrts elre. nouird lu ta'îe part are Reos. H. B. 10515 f&r $ui ' octatines liane iiben tire record.iThe Chîristie, Rue. MnCrmick.Mihlita, St. Tire tussani of oreru, Mouinu, has îit.ncenttielicilaibanqet onTris-. DatsuucadDr.Hannoun. A goodncsn-tîeen aptured ivheoreiia, atuough g !..Daitia-eeîl 'nv'. îî.irî%"lg. ut wminhcirCt vCip ehInonun u .oiîeulfor.-Georgetown il mas deodedfl'y ergîrtar troupe noder oîîîcof theiîn ciîpoa eaes. Heestd. . Or. Hernasdeoý.' to ueo idTro oltulo etinfantoey result n le M . .P. A.-'l'Theo nnaIrnetiug ni The dunhess o utheln a arele.iiig schtlio'u gelifros nd dis"onrît îr ining PrkAssociatios tndged le jail os Friîatsyhoserve lire sic md. n'lînîiedn. SCe bav ustoee a el nTîîurîday enairîg aI the wm'ns' sentence ha.edii uponliefor opfle soncdsirllî, afci rshni allace Honîn lue 16e irooenof leect. custesiht of court. GVdîc arde1 ncui nuit loîne Senlsiepea îstok fing oulcelrrthecorect yaanad re. llmirgltheiillesofiLord Jamies neiuug the fisseolul statemet of the Harise. oneof the Britishrsembers f il * -J. Fil. NMColloin. Medical Hall. 43 4. lesurer. There wsa a snaiilbalance tire icrisig ses tribunal, tIê ret )ta .3e. ~ ~ B Ai Muinc.îBOA.-Ysterday os lieasd, shiclu sas consirered a vory adjound for orur neeh. *alteerooc ThiomasiOrgas. au EastI coud nlrning, wbm hebitdseaherofl Nowa liasnhoeneeceicdndtaIPama Flaasuhno' fariemon deiing ahuar oflast yer'ameetingwsansdeeed.tiapnenhen elrdsHo U atng ai uns Daunhic hbosge shen the Thes ollowing officrs ere elected : duras. Wae holswees 1onuras and résu oh-anmlnieoidy tnuedand cbseged Joduîn Solder, . Pres.; W. ALawn- Iicaagua is thosghhltebcprobable. JU S T nI and Toronsto oui the grouscd it aitackenl hlm mot 55nr. Clemenhs, Soc..lres 'oirectors The appte cenp of tIre neli -st nrioucin'. It guI on top ni 16e mas and -D.licGihirs, D. 0W. Camupbell. Aten. Misnmi asd nemlhi.oasters Kansass sil vise, overy yard teuipled and toec hum hneibiy. Theee Dut., W. N. Scott. J, Rixes. M. E. Mit. t qsaiso, ho as almunt tohal fai bec 0iiever had- f hs rlqwer broenandlierecivýcliil ýV B Dikin Ge. Apluyfrnnt nse fos Ton uhmsdsynigingitL Jtereitîte lites ou the armnfalce. H. ýincCotoi, W. M. Johns..nudRH A LFri 2 aid q(er y 'nd oliseirueebcucadhoecl.cItW.BDchnGe, ' ;Xtra ialty Ticre n lithoe dorrbt tirut Ihe irresius Porter. The meeting sas unnimnun A iiîscial feon Alliasn'Rays: 21 mev Usons Prints aniîutsiwuldhdlane ilted hlm liad il in fToneoniging onswith tIre celoea. lie stated silli somentffiail pun toeeso mu tieefrttie timely serinaI ofth1e tiens on tire 24t6 ni May, of mIncirppre. tiraI Gue. Flomer witI Baveo Carlyle W nirins (log, coiclu courageeniy altank is- onontice liad tees giveu. TîreeHarris, lIre conoicter i aT s e mrdre R C « ~ucignst e 8. tIhe oandl ept 155 attentioantit sill ire 8700 otfered in prises. feunexecutios. 1eul odsfr$.Ogas sas abl tl crawl aseay. H1e HF. Cc, Hîn THROAT.-Archibaid Me. Bev. ,Caude Wilnon, s yonrig Meliro' ___ ýd of Cordon na u nueqietty altesded hy DB e 2ic tedeae, a eideton osthe 016 con. dial divneo, comnmtted suicide a Cotum. (Segur, sucd s on a aie sny te e. cesaion Nonagaeya. cnmmitted suicide bug. Ohiro, tecasse a yonsg lady te c~c one.-Spectutor, Alîril 20. os Suuday forenoo liy ctting hInnnhum lie cos, tormerly ongagrd conud Tiné greatest sale of -d o Tu key . 1,r Srieig ,iderurago teTrele'. throat net r a mor. He sas ooodnetsiarey him. d ~ ~ ~ t, 0fT re oIaudrsear feom iSe.. souiues.d inhie liais sitîr lin hroat cet. TbelbronzeroneumentteCrnplier i1o. Merluro UnderweneTeurm $1.00 eit, aI The souod wsn usthe jgumar. Eni. Columbus, orected iy 16th ri'nCoi- Tmle%, cor, ing & Jameo Sts." Hamu- onlly lire1usd atompled le stop Itue usohran exposition on tire lalefmot ah SILV ER W A REý"JÙ ilton. blîledilrg liy filing 16e meu,,d nith Pen Chicagu on Toenday aiternono mîl op- PonseuNrneos vo sn.Da DoLn.s ras. Il appears Iliat McPliedean liase psprlahe ceeemosinum. Fe Wil oeil noie -Os the i7tir of MarI a namhoe ofmbisen soniewhlal demonted tee Rome job. S. Smith, hiesuie aad thcie ever ield iuthéît lir, e mee ansi asherents et St. lime poot, and itlai.statesi lIaI Ihisntee nml(hiidrrn more drioinig arosin "idDrs Goodà Pauîn Cirrch irpersestesi thcerpanier. sas the tutuh atlempt thatli6e had made the Micbe1 lat. railreasi, nean W.rnam. oe R1ev. De. Laidias. silis a lite.sizesi te labo bis lite, liy poins. drnmning ns Sssday. shen a traio stroch and ->TOWN OF MILTON*'- poaransin rtrait of hinseif, paintesi by Mire and other methos. Tht. l te e aine hilleil hu&Iai nstootiy. arlisI. ofthis ciin.Ilhasi een mao sho wsatamreesiand teatheresi tmo Temhoie body ot cool minore in m h uti D es the mnteotionrto mole Ihia peeaetatioo or threeeyearî ago tee alinmg hie wsue, Oa'ml il g n nrh nd th lagest et nprices oW Dress~t he anonuelanniveroeyrsocial,sinich and lie lias nover lieen sellimnce.emwing Oi illkl ooto tieo ti eo marles tire fifteenth year te the shoel hi, norrons systanm e- MyI a tersl ftepiue f aenwbiggvna oriais trihanoÎe1 andborat o!1te aire a aeon eià iena of the doctorsinlduction ita St. Panis. ceived. He leavons &site aod Iso girls a, meso psaaeaaeeO .4ld bo mortiied This event, hawoyor, diii ot talrepînce flaouteo su ad three yoes id. os cale tor the yeae hoginin. thon. îîuîytngtin sumnrrg tad soirseqaent Dnoeaoed sas marries in Oeaisgeviile. Mte Toean empiioeniftirhEéS atî'ong taik, but las.sha liras licen noff.riag maoy Coroner Freeman and cantined on hinsi bars. Hie has cootesoed te haviog C EOH T W: liîundreds are conols trom branchial affection, left tire Wedoesdoy, cohen a verdict ws rotsmen. spiuied tire toroh for six difast.oun city onsThundov. Itlaishopesi usai bis nd is aeeoedooeo s11 ahone tatsanad tires. Thomei sras rangitrt eoly te 'lin kusoW' httle viil andsojounoanid irlmy breenes usat us. diceaseewuson seane shon ho sonnd an alaror after having starW aa ry, goods. may lie the meairi et hie entire reister- 1committedsiide. tere. atin a hîih d nr.gth-Hrni - - - The details ofth1e caiamsity liraihon Tea Setsm Water Pitchers, éSps for 5ce 0îci. tee Times. CANADIAN ITEMS. hotuiole tIand .1 Zan. Ohos 6a1 c' oldero Vases __ - &KAafIson 1- in.. the heginng o pi sr in atroof -' OR ALt Brick Dwelling Esale k dnhg~ et -nauLoti, mte :wato ZE Fer lm 88 fuot kemasme;with ffum wyto- chat.. frit trom .For tnMM., D. W. CAMPBELL. Appiy tg Nilta, lOtIs Apr., 1. 441 OIiL S. RATINANT. Âdy9tisein te 'AWtpîo.' Subucribe for te «<Caupxoi.' HEMSTREET BROS. UILLINERT pq 11 NOW IN FULL SWING! E4 and we are prepared to oupply the ladi és Of __ Halton with Millinery equal in every resect to cty goods and at prWse much lower than thote of the city, SPLENDID VARIETY 0F W SLACE CURTAINS týWe carry an Immense Stock ot WALL PPERS; in Tact more than that of al l the other'dealers in town put together, adcontinue to do the trade in that lie. HEMSrTREET BROS. the. Cou.nty, at less prices. MACE 18 THE BESI- Johnl Scott, iDufferuti Scimool NI T. MOORE, BAST MAIN WE WISHIR to the factt shape (o suit1 At presemnt w e oif Frints, Gli, Papons andlB, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, ery stock is ii HOUSECLEANING TIME.' Thisis he bmy eas n t ner for thehousebee rceaifogimuearlya surni.urttlate P. o. Inohunhognovee their soot, pilowcass, in tcthey fhod many surs unes Ihat raquiro replng o wsg s ntle limne tedo nu. Our sssoetmeet uT Sheetsog tottos, Pihios Cuites,etc., is comapiste. SHEETINGS. PILLOW COTTONS. TJCKJNGS. 72 onch auiiencticd Shicoting, olieciai 40.hoch, Plain, lice Circuhar Ise. ntriped Feather Tichiag 10, 12., 15c. lino, '20 cnts. 4dioci Plaia, l15; Circular 20c. Slripod Frahar Ticbiog entes quai- ccl t thechîul'Imli tuslin, 4.-inch, Plain, tsc; Cienohar '20"r'ly'20Cand 25c. 72 ic nlahdT il hetn, 461iiine, Puais: 20c; Cire 2c. grnd al sue, uiuijc. Ahi mes PiltumCotton. SatenFealirer Ticna1'0i. 7'2.iecir Riaesud lain Shnetig 25n. Speciat in White Cotteon 10c, Oiehred COTTONS. 0Spenint vaue. opecily for t6e enodie. Anb for tInn FnnyCit ,1 1,.l ,hc lino. ctr Cotn56,7,8 ,9,1 . 72-une.ln lt e.utTwnui.lihetng 25. Luirudale Caurie c , 8o, 1.20. 40.iscli Twill ('otton i0n, unueth121c. 9-4 Ilieacieîh Slue.eîiug 3Oc, 35e., 40in. Jacqunet Mushis 1ic, 15c, 20c, 25c. Wh'lite Collons 5, 6,7- 1,8, i, 9 ,0 lui4 tlcutuct Sreeiuî le..49,..îe.. T. sa 10, 124, t5, 18, 20, 25 , 30C. Souur npecil fiainil e ortiur 10-4BleahedSheeing 40, 0c.Cracu Laws, Omiso Spntled Mus. sedilessrad for 10c. Spennul nvalue in BesI Tniited '(lent- lins., Clnnckod Mulnis, Nanseo Mos.-1White Till Cottostn e . n ing, 9-.4, 315c. Sec thia lt,. liuns, ait aem. 5W'hite Butter Clulis l6c. fQni Then lest Nonnîtie, ru Cliilen'u Hahoîn neureMiltioary mre. M.cK-AY BROS., 55& 75 KINGY STREET EAST, HAMILTON. 550,000 Furniture AT CBST Re. Building -Sale. Theu (1)1)oi'tUlit.N' of a lîfe-tîme to secure X.îtistîc & ooui Furnitîire -AT COST In, oider to nmake îoonî foi cxtensive alterations and additionîs to theur wareroom, MESSIRS. J. HOODLESS & SON WiII offer their Magiîificent anîd Valuable Stock of Fîîrnituî c at cost, BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 17, CLOSING IN JUNE, When. the Contractors w-ill bc put in possession of the Buildling. This is a Génuine Alteration Sale of necessity to make more rooni, give y~ increased light, and modern elevator accommodation. Hundreds of Elegant_ Odd Fancy Rockers, Beautiful Drawing Room and Parlor Suits, Handsome Oak Bedroom and Dining Suites, Tahles, Easels, Cabinets, Hall Racks. Ai must hi Sold. 1 Corne Early Ternis of Sale Strictly-Casfr an aire your sciection. J. HOQOLEOS 5&SON., 61, 63,. 65, King Sfret Weit; - AM iLTON. EDO & CO'Y, STREET, - MILTON.' CO CALL YOUR ATTENTION tisat oîu stock lias nover been tut hetter tue XX N'TS of oui PATRONS tItan 00W. *are loiu'ng extra valtue tus a splendid hune oves, Ilosiery ansd Parasols. We soul Wall Borders at mîars'olously losv prices. Papers 9c ansd 10e a rolîmuî Grocory and Crock- hin îînîî; good shape. 0W e5 ptaced -day'. it les5 hal îwfl pnice.l. own Jý'

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