ThIv Do nt lotInao laylog héf- ore10 plawey. Young Anà lucare' ho las pyers gttiog a aubattaii fcr es y00 1D0w. 1. prospeoo f 0fsuyh fentare tbsy flot?' Tu-I an sppoaeli W. shall ha quit. quit poralways.' har eyeo, But thlas cryaug. * I wsalyo teud very clealy,'M1r. e hiave me, 1 do not pain.. I aIma lecra from Dering, that if 700 niage gahein recdy b 4 thst Rer hoý ber errat-you uni aIl, il yoo plasma.1 Rave you cousadera& whst y00 proposea il cclmly?' 1 I hlieva wa have. *On the ooe aide iq la callad a amal laoc Uve very well ou wh4 iaeom-hut griodinj whiclpaatasalpriýw you witla oepectai Young lady, you havi, ta, certain amouat of ifoDot te luzury. 1 eau gt &long witloul 'Il Georga ea, 1 *Cao ycu becomel Iouaamaid,la'an wife-a oursea Weli IfGeorge in ma bacomiag auythiag, me happler. Mfr. DO y00 Wisl me well-y4 old fried-you ha, my moller iu her t,< waa artielad ta you-' remenerica that ha Irothera heoat f rieud. - I measothe leut Meantima, Voo are qq owa mind: you am 244 That in lear. Thera of lobking at il. chieffy deiroua, 1I Il Mas You love happy halte, for hlm-Are j thal the aller parly9 your lover, will remalý aeaa you alsayiug for tê his owu halpîeueaoaam no relief fromn the Rd hie louaehold-whils- hi. bou. taking their1 levai, snd lis daughlo hclow the ranl of go ,I1raplylby snoth« lave lad Georgeb srtieled cerk sndW igîl yesru. la hle.of fast, cer.loaded, ai own miod, snd ouae in &Il Ihiogs ?' ' Perlapo.' said Mr. lia lesd. 'How do lim ?, 1 Then, il 'bou Irual Dol I trust bima ? I l gete-sllogellar.1 oil eil le îroold Wbe sall bar our hai lievo me, Mr. Der4 lear lim-or me-aié I am full of lope. leoj ine icountry tIl good worbmsu elhouU Rel on. Thon I eau1 very well, prîspe. Il -700 wiII Dotlalugo migîl poie1 prrat moumy lIaI way., - Il je qoito posea aucosed, snd Ilat tIe family jucome. illa. Bul, remembo iug ou possibiilie@, Plasavery besulifut octat oftau proveo U earryiug out. My niagea lu learned hy oct imagioative, lot, learued lIaI willoei. no marrnage eau ha gay, 1 have uever 00 of weddad povertyi or tle wife, or lotI, day whec taeY face, iataad of ëeparatél my exparieuca of s ia se eaey to m],I avila maylhe mete would le intalérb il isol ouly laedln hande are waalad lthe evila will faîl 1a uhora.' ,1 Elaielhuug 1er h pliad timidlv:; 'hI tîst. Il oel ocea down te tle aOiSi Oly? Tel People Who are Wd coueaderida lhoee , y rther Nefor von.m figed in your tala Ihing. uÈoller way ýo arealf sem hamals tha 86Ô muel tle te satiadeld ,greement, py orile la ile la feela ËWhilm la gete pevriy of y-be sece ou s lover lýgaplace ioo.-you qaý lerb for ýi anot, tesd- ývbknoov lia Dorangas grave face soddunly relaxel and the liu aasomed the vary hoavol. eoce vhich abe bel tle day hfora ha. parlaI ta hic portrait, aud wisbeI ha sec upon his facl-' Rare, my dear yoong lady'-le laid li@ baud upon a papr-' la the it of tle lovecîmenha eriel I have mada of tact mue. Yma lave, in fint, mrcosey iuCorporation bondn-NelwosetIo. Nottinham, .Wol. vebampo. You bave mater aharea -700 hava gas alaren-sîl good invl. mente, yieîdiug aI tle prias of porce su aversge. of nearîv tîre sand two- Ihirda parcenot.' 1'Inveeliments ? Wby-how munch mouey mac il, lIeu ? I vocu tb'ankicg 'vîen Von epoba of a nom of moeey, 0f ton pouudo, peras.' 1'No, Elaia, not tes poudo. TIc moooy placel in my bsola for your ose vos o oer Iwelva llousud poundo. 'bitl accumlation@, thora is 00w a litle udar Ihirteeu Iloucand.' 'Ob1 'ciel Elaio for île 11101 time asd for tle rame ,easoo. No words eold expres 1r asonhaomenl. icnighuodrel sud eghty posolas a yssn. i is.iriigPerîspo, asacoma of tle stock bas gose1 th~ slvacee li op it miglit be sol ontland plaeedhao 1î yao le btte, sîvanlaga. We may gel il upa Gkeorge silo. t fvOune pns. 6, mics not gel 'Do you maso, Mn. Dericg, tIaI 1t i) suit of biu. have acioslly fOlt tva hadred poonda 1 a ersveIy. le a yer-sl may owz?' 1 y U wimli Dot , Tlat is entsmly mymesuing. Yoo W¶a. Beîidea, have nearl iy Ovebonîrm poudes yearc cl, as nover aIl yoor owu-estireiy your osen, yulh.1 il an voo i. out any conditioss wl.tever-your lt itle-uoh 'Ohi!'Sho metlio aileuco, lion lacIs ls4ve îluougîî louhol. Tîcun thoheas came inhalberi i ce-tîst 1eyee. 'Ob, George!' aemnîounued,1 id gel sîliîbe ' yoo aIl net be acoy pour sar &IV' 'That ir ail I have tha amy ha pou a51 t4at le may lresei, Elcie.' saId Mn. Deriog. ' Nov amy nsrae 0 ay rnnaway sol les,, me. Comej 'y~ls tseoa h 1 in,this eveiag. our mole, aeou.andaishan are coriug. 1I@anlack 1 i os etn sthîe move soma of Ilacea Objections. Diooer, d t i#m nlltohe ai orven sharp, Else.-And nov you loice Of Mar. cas leave me.' 'sar of worî. 'I aidlbat sigît,' Rail Elale, ciasp.1 lpal. 1 hava img le, hansla il feminise soperati.1 sioasha mao tioc, 'lIai semetairag vas goieg ta q.i TbhaI Ie tahappes. But I Ilought h a sma.1 ;ima sy case lliag hori. 01, M. Derisg, if yoo a ýha hoahand osiy kbew loy happy yos have mal. lagi regret the mol1 I docIt knov vhat ta ay. I feal1 mrly tagaller Baouoed. Pipa l'undrel Pound@ayaerli e!Iat, I ay. n jOh!1 ti a ouderfol 1 Whai @all 1I nragu. Il gay? WatslaIacy?' ±4n la7, 'bos mil Say sotaing. (*o amay a4rIwnhlch nov' Coma. ha dinner tais evsing.-Gc 4 v:a.. woa y, my yosag hirem.'Go snd mal. ..oThe. lanisa 10v ta ive an pour esiargel in. bs ahy, and came. Il maIl nct prove tac mmii.' * hlnnyeî EVeie rose. lTso lé tarned egail. '1,.1 lad atualiy forgotton. Won't enla sIc r-'Yeuel-hle mau--or tle wvac-who înago lover ilak bim, froma my very bout tI? I is' haut II btalk ul sn&b ont monq, a, evenytaiug. braIuhi 11e drealfoliroube h" limalI Me aller to0labernomat 1homo lbecuae Georgeha. Mtlng and Oase-stI thin mWii do memelmslag te, Il igrest reonnelemy motaar. Dsc't 7y" think b . SOCci i iiimole &Ill e dlfe«m.?, ns eue I hope thaI lefore tac cv 7lm aui min le lt ailoppgnitloabu eae Yenvy& reetoved,' b«l gcdhmuMqr lord wad."h.lflnaMl inol'e "àalsnsreàianslbe w p alveehal. r Mm wim "Mu ".. d - jehy ses yosn e g .TOU _11»,amuId lat se" 0ouwlàeel te eaq ÇuWWMlYdI 'tth M-I a en;Ihua ~anc& P7,0 op alsf 4 bo ave m o seeo II 00 laaare tha eiais-og Anle ' a"ie 0,1 oodhusonrdi~e, aBidae eamplied thlie faU. wcmierng. but nt eMld.1 Noihim J..y iIl, marebaout yaoreggmu.NW t~r ~eliât Oafly, Shaasa"tilamuel W&a pl" ~ for imprtan. huor faur yecrm ago à Person wrolat me. IaI person le- 4ieeaeeformd elOaa imai h-foc eao,aalee w.vI aOliepesa mae-wlahe ogaeyou n:P aeaa niafmafi e DMy hanade in tuai-for yas.' - aId For me? Do yaurmean-ia trnnst 1fr 0 Ho gave me tala coma of mouarte, araris e, agivea in yon se pour tweltyrt ù,ad hmhll ay.' Î îan know. O '011' Elaa at op wilh open eyu. mesinor cf ÀAnam of maney -soI teme e' noacuider ,'Wiîî a condition or Ivo. lime OAl condition Wue, llal tle intme uldi ha invustedaasil came in; the nazi, W-nol vIal 11.11Ivau ou no aceuu-miad, on no W1ýa $Maueoplescanî at ai-la tell 'FOU or anY one cle aai ftlie existence of the gifi or the Dame iadpooaty, cf lime donor. Ybu ara aow lvenly.cne. padhurdaa I have heeee caref cI col t. afford you th v ea lmct suspicion of tais happy wimd. a brougît up faîl unlil lie time clould arriva. taudeaaNither your mether, nor pour iter, M ha yo.' aryesr lover, knowa or susporte aey- tlu n. hing &alut il. ï4n-ok 'Ohl' EMaiseeaid oncemore. An inter. r%4 ul-eo"a jeton may ha dafoual se a proloagel s eIscmonosyllahle, genrally a vowel, utie,. mv aI" edwleunuo word. eau do justice ta tas HI! ouly maka nujeol. * IamDre ,And hore, my deryouang lady'-. oiyftesMascriad 1 Oh11'ouceDmors hecua- e thfllr,îe monl curions thiug tha vorld-Mr, She rau away,' alaaumiog the duor afhar bar. Rer moller leard ber ing ing la ber aludto aIl ha herseL,'Cce ahhainlber rigbl mnd?' aIe achal anxiously. ' To marry a Pacper-lo reiva the admonition of 1er goardias -and auch a guardisi-aod ha coma home aling. .Twould ha botter ha look ber up 11cm IcI 1cr marry,' CRAPTEII VII. Mr. Doricg lsy hbook in bsclair, gaz.1 leg aI ta. bonr-tas unromantha officet deor-llrngb vlicl Elsie lad juatt pamnie. I auppese Ihal evan the driestl of old Inchlorsanad lsvyers may le3 touoled 17 Ils soigîl of a yosog gel1 made auddeuly and nuespeehally hsp.C py. Perlape the mare apparition of as lovely girl, daitl and lelicate ced1 ameet, dslctiiy sud deicaoly appsrel.0 lad, saoae ta lkliko a golds or a voolcnympb ndller th"aciscrealureai f dlay, may lave askeneld dIalng.1 forgolcia thoragha haforc ta. luatancle of yo.tI voe.atifimI by pilea of pancl.1 mont.- Il la tle peculiar andudlaputed9 privilege of thé historino teraid1 tbuesghs.. lot it lma lays uecea.1 tory ha write lloemcdown. 1 Hae st cp and siglel. 'I1 have sol haid be, al,' ho murmuraI. i SIe shal ha lappier tili.' He tauched lis lhood.4 hall.1 'Clorklev.' le aaid, 1'ail Mn. Austiu lisdly ta mtop1lhis way.-A day of surpis-of joyfui surprise-for both.' Il Wouceicleel ta hoas day of good forIunae,un 700 shah Osaa. Re opoea a drawe nd odoek out a1 document roUaI and* lied, mhlel ho lidi4ou the talle haforé bise. 1 George oleynd île aummons. Dot wiîlosî miegivisig. for BEase, lm kuewm. muset hy Ibis tima lave bal limadreal. el interview, and the oeilimigît have1 some nafernoe ta lia au mshre lu tle grast conumacy, To ineur tha dis-. plecacra of lis mmpoyer ira cnertios miii thal avent might lad laseracun conaeqoencus.1 Aahuine iitais>01iMr. Derlng rée Coiveil hlm mwita a asetassua. tact1 seemed ransfsrmad. JMo amiled hase.1 volelly upon hlm. Ha aven Imgled. Me smiled vlan George opena& lIhe dS l aelgad vlan, ha olaltenca ta s6 gaclure of iavitation, George tecl; chair. R. actoslly lsrsghed: sto eek. ly or foqlaîy, lot nuaa trose a ne taugla. 1 'Oyant teeniutee mita Y0u14(George1 Amain '-luactaually noal theaCharist[» noes-'hton imatehs or a <uctmLf'n hanr,'He Isaglela&pin. -'Mme, lim' -lis face cemual 1 ja dinalipe alan, lut is hinp.Irale isonmaew. tamel am="-' NOWtov lb. ir Ihave1 juseseseMy vcrd-'noy isu-vend forhan ehate vof cg-sol lave hagril -woll-ov«rytaiag tl IeraWeta lqaoe., 'I hava no Ioula, air, lIat what Yon hoard bon ac iemcmlime emmtxutat.' 1 11 bllvae . The qunliosaa hlmI Iputlttaler 1 lto.put teaIve. vIewd y«n propose te lOve? On yonr'iel 1 Tas havehe egaalt.u.ylowen 'Tht la osi&,mbae . &à"-W fana" thact bahW b wee laI an. Mreekomn rn b . m ei aI Wumathépolewa-hf mie alHul o4ger il.,éeb6 i h. 1c hrea te g 00oremaan-' 'Oh!Ho? lule nlac. Icmeasàol , e deenah o o hedw 1 oMud Arudin.vam alanle T laosr paeee. Shé, vseed atlrew berfmodermle, h eta.' cms ha dise ma hmt-t. ?l i l taodbn yu lmate-nigîtu lauar Madiatl hlm tnit. Thea afcilpartp. R offe andlhrtngalof "a.rerean-h s as uI io eeaoua,' 'Ee, tpaibd.e ma a ed tairl hapy.' 'No-no-m le Ie rhigît pc-rece. ia .i lu aie i ram cdoo Iret. ehelaue 'btu d te wtI i enigs.I à th aîl dear mo'aHwllapi e& tll Oln Ela oouundruoma.eI e e 111 c oraleas dslheod. maufrdr soilaiste aI heurt, me cal Il oli ase cniuoe tb luire for our nlare cf lIaI mhchinracallel île mes@ of Besjamoiu, ced siore aIl acuot gel that maen- vhlcI 1Mr. Dering bldesloye.l for tle whole cf him life-or anytaiug 111e lIaI deairahie partioe, monltong sulloihara go lu grest hecoices of spirit-lsung tasir beada, corragate t11cm foraeads,I wriha duspairing leltara ha îlhe girla tley left hahlad 11cm,ad mita gruma. bing gratitsde tale tle Iranîred or two huodred a year vIiol la offered for lIai, services su msnsglrag cleeha. Agais. tle Legal MILOeBeemaOf late 7ars sot la yleld slaytling IIi. e moch sa fermmrly. TIarebanseaueena croal ubriokaga &Iliover tle country, sud especialyin haoountry hamne 7 tac booma of building sameathabave cons ha s eod :île agrieultoral depreaoioo lau draggd domu yuil itan immenseOm. ben cf people wlo formenly loauiiahod mita lime lcvyers, mnl, ly masaof their saviege, invulehaie, lraecm, amd parteerehipsansd quarrais. made macy asaoliitar fat sud happy. TIat la aIl gos.. Il used hta i eazy, if osa lad s litIle mosey. to hcry a partarhip. Nov Itla n o longer possible, or, aI lecat, no longereacay. RobaI7 lam a biness grester thasule himocif eaa Manage; evenyludy Ihagot a Bon comisa in. TIase osileratioce shov vly tac question vwu diffil oit asear. Said George lu rouI7, lut wyul sous confosion: 'W, are prapared 10 li va oe litIle. Wa are oo incthelebasaI nutra. vagant:i Elcie wiii roogh il. Ileidas. aIe las ber Art-.' *Out of vhlel aIe malaitpeoect eolhing a year.' 'But cIe viii gel nu-sud I Masy hope, may reawasbiy hope, coma time la mokeasu iscome langer ieun.y pre. mnet one.' 'lau May bope-yoo mna'?hope. Bnt the position la oot hopeclol. ln faci, George Austin, 700 muaI marry oc tee tImes yoar present lnoeme, or not et 'Bul caune yoo, i,, amr id... ar truly molult, and me bava made rap our minIp m wwe eulive and psy our may.5. 'bYu tel kyos have. 111e la tu aay, you have preparel table of expeamma eboving loy, mita Ivopene haempare you on lire vory veli se Imo lundrel pasdasaecyear. 0f causea put edovm noîhinc forhtacloul d ana nel111e 0111le unexpecll taInga vIa ever. bady of yosn edocalln cd halie.paye for avor day.' ' wc hava provlel snMe m e 'Weltit Ilvant l. (1 cum, Iqeaa' fhl a-lut 1Icon me it impea. cil-modlforyoa.n, IeAal HaOrappel 1"tbelai. Il.he nde more enu0., Ibat the valce vas hleIy. adla amilol eMain lmepele. 'Ta lIougli jyon vonldola ithout nme. a 700?1 Wai-you s ee -Y":"a vndea. ot i* le *f amuanig ladgnca U clouam s cla a nMuet onýCua 1e f, c Motée. nHa9 mm dç î l*RIdàine 1 bhavaeauloèrel fSr meu Ure ~. Duhg ua -tou ' se à;* Itatc mce ger otyf Othe iê«ythis season in teb.bo5F leIMU J086, and ail the oed OveF %SuBll yon gooda % are na maàî s ~ raroheapeor Orbei5 t Il*, u ~ lngVani over. te O Oua taa4i ssn~ b~ thant1*0w*'olesaIoPm@ now. Wehpeabi oO and'aa U h$ cheap. L*die' *d 0ets0 bOctwear in immensevritand tariayoep Our ltdriy of ail buida of gccda -is large, 'wth te aest noveltiea. Our illiinery ,cpemng will ho in -the heginumng cf Âprxl. Dreas sud Mantle-mnking will ho up to the mark ase nouai. Onür,.~Irn and Oen1ia' Furnishing Dep«tments-nothing to he*t th.m ho Ontario. W. hav oera1 leading linos cf gooda we are alaughtering. The puhlie cannot he aerved oheaper or bâtier anywhere, aid they are eordially invîtod to inspect. WILLIÂ&M McLEX-OD 8C o. h o ael se vyl la o I il mka hm av posl bie.,edHeou arl h.eIfsbiisea gentleman. And hle ohildeen mill ha horsjmnliemea.' Vory gncdi; amuIé léoadchlaualomall inmenta IhIaba of eot Bitala for tl. Young malee.iU ta ha preeimn i .ad,.lbhh 1. vhoamare aecli' 11181op v'Ad ýfaim forgel Un daaoff oilmbieg ced mau« ab thonseWho are .maiag taeK val. P. Bat, eppliedt. e "profasala. ellnng s saec ne Ion.., peaoceai. This way of adpancomInl have te ha ahandoned. Couxder,,&gain. Evary proessio goaerichouotof ilaovn mine, TInoe la lime mine Emelseicclie. tac mime Medicle, tac mise Arlistie, the mine Legal. Tle lacî.named cualeccum, soeaule, agreemens, villa, bande, merigas, actions, pcrlnarahiMa trace. fers, cseveysnces, 005517 courts, ced oller lreaaer;ea, all toh h ld for tae digging. But-aad 10tocoflen forgotru-there in oaly a limiel qucolity tlabcha lan ouI of the mime every year, ced tlIeais ual eoougl ta go round, except te vary minute par. tioua. Andsalose, outil we hoame 'Observe Ihat îhe Parturrnhip msy ha disacîvel by Desîl, Bacbrophay, or Mutual Cossent. I receive Imo-111,dm of tle proceeds for life.. liaI-ame 1 -viii sol ha for loag.-Weli. young muas, do you accept Ibia cfer V 'Aecept? 01 Acocpl? Whaîeas 1Ida? Wimst eas I ay-hel-lciase uept ' He vaikeul 10 Ils wiodov, and Iseked ouI; 1 suppose e owsa amirieg the tIncssin tle square. mhic e e certaisîy very easutiful lueasriy Jul y. Thon b. returuel, lia eyem Inmld. 'Alial' lr. Deig ccokîl. 'l teld yon blmi woul make ilimapue. ible for yonhtu msrry onstwo hndred peols a yesr. 1 vsited tliiElsleai birlhîloy. Wel? Yon viii soc ha abl, ta reyiee that i 111e eslimate oh living os Ivo bundrol a yeux. El'?' ',Ir. Derici,' sidGeorge.,ouIt lreakiag voice,,' 1'1casct ol hue ,il;I1 counot usdstnd i. I hasveunoi de- sered ih.' * Slàake Isola, my Pirner.' The two iuen slcook baude. 'Nowsit du ansolIci ntalbsalit,, sil Mn. Dernc. 'I1 am olI. I am pat maveahy. I have tmiel b persoade my. self tlI amsm lilai fi for ser asi aven. Bol I have blad woruicgs. 1boy perc9e lI tai lley muai le talen cu vaange. Sometines itali O 1con. fusio of' momory-I sum sot aIle ta aroafit for little Ihing-I fonget wIal I dil 3rsterlay sfharoooo. I suppose1 &Hi olI men get tIlse eremindera of eomîog docy. It maias lIaI I muât resîce yorkd alrmponsfiiity. 1 migîl givo cp lualnusealtoliellen sud relire; 1 lave mooov enoand sol aspore; buI taislaàla le lard ganeatisnof ai ancousul Ronse, sel h seulnt bec, ta cimse tle douoandauta talak thal the Iirm vouE atagather vanisi,. Se 1 tacugîi I oull tekes aparts.,, and I heau hte lc&oul me. Well-in 1,1sf. I came taee eccionoa Iat1 bolcal fond us yauag mas o tte, qualilel lIce ysersell foranaiity and for paver of mark and for ail tac qualiti»mme.wr forte le muccefol conlact cf aucb s Hnose ce 111e. Especicly I cas.llered île oesetilcofaigoal masere, I mn j ealy laqght ly my father thst the grestoés il taueacns ilam blraeling. I IrstlIahtîla srepect I lave don. justioe ta lIe leciing of nae Wovad the mcon ertly ci hie lIme. -bau ha. Lonag tan egavaoflem. cramaandcul hm respeclt onack. Bnt wy arnat aimays Ilaabeeoarinh a cab. Wa ara nat ail conni, or eunila. limace amctacea hatairt. uilleddr asewones n l aave Thaos ae vauman: ihsre are al Daes:* 101. uyfaer,haVaesovu cclpseugiva tot h a emeona. oloratta., lIe daforeom. *à reoani. Ueo "a haoIeeovm UneTruc ndesi te**».W Smgsio f lIa lalle 1TIné cmlit U as n a 00.1.... EF îu zpvcLiiet removea ail RH d.sofio C .loadLumps aul Blemialea fro oros. Blood Spavima, Cunhe, ISplinle; Swfflney, RingBoue, Stifles, Sprainas. IlswolalîTrate, Congbs, ete. Save 560 y ueo of oc. hottie. Warrauhad lY J. 'IbCollosa. 19.lye. About 1.500immigranha areivee atI Raifax ou Suoda'y for -thn Canadisu Narthi- est and lIe ventera saths. Tle cyrlone cf Tlredsy lastdhI #200000 damage ha propert? in the Miisippi vallsy, loI île lune of life vce nol se gréâtas nreporîed. Tle daII liaI ttalI.18. cmm mmma-m %Z"mo FLOWER SEMO LOCAL COURTS CALlN lDARt, 18M. a ]p. 0.Adru.aIClarea Jan. Mar. May. JoIy. , U ,, Rio- milto ... W m. i'» -tS 12-17 12 21 1-5 il7 2 L>ckviU4.IR.Eemr a S 3 1 6 8111 georgelew....IL Grant 9 14 9 1 R 1 14 Lto .... Jlalrew&., Il 1 6 i1 20 14 16 20,1. màisS . ff -Nail MoPi, 8l. la 1 Il8 17 11 11 171il. Burlatea...Jas. Robiesn 2 7 2 1l11 57 10 Il Go.atauciet trrhé F..,. MdéComey ICOCrA e5ting.,,.ib 'h A t ltJm.ue», MÉa. A. PILKEY, HaW.onR AgF. orc. of theala BroomçE, s.W« e.m.uemeaBeorPm@; msaNme Tus. PRINTING Ezacut al c Bperior Mnnfter 51 l*e CHAMPION Our. Job Deparlmait is reploee withla clarge amemeni ai plain colÙ2hatypa, arnement- ai bordu-and'sol lsigna mitahla for cw ar cim iralar work. Sîrihii type f«PePsta, Woh, AilwS ver i ~onit promptly rn tAM ,n~gcteld ROPER, THE GROCER, je Offers the finest stock of Bî'oonî Milton for sale and selis theimi at I prices. Cati and see thein. TOP!1 CONSIDER'1 I have the nicestt cclectîon of SI7l II( OVERCOATINGS ANDJ TROUSEUINGS, ý spî'ixg and suminar wcarr ever lîrouîght 11000 MiItoiaj The patterns are al new andit et.iioli i"ii',ou uty liglît and wurk and fit gîîaranteed. Gentsn' Fiir,-; ishings a Ieading tpecialty. STOCK ,SALE. Will seli FOR C ASU.the whole of his stc of'_Bcots & Shoes at, cost and under-mil be sold to. makèterQom W~ the largest ai bpçes itnk fspnmg and summer goods ej opeed n Mlto~. ilk Edge Shoe Polish son ; Gui"&uj -0dayMAorfith. lm . O1KLO< N. gW~FADVERTIING. ..... 1a .. le lrlu oae . i, 00 or lm. . iss ... ud hy lix.rp.,, 4. MdCo.,. .,=,,î et . bl.h.,. ni...t li. ral.." Co-il se ..y.,kiu.d d.ILt',i .,,0, mi 8001,..2b ePIlein. iae Lid t 0.... eh k.l ,.u",,-h. arte, 02,ý't1 .I'y . orl. A "ol.fI -1e14aWas t .. sooOcu i. SLEGA.L. Je 5 0 ,o.ý , OI , .,' ic . THOMAS G. SIÂTHESON, Cr.e A iie,-, .B- , 1 . , V--nCort flouse, Multn38 t1 1. W. ELLIOTT. B. A., Bev#, &c,' L., Yt.rsy P.hio. no-la room.oa ocupied l'y Dueco a. W Kyevro Io',. 4201f VICTOR CHISIIOLM4 ' fer, Solicitor, oto ., Notary Pliblic oYvvo L',,N uAr L',Wuî,R.irEa. BAIN, LIDLAW & Co. sîrmit, Eoo. E,,oo ibo~ Toronto. Maset an ides f coastan one, an FIat P Fisi Ps Flat Va Fi at V Flat Va SilvorE Whileuv Wlîit.ow qlhaeiub SI, vioI I', b3v lîloî Stoe B Lý'Th 1, fi M)6 Kfi JOH: Treato a Catis p q0Poe e -Man St., DF VF.LP i MEDICAL i . DR. McCOLL, n Ruons . F'mtn0au i 6 lu 8 1). oM. D. ROBERITSON'-,- 1puece andprivate ffiuc.le, l iPoant Oufe. ~.P. ST UAR11T. Com SUR0E R V: kllsti Iltoiin, ucO n..., s.. 'f Pec -OpO sPoat Offi5. '.' JOH F3BEEAN MILTOIN. t hiues.IQ0 .45 Ut.. - -rO,.g-s d,.upd iio hei.ti'r, 1s DENTAL. ,~LLOP, L.DS,DDSyi uihI» fCh i.&" ;ushau Praneers uraio rest-t -H. WINN, L.D S.- 1SvunuicL MDNTcInv la John Dewaras Blc, Milton *T-. HARRIS, L. D. S., DMNcvesii. -Ooî -7 viallljdilhau on île fretainsol ioiel pu - y of eacol monta. Office, 'anse. e.nars tÀ . sil..ta oKi Coin 0 th. ibl, ile e. ort i.d i 'f Hnnow FELL Zut., peOpîS Wo5edel~esmyWolsetuy erîy cm ACêITE grade ]ENTS Ail' t La~ gasped. 'Wlct dosé it mien V?' 1am x 5151Ctrani DIAtlv-Suim litleosyousay aDee ofPaine.'American RhenmmtloCure for Rieuma- ' 00 aya Drd f Prter.titan anamiRureluia radiccilcuraa ta 1 ahlp botwaomyseif aud yoarself. The tes8 days. IDe atise spcn thea. sem conditions of the Parloarsbip ara doly ha remarhalale ced mystelras. Il re. at forth-IIhoîe 70eviii mse. yaur may moyeetaIos c e a m ancd the dit. teoamcptieg tacm.-A Daed of Partear.esse imamedisaly diaappear. Tl. first slip I o sl kcm vlli s aw'dose grealyhbosill. 76 conte. War. ship 1 o Dt kow ithn afow ranlal lv J. H. MoColloos. îO.îpr. ndrede vhat your ahare may ha, lot, I halicve 700 may reekon cnet at d About alsvan year go& oungA two Ihoumpd for thestirat yeu and ot 1 more-mucl more-hafora long.' wilb laodaoma lcavy chalu (mhl cm o 'More tasu a taosand ?'. a preeenl fram ac fri.ed 00w dead), a 'Yau lave nol real tas dard tîrosagl. hectiful nlsd several oety charme., CalI youraeif alawyar7 Sit dows sud lie adverlised for lia prorerty in the nevapupera, mahahed tee pavuebopa rend il word for word.' for monîliancd lefI mc ahas ne nred Gaorge ohayed, readiag il an if it vous wlereby tle misaing taings mighit la a paper auhmilted ta hlm for cousider. reeoiered, Tle other day a pareel atoa paper hloning ta some one came froma Toronto hy exprase cIdres- atlasadu hale gentlemen, and orbhes le aima.opeeed il tbera la hafore lis a tasib. 'Weil 7 Yu bbvo read il?' cd eves tle lougloit article. Il lsa 'Yrs iIlbavsread iltîrougb.' maary. rk ýl