IT leteng Bud aeye in cm Uaedây.l report correct, 1he1 M. InaIt, ter, ofc Oyg». cSeit7 t la61 a. to gel t. judgesip of Haltes mma tbe apponemnlfift lete bu r',nadbilý0 few days. Mr.-Bider e reputallen ameng the proeucuxcu mal lawyer cana g Ba-ma, analb thé cm opinion le that the Gcvrnpent made B Wise choie.- AN order bac beon lemed by lb. Miitia Departrnent teut effot tbat benefortb ne officor iili be appointe pcéyiainally je tte Canadien Miiio witb a bigber racle Iban tht f second liedtecant cor dra* pay for aoy blgbug raek. The order je sald te bave b.ufl ieeeed aetlte requet cf Gen. lfecbcc*. tbe, and tteegb Il' gives diseatifaction in mone qunbeca, ie a gond one, ce il wll force &Il offio wbo wiahtot hold a ipier racle tba tbat cf second lietetnant te attend ené, of tbc ifcetry ctoole and qulfy. Tbcre iili be foeo infficint offi0011 je ttc force je future. THnEpeecb froci thc tbroneeaed te*, addcus iercply laving teen dliverei,1 lb. latter ce Tueday, the Hoose ci Comnens May te saadte bave 1gel downýto tbe tusinesf bbc cession. SeW fac tb re bs been oly one division. Bcd tbat t owed no cbange in tte relative tett of tbe parties. Tbe dîvicice waon IO h followieg acenndent te ttc addrece, moved ty M. Lanrie: "Wb 'fort bound tb reprosert te ourExL. cellency tbt ie tbe preaet condtion cof tbe people of Caceda ubtactisI -crdoctione cbccld te Moad.inethbï -taxation wirb presees onc teavllY -Iopon tbe great bul f tlec oecuuiiy -and wes regret that ie tbe aeeec gcaiouuly dlivrcd fcom tht Ironu "Yuur Excellency bac not beeu vise "lu bold out tbe promisce of aioduttc, ine tbe oppeivdutîen ow imPeued. Ttc amendaient wao defeated by 108 Ie til, lthe vote teef a traigt party cne, Col. OBrien voted wictb tbe geecu meute, but M. McCartby bcd et yt arived aItbch capital. l)'AltcnnlcCrthy Btiece fies Feilles. Sveyucc, Jan. 25.-Tbere wa greal truggling ced cruief for admission to tbe Conervalive convention and-Mr. DÂÀllon Moiarlby won grueta witlu ringugci oeers botb wbem bd enbcred and wbee be roie tuo aea Tbie convention bod boeclled t bit rèquect je rder tbat lie mgt t at hie ce lto c imbu bchd electedliný Facl bad beee fonnd witt tien Oco timez, tecuoe lebo bc ncIaul ime voled vitb thc pcrty. Hebhaldpledge lilmeîf lbe wuuld tcY tlcavtbccl clause je ttc Caadie satboboc ibis providod for lwc lccgucgeand ctol of diffececil religioue reeinded. IL liad ocdoavered tlucrry ut li plodgee, aed tboogl t eebd lu eurn elteel eerceedod. He bod diffecod ei tir Jobn Mac donald lenIthe Jesuit At, ced be hte nol cbanged bis opiniunefie ue wold tie ever. Ho did not Bay tit tbe Notbweet t hli cclbave sepacai echuolu, bt lete luoghl Ibe pepl living toco iero thebeted jdgeee0 imbt tbuy erct. Ho djd eci kee' erby, but bbc lederset Ottawa vent eut conferinte tic vie ontce cquestion Neeectbele, licvWe c Liberal.Coi cervativo. Ho dicd ttc igt f lb Goveremet te reetitute itsecîf judiciitribunal and ccv te viebi0 thc Privy Couenil f Manitoba cuill no bu coeeîdeced. Wlee tbe Guocurmen teucbod tbic ectter ttoy veco picylu, with ice. "Notedy," id be. Ilbec, wtece il will ed.- Ho waited vil ceriety toeaer Sic Juun Tbump"c policy ce bcqotiev - I de ced tl -Ar Fpoiicy. hlile thc National POul bcd veu4ed vl je 1870 it migt nc b. . gond tiujom e. Tbo Caied -M.ieisep e;u ic lir d al hcidbec flcg cud >he ld ptiywculd te beccd lu. Ho bc DneObjion te old filg, but tie did 0jot t0lu poicy. Ttc leadocrscf tbe Cnmd lire party ted focnd fault vitb imi taking eceptioe tu ttc preseet tra policy of ttc Ottawa Governmet. E vas acuued f wuttling, ced bced b. cllod c miccbiot.Iuicker. IlGentý mo,1 sid le, Il if I vottled I wOetti wilb youu Consee t hote .Jeu Bill&.cettndcl laeguiage qeeclici He gcld te bcd mccc tbe mialc bcd Mcdoeve be uppecled tUicDI Iitutice Bil.Il. If yco vWant cornu luauinup vtc te Paty wbtg craukei, cîtc po se , n mi gel aeutlucc man." Tb.'rticc 0e1 Empire ver aticleely vtm Evecytcdy wvt o ede %baee'clq Muet me. vby tte liOereciceo lbai rcpcdiatcd lhcm, aednîesa te eq cf NrtSmoee mppcld0 e votd et go tacto te aate 1mil thbM îicsterl aide. (Ctcers.) Wîîb rcfeec ttO ctrade peici1 1878,haedideeottbiek the greal bll th. peuple ebcld te taxcd for aecr1 te purpoelo f f utoceg -IlInférit1 destriceTeuscindusesiihbdà prec=ci'ocrttcleny a,,dt lime thep vere ab.e .tek.teca teeole s , W. ee enUI te, Uiccc lIdutriea &-at. 1itovu inenedmt ebP bo'alb h& cin o r cange-. aeve! tact. te ÔOllavam an010e9lu ai (cfhccr.) Hec-w Dot netl y te -. _ -l e- ci pr~Tt c,~t O~wS. Or b 0? èbe4l.decu 102 E 5LcAlOLfre ace~ c ~xccellvcGeveerncet~~ ~~ullb.lch secb c riis, tine y t epigjet pbi7 >b. cen1ui c yliuLu.lvb uaele forlif eu, ajmlv MO eiicic eRobse ewimulltent l. nl à lluml mlo S migt hanu lb Mm i tbltt dur1 1e malieie.ble btbcti&@mmvii prcete mrau lI»e orc tIc 19,1 i aynmeue cfail tmbrandcf cosiuin ofa bu thbal . foritve u Mmm.. c omuobn. ovnc h ibi$secfnd Ler, baum.tcE wyTh fe odonCmmaie e vxpimd.hé 'bbc he ag riege b$call ddâwm Tiball e!ttadtheugebau tue bis. Y.eui, beie uti qnurc, m kmi îey m .aia ve. rptàral 0totarc1= u te a,,joint nm. Tl'. arget cenblevcc bridge lu H fbt ousses. ifth - emo Amides le te b.cecnctcd ever jlo e Malue me thé , "Obce et h henj-rive, at Newo Orlesm«. myb.cfcdte Jteuple. Wn0"' 500.O cw till provides for apoular eptet fromm abemala nayé bbc odm. Britiush tin thora bu bemebb.d i tuncl atse, Pullamc adyce mm lb. ntàhist Mllesmnmno s mrI "@mmio, previies sulaclicly *isaotey b.aenbontaï; te may dis acte lm5. Au lmpor aaMev A dircl amp explcin ab Rccklteg. Iv *el etaI 10 m 09ee haumée,Westpbatea, 00c-aY. YOM-er 1epdarl dmt sbc b el. day agtsdlb &cttefelqbbeen iare Ur bbuh exublg --slttuacm. voble saeunteen veeuiniecci. imemberste slvole mc&R ail . Gergs Bebear defeated Geooe H... rel.ucved bIlerrn &-ll 5I mr f Boston ty dv lentbs ceuHem Imem lth .e.e1.. VO Ody, dayesrace on ttc Théincs forer %l M aitoslin cn th gisitelieg eacpoutipeof England cmuumAm. if uct borubo, m 11.8ul mpriarlam . I Thu e eo in Belgtem le lbawceg aunaI cos btlc irlad rapidly. IRiver@ bave evergowea tbleir mcet of bbc national do la le. tanks acd dosa greal damcge, espuci- g te mseOW; am minet savy, aliy ne"r Licgc, Tilîcur ani Roy. Im. epérial civil am TheuIsland of Zante in thc Mo 1h.. O;RoyalIltCODIUI5 M cancan bu beun vsltcd ty a svecu lu Mt Il POliO, 00;BatIiqu*IeIDin riclu many liveuvore Thou Tecare gres uctionrsen t reery SKA' ttbill cf 1886. ThéBiishbgeverumeet bu lntru lie cencstorns and duticu of ex. mi tir Jelan Pauncefert, ita minnibe mflecbcI n Ireland arc to e . et. aI eiegboeterobcst égalanbttce te Irish b egsuni aoy excuseaction cf1theU isictates 0"1 ancd led asaptofbthe publie revenues c e*n et Havai. rcontrl of theIrsh Goýrnn. Tbe gruat ion gorge aI Cincinnati rih Land Cemmisalemin le bre. broieke nTueday and 100 barges voe tei existence outil Ilotarge. pay. caried dclon stccam cotte reeting oct f théc cr.,Ici' 'ty in Ire. weed lee. Feuly $100,000 vet and geaantuci ' : . t tcauery cf lumber vu Icet. ;ly pai. tubjectuluai.y exlet i Ir George Badee-Povell tam desm F A ee en te oturco prcpecY i-pabcbed te Washington Great Brebain s A uty ebal teloeg tle ri csreply in the Bebring msa&cm. tir roment. Carlusellî, tir ichoard Wetmtccr It ablil eut ta Iavful foc lb. Irsh and John iigty amited je the ccpîy.f daive body lu adept eaee résoution, adirese, or=tit o I. Thoemas alIce, cf LovetI, Manc. fog or aprpiîefr ppur- wvbe ive ears ago vce senteuod ie cor aypart f p eticre& e Englani d t itee yecr'iluprisomoct AT TH] lan.d, ccots., ebcc mean aleged dynamiter, bu teesce- ilý te s urnnecaceemca ceed bu retersed tn tle tome in LEA Dl conc aestymgife icnbLovell. Lord Lieuenant.ll Theoirpar bu prcved a dcamtcus H-ARDWJ c exebequer division f ttc Higb une tu ttc premient me f the United bofc Justice le lu contine t ea States. Rutherford B. Haye, L. Q. C. t-t exbequer forrevene prposes Lamar, Benjsmini F. Buter, Bisbcp MAI] any vaca eccurrbug inte court Pbiflips Brooks ced ucv James G. b.i Ouedl by Hec Maesbpoiste Bbieehave &a iSeS viltin a fevo i reconmmedation of, thc Lord veeke. manant ef Ireland audi tce Lord Ttc Newvorek Tribue nleau editoc. Chanceller cf Great Brtiee. Iiun the pnieu. cf mat, intimation that " DutlinuMelceplitan epolice iletute combine bus ovocubot ttc toade one eejecttbothe Lord Lietenant f prudence, sdan Ibe Iougrand eney pereicfte pare o uti b~ ale an oenbbec f pplcldgaio Admîimbsratio e e garn w.vicb vil renl in tbe goveeninent an adéquate local peleMym nregnatiisg prmes. eu cgincd. Tte Rlyal r Sb En.tcetary cf $tite Jamese . latelary t tuthe ILor exit se cn.Plaine, cf Hain, dicd aI Wushington, itechtéglteubcLrde p, e '>.~,-osFcday corieg. HMc vu beru te trste egicatec me7eu etaIWet Brevee'rltt, Pc. eIn1880, aud l. etblishebnet Md nM .en5ccbtambeau fer peurs lb. mut premîneel police ftice in cutiens&dcedr. euîea et ete tbs e àt inIrelcuâde00r uthe bcee cefcftuc sugpbclfe ,cccmotbribispemr .&e wvu eery peplar vible icro~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~fi lec npey c lee r ty. Whiehoblding te peesio utt uts.tetLgma ucd sevaiây f étais lie cepeutely M Irish represenlative eee b CauB osa iyt rinsdte b ueba itilbe Heuce c0Lordeat beniestar. sud vote on at Impéril timas. Ttc fonctions cf the Lord CANADIAN ITEMS. abmtecnamethe mame aecluthebillt 1, ani becjudiciscyiteremin Gei.tub.t'%7;Sire ote .ni"ll live veace neder bbc conluol f the Service fr 1Meiudemne l.trh ee criai Goeureoee, tben o tepu emstm 1110»munPbticatt tanavec er ttc content utftéIrshcbGevere. bO.Secêý b. GUer provisione arec imilar te Dr. W. W. Office, vu ceminaci au Sbilletf 18M. the Libérc!a slusdrdearer inthe non. - .......-- tet fur thé veanait Toronto eat le bbc --Thé la. Adam, Fcr.paugb,th rs xvw Yeex, Jan. BI.-Prof. oMwiin mantvu a native of HutM eie lbh, cf Toconto, vu a gsest Itte Qub.c.sMd seseoft Ia eau 4Ioda yueedY. Haeiede t16mucin ODUceLcui N QR uttotermideei.cectcbttc enI ý bead oftrade umammees. réer Letvcd, ced if Pssble oh. ly eaqm b cmden tavrn« Roven. ivb&dm vieva c titc1erd e an bc mntlsa lalmeurltg a tat At. bat- tte, Cscdady nleral t.,a fable fthet b a mees n tIt Up le emate of BapIlel = iethé mailime extice. Wec bcquuth e ,M iiay netapring. rote inte .Dmlemci eva a . Cr maerty vunl êeiedta lTe e of the prteslal merc or laler. The moment tisa, %lm à Wempa eeduee utatlie htas vl b. lau..l utttatebane vWi b. bclvme Ibel ' Théts "ubIode' Mm ldcSioà l Tms WEEK~.. t of Ne ~jhludingSa ice to ée>Iéw ' icu Lot. N9. 9 at 5e. lPer Yard. b.s-~o N.16 àt 7c.i orth 0c rar Iàe inen, W- jâoAlé kand colored Silks at cost. 21,28 and 25 King St, E., [armi1ttol. ase.aaemm.eeuvWseba, le elue. lue baie »mee cfo ceomWivnlper,l~ rSÂWS ÂND ÂXA±,S CUTLERY, SILVERWARE, CV HARDWARE for the Christùm8 rade, 'ARE, IN STREET, MILTON. BRGAIN Steel euCat Ranges, }Jall .à Parler Stoves. FARM, Escjuesing Nepsn N assaga we-y a Andi Trafagar. We will buy ail your first-class Butter 'idApplsadohe trade at good figures. If your cash is short, bring your trade. Now is the time to buy a Weh of Good Cotton. Now is the time to buy and make up your Cottonade & Shirtinîg. Remnants at "snap" prices until stoek-taking. Look out for our New Spring Goc4-sý, Bring along your Cash or Trmde to fl~ '~»Ledini ILLNIU Ne S re. HEd# 4e 'r tblr 'i. '4l RUBEFRS tes, t]Mâ you can buy to choose 011fu11 be e Cme en Danse -C i Biaocive -TLe âan oucctug, vbeu thon1boîte A-. 0. helcm .-J. i LscnA.-W.J.é@Z La yTrss.-egjE -Johnl c~~ d sm!M & ~ edy' he, atnd gene quick én, re ~ ~Bots, and l' r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a f, ~eui0tcior o. a6 Cuneervelive, Jek of trec dayls. b ea culS eut bis teMessrs. Jcte5 bodr"e, Whbu vil t* Cemptflville Fraucru otS stand. r Nccccgawèya,à asqe~ ec od tc tbe ii.tract cend vu Sthe traie. Il wau UWOà#dlo cf $45 or Tbecmdayevociefg ce çpf Eteioe, ced gaie c creadiege icticl it boegbl, i t .0ubqcen, vothvego ler mcraccdil in npcred to e theUic1 ber birtdcy. came, Jan. itît, t Uie Spado dtarc a cnpcera OfuthUicattenetioce soîiy. Youcm. ec., e. Hc.Rcy t'Artei Mltec' o ime kct W Ttocoday te plcy fou' Irbey vero bncrked ccl by 25 peint, ce flbeva j , J. T.Haneaàti W. Pînten, Ilen kip '26 7trlitbu, h T). Dewcr, skip.. JO9.J. Head, E.B.S.-Lodgc MilIoe. Ecglced Benevulont Si - , Ot meeting un Jeu. 5h '93,j e t t ct h l d g c e u d dla m ty te followimiggm W. B. tred, .P, VP., Dr. . BPoetI&~ lier.acrting G., amidm rg cf Becrlingte onIMe.44iU lu IIIlt e vcri ? - m c a - A. Hart, W.PAk nu. Darwin, P.P. *Attinse, Chap~. *Wilsonm ir rud. ttepheceese, lueard. IL. Bateman. lt VWAtkn ,Ot