(I tbed onu-~ oh whhaaOWe bbviqeqss hoe bý s unieçbl sscsa A nnmber 0ftPrhde met ai Ter""o Ô M 0KDnlyen5l» ed charote union. T49ýDeatrese dtstngeinhéd by teCiteOléanbol ty sprt ebown by theliékrsseir aly, and tisougte neo fniré1t mers abtained, ite int& hhopidé lb something mas' corne ef elmitar tIent. legse hicte ellib h oteSi teolY. AT a convention beld et T toon Tuebday a Provincial LibeefAWsoci. tion mssorganinéd for Onte 0l n .u onction itte botte provincéefees politice. It iii hséa ezecotlvà Comeitteci thiry, t4 af ebon Wini b e chosen bythe tsd"reéresentatvel., tee by thé L*eral membere othteé legislt reildtee by the assocation-. ARober J. y, of Toronto, mes eletea Wrs/tthRat~oîHemilton, '~~iémandet'h lyLe*l n ien. J! M. (ibsan, la the crack volseteer corps of- ths Province, bavisé mwon thé Ocowmeki copieor general effcisnay, wtb 98J pints ont f ae posible 150, "s Qseen's UOw, o Toronto, lansecond, with 91J points. Lent year the l8tl4 stood second, bcbg 18 points bein the Qusne Ow. Col. Gjibbon, hte offldcrn sed mes aed the City o Hamil- ton are ta ho congrtuiattd. Tne officrs aed mes et N. 7 CJo., 201h Èttt. Lorse Rifles, are jubilant,ý the coonty coseil htving passed s, renlution os Tsesdty ta tihe effect thel the proceéds et the saesof the nid rmonry wiii te applisd in pttisg n9 os aresoury ie the drill shed percha"e for thé Compny one ime ega hy the Govrsmqet. Tbtnséte the abeiatel vocacy ei Lieut..Col. Kerss, il mu moade leer be the écussil thet no in. jnticé mooid ho doete Votheotte annoteniesn lathe regimeelhy passing the rsoltioe.ad it met ithte lt opposition. An Awfussl ee Son Francisco, Jes.; 24.-The Celas titi Empiré, as Englist e cespaer C Sheaghai, ehicte terived yeterdty te3 steamer, cantiestome isteresisg dé tests of the disastroas temple firesis canton, Chine, ehiote resulted in h deatteof nver 1,000 people. These ad ditioael fats show tIatIths brigand who started thé ire did pot do itlinUh linet af engorer au t ssocceomfl raid bt witéd titi the tollowisg nigît. O the sigt before thé fire the brigand ttempteel ta rote e temple jenetelo masteesg eld anexhîibitios of theTi Hes oddst. The gold andnsilverarDi méts tnaited tiseir aopidity, bt sol dièrseos goord boal them off, wosedin naverel ted eopturnseu se. The sei sight orite the temporasy tîetre we crowded, ire mas een os the rof. Tt liouse mes macleof nititg and ambo4 and inae momett ms a mono of rooric flime. Mauvv mre hdlyhbursed t fllieg btmiOo and thosoe nVtserleasl isjomsd enstend ta thé street. Théi tIev sscoostered se solid t mens tc: cted people thol they cold net a tiroogin. In their tIares iiay roste ino thée eighborttg temple. TII oenght fire and the scène mas teti tIe door did st offer sufficiet egre for the mas and lrge sueshers we roestedd tIte. AlVgether L.00 lir mers tat, isludisg those bsrsed lotM 'theatre. Tise neigiborteod wos litE lly stres mitte bodies. The char! able noietes af Cejtos and othrcili s.et 700 coffits ta give decent burl the dead. The village ssffsred leevil sserly 900 honsesn ers trsee. T rohhrsevidttlY eoeoped, ssonti is mode of hemn. A d Pollsp. "Wlseat aewmedpolicy il i," éidI Mlool, M. P., ta hie Nos ste Yr c tituéts tins other day, "Vo hé pot ing ot ths peaplé's motéyisexpénil efforts teattret immigrentstata Contry and t the noms timé te mes tain & selfiste tariff polio7 whioh drii esmbes ewy ram s." 0f at rui According ta Dominion (lavrrnrn returun, nvetal million dollars w speteimnigttien in the yetrs1 twen 1881 and 1891. The taxpayl wore istorrnéd tht by thisexependîtl over 900,000 id orld people tbab iidua dte come te nda. Thé il for stock taking arrived. Thé cen rtorss mre Cempiled. It was fou ît b toi n yeatn thé epslattin Canada tetel ncreedtest 520,000,1 suffielent te acroont for thé natural cre8aé. Wîers thés wét thé 9011 necorners. sr au @qua] nsmber Canadiens? It in a digrectsl rés et thé miégowernrnnt ftîla mago cent contry, with sedéevsloed rasé os awiting déveopnest sn evry ha And we avé tld hy Sir John Tisons; don Advertiser. $1.400 fer an Gabrlie Girl. Toaaneso, 41s. 2.-Thé reaé#. promiselag es, iIe(te av. Stevuéq mes ettled et thé rcronto Âsse.« Satusdty. Miss 'NOMS ?scGOowae Otîvifle, a cornelY -panng lady inl liird yee, neoré thast te 1890 J. stevenson, a toeme9 living »eM Wh lad pomlssd ta m&Mer hs ta ossletterspumeshtweeltaîsm. teédthé jry bée .engage.ment se lIes r" i. = C\ W0î- . Oakvilé cehsg BoIaI ,nsiééi (l moiono! e. oùsana ____________________ ntab Mec balo, alagfe r ntérig 79 h tirih A0dergs«.n IC iro stonaérodelti8detn depty=rÏarfed vUssspco. J.J ,,,écn cerc1- n rfndd10dn e oomn for . do b Mete ane vDoiboam 01~c an si o o 1s efr b ,K TS agb cnil éiionn: oudc éisb op nctogWbtr eme Mr.ltaieré fo apiheit o (n e, boh Fs! M e. MGion, e. d nttinOa tàeu . ioe isojiet Re 'n î s tbsan, a1W le ppéin;P t. i m-" ions for Ratiadsii t vfron titinuc. ÈçleernMentieadaddr. tl0 i E alcfth gribyand joi8teDambebt oa er ibtt s éia styffiiakeft Ioneco. héunotsagmbel OrPo IéLn nsd labnfor * thérenantyb dis. Tetenser iid omieth e Fr. zi Warmove, ecodelIMrD. esessncf ?emas Mes es, rév, C t, that ovehé grSned le ntoa Ceara , irt, a ams Mfth , to".W a alylu ta oites aidite f ThAe onder tdaPsdet inse, enplas pureLt ear anil tet it hé te t emssy.n e. CrE. id msapoa e 'lot time-Csocbed. edme ai mdeianicne lItYhe une yia s rtedfsî ise. Ouatias a!fM. iteit t secondand F A office, nies Andro me l, séconder t ey tey Ms. Hatabes, theo clfrk aNn% o teés th lére l g it aengetraces, ta p ioco r es ) . frDavifodheTrd Esq. héendis erey épeb t.. bsg200 cpoai îse,byImsu andistnia t the r tesor t is th6 n udai l itnnbntteae o r 192aodré Mig ami isse. (ce. nrém t i. ere meeting et th inn oe aotem o! aliedItnsa r el.- Os totbnshs!ip fs H s itnisi folt. ni éomnctol8 ee n d th se.Mbllthseofatsi s T H fndée hanLaDe. Wobtr hîhr dete'uaa Tinhxpe bré re el b te LEnDN gi et porq, t oitantesIéé'ytp as . ieté mosia it eu . :frB t la&id1 trustesMfor le sgl oterni e Na [. M 82 o e ut étornin o r as H AinA E MUrd lé.-Cerio l wa S at tde.,a modé uteting oScar8 S sifs. r Meén ig m ova , ncodetey f. oro n ofSi Mrtas orNée, $4 tas Wébeète, tItingor Brbes hadeparetorn pig ofCs és a, i. MAN S for, ib alo rs tticia n (îa un o rtet esn s A ein l 5 in feéc10thé rooils ad Mrpios a!ibJohncblth-Corid be 1 esatsd ms rsenbytheéliug .tr hé _________________________________ Wr M aonsoid moed . s iandAdtey un r.et th bailtsh n e c ie h WO . M anie, ten W. CapO-tesilhé sé i tuice gJam dats es au ou. thé la hereby apeted tietern-for t of et héi Sd hirom i m.< t urédVl e orea béb sif ot eIgt on é hrXeGir om n ée.d itic or t thé prantes preynt- os a opt ibel l a poin. M e fr. ls tonu d avée ithmaméede eot, Os mir a s n t M M a dreecndd offei Me. éttit teohaeornpro.teynna nms. erbof, thé len nd rres id tio efor adecor é tCrdty uldns. Tepemns eeéd ta cal inci th t heat eo Warren meilca, e h ton h hy D taxéins ofo18. iae ezs evC lv fw t11asd lIavetbe mrn ted ise O n C m tiocek n d ame MarsIa lotde àsceu wtiséré. er ,lexand.rMo héie miug r.,anuJs.e Thé e oumstma tr Dromtcsré appEointee f aortéin. Tis f ltoweg somuistsme rs e ec u f ealed ie nridé:Mess ad baw J. enB. rs McCtlm,'t. o hiS lnnmio.n ofMareshaltil, sfor thé N Y,' A D nr. Anceti. n ovd. se i ed D. ), W . s Héa t po th îe lam e ipas fan-- orsphéhiZa. eser e d appont.ie s lt200,opedlseo.mi nute heoas nd ortnf -itn T A Thé scooli thénatosrteédta belot fMereb1 ell e t rui8o! thé eortip MV. lte n e1 vs, eoisAdsd Iy Mc.ïb C. Cetig af hséoons, rtmr.ai b s nuci gednt n thé fM. uchoseod ;. ona ld 5tsites bénlu aed t , ree b àtisélIi.. C rnt. ne Fe rmer' Mutite, entat tisédra h xessieurdb ht ED pres isue bscadnbeq for tie terne. n iéi etni z. orge Booth& Èyabiétrusterétey.trhetene aNli o b ,1;dpt e adinel onseuyfr is D AR »' intttCareiévdý . No. 1 t#T;sor ut Ca u n ing oay hé rg s oé. nara dd ly Me . u ,ltd l8 erispf sao r Both o latte; fr Weathern, thet JîleR. prberi mha eil t rebnioieeforpeNo.s8,am. M I TET I af this eud -aree rétyised. té b and u eaor ldsg for mIa rers thtender 010Ceampbetl béud tfhallvét érne o ns. onet coud e n e hyaa pote aod eco e tola htt ehteis oms traen Odt t Vnuiall y tiar toén ée 1802. andexc andr uee r eésetn desa. oollî * fr thle oa peneit s Une o! okth e allc snpén Mna r.out hava tisen titâed mt O nto d moesion pfaMtsMre od~, ése . t dea sr ned y r magi tr i t, b lan at ée o- viMrlali e o 0f tenury, i Iwa é lun etmay hrsqul frddth Undi s monened o e et t. e lan of h i~~O l, gsvid t a ate aron suld chuté ions.miln s, IsMr. faarc.y, and V ~ ~ 5 scuées.r. a Mhé otore, the floe, ng nie o The. am-Kéozetnwsyed, i. oned Iy thé es wrbedy itedfor e élu. sie oll gnudor orminatcors rec ee t îleofr ean d i sé. hahMess. e1).t Scott, a.he l tiu D .so tI th eys prtmlnbo thetisénshsplsefe "pbel and UPaeterlnte4 héut 1and .éM~eur s athoole .The thounain eu i L chidt bilot s a rshpallt orth in te t un.' o wnshml i p .r Mdont tb rsunrlon tW.éaelvéSTheanSué. doftbeaeiisaentwon me doalrsi led. 1tan .e t 9 ahh ssnéoia . sr esep aa siO ,M.é aron bviog appaiaded byM rt. C. e ah.rétd yAlaeNZooolpa a jnim$25ufan îe ecoo iiore H le in Clus f er . lark. oU m Femea'stitutas, d th t cr~ istohé eadteSeonI anS I.to he se ta es. tneag nr ofe~ Copa nyi he. PeIct oovd, secned ty Mr. caexled ier u n pro n l orisg ske5 .e.r bâtneWasto the pi oisae $ n n tté achr itsaaons« pe*iro ma. i elosirertéd ezwoU s rrte t léa4 te son solor iddp5 les e ,r, r. ls*a.ao e o'xéd. GaG eve erou. e ad x WAls repor lhte i! acecuut ause, h aebrkn on r sudnstri and,,ekdi elim odnt vrTntOth«, h AX~s DmaIta eée. .sor es A «/s -j1 /14> ~44O Tafaga B,, trade at good fi u=eS. If'w.woulh, is short, bring your trâ J~ibe time to Suya Web of Good Catoiî. TONk! Q;the timie to buy..,sdjuiikeup- your Cottonade & Shir stRà~nge~ t~ OC ~1o~,&o~Iees. ZZ.Z2 Remnants lat, ltsijâ prices until stock-aking.. Le-ok out for ou? New Sprng-U6b&.tV Brng along your Ca8h or Trae to ~Çyiq - s w F-1 I s * ', nmeS JTB & paB lt e8 m.than Co breat ho, and Iltoat Roetp.s...,.p. Morefo a sde ord go ta, 1.zî a ,àined ta Hngh 5 uodaorr, îtofai8 iiutut.ksmand Stouff w he.a couple aifoeeks ago. 3»ge1Tcsr-Coioss5gi]2 ou cef t ote,. (F6sériF K~MI~lreaP"tls in.) pe>to 1maIu.etass a poem sinmemofe leae Miss Mary E.Fraseforsppeiy aNwaffgawho d Isaed et G ore Bay ot'thé Jaies Aid Society ai tbMWk, wll held te briday, -Fe in" thah &L A gonel pro 2dst~ ennse nll ho Unew lssesPrenants for aIl Tcdsis's Caltsud setheCh' amsyLanstCape et $2.5ùheac1ei NatAs. aFuR..-Tile-Me fasuiee e es rosa tlIse mena sUîàýYafTrin and wmoni, gr "agr for a fe nissten, but pros &0" »dan aanttbeatty poils ofmew * Susday 0aIles ade. ~~ Esiesing, I ir b Ct ton meneVcr.NTe bo wm inlonesrleeasbyaranod 1h rting.aturMo iavfrenoas ta, aâmmi 5 sra tudio,1itorso St aO i >tI~êtfor portraisoin ui iéamlLl 30.4t. 1h.grand oursbi ai a leienulot A unimhar Qf vy , PdM sosWiii tege or ta sy an Sraces tenU bc a ieeturlQ obuirl eposters. l'DUWOFANtOaa Rea ao -..Samn résidont ai mlosfor e--a1 uaaTosday morungalterailé htore. i~.oe s as oprigît mon a h'~S~le X\mas Osts-siit léuff Hasdteerchsefi, SilBran an~e d ScerfoiqKs d siLat Traen ,cor. bing & dem imbr. ofthl MltoaDan ,",me lbnmvi eteersng to rfré -lesIm r o nhallen 1m be y will lOj tygOtakîv aiof vntita ailetaa give aneft for thé Ottivi raSIMes A» esTs e-Tséannivérsaey mern édat Boston cinarete,t Sabshete, _gb Fgbe .Partie aWterproof Cstts,E - isé,, Hamitton. Sbuy Vane.te Treso 1898: Péheé,D Chbli, M. gi ShotilJa., Loid f - ts: ~~:î t