Chapped Uandds, Sre Lp,& HS *0 NOzvu.dL. *.trial le 8nfficient to proQl ite vaine. -DR. ALS "~~h eFtdiccheandl tiidistîcîl.Pi take. Action uo certainf.-d COR~~RN : CUý p.eoVc oe iutain- C0GN URE. sue Aeea asi locl pins. LocalITes utcea as, li à lod go toi j,, LeAFPMe of O0d mission, i k 151rieieaullhete. H . h Ieecy, OfPalerme, le' cinthe homne ot lier on, M. 1 HIL ,o Peru, etona och coe emnis, IDi.. chsd em on ieeP.1 edvi1 .ec e.Johne Greein. lild e i eater, (FermeS opehy mmse. Ribu.) pply I Cootiese b MAieX Tt Lcy Haick, aged 12 pesOs.9 gao onithe iocpîOfeîliehrpe_ sameuel Co, tarmer, oetTm' shosore tiat seeusaWUS geeellyi hsthe Ceeid DotC hie. Jodge Ketgemill has ded sscI lûi oiethie tadutrial Bat secalhisXmas Giti-Silk8 iuîi'l S(1k Reolierchiels lte, 1 Slk ies sudliiarte, KidandiJ HbI ecsi cehie'e cor. King& ss . Halthon. hou HocszieoOPER Whoeil ioceiâbhiheie oses jentebel andeii he owestCeeIsct cili do, reaà theaidvotiemetinje hia Meurs.NlicKay ilcue,. et Hamil peiielaee of lie eredei .5 oEoihiehiot gale. isesere. Hcu o aice iager teade je carp ceai, cuctile, &ie, tibuse a osoe ilamilton and cary 83eceirdetoch o tise City. l191 hiseecpes tcesiat them. Aoc esc-Mise Batede's daes e eey saturday tel8 ftîueooonaithbestudio, Vit0e Adesîahee for prtraits 5! past5cel. Mî-sic,-Tb ffic elere et Chaper, No. 7Jà, G.B.C.. ues yeeterciayoveneieg ase tloies it E.Cep. J. AFrBers Z. H.' W anl,P. M. E. MitcleIl9 .!os. Bale, Fei ' H.yeeag, Trais. w5. Soet, .8.. * " .J. Reid, J.5- h. . ww Ponton, oi Wec. lHrbtle, juin. Barber. JaUe Ce.'HCHf, 1A, H. Wm. Paelee.(f ALC pesose ha'rte2g Uns '05cûl iluiJohn ard re t tiaae.e on r bes Qu ee~ha e nlosiag M e aIaeeoeiicreasi'iflg aul 'bat data ipnýtaret sud, chehswi le aadded.-JeI lceheeg ihies atanoien , ShioleiHe',Cansadan eweed ho Cee Iteecile handicapeluis 1111, Qd; PrineaFrionsi hie1 Ca , Pae way, Mia Bi 'Plue- I teueo tting ai I alCppedidto He 5atbte pa ceanu es uut o0'sui"ep71e tune. Tiuntieeasa Q4 h ville $tabes, sud tformerlyp Petunstreingbrke itil einooetie firt evenl, dehfor hrese tistailade rle. Tisabookmakiers h t Q te . -Trnto BuRQis's ANIVESARIÈ So.setmSieta c take kis3 Of torGrand tdg r tMr. iseauen, et Noaa resoent u. 7z'. M. ABO.ous ! lie erviooe t S. 5 :erbyn. onedya reing ena.ble lego h a enereeld Hnl.n A .-itO aIne itld ttise baies ba9l1 111h tat.,, at i P., M., offlers and ater but ltreiersae 1 ~hpmat~ t i teï; ans I6 hall andBOuper tethe etei e.t Maciessea oreheela an Aui foresc th se al, ian.,wauyy etflit easta Â$lceti lairuisos. al ai Toronto tue kag et typheid toyer. Ne 4n ern vat 23 pes &gaoaid iraju =M. 4v 6 ,eaeýo sud pemietag youag ". cehi totpI AcceaDiexeate advicis ved by "wwm rreu seUns_ Bak of Hailon, B. BýýD5is5, la eim ta ,atedl bers on -offte it left Vers Cru mm 3 ' I -Of4u natbeats,îelcn Fatiser charge et Daiecteve tc utq.,the.llser8àAa ns ica. Ithe doetnlv ake b itelisqon el.àý* lest cnnections ho go tboe* TeIméal .0iéof lre Suoday. la to Halfaxlargel t ném et ofretuerng vis fim Hllo o* PeeiTT05Lpwa. sleb Retel elelqeuW5. view Ras, Bec. 01etttea'5~ e,éhicea ise aY oî Triity Chure, e. Teasub srma epresenieed lit a son tjse eqfe u .bratlir. n hsedese eura bî tsu etof ia& w"lA, assa' OU ýài< long us yen 0, gregatiietiand Mai et .iXC a. mn eumsatut Ii r haadisees er IOS te abmousseslàotusmad jueeau Ipvog rdý Thereepectvotab tiif? ere andié etWy gento N'm Trr ge lp ters. Browsridp àtasOnuDaeelle ol eu s kak H. Giedieen. jub15f*t ~~eesu.iy ceLcacs e Auss- uek W. àil gooda. naaK domsgwmie at- tsu. Pilleeyetf Hamilton, taiv.lltag iar. stu.cAd»yceade lu*4ing, D g f»jlm fe or Msarshal Braiofet London, .ehUthing, cees. Sa.,o epri ctescs ea1 bal offee imporerac, took Dt all450 iday doua. Ses>adve*letu ln a llieae ota olnt7ue ir1898. McaIr iee toi erluacn )5 Pilkey bhan s #py 50 a -year i HêJ uuu MN, a rno, u9 Mre ýýta tise cieaty teesesry a Roed 'bi,~ubaevcugcsadsr le asd haie syeil en a mcd iucectmg -Mqu iafeti o toe Hause alarge ubci e greu n., etOltetrtetc etf steadiy, aho deslaintenaumebutlnta eekeor so. for caasgoa sud' slla e fê Mu'. GEORGkE 188 SeraeAl. 'bth1-W aenec 4el MsR. FBED. W R UITOitatoe. e!&abs cor Pparsaid Dneer. building r5 Mtl Programmtesatve. ee~Oil c PSY1 WINSe ICs a ow Be.-Beeey Ml e Thoman, as l-e-s, Trafalgar yaut, maua to týre* menthe tn ail Judge giMl Wýô 'Mt. of etakvilla BHe bas «IdoeaUmae etaIl ael f ciortc Slsrceaai cldat tisePenetangelebaus e larceas it îretrmatory sd ha wouId 1k toi m4fi. u cdTh lge gebaek'tee toue or va vefr, that il ie pertaca in nst doe h-uilbas menu heaiho geta aut, pesitionun tm eo is wIl bey a pin, go et and be a ceu boum. ulthi b* Iboy. Rea UllIb uKiti ie.dsy betare JagsKigluli inMay Peasible te~ ..8 ernbueii s lte eorcatery -ea leur À complais ontiBIter sale-herse, BAD BUS a O tedl h anussd buggy allin fineemnelalte Th.i in: a ne ro--ne, Easy tbi bavedbase paymenle. oas sac. 2b ieuuelulof tep' A V ÀCe.occ CAce..-Lut MedAy aller. meuLA 1.o auem Boy. T. A.oore tenMg Id@às ir.'ue hé t aebe braiser,11. P. iloo er otlb_" 1 lnm à n. ras Prose, une týk4ln etbq uig . incism *F4 1toa eescp Tabl Bkuatr.Wlll' jV-'biadà ecea 1.eae uuddea0iy c.$ naseD. iccl, avr 80 l in longti', fa t luta araSe.'p't. ddti "ader et seleesthab e u Pagau cle mei na lihi. ofm Mmd ll; teoy lý Evunce' ey, ~eds .diOt~qf#OO h~4 ~ d, ndoUWh;hei entitled .six T-HOUSNDYAftDS twQHU RE Pl CES ~ ime d Manchest& ênd a i rxte. o ~1b hýO a few days 7-wbjehwere purohased in Briandnita 2 M mthe aret, anadwhie prioeîwertl1 st you W AND WIT14 T E CAS'Ihv Ynwlsave "quite a bit" on Cotton Gooa.4 Iindsay's Tiolt*ngs never been beat in this é"ntry. "The nimble sixpence is hetter than:the slow shili' %iis,àa ooa time tè.get ohsgoodaat LINDSAT'S CHEA.P STêRE, MILTON. ca J,'- wae Or toRent. B« . J N ctoi ~ fORSALE li. mje isbu rat edn aithsOu aiMlea lsanTe té ýt ehOu a" tlaaI555N.éisad K aI a 10 uuuary bnus a it1 ~ y mette OER 500 OVEROQÂT IrS ara cl ipleel un aur tables. Tishe dr«ide sud dul veibar ss e lie th direct cause et thise. DTu et OPiles inM uai couic if wê lava te loe tise seacea eeihaext aucna t Ofprot- 48 Men's fine Drets Overcoats worth $10, marked to $7.50. 65 Me'n's Tweed and Nap ýCoat worth $8, down to 5.00 eaeh. 82 Men's fineo Melton and Beaver and Worsted Overcoats, beautffully linedý and ~trimmnd, worth $3.5 0, frW 10. 00. ~ 37 Boys' Overcoats, small' Sizes, at ~Iworth 3.00. 5à5 Boys' Overcoats, larger sizes and fine quality, with lIarge capes, for $4. These coats are well Worth $6. Wce have a fow ()da Veata at 25c. aae Mafia aszasat 76c. SKITH'S CLOTHIG mmrJ7 5'King St., Eaàt, HAMIILTON. nee ltoortoJames St BASTrEDO'S STOQREý VTIE PLACE TO. .DO YOUR TMADING. Reliable Good s! RasoUbeP~e ~.11~woO BanoetU t WUiIW'$300 pair up. 4 SÔO5 (~akB Thlad, 10é. Shieting OU, 'batyo d t N f Il54 îc~ U 10. ,&ccheap. tu your areebore U wLng . S1.,s Pôcup,,