Pt I.--Chance Tc koa ,ThomceaTelord PrsqttBbyS 15. Bau-oy 8h IL ClaeTitaPi ton, lteS BrcoS IV. Clac-Benah hon. bReue Helop, W.:: perd. W. J. MCt.nun LoWVIO.f4 lith Cla.-W. Feath B!ratt, Bertie Feath Nixon., 8cd Cbuc.-Lizzie Roatiheeti, Arthar Bre Smith,. Victor Nixon. j IL.Pt.-Mary Smith, Sr. Iot.-David Pieh keoi, Clarie Naisbit. Jr.,Ilo.-Sarah Bote* bit, Artbor Colioig. No. f popilînonroîleti, Aggregnte attendance, Averageo daiîy attend" Higtest O F. Hs. nA IV. Claoo.-Mnggie Dé Cown, .J. Robinson,Vi 111. Clao.-Hrrbertl Brano, Carllon Robinnoný las.,. Son. Il. Bk.-Joohmw Bllianot, 7tillie 1Ho1lp" Juo. IL. Bt.-Johin Miller, Oliver Coolo, O Liltuap Culp, Alber t t Sen. "A"-Gordon C Bris, Nllir Brooks,w Jun. " ,"-Viclor injW Aaidrow r eoo, Cîtarîro J. R. BAsom Nol Martyre nw Tom FAvosîsANciAosTo01 WANTJIT KNoo ll ic.torprising,'cli Wits, .Ibheaoobor of 4 froOtprothioool Connu Liborals al ovrrte conï politoal unio. The pri la hoy dca toanat te Sbey favr o bmovomeni Otaronud Dominion, offcials in bore eory wocld noS for te orld i becooso publie. Il wonc te kasto bow mnian y pettli l'y onroîîy favor he. o P'rohititon Keceeà F, ,5 T.Chifl 0 Th,oeo20woll-buit i Bas mithocs l asingle J wakn Vie choe of t trootB. Saratoga ta, a bous,olare Intelta a tousocd a large oombt noce bouses, 701 Iteme 0000 O vn aplacne t e sF20.000 echooltoooo c sideofthe hill, amonumeim AO'OLx Tooos roo Fàaun lowi ng i. toton froon tht corder, woonoodlor soq z autborities in Onaro: ' faroserc atlcontine lb sommte r applotrucs, or 10 or apricot treoode ...therIaoolUM .monoi vaineo? Thte MreAn Dow andofocoure tby * ttg tltltonom, nau waya tola boaS. Gonti c Proiçe aroasae ast A faor bving should1 Ireonoît oflRd Astrâchci of Oldenburg for oommer: throo Iroeso n f 0faIt Vat tay prrfr ; bol loIt icw. cf tis money inlcn.intoc Ibi. lalter lie oboblarol triedbIicbIî,rioottosorta Spy, SBaldwin, Dreening, Slelabim Pippin, Crani Ontario and Stowaotee.1 the Kng is rve7r ooi bcaror, IbheBaldWin te troc, and thb,(hm<,R oi1 spot. Al tbe resI are boarorg Etiglib Spavin Linim liard, SoIS or Calooce. Bloasabo front torso.I Cuobs, Speints, Smoene Stitîco, Spraios, al Sm. Coogts, etc. Save11 botlel. Warraoîod by J, (Ira. Herbert, speahi 000010 ttc report Ibata la t issod for Ibe uon or stateont a Wincorret, a primerorntaooat of~ te prosnt sexrcises platio. Thto difficly' ,viththletproperor crin leer force. te geeral tbal te offcro trnc tinte for leariof teri jecto01te nommOàrt i. booosary tadhre lent oouio Shthe -htot bt if tentetod o ea implified ite ttnttght 8 bonoblt. Won te iolue asontaoyot boeen Fer Oser Ftfty 100 .t i os oftrht -d hyn1.îu.chSsO5g e 89- .ttc B-1r, Weî,to 2= .thaiegïl i ... "s Teefful uac màae l"rm 2F;a:l ) &co: bel rn. - ahrUat 1 s. mamie sEdith Earneot, e.:ý, BoUs tttie Lot.ý Wbel Nate. 44 48 oAnnie ampbell. 7. aSie ahDoug. tFlora t MeNair. &et Brein,t wnArthur 1 ieliipaoî., snocber. or Dc'T $50retary mr e guI ivsendg ~ltrouble n on tha; ,1 htare LY vens, "rise y00 Of Kfan.- ~itast le Idenorteti ~Bopra fie boi. rAt Fargcc theo ý-Tte fuI. Fe beit Re. Ste teeS do te" ~fall anti rd nsof ne ýe about cegas aaly thisg ai. f or Ibis o r beef. Smo or tet lie te bail. anti an. hk le the Iloaet, Pippin, g thene aligbt te 2ject to np anti ~ Oyr. kril book ISsg the baed un )an tcion Ia volon. have lillis lyte in. It wouiti tiril eys. il bagd A Corraoteî est pique or 'Mc'" Scollat.It ae p mOs noS maie,hn langer Stce miss, wo ar AsCIare t Se At maten junS cemucb n rabbine. Ticsp baye :OVU te e6atrihter onia oenntmlo4relele M a veteiinsting aubjeel. an may ha ceutocthe titlt-,OnrMilon Gle., An cennymene mriter diucibesnea acent ni Mniu M n tiEt Sellaouse &boutttieci historia Votmon, mhb"a ha heen cesibrasd clans theedaya of HOMer. Mr. P. W. Beene inathe athor ni a« article eofnutt intériml te peepi nfia rsllgieeemcnd p10890leelint Ie tainneent nif amtie=ernlg a Futee g"t.' The tlavutyoni Feg, a gret Mehammeda clage and cexe. mnary, is ebetcheti mite a cry panute Mr. Stephen Boucal. Two papeet et histerici gnnp'Society t* AncienS Venio, cgd«S" ofnithes Anue" Regme," onite internet mite inforesa. tino in a granetel Manant, snd the ana. trihotion of Sir Robert %àl on thn 'Recent HitSWave' iii ha tnnnd morthy ef hieScientifio reputfoin. uti of the Mot triking payera nitecenonm. barSinencaitled au nglegheh fflc amon te Apuian Brigande, (Campilet fronc (Je. Chrche omo memolca, hy the daegbter oftShe haro otite. narra- ire. The poeton, setesho, and aberS papere nf the nember are meon clectet and of notable internât, partioularly te str iking onayette on ' OrerEdction.' Roonearoox CURIWIN à10 AD.-Sauth American Eteuncatie Cure for Riteoma. tien and Neuralgia radioatiy cure, in 1 Sel anys. te action upon the eytem io remarteateanti nyclerioen. Ire. moveas e once the ceose anti the dis. eaSe immetiately disapponre. The firS dose greatly benefits. 75 ceotse. War. ranted ty J. R. MOColloc. 1lOlyr. Ton persona, On an arerage, dis of Servatluoeyery moee nLondon. Ttc fif5h ointe, meeting ofte Gaon. logical Society Of Americ wi i coco- mneoeta Ottawa on Doember 29. hGoîdmin SmthShat aceilthSt toorry preiteny cof SteCootinental t'Diont Association. The Rigbt Rer. Charles Wordsmorth, D. C. L., iehop of St. Asdrem'n, Duc- teld and Deublane, la dead. A man in Batimore, Md., tas inrsnt. ni an electrice leigît ohiote travei s raSe of fifleen milee an tnr. By the deatt of Mrs. E. V. Ashton aS Tuehridge Wels,,Cheshire, REgianti, 60,000 a year telefS toISSoaSenoh&rý Paul Jordan, wotoclaimedtatbdéan ilegtimate mon et Napoleon Bonaparte, han joat dieti at Findlay, Ohio, ageti 1065 years. The Boliias gorersnoent bat imeet a Procamation oliiot obligesaail adoit indiea lu mworb Swoudaye anauaiiy on the puble ronde. A negro, Crneliue Coffce, stot twu white mes aS Reystsse, W. Va. Re oaa bond teatren by a meb and ritdleti witbaliete. Cardinal Gibbona bat orilten te the cecretary oethSe Wunds tir srgiag remosot hyte expoition atouiti te tepî open on Sssdaye. Au incect bat been fousd in the wteal &ast corn berneS. in Cuberland asti Salem counstiee, Hem Jersey, ottch Ibrealentdestruction o!ftegrain. A bcary gaie ba repurtei aS lb, s te mtt of te Mersey. Theboru oegban tarte Osonienmat orootet ons Brbo baatesuanilhon boerrd ocre iosS. Tloere'r eeProspects otfteearly ce. minOC te Britsh embargo on Cana. tias oattle. TtheBrit ieopise mil D.ot endure a brten obigtprbosfor te benefil ut men esgaed lu inany brancofetintiseiry, a an se on astey are cenriaceti that ibere isn ou danger nf contagionte restrictions ouI be re. moveti. Mr. Gardiner, chairca fte Eeg. 1mb Board etfAgicaiture, icatgiren a pietge on betait of te Sccpeiai Gor. emnmen ttt e restriction rocontly itncmuetspen Canadien meSSie impart. eti sute GreaStBintais anti Ireianoti oi te remeved san e00o2 asCanada bat prareti teyontia dott tht te Domin. Ion ie tree tronc piesce'pueomoia. The Missonia, Monlena., Mercantile Co., icouepornteti fer 81.100,b00, tiose te largest basies eeomot of 5i. paul. The groCery tiePartmsnî Iceote aSsn5nD Se more than 51.OWO.IiOper year. The' compasy employa Ovrn1001 banda, of wtiolo 75 par maS, are Canediane. The officoro araeatoilboon Pros., A, B. Hantmon; Vice pree., C. H.MOLod Managers, F. T. Sterling antiT. B: Thomptos, ail ut New Brunewbelt. An istoreslisg eorimest iem&boulto te reti ty aa pactnn io diaSe Sitting sp t nighl, orer ibi " ta shooltîger, te chiet diffinlty in Se dram, a beati in te uncrlais ligitt. This aPartema han, herefore in. trertet a Birmingham Irm .S mt iliionot a pair of rifles fittti .ilà WaSr Vn't electricsigbt tor nigtt ahuoting. Thieslantes iet tince this sigt miU be inc ai a..sbtita alretdy been re t.t 'bt h anti ceportet ~ lt~lr L st etht, Dr. W.B. Gudon-Hogg te nsly. rerteti coroner frth te nedivision of Middtlesex,Reogincti tats pe froo te former omode et atitirng thr oathleatejury. He diectedthéic foremnan.ailier membera oftthe c te raton their rigtS actin, andt=nc MIiterth n taSethoa iboat, Sit uce crncny oisnang theeflîtel r, OU Rooccat 1 * o te hinc tan o tofteaiat*.qk -ge ra t g i é cb %tean l more staa tecy t a o peple Whao ln haerc -m "- adne-u i pao f lNemlttston the Am Aa or» watlfor divenciamed '-t'- la iWeeauMrte Dekota, siiaa9 r nianstockanes oUia la ci,kt rlthed tic st eanurtlicsetogue Itait uilfmmloc rsgilnc le muce teein aml teeole Séte n of hcge 6 teet fcon. As far c ennidelighteSthe Nerticer Pa.cif Bàreetijpause l7te ugâ ausé~. 1ocky . ter Bout, and Cascade Maun. tea, thesgreset Monutainsconnery teO hcau ntecsUnitedi Statue tronc car WintdeeIiowsl i". Tic. montierful lbed >land@, monderful in grac"fefrai mcd glnmlng nieor, are a ponnc. Lakeen Pend A&Orils and Cent tiAlens, are clone mote7 ni a iransneontinenfal trip, oteite they are te f1ehermma~ UlItinca Thuls. Thes rids &long Clartec Forte ci the Colintea River e a day. iigtet dtonnc. To cap the limaeztin le te nly may te ceachte efer fent îYellowstone Park. [Te rsate anti on.&U tithSe Norilcero iPacide tltroati furnineSras anti sr. vice nifnnorpanneti excellence. The Most approeet anti cocfortabie Palace Siteepg cm;s te bot Ding cars that caote Matie; Pullman Toariat cars gond tor botb itnt anti cecondi clan. ipamengere; eaay ridiag Day ceactes, ith Baggnge, Express, anti Posaloce's ail trano by pomerfol Batiwtn Loco. motires, malte a train for royalty iSeit. Thoce netking for eem homes cbooid tabetis trais anti go antiepy outte landi. Teobcpreparetwiortato CHAS. S. FEE, C. P. & T. A., ST. PAUL, McN.. To RETAIN Hn.oon.-A recently-in- docteti pasSer mon atîracting large audi. enoon troon otbeeongregattonc by bie etoquence, anti Wiiiie, te Froeucht loPaeieloobeti mititdiomey aS the encpty peme in bie 000 oborcb. Se ite n osaSlbe met hie miniter tie aiti: "Te marincprore yer sermonsc, air, if ye masS Se retain yer hearers.' 'Oh, neo eciéoma alwayc cul cleas. '"At. mý asthSie onexpecteti retorS, "tata a richt, bul aulti sue, are a' tee eSter te get a bit nhairp tp."-Scoîtiat Anc. BOYS, SEE HERE. 1 te potliier u o T Oonooo Timen manta fao LIVE boyc in rae tSon in Canada te duea litîle eperiai morte aller asioure anti us Seîurtaya. The rigttht i of a bey eao mate plenty o mouey, beaiden teoorisg ic. mîtf one of te fireî.ciane time-keepere otiet Tas Txoodsain giviag te buycs tat No capital requireet. f yont are à HURTLEa coud yoor atidreec un a past ourti, anti iero hoo le cet a gooti match ron. Atidrese AT ONCE, THE TORONTO TIMES, TooNTu, ONT. PIRINTING Executeti in a Superior Menner atte CHAMPION OFFICE Our Job Departiment i. replele ilh a large asorîtent of plain anti ornemental faces in type, urnansent. al bordere anti deaigno osilatie for rard ati circulai mort. Strilaing type for Poster Wort. Priceo Motierate. AIS mort turosetiouI prontptly oct lime, anti satisfaction graanlreti. Boom! Boom! Boom! Cheap Holiday Literature for' ail the yearVRqnd. Ce-operatios iate ordar of the day. a5 tpayese Igroup yenc eecpmpern anti ustcrite for Shem n lsb. Lenok ever the foiioing lot of paoear otiauneS ane ctr ohattyen monlti lima Se rod,- 1. iveind ecti agSters, Londio, e ' a nonthly pabtiei by wmnen fer momea Q5t naperior tened papsr. beanet 01 pnlj'year. 1. flAs1A erica ermecr,prîsaUi 0-,S16 Pageasncothiy, hanabationa«=l oireaulaien eOf50,teti'85 par yeac. 8. 21. iFosoerÀtdtrcftcr, Lontion, a papaciar msky.ceen yimoe 81,000givenSetecnihecin ssmc amats, annmy pager St eshem Ipar pea.' 4- Pennp, Boston. 40 apmkeigam erY Mouai fer SRDCtI&aeind kdy London, th 6. Our Malle mm .sid Wnue, Ea ,U dr ~±1 de~ ehmal li- +iaxciw __ Aacnuvtanimaece-ce1lI A SanesTàm. i6 lteer felmnallco rnaffag moera. c -s SBSCRUBE NO'W - fer thee mMd lcPaucaiFa soin Homsua le l 6pge. BalanenlMlloaatnNOnteich. Aemte wmant veyccsrementq' nd dclicttte soicit en t wB slca FREE PIRMMS PEINTIMO 00. TME PUSS .(NEWTYR) Oc ntenr t ctt Carrateeo n @» ay eti DAILY. SUNOAY. WEEKLY. I An AggcnrsepnleaE era à NEWPÂPER rrThe KABSES Fn..sdcd scebcr 5t. tes. Circula'n ovor 125,000 Copies The Mont Remmoeate Nemnlpapar Ssccecein Nom Tarte. Tea Pazon ns à Navioonso.NzmnrArma. ctigpann ,nnotbesnnod tmohcgdtan Pl.. auo.l- seof sgT ntadbntme t -c York.It SMpint.. Ta. mcarrete'. Inn ciddpp., Tas P.- W.-co Eaueeatotatt.11Me ondo htttgcof th. OntIr n-dS eoadi l.»..n AS AN ADVERTI8NN MEDIUM Ta, P. F bunnc o-lor s, Ne- York. nithse thre mah of &H. 'fa, ltntanad Chonts.nt Nc..nmeor1tA..edo. 1 Daiy andiSsatay, one year, .#500 6 cconthe, 2 100 ane " 45 Daiiy ubly,uone year . 800 four ncoctte, 1 00 Ssndey, "ne yeao,1. . .2 00 Weetly Pron, one îy ar, 1 0S0O Weetety Preec anti hampion 1 yr. 1 60 Seep!« feu. Acnatn rectoeoenhec. US. Mest. N 50 YOR. SCRtIBNER-S MAGAZINE FOR 1893. PARTIAL PROSPECrUS. Frances Hatigeon Buceett -11sti esot. th. eOno tt"snpmnm tonu"0' TaNE010 t 1000Tom uni eOF ALLI il. C. Banner Sil f-resh Oar t.c o .tbehco nc l "ee. EoT n&TH£ Aà JURRET LÂOO.' Sîsuttd. OtA mO0tttEOMAX. Oattntd. RarolA Fcoeiu -tlthtu - sitO'=1mtnofr.t m"peg,. titild THEE 00tOBED. By tesAninor of Il Jerry.-, wmtc . Etoti. e7nfaair. a tn s PenconalBinenn. *.fl!MUIPBeO9!pJao_ u. e Oaa a this seabon in getting nice and 19-W ~ blio into OUr confidence and tel, 9 fille of / or 54 ineh ail. wool, col'd deasand comlbinatujon of colora; rognîns oê~oe . ~j~uj~theseat 75c. 5 yardsfothdr8 ont, ~ Of sehpodeys kola -' our hoice 20e per yard. Dont mis Our gaver o fadisâBo.a p- Dr b~urprs e eeryone for beauty and Io-*65 of prce F ESfW elgea e- Lsdies' Underwe* surpasses anything ever shdwn for eoomrt-and ilse ss. Hosiery, Smallwareo, Stapîts, Fla,. nels, USlanketa0 ýBoetq Shoea cannct b. siirpassedl by any3ele0lorvarie a nheappess. We have everything anitable for Gents, from Ordered, Clothing down to the nminutest article in Gent.' Furniehing Great drivesxn Men'asud Boys' )vercoïta, and MeWià ME@3#ieAdJ4nsdeSuite: Mens' Top Shirts or Flanfîel Shirts* W. onit S orgst 'IrpteOlcl.taLinolenuie, Mateami Onriahi. 1 a MiOni lng xperimO ena w oulti neyer offerCaetchpr.i; Ta&pelrCarp 2U eS t. lse trJn Iyd.. Ntce BruaeeieMo pard".P e4cePe.Nc We cee nelin ra large 11ànI aies' MlaoSle (ibotisregardiesa o lone&l. Â-0 e ar.N,.àyuroprtnt t e bargain b'vscyIte oet geieae Momnot cni lactsIn 8.0pa ar. ospot. ppranlbg ESTABLISHtI> 84 MARBHIALL BROS., TEAS AND: COFFEES, No. 67 Dunds treetILONDON, ONT. A. PILKEY, ilamilton, Agi. for Co. ofilalton. The ý EW ENGTLAND KGÂZINES AT THE FRON~T1 The Fine Literary Illoatrated Mlagazine of Boston. Ahie oritico m»y it icone of the mont interenting msagazines puhtinhied je America. A gisat favorite mith Nem Englniotero, and they are averymbere. LOCAL ONLY IN NAME. IT IS THE PEOPLES FAVORITE. TO SEE TRIS MAGAZINE IS TO WANT ST. ITS CIRCULATION BAS DOUBLED THE PAST YEAR. Tt u octqoc. rotaniumAo.Sooo Srgetd., Traditions, Otctory, Otory -destOPnry. tA sottPilooc tr foc. rtheoAc nthe tn tet of the ObOAT AMERIC.100 01110ITT0. 1t SOME 0F THE ATTRACTIONS FOR 1898. Harvard CoIr0ge Fiut7 Ter Ago. New Englacd Tonna Forty Yearn Ago.)!By Boy. EDWAOD EvnnRETTRHLE. VaerCoîlege. "ort Life in Amherst Colleg. M.2ea Training in Amorica. Rhode Isand io the Revolotion. Brother Jonathans antiioooe. Whaling and Fisheries otfthe Unitedi State. Eceh nenter contcto. ceru i Ltint tS rte edPotou, Prios$8.00Oa year ; 255cent a opy. ScemPla Copecmentt, soc cdrecc FOOt. AomWo,cn. Address NEW ONGLÂNts MAGÂINE, Ooro, Mcc, A. year of delight for ail young people. W ID E in 1893 represent over 1200o Pages ~ of Entertajoment and Instrîîc- A -A..V .8 ¶E tion Beautiftilly Illustrated. FOUR GRfEAT SERIAL STORIES. QuerS Ton Eyck, hy Wun.on0- O. Soo.Piokee and Rer people, hy TaozoILR OAa». A @tory of Yonng Amerion. JeoeNoZ. A 8ctOry nieniofte day. The Midéiehnc oicm, by Mo"r.L x. Th, Oncl Boy, 'b MAuucic onOU LIOTT SEAWRJL. Lits among Midship. nON. A ctory nf Fîoid-mith a mnon on an Amnerice oan.n.war. ncytery. A rco of the bondie6 featorse in WIDE AWAEE for 1M9. A doe tUnillttcs coues cby Oooco tutctcd O=nrc y pn.nncAln P-- - frIssdod.«lies. nnone 7. th. f-...cnmboy.:or. 0c. Adtet for ho. sud ..J. 4Prsfo or iinaoieo x'. n.Onneon C_ JUs. JOr 00e ccd A 1-711=rt-7 Ooby W.hs . Onouno. TMc "dt a-tLm or Heppy Vc1.7ttcy i. tn i". 191,b*t enoOhcoy lylec Pccror 000.for te5 h.bmccdtt. 1 tht. oro Wode Awcke Attletio-Miiiontain articlec on <Ganeand Sports be plit diagrm-aadrectins te ismoct emicent mtt eplcI Th-00ez nf Advectccs, HomeLife &Bd obodLi% wit pome o pl Lcia, ».Pahiotigm~, Travellictory Mcd Fun.Vainle pcmiAotujctiea. c.Sti-n.t , lcldhnod, VY"o Asela- en, o ei.nej0l'ae, Sacote. Wide Amcke laâ010&a7er. 0ecea uce. D. LOTHROP OO&PA&Ny, Pubiahbers;, Boeto n; T*~M.- 1892 LARGEST STOCK IN CANADA.' FALL AND WINTER. -OF- Suitîngs, Trouserings Overcoatimng 1 have epecial fllses in Scotch Soitipges that are very aittractive., g'Genis' Fui'nishlngs iii endless variety." Ilk Undsrlothing I unn ive 700 anytlosog you n'ont. The Pricea rigti anti mort goaranteed. Fancy » SlipperlE FOR CHRISTMAS. A-.,PI.ýENDID STOCK -AT----. T>Ms 1 " ced 105h 00.01 HÂLTO!N, 0W! ZL £ MITON. Ptopfi -NADE-- SIVG: stertd t râSot n "i.". to , ',, 4 . anott -l n.-, A yntc U ito e, , landcttt>eI.ornoaac .geitta ,eseo,,,r.te. Ote,'c -D O. tnsn Bee, enn'it s,. tentttt. .Atno ge.,S'.. FTHgoursOAS G. MATR loto <Smf rnaAttorerB.'rce' Ycp 3rrsc..-Ia Coort Roue, Mlton. 815.01 J. W. ELLIOTT, B. A., Btrristtr, &., ,Cotary ihiî Onirctn - eotan s cuptod tvc isie. ,7 Dear. On. ,(ittî.iaIOsenA Bt-O, elito. W Mxidncc T o o'. il f. M. E. MIÇTCHEL'L T, Solicitor, Ciooreyus,,oe, u. O rpoos-Town Holl, MilsatoI. MOc t VICTOR CIIISIIOLI Barnlafr, Solior, etc., Noiuiy Pulie. MONET ru L-& T e ?Loooov Ru ena. Orsc-Next deolioBnk(JHamoito. BAIN, LAIDLAW&bo. Bareilo...iucie,,eh. Orrio-or Ibpe al iaik, 34t leI7 lin t e, Street, EoEut tîos. Echýge A7,Toronto. * . C. ,t,."L-or C.i MEDICAL aDR. McCOLL, DR.. D. ROBERTSON S U nR ,E Y a M i o rs . , M i t o n , n e 1 i l o r te MoCollonto Deug0Store. ietidsoce oi pivaioffice, Chares 1 85t., nerl posl Offic. RD-ý D .PST UÀRT. Onte tscf(plPt Oit. îîeOSuOtf. * eri»&Bmue s d-tit di n .ttu té1"r pin sous, h .P t t-duo5W.coe.'ufO 1 -nit as.ttîsoCiiatct DENTAL. S. GOLLOP, L.D. S., D.D.8f, EoOe-tOsiTontst W o, Ocoiscx-Oer Fraeen FoFriuertor vNî. Oy. c.d ..d 4th cd rOî 00.0 o-e-i R. H. WINN, L. D. S., -' sunossAL Dannsc. OMein Johin Dean lock. Miltot . T. HARRIS, L. D. S-,1 DrsT, .OAKrILL. niat Miltonun et first and thi -y of each Mout. O on.t t. no,blec-tu. Ore th.nt îinCe.ti A. ROBSONI -à AncidetosctInranco AR .Nates Dieceunteti. liaan osniRsal asti PeCt rompt1! Matie. Up1 ego., abc. l